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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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i just saw Hye In in the hospital talking with JW and then SH comes in and forced her to come with him and then JW comes back to HI's room but couldn't find her.

Can someone tell me what is happening?I barely watch that part only cos my internet connection is so bad here .... :(

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Guest bashful

Climax of the episode:

The NTS agents (JH, JW and Junho included) find out that JH's father has been part of the enemy all along. He tries to kill himself by eating pills but JW stops him. JH looks really shocked and devastated upon finding out about her father. Later on, while JH and her father are in a car, someone from Athena (who's hiding in a building) shoots her father. From what I saw, the shooter is definitely not Hye In. And the thing was, they only targeted JH's father. They didn't shoot anyone else. But OMG my heart just shattered looking at JH cry for her father!!


OMG did SH order for JH's dad to be killed. If so, the writer is writing off the love right there and then. That is just too much... booooo

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Guest naddification

@Dolfy :

After they brought HI back against her will, it seems that HI doesn't want to involve herself anymore with Athena's activities. However SH tries to persuade her. Later on, the NTS people find out about JH's father and then they go driving along a bridge. A few people (I assume are from Athena) are on standby. Then suddenly someone shoots JH's father who is in one of the cars. JW runs off to find the culprit and he finds HI standing somewhere along the bridge, with a sniper rifle in her hand. JW looks disappointed in HI. I think it was because JW didn't think HI would still involve herself in Athena anymore after he confronted her earlier on in the episode. He still had that glimmer of hope that HI isn't all that evil but when he saw her holding the rifle, I'm sure he was crushed. But...I think HI is really torn in between now. She doesn't want to work in Athena anymore but SH keeps bugging her. Sigh


@bashful :

I'm not really sure if it was SH who ordered his men to kill JH's father. But...I'm not surprised if it was really him who gave the order. This episode gave a double blow to JH. First, she finds out the truth about her father, and then her dad gets shot - TWICE or was it thrice? Ahhh I feel really sad for her


This is just my rough interpretation of the episode and I might have misconstrued some parts. I'll leave you to watch the episode yourselves and enjoy it! Looking forward to reading everyone's take on tonight's episode :)

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Guest kayana20

i blame him because from what i gathered through that text preview, it was HI who pulled the trigger. she would not be freely walking about if JW had gathered his senses and reported what he knew to the NTS. i'm more on the "i'm mad that JH will be sad" rather than "omg HI killed the dad" kind of thing right now. yea, NTS sucks at choosing their field agents, but seriously? JW should just stay out of these things completely cause he's not making things better. i don't know why he even stayed with NTS after breaking up w/ JH because he's no help. and no, JW doesn't always get the job done. he wasn't able to save Dr. KMG., he broke the code (that states that you're always supposed to report to NTS even if an agent's life is in danger), he gave up the SNC (him being able to get it back, after he saved the oh so important HI, doesn't excuse his action).

also, what do you mean? about JH not suspecting SH like she does HI? she's always suspected him. she's been investigating his background and past all this while. the one night stand only happened because she was drunk and unhappy.

"The truth is right in front of her but she fell for him so fast she cannot see that love is just a pawn to some people and it's too sad too see that some people can make the same mistake twice." this sentence also applies to JW, except that he made the same mistake like a gazillion times.

Wow you do have some very good valid points but HI probably has a reason because you already know Sh is either going to blackmail her if she leaved Athena or try to kill JW again. You cannot hold JW accountable for all of NTS stupidity even if he is dumb at times.Yes he got KMG killed but who found the info for the reactor and kept it quiet? Who saved the president's daughter and almost had the kidnappers if Sh had not stepped in?Who saved Boa and almost had the rector if Boa would not have stepped in? JW does a lot of dumb things but he does rectify the situation and get things done.He does lead with his heart too much but everyone in love dos that but he is finally coming around. JH father should have never gotten involved with Sh. That is betrayal waiting to happen. The slap already indicated he had no respect at all for him so why would that stop him from killing him?When you betray your colleagues because of your beliefs expect consequences! I just don't understand how all the agents in NTS keep making mistakes and speak all too freely to the lower subordinates. Isn't their a policy on confidentiality?Please stop JH is hooked and if Sh would not have rejected her it would be more than a 1 night stand. I respect Jh for the simple fact is that her pride is so strong. She likes to look strong but you clearly can see her emotions on her face when she is distressed. How come did she not figure out about HI though and report her and also piece together how evil Sh is? Why did she not say her suspicions to Director Kwon? Jh catches onto things quick so either she was minding her business or just not wanting to butt in. This is how i see it. HI loves JW and is indebted to Sh while Jh is falling for Sh who is wondering how he can keep manipulating the situation?HI& JW are the worst and just do stupid things but how come no one at NTS is noticing and stopping the stupidity before it happens? The whole organization is at fault for letting agents break protocol so Director Kwon should have set all of this mess straight before it even started. If you allow your employees to act this way they will do it.I think this all has to do with JW father so director Kwon feels he owes him.I guarantee that SH had something to do with his death years ago. I loved your points though you were spot on but I see it in a different light.
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Guest pas_sub

i just like this girl, and i think, for today we can (read in spoiler)

close the book of Jae Hee and Son Hyuk's romance. it is clear that he is the man who responsible for JH's dad death. also i noted in this episode he shows zero attention towards Jae Hee, well, since they had zero scenes together too,

about the murder

the 1st sniper was meant to shot Jung Woo, but thanks to Hae In stepped in, the 1st shot got to JH's dad, 2nd shooter was actually meant to kill JH's dad, if NTS was smart enough, they will able to tell that there's at least two different shooter when they examine JH's dad body, ===> but somehow i doubt that,,,

Jung Woo and Son Hyuk

next episode, seems like Jung Woo will fall of the bridge, after a showdown, face-to-face with Son Hyuk,,

as for today's episode, and tomorrow episode and further episode ,

lots of gunfire, exploding car here and there, and i'm happy for that


she cried so many times, she's been hurt so many times, from the 2nd episode already,,,

let's hope she will be stronger and smarter, i don't want her character become weaker and pitiful






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Guest kayana20

Now I knew I was right and Sh always just proves me right. The sniper rifle was meant for JW and JH father. I think Sh knew they found about him working with Athena so he decided to kill 2 birds with one stone. What I didn;t like is how he couldn't even give Jh a headsup since they did sleep together? This really is not going to keep HI on his side because only a monster shoots a guy like JW because the woman they are in love with loves someone else.Also was chloroform necessary to bring a sick HI back? It broke my heart when I saw JW stare at Hi with the gun because he thought she was involved. I hope she calls him to clear up the misunderstanding because she is no longer with Athena but since it's project kill JW I guess she will be standing in SH way a lot. I feel their showdown coming because Sh is losing grip and not focusing on the bigger picture. Where is Randy to set him straight? What is Park CHUl Young purpose and I hope he does not trust this snake! Everyone who comes to Sh either dies or faces tragedy.I see finally ki-soo is finally snipering people but who though? I so hope he helps always 2 steps behind NTS they need his funny but smart self protecting them. Finally JH has reached her breaking point! I think we will see a new JH now. She dislikes HI, both men rejected her, and her father is dead. All that is left is her job and bringing Sh and Athena down. I hope she draws strength from this because I cannot wait for her scene to bring Sh in. All the ships are being ruined this week. It was a lame messup for the Sh and JH one it could have been better. I see that HI& JW can be rectified but right now I want Athena gone because they just get away with too much and destroy too many lives. Until next week hopefully.

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Guest cyonink

I must be hearing it wrong, because of a desperate hopeless wish of still a bit of JH/SH frienemies romance, but

there is a part after the snipper deadly shoots JH's dad where, I think, HI remembers a phone conevrsation where SH specificaly ask for JH not to be harmed or sth.

People who know a little bit more korean could you pls clear this out for me? Pretty please. :sweatingbullets:

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I must be hearing it wrong, because of a desperate hopeless wish of still a bit of JH/SH frienemies romance, but

there is a part after the snipper deadly shoots JH's dad where, I think, HI remembers a phone conevrsation where SH specificaly ask for JH not to be harmed or sth.

People who know a little bit more korean could you pls clear this out for me? Pretty please. :sweatingbullets:

SH was telling Key (the sniper dood) to dispose of JH's dad

ahhh i was so devastated after watching this episode. JH... my poor JH. Q ____ Q my heart broke when she cried.

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so it WASNT HI! she just happened to be holding the gun when JW got there. baddd timing. he's gonna feel so much guilt now, thinking that he allowed this to happen by not reporting HI.

poor JH :/ she was sooooo devastated. it broke my heart to watch how she cried for her dad :|

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Thanks for the link and spoiler.

Finally i just watched it, can't wait for the translation especially JW-HI scene, I think HI really loves JW now. I wish JW not left HI alone at the hospital if not those bad guys will not take her. and also it seemed JW misunderstand HI just because she holds the gun. He though she's the snipper, He should thanks her cos she saves his live.

and for JH i feel sorry for her, at first i wish SH will shows his humanity and at least fall a bit for her, but i guess he's not. And now i just hope that the ending will be JW- HI and Siwon/North korean guy - JH :P

and regarding for tonite episode, i hope they will show unedited scene ^_^

I pray both actors are not seriously injured like reported and are okay. 

me too ! especially since Jung woo sung is the main lead. I though they have shoot everything since they have started even before the drama has started. I hope no more accident for all the actors and actress.

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Guest mind.love

Find this over at AF, a little update on JWS and CSW. It seems both injury is not as critical as report, thats a relieve.. Speedy recover for both. 

“Athena” to cancel January 25th episode due to Jung Woo Sung’s injury

Resized to 91% (was 499 x 342) - Click image to enlarge20110124_athena.jpg

Due to actor Jung Woo Sung’s injury, SBS will be canceling the episode of “Athena: Goddess of War” originally scheduled to broadcast on January 25th.

On January 23rd, Jang Woo Sung and Jung Chan Woo injured their leg and head, respectively, after a car accident on set. Both were immediately rushed to the ER, and received treatment up until their discharge the next day.

Although their condition has improved, they were unable to complete the filming for the episode scheduled for the 25th. Producers had stated, “We will try to see if we can air the episode through editing, as we are currently in discussion with representatives of SBS.“ Unfortunately, they were not able to come up with enough footage.

In place of it, a side story titled, “Soo Ae’s Secret“, will air instead.

Source: Star News via Nate

by VITALSIGN @ allkpop 

- I feel so bad for JW and HI in episode 13. I did not expect HI to do that. But i guess she feels like she can't chose JW or SH. So she takes herself out of the equation. 

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Guest naddification

This episode marks the end of my hope for a SH-JH romance. That teeny weeny bit of respect and hope I had left for SH - flew right out the window. I don't even want JH to be anywhere near him in future. Sigh.. Right now, I just want SH to get what he deserves and be killed - even better, by JH's own hands. I'm praying hard JH stays strong and keeps it together to pull through these harsh ordeals. Ahhh I feel so so sad and bad for her :tears: I hope she DOES realise it was SH who had ordered the murder of her dad, and that she will get revenge. I wish to see a new JH - a stronger woman with a vengeance. Wouldn't that be interesting? :)

As for HI, she's finally starting to redeem herself. Now that she's torn between both sides, I hope she makes up her mind soon :) But yeah, I still find it annoying how JW is REALLY into her. No offense to JW-HI fans yeah! But I do hope they clear up the misunderstanding soon :)

@ mind.love : Thank you for the update! Glad to hear the actors are not critically injured and are recovering well.

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