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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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for anyone who's waiting Kim So Yeon appearance here, well she has different haircut than in IRIS or IRIS the movie, perhaps they will explain later about her current condition here..

*quoted image*

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and some scenes that i really want to be inserted in the drama, but seems like i hang my hopes way too high, i dont think the story will lead any of these scenes to happen

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

ah, can somebody just tell me whether there'll be any single scenes between SH and JH again???

i kept watching Athena hoping to see they both in a scene together again,,,

but with only 4 episodes left,, i kept saying to myself,"why did you watch this in the 1st place???"

hahaha i know exactly how you feel. i feel like ive been misleaded. but ya i'll still hang out till the end. after all theres only four more episodes.

oh was it just me or did anyone else see some connection between Jun Ho and Jae Hee today. hahaha. there were some lingering looks and Jun Ho was really shocked and worried for Jae Hee when he saw that the bomb was strapped on her. He was insistent on staying with her too even though the bomb might go off any second :D That's one guy that sincerely cares for Jae Hee.

oh and i was wondering... apparently SH had set up more than one bomb? the explosive on JH and another one somewhere else. remember when the director got a call from someone and he was like "how many were injured?" do you think that the bomb on JH could have been a fake and the real one was actually the second bomb planted somewhere else?

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Guest naddification


I respect your opinions and I do agree with some of them. :)

Even though JH is the second female lead, for some inexplicable reason, the character still manages to garner the attention and support of a portion of the viewers. Sometimes we just like someone or something just as they are, without knowing exactly why we like them. Perhaps JH's supporters are fans of Ejiah herself (I won't deny that I'm a fan of hers), perhaps something about her acting draws the love of viewers, or perhaps viewers feel bad for JH after being treated so terribly and hope she can prove herself to be tough. I mean, she's such a nice (albeit bland) character and I think some viewers can't help but have a soft spot for JH. \ But like you said, I don't think the writers intend to make JH seem like a prominent character and I feel quite regretful about this.

To add on, I must say supporters of JH have been led on by certain scenes in the Please MV which have brought up our hopes too high. On our part, I admit we shouldn't have depended too much on that MV (we really can't help it sometimes) but on the editor's part, he/she shouldn't have included those scenes in the first place. They're only misleading the viewers and causing us to harbour futile hopes of seeing a SH-JH romance. I think if the scenes weren't shown in the first place, fans of JH-SH won't be too disappointed. (And I know saying this makes me look so sucky and living in denial, but I'm still harbouring that teeny ant-like bit of hope that those scenes will appear for real in the drama.)

As for HI, in my humble opinion, the character never did really appeal to me since the very start of the drama. Once again, I regret to say that I can't quite place why exactly she's doesn't appeal to me. Perhaps I'm not familiar with Soo Ae's acting or perhaps I'm just inexplicably unattracted to the way the character is written. I sometimes find that she abuses that "cold, stony and pretty listless" look a tad too often in her scenes. I can't actually feel the internal conflict, turmoil and anguish that is in her. However that is just my personal opinion and I am certainly not bashing Soo Ae as an actress, so I sincerely hope no Soo Ae/HI fan is offended! :)

Just my two cents!

* * * *

I noticed the lingering looks Junho gave JH too! But I'm afraid there's nothing going on between both of them. I think Junho cares for JH as a hoobae towards a sunbae would. But that's just my guess!

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Guest pas_sub

@turtletyper: ah, you mean these right?

yea, i think Jun Ho really cares Jae Hee, if i'm not mistaken he also refused to leave when Dr Kwon asks everyone to evacuate the building,,,


noted that he can't keep his eyes off of Jae Hee

ah, i almost forget how charming Choi Si Won is, he's doing good in this drama i think

maybe i'm better off shipping him again, man, he's almost the same age as Cha Seung Won son...

i couldnt help but keep trying to recognize a little teeny winy mini bits of worries in Son Hyuk face when Jae Hee volunteers herself [but of course, may be i am just hoping too much, since later he would press the bomb trigger with a psycho laugh face]


Son Hyuk, oh, dear writers, why you messed up my favorite characters here? first is Jae Hee, and then Son Hyuk,,,


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I have to say I really hates SH now. He used to be coolest guy, and now the writer make him become uninteresting character . I almost give up with this drama because I'm very disappointed. The writer really ruin SH and JH. I watch thís drama for these two, and now I don't know what I should looking for from this drama anymore. I haven't watch e16 yet, but some of you above saying about Jun Ho care for JH that make me want to hope for something good happen to JH.

Just want to tell someone above who don't understand why most of people are rooting for JH. To me, I don't even know why I like her very much...I like her look, I feel her pain, I'm upset when I know she's still in love with JW ( the worst character in Korean drama :w00t: ) I never watch Ji Ah before Athena, but now I'm her fan. Something about her that make me glue on the screen.......

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Guest BrisaBreeze

well, i think ,for Hye In, to witness Son Hyuk killing the captain is   the last straw that turned her completely against him and decided to  fully help NTS.

and ohhh i love the eye contact between Jung Woo  and Hye In after he dragged her out of the gun battle. they do really  care for each other. i hope a happy ending for them, even though she's  done lots of bad things in the past. :)

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The best quote of tonight's episode was when HI was pointing the gun at SH. SH moves the nozzle to his heart and kept saying "Shoot...Shoot...It's only the heart that moves because of you anyways"

He's soooo bad, but he shows sooo much emotion for HI that I feel really bad for him. His love of HI is much more convincing than JW's.

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Guest mind.love

^ Rating went up so Athena might finish strong

Aaaaaaaah I missed Kim So Yeon <3'

And it seems like QoR's end is not that bad for the rating:

TNS / AGB [4th everywhere]

Nationwide: 12.7% / 15.4%

Seoul: 14.6% / 16.1%

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hahaha i know exactly how you feel. i feel like ive been misleaded. but ya i'll still hang out till the end. after all theres only four more episodes.

oh was it just me or did anyone else see some connection between Jun Ho and Jae Hee today. hahaha. there were some lingering looks and Jun Ho was really shocked and worried for Jae Hee when he saw that the bomb was strapped on her. He was insistent on staying with her too even though the bomb might go off any second :D That's one guy that sincerely cares for Jae Hee.

oh and i was wondering... apparently SH had set up more than one bomb? the explosive on JH and another one somewhere else. remember when the director got a call from someone and he was like "how many were injured?" do you think that the bomb on JH could have been a fake and the real one was actually the second bomb planted somewhere else?

there were 2 bombs, remember? one that the athena girl wore, and one that SR wore. the one that SR wore, went to JH. the second one was thrown into the car trunk where sungchul got locked in by SR. they left the bomb there when JW rescued sungchul

anyways, i TOTALLY get what you're saying about JHx2 (Jae Hee and Jun Ho). i totally ship these 2 right now .. even though i think the writers were going for a close sunbae hoobae relationship. the character descriptions are so inaccurate lol cause it said that Jun Ho admires JW but i think the one that he actually idolizes is JH. at least there's one guy who cares about Jae Hee -_- anyways, i totally disagree with the thought that JH was passive in this episode. i mean .. she sure wasn't actively pursuing the criminals, but she wasn't really passive. she volunteered/insisted on having the bomb strapped to herself, that's very far from passive to me. it wasn't like she had much to do with a bomb on her lol even if she didn't care about herself, she had to care about the people surrounding her.

i'm quite annoyed with the main love triangle .. it doesn't have anything to do with the chemistry btwn the actors, really. it's got A LOT to do with the writing. i totally despise this obsession that these two men have over HI. i'm just waiting for SH's demise right now. i totally don't care about him anymore now that my SHxJH hopes are down the drain haha

but OMGGGG KIM SOYEON NEXT EP. I LOVE THIS WOMAN. and omg KI SOO GETS A STORY LINE W/ HER! seems like they're married? were in love? had a kid? omg i'm so excited!

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Just a little preview of ep17 from the end of ep16. Translated from Chinese subtitles.

SH called NTS and said that something big that you all cant imagine is gg to happen at the heart of Seoul. The north Korean leader told KS that North Korea is trying to take action on those ppl who left North Korea (I not v sure what this exact phrase means- prob cause NK is strict and want to Kill those ppl out there who betrayed NK?), and thus KS and Seon Hwa is in danger.

Kwon director ask HI to be part of NTS team to investigate Athena and must make sure NTS find the roots of the Athena, and Kwon was telling I believe is one of the ministers in the green house that the aim of Athena is trying to gain power over the nuclear development And I think DBSK changmin is gg to be part of the investigation team too.

Just my thoughts and not trying to create an argument or anything. Do not bash me!

Yes ep16 is interesting and finally the plot of the story is getting stronger and I cried when the team leader died too. It just seems sad. But afterall this is a action drama. I am not surprised more ppl gg to die towards the end.

As soompiers here mentioned, seriously SH is getting his emotions taking control over him. As a Athena leader, the last thing in mind is to care bout yr relationship and focus on destroying yr enemies. When Athena entered the NTS building, shouldn’t they find more solid/potential resources tat is useful in helping them gain power rather than wanting to find HI? So wat if HI is back? Is she gg to help you with Athena? NO she wont. I rather they focus on their terrorist activity and conquering the world before they come back n snatch HI. Probably by then when NTS all died nobody can stop him from getting HI? Ok but I uds his life is because of HI. I believe he joined Athena so that he can gain control over the world and give hae in happiness, rather then them slogging and working out of their lives.

From the start till now, I am a totally JW-HI shipper. I think I am the only 1 but I find it so fun/cool that JW is so obsessed with HI, while HI is the cool/charisma kind of girl that doesn’t apprehend to his feelings. Although I must say some scenes are quite stupid where JW was like TOO obsessed with HI and letting her go instead of catching her, but I believe under that circumstances he doesn’t bear to see HI get caught, esp. if he’s the one catching her. (Its just us viewers have diff pts of view :D )

Somehow although I know HI is bad, but still I wan her to have happy ending with JW. I cried like mad during ep 15 when JW/HI was in the interrogation rm. Or at least I don wan HI to die, maybe the govt can send to other countries and neva to come back to Korea again. And JW HI can live happily ever after. (Ok I nw I am crapping. )

For HI, I don find it wrong that she choose to stand on NTS side. No doubt she’s first standing on SH side, but I believe she finally wake up to her senses when she realize she kill all the innocent. Even as though we can see her killing so many ppl from Athena, she just doesn’t have the sense of satisfaction of killing. She is just killing for the sake of killing. She might know wat she does for Athena is wrong, but she doesn’t have any backup if she say she wan quit from Athena. When she quit Athena, whose gg to help her pull away from SH? No one. When JW arrives, she finally found someone who is constantly taking care of her. Not to say SH doesn’t take care of HI, but BGR is diff from a guardian that takes care of you. You found yr love and slowly you realize the things you do are not to yr conscious. Furthermore JW is the one she can lean on for anything. She can pour out all her feelings to JW. And now she is gg to betray Athena and SH, but I don think there’s anything wrong. Ok some might say you are betraying yr own father who raise you up, but I think wat she is trying to do now is to correct SH. But I think somehow to SH is too late to regret since he has already walk to this step. Ok its complicated.

As for JH, from the start she was also another “cool” girl that I admire her too. Strong in the outside but I noe deep down she keep all emotions to herself. I was totally hoping she would get a love line herself, and I am a SH-JH shipper too. But apparently looking at our situation now, it will not happen. I don wan JH to be with a brainless Athena leader. I rather her killed him 1 shot in the head. Yes I do hope she have more scenes in the future, and I strongly believe she will be part of the action team that’s gonna take down Athena, so we just have to wait and anticipate her action scenes :] And maybe she can be tgt with Jun ho!!

I started watching tis show because I find all the actor/actress interesting. They are the one who hook me on to watch. No matter is leads or secondary ppl, they are all awesome! Seriously up till now, I am still a bit confused on the nuclear development part. Why is North Korea involved? Are they trying to gain power for nuclear too? To me, I just wan to watch the action/love line and how the story flows.

I think its misleading too I myself is a SH-JH shipper. BUT

I was a JW-HI shipper from the start before the drama, and it was because of the OST by Park Hyo Shin, there was so many cute/love scene of JW/HI in Italy but when the real episode was shown, although they did went around Italy, none of those happy love scenes like hugging/holding hands happen. I was like wth? The MV is not accurate. From then on, I decided not to trust the OST MVs anymore. But I noe wat all of us are feeling, you know it wont happen but somehow you hope it will happen. Blame it on the production crew who gave us false hope :(

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Guest pas_sub

for me the love triangle btween SH-HI-JW is wrong at some point,

i just dont feel it actually age appropriate for SH to be romantically involved with HI,

if only they put a younger version of SH in the picture with Eugene/HI, maybe i'll accept those

but, he seriously already look like in his late 20s in that pic,,

i'm glad that this thread is alive with many comments and sharing,

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Guest Han.Ji.Yoon

to my fellow JaeHeenians  ;)  look at this.

*quoted image*

wheww!!! this is going to be exciting..

Ahhh!! This looks intense. I love it when she has her hair down. (: Hahah.

Looking forward to episode 17!! Jae Hee seriously needs to get some action. 

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I just watched Ep16 and thought it was a bit disappointing; considering the best fight scenes in ep1 the dyed hair blond artistic director that died earlier in the toilet scene came back, then only to die for main character a 2nd time at death corridor. It frustrated me when they did not show his nor the bomb disposal expert that got blown up their funeral services, just our comedian. Maybe the translation will help later.

I can't wait to see the hottest actress from Iris's Kim So Yeon appear again, even though with this hair cut she lost most of that sex appeal. I hope the writers are not going to drop the ball on this series.

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