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Keiko Kitagawa Thread

Guest Mr. Kitagawa

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Guest gouka_odoriko

My first sight to her was when I watched the Sailor Moon live action...first my brother liked her so I'm just a copy-cat :D until I found out that she was at Tokyo Drift and I was like....LOL crazy over her now...and I wanna watch her movie too! Dear Friends...

And I am also updated to her yahoo.jp blog something like that where I saw her recent pictures..but I don't understand kanji...anyways please keep this updated about her :)

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My first sight to her was when I watched the Sailor Moon live action...first my brother liked her so I'm just a copy-cat :D until I found out that she was at Tokyo Drift and I was like....LOL crazy over her now...and I wanna watch her movie too! Dear Friends...

And I am also updated to her yahoo.jp blog something like that where I saw her recent pictures..but I don't understand kanji...anyways please keep this updated about her :)

hi gouka_odoriko!

you can read her English translation blog in http://www.upwind.org/kitagawakeiko2006/


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Guest Happy_Day

Dude, I thought she flirted around a lot with the guys in Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift when I watched all the behind-the-scenes stuff. She was really touchy.. But then again, all the guys seemed to love her too. She seems like the fun, outgoing, tomboyish, and flirty type.

When I first saw the movie, she really caught my eye though. She was like the only girl with a pretty face in there, haha! She should have talked more.

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Guest Mr. Kitagawa

I wonder where is Mr. Kitagawa (the thread starter)? o.O

I'm here. Haha, been busy. But wow, this thread has grown a bit since I first posted. I see a lot of people think she's cuter than she is hot and while she is kawaiiii, I do think she has a presence that makes her 'hot'. Sure she isn't the same 'hot' as Lee Hyori, but if both girls were walking down the street, Lee Hyori would make me think 'God she's sexy. Better stay away from her'. Keiko would make me think 'she's hot. I'll go up and talk to her'. I dunno, she's the more homey type of hot (the hot I like). But thanks Snow Angel for doing all the work that I should have. You're great. :D

Oh yeah, and everybody stop bagging Keiko about her teeth. Lol... it's not THAT bad. :/

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest stefuu.

She's awesome :D

I liked her since I watched PGSM Live Action many years ago lol. Then i realized she was one of the models in Seventeen *DIES*

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Guest OCster

Errr... Snow Angel? I actually made that banner you're using for Karyuudan.. lol.

Anyways, wow, so great that we have a Keiko thread up here at Soompi! I didn't realise that! She's one of the coolest people ever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Errr... Snow Angel? I actually made that banner you're using for Karyuudan.. lol.

Anyways, wow, so great that we have a Keiko thread up here at Soompi! I didn't realise that! She's one of the coolest people ever.

hello ocster!

I didn't know whose the real creator of the banner so I credit it to karyuudan. but now I'll give you the credit for the banner. Thank you very much! :)

I wanna see Keiko's Dear Friends! :D

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