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Clubbox Tutorial + FAQs

Guest happyroach

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^ I think that says either the file has been deleted or it's still in the process of being uploaded. ^_^

wewe: If a file seems stuck (which seems to happen when using quick download after a while), you can pause it, wait a little, and click Start again. Or best to just pause and delete from the queue and go back to the CB you got the file from to load it up again and click Start using normal download. :D

And I usually start a file on normal download and let things run "smoothly" before setting it to quick download. ^^

Haha... Kalena! I had no idea about the mileage points expiry thing. I never keep mine long enough for expiry either. :rolleyes:

Thnx... i'm gonna try it now. :)

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Guest bling2

Does CB page have problem. I cannot get access to WITHS2, credeica or samshiki CB page always 'The page cannot be displayed' since yesterday. And the day before I can access but the file download 0%. Help please..anyone..please enlighten me on this matter, Thanks.

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Guest lunae

probably they do have a problem. i cant even sign in my username, the login box popped "page cannot be displayed". i tried to download cb links from sarang's liverjournal page, also same. the cb download box popped page cannot be displayed.... i think it started around yesterday afternoon... i hope nowcom is not making any restraint to outside countries for downloading, like what MU/SS/RS used to do..

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Guest nxtlvl

okay, so i haven't used clubbox for a long time and i've forgotten my username+password >.<

can someone help me figure out what it says on the retrieve password through email page? thanks

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Guest puppyiz

It's been almost a week .... I cant dl a single file from CB these days.

All I got is this blank window pop up >


& this


I think I am doomed :tears: from now on !

Can someone kindly help to enlighten me?? Thank you.

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Guest mintoro

Yup, that happens to me sometimes, too. The d/l gets to 1% to go & then it would freeze up/pause & re-set back to 0% complete. :crazy:

Here's what i do now when i see it freezing up & before it re-sets to 0%:

-Create a subfolder in your main CB d/l folder (I call it the "Do Over" folder).

-Copy the two data files (crcdata_file & neo_file) of the frozen d/l (before it re-sets!) & paste it in the "Do Over" folder. These are now your backup data files.

-So now, if it should re-set to 0% after you pause/restart: pause it again--delete the original data files that have frozen/re-set--copy your backup files back to the main CB d/l folder--press start. The % should go back up to the % you had completed before it re-set. Now, you have another 10 min. for the d/l to start moving again. Repeat the process if it should re-set again. You can also uncheck the "skip the current d/l after 10 min." option in the Config. tab if you want to, but i just leave it checked.

This usually works for me. Sometimes it takes a few tries, but the d/l usually starts moving again & completes. It has saved me hours of having to re-start from 0%. Hope I made sense up there... :sweatingbullets: good luck, gang! :D

LOL I did the same thing~!!!

but sometimes even if the % get back to what I've downloaded...

it just wont' continue for days....

so i just gave up and start all over again... it's faster than waiting

I was asking, trying to seek another solution for the this problem

anyway thanks for sharing this~

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Guest koreanishballet

oh thank you so much for the tutorial

it helped alot!

the connection in Singapore is kinda horrid..the highest speed i got was 40kb

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Guest Serionii

Can someone help me?

When I try to download the files, it won't show up on the box. What's wrong with it? I have window vista, btw.

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Guest oluap

Please can someone help me?

I followed all the instructions from a tutorial to download the first episode of my name is kim sam soon and everything was OK, I did this using the free download option...

After this I thought Clubbox was pretty handy, so I created an account and even managed to get a few points -2000- and a coupon thingy from my friend. At this moment I was thinking damn now it will go really fast... but actually NO the episode never started its always at zero and no matter what I do -free download or quick download even restarting the whole process Clubbox or computer- it just does not work.

I even did a Google on Clubbox search engines and tried different addresses and files but it always stays at zero.

Also if someone is running Clubbox in their computer could you tell me if you have the grdmgr.exe or uploader running when using Clubbox?? this is actually troubling me as it only appears after installing Clubbox and a simple Google search says is a trojan!? I even tried downloading by allowing -and also blocking- grdmgr.exe but with no luck.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Guest ponkie

Am I the only one who keep getting a blank page when trying to access CBs?

Never mind. I signed in and everything shown up. Weird. Is this a new regulation? You have to have an ID/PW to see the files?

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Guest carmelxboo

i need heeeeeeeelp !

so; my clubbox download manager doesn`t show up at all.

i try to download; but it doesn`t download.

i try to upload; it says on the clubbox that it`s uploading but i can`t see the download manager.

and also; at the bottom left of pop-up, it ALWAYS says Installing...NowStarter.cab

or something like that xD

i`ve tried re-installing atleast 3 times. but still nothing.

it was working fine last night. i downloaded a file too.

and it upgraded. i think. like it changed after i dled this one thing.

please help me & sorry if this has been answered before !

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^ all i know is that CB had a recent upload with a new look & feel for the CB window, the upload window, etc. and it seems they might have changed the layout of CB pages slightly as well. last night, i could only see the id/pw sign-in at the top instead of at the top and in the middle of the page. i just installed the ActiveX as told and the CB upgrades were processed. had to restart my comp. cuz it was a systems upgrade, it seems. after that, things were fine. :)

could someone please explain to me what this says?


thank you.

i'm not totally sure, but i think i saw that error message before when i was trying to queue up a file where the filename is too long and can't even load up properly in the CB window. it just shuts everything down. =0

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Guest carmelxboo

^ well; it did upgrade a couple of nights ago.

but the next day, it was acting all funny like it won`t let me upload.

so i tried re-installing & now when i click the upload button; a blank page appears :[

same with downloading ><

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