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Clubbox Tutorial + FAQs

Guest happyroach

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Guest Illustrativeee
I have an odd problem :wacko:

I installed Internet Explorer 7.0, but then found that Clubbox didn't work for me anymore. So I uninstalled it, which made it revert back to 6.0, except now when I check a file and press download, the popup that comes up is empty. As in completely white. The title of the box is about:blank. This keeps happening to me for every file @_@...I have no idea what's wrong.

Does anyone have any idea about this?

this happens to me too. can anyone help us please?

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Guest randycho

is it natural for clubbox to stop dling out of no where? i left it on for over 6 hours and it only dled up to 41%. its staying on the percent and the number, KBs, time left, isnt changing. after a while, it goes to pause, and i have to start again.


when it starts again, it starts at 0. -_- and it's not moving.


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Guest s00junG x3

um. i did everything the clubbox setup wanted me to do but my clubbox download manager won't pop up when i'm trying to download anything.

and i hear F11 is supposed to help. but i dunno what to do. if i press F11 the screen just gets bigger. i'm sorry to be of such inconvenience. but

i would be glad if anybody could be of help. -___-

i've been trying to download resurrection with uhm tae woong but it just doesn't work ><//

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Guest DumbAss88
is it natural for clubbox to stop dling out of no where? i left it on for over 6 hours and it only dled up to 41%. its staying on the percent and the number, KBs, time left, isnt changing. after a while, it goes to pause, and i have to start again.


when it starts again, it starts at 0. -_- and it's not moving.


i'm havin the exact same problem. can any 1 help me??

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Guest bloation

I will like to ask in mileage section.

The reserved points will be chalked up into the points in my account after i close clubbox? will it?

why my reserved points didnt chalked up into my total points indicator.


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hey ...I not sure what's the problem but I cannot open the files i downloaded... It says something about like "To open this file, windows need to know what program created it!!............?? Hope someone can solve this problem :blush:

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Guest diddl06

Ee_Bi: maybe u don't have program to play the file

try downloading VLC Player

I have problem too

clubbox work fine with me with the small files like performances and music

but when I try to download drama it never works it always zero

can someone tell me how I can make my download faster

thank u

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Guest cake diva

hI! After I click on the download button, a small window pops up (not referring to the download window that also pops up). I don't know what it says so I click on ok otherwise I will not be able to start downloading. Then it installs something. It turns out that it is a malware. Has this happened to any of you? Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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Guest lulugege

can someone tell me why I'm getting an error saying 인증되지 않은 사용자 요청입니다 (uncertified user request) when I try to join a clubbox?

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Guest au_revior

is it natural for clubbox to stop dling out of no where? i left it on for over 6 hours and it only dled up to 41%. its staying on the percent and the number, KBs, time left, isnt changing. after a while, it goes to pause, and i have to start again.


when it starts again, it starts at 0. -_- and it's not moving.


Well hmmmm , happen to me before but not that often, this things usually happen if you try to download an old file off CB server and suddenly it will not respond after x % downloaded, usually i will copy the file(backup) and restart the download again just in case it will restart to 0 % again.

I will like to ask in mileage section.

The reserved points will be chalked up into the points in my account after i close clubbox? will it?

why my reserved points didnt chalked up into my total points indicator.


why the reserved points dont tallied up i dont know, but then again if your reserved millege shows something, then you dont have to worry, bcoz at the end of the day it will add up. For more info i suggest you go to your CB download manager and click the mileage tab and click mileage exchange at the bottom right hand corner. Then a pop up web browser will open and just fill up your ID and password and after you log in you can see your total point you collected so far which is bolded and in orange colour. If you scroll further down the page you will see your CB activities for example the date your CB operate and the points collected during your active period.

hI! After I click on the download button, a small window pops up (not referring to the download window that also pops up). I don't know what it says so I click on ok otherwise I will not be able to start downloading. Then it installs something. It turns out that it is a malware. Has this happened to any of you? Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Nope never happens to me before but if you click download then something will pop up for example CB log in window(if u not yet log in) and also CB quick download if you want to download quick, if you dont just press cancel. Nothing pops up except CB related stuff for me.

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Guest au_revior

I can't find Full House (drama) please help me. HQ version with English subs. thank you

Go here and type ' full house' at http://clubbox.co.kr/iyagi (must log in aka u must hav a CB account), It is HQ version but not the hardsubbed version but then again u can find soft subs at http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopic_7131.htm. Hope you can download it bcoz it was uploaded in the middle of 2005 and there is some part missing in the episode for example ep 1. If you want MQ then go http://clubbox.co.kr/naynay123 and it is completed(all episode) and was uploaded a year ago. Hope that helps. :)

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Guest greenbee

does CB has somewhere that i can just buy points with real money, so that i can buy Mileage for quick download? if so, how can i do that?

thanks for your help in advance :)

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ah i keep trying to sign up for clubbox but it keeps saying there is an error in my date of birth but it did it right but it keeps doing it over and over and i try pressing refresh and also redoing or and putting a bunch of randoms numbers also but it keeps saying error in the date of birth party! ah! im going crazy!

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