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Some girls do seem to get all the guys

Guest so_sasssy

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The longer this thread gets the more I'm under the impression that it's not that a lot of you girls can't get the guys you want but that you're not really willing to approach them or do the work to get them. Like you all wait for the guys to fall into your lap. It's a shame really.

I'd be shocked if that weren't the case.

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The longer this thread gets the more I'm under the impression that it's not that a lot of you girls can't get the guys you want but that you're not really willing to approach them or do the work to get them. Like you all wait for the guys to fall into your lap. It's a shame really.

Yeah. It's a shame to some extend. However, there are also some guys who are like this too.

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Guest 413213214

This thread depresses me so much...this is the third time that the guy I like is hitting on/asks out a close friend of mine. I'm pretty social, not butt-ugly (I think?), and I don't lack THAT much confidence...like seriously, wtf is wrong with me D:

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Guest Wyrmaeon

My lateral point of view towards the topic:

It's like searching a 4 leaf clover. A clover with 4 leaves is hard to find. However, you can still find it.

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I'm in the 95% ahah... but I still get the guys (well, one at a time please!) I want... I don't "pick" them out you know? (I'm not pretty enough for that!) I just go for one and try hard to get his attention LOL... It worked!! (I'm with my bf for 4 years now! yeay!!)

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I never really thought about getting guys when I was in high school. College days, I was too busy getting good grades. Yeah I like to go out and have fun but mostly with friends. Plus I don't pay attention to my surroundings if some guy will check me out or not :lol: I am so clueless <_<

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Guest peppermintsugar

I'm in the 95% ahah... but I still get the guys (well, one at a time please!) I want... I don't "pick" them out you know? (I'm not pretty enough for that!) I just go for one and try hard to get his attention LOL... It worked!! (I'm with my bf for 4 years now! yeay!!)

That's pretty much what everyone else was saying, too, until the Fun Patrol had to intervene.

It's not like we walk through the mall shooting down marriage proposals as we try shoes on :rolleyes:

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Guest ;xiahJUNSU

Okay, here is my take on things.

I feel like girls nowadays are getting prettier and more attractive by the dozen.

Seriously! And I think it's that a lot of girls are more confident about who they are.

Seems like I'm generalizing things but that 5% - 95% thing is pretty general too.

: ) I just think that if you do want to be part of that supposed 5% you should just ...

believe that you can : ) hahaha

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Yeah. It's a shame to some extend. However, there are also some guys who are like this too.

Whether a guy is like that or not is irrelevant. Simple: guys that are like this, will never get a girl, and he will drop out of the gene pool because he is unable to even put up a fight.

Some battles are won before they are even fought; this is one of them.

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Guest iEatPowder

Whether a guy is like that or not is irrelevant. Simple: guys that are like this, will never get a girl, and he will drop out of the gene pool because he is unable to even put up a fight.

Some battles are won before they are even fought; this is one of them.

Meh, I'd have to disagree. While this may apply to some, it does not apply to all. I've always been a timid fellow around unfamiliar women because I never knew how to speak to them and initiate conversation. So I just sat there and waited patiently for them to "fall in my lap," metaphorically speaking of course. I'd let them start things off. While women don't flock to me, they still trickle in, which is fine by me. As the proverbial saying goes, "beggars can't be choosers," though I'm not saying I'm a beggar. I just let it happen as it does. Sometimes we make a great connection, and other times thing sort of fizzle out and we'd never speak or see each other again.

Once we've warmed up to each other, seen each other on several occassions - different story, assuming they give me the chance to shed my reservations. ^^v

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Guest Faded_Memories

I honestly wouldn't say the 5% gets everything. It's more like the top 10-20% that gets guys interested. But for most guys, as long as the girl is decent looking, most guys are fine with that (as gf material anyways). It's only 10-20% that gets approached, and I wouldn't say the girls in the top 10-20% have their pick. Sure they must have many guys hit on them etc but I'm pretty sure most of the time he's hitting on other girls just to see what he can "get." It's only picking if the lots guy really like/love her, but if you see it in another way, the girl is basically just settling for the hottest/charming guy that's approaching her. If she says no, he can simply just hit on someone else. :rolleyes: Even if you do get every guy to fall in love with you, it's rather pointless if you don't like any of them back. Especially when most girls absolutely refuse to make the first move, or have ridiculously high standards and just settle for whoever ask them out first, it doesn't even matter if you're in the 1%, there's no point unless you're with the person you love. (Horribly cheesy but so very true)

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Guest sweetheartsx0x

i think i'm not as approachable as some other girls i guess but i think having a sense of humor and being easy-going will make any guy come to you. LOL

weird thing is the loudest girls are always the ones you see guys hovering around....

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Guest the_wronged</3

I'd have to say I'm part of the 95%. I'm definitely unapproachable. I don't mean to be, it's just the way I've always been and I don't really care. I give off the "get the eff away from me" vibe unfortunately. However, that hasn't stopped me from getting guys ;) I think it's true that as long as you try, girls are capable of getting the guys that they want. Looks definitely isn't everything.

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Guest yoon001

too lazy to read this many words. the same theory applies to guys as well. want to get all the guys? put out on the first date ;)

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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

I agree with the poster who said that almost every girl is in the 5% at some time of her life. For some it is high school, and for others it's in their 20's. Right?

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