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Some girls do seem to get all the guys

Guest so_sasssy

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I feel like everyone's point was more that they have no trouble attracting guys, than it was that they literally "get" 90% of them. I don't think anyone's asserting they're part of a teeny tiny population, so much as they are that the stat doesn't necessarily mean 95% of girls are doomed.

I mean, if you look at the quote, it doesn't say 5% of girls get all the guys and 95% of girls get zilch. Only that 5% get 90%. So at least to me, it makes sense that most of us are doing fine, because maybe we get 80% or 70% or whatever percent and we're fine with that because most of us are only really discussing the guys we personally have found attractive, anyway. :)

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Yes, 'some' girls do.... but those girls are special.. because they dont only have beauty, but talent...

so they can pick whoever they want, because they are capable of getting the guys.

but then... its not all about beauty, that get you the best guy. the best guy is a guy who love you for your inner beauty.

a girl may get 90% of the guys who are shallow... but not the 10% who are special... unless she is beautiful inside and out.

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I am part of the majority who never even gets to choose.

I know that one of the reasons is due to the fact that I am not very opened. I treat everyone like a friend and I guess that makes me look cold and unapproachable. If I know someone likes me and I am not interested in them, I will not string along their feelings. When they confess, I will tell them that I want to remain as friends (which is probably why I am still friends with all the ones who have confessed). If they do not confess but I know that they are interested, I will not change our friendship. Instead, I will just reject their indirect offers.

I have no luck with crushes either. They are either taken (I never find out until later on), or not interested at all. This happens to 98% of all the crushes I ever had in life.

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Guest Regina Rae

I know you're a hater :lol:

You call me a hater because you have nothing better to say.

If I'm a "hater" for thinking it's hilarious how some girls were insinuating they have such good looks, and they're so special and unique that they can get any man......then yeah, I'm a hater. ;)

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Guest Daylightful

I have to say I'm with the 95% and proud! I don't think I'd really want a guy who would hit on a bunch of girls or anything. The guy I'd like to be with would come eventually, right? So it's not like it really mattered. Just mean that guy will find me eventually!

Also, I don't think it would be really nice to "choose" guys. I guess if I had the looks I still would show a guy I'm not interested instead of leading him on..

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Guest le-cupcake

i think to be part of the 5%, you just have to really want to be part of it and have the confidence.

i've noticed, the girls who get the boys (a lot of the boys) are the ones who have the intention to go get a boy. like if you sit around and blend in, you can't get a bunch of boys to notice you, even if you're super pretty because you don't seem approachable. popular girls aren't necessarily pretty girls or super-talented girls.

also, it depends on your personal standards. some girls are open to all boys, and others are more specific and therefore don't associate themselves with as many guys.

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Guest Regina Rae

She called you a hater because you staring hating on people without applying some critical reading skills. Or any reading skills. No one said they can get any man; we all said the same thing: we always get the guys we want.

Just because you can't get what you want doesn't mean other people can't.

How was I hating? I simply thought it was funny. If you noticed I started my post with "Lol" That means I'm laughing at you. Not jealous of you. BUT, if it makes you feel better to think that Regina is jealous of you, then so be it. That makes me of some importance to you.

Hun, I have what I want and then some. Nice try though (:

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Guest sh0rtstuff

How was I hating? I simply thought it was funny. If you noticed I started my post with "Lol" That means I'm laughing at you. Not jealous of you. BUT, if it makes you feel better to think that Regina is jealous of you, then so be it. That makes me of some importance to you.

Hun, I have what I want and then some. Nice try though lol.

Regina, I like you ;)

Back to the post... I think I'm in the 5%, I dont try to, but it happens. I don't think I'm good looking. There's only 1 guy that I couldn't get, and like Steph* said, girls can play the game too and most boys love the chase. Although most of the guys who had feelings for me say it's because I'm me; but I think I'ma b-i-t-c-h and I love playing the mind game. Show that you can have a toy or toys, but you don't need them. It's like guys don't need a girl, but they like the lion king cat. That's how most players get girls anyway, "I can have you but I don't need you"; and girls want to win the competition against other girls. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Guest peppermintsugar

How was I hating? I simply thought it was funny. If you noticed I started my post with "Lol" That means I'm laughing at you. Not jealous of you. BUT, if it makes you feel better to think that Regina is jealous of you, then so be it. That makes me of some importance to you.

Hun, I have what I want and then some. Nice try though (:

Oh god, hahahahahahahahahaha.

Do you believe the things you say? B)

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Guest deflate

I'm definitely in the 95% category, hahaha. All my crushes have been unrequited. I don't even get to think about having a pick of the boys, lol. And it's probably because I often go towards that best friend zone and basically get stuck in there P: Who knows. I do know some girls who would be considered in the 5% half, and they can get kind of annoying, haha. Just waiting my turn, I guess! Although, I sometimes wonder what it feels like to be on the other side, loool.

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^ pinkberryy-alarm :lol:

well, I think every girl if she really want can get a guy.

Every girl can be attractive for guys in her own way.

Sometimes just need to change yourself a little bit to be more confident and go straight a guy, then guys are sometimes so easy :lol:

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Guest khmer--laydee

i guess its kinda on and off for me, i do sometimes get the guy i want but recently i havent,

but ive been shwoing interest in a guy, im not sure if he feels the same, but i think he can sense that

and its hard to approach him, because i get butterflies near him,

but glad thats over cuz i dont thinkim interested in him anymore :)

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How was I hating? I simply thought it was funny. If you noticed I started my post with "Lol" That means I'm laughing at you. Not jealous of you. BUT, if it makes you feel better to think that Regina is jealous of you, then so be it. That makes me of some importance to you.

Hun, I have what I want and then some. Nice try though (:

lmfao... Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?

Too cute... Hulk mad. lmao

Sorry, that always gets to me.

I have to say, girls like you are always entertaining.

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