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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest YongSeoForever












I have just posted on the MBC official website too!!!




I make a request that the PDs would consider doing a wedding photoshoot in Japan which is definitely going to be daebakk!!!




I hope the PDnims would see we internatioal gogumas' wishes!! FIGHTING...YONGSEO FOREVER





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THANK U Shane09 and Crystal_malfoy!!!!! biggrin.gif And you are right! Seohyun's face in those captures is the look of lovewub.gif If we are wrong then it is a pretty good imitation!
































jnj: who will be more scared at the horror house?
































It is kinda hard to decide since Yong was scare in the haunted house but Seohyun was also pretty scared in the preview...
































I will say SeoHyun - because I want her to be scared so that YongHwa can have the opportunity to show his protective manly touchy side that he is partially trying to suppress for  a while now. The poor guy have really earned a small token so maybe he can finally complete a hug instead of their invention: hi-5/partial hug. 
















Hw, YongHwa being more scared will be pretty funnybiggrin.gif. But I think it will deeply hurt his pride.

















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Ohh.. i like that question..
































































Like what I said, seohyun get's easily surprised but doesn't get scared that much once she gets used to it.. but for this I want Seohyun to get more scared..
































































with this YOnghwa's protective instinct will rule!
































































































































































































Oh and don't get me wrong, i want skinship level up but im not expecting them to be like JoIn or Khuntoria.. ofcourse our couple can't do that kind of skinship yet hahahha

































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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































crystal_malfoy Thank for helping me ^^
















































































oh the question ...
















































































jnj: who will be more scared at the horror house?
















































































hum ... Seohyun ... well I want Yonghwa be a man, protecting his wife will be super sweet!
















































































holding hands is fine, hugging each other tight is AWESOME!
















































































whatever YongSeo will do is make me love them ! kekeke

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












@crystal: I think Seohyun would be scared. Based on the fact that Yong was leading her while holding her hand. and Yong knows Seohyun very well at this point. he needs to secure her in anyway he can. and his protective instincts will kick in. but we will see next week. the problem now is that the schedule of airing episodes is mixed up now it would take a longer time for us to see the fishing episode and everything before that. the week after next would be the continuation of the Ueno Juri episode. I feel that PD's really cut every couple's episode short to build anticipation on the horror episode.@puivixen: please look up the word RESPECT



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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































My first post *blush* *blush*































































































































I never thought I would register at Soompi but here I am.. posting.































































































































I love this thread (because I love Yongseo) ^^






























































































































































































































































Thank you everyone for making my saturdays enjoyable. I usually watch WGM with live streaming and surely this thread will be opened in another tab.






























































































































































































































































I have been in love with Yongseo since day 1 but only discovered Soompi 2 months ago :sweatingbullets:
































































I'm looking forward to future interactions with you guys. Gogumas are amazing ^^






























































































































































































































































Oh, for the horror episode, I would like it if our couple stay true to themselves. In the previous episode (when they went into the scary mansion at the amusement park), Yong nampyun is more scared than his buin (Hyun was scared too, of course). We've seen that part of him so it's okay if that is shown the next time as well. I've seen how Seohyun reacted in SNSD's horror movie factory - she doesn't get scared easily. That girl is always logical - as long as she knows she's not going to get harmed, she's not scared at all.































































































































































































But then again, horror events are not just about scaring people but it's the essence of being shocked/element of surprise. I personally don't get scared easily but will shriek if my brother suddenly jump in front of me :P































































































































So maybe we'll see a more agitated Hyun. I do hope to see Yong protecting his wife, of course.






























































































































































































































































But more than anything, i hope the couple shippers won't start comparing. It always breaks my heart when people deem Yongseo the least enjoyable to watch.






























































































































































































































































That's a long first post keke. See you next week Gogumas B)

































































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Guest exceptional.chic








the preview - DAEBAK! seriously, i could see skinship in the upcoming ep. YAY! i can't wait.




thanks for the fast translation. :)




next week ep makes me giddy and excited.



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SHANE09:  thank you for posting those gifs!




i haven't watched episode 23 yet.  i'm kind of waiting for the first release of hardsubs since the translators of RDR are focused on exams (good luck!), so i'm letting my eyes feast on whatever you guys post!  anyway:






from what i saw of the gifs that were posted, particularly the one where yong tells seo to hold her own bag, was actually really sad for me.  i'm pretty sure yong was just getting back at her, but that split second where seo looks dumbfounded makes me 

tears.gif a little bit.  like someone else mentioned, seo is the type to hold things back and cover her insecurities/general worries since she's the maknae of her group and, as such, yields to her unnies.  i guess because of that, she's so used to not saying anything that she privately deals with what upsets her, even though a marriage implies you work it out.




another thing:  as adorable as i find yong's jealousy – and i know it's pretty significant when seo reacts similarly because it shows she's opening up more to yong – i also found it fairly petty that he did it to get back at her (if i'm correct about the context of that scene).  i know he was just kidding but still ... i don't think any of us, in real life, would like that very much if our SOs did the same thing, you know?





to put a more positive spin on it, though, you can imagine their relationship being one of the passive aggressive sort.  but when they make it up to each other, you know that they're in love.  again, just a positive spin on it since my view under the spoiler was a little unsure.gif.


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Guest kimchi216


Hi all seobaby and yong hwa fan, tonight i just decided that Seohyun and Yong Hwa are not made for each other, cuz she's more talented than him, Yonghwa used to stay for debut in Japan for a long time but he can't speak very good japanese at all, it's my seohyun who can talk in japanese very fluently. BRAVO and here u go girl !!!! She will have a big future in froont of her and she deserves a biyfriend more mature and intelligent, i don't know who but she will b with someone GRAND and great for sure . Fighting Seohyun n please don't fell in love with him, i think that she's clever enough to know who suits her or not, the show is just the show and make believed couple . And then they can promote their albums through WGM .





Awww that's not a very nice thing to say. I mean CN Blue sang all of their songs in English not Japanese. I'm sure that's part of the reason as to why he can't speak Japanese as well as Seohyun. :( You shouldn't judge a person on just their talent but on how hard that person works to achieve something.





On the other hand it was nice to see some emotion from Seohyun instead of just her stepford-wife-esque reactions. I liked seeing such a logical person like Seohyun getting jealous over Ueno Juri even though she knew that Juri didn't pose a threat to her relationship with Yonghwa. I definitely feel like I'm watching JoongBo moments again :wub: Two people genuinely happening in front of my eyes :)


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Guest monie1909

Yeah,i hope everyone happy that Hyun finally show her emotion and enjoy her jealousy..that's what we've been waiting for,i guess..

But,i'm sorry that i cant seem to enjoy her jealousy as much as i thot i will cause i found myself feeling sad for her watching her from backroom interview.Maybe because she's Hyun.As lovekin said,she surpressed her insecurities and privately handle it..i feel for her.For both of them actually,Yong and Hyun.Yong,for last week episode.Just that,Hyun didnt intentionaly try to make him feel jealous while Yong just being plain mean when he ask her to carry her own bag in front of ueno juri though he might meant for jokes.I'm sure as much as she loves ueno juri,she might not feeling good/or u may call it jealousy after that but still she treat her with the warmest heart.Maybe what make me sad more,is she actually pushing Yong to be closed to Juri Ueno many times,pushing her insecurities aside.It doesnt help when Yong jokingly judging her cooking skill in front of the girl that she already feel insecure with.Gee,i dont know..hope next ep with juri ueno gonna give me diff vibe from this one..But,i love her more from this ep for she handle herself with grace and she's just Hyun..warm as always..

'Hyun jealousy' rank no #2 at daum for real time search..

Seem like a lot of people really interested with her jealousy..


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Guest calculator


I don't hear or see anything except this picture...

I don't look for huge .GIF files to satisfy because I got this picture...

I don't make things complicated and keep things simple as possible...

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hey shane!! tks for the gifs!

do u have the ones after yong passed hyun her bad.

the one where he said he's joking and then they walk so close together?







Asking for this ??





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Yong was definitely being childish in this week's episode and he's just being his usual self actually. We, as outsiders looking in, are empathizing with Hyun since she finally admitted (implied) her jealousy and sadness. It was a first and it was very surprising to actually see her feel hurt because of a joke or situation.




There have been countless times when the cameras have captured Yong being jealous but whenever he is asked how he felt during that time, he always gives excuses and ends up evading each question. So every time he gives us such vague answers, we just shrug it off and forget about them til someone brings it up again. He is a diplomatic man. He knows when, where and how to answer those simple questions. However, although he can be very clever, his actions still speak louder than his words.




Everyone saw how he was always at Hyun's side, even though his ideal was right in front of him. He could've sat next to her and engaged in a conversation (since Yong can understand Japanese after all, and he sings in Japanese so I doubt he'd have that much trouble trying to get through Ueno) but instead, he chose to sit on the stool, far....far.... far away from Ueno.






In regards to his reaction about Hyun cooking, personally, I don't think he was trying to humiliate her in front of Ueno. Quite the opposite actually. He seemed more concerned because their guest is a well-known actress, not to mention Hyun's idol as well. I think he just wants to leave a good impression to Ueno about Hyun, and food can leave a very strong impression in a person.




EDIT: is it just me or when they were about to get out of the sushi place, Yong seemed like he was about to grab Hyun's bag but Ueno just got to it before he did.......???




Or am I being a delusional fangirl right now??? XD


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before the airing of this epi, i anticipated how choding yong would behave.

as much as we want to see hyun's jealousy, we ended up feeling :( for her.

even MC Miseon was disappointed with yong

*positive thinking*

ah...they'll surely made up by now. rmbr hyun's phone call once she touched down from LA?

i want to believe it was hubby calling her. :wub:

yes! shane! thats the one!! thank u soo much! w00t.gifw00t.gif

ah...see that? loving hubby made up with buin already haha

see where yong's left arm was? am i the only one who thinks he wants to put it arnd hyun?

dang! why are they always blocking our view...geez..

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Just watching the show again and this time I took notice of the beginning scene where they are walking under the umbrella to the restaurant. Some new and cute things taking place...like Hyun having to kind of chase Yong down (kind of cute cuz in the last scene of the last episode Yong was chasing after Hyun) and turn him in the right direction. I don't know why I thought it was so cute, but maybe because by the footdance she performed you could see her wondering where he's going and should she stop him? ;)
















I also noticed how much she turned to look at him while they were walking and talking, not just glancing, but looking at him. Don't remember ever seeing that so much before? :) Then took notice of the umbrella exchange and that Yong seemingly felt comfortable enough to place both of his hands over hers while letting hers slip out....perhaps why she was holding the umbrella in the first place? ^_^
















For the horror episode, since YH noticed he was hiding behind and grabbing Hyun during the first haunted house they were in, I also think he'll make an effort to "be the man" in this one. From the short preview anyway, it looks like Hyun will get scared in this, so my vote is for Hyun to be most scared!
















It is a great way to bring couples closer together and to, especially in YongSeo's case, help heighten skinship! :wub:
















Edit: Everyone will feel jealousy at some point in their lives if they are in a relationship. What matters is what your partner does about it once they are aware of something they did that bothered you. YH was aware of his joke and immediately went up to Hyun and rubbed up against her back, she also let herself fall back into him and laugh. It was just in that moment she felt the jealousy and she admitted it.









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@puivixen...sorry to tell you this, but, i think you just got inside the wrong thread.  I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  But, please try to be more considerate on the statements that  you say.  It's very daring of  you to release such statement in the goguma land.  I believed that most of us here are fans of the couple, and if I'm not mistaken there is a rule that we need to follow when posting something here.  So my advise to you, if you have not anything good to say, just keep it to yourself so as not to irk the goguma lovers.  If you are Seohyun's avid fan, just support her on your own way without saying bad thing to Yong.  I think the reason why this thread is created so as to show our support to this lovable pair, and I know that not everyone is a fan of the two, but, let us respect this space.  Let's have all fun.  Peace ;);)





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Guest Yukilovesyou

shane09, your gifs are awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

jnj, I'm with you! I feel that Yong would be more scared at the horror house.

I mean, their experience during their first date at the amusement park should prove this point LOL.

Though I really really really really really hope that Hyun would be more scared so Yong can be the man and protect her, I still feel that Yong would just be blood type A Yong.


By the way gogumas, I heard rumours saying that the preview this week is for 15th Sept, Wednesday. (At the top of the pv it says something something 15.)


Does any of you know if it's true, and if it is, what's the time for streaming? Thank you in advance!

Edit: Thank you SE7ENsyuhja! So it's still Saturday.

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Guest SE7ENsyuhja
















^ It says, "Next week, Saturday, 5:15pm."














WGM will air the Horror Special the same time, same day as always.














WGM's regular time slot is 5:15pm...














MuCore starts at 4:05pm.














(I'm going by Korean time, btw.)
















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