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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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j2 is here with her trans already!! woah!! thank u soo much dear!!







(takes out my little note book for some more lang. lessons..hehe)







u too, dear redtulip.







i've yet to take your test, but i'll def do it












okay, when i watch this epi for the first time, i had 3 minor complains abt yong tonite.







1 - he should've been the one carrying the umbrealla in the first place.2 - he told hyun to carry her own bag




3 - he is not confident of hyun's cooking




wait! before u guys shoot me, this is what my understanding of yong's action,




after watching it like 3 more times..




1 - erm ..i still don't get it...maybe i'm just a petty female goguma




2 - okay, this one i can understand.




since hyun keeps harping on tamaki, then she told him she likes juri more than him,




(this surely hurt his ego) its yong's way to 'punish' her.




BUT we know he is joking, and he acts so loving to hyun in the next instant.




see them walk so close whie he says he is joking




*waiting for d3 to cap this part*




3 - because hyun is not good at cooking, tho confident, the result doesn't always




turns out right. and since their guest is also his idol, yong surely wants to make sure everything is going smoothly.




ah, first time seeing hyun feeling jealous. but she hides it well.




hyun ah...rmbr the johnny debb incident?




do u understand now how yong felt at that time? :rolleyes:







I've changed the color of what got me... Actually the first time i saw that Hyun was the one who was carrying the umbrella was..... "WOW! They're AT THAT STATE EH?!" :w00t::wub: I was really glad seeing it




Normally guys always wanted girls to be impressed on how gentlemanly they are or how handsome they are with the girl they are interested with.. it's actually the same for girls. But as soon as everything is getting comfortable, we tend to let our guards down and show the real self, it's beauty and it's flaws.. and people in love doesn't really pay much attention to faults because you have come to love the person and accepts him/her for who she/he is..




And once the couple broke up, people tend to enumerate each partner's faults and flaws, and wonder how you could've live with that for years..







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okay, here my another intake on the prev.






like it or not, there WILL be comparisons on the skinship of all the 3 couples.



i brace myself on whatever comments on the least of skinship our couple has.






whether they hold hands (god, make this wish come true, pls)



or wrist or arms, one thing for sure, they LINKED. know what i mean? ^_^









lenovo, if this is how comfortable they are right now, i'd say



EYES don't lie!!! ;)






oh! another scene that i love tonite is the part where yong wants to feed hyun



but she refused. then she makes that 'mmmm...' sound, so aegyo...



she sounds like a child who doesn't want to take her medicine






is photobucket still on strike? can't post any caps.






oh yes! is it true the Mid-Autumn Special will be shown this Wed?






chyme, tks for the input since i didn't understand it in the first place.



i guess this view comes from a male goguma?






elainee, tks for the gifs...i'm already going GAGA with it.



can u make it bigger and clearer?!! :w00t:






when hyun says she like juri more, did she mean she likes juri more than she likes yong



or did she mean she likes juri more than yong likes her (juri)






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Guest SE7ENsyuhja
















No, the Chuseok episode will be shown next Saturday, according to the preview.














Same time, same day as always.


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okay, here my another intake on the prev.








like it or not, there WILL be comparisons on the skinship of all the 3 couples.















i brace myself on whatever comments on the least of skinship our couple has.
























whether they hold hands (god, make this wish come true, pls)















or wrist or arms, one thing for sure, they LINKED. know what i mean? ^_^








lenovo, if this is how comfortable they are right now, i'd say








EYES don't lie!!! ;)








I agree with you jnj








Everything that people will say, i believe in YH & SH.








They don't need to show their love to everyone through skinship.








Their eyes will show everything :rolleyes: and eyes never lie :D
















Sorry jnj if i cut your post.








I'm still a little bit confused if i want to posting in this thread :( .



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












@jnj: yup. comparison between couples in WGM is inevitable, specially with YongSeo because netizens would talk about how they lack skinship. my take on this is that there would always be differences between couples, and thats what makes each couple special. also, I explained this a couple of pages back. I put it in a spoiler but somehow soompi is acting weird on me so I can't post it again in this page. I love YongSeo couple because there can only be one YongSeo couple. the special bond that they created can't always be seen in skinship. just look in their eyes, their eyes will tell you everything. :)



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Thanks J2dlee for the wonderful and fast translations! And Thanks to keoconvoineverdie & diodanooo1 for your videos! Personally, I feel that this week's episode shows a small step into their r/s i.e. SH has shown abit of jealousy? lol..






























































































































































































































































The preview is really exciting, And i agree that in the preview SH fell. I think the PD is trying to get us confused by showing us that SH fell first. I feel that it should be after they heard some commotion then they decided to go out of the room to take a look. Along the way, somehow SH fell. That scene where she fell should be after Yong leads SH out of the room.

































































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No, the Chuseok episode will be shown next Saturday, according to the preview.


Same time, same day as always.



aah..good! i wanted to apply for eave if they DO airs it on weekdays.



i know, i'm :crazy::lol:



tks se7en!






i hope there won't be much edited part since our couple still has to cook the



kimchi pancakes.






hi5 yongseo style heartbreak & rica!



yes, their eyes convey soo much!



whats that saying? the eyes are the window to the soul? hehe






yongseo,i think i miss something here?



which part in the prev did hyun fell?






redtulip, i score 23 for your test. dang! i should've done better. oh well..






and one more thing (i seem to be soo chirpy tonite haha)



yong mentioned that juri is good in cooking. how did he know? hmm..






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I've changed the color of what got me... Actually the first time i saw that Hyun was the one who was carrying the umbrella was..... "WOW! They're AT THAT STATE EH?!" :w00t::wub: I was really glad seeing it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Normally guys always wanted girls to be impressed on how gentlemanly they are or how handsome they are with the girl they are interested with.. it's actually the same for girls. But as soon as everything is getting comfortable, we tend to let our guards down and show the real self, it's beauty and it's flaws.. and people in love doesn't really pay much attention to faults because you have come to love the person and accepts him/her for who she/he is..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And once the couple broke up, people tend to enumerate each partner's faults and flaws, and wonder how you could've live with that for years..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I agree with everything you said.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually, it was also my reaction when I saw that scene. Hyun's holding the umbrella!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's true, you can tell that they're already in that comfortable stage with just that action from YH letting Hyun held the umbrella. he's already left that stage when he had to impress her and show only the best of him in front of her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's the same as open and hold the door for her. You know, after a few years together you don't see those things as something essential anymore. It's all nice and I appreciate the gesture, but sometimes you just want to get out of that damn door quickly :w00t: sometimes you even hold the door for him and tell him to freaking get out already sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































one beef from me about today's episode : why did act YH so nervous in front of Juri???? I think it's just that I don't get that feeling from him being her fanboy. He usually looks very confident in every variety shows he's in, so this side of him kinda threw me a little bit off guard.

































































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I've got to admit I had mixed feelings on whether I could sit thru today's episode before live-streaming, but I still did <_< Don't be mistaken, I love our Yongseo couple a lot. I think I can understand how all of Seohyun's SNSD unnies feel- I just have that protective feeling that I just want to wrap her up in bubble wrap cos I love her to bits.


So, I understand why her SNSD unnies thought it will be great if Jinwwon would be her husband in EP 1. Cos Jinwoon will simply just adore her and spoil her rotten...

:sweatingbullets: I felt pain in my heart when Seohyun said in the blackroom that she didn't feel that good abt the Yonghwa/Ueno situation


BUT after watching and thinking thru some time, this thought came to me:


Seohyun being herself, didn't show much of reaction on filming, but she voiced her true feeling in the blackroom. Yonghwa, like us the viewers, most likely know of this after watching today's episode. I was thinking how he must feel after seeing this reaction from Seohyun, definitely happy at first, but he being the protective man he is and constantly careful with his buin, must also feel pain in his heart, after seeing Seohyun's slightly bitter smile when interviewed. I mean this is the man that feels pain when Seohyun cut her finger the other time...


This episode was filmed just the day before Seohyun flew to LA and we know that she had a mad schedule, thus, she has hardly been in Korea the past week. I hope our sweet little couple will catch up with each other in Japan this week since CN Blue has a concert on 16th Sep.


It is heart warming to see how far this couple has come :wub::wub::wub:


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okay, here my another intake on the prev.

















chyme, tks for the input since i didn't understand it in the first place.







i guess this view comes from a male goguma?

















when hyun says she like juri more, did she mean she likes juri more than she likes yong







or did she mean she likes juri more than yong likes her (juri)

























Sorry to cut your post... blush.gif












I'm a fangurl... married to one nice fanboy... LOL.. we are a Potato couple/alien w00t.gif although I'm more hardcore than him in this area.. he just like to watch but he doesn't spazz like me.. although we shared opinions and insights... We experiment together, like the piggyback ride.. w00t.gif












@heartbreak maybe it's because one of the soompi rules of 1 post per 30 minutes? I read it from somewhere, but i'm not too sure...




He said why did he met him when his buin is there with him.... just my two cents...




Maybe because he is concerned on how Hyun might feel since she knew about the ideal thingy or he wanted to know Juri more and actually get closer to her, and he can't do that with Hyun with him.




I don't know how to put it on spoiler mode so I just changed the color.. by the way, can someone with a nice soul give me instructions on how to do it? thank you !!




And oh, it think Hyun meant She like juri more than yong likes her



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Guest miel_1301



j2dlee, thanks so much for the speedy translation. You once again completed our happiness by delivering this translation as fast as you have always done.

Again, our "Thank Yous" will never ever be enough.

when hyun says she like juri more, did she mean she likes juri more than she likes yong

or did she mean she likes juri more than yong likes her (juri)

I want to give my two cents worth with regards to this before your post, jnj, gets buried in the thread as fast as they always do.

I personally take it to mean the second one: SeoHyun liking Ueno Juri more than YongHwa does.

I still maintain my steadfast belief that it was SeoHyun who introduced Nodame Cantabile to YongHwa. Seohyun has been a self-confessed long time passionate fan of Nodame, hence, of Ueno Juri and Tamaki Hiroshi [Chiaki Senpai]. YongHwa must have claimed Ueno juri to be his "I" girl after having watched Nodame. And he must have watched it just very recently, sometime in July. I recall that in the said radio interview last 05 July [the radio interview that SeoHyun was referring to in the blackroom interview] he clearly said that "Lately I am into Japanese drama--- "Nodame Cantabile" and so I find Ueno Juri so cute..." So in terms of length of time, SeoHyun knew very well that her penchant for the drama, as well as its leads, dates back since she was younger as compared to YongHwa's. I would like to think that YongHwa's claim of Ueno Juri being his "I" girl was made so as for him to complete the "equation".

SeoHyun likes Johnny Depp as her Hollywood actor's choice, thus, YongHwa chose Jessica Alba. YongHwa must have known that SeoHyun is head-over-heels into Tamaki Hiroshi and so he declares his "liking" for Ueno just so to have a match to that Japanese actor.

Yes, from the episode YongHwa is stunned by the presence of Ueno Juri--- as THE ACTRESS and not as his "I" girl.

And I also think and believe that Ueno Juri herself has been duly informed of Seohyun's long-time penchant for her drama and for her as well. When SeoHyun formally introduced herself and as being a member of SNSD, Ueno acknowledged her warmly. While she somehow stuttered when she said "CN BLUE" and when she said "Jung YongHwa" as if she was saying them out of mere memorization. And throughout the scenes of the couple dining in the Sushi Restaurant, Ueno Juri's gazes have been fixed on SeoHyun more than on YongHwa's.

When SeoHyun sighed "I wish Chiaki were here, too. Tamaki Hiroshi". YongHwa once again gave himself away with that look he gave Seobaby as he retorted, "Today we have Ueno Juri only~".

I am satisfied at how this meeting has turned out so far [though I still anticipate how the whole interaction in their house will turn out but which I believe will not have any changes from my intial impressions].

I somehow felt kinda restless before the airing of this episode. I thought that I would be seeing a YongHwa drooling over Ueno Juri, leaving SeoHyun just in the background. But on the contrary he gave the floor entirely to SeoHyun so to speak. He let Seohyun completely handle the situation/meeting with the Japanese actress, with him giving way and taking a step on the side.

The bottomline of what I am saying is, YongHwa's actions and reactions in meeting Ueno Juri did not convince me that his penchant/liking for the Japanese actress is extreme enough to warrant her to be his "I" girl.

SeoHyun, as per YongHwa's words, definitely is one "Tough nut to crack!".

Now, with regards to SeoHyun's confession in the blackroom about her "tinge" of jealousy over Ueno Juri, I do not doubt the veracity of her statement. In fact it's such a welcome development that YongHwa should be able to see. I take it as one concrete step forward in their relationship.

Contrasting the revelation/statement in the blackroom interview when SeoHyun said, "He was over the moon! Yong once said on the radio that Juri unnie is his ideal type. I think everyone has someone (as an ideal type), but… I didn’t feel so good about it." with the train scene in March when she asked YongHwa of his Hollywood actress' choice and when YongHwa claimed, "Jessica Alba" she immediately and unaffectedly retorted, "Ok! Now we're even!"--- with the revelation of YongHwa in the radio program in July about Ueno Juri, even if for all intent and purposes YongHwa must have made such claim of Ueno being his "I" girl even just as a "tease", SeoHyun at this point in time is somehow showing sign of being affected. And YongHwa should be able to read this sign clearly.

And I so love this scene...


This fleeting yet subtly sweet moment is enough... more than enough for me to cause ones heart to flutter.


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Guest loveloveloveclapclapclap




Omg guys replay the part where yong stood up and walk to hyun.


when he said it was embarrassing to sit there.


while she was standing beside him, she pushed him and told him to go talk to UJ.


seems like they are very comfortable with each other alr.



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yongseo,i think i miss something here?





which part in the prev did hyun fell?









I think yongseo mean this millisecond shot










in this shot I still not sure YH hold SH hand or wrist










Thank you j2dlee for very fast translation





I owe you a lot


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I noticed something. All three of the couples have someone they have people that they are close to and aren't close to.




























Seohyun is close with victoria (SM entertainment) and maybe nickhun(because the cabi cf)




























yonghwa is close with jo kwon (mc buddies)




























nichkhun is close with jo kwon (JYP entertainment), ga in (met before), and maybe seohyun (cabi cf)




























victoria is close with seohyun (SM entertainment), jo kwon and victoria (met and talked on the phone before,the episode with khuntoria and adam couple)




























jo kwon is close with yonghwa (mc buddies), victoria (maybe)




























gain is close with nichkhun and maybe victoria




























so that leaves us with the people that need to get closer with




























seohyun-adam couple and nichkhun




























yonghwa-gain and nichkhun




























nichkhun-yongseo couple




























victoria-adam couple (maybe) and yonghwa




























jo kwon-seohyun and victoria




























gain-yongseo couple and victoria





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the part where juri hand them their mission card, did anyone notice the big ring


that yong wore on his 2nd finger.


can someone caps that.


why isn't photobucket working?!! aish..


the ring has some kind of design on it. like 2 faces or abstract design.


tks for the gifs sally.


yong's reaction of buin falling is quite slow


or he must be too scared to move :lol:



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Guest mimayree

I noticed something. All three of the couples have someone they have people that they are close to and aren't close to.

Seohyun is close with victoria (SM entertainment) and maybe nickhun(because the cabi cf)

yonghwa is close with jo kwon (mc buddies)

nichkhun is close with jo kwon (JYP entertainment), ga in (met before), and maybe seohyun (cabi cf)

victoria is close with seohyun (SM entertainment), jo kwon and victoria (met and talked on the phone                  before,the episode with khuntoria and adam couple)

jo kwon is close with yonghwa (mc buddies), victoria (maybe)

gain is close with nichkhun and maybe victoria

so that leaves us with the people that need to get closer with

seohyun-adam couple and nichkhun

yonghwa-gain and nichkhun

nichkhun-yongseo couple

victoria-adam couple (maybe) and yonghwa

jo kwon-seohyun and victoria

gain-yongseo couple and victoria


YES THEY ALL LOOK AWKWARD ON THE PREVIEW. I hope they'll get close. and I hope There are no fans Hating on other couples.

Lets Support each other. Just LOVE LOVE LOVE.The next episode would be fun.

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jnj: Yes she fell! Hope she will be ok. I am reposting my message were I mentioned about her falling in the preview. She fell btw 0:23 and 0:24 s of the attached video link. Its super quick and difficult to notice it is Yongseo!! 
















































d3j1k0 - Thank U for the better quality preview!!!
































I noticed that the scene in the preview were the girl falls is Yongseo!!!! The guy have a white t-shirt and the girl have pigtails. 
































I didn't notice at first because I thought the guy was "blond" so I assumued it was Nichkhun. It seems that the scene was recorded with night-vision, so thats why the different hair color, the same way you see Victoria's different color when she is writing on the board.
































It is also possible that they were holding hands at that scene because I saw YongHwa arm move while she is falling. A case for the Gogumas FBI!! 
































































d3j1k0 - Since the YT link that you posted for the preview is in another page I hope you don't mind me posting it again on this page for those interested!!!
















Horror Preview
















































j2dlee & redtulip - Than U for all your translations!!























































































sally7:  Thank U for capturing the moment!! biggrin.gif They are holding hands in that scene too, right??

















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has this been shared before? sorry if it has..

Yong Hwa, Seo Hyun met and failed to recognize their idol

It appears that CNBlue’s Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD’s Seo Hyun have only got eyes for each other.

On September 11th’s episode of “We Got Married”, the Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun couple visited a sushi boat restaurant.

Ueno Juri, who came to Korea to promote the sequel to her hit film “Nodame Cantabile“, appeared as a sushi chef and met with the couple.

Jung Yong Hwa had picked Ueno Juri as his ideal woman on radio, and Seo Hyun is known to be a passionate fan of hers also.

Ueno Juri, wearing thick-rimmed glasses, seemed to notice them and tried not to reveal her identity.

However, the couple did not recognize Ueno Juri for a long time. Seo Hyun made her nervous when she appeared to have discovered something and said, “I saw it now“, but she was just looking at the price of sushi.

Ueno Juri then removed her glasses and started serving tea, but the couple only recognized the Japanese actress after the owner of the restaurant notified them.

Ueno Juri put on a good act, saying, “Thanks for saying I look like an actress.” She expressed her sadness, saying, “You should have recognized me a bit earlier. It took too long.”

Jung Yong Hwa commented in his interview, “I couldn’t believe my eyes even after I found out it was Ueno Juri.“

cr allkpop

i highlight the part that i love the most!! how true!! :wub:

lunasol, tks.

ah, i did see that part, but i didn't know it was yongseo

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