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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest magicaL.chubi3




wah~ hehe~ been lurking this thread for awhile and i just decided to post today. Hehe~ finished watching WGM. Can't wait for the next episode. They will gather together. all the couple of wgm:)


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Guest rainie029


i watched the preview again and i really think that they held hands.. kyaaa one of our wishes comes true..YongSeo never fail us... ahahaha


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Guest Crystal392
















































Thanks to everyone for the links!! :D
















Just saw the preview. OMG next week episode is going to be awesome and scary :ph34r:

















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The preview is out
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did I see YongSeo holding hands??Wahhhh wub.gifsweatingbullets.gif

































































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Guest _d3seohyun
































































































































waaaaaaaaaaaaa @ the preview!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































but you guys...didn't he hold her hands on this episode too?!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































kekeke and this was a couple days after they held hands at the concert right? gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh i'm spazzing at this moment...the most current Yongseo skinship to date (that we know of anyway)! :wub:

















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Guest 1sweetlove








Yeah GOGUMAS, You all are right,








Yonghwa held Seohyun's hands! :wub:








proof, seohyun hairstyle, and yong white Tshirt!












So excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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When will this be on btw, and I think there's still Ueno Part 2, right.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Good eyes! I swear I saw them holding hands in the preview too. I can't wait for someone to upload that preview too.  thanks, keoconvoi!!




















They look SO much more at ease with each other in this episode. I can't wait to know what Hyun said in the backroom interview about her husband, after he told her to hold her own bag so he could walk with Juri.




















BTW, loved the sparkling eyes the couple flashed to each other at 2:00 in part 1 (thanks again, keoconvoi!!). Pure love. wub.gif




















Seems like WGM is really promoting Yongseo couple to Japan, which makes sense since their respective groups are active there (SNSD recently debuting, while CN Blue already has a cult following), while the other WGM couples look like they're being promoted in China and Southeast Asia on the show. Interesting.






























































Can't wait until next week!!





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Guest lilmssunshine


these two are so cute together.. they complement and balance each other out..




they are in their own little world that they failed to see that their idol and "I" is on front of them already..




yong was being adorkable the whole time and hyun being her bubbly self..






cant wait for the translations from j2dlee!! ( no pressure.. hehe )


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Guest Crystal392






_d3seohyun: OMO I thought he touched her shoulder but now that I see that screencap it's as if Yong is holding a hand... :o We may need a HD screencap to be 100% sure though, Gogumas FBI ftw! :D



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OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the preview is DAEBAK!!!can't wait for the preview!!!w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
















they hold hands!!!!!and wish they HUG.HUG.HUGphew.gif







































i think i will die because of excitement!!!!aaaahhh!!!!

























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Guest exceptional.chic








thank you for that super fast upload. :)




Yong was so funny for copying the way how hyun handled the umbrella.




So Juri went to Korea all the way from Japan to surprise the couple?




the eye contact was soooo :wub:




seohyun is soooooo pretty when he pout her lips.



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Guest SophiaPia








Yes! SeoHyun is the 1st one who has this feeling that she is Euno. She is very good in her japanese. Yong is really shy and nervous, maybe his thinking 2 women in his life are in front of him kekeke! Remember what JW said SeoHyun is good in guessing kekeke! 






Yes! i think SeoHyun mentioned about the actor's name in this drama, maybe she's thinking he will be a surprise as well. Then Yong looked at SeoHyun w/ that jealous face again. 






Maybe in that darkroom interview, SeoHyun said that hubby Yong really likes Euno, we need to wait for the translations if she jealous about it. I must admit i'm the one who's jealous earlier while watching it hahaha! I feel for SeoHyun she is very good in controlling her feelings. hahahaha! 






SeoHyun is very happy to meet Euno, but Yong is very shy and nervous kekeke! Look's like the continuation of this Euno epi is still up nxt saturday. But the Preview showed just now is the horror special w/ all the couples (this is shoot last 17th Aug i think). YES! THEY HOLD HANDS FIGHTINGGGGGGGG! that horror special might be really good bcoz of the skinshipsssssssss.






So we don't know what will happen in wgm epi nxt week. Maybe they will show the continuation of all the wgm couples then, follow by that the horror special. Aigoooooo! what happen now to the previous scene that YongSeo been shoot. I hope they will still show it in the coming episode. 






Wow! kamsahamnida to Keoconvoineverde. Cheers


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Guest alishalover
































































































Can't hardly wait for the next episode.

















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Guest Crystal392
































thank you for that super fast upload. :)
















Yong was so funny for copying the way how hyun handled the umbrella.
















So Juri went to Korea all the way from Japan to surprise the couple?
















the eye contact was soooo :wub:
















seohyun is soooooo pretty when he pout her lips.































Ueno Juri went to South Korea to promote her movie, and I guess the WGM PDs asked her to make a surprise visit to YongSeo because they (Yong and Hyun) are her fans ^_^
















Next week episode is going to be amazing! :)
















EDIT: OMO 15 more pages and we will reach page 1000 :D

















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