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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Comparison between Ueno Juri and Wifey Seohyun































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































During the interview:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How do U feel about meeting your ideal girl?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YH: Good cooking skills, like to give aigoo and quite feminine.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then, who is prettier, Ideal Ueno or Wifey Seohyun?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YH: Ideal is just ideal. Wifey Seohyun, of course , is different.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Wifey Seohyun is the Highest!)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr Baidu Goguma Couple Translated by : 小雨































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I still can't get over the fact that YH is only 21. he's very good with his answers. he's one smart guy and I bet he has attended media training class before.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































People might not like his diplomatic answers, but I actually like him for that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he can be a lawyer or politician if he didn't have career in entertainment :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@redtulip : your quiz was fun!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































apparently I'm only mildly addicted to Yongseo couple.. hmmm....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this thread is running fast. we'll get 1000 pages by the end of next week.

































































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Guest DJHinata

i can't wait for saturday !!!! for me it's friday 11:50 in the morning XD hahaha well thanks for all the news about Yongwha in Thai YongSeo Couple fightiiing ~~ ph34r.gif

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Guest princessjulia
































Hi everyone! Sweet answer from Yong!  Ah,and watching the preview and the way he looks at Seohyun and the body position and all, I can say there must be something there that wasn't there before. *wink*
































Why do I have this feeling that Yong only gave out Ueno Juri as her ideal because she was bound to promote her movie in Korea? I mean if you check the interviews he made before, it came out suddenly that Juri was his ideal. So I was thinking maybe Ueno Juri's appearance in WGM was planned afterall (as a part of her promotion for the movie too). And her presence was to create "conflict" between wifey Seohyun and "ideal girl" Juri. But anyway this is just my point of view.































  By the way I would like to share a fanfic I wrote. Sorry I'm really new to Soompi so i am not sure whether posting this in my soompi blog is a clever idea. 
































































































I'm still working on Chapter 2. Let me know your thoughts please. I would appreciate it much! rolleyes.gif 
































P.S. It was Trent who encouraged me to share this (I was shy at first) but thank you Trent! 

















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omo! thanks to EVERYONE for EVERYTHING!!!












during the preview they did look like a couple of friends catching up. like ueno was a friend who hadnt visited in a long time and wanted to catch up with her married friends. yonghwa looked a little shy and embarrassed for a scene or two and hyun was just all smiles. from what it looks like, they must have maybe gone back to their home after the WAVE concert, maybe. to cook for ueno. or maybe it was before the concert. if it was, what if it was ueno who sort of made them do the hand holding "mission" or something. just speculating here!












cant wait for tomorrow :)












lots of love fellow gogumas!



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kekeke! redtulip i'm addicted to YongSeo couple :)

@Solleill123 thanks, is this photo new? kekeke! what's that hubby Yong vs Goguma ? hahaha! i think this time wifey Hyun knows who she will choose. Even if they ask her again Jhonny Depp or hubby Yong i think she will choose hubby Yong hahaha!


it's it's photoshopped ;) i from a old show where snsd have to choose an ideal guy. And snsd seohyun choose sweet potatoes over the actor that the girls have chosen

SNEAK PEAK OF UENO JURI EPISODE!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Found this on yt.


cr: keoconvoineverdie

It was raining that day, hahaha!

Edit: Is this really how to post videos here? My first time. Why isn't the video showing? :sweatingbullets:


I wonder what he said at the end. Haha!

@soleill123. Seems Yong has been asked who to choose as well. :w00t:

yeah it seems :) can't wait to see tmr episode, i want to see how seohyun will react :sweatingbullets:

Comparison between Ueno Juri and Wifey Seohyun

During the interview:

How do U feel about meeting your ideal girl?

YH: Good cooking skills, like to give aigoo and quite feminine.

Then, who is prettier, Ideal Ueno or Wifey Seohyun?

YH: Ideal is just ideal. Wifey Seohyun, of course , is different.

(Wifey Seohyun is the Highest!)

Cr Baidu Goguma Couple Translated by : 小雨

thank you Timnat2010 for the translation

good job yonghwa you said the right thing :D

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this is fun..i wanna try this...
















Are you addicted to Yongseo Couple?















































1: How many times did you watch each new Yongseo WGM episode within a week?
















1) One
















2) two to five
















3) six to 10
















4) more than 10
















2: How many times did you rewatch each old episode?
















1) Once in a while
















2) A few times randomly or a marathon of all the episodes once
















3) Watch 2 or 3 marathon of all the epsiodes
















4) Watch more than 3 marathon of all the episodes
















3: Did you watch any other shows of Yonghwa and Seohyun beside wgm?
















1) Only watch WGM
















2) watch only those shows that Yonghwa or Seohyun mentioned about each other or show off their rings
















3) watch all their shows regardless of content
















4) watch all their shows plus download them to rewatch including all those in other languages
















4: How many times did you check Soompi Seohwa thread?
















1) once in a while
















2) once a day
















3) 2 or 3 times a day
















4) every hour of the day
















5: What is your current interest level of kdrama?
















1) Still watching my favourite dramas online or on TV
















2) Only watch Kdrama when there are nothing on Yongseo available
















3) Only watch Kdrama such as "You are beautiful" with Yonghwa that featured the couple
















4) Totally not interested at all, WGM is better than Kdrama
















6: Will you go to CN Blue or SNSD concerts if they performed in your country?
















1) Not interested in Kpop
















2) Only if I have nothing on or the price is reasonable
















3) Will definitely buy a ticket (strong interest toward snsd..sorry :sweatingbullets: )
















4) I will go even if I have to buy a air ticket, travel by train or bus to cross country border
















7: How do you feel if you hear negative comments about the couple?
















1) Nothing, everybody is entitled to their own views
















2) Irritated but will ignore them
















3) Sad or angry, deeply affected for days
















4) Attack!!! Must protect the couple
















8: How many people have you converted into Goguma fans?
















1) none
















2) 1 or 2
















3) 3 or 4
















4) more than 5
















9: What have you done to show your love for the couple?
















1) No
















2) I will eat Goguma once in a while
















3) I buy their CDs, attend their concerts
















4) I write fanfic, create fanvid, wallpapers, Photoshop the photos, draw cartoon etc
















10: List down all the things that you have done just for them for the first time that you have never done for any other artists.
















-donate blood































-watch live streaming even though you don't understand korean,































-first time cooking (made cream pasta)































-make my own goguma































-re-watch avatar in 3D































-read self-improvement book (still trying hard to finish it)































-go to arcade to play street fighter































-buy cartoon character of sleeping mask































above 33 points:































Strongly addicted, you cannot live a minute not thinking about them
















yeah i'm totally addicted....

















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Guest miel_1301

SeoHyun and her Unnies [sNSD] Arrival @Shanghai



cr:sony@snsdchina/chichinhu@twitter+ albi-albi-albi@snsd

@Rouenna, thanks for the link to the preview of the Special Episode of WGM with Ueno Juri.

@Timnat2010, thanks too for the trans of the preview.

Briefly on the preview...

Is it only me? But from the short preview, I somehow sensed that Ueno Juri is more interested on SeoHyun. It is SeoHyun that she kept looking at while the couple was eating in the Sushi Restaurant. And I just loled at the part when she approached the couple handing YongHwa what looks like a "mission card" [i suppose], as she was practically glaring at Seobaby. hahaha!

Probably it could be because, if indeed Ueno Juri is pretty much aware [and I highly suppose that she is] that SeoHyun is an avid fan of Nodame, she must have probably thought, hence, found it kinda strange that --- How can SeoHyun not recognize her being a fan [for a long time] of her and the drama's?

@panGG, this Special Episode with Ueno, if my memory serves me right, was filmed on the 1st of September 2010.

And YongHwa is looking tired because he came from a performance with his CN Blue bros @MBC Incheon Branch Opening before this filming.

And Yes, Rouenna, it was raining on that day. I was able to watch a clip of the boys' performance at Incheon Branch Opening and yup! it was raining while they were performing.

It never ceases to amaze me how the "RAIN" continuously plays significantly in most if not all of the "beautiful memories" being shared with and built together by this couple.

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SNSD is already in China.. aigooo.. I can't believe they still have those smile on their faces despite the jetlag.. they went to 3 different countries in a week!
































































Sharing Seohyun's airport pic..
































































cr. sony@snsdchina/chichinhu@twitter
































































edit: LOL posted already kekek but will just repost this one:)
































































































































and yes ofcourse, seohyun is wearing her ring :) i don't think our couple has plans to take it off kekek eversince they got a new one (this i am sure by now) they never took it off.. and if you guys notice seohyun only wears her couple ring with yonghwa but not with her unnies.. i guess bec the ring doesn't rust anymore hahahha

































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Guest CheriMerci








Hello Everyone!




First time for me to post here. I'm a Thai goguma and one of the member of YongSeo Sweet Potatoes Thread @ Pantip.




Due to the interview of CNBLUE in "Khan-Pak", I wonder how all of u guys feel about. But for me and my thread, we're happy for that.




Because at least we (as YongSeo lovers) show Yong and his bros (Jong, Min, Shin) how we love and support them.




However I would like to share some information about the program "Khan-Pak", it's kind of gossip star news.




So most of the content in this program should be talked about love, rumor and fun stuff of celebrities.




Undoubtedly, it can explain that why they loved to mention Hyun in the program. Moreover, the program is Live! There's no script.




And the MCs just do their jobs the best to make the audiences happy. I hope all of u'll understand them for asking things that's not about CNBLUE music.








For the gifts that we gave to CNBLUE in the program. Actually, we just want to give to them behind the scene but the crew of the program are kind




and allow us to give to them on the scene. The gifts are the bags screened fan arts that contain the stuffs for CNBLUE Boys, Hyun and his manager ;T-Shirts screened Thai words and Slippers. We attended to make especially for them and when we saw them so happy while received. We're happy even more.




Today we're looking forward to be a part of the first mini live and fan meeting of CNBLUE. They're so hot and have a lot of fan club in Thailand.




We're so proud of the CNBLUE boys. We love YongSeo and support CNBLUE and SNSD as well.








Here are the stuffs in the bags that we gave to CNBLUE.












Yong's bag












Minnie's bag












Shin's bag












Jong's bag









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Guest _d3seohyun
































































I am not cut out to be a lurker! Gah! the torture! Soompi was really testing me yesterday. I was able to lurk but could not log in or post. what's up with that?!! And with everyone sharing so many goodies, it was so frustrating not being able to post and spazz with you guys..so frustrating that I actually ended up calling friends out of the blue to go out to distract and keep myself away from my pc ahhaha. sounds pathetic huh? and even a little sad and scary? well maybe, but it's so freakn true! :P the insanity and addiction that comes with loving yongseo *sigh* :lol:
















































now that i got that out of the way...thank you everyone for everything! *hugz*
















































let me unload some caps before the new episode airs....
















































Because Yonghwa trying not to appear giddy is pure :wub:
















































The Jacket. Putting it on and Taking it off (I would have died if he helped her take it off hahaha )...
































































































































































































I would have loved to see how Seobaby's eyes sparkled during this moment...Yong seobang must have been blinded
































































































































































































































































































LOL @ the boys all looking at seobaby's direction :P cute!
































































































kya @ Yonghwa trying to hold in that smile of his :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































This scene really made their whole marriage seem so real to me. Seobaby looked like Yonghwa's wife for real! :P
































































































































































































Adding this one....
















































Not paying attention to JH who's kickn butt, instead smiling and talking to his buin who wasn't even captured by the camera...
































































































@gogumas in Thailand. you guys jjang! I always associate Thailand as something special to our couple because of episode 13 :wub:
































































































adding a couple of SEOBABY fancams before and during WGM. I don't want to give Yonghwa too much credit but our pretty and cute angel has now blossomed into one beautiful and stunning OhMySEOgoddess! She's glowing!
















































SEOBABY (2009)






















































































































































SEOBABY (2010)
















































c: as tagged + uploaders









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Guest Crystal392
















































Woah so much info!! 20 more pages and we will reach page 1000 :o
















Thai gogumas are amazing! Thanks soo much for all the information you shared and for all the gifts you gave to the boys. Thanks!!!
















Thanks to everyone who shared info and translations :)
















Hyun looks soo pretty, I agree with all of you: she has blossomed into a gorgeous lady ^_^
















*goes off to read posts*

















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Guest puivixen







Hi all Yongseo fan, i've got a confession to you all, i 'm thai , now CNBLUE are in Thailand and they were recording on THAI TV show this afternnon and on the show, Yong Hwa was asked to show the couple ring, so i'm so happy but when he was asked that if in the real life , are Yong Hwa and seohyun really girlfriend and boyfriend ? so Yong Hwa shi refused RAPIDLY that they are not in a real relationship off scene. HUHHHHHHH!!!!!! i'm quite disappointed la !!! did he tell s the truth and hide us ? or he did tell the truth and the show is the show :(





I'm not motvated to watch tomorrow episode . I'd prefer that they really like each other in and off scene .


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Guest Crystal392






Answering redtulip test:


My score was 30 points, which means I'm addicted to the YongSeo couple, without my daily dose of goguma love I feel horrible :P hehehe so accurate xD


rainie_chu: I loved what you wrote *claps*


dreamyboo: Thanks for sharing that. Yeah he is indeed a triple A. I really can't imagine all he went through at such a young age just because he wanted to fulfill his dream which was to become a singer; as we all know he comes from a wealthy family and being the youngest (he has one older brother) I'm sure he was a bit spoiled. Soo going by himself to Japan with his CNBLUE brothers and living alone must have been difficult, he even went to jail :( I'm also proud of him being independant but I hope he 'shares his burden' with his CNBLUE brothers and Hyun~... I'm sure they, as idols too, will understand him :) Yong~ now you are not alone, you have your beautiful wife! ^^


jinkee: Thanks for sharing that gif... kyaa the ring ^___^


Rouenna: Thanks for sharing that link!! :D Rain is indeed their lucky charm.


Timnat: Thanks soo much for the translation. I really love his answer, he is right: ideal is just ideal. Personally I consider my ideal Korean guy YongHwa, but the chances of marrying him are 0.0000000000000000000000001% xD (besides he is already married ;) ). I still can't get over the fact that both didn't recognize Ueno Juri, I mean if I go somewhere even if Hyun or Yong are acting like waitress/waiter I would recognize them, or at least tell them 'Hey, has anyone told you you look like SeoHyun/Jung YongHwa?'. They didn't even look at her xD


ilovesnowwhite: Yeah it was cute that he remembered her number, I only knew Hyohyeon's number is 32 because that's one of my fave numbers too :P


seohyun_yh: *waves* :)


CheriMerci: Thanks soo much for sharing all that info ^^ Those gifs are really cute :D You and all Thai Gogumas are jjang. I hope you will keep sharing info here :D Have lots of fun today!!


_d3seohyun: Queen of screencaps indeed! ^^ Your screencaps are really good, it captures THE moments between uri YongSeo <3


puivixen: *hugs* About if he said the truth about whether he is dating Hyun~ or not: we will never know if he said the truth unless he says they are dating.


I really think they aren't bf and gf yet, but they do like each other. As lovekin (I think it was her, sorry if I'm making any mistake) said, you can like someone and the feeling can be mutual but that doesn't mean you have to be bf and gf and in a relationship; there are other factors, specially to them because both are young idols full of dreams, CNBLUE are rookies who just debuted this year and SNSD is one of the biggest groups in Korea and now is focusing on their debut in Japan. Also stars tend to lie about if they date or not, according to TaeWoo 90% of the idols are dating; every time they would ask Shindong from SuJu if he had a gf or was dating someone he said no, until a few months ago that he said he had a girlfriend for some time; Se7en also denied having a gf, he confessed after a loong time (he now has been in a relationship for 8 years I think) and when he did that he lost a LOT of fans (that's one of the reason why idols lie about the dating thing: because of fans). I'd also prefer if they were dating or would date after WGM, but I will be happy if both at least stay as good friends. As a fan, I will always support them and the decisions they make no matter what; as long as they are happy I will be happy ^^ Just don't take everything too serious, enjoy them and WGM while it lasts



Btw, this was posted by tecle as a new topic xD I think she got confused and clicked on 'New topic' insted of 'Add reply' soo I'm quoting what she posted:

hello everyone...actually this is my second post after 2 weeks and i just found this group a month ago.. actually im seohwa fans from the very beginning...i would say im totally addicted to this couple that i never missed a day watching latest and old episodes.. as well all the news and videos about them.. i decided to post again to express my gratitude to all of you ..oh by the way im in my past 40s in fact my older son is of the same age of yonghwa...its just that im a romantic person and has a young ways and character ( most of my friends are younger of 10 yrs than me).anyway... i thank you all ..im so impress how you were able to give all the details regarding hyun and yong...and i apologize for not being able to contribute at all..for a reason that im not good in computer ( i graduated from universities that computer was not yet that in demand hahaha) regarding our seohwa couple...i believe the feeling is there it just because their both an idol so the situation is controlled i mean they have to consider the fans, the company who manage them and what next for their carreer...what matter to me was the happiness within me everytime i watch them...so im hoping for them to stay a couple as long as possible..and if its the end ..i will support and pray for their individual carreer... AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH ..I CANNOT NAME YOU ONE BY ONE AS YOUR TOO MANY..ITS NOT ONLY HYUN AND YONG WHO MAKES MY DAY AN EXCITING ONE BUT AS WELL YOU ALL GUYS...YOU ARE ALL SO TALENTED. HAVE A NICE AND FRUITFUL DAYS ALWAYS..



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crystal_malfoy Yeh! Nightshifters' HIGH FIVE!


_d3seohyun Loving the caps babe! Keep them coming!


Yonghwa should be MCing Inkigayo on Sun. Trax performed on Music Bank today. But Trax should be performing at SM Town concert in Shanghai tomorrow (Sat), what is the chances of them flying back in time for Inkigayo on Sun? For some


reason, I'm kind of looking forward to some Yonghwa- Jung Mo interaction at some point... :sweatingbullets: heeheehee It's SHOWDOWN!


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Guest Crystal392
















































Purestupidity: Hey!!! *YongSeo hi5 style* hehehe
















I also want to see YongHwa interviewing TRAX members on Inki, maybe he will mention something about his goddess Hyun~? ;)
















Awww I'm so excited to watch the next episode. Ueno Juri is soo cute ^___^
















YongSeo ♥
















Btw, did you notice they seemed to be cooking something on the house? Is it just me or they seemed to be making something that looked liked kimchi? I think I saw Yong~ wearing those transparent gloves.... hmmm

















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hi gogumas!!!


i'v been buzy celebrating my festive, but yongseo thread never leaves my mind!! :lol:


tks for EVERYTHING, EVERYONE!! gogumas are jjang!! :wub:


i can't help but love our jung seobang more.


during the Thai fanmeet, u guys would've noticed that when he saw the yongseo bag,


he looked surprised "on! buin!" and immediately hugged it. he does miss her!! ;)


i love those cute gifts!! Thai gogumas hwaiting!!


redtulip, i'm going to take that test after all these visitings.


puivixen, u can't expect him to shout to the world "yes! we're dating" do u?


both he and hyun are still very young, has their works cut out for them, and


above all, they are idols.


as much as yong knows there are lots of yongseo shippers EVERWHERE, and i mean EVERYWHERE,


he is also aware of what those antis can do.


i also believe that as much a he wants to say it, he can't!


and i also think its sweet of him to protect her in anyway he can.


he can't say it, but his gestures all point to one thing...HE'S COMMITTED TO HER!


have u seen any wgm couple wear their rings outside of filming as much as yongseo couple?


we gogumas always talk abt how fate and destiny plays a big part in yongseo lives,


and we believe in it. i believe in what i see. :phew:


i hope my ranting doesn't put u off further.


hope to spread some of hyun's positive thinking to u...


Saturday is here again!!! :w00t:


expecting some live reports from u guys...tks in adv!


oh yes! in the prev, (tks for the link) i'm not happy one teeny weeny bit..


why aren't they sharing an umbrealla? -_-


but i know they'll be lots of yongseo sweet moments to make up for it :wub:


did i hear yong speak jpnese?



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Guest hihi_hehe




























thanks for awesome stuff !!!




















LOVE LOVE Thai Yongseo's fans, thank you guys for keeping updating us :wub:




















about Yonghwa's answer for the question whether Yonghwa and Seohyun are dating in the real life ... I would like to share some of my thoughts




















I find it EXPECTED for Yonghwa to answer "NO". I'm not surprised, not happy either mad, becuz "NO" is the COMMON SENSE for this question.




















I'd like to hear no than yes, honestly ! Why?




















1st: If Yonghwa said yes, there would be many news about it, and you know how crazy, greedy the netizen will be when they react to this answer "Yes"




















2nd: Take a look at the reality. Do you think it's easy for idols to date?? Hella no !!!




















As I said, it took Se7en 7 years to reveal his girlfriend, and you know immediately he lost fans, a big number ! Cnblue is just a rockie, they're doing good right now, definitely




















SNSD has been a top girl group in Korean obviously. With that just a mistake "yes" or "no" may cause something huge ... I'm not over analyzing it, it's true




















I don't care if Yongseo is dating or not, I don't care what kind of question about Yongseo and how Yonghwa or Seohyun answers about those questions. Matter of fact, I care about what they think of each other.




















People look at their rings whenever they go, it's good, fine. I find it really sweet to see them wearing the rings in their normal lives. BUT, I think we put to much meaning on the rings... some one said they were sad becuz Yonghwa didn't wear his ring back in May/June.




















And the "I" (I recalled when this thread was full of "controversial" posts about this issue)




















As Yonghwa said "Ideal is just ideal"! That's it, that's what I want to hear! I even don't need Yonghwa to say: "My wife is good, nice ...." becuz just we know that, Yonghwa knows that is good enough !




















Sorry for my long post ... If I've made mistakes, just kindly let it go :)




















My school life has some problems, I'm tired, and don't know what to do




















This post I wrote to express my feelings toward my beloved YongSeo, and for some one who may come up with the "question: why Yonghwa said no?" or "I'm disappointed" .. Hope this post may help you




















See you guys tonight !!!





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dreamyboo: Thanks for sharing that. Yeah he is indeed a triple A. I really can't imagine all he went through at such a young age just because he wanted to fulfill his dream which was to become a singer; as we all know he comes from a wealthy family and being the youngest (he has one older brother) I'm sure he was a bit spoiled. Soo going by himself to Japan with his CNBLUE brothers and living alone must have been difficult, he even went to jail :( I'm also proud of him being independant but I hope he 'shares his burden' with his CNBLUE brothers and Hyun~... I'm sure they, as idols too, will understand him :) Yong~ now you are not alone, you have your beautiful wife! ^^



































I love the story of CNBlue in Japan but I didn't know he went to jail? Why? (should that be a spoiler thingy?)
















_d3seohyun thank you for the screencaps.... have to laugh imagining Yong frenetically pacing around the table over how to keep the other boys away from her... and ah! the jacket! ;)
















Also, the gifts from the Thailand fans are so cute!









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Guest Crystal392






jnj: Hii!! :D Yeah I also think I heard him speak in Japanese @0:36. hehehe it seems that they are making Ueno do some aegyo :P I heard her say 'Oppa' xD


Btw, how old is Ueno?


hihi_hehe: I agree 100% with what you wrote. :)




*YongSeo reaction when they found out about Ueno Juri: ( :lol: both are so cute)






Can't wait to watch the episode!! And is it just me or Hyun~ and Yong~ look similar? ^^


Check this cute fanmade video:


[ƒмν] YongSeo couple - Because you loved me ♥


EDIT: cailei:


He used to perform on Japan streets before his debut with his CNBLUE brothers, so one day he was caught by the police and they took him to jail. I don't exactly remember why but he was the only one that went, the other boys didn't. He mentioned it on CNBLUEtory and once on a variety show where they ask him if he had ever being in a police station. You can watch CNBLUETORY here:

http://cnbluestorm.com/f-b-i/ , the links to the episodes with eng subs are under 'Projects'. :)



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