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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is it me or this thread seem pretty slow today?.. :huh:.Just sharing something i found in dc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun couple's ring..Does anyone have Yong ring's pic?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Here's Yonghwa's:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Oh my gosh, I really didn't use to think it was the same ring! Thank you so much for the pictures, monie1909 and jinkee. Now I can truly jump for joy! It's the same ring!!! YAAAAAY!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, I have to admit, I am always some sort of a skeptic. I love this couple so so much but I'm so slow to believe in some kinds of rumors. Maybe because I've been burned way too many times before. But I'm soooo happy the couple rings are identical! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And they do seem like new rings, right? I hope an episode clears this up. They should talk about how they shopped for new rings! Soooo happy!

































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












i guess the rings they wear now are new. based on the design and thickness of the ring. their old ring is not that thick. plus Seohyun's ring now has a big stone. she said in ep19 that she lost the original diamond and replaced it with the one that is used on fingernails. the rings are similar. but the one that Yong is wearing is straight while Hyun's has a curve near the diamond. Yong's old ring has glue marks (based on ep 19) but the ring he wears now is shiny and sparkling. last episode, Yong did not wear his ring. maybe because it was badly damaged beyond repair. maybe thats when he decided to buy new rings. **poor guy, he was coughing from episode 20 up to episode 22. when they were playing pool, he coughed. he really hasn't recovered yet. thankfully he was able to relax for that day shooting WGM, taking a break from the idol life and spend time with his brothers and Hyun. its also good for Hyun to relax a bit. Filming WGM could eat time in their schedule, but at least they can be themselves, relax, and to "date." :)



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I can not say anything, obviously I love them both. Seohyun, you're No. 2 after tae yeon but I love you more than anything else in the pair with Yong hwa .. :D

This heart glad, you like a king and queen :lol: 26d07309-2ff9-4b0a-bfe7-0d563e1b08c21.03.01

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Here's a follow up on my magazine picture, newspaper report!
























it says--"we got married!" "it's official!" "jung yong hwa" "seo joo hyun" "cn blue" "snsd"












haha. i know, kind of lame, but i didnt know if the other words i would put would be grammatically incorrect in korean hangul. :lol:












thanks to monie1909 and jinkee for sharing those super HQ pictures of the couple rings!!












crystal those pictures of teenage yong are so adorable :wub: thanks for sharing!












dreamyboo thats pretty awesome i have to say! and just give me the link when you get the chance! thanks ahead of time!












for those of you who havent seen my "magazine" picture, here you go:
























here is the original for the "newspaper"




































and a bonus!
























i know its black/white AGAIN sorry! haha. but the original yong was b/w.












hope you enjoy! and please remember: not to hotlink, it'd be much appreciated! ;)



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Guest kazumanoid

@ panGG,your pics are awesome! I love it especially the BONUS one!it's like a real picture of them..they're really a match made in HEAVEN! Yong is really handsome even before,he's so cute! Seohyun at the Despicable Me premiere, she was so elegant. She's becoming prettier and lovelier, maybe she's in LOVE!:wub:

About the last episode,it was really really Good! I watch the ep so many times and i still feel like it was the first time i watch it. I really feel the special bond between the CN BLUE with Seohyun. Hyun is really special and Yong Choding!

I'm excited for the saturday. :D

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hey panGG... didn't know u're the reporter for that particular company *ahems* xD

i ROFL-ed when i saw that newspaper pic! whaahahahah! but it was very creative of ya!

like kazumanoid, i love ur PS pics~! the bonus one is *full of :wub: *

thanks for sharing~!


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dreamyboo i was wondering if anyone was going to catch that! haha. i thought it was pretty funny too. it was totally a none planned idea. haha. just happened to run across that report picture somewhere earlier today. :lol:












kazumanoid thanks for the comments!



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Guest miel_1301

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l4-722kZlA&feature=related  listen to the cnblue in korea 1st concert.

i find this verrrryyyyy intriguing.... 02:11 (yong pointing at someone up there)

"you're a sweet girl, you're my girl"  -sweet holiday lyrics

i remember that time we were spazzing about hyun attending the concert and the lovelight portion, 

well we missed this one gugumas..... big time!!!!!


I am more than HAPPY iluvyong. Thanks oh so much! And can I give you a hug for this?

Oh! goodness! How did this vid clip manage to escape the "radar" of the many gogumas here. We sure missed this BIG TIME... really BIG TIME! I guess we've been pretty much obsessed with "Love Light" that we did not anticipate that there could be something more other than that [and should I say even better and clearer?].

From the vid clip, it was obvious that he did not only address that "someone" at the second floor by merely looking up but he still made it even clearer by pointing his finger up [in that direction] when he rapped the part "to the sweet girl... you're my girl now".

For me, one doesn't need to have the brain of Einstein to decipher WHO he could be pointing to up there, does it? hahaha!




Now, it's making all sense.

In the presscon interview in Singapore the boys were asked, "What song from your album would you dedicate to your girlfriend?". YongHwa answered that definitely not "I'm a Loner" because it would mean that he is "A Loner". I was somehow amused at him when he made mention, in passing, of this song "I'm A Loner" because seriously, who would expect him to give this choice of a song to sing for a special someone knowing very well its meaning? I recall he did say in the episode when he and SeoHyun watched AVATAR, in response to the ladies who recognized him as "Waetoriya", that he is no longer "A Loner" because he is married now. So in this presscon interview, he was somehow making a subtle allusion on the fact that in reality "He is no longer A Loner". And so he then went on to enumerate 3 songs: "Love Revolution", "Love Light" and "Sweet Holiday". "Love Revolution" was the song [in the 1st Album] that SeoHyun mentioned first that she likes when Jonghyun asked her during her first meeting with them. Then, we all know of course the significance of "Love Light", despite what skeptics say otherwise. SeoHyun probably likes "Sweet Holiday", too, as it was composed by Minhyuk.

Thanks MXiahcky, blushoes and phokar for the early/initial updates about the boys' arrival in Bangkok.

And thanks blueshoes for the info re their radio interview channels and schedules.

From nine entertain

MC ask them about ideal type of girl who they like

Yonghwa : He like who not lie and be kind-hearted

Yong wear the ring

Lately, it seems like our boy has been pretty much consistent with his answers in his interviews. It's the same answer he gave during the HongKong Showcase.

@phokar, thanks, too for the links you shared on the boys' arrival at the airport. YongHwa looked like he wasn't in a good mood. He was probably feeling tired and sleepy. I saw him yawning in one of the vid clips. Well, he somehow made up for it when he waved at the fans on their way out of the airport. He must have felt re-charged after seeing your welcome banner--- "Yo~ng and Hy~un". You Thai Gogumas are daebak!

So all you Thai Gogumas will be on your toes for the duration of CN Blue's Showcase in Thailand? We will await for all your juicy accounts and experiences that you will be sharing with us. Just don't forget to shout-out the "CODES"--- YongSeo, So Nyeo Shi Dae, SeoHyun, We Got Married--- just so to make YongHwa see and acknowledge the presence of all Sweet Potato lovers.

@monie1909, thank you for that close up shot of SeoHyun's ring. I've been dying to see her ring since most of the times we only see YongHwa's. And I've been equally dying to know the "story" about this couple ring. I trust YongHwa's words when he said in a radio interview last July 05 that there is a "story" behind their couple ring. We shall be seeing this very soon I guess since those 3 last episodes [20, 21, 22] we saw were filmed last June 15, 2010. And around this date was the time when YongHwa had been seen not wearing his couple ring in his appearances outside WGM. Even during the couple's MuCore Emceeing with Yuri last June 19, 2010, YongHwa was seen without his couple ring.

@panGG, you did an amazing job again. All gogumas in the thread never fail to impress me. Such a pool of talented people.

And to all new spazzers... continue spazzing, posting, sharing just about anything. We are definitely growing in number all for the love of our YongSeo Couple. And we shall never cease to spread the LOVE even farther and wider, right?

And to the lurkers... lurk no more! Get out of your caves and share your love for the couple with us. Aren't you feeling suffocated in there? hahaha!

A Good Day to everyone!

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miel_1301 i love how your insights and comments make a lot of sense.
































































































































































































































































Not that ours didn't... hahaha!
































































































































































































































































The ring story.... il be anticipating!!!!
































































































































































































































































LYRICS: "To the sweet girl... you're my girl now" ---
































































































































































































































































SWEET!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































Just a thought: I know they have gazillions of fancams of CNBLUE concert. I wonder if SEOBABY has her own Videos from the concert. hahaha! -- calling fic writers! FANCAM. please write something good about it..... we'll pay you!!!! hahahaha .

































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































@dreamybo : yes! the rings looks expensive now. I remember reading some rumors that, i think there's this fan or fans ask hubby Yong about the ring then he said he make it as a necklace (not sure if old ring or new ring that time) Then another rumor that hubby Yong said wifey SeoHyun gave him a expensive gift (maybe during his bday) and to find out we must watch wgm something like that. So still don't know until we watch the wgm kekeke! but looking everyday their concert videos, guesting, all these photos. We can say the lovely couple ring are sweet and New. :)
































































































@heartbreak: is right, the old couple ring is both badly damage esp the ring that hubby Yong. So this ring that they both wearing now is very sure NEW and yes! looks expensive kekeke! So nice to see both of them are wearing it even though their not in wgm show. I can say that to do that it's means both of them are special w/ each other wow! love love love. :)
































































































@Miel: yeah! during that lovelight song he always look up bcoz wifey Hyun are sititng 2nd flr kekeke! What a nice concert hubby Yong had during that 1st concert. 2 lovely ladies in his life during that nite are present. His mother who i think sitting in 2nd flr as well then his wifey Hyun :) lovely indeed kekeke!
































































































@panGG: thanks for all that photos, so lovely.
































































































and to all of you talented goguma out there. kamsahanida. I really can't wait for saturday :)
































































































YongSeo lovers in Thailand i hope u can share soon what happen to the boys there kekeke. Thanks.

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












@miel: where was Seohyun seated during CNBlue's concert? Yong was pointing to his upwards to his right (left side of the stage) and I remember reading that Seohyun was seated on the 2nd floor, left side of the stage. this is also the place where members of FTIsland was also seated, if Im not mistaken. can you confirm where Seohyun was seated during that time? **** @SophiaPia: the expensive gift that Seohyun gave Yong was the Propolis (honey antibiotics) she gave it to Yong during filming of WGM but it was not shown or could be edited out. She gave it to him after he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules. about Yong making the ring a necklace, it was after the day after the performance where Yong lost his ring. some fans asked if He found the ring, then he said that he did and wears it as a necklace so he wont lose it again.



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Guest NilyxYongSeo






It's been a while since I haven't posted but I'm really busy, so I'm sorry. But I spend reading your messages every day.


Then about YongSeo's ring, I think it's really news rings, let's compare this :


This is old ring (We can easy see the ring of Yonghwa)


And I don't remember who ask how is SNSD's ring (in her  right hand I think it's her SNSD ring but I'm not sure) :


228597addds.png  260907aadddssssg.png


Then the news rings (pics by Monie1909 and Jinkee) :


Hyun                                        Yong


359857hyuncouplering.png  19491335mdr9y.jpg



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Guest Rouenna









monie&jinkee: Thanks for sharing those pics!! So we can conclude they now have new rings? Can someone please post a screencap of the rings they bought on the first ep of WGM?
































































Here's a screecap of Hyun's old ring. Capped from Ep 18 when she revealed she pasted a nail art in replace of the original stone.








































































You can see the similarity of the ring shape on the new ring as well posted by @monie1909.
































































































































































































































































Edit: Oops! @NilyxYongseo posted it already. :P
































































Let me post Yong's old ring, then. The shape is similar as well.








































































So I take it both of them got new rings with the old design. :phew:









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well done, goguma FBIs (NilyxYongSeo, Rouenna, monie, jinkee, iluvyong & many more)!!!! *thumbs up*

as miel has pointed out that yong has been consistent with his answer to the "ideal" question, i figure that before he gave those consistent answers... he was still unsure of hyun's feelings for him. that means... as of recently, he's gotten some confidence from hyun about their relationship just by looking at his answers to some questions. i wonder when did he begin giving those consistent answers? was it back in june? goguma FBIs, i need ur help on this! ahahahah at least we'll know when did they become steady xD

panGG, as promised... here's yong just for u. do indulge urself in him...

after u're satisfied with ur indulgence... pls do immediately notify me, as i too, wanna indulge myself in ur indulgence.... xD kekeekek


edit: victorialouise, u're another talented goguma alright! haaha thanks so much for sharing that cute goguma wallpaper~! :)

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Guest viktorialouise

I am new in this thread but isn't new in the YongSeo love affair. Hehehe! Because I can't stop fangirling about this couple I drew this. I am a YongSeo fan.



Click the image to view in full size.

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Guest miel_1301

Thanks NilyxYongSeo and Rouenna for those photos of the ring comparison.

Hahaha! This "couple ring" is now starting to drive me a bit crazy. hehehe!!!

Looking closely, SeoHyun's new ring is the same as the old ring in so far as the shape and style are concerned. But the quality of the new ring, comparing it to the old, is very different. The new ring looks shinier, more solid and it looks real [not a fancy one].

I would like to think that they had the new rings custom-made. They copied the style and the design of the old ring.

What's giving me a headache now is YongHwa's ring that he wore during the Press Conference in Singapore. Hahaha!

Does it look somehow different from the ring of SeoHyun? Or could it be just the lighting and the angle from which the photo was taken?


But then, take a look at these captures posted by sally7 many pages back.

Captures of YongHwa from Inkigayo last 22 August 2010:



originally posted by: sally7

Now, definitely, this ring YongHwa was seen wearing at Inkigayo looks the same as SeoHyun's.

So it would be safe to say now that they have a new couple ring.

YongHwa~yah! You better have a real good story to tell us about this ring. Ahrasso? hahaha!

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Guest SophiaPia








@heartbreak thanks for the info :)






@NilyxYongSeo thanks, now i'm satisfied that the ring is new kekeke! only we need to wait hopefully we can see in the coming wgm episode how, when, where they get their new ring. It's really lovely every time i looked on this couple ring :) so sweet.






sorry off topic: about Taeyeon and Lee Teuk dating bcoz of matching earrings.












so our YongSeo couple got their couple ring, are they dating as well for real kekeke! i wish love love love :)








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Guest Crystal392
















































I can't get over how many talented gogumas we have here.
















I'm in a hurry but just wanted to say the Ring Yong~ is wearing seems the same as Hyun~ but in some caps it's as if it's turned; like hmmm don't know how to explain it xD like he put it the other way xD the left side on the right side and viceversa if you know what I mean (In rings there aren't a definied right or left side, unless it has a special inscription or sth). But imo both are wearing definitely the same ring and those are new rings ^_^

















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