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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































Sharing this Carribean Bay promo pics for Holloween :) posted by someone at GG thread..
































































Yeah i know seobaby's with another guy, but.. the! who cares?! just look at her hands ;)

































































































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Guest Crystal392






baby_bo: Thanks soo much for sharing that pic ^^ Ring ding dong! :) Halloween!! :D




Yesuung~~ OMO he is my fave from SuJu! hahaha soo cute... awww I want to believe its brother-sisters love xD I've always liked Yoona with Taecyeon or NichKhun and well... SeoHyun with YongHwa



*From tvdaum: http://tvzonebbs.media.daum.net/griffin/do/talk/program/wemarried/read?bbsId=354_a&articleId=3976&pageIndex=1



From best left: articles 1, 2, 3 and 5 are about YongSeo


From best right: articles 1, 2 3, 4 and 5 (all articles) are about YongSeo ^_^


;) hopefully someone can translate what the letters next to best mean

lol I still don't know the difference between best left and best right... but I guess best means something right?




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Guest ishtargoddess
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi gogumas! I just want to share something that a friend of mine, a guy, said about Hyun, when he went to see the SM Town concert in LA last weekend. He loves Hyun and ships the YongSeo couple, too, which is really sweet. I don't know, I always find guys who loves our YongSeo sweet. Anyway, so before he went to the concert, I asked him to share any fan account he could come up with from the show. He's a guy so I was not really keeping my hopes up but knowing that he loves YongSeo and is quite smitten by the Goddess, I knew he would deliver and he did.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know if I should keep this in spoiler since there is a mention of the maknae duet but it actually involves YongSeo and how Hyun handles the situation according to my friend's observation. My friend's the type who does not mince his words, even with YongSeo, so I really enjoy his observations.
































































































































































































































































































































































































His account actually included SuJu and SNSD but I only quoted those he said about Hyun and YongSeo. Read on...

The moment GG/SNSD came out as a group, I was squinting my eyes to find Hyun. And I realize I didn't need to. Even if she was almost always in the back (because she was the maknae?) I still found her easily. And Justin, the friend who went with me, also said "who we looking for?" And i said, it's this girl with the wavy hair. Her face comes up on the Jumbotron. And I said "her, she's who were looking for." And Justin says, "I knew it. She got me hooked when they came out." Without much to say, I guess both of us were struck by the Power of Hyun....

And saving the best for last, the maknae duet. I now understand why Kyu is well loved. He's an adorable boy. When he was singing with Seo Hyun, I wanted to ball up my fist for Yong Hwa's sake, but I think there's no need to, because Kyu was just pure love. He respected his dongsaeng (Am I right to understand that Kyu is Yong's age?) But knowing Yong, maybe he can get jealous. Maybe he can get afraid. Know why? because the way Kyu handled Hyun was like seeing Jung Shin being reverent to his Hyunsoonim. I was looking at them singing, and I thought - Kyu knows the truth. In the space between filming WGM, doing their Japan tours and practicing for this FM, Hyun must have told him something. And he guards it well but also with all due respect to the guy in Hyun's picture. And Hyun is still her innocent self, not putting on a show as there was nothing that shouted "fan service" in the way she let him hold her hand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































We went to the after party. Seo Hyun came... Hyun IS a goddess...
































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to: tokki of anjellhaven.net































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know it was just an observation on my friend's part but reading his account about the maknae duet makes me feel more secure (not that I am insecure about it before) and believe more in the power of YongSeo and that their duet at the Incheon Concert was not mere work for Hyun and Yong but the real thing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Whew, this got to be the longest post I ever did in this thread. I hope I did not bore you. Thanks for reading!

































































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Guest Crystal392






ishtargoddess: hehehe I also find guys who love uri YongSeo sweet too ^_^ Thanks soo much for sharing that fanaccount, your friend is really funny and seems mature, I laughed so much at 'I wanted to ball up my fist for Yong Hwa's sake' :lol: tell him thanks soo much for his fanaccount :D I really enjoyed reading it.


Btw, a fancam from ANJELL reunion (YongHwa with JGS and PSH): http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA0NDEzNzU2.html



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Guest hihi_hehe




























ishtargoddess: thank for the fan account ... I envy everyone who had chance to attend SM concert ... I just live 15 minutes away, but I couldn't go to there *sigh*




















Same as crystal_malfoy: I find really sweet that guys who love our beloved YongSeo




















I have friends who are guys that love YongSeo, they don't spazz like us, don't talk much about YongSeo, but they surely love YongSeo same like us ... :wub:





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Guest Norabella
































It's been a long time since I last commented here. Been busy juggling with work and all the preparations for our Eid celebrations which is on this Friday BUT no matter how busy I am, I still keep tracked whats happening here.
















I love to see all the lovely fan accounts, photos, videos of our YongSeo couple here...thank you so much dear goguma aliens. I am excited to see the upcoming episode of WGM. I think this episode will actually shows us the exact situation of this couple, esp after their famous duet recently. Their smiles, stares and body language have actually show it all. I love to see the progress of our Seobaby to a beautiful Goddess like Seolady...so innocent yet so lovely. And out 'choding' Yong who has accidentally show us his real feelings too...doesn't he?
















Did someone ask how many times we watch an episode of our YongSeo couples?? Well, for me at least 10 times w/o subs and uncountable times with subs...ha..ha..just cant get enough or never felt sick watching the episodes.









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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































Hello!!! I love this thread, arghhh everytime I come back there is a new goody to spazz about... Woa SH now is wearing only her couple ring... I know there is something there. Someone questioned a few pages back if we think they are there... well in my opinion the feelings are there, the thing is that I think that they havent taken the last few steps to be in a real relationship... But I just know they like each other really bad and that makes me really happy!!!
































































































































































































Back to reality, I am very bad with technological things and I am wondering if anyone have ripped the audio of RDR and Love Light from the concert, I want to have it in repeat in my MP3 but I cant get the audio... Please if someone got the audio please share....
































































































































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!
































































































































































































One last thing, I am in total shock with the video of YH dancing in his school. Ok, IF that is really him, WOA the boy can move. More good points for him... How I love that guy but I know he belongs to SH, dont worry SH I will support you two to death... I am in that point in wich if he is happy I am happy for him.
































































































































































































Ah!!! Love is in the air.
































































































































































































Sorry for all the random comments. I am spazzing alone in my home and my brothers dont really like WGM.... :(

















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Guest haeanna
































































hi fellow YongSeo lovers~
































































have nothing to share here :sweatingbullets:
































I just want to post here before getting myself busy starting today till Sunday.
































busy preparing for Hari Raya Aidilfitri~~
































































just to answer someone question about how many times did I watch every episode of YongSeo couple.
































Well for me, If i have time I'll livestreaming, so that count as 1
































































2. when raw has been upload to YT
































3. I'll download the raw and watch it repeatedly for about 2-3 times until our angel, j2dlee post the translation
































































4. off to watch again with translation
































5. when sun_sun upload the subbed version to YT
































6. when yukiandjudy upload their vers to YT
































7. when amazing RDR subs finished subbing and I'll download it for keepsake
































8. when I open this thread and someone (fellow gogumass) spazz about certain capture or etc. or from the DAEBAK screencaps provided by queen of screencaps, d3_seohyun
































9. when I'm stressed out while waiting for latest ep
































































































In conclusion, for every episode I watch for about 10 times..
































































and That is the power of YongSeo LOVE~~ :wub:
































































Sorry if i bored you guys with my nonsense post. blush.gif
































































































ps:to everyone who thanked me for posting pics and gif..it's my pleasure to contribute something to this beloved thread.. :wub:
































































Although I'm unable to watch this Saturday episode, I am glad to know that my fellow goguma will watch it for me~~ :w00t: and SPAZZ many many many~~

































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miel, crystal...thanks for those pics of hyun. u guys are jjang when it comes to finding latest pics & infos of them! :D

hahaahah panGG!!! u're daebak!!! i knew u could do better than me! while looking at the pic, i'm totally giggling like a mad lady in the office right now! xD kekekekeke i'll give u the link if i can find it later as i'm not at home right now (all seohwa's pics are in my personal computer >.<)~!

oh, i noticed something! deng, u're a genius to make hyun's hand disappear & also to make it not so apparent with the greyscale! u're jjang, girl! :w00t:

lenovo-cuzz... u got me hyper excited with ur headline!!! deng, i almost thought it was real!!! hah!!!! nonetheless, it was an awesome read! it got me energized right away at work! LOL!! haha thanks, girl! xD

ishtargoddess, that wasn't boring at all! haha thanks to u & ur friend for this! now that ur friend mentioned it, i went to rewatch seokyu's duet. boy, ur friend's right! kyuhyun looked like he's trying his best not to brew any misunderstanding. he's pretty sweet eh. and 'cause of this, my impression on him has gotten a bit better. :)

haeanna, norabella haha like u, i guess most of us here watch seohwa's eps countless of times! their scenes & convos are even imprinted onto our brain! come to think of it, we're a funny bunch of gogumas eh~! xD haenna...oh, so can i assume that u're from malaysia too since u're preparing for raya?

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Guest lovekim
























































LaBelle!!!!!!! hahahaha! i understand...sometimes things are so fast and so busy, no choice but to become lurkers...miss miss miss you much!








































crystal, baby_bo and s0leil!! thanks for the photos and gif!! ooh....halloween.....kekeke!if only we celebrate that in singapore. it'll be fun! Coz only the clubs & pubs are doing so. SeoHyun is getting prettier i must say....can't help but sing: "the look of love is in her eyes~~~" lols!








































okie....Thai YongSeo gogumas & boices...it seems the boys are arriving Bangkok today. Credits: CNBlue Storm








































CNBLUE will arrive on 8 September 2010  Flight OZ741  Time : 22.05 pm








































Date : 9 Sep 2010








































11.20 pm. Live interview @ 9 Entertain  (Live Brodcast @ ch 9)








































14.30 pm. Live interview @ Hot FM 91.5  (Radio)








































17.00 pm. Live @ Siamplayground at Truemusic 








































Date : 10 Sep 2010








































  7.30 pm. Live interview @ Kunpak  (Live Broadcast @ ch7)








































16.00 pm. Press Conference @ Siam Discovery Park








































16.30 pm. Fan signing  @ Siam Discovery Park








































20.00 pm. Live interview @ Seed 97.5 FM (Radio)








































Date : 11 Sep 2010








































17.30 pm. CNBLUE FAN MEETING @ Siam Paragon F. 5






























































































































Sigh....i wanna see them again!! miss listening and watching them perform live. Gogumas, if you havent gotten tickets to their FanMeet, please do so NOW!!! (that is, if the tickets arent sold out yet) They are really really really fantastic live!!! ~JongHyun ah~~








































Poor boys....after that, it's back to Seoul and then off to Japan, osaka...tight tight schedule....Yong, you must miss your wifey pretty much eh?~~








































Now...let me go plan the SG gogumas' meeting and flex my fingers for the ticket buying for the kpop concert. Urgh!! yesh dreamyboo, as per that article you read...it was THAT chaotic...sigh....quite ready for a heart attack soon...








































Lenovo....*waves annyeong~* do you get enough sleep by the way?kekeke! night-shifter~









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Guest Crystal392
















































To all the ones who want to see and hear YongHwa and the other CNBLUE boys speaking on Japanese:
















2010.09.07 Special Up
















lovekim: CNBLUE's schedule is going to be crazy, and SNSD too because they are going to officially begin their promotions in Japan on Sept 9 right? (hope someone can confirm it). I just hope SNSD girls and CNBLUE boys will take good care of their health.
















Kerube-Chan: Aww I feel the same way... I also love Yong~ soo much, but not as a crazy fan who wants to marry him and hates every girl who gets too close to him, no... I am his fan and, as you said, if he is happy I am also happy for him ^^ As a fan, I can't think of anyone better for him than Hyun~... she is just a lovely girl :)

















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To all the ones who want to see and hear YongHwa and the other CNBLUE boys speaking on Japanese:


2010.09.07 Special Up


lovekim: CNBLUE's schedule is going to be crazy, and SNSD too because they are going to officially begin their promotions in Japan on Sept 9 right? (hope someone can confirm it). I just hope SNSD girls and CNBLUE boys will take good care of their health.


Kerube-Chan: Aww I feel the same way... I also love Yong~ soo much, but not as a crazy fan who wants to marry him and hates every girl who gets too close to him, no... I am his fan and, as you said, if he is happy I am also happy for him ^^ As a fan, I can't think of anyone better for him than Hyun~... she is just a lovely girl :)



crystal_malfoy u're the best kind of fan there can be. if only all fans shared the same sentiments & support for their idol/s. i am neither a boice nor a sone but i do support SeoHyun (especially) & YongHwa in my heart. As individuals, as part of their respective groups & definitely as my favourite wgm couple. :wub:






The kind of fan you described really scares me a great deal. When I read comments from antis (some even claim not to be antis) toward any idol, most of the time, the female pop idols get the brunt of it. It really saddens me to see so much hate.







Thankfully when i'm down, re-watching episodes of Yo~ng & Hy~un never fails to lift my spirits right back up. ^_^




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Guest hihi_hehe
















































ain't fans suppose to be like that?? But I guess not, since some fans think they possess their idols!




















I try not to love any idol, especially male idols, I don't want to turn to be some one who loves my idol to the point that I want to marry him like crystal_malfoy said, or hates every girls that get close to him ... that's kinda .... eh




















but I know when it comes to love, it comes to jealousy ... I admit that sometimes seeing Yonghwa or Seohyun get intimate with some other male/female celebrity, I get jealous :phew:




















maybe becuz I love them so much




















but now I found it kinda stupid, so I dropped that feeling, I'm now happy with you guys, in GOGUMA PLANET ahahahah , that is the most important thing for me ^^




















and I thank to all of you who make this thread the beautiful place I've known !





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Guest Norabella
































Hi dreamyboo....
















sorry to cut your post,
















haeanna, norabella haha like u, i guess most of us here watch seohwa's eps countless of times! their scenes & convos are even imprinted onto our brain! come to think of it, we're a funny bunch of gogumas eh~! xD haenna...oh, so can i assume that u're from malaysia too since u're preparing for raya?
































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Hi guys! I´ve been spazing as always with all the good stuff here, I love this threat so much!:wub:








































I think I read someone asking for the CNBLUES´s mp3 ^^ so I will share the link...
















































































and this one that I took from a fancam (I love the spazzing fans haha)








































CN BLUE S (RDR&LL spazing fans).mp3








































Thank you all for share all the goddies. Seohyun looks beautiful in blue and I really loved the photoshop pics ^^








































Thanks for sharing ANJELLS fancam :wub: , YongHwa dancing, and Yong burning :sweatingbullets: and CNBLUE speaking Japanese and schechuald and everything! thank u guyss









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Guest _d3seohyun
































































thank you everyone for all the goodies, insights and posts shared :D excuse this lazy and sleepy goguma today as I don't feel like naming each and one of you :D appreciate everything *hugz*






















































































































































posting and spazzing in one go....




































































































































































































































































omg! seobaby is leaving me in schock everytime she appears somewhere. no doubt she's getting prettier but my ohSEOgoodness! she's also getting sexier and i bet all the sweet potatoes in the world that she's not even trying to be. yonghwa better had seen at least a clip of that premiere on tv or something. his ohSEOgoddess is in a blue dress! I can imagine him biting his sexy lips if he had seen it kya!













































































































































































































The pic of the young boy hugging seobaby had me LOLing like crazy. Very smart boy, even keeping his face hidden from the media, might have been thinking of Yong seobang hahahha































































































[Fancam] Fans' reactions as SEOBABY hugged the Minion and the little boy :)
































































































Random scene I want to spazz about today...































































































This is after Seobaby missed a shot that could have won the game.
































































































I love how Seobaby stepped closer towards her husband as she said "Ah...I could have..." <3
















































And of course the loving hubby comforting his precious buin :wub:
































































































































































































































































































His hand always guiding her :wub:
































































































































































































the happy YONGSEO after JH missed the shot...
















































































































































They're so getting used to this whole good job/it's okay/feel better tapping thing,
















































that it's just a matter of time before it turns into carressing hahahah :P































































































































































































@jnj. are these the ones you were looking for?































































































H: Do you think he is different when I’m around?































































































Y: I’m always same.































































































JS: He is, but he is nicer to you.































































































MH (Well said!)































































































JH (I agree!)































































































H: Hahahaha!!
















































c: j2dlee































































































Jungshin chingu jjang! Shy(and busted) yong is :wub:
















































LOL @ JH's reaction
















































































































































JH: (Minhyuk) is sulky.































































































MH: No~ I’m not being sulky!































































































Y: Only because I didn’t let you do your magic.































































































H: But you were too much, especially during his magic….































































































Y (to his wife’s words): Okay, I won’t joke around. I’ll just watch.































































































JS: This is the difference between you and us.































































































JS: If I said it, he would go ‘whatever, whatever’ but when you said it, he was like ‘Oh, is that so~?’































































































H: Oh~































































































Y: Is Seo Hyun as same as you guys?































































































JS: Of course not
















































c: j2dlee















































































































































































































































I love the way Yonghwa said ok here to his buin kya!
















































































































































































































































































































































Satisfied wife and embarassed hubby...































































































































































































And because I love the rapport between these two...
















































The cutest sis/bro-in-law duo...
















































Jungshin chingu and Hyunsoonim :w00t:
















































LOL @ Minhyukie :lol:































































































































































































Good night/morning/day everyone!









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Guest rainie_chu

Sharing this Carribean Bay promo pics for Holloween :) posted by someone at GG thread..

Yeah i know seobaby's with another guy, but.. the! who cares?! just look at her hands ;)


This just reminds me...when are they going to show the WGM horror special? Or was that false news?

Anyway, just to spazz. You guys know the craze nowadays? Yep, desktop buddies.

They should come up with an SNSD SeoHyun one soon! So far we have Tiffany and Jessica only. Then a Yonghwa one should be released.

Then if both SeoHyun and Yonghwa are played, they should hi-five, run after each other, piggy back, hug and kiss.

How I wish I knew how to make one (or two)! HAHAHA!

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Guest mandyemily

so many talented gogumas here.

Thanks for all photos and news.

Love the headline. :wub:

I will also list down how many times I will watch the latest yongseo episode.

If i am not able to watch the live streaming, will stalk the baidu page for the comments posted by users who are able to watch the show live.

Then some kind soul will have upload their recorded version. will watch that once.

Then read translation by both awesome j2dlee and translator at baidu, will watch the recorded version somemore.

Later the clearer version will be posted, will watch that about 4-5 times and also read all comments by gogumas.

After that will wait for subbed version and download them for me to watch somemore.

That will be around 10 times.

while waiting for the next episode on saturday, will either continue watching the subbed

episode or rewatch the old episodes again.

This cycle will keep continuing. haha times flies pass very fast. <_<

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annyeong lovekim~! haha i guess the next time cnblue visits SG, i may need u SG potatoes' help me get a tix! xD deng, i'm still regretting over the fact that i didn't attend their perf in SG last month! >.<

crystal, thanks so much for that recent vid of yong's~! gosh... did i hear it right?!!? yong just let us preview bits of the lyric of I Don't Know Why... it seems like a very nice song and he was singing "I don't know why, I don't know why I LOVE YOU, Baby"!!! he's singing his heart out to hyun!!!! kyaaaaaaaaa :wub:

norabella ekekekek about u automatically cooked creamy pasta after watching WGM is definitely very funny! xD oh... Selamat Hari Raya to u~! ^_^

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