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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Angel27391




Thank you so much j2dlee for translating and subbing!! :D


This week's episode gave me mixed emotions. I pity Yo~ng during most of the parts but at other times, I can feel Yo~ng expressing his love bit by bit.


I feel a bit down when i heard Yo~ng's "If only I was born 2 years later"...


I replayed the scene when Yo~ng tried to comfort Hyu~n after not being able to score, Yo~ng's eyes!!








and the "HUG!!!err...HI-5!!",








"Yo~ng, gwenchana!! try again next time!!"




Next week's episode definitely looks like fun! Ueno Juri right in front of their eyes. Yong ideal type+ Hyun, the ultimate Nodame fan. XD




And.....here to share my special edition of my previous fan-made video of 사랑 빛(Love Light).Hope that gogumas would enjoy it.




사랑 빛(Love Light)-C.N.Blue MV (ft. Seo Hyun) [special Edition]



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what is wrong with soompi now? aigoo












that is interesting, kubih. tks!



i've registered but i can't find the feedback section.



top bottom left right or center?






dreamy, i have this wildest imagination that i'm soo



ashamed to share....



your wedding photoshoot makes me think of their wedding night instead!!






with yong holding the curtain like that, and hyun looking soo ready...









pardon me gogumas. i'm usually not like this



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Guest crystalblue


I wonder if YongHwa ever watches these fanboys of Seohyun's confessions of crushes on his wife and if THAT's partly why he is jealous?


This video (credit to fongnaam123)is funny-


My link




Dong Woon from Beast wanted to buy socks with Seohyun's face on them and his band brother said "She has someone already" - meaning YongHwa. In the little segment of the SBS radio interview, the host asked her of all her fanboys, who would she chose and she said Minho but I'm sure this was before she met her husband and partly bcz he's also from SM Entertainment so she knew him better and that he's her same age so she's more comfortable with him. In truth, before WGM, Seohyun didn't express who she liked as openly as YongHwa did. Anyhow, watching these things just makes me feel how special they are together and that they are truly well matched and how fate played its hand out too beautifully here. Goguma Love! :wub:


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those pics! thank u guys, Seolady looks gorgeous,  I´m hoping someone to not be jealous for this hahaha :wub:








































and SeoHyun at airport... after reading you all I also wanna know who is she talking to ^^.








































Thank you guys for all goodies















































































about the in a relationship topic.  do you guys really think so?  like seriously speaking?  you think?!















































































I know the feelings are there,,,but you guys think they're already there?  I want to hear and read















































































answers and esplanations please hahahha






























































































































For real?  I don´t think so, Not till ep 22,  BUT mikhyun´s statements were strange! hahaha.








































Sorry for my bad english I will try my best to explain what I think: I think they really really likes each other, but  when it comes to love, Yong is a shy guy as well as Hyun is, and I can´t really imagine him trying to go for Hyun if they don´t meet out of  WGM (actually we don´t know about that right?) :unsure:. Plus she is Hyun, not just an ordinary girl and he respects her so much that think he is afraid of doing something that may be uncomfortable for her, like the almost hug :(. I think he is like us haha he overanalyzes everything about his beloved girl that would be difficult to him to take the first step. I really really think that this relationship is in Hyun´s hands ^^, she is the one with the key for them...








































In the other hand (yes the good one :rolleyes:) there are MH´s statements and the fact that we don´t know how are they doing recently, we know that they have improve a lot, we know they have that glow of love in their eyes, Hyun becomes even more beautiful and I agree with you guys that must be for some special reason ^^, but we have not seeing them interacting besides their duet where their chemistry was OMG!, but was a performance after all.








































 Lucky there is someone who must loves us too much for giving us the next ep so we can make up new and better conclusions haha.:wub:








































sorry for bad english :S








































Edit: OMG OMG!!!! goguma love!! hahahaha I love love love your pics dreamyboo








































Angel27391: your special ediion is so sweet... love it








































  kubih: thanks for the info... I´m going to do it ^^









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that is interesting, kubih. tks!






i've registered but i can't find the feedback section.






top bottom left right or center?











it's on the left side menu. you can see the word of 시청자의견 for Feedback and 미션 아이디어 for Mission Idea. can you find it now? just stick your eyes on that section and you'll notice it.



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Guest miel_1301

Another good capture of Seohyun's ARRIVAL at Incheon APT today, 06 September 2010


cr: on pic+mossy@snsdthread

Seobaby, who's on the other end of the line?

Ah! She's gorgeous!!!

@dreamyboo, thanks so much dearie for that PS pic. OMG!~ Imagination of gogumas are now running wild in all sorts of direction! hahaha!

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




















based on Hyun's airport pictures, she is on the phone most of the time, unlike her unnies. could she be "reporting" to Yong? :) We know Yong "reports" to Hyun about his schedule. does Hyun do the same?? ****about the question by d3, I think they are "not yet there" but I know they are getting there. I think sometimes they forget that cameras are rolling around them, specially Yong. and the stares and looks that they give each other, those are really hard to fake. whne they stare at each other, I can feel their sincere emotion like they are saying thru their eyes "Im looking at a wonderful person.". Life of idols are very hard due to schedules and the image that they need to protect. there are so many factors that could be hindering both of them to take the next step. In my opinion, there is a high possibility that they would end up together, if not, at least they made a great friend out of each other. but my sincerest wish is that they would end up together.





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woollylamb i actually live in San Diego which is a 2 hr. drive to LA..but the drive was definitely worth it...i had so much fun!..and YES SeoGoddess voice was so sweet..i was waiting for her to say something in english but it was mostly Tiffany and Taeyeon that spoke during their introduction..
































SophiaPia i was a happy fan girl alright..i was screaming my head off..the people around me kept looking at me..coz i went crazy every time SNSD came on stage..holding my pink heart shaped foam with SNSD logo and pink glowstick :w00t:
































jnj the concert was super daebak!! it was so much fun...and I also went to the Soshified fanmeet before the concert and they had the fans write letters to the girls so I decided to write one for SeoGoddess..i shoul've taken a picture of it..but I was totally out of it at that moment coz I was super excited..haha..i wrote~ Oh My Goddess SEOHYUN i love you always and Forever!!..YONGSEO Fighting!!!..it was pretty short coz i only had a tiny space in the corner but i know she wont miss it coz i wrote it next to her name written in big bold letters..hehe..
































d3seohyun it was so EPIC..you should definitely go next SM TOWN LA concert..
































SeoGoddess looks beautiful in a wedding dress..i can't wait for Yongseo to have their wedding photoshoot already...:wub:

















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Guest unicorn_lover


reading your warm comment... i felt heartache for them, life for idols is intolerable... i don't know. I WANT THEY END UP TOGETHER...  if they would end up together it is awesome for us as we loved them together, but, for other fans :sweatingbullets:

i think, if they would end up together, they can keep it as a secret, like se7en and park han byul... now, they just a fake couple, but, fans are acting mean thus given harsh comments... i've been reading the comments, n i think if only they are in real relationship, they should keep it to themselves and we can pray for abt 5 to 7 years afterwards  we can actually see their marriage photos, the real ones... n maybe, at that time we can do cy-alumni of gogumas??? :w00t: 



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Guest Crystal392






Thanks soo much for sharing all those pics and links :)


Hyun looks gorgeous on the airport pics.


Please PDs make the wedding photoshoot a reality :)


Dreamyboo those photoshopped pics are amazing! *giggles*


Redtulip you are right, we have to get ready to analyze the next ep because it will show how is their current relationship ;)


Gogumas ftw!!!



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miel , d3 - Omo, i just saw you guys on twitter and added you two!!!!! **hugz**






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And the pics.... everytime i see that CALL pic. I can't help but wish.... We knew whom she was calling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- Please be Yonghwa-nampyeonie!!!!! :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-- Maybe she has to go straight HOME for filming! hehehe.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Filming is the new ...... I missed you so much - let's M-O! figure that out! kyahaha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So thread is so quiet. It's 3am where I am now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Since I have so much obsession of seeing YongSeo on red carpet... I wish they'd attend the yearly MBC Christmas Event/Show.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HEADLINES: SEOHYUN makes a surprising Love Confession to YONGHWA on Christmas Day! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sharing this classic Chick song:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm posting another version from the Movie Love Actually, the kid was awesome here.

All I want 4 Christmas - Love Actually scene
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She sings this song on stage.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This piece is kinda hard/tough on vocals. hehe. So it'll be a good challenge.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't want a lot for Christmas
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There is just one thing I need
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't care about the presents
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Underneath the Christmas tree
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just want you for my own































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































More than you could ever know































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Make my wish come true ( he did say --- "I'm genie for you girl" haha!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All I want for Christmas is ..... YOU (we can change the You to Yooong! hahaha!)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol
































































Although I agree it is difficult for idols to have relationships, in my opinion they should not hide, including Yongseo (if or when they get to that point). Yes, they have the right for privacy and we don't need to know what are they doing or where they are. That is their personal life! But there is no valid reason why they can't say: "I have a girlfriend/boyfriend" or "yes, we are together". It makes me angry when netizens and fans get angry and immature about it to the point of going against the artist or threatening the partner (ex, it is said Se7ven lost thousands members from his fanclub). But in the case of Se7ven he chose his love for his gf (8 year hidden relationship since high school) than being worried of losing fans.  They are artitsts/performers, not your bf/gf or wife/husband as much as you wish. Yes, fans can express their opinion without being nasty and insulting whether they like the chosen partner or not but they have no right to decide the artists personal life. I may be wrong but as one Super Junior member once said something like "I bet they (fans) have their own relationships, so why can't I too". They are HUMANS and as much as we wish to LOVE and BE LOVED, it is the same with them. 
































I think S. Korea entertainment industry is partly at fault in creating this situation and giving a false sense of entitlement and power to the"crazy fans". But I think (hopefully) this is starting to change. Now we have seen idols bringing out their relationships in public (Se7ven, Simon D) instead of continuing to hide it. The fact that Yong is close to Simon D may give him reassurance of love vs entertainment industry. Maybe that is why Simon D was poking Yong and looking him through the side of his eyes when they were questioning Yonghwa about Seohyun phone # in Happy show. It was as if Simon D knows something about Yong and then Simon also twitted a photo of both of them showing their couple rings.  
































I also think (hope) Yongseo will have it a little more easy because through the show they have developed a solid fanbase that support them even internationally. YES GOGUMAS, WE ARE IMPORTANT IF A WAR STARTS!! biggrin.gif SO GOGUMAS, PREPARE FOR BATTLE!! (Although hopefully we don't get to extreme measures sweatingbullets.gif. I am a peaceful person hahahahha).
































Now seriously, such as when your down and your friends and family are there to support you and give you strength, the same way I feel that us GOGUMA supporters will be for them when others will be like rabid dogs against them. Who knows, maybe that is why Yonghwa is gaining even more confidence in showing his ring in fan meets and concerts because he knows there are people excited as him and still support them biggrin.gif.
































































I don't know how to post a photo so for those interested in the photo of Yonghwa with Simon D showing together their rings can be found here Simon D and Jung Yonghwa: the Busan boys (allkpop article)

















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Guest mashamishmash




i kinda agree with heartbreak_warfare22


the feelings are there but they are not really there yet




yongseo remind me of my other favourite couple. they are a fictional couple actually :)




the girl




- excels accademically


- levelheaded


- loves books


- likes to help others


- a loyal friend


- protective of her friends and value them so much


- very focus on everything that she does


- sometimes she can be a little bossy






the guy



- funny


- books can be an alien thing to him  :D ( he doesnt love books as much as the girl does)


- insecure


- a loyal friend


- a mediocre student


- playful


- he can be mean to his juniors sometimes and the girl often told him off if he did that


- kindhearted




this couple has feelings for each other for years but they didnt know it. everybody knows it . their bestfriend knows it. but they themselves were  clueless about their own feelings.


it takes seven years for them to acknowledge their feelings for each other. and the girl is the one who  initiated the move.


do you guys have any idea which couple im talking about? well.. maybe this couple and yongseo are not so much alike but i cant help but notice some simillarities.




so,  i think just like my favourite fictional couple that i mentioned above, i dont think yongseo couple will acknowldge their feelings  any time soon.


( i mean.. if there is any feeling ) :)   we'll never know. they are A blood type after all



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Hmmm ... I realize that the Korean star system has many problems, and that the way stars are treated by the fans (and their own companies) isn't always right - and I'm all against having to hide your girlfriend/boyfriend, but the idol-system works differently. Plus, if you become an entertainer, you usually know what you're getting into: No (official) relationships until you are, like, 30, and marriage somewhen beyond that point. And it's not as if this has been the way since yesterday.

I don't know much about Korea and their star system, but I know A LOT about Japan, because we used to live there and my dad worked for a big newspaper there - and I assume it's a bit similar. Stars are really pressured by their companies, the competion is extremely tough and if you aren't already a star, loosing thousands of fans because you announce your girlfriend costs your company a lot of money and you possibly your job. Despite that, if idols say they don't date, they are probably lying.

The idea that fans MAKE a star is much more present there (and the relationship between fans and their favourite idol is much more intimate), and therefore, they have to uphold the impression of someone fans can project all their imagination upon.

That said: The next thing may sound harsh (and I really don't want to provoke any wars here and I'm not saying they are ALL talentless, but some singing of certain idols makes me cringe), but many idols solely depend on their good looks and rarely on their talent. They have to establish themselves with a large fanbase, because if they don't, grow older and can't claim the idea of an idol anymore, they fade into oblivion, because they don't make money for their companies anymore.

What I want to say, LUNASOL, is, that you are completely right:

They are HUMANS and as much as we wish to LOVE and BE LOVED, it is the same with them.

And they ARE artists and entertainers, but if you have a relationship, you aren't entertaining (enough) anymore, and therefore aren't doing your job. Just imagine what would happen if some of the people with really crazy fans announce that they have a girlfriend (I remember the sort of crap Kwai Lun-Mei was getting, because she played the romantic interest of Jay Chou IN A MOVIE.)

But because of that sort of ownership feeling many fans have, there will be fan wars, now, and in the foreseeable future. I think the best thing is to just ignore them, because if they gain momentum (and such things quickly do, especially when big fanbases are involved), they cannot be stopped anyway. Reason is largely ignored in those cases.

Real fans want their idols to be happy, not to own them.

Best regards,


PS. Sorry for the long post.

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thanks to whimsicalchild, miel and haeanna for the seogoddess pictures! so freaking pretty.
























_d3seohyun i love those caps you made of them walking home haha. i love how you perfectly captured yong's puppy eyes looking adorably at hyun's lips ;) and thanks for those recaps of yong's reaction to jungmo oppa. serious death glare there!












genxv haha, thank you for the 2 thumbs up












thanks dreamyboo! i never really thought of myself as a good agent/detective. haha. makes me happy that everyone enjoyed my obs! and i SO agree that i feel like they are really in a relationship. their progression is, i have to admit, a little slower then the other wgm couples, but i think thats what makes yongseo couple so special to us gogumas :) because its like hyun's first boyfriend(husband) and she's still a little innocent and naive about it which makes her uncertain of her actions and then yong understands that she's so new to it and he isnt pushing so his trying to hold back. but their so natural with each other that it has to be because they are spending MORE time together then we think :) and i love the "wolf" reference. haha. wolf = shirt = yong haha. and OMG! just saw your picture you made of yongseo (from seogoddess) i absolutely love it!! ;)












and has anyone else noticed that they've pretty much stopped teasing jinwoon about yongseo couple? so wouldn't that make sense more that if yongseo were a REAL couple that joking with jinwoon wouldn't be funny anymore... huh? haha.












jnj anytime! i'm use to think that people didnt read it, but i'm glad i can point things out and it make sense to people now! haha. and about photobucket i totally agree! when i had posted up my obs i had it in photobucket it it so didnt work either. crystal suggested using imageshack and that's why i was about to post up those caps i made.












clumsy when i saw that picture of seohyun laying down with TRAX i was like OMGoddess!!! thanks for the picture post!












heartbreak_warfare22 hahahaha! that was funny. when i saw that it like popped in there, i lol. haha. thanks for catching that!












maybe07 haha nice picture of the picture. at first when i read it said "ring ding dong moments" i didnt see anything then i went back to try and find seohyun in the first one and its blurry but her ring was captured! haha. thanks!












lenovo lol at your tamaki comment ;) dirty haha.












angel27391 that was a super cute video of Love Light. i seriously aww-ed the whole time!












crystalblue thats pretty funny about the whole sock thing. and is seohyun close to minho? because from what i remember during the stars golden bell idol special key said that even thou key, minho, and seohyun are all the same age, she still speaks very formally to them...? but thanks for sharing that video.












miel_1303 thanks for the picture... so she was on the phone when she left LA and when she arrived in Incheon? "Yong~ I want some gogumas. Make me some please" ;)












lunasol AMEN SISTA! haha. sorry. haha. i definitely agree. and i feel that netizen and fans get too much controll with situations like that. singers/actors/artist are all human beings who want love too. just not fan love, but some good lovin ;) haha. thanks for that very insightful post :) and to add to your "PREPARE FOR BATTLE!!" "BRING IT ON!!" haha.












just wanted to mention that it took me about a whole hour to respond to all these. haha.



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Guest Rouenna
















































































Morning, gogumas! Weeh, just arrived from out of town. blush.gif Thank you so much for all the info, translations and screencaps. You're all jjang! :wub: I really enjoyed this episode so much.
































































Hmm...just a thought about Minhyuk's statement about things he didn't know; perhaps he was referring that at that time of June, he had no idea why Hyun needs to wear a jacket or how to be sensitive to Yong's jealousy about others teaching Hyun. But since in the previous "piggyback" episode about two weeks ago, Yong already offered her the jacket and that in the backroom interview he said, he'd be jealous if Hyun asks other guys to teach her pool; most probably Minhyuk and the boys watched that episode already when it aired. And since the guest MC taping is done just a few days before the new episode starts, somehow it coincides to his statement that at that time he didn't really know about it. Hehe, I think Minhyukie can be so innocent sometimes. :lol: This is only my theory though. :D









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Guest K1L1On1Mr4






I must agree with lunasol that we must be ready for battle to support our YongSeo. We can show our various support for them just like as vid made by genxv for their 200th day anniversary or maybe we can just write down letters to them? Personally hand writing letters maybe can show even slightest of our support for them :D


I personally a peaceful person but when it comes to YongSeo i can be so fierce and merciless ph34r.gif


I agree with Trent's, Real fans want their idols to be happy, not to own them.



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Guest Crystal392






Woah soo many long posts. I enjoyed reading every single of them :D


I think someone was asking whether Yong~ was wearing the ring at HahaMong show or not, well he was :D (unless he was wearing other ring on his ring finger, but I don't think so :P)






Rouenna: Welcome back!! :D


About if I think Yong~ and Hyun~ are already dating or not, well personally I think they aren't dating... yet ;) But they at least have thought about it twice... I'm not sure if they love each other, I think I'll never be 100% sure unless they kiss on the lips (that would be a MAJOR thing) or say to each other 'I love you' but I think the feelings are definitely there; like the really care about each other and like each other, they enjoy each other presence.


Yong~ never had an ideal girl, he always said ideals are just ideals because, in real life, only a few people really marry their ideals. But Hyun~ somehow fit what he said he always wanted: a feminine, honest, smart girl.


Hyun~ never liked a boy before, she was more interested in sweet potatoes and BanKiMoon; but somehow Yong~ made her think more about boys and now she has ideal: she says she likes funny guys who have goals.


The reason why I loved the last scene of the latest ep is because I feel as if they realized they were starting to feel something... and it kind of surprised each other. Yong~ comparing Hyun~ with how he would feel as if he returned to his home with his parents in Busan is really sweet because he is basically saying he now feels Hyun~ is like his family. And Hyun~ finally realizing 'Yeah... we are married' ^_^


I can't wait to watch the next episode :)




용서커플 YongSeo Couple (Yonghwa & Seohyun) MV



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Guest SophiaPia
















































































































To all of you YongSeo lovers where ever you are Anyoung :).
















































































Thanks once again to all of you who share what's in your mind about our lovely couple. Thanks for sharing photos, FanMV videos, translations, your investigations about our couple, and a lot more kamsahamnida :)
















































































And last night when i'm looking SeoHyun arrival photos i didn't noticed the wedding ring, maybe because i'm looking her outfit, that's the 2nd thing i looking w/ SeoHyun 1st her wedding ring, 2nd her outfit whether it's hotpants, jeans or dress. I luv her. Now i saw the ring and it's sparks yeheyyyyyy! i'm happy :) 
















































































@crystal_malfoy thanks as well i thought hubby Yong didn't wear the amazing RING in hahamong coz i did't notice right away in the preview. 
















































































what can i say, i think all of you have the point about all this artist who's maybe controlling them self to like someone, to fall in love because of their work. I think not only in Korea, or Japan in happens everywhere. And most of the time their some cases that the artist are already in a relationship but still denying it because of their work. it's really hard really. I guess this is the bad side of being in entertainment industry. I remember when the SNSD guested in WinWin. This lady who is the surprised guest (i don't know her name) but her advise to the girls is GO ON A DATE secretly kekeke! then that lady even joke, she said oh i hope ur manager will not hear this something like that. But her advice to the girls generation is ENJOY UR YOUTH, U ONLY YOUNG ONCE, GO ON A DATE. And even mentioned that she introduce someone to SooYoong and date secretly then that lady said oh no ur manager will not let me talk to u anymore kekekeke! So! i think they can go on date only secretly awwwww! 
















































































and yes! it's sad but it's true the most jealous person is not Yong it's the fans. Oh well we can't please everybody. In this world whether your actors or normal people their always this person who u can't please. All we have to do is love every minute of YongSeo. They could end up real or maybe not but at least they can be friends. Waaaaa! but i luv them to be real kekekeke! :)
















































































so who knows, SeoHyun and YongHwa can go on a date secretly eeeeeeeee! i wish. It's ok they can bring their manager's or PA so that it's not obvious that they dating hahaha! if paparazi caught them they can say it's a group dinner hahahaha!
















































































have a nice day to all. I want always saturday. goguma day.

















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Guest haeanna
































































RING DING DONG time for our YONG~~
































































at LG Dream Festival 050910
































































































































































































































































































































































LOL..ISN'T IT SUPPOSED to be my burning Jonghyun??
































































BUT, burning YongHwa is HOT too~~ :w00t:
































































































































































































cr: cnbluestorm.com

































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