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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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@fengz, do you intend to walk us all through down the memory lane up until episode 21? Oh! I'm feeling nostalgic just looking at those montage of selected captures from every episode--- starting from that fateful midnight in February when SeoHyun walked through that revolving door of MBC to meet the man whom she has never ever thought would be altering her life. Shall wait patiently for more, if you really intend to complete that "memory lane". hahaha!
































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post
































































































































































































































































































































Hiya miel_1301..Yup I sure do wanna finish it up till Ep 21..I'm in the process of downloading Ep 8-11 from soshisubs coz the vids I downloaded is not clear.Sorry to keep u all waiting..Ep 8 will be up soon..The rest have to wait maybe tomorrow.sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































Thanks everyone for the awesome photos,fancams & news..You guys are DAEBAKK!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Continuation of Walk Through Down Memory Lane






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 8: The 22-Day - They celebrated it by donating blood where unfortunately Yong can't donate & he treated Hyun to a Movie




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































c183d5dc.jpg 646df085.jpg























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will REPOST again from Ep 1 - Ep 21 once it's all done..ENJOY!! 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest pancakes&flappyjacks
































































































































































































































































Hi fellow gogumas....
































































































































































































Wow..its been eons since I last posted....but no worries...have been lurking every chance I get....even in class I run our beloved page in the background so as not to miss any updates from you lovely spazzers.
































































































































































































And so before I start my spazzing....I want to thank everyone here for making this thread so enjoyable and missable...I feel lost without peering in daily even for just a second. blush.gif
































































































































































































With all the gogumas power combined, almost all the possibilities have turned realities....and here we are celebrating the 200th day of our favourite couple!!!!
































































































































































































Here's to more dreams being realized........CHEERS!!!
































































































































































































While I'm still grappling with the PURE LOVE duet over the weekend...what has brought me out of lurkdom is the TRAX teaser that features the only goddess in Yong oppa's life.....URI SEOHYUN!!!!
































































































































































































There was a scene where you see two hands intertwining....and like some of you..how I feverishly hope that it is Yong's....and while I'm still wishing and praying....I kinda have theories on what could be......
































































































































































































1) If there really is a hero in the MV...it will definitely have to be YONG.
































































































































































































Reason: While WGM is a reality show, the whole premise of this show is dependent on the 'believeable' factor of the couple. And if there is a wedding scene in the MV, pairing Seohyun with another person; be it actor or even a TRAX member, will dilute the credibility of our 'married' couple. There are bound to be people who will say things like; " The actor in MV suits her more"..." They look perfect together..unlike the Yong Seo couple.." These are the kind of comments/reactions that MBC would want to avoid for any WGM couple.
































































































































































































As for SM, I would think that since they are contractually binded to the show, their interest will also be similar to that of MBC.
































































































































































































This case does not apply to Yong's intimate photoshoot with another woman, in my opinion because the pictures taken did not have a wedding feel and so comparisons are not going to be as harsh.
































































































































































































2) My other theory would be....while there is a hero in the MV, we will probably never get to his face. Which is fine by me...cos then we can all imagine that it's our Yong-Seobang....
































































































































































































Of course... these are just my opinions....and I might be soo wrong on both accounts....but its all right cos at the end of the day...all gogumas would know who Seohyun should be with!!!
































































































































































































In any case..I'm hoping My option 1 is correct.
































































































































































































One thing I've learnt from this wonderful thread is that...
































































































































































































Nothing is impossible in the goguma land....

































































































































































































































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Guest Rouenna
















































































Hello gogumas!! :w00t: Are you all still breathing? Hahaha! Dang, Yongseo had us all in tenterhooks!!
































































Seriously, though I can't wait to watch fancams and photos last night, I still took the time to read through the thread first rather than jumping and when I got to the page where the first photos were posted (where the two of them held hands and smiling and all), my jaw really dropped! :w00t: Oh my gosh, did they really do this in front of the whole music festival crowd??!? Hyun had me at hello, hahaha! My sister and I kept laughing at the photos later on, because knowing Hyun, she will give an all-out performance and seeing Yong's "ottoeke?" face was so :lol: !
































































I like it a lot when they were singing RDR and their background was this all flaming fire and when they sang Love Light, it changed to a blue sky with clouds and rainbows. Aww... :wub:
































































Anyway, last sat's WGM episode is so hilarious, especially Hyun's gift to the boys. I think basing on the eye masks during their train trip, Hyun probably likes duck and frog toys the most hence she got the duck mask and Yong the frog one. Now as a gift, she gives the duck to Yong and the frog was passed on to Jungshin chingoo. Maybe she gave the frog to Jungshin chingoo because he's the closest bro-in-law to her next to Yong, and the frog's face really resembled Jungshin anyway. :lol:
































































Thanks guys for sharing the photos and fancams! Have a lovely night. (in my side of the world that is) :):D
































































































































@jnj. Hello, I find it interesting to see a previous post of yours. blush.gif I don't remember what page it was (coz the thread jumps so fast, hehe) but at the end of your post, you put a photo of black clad Hyun and Yong making a fierce and teasing pose during RDR, just right above your banner at the bottom, of them wearing white clothes with shy faces during their black room interview, and oh, what a big contrast! Hahaha! :w00t:









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Guest lenovo






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok as much as we love seeing Seohyun in the wedding dress (HOW LOVELY CAN SHE GET???!!!) ...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know some of us, including my very self, are going beserk on seeing her holding hands with another man (agen!) apart from Jung Yong Hwa... Call me crazy, but let's admit it... we get a bit jealous too. hahaha. Some crazy fans are we.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so for everyone... Let me remind you of the beautiful words from Jossa's fic - JEALOUS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































"Jung Yong Hwa,” she tells him, her eyes never leaving his. “But in the meantime, as I hold hands with other guys in concerts and shows, as I watch you sing to other girls and hold hands with them as well, only one thing comforts me, oppa...”





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“That you hold my heart in your silver palm and I hold yours in mine, :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everytime i see the TRAX thingy, it kills me. but these lines comforts my heart. Thanks Jossa!
































































































































































































































































































































































































On the other hand: It doesn't get any better than this: :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































When REEL love becomes REAL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr to crystal
































































































































































































































































































































































































There is something in the way they look at each other........ L-O-V-E.

































































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Guest blu3bird80




thank guguma for all the update and post.. since i'm not skilled looking for info on the web with all the guguma fbi.. i just stick to my spazzing..

about THAT fancam, well it okay right guys?.. staged as the performance might be.. i'm still glad our couple get to be intimate with each other even more..

first of all KAMSAHAMNIDAAA!! to RDR subs & yukiandjudy for your hard work not forgetting our beloved resident translator j2dlee, and resident subber sun_sun.. my most heartfelt THANKS to all you guys..

i remember the soshi unnies said that they need not worry about Hyun, since she have a very level head... form all of those fancam, interviews, picture of Hyun, i must admit.. her heart is really in her own hand.. although Yong definitely got closer to topping the guguma scale i think he's maybe around 7 to 7.5.. why? just take it as a man intuition.. dont get me wrong.. they are getting there.. but since this girl have no xperience whatsoever.. she don't have that scale of like or love.. i'm i making sense?

through the perf. i think it safe to assume Hyun is really a pro on stage, such persona.. it's captivating.. i feel as though it hard for Yong to resist all that charm (i feel for him).. than when you see SeoLady.. i got the feeling she don't like not being able to control herself.. so if he's trying to make Hyun fall in love or at least plant a small love seed in her, it might take more on Yong side.. lots more..

but safe to say they are still my bias.. i'm gonna pray for you Yongshi.. u got a great girl right there in front of you.. it'll be stupid not to see it.. but i'll take a mountain of effort to get her..

i think Yong have a lot of challenger aiming for that bulleyes painted on his back..

as for the teaser of TRAX new single.. OMO.. OMO.. *dies*

who's hand is that? hmmm.. like i said before, Hyun hand is a hot comodities in Korea.. feel like a love triangle coming along.. JungMo-Hyun-Yong.. ahh i think this make a good story don't you think? JungMo the friendly Oppa that always looking out for young Hyun.. Hyun a lady that have yet experience love.. Yong the rocker rookie blessed to be with her on wgm.. Yong fall in love.. Hyun didn't know it.. now JungMo making a stand to get her back.. both made a song for her.. season guitarist goddess and a rookie rocker muse.. *i think i still have to much guguma in my system*

*sorry for the rembling* annyong!!

*mode lurker*


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Guest blueshoes








[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 7 LL



[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 8 RDR+LL








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Guest mandyemily


finally finish reading all the posts.

all the goguma lovers are out in full force yah..

the pics and fancams of the performance made me feel so happy haha.

RDR rock version sound so good.

their voices match so well together.

they should record a song together like adam couple and donate to charity.

dun really care abt whether their actions are scripted, rehearsed or what

whats's important is the closeness felt between their stares and action.

they have come a longgg way from the day they first met.

which means they can only progress further rite. ^^

special thanks to fellow lovers who worked hard to find the fancams and pics for us. :rolleyes:

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Guest baby_bo



[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 7 LL



[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 8 RDR+LL





OH! I was watching the same vid and was about to post it kekek but thank you for posting..


YOu guys should watch this fancams.. daebak yo!


You can clearly see what these 2 were doing after the song.. super cute.


I can't describe or tell you what they exactly did cause my eyes might have tricked me but there's something about it that i find sweet.. heheheh


what'cha guys think? ;)


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Guest Crystal392
















































































Thanks to everyone for the links, info and everything ^_^
















































I am soo thankful to all of you. Hyun looks so pretty on all those pics ^^ I am glad she is getting more recognition.
















































I still haven't watched the fancams nor the MV teaser but I will soon.
















































I am hoping the guy on the MV you were talking about is Yong. I know it's just an MV and it's work but I wish the first time we would see Hyun wearing a wedding dress was with Yong on WGM.
















































I hope Yong won't feel sad/jealous when he sees Hyun holding hands with someone else... I am sure he will understand, as he said once on an interview, 'Work is work'. :) Yong hwaiting!!! Don't be sad if you see Hyun getting more comfortable with other guys because you are the only one in her heart :D
















































Thanks rdrsubs, my iTouch battery is about to die but later I will turn on my laptop and watch the latest ep :)
















































J2dlee: woah thanks for all those translations. I am glad dc fans loved the video made by genvx with all the messages we left saying why we love YongSeo :)
















































To all new spazzers who haven't answered that question:
















































Why do you love YongSeo?
















































*Maybe genxv can't make part 3 of the reasons we love them ;)

















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Guest joelyne






hello gogumas. this is my first post :)


came out behind my comp screen because couldn't resist saying out loud


happy 200th day YongSeo !






their duet was sooooo adorable.



it seemed many gogumas died once, or twice, including me who died from super joyfulness.



my favorite part was, when yong held out his hand, hyun hold it and steped forward.



might just moved closer because it was a little far to hold hands. actually yong also made a step too.



but doing it without awkwardness and hesitation is, wow, not the same makne i know.









watching ep.21,  i think it showed many of seohyun's wifely sides.



pajamas for the boys. hyun buying boys pajamas, they are a family aren't they.



her new menu spaghetti. is it because spaghetti is yong's favorite food?



three dishes that hyun cooked for yong. looking back at their filming calender,



there were 3 shootings at their house after the house warming.



we never had a chance to watch it on air though if they had meals together



more than once, it will explain why they shared their lunch at ep.19 so naturally.








@redtulip  i totaly agree to your word


"Keep up the good work of polishing the jewel, Seohyun is shining like a diamond currently."


yes she is shining! and it definitely started from WGM with yong.



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Guest ihubah

does anyone know where I can watch their WGM episodes with ENGLISH SUBS? I watched up till the episode when they moved into their new house and some members of SNSD came over to visit.

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Guest mandyemily

just thought of something.

they recorded the 3 couple thing to celebrate Chusoek festival right (sorry if i spell wrongly)

if they count the day as the same as the Chinese mid autumn festival then its coming up cuz mid autumn festival is on 22nd sept.

so we will see the haunting house thing soon? :unsure:

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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9

































does anyone know where I can watch their WGM episodes with ENGLISH SUBS? I watched up till the episode when they moved into their new house and some members of SNSD came over to visit.
































































































rundevilrunsubs has subbed episodes 1-21 & you can find them here http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/
































































































you can either chose to download the episodes or watch it on youtube (streaming)

































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Guest j2dlee








j2dlee thanks for genxv links.Can I ask you something very basic as I wasn't on the thread for a couple of weeks?What have they done with the videos?I mean with Boice and all?Did you get it to the Yongseo couple at all?I apologize for the stupid question.I was reading all the comments when it was started and reading all of it but I never found out what happened.Is it on cnbluestorm as well?














Man of man what a week-ep 21,the concert and holding hands and now I found these videos on YT.I don't know if I am Arthur or Martha but am definately a Goguma fan. I just fell in love with them all over again...no wonder everyone was dying :) :) I spazzed so much I am just sitting down too spent :P :tongue:  to move off the couch.







Hi, ck10z. Good to see you again.




I'm not sure what you mean by 'what have they done with the videos?'. Do you mean DCgallers or collaborators in the videos? As far as I can tell, DCgallers put the videos on their website only to share them with others (from YT, of course the credit, genxv's channel, is labelled). They just said 'I want to show them to Yongseo' and 'Wish Yongseo could watch these', which does not mean that they took the videos to Yongseo (I mean, how? And even if Yongseo saw the videos, we wouldn't know unless one of them said so in some form of mass communication, e.g. twitter). I have to say if you want to know whether the videos are in cnbluestorm or Boice, you have to check out their websites (and I don't know their addresses, sorry).




Hmm...I don't think I'm the right person to answer your questions, maybe those who participated in the 1st International Yongseo Project would give you a better answer.




And here's the link to another goodie from DCgall. You guys may have already seen the Trax's official teaser of 'Oh! My goddess' (posted by clumsy and waniey-haha. Thank you), and it's amazing that how the BGM changes the tone of video completely (you'll see what I mean when you see the video). It's slightly lagging but Seo Hyun looks breathtakingly beautiful in this video.




Seo Hyun, Oh! My goddess





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[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 7 LL

[แฟนแคม] ๑๐๐๘๒๙ 8 RDR+LL

blueshoes....u're jjang!!!! kamsahamnida~!!!! xD

best front view fancam ever!

lenovo-cuzz~! after watching Trax's teaser, deng! i'm shipping into ur "jealousy-ship" too! LOL!! i'm jealous for yoonng... hahah! we're all cwazee gogumaz here! xD

oh yes, i agree with crystal, that genxv should make another FMV outta that question! that would be beautiful~

wow... thanks, fengz... for letting us walk down the MEMORY LANE! i'm soooo emotional now :w00t:

edit: whoa...j2dlee! that Goddess is indeed Goddess of all Goddesses! thanks for sharing, girl! ;) i wonder what's the backgrd song? it's sooo soothing....

*goes off to rewatch* :ph34r:

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Guest haeanna

















And here's the link to another goodie from DCgall. You guys may have already seen the Trax's official teaser of 'Oh! My goddess' (posted by clumsy and waniey-haha. Thank you), and it's amazing that how the BGM changes the tone of video completely (you'll see what I mean when you see the video). It's slightly lagging but Seo Hyun looks breathtakingly beautiful in this video.























































































I died again..
























SEOgoddess indeed... :wub:
























thank you j2dlee..
























you are our saviour..How i wish i know Korean Language..
































and to dreamyboo
















the BGM IS by J.ae titled Angel's Disguise ..apparently it was for Coreana Cosmetic CF Insert Song









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Guest baby_bo






I am just glad that it was YOng who got paired with Seobaby :)


He took care of her like how, we fans, wants her to be taken cared of :D


sharing this pics.


credit as tagged by cnblue fans






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Guest windstorm34








annyong haseyo....thank you to all "sweet potatoes" who posted pixs, vids, and fanfics.You just made my week complete :P






I had the time of my life browsing to each & everyone of them, & enjoyed ev'ry second of it. :w00t:






It was all worth the wait. :D  And I think my heart skip a beat when i saw the first uploads and read their amazing accounts. From the bottom of my heart,,Thank you. Thank you so much....



I truly love this couple simply because they make my heart flutter:wub::wub:






I hope there would be more collaboration (just like what happen in Incheon) and skinship...in the future...Yo~ong is right "Thanks,,Incheon"..It was truly a memorable night to everyone...






And even if its just make believe...I truly hope that Seohyun would be comfortable with YongHwa. And that they will make more sweet memories together...






This Thread is the best!!!! Take care everyone....






GodBless to all!:wub:











                                                                                                                                                                        Accept the things to which  fate binds you,















                                                                                                                                           and love the people with whom fate brings you together, 














                                                                                          but do  so with all your heart.










                                                                                                                                                                                         -- Marcus Aurelius







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Woah, this thread has exploded! I cannot keep up - it's so awesome.


♡ Happy 200 Day Anniversary YongHwa and SeoHyun ♡


Hope you have hundreds more to come filled with love and laughter ^^


dreamyboo, crystal you called? *hugs* kekekekeke. So that's why.. I had this feeling I had to check the thread ASAP. :lol: and OH-MY-GODDESS. How can anyone be that gorgeous?!! That video is perfection itself, I'm not sure anything can top that dreamyboo. It would make a beautiful FMV no doubt.


Thank you clumsy and waniey-haha for the video! and thank you j2dlee for posting the other version. I'm "working" *cough*cough* from a computer that has no speakers now, so I'll check on what you mean about the bgm after I get home from work. AAAAAAAAAAAAAh she's so gorgeous.


Oh, and what's this? The I LOVE YONGSEO video is posted on DCGall? W00t. Thank you DCGallers! 감사하다!!!!


Hi-FIVE yongseo style to everyone who shared their messages and tothe crew (redtulip, bezbezbez and Sweet Potato International Forum designers) who worked on getting those notes together. Awesome work guys.


Liek crystal said, we are still collecting notes for the Official SeoHwa project. The notes subproject is lead by bezbezbez so if you want to share yours, no worries, it's no too late just post them here. j2 thank you for explaining it to ck10z1. You got it covered! The videos are mainly to celebrate the 200 day anniversary, but were not officially sent to the couple. But, now that you mention it, I think I will send it to CNBLUE's twitter. Who knows, they might check it out right?


The notes themselves will be part of the Official SeoHwa project which is currently ongoing. for more info please do visit the Official Project blog here and if you are interested in helping out, send a message to nazweena the super project manager. Basically, when Yong & Hyun leave WGM that's when we will finalize the project, get everything together and send it to them.


sweettaeng wow, you and your rundevilrunsubs team are heroes to me! Welcome and thank you for subbing the episodes. I salute you for your hard work and dedication. wish I could repay you. Do you take sweet potatoes? :lol:


Ah, there is so much more I want to post. So much spazz, so little time. A big shoutout and thank you to everybody who posted fancams, pictures and goodies. I die everytime I see another video and photo.


naz and fengz, nice artwork! I hope you don't mind if I post them on SweetPotatoDays. Just really impressed by all this creativity. Looking forward to seeing more from all you amazing fans on this special YongSeo day!


Edit: baby_bo thanks for the new pictures! I think what really gets me is how much they are enjoying performing together. They are so full of joy it makes my insides just squee and jump around.



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Guest Crystal392






I just saw TRAX teaser and Hyun looks soo pretty. j2dlee thanks for sharing that link~! You are right, the music gives it another feeling. She looks soo pretty :lol: I wonder what was Yong's reaction when he saw the MV.


God I've never shipped a pairing this much since SoEulmates :lol:


YongSeo hwaiting!


FINALLY. BOTH PARTS COMPLETED WITH SUBS. Again, sorry for the late subs :X


[RDRsubs] Part 1



[RDRsubs] Part 2




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