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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo




sorry to cut your post, woollylamb.



when i first saw the preview, i too thought he was miffed, but sadly, after watching it again, he looked more hurt than upset, which could be heard in his voice when he imitated her "sincha?". 



he and hyun spend hours filming wgm, they talk on the phone, and have settled into a lovely co-existence (with comfortable skinship). i like to think much of it is to yong's credit since he continues to take the lead in their relationship, BUT the banmal seems to roll so smoothly off her lips when she's with the same-aged brother-in-laws. he mentioned in one of those backroom interviews that using banmal, to him, means two people are "comfortable" with each other, so when he sees hyun speaking banmal with minhyuk and "jungshin chingu" without thought or effort, he must think they're not as close as he believes.



i do hope he explains his feelings to her. she's probably feels very close to him, but her 20-year habit of using honorifics with people who are older, has overshadowed the comfortability aspect of their relationship. i think if she knew how he really felt about banmal being a sign, for him, of them being close, it might put things into perspective for her. 



Hello :)


Don't worry much about that :) Seohyun is really like that around same age friends.. she can easily take out the formality.. even her unnies said that before.. Yonghwa may seem upset but I know from the bottom of his heart he is very happy because even though seohyun's having a hard time she tries her best to use banmal to him. That's already something cause even Seohyun's 8 unnies can't make her use banmal to them even for a second... :)


kyah! that seokyu holding hands is daebak! hahahah! but nothing's more daebak than the stares, eye contact, skinship and MASSAGE that YongSeo couple had today! hahaha




and by the way, SEOHYUN IS TRENDING AT #10 IN TWITTER RIGHT NOW!!! hahah she blew everyone's mind kekeke



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Hello everyone! Haven't been on soompi since FOREVER. Actually I'm kinda on hiatus...but I'm here to post a short fan account of CNBLUE's Singapore Mini Live Concert. There were some Yongseo stuff during the Q&A segment (: I recorded videos of this segment but I can't upload it at the moment. Will upload at a later time :D

Host: If you were not a member or part of CNBLUE, what career path would you have chosen or taken?

Fan: Sonyuhshidae! [implying that Yong can be a member of SNSD, ref to his Genie dance]

Yonghwa (and the other members) start to smile. Yonghwa pointed to his ring.

Other members start answering the question. When it gets to Yonghwa's turn, there were shouts of "Sonyuhshidae!" and "Seohyun!"


Host: What band or artiste in or outside of Korea would you guys like to collaborate with and why?

Crowd: Sonyuhshidae!

Yonghwa's face wasn't captured on the big screen here but he was smiling.

During Yonghwa's turn to answer,

YH: Uh...(fans: SNSD!) (breaks into a smile) No...no...(louder)no! Haha...maybe Jason Mraz? [rest of answer not relevant]

At the end of all the answers to this qn, Minhyuk whispers something to YH that made them both smile. Jungshin also says something to YH.


Host: What are the good and bad points of being famous?

YH: I can perform for everyone...(a group of fans shouts "We Got Married"! [implying that being famous, he gets to go on the show and meet Hyun])

Yonghwa took 3 seconds to realize what the fans shouted and broke into a huge (embarrassed? haha) smile. Jonghyun leaned over because he didn't understand. Yonghwa whispered to both Jonghyun and Minhyuk "Uri Gyeolhunhamnida" [the actual show name is "Uri Gyeolhunhaesseoyo" but from lip-read, he added hamnida]. He continues to answer the question.


That's the end of my fanaccount. Will try to upload the video soon so you can all see Yong's reactions! :D And their mini live is awesomeeee. Go catch it if they come to your country!

edit; added my interpretations of what the fans meant when they shouted SNSD and WGM ;)

hi neptune! tks soo much for this. so u managed to sneak in your camera? hehe

lucky us!! did u meet up with the rest of the gogumas?

*i'm slapping myself hard now!! i thought the show starts at 8 pm,

thats why i didn't go since it clashes with my other obligations!!

wth!!! pabo! pabo! pabo!!*

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Guest _d3seohyun




Hello :)


Don't worry much about that :) Seohyun is really like that around same age friends.. she can easily take out the formality.. even her unnies said that before.. Yonghwa may seem upset but I know from the bottom of his heart he is very happy because even though seohyun's having a hard time she tries her best to use banmal to him. That's already something cause even Seohyun's 8 unnies can't make her use banmal to them even for a second... :)


kyah! that seokyu holding hands is daebak! hahahah! but nothing's more daebak than the stares, eye contact, skinship and MASSAGE that YongSeo couple had today! hahaha





TRUE to that!!!!











but sis have you seen and heard the clip of their duet? i got major goosebumps!





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hello everyone







































































































































































































































































































i'm su fr malaysia...







































































































































































































































































































i love goguma couple









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Thanks for the screencap!!! Been a silent reader at this forum . But not anymore when I saw yonghwa flash the couple ring at Singapore showcase just now!!! The crowd was awesome teasing him about him and seohyun!! Off to watch today episode!thanks for all your translations!! (:

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Guest baby_bo




TRUE to that!!!!











but sis have you seen and heard the clip of their duet? i got major goosebumps!







yep ive seen and heard it.. i've had high expectations on that duet since both maknaes have great voices.. and luckily they did not disappoint me :) seohyun is really awesome :D


I want to know if they will talk about this when they get to have taping for WGM again! hahaha but i bet, it's nothing.. bec deep in my heart i am quiet sure YongSeo already had that holding hands thing :)


I like SeoKYu but i see them as bros-sis not really the YOngSeo type kekeke



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Guest 1sweetlove








Here's another picture of the maknaes holding hands...




















credit to weibo blush.gif





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Every week the episodes getting more & more interesting..Last week Piggyback/back hug..This week massage..These two really is full of surprises..And this week episodes is another favorite ep..laugh.gif








Here's few caps from Episode 20.Sorry for the low quality of pic..sweatingbullets.gif








1) Helping each other with the apron..








about 2 hours ago via Maxis tweet2me








MC asking if u dun do musician, what wil u do. Someone scream So Nyu Shi Dae! Wakaka & Yonghwa showing his ring!!








about 2 hours ago via Maxis tweet2me


Have a goguma day everyone  









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Guest miel_1301






I have to acknowledge this post before the rest of the SG Sweet potatos start flooding the thread with goodies from the boys' concert.


Welcome back to the thread, neptune_joker. It's been a while since your last visit.


So you were at the Fan Meet and the Mini-Showcase, too.


Hello everyone! Haven't been on soompi since FOREVER. Actually I'm kinda on hiatus...but I'm here to post a short fan account of CNBLUE's Singapore Mini Live Concert. There were some Yongseo stuff during the Q&A segment (: I recorded videos of this segment but I can't upload it at the moment. Will upload at a later time :D


Host: If you were not a member or part of CNBLUE, what career path would you have chosen or taken?


Fan: Sonyuhshidae! [implying that Yong can be a member of SNSD, ref to his Genie dance]


Yonghwa (and the other members) start to smile. Yonghwa pointed to his ring.



Other members start answering the question. When it gets to Yonghwa's turn, there were shouts of "Sonyuhshidae!" and "Seohyun!"




Host: What band or artiste in or outside of Korea would you guys like to collaborate with and why?


Crowd: Sonyuhshidae!


Yonghwa's face wasn't captured on the big screen here but he was smiling.



During Yonghwa's turn to answer,


YH: Uh...(fans: SNSD!) (breaks into a smile) No...no...(louder)no! Haha...maybe Jason Mraz? [rest of answer not relevant]


At the end of all the answers to this qn, Minhyuk whispers something to YH that made them both smile. Jungshin also says something to YH.




Host: What are the good and bad points of being famous?


YH: I can perform for everyone...(a group of fans shouts "We Got Married"! [implying that being famous, he gets to go on the show and meet Hyun])


Yonghwa took 3 seconds to realize what the fans shouted and broke into a huge (embarrassed? haha) smile. Jonghyun leaned over because he didn't understand. Yonghwa whispered to both Jonghyun and Minhyuk "Uri Gyeolhunhamnida" [the actual show name is "Uri Gyeolhunhaesseoyo" but from lip-read, he added hamnida]. He continues to answer the question.




That's the end of my fanaccount. Will try to upload the video soon so you can all see Yong's reactions! :D And their mini live is awesomeeee. Go catch it if they come to your country!


edit; added my interpretations of what the fans meant when they shouted SNSD and WGM ;)



It seems that a great majority of CN Blue's SG fans are YongSeo fans as well.


But the crowd is just funny. It seems that the only answers they want YongHwa to give to every question are "Sonyuhshidae [sNSD]", SeoHyun or WGM.


We shall await for your vid clip. Thanks again, neptune_joker.


@sally7 and maybe07, thanks for the photo and the link to the duet of SeoHyun and Kyuhyun @SM Town Concert.


Seobaby is looking so dainty in that white dress. And that duet (minus the holding hand hehehe!) is just breathtaking. Both maknaes have powerful and stable voices. Objectively speaking, they sound good together.



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Guest baby_bo






frezz, please do not quote images.. it's not allowed.. remove the %7Boption%7D tag




Let's spazz all we want but let's follow the rules. thank you :D


keke i don't know the SeoKyu HH is cute, but no eye contact that's why I'm not jealous for YOnghwa at all.. but don't get me wrong it's still sweet :D


Im reading the tweets regarding Seohyun.. it's so funny! hahaha


some reacted bec seohyun did not wear her couple ring while performing a duet with kyu, but what they didn't realize she did not wear her SNSD RING as well hahhah!


cr. iluvsoshi at gg thread.. i don't know who else ot credit





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"용화형은 서현이를 좋아한대요"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"ํYongwha Hyung like Seohyun"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did you see it??? Who is the writer keke!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit : yongseo.exteen.com

































































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Guest oceanprince






some reacted bec seohyun did not wear her couple ring while performing a duet with kyu, but what they didn't realize she did not wear her SNSD RING as well hahhah!




sorry for cutting your post baby_bo


aw! it's okay. at least we're relieved. to know that she did not wear her snsd right as well. she's probably afraid that it might drop.




and once again! thannks for all the wgm links, screencaps and intepretations/translations. I'LL BE WATCHING IN A FEW MINS. butimstillincnbluemode.




YES, i attended the showcase and we sg goguma fans met up. everybody was so lovely, full of yongseo love. and instantaneously i felt loved by everyone. i'll share my fanaccount tonight i promised! bcos i really need to go onto studying mode. but i have to mention this,there are so much yongseo love going on during the showcase! 'sonyuhshidae' EPIC MOMENT.




anyway, yonghwa was wearing the ring today! i couldnt see his fingers properly but thanks to the lightings, SOMETHING WAS SHINING! and i was so happy its the ring!




spot the bling bling?


video from press conference in singapore




credit: xinmsn




there's this question for cnblue: what songs would CN blue like to sing for their girl


yonghwa: i would sing 'love revolution', 'sweet holiday' and 'lovelight'


aigoo~ why love revolution yonghwa? BCOS ITS YOUR WIFE'S FAVOURITE SONG! and of cos, lovelight is written for your wife!



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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9








































I thought this was cute!
























Gift from fans

















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i wonder why yong stammer while talking to hyun, and where his focus is..


hyun's t shirt seemed to be pulled down a bit by the clipped micro


and why on earth does junshin chingoo holding a ladle for? :lol:

oceanprince... can't wait to hear your acct too.

a shout out to frezz. pls remove the img tag pls..

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During the CN Blue press conference at SG this was one of the question asked by the MC








MC: One Song that you will dedicate to your girlfriend?








YH: I would like to choose any song but I'm A Loner because it will represent that I'm a loner.I would like to choose "Sweet Holiday, Love Light & Love Revolution" from our albums..








Here's the sub vid








2010.08.20 Listen to the CNBLUE Presscon [Eng sub]















Uploader: cnbluesoul 








credit: xinmsn.sg + sweethwa@youtube















Yonghwa sang Love Revolution to Hyun during the in laws visit at the studio sweatingbullets.gif























Opps oceanprince have already posted it..Sorry didn't see your post









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Guest anizet






SNSD Genie 3D version at SM TOWN Live `10 booth










I dont know how to react on Seohyun and Kyuhyun's performance at th concert.



HAHAHAHA! Amazing voices.



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Guest windstorm34








Hi...i'm new here...:) i love watching these two... they're so cute together.....I hope Yoong...will get well soon (praying really hard)...and i am really happy that Hyu-un is taking good care of her oppa...God Bless to them (sweet potato couple) :) and to Soompi and to everyone.





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hi omgirly...i meant the miffed part as a joke, since I don't speak korean and am just basing it on the preview. ^_^ don't worry about it though...am happy to learn about your point of view too...as baby_bo said, seohyun's habit of speaking formally to the ones older than her is hard to break and can't even do so with her unnies, the fact that she actually tried to speak banmal to Yong~ shows she's trying her best... ;)














baby_bo seohyun's duet was superb...can't wait to see fancams of the full song... :wub:











i read some twitter comments and it kinda scares me why some of kyuhyun's fans hate seohyun...*shudder*














how could anyone hate an angel? :huh:















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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong dear potatoes!!!!

The showcase was a blast!!!!!!

Yongseo fans from soompi met up and everyone was so nice!! I had a lot of fun with them!

I filmed most parts of the showcase but I can't find my cable to link my videocam to my laptop! Omo ottoke I think I'll have to borrow from someone from school or something like that.

I'm so pissed with myself but gogumas really enjoyed ourselves a lot!

For now, I would go see today's WGM before I deal with today's pictures/videos. Kekeke. Thank you all for the updates!

Edit: Oh hi oceanprince!! Btw to those who didn't know, someone shouted 'SO NYUH SHI DAE' super loud when Yonghwa was answering questions. That person is oceanprince! I love her courage because it encouraged me to scream even more kekeke it's all in my fancam, so please wait for it!

Though gogumas were seated at different parts of the hall, our love for Yongseo didn't stop us from screaming 'Seohyun, Jung seobang, We Got Married and many more'

Will share one photo first:


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