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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































this episode felt so short i can't wait for english subs,i found myself smiling throughout the whole thing,
































 i thought it was funny how jungshin was literally  vacuuming everything
































edit:the video is out

































































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Yah hi people!!!





CN Blue was SO...O adorable in this episode.





Yong and Hyun made kimichi at home, continuing from last episode- skinship and comfortable level is looking good. Yep, Hyun gave Yong a shoulder massage heeheehee!





Anyway, at CN blue house, the three boys were tidying up for preparation for their sis-in-law's arrival. Yong phoned the boys, really funny when Jonghyun spoke to Hyun, he was speaking informally to Yong then straight away when he had to greet his sis-in-law, u could see he tensed up and spoke stiffly and formally hahahaha!





Yong and Hyun made their way to CN Blue's dorm, the boys want to scare Hyun, just like she scared them at the airport. Jungshin remembered a gag box with a moving hand/blood in the room and brought it out.





Yong and Hyun arrived at door, the boys decided to hide in the kitchen and not open the door, this scene was so funny!! Just seeing three tall boys hiding and whispering what to do heeheehee!





END :(





Have to wait till next week for exciting continuation.....


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Guest aoi_enma

uwa ~~~ the kimchi taste look bad kekekeke :P

but in the end it seem fine ^^

The EYESHIP is great! and the MASSAGING session was awesome !!

not forget to mention Hyun tap Yong shoulder when she went to the kitchen ....

CN Blue dorm is clean ... Jonghyun, Minhyuk , and Jungshin busily cleaning the dorm ...

The boys look so happy when alking with sis-in-law ^^

and their plan to revenge sis-in-law by hand-in-box and hide in the kitchen so cute ^^ hihihihi ... they love their sis-in-law...

oh yeah hyun called her mom when confused that the kimchi taste not so good .... Yong talked too with mother-in-law ^^

Owww~~ so excited to know how Hyun will react to CN Blue boys surprise and how jonghyun, minhyuk, and jungshin will react to the kimchi XD

The video

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

cr : amazingkeoconvoi

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AWWWW.... that ws so quick wasn't it?


For the benefit of thos who cannot be here with us:




To summarize:


Hyun wants to make kimchi to bring to the CNBlue boys' dorm.


They start of by tying each other's aprons. Lots of zooming in by the camera man


She adds a tonne of salt and feeds to Yong whose reaction is hilarious!


Yong then feeds her and poor Hyun's face turns so red at the taste of that salty kimchi


They mix more stuff in, more feeding scenes and staring at each other :wub:


In the end Hyun's omma to the rescue. She calls her mom to ask for advice


Yong gets to talk to his mother-in-law


At one point while making kimchi Hyun says something that makes Yong pause speechless


Kimchi is done, but oh noes! Yong has sauce on his shirt and arm.


SeoHyun wipes him down (gently)


Double oh noes! there is kimchi on the wall!


In the meantime lots of scenes of CNBlue boys cleaning up their dorm


They are planning to get back at SeoHyun for scaring them at the airport


Back to the couple: sitting toegther on the sofa


They call JongHyun, MinHyuk and Jungshin


Yong's shoulders feel tired, so Seohyun gives him a massage (KYAAAA~)


Heading over to the dorm with a big bag of kimchi


Yong gives directions in english ("turn right", "walk straight") LOL


CNBLUE boys take position and hide behind a divider wall


Yong and Hyun walk in and,.......




Edit: the video is out already!!!??? WOW, amazing! thanks dbskisluv for sharing and THANK YOU keoconvoi!!!!. Reposting:


Episode 20


and hahahah, we are all doing a great job of providing summaries for our friends who couldn't watch today. I backtracked and read. LOL-ing over all the comments. Thank you every one ~



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for the first time, TVU lagged!!!

so i'm missing some parts here..

i think hyun is still using banmal, not smooth flowing but still loveable

making of kimchi - both don't know where to begin, hyun is so generous with the salt!

love this part.

making kimchi tires u yong? shoulder massage seems natural now.

*after that piggyback, i think yong gave hyun's tired leg a massage*

jungshin seems to use a lot of that long leg of his!

the prankster!! :lol:

and who is going to open the door with all 3 of them hiding?!! :lol::lol:

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Guest sally7







this ep. capture





kimchi taste fine in the end (hope that for bro-in-laws)





Avatar prepare that prank next ep. very interesting






















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Guest Kerube-Chan
















The preview was Jjang... I think YH is not happy with Jungshin chingoo and how he is around SH all the time.... I really liked his reaction when she burned her fingers... Everytime I see them a get the feeling of a real couple.














During the Ep. while SH was cleaning YH that was just... Aish... I really love it and the staring sessions are getting better and better, is like they can communicate without words... I am loving it!!!




























Preview link:














Preview Next Week


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Guest aoi_enma

The preview was Jjang... I think YH is not happy with Jungshin chingoo and how he is around SH all the time.... I really liked his reaction when she burned her fingers... Everytime I see them a get the feeling of a real couple.

During the Ep. while SH was cleaning YH that was just... Aish... I really love it and the staring sessions are getting better and better, is like they can communicate without words... I am loving it!!!


Preview link:

Preview Next Week

thank you so much for preview link ^^

Yong was jealous to Jungshin chingoo ... Jungshin with Hyun in kitchen all the time ... look how Yong whisper to Minhyuk ...

When Hyun`s finger burned Yong reaction so lovely ... he stand up right after heard Hyun scream ... and heal the wound ... XD LOVE IT :wub:

ps. why i found this week ep so short ... XP




aish ... so close :wub:




staring session ... simply LOVE





Feeding each other .... Yong`s hand touch Hyun`s lips again like dried strawberry feeding ^^

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Guest Jillwithercraft




Thank you so much for the link... Awww another episode that is daebak :D


so many things to spazz on...


they feed each other waaaah...


they communicate again with their EYES...


Hyun massaged Yong~ :wub:


They are so cute together... I was giggling here :D


and the brothers are funny LOL... hahaha >.<


But why do I feel that it was not Yongs~ first time to talk to Hyun's mom?


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this episode was awesome.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I love it when they film just the two of them at their house
































































































































































































































































































































































































Staring galore!! We can see the love!! :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































It seems that Yonghwa is also comfortable talking to Hyun's mom on the phone :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBlue boys are hilarious-jungshin vacuuming literally everywhere and
































































































































































































































































































































































































them trying to get back at their sis-in-law.
































































































































































































































































































































































































But i don't think Hyun will get scared, she already knew about the box once during
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yoona's happy shares program before.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And the preview!! Jealousy part 2 :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































Can't wait to watch it next week. Aww, and the boys were really concerned when
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun's hands got burnt a bit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for sharing the video links.
































































































































































































































































































































































































It has been a long time since I last posted here
































































































































































































































































































































































































University life is soo hectic-I've got a test tomorrow too,but I can't seem to
































































































































































































































































































































































































stop myself from spazzing about this awesome couple. Hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope that I'll be able to contribute more to this great thread!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: On 2nd thoughts, I don't think Hyun's finger got burnt but it bleed instead
































































































































































































































































































































































































cuz Yonghwa was putting some pressure on her fingers in the end

































































































































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thank you for sharing the preview link Kerube-Chan and amazingkeoconvoi for the faithful weekly uploads... :wub:














I was waiting for the last segment to finish before catching the preview but i missed it completely!! so mad with myself! :angry:














Yong~ looked miffed when Hyun~ readily used banmal with Jungshin Chingu... :lol:














Minhyuk and Jungshin Chingu seemed to have the fastest reaction when Hyun~ 1st cried out...but Minhyuk had the bigger reaction though, it might be because Jungshin's hands were full...before Yong~ got up to check on wifey.














Jonghyun looked quite oblivious... :P





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Guest Kerube-Chan


But why do I feel that it was not Yongs~ first time to talk to Hyun's mom?














I was thinking the same thing.














I think we have two options:














1. He was been cool about talking to his mother in law. (It is said like that?)














2. He has already talked to her before.














I dont think the one almost conversation in the bus counts to talk to SH is mother like that.














The first options seems a little bold if it was the case, but I think YH is really respectful to his elders (from what I have seen in variety shows)














I want to think that all of them have been in touch... ^u^


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^^ love that part too <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































I think Hyun asked Yonghwa not no talk a lot because of his throat condition
































































































































































































































































































































































































and Yonghwa suggested that they communicate through their eyes!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































That's based on my own understanding of that situation-don't know whether it is correct or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Got this from SNSD thread
































































































































































































































































































































































































Kyuhyun and Seohyon duet
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr:Pete Samchon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest neptune_joker






Hello everyone! Haven't been on soompi since FOREVER. Actually I'm kinda on hiatus...but I'm here to post a short fan account of CNBLUE's Singapore Mini Live Concert. There were some Yongseo stuff during the Q&A segment (: I recorded videos of this segment but I can't upload it at the moment. Will upload at a later time :D




Host: If you were not a member or part of CNBLUE, what career path would you have chosen or taken?




Fan: Sonyuhshidae! [implying that Yong can be a member of SNSD, ref to his Genie dance]




Yonghwa (and the other members) start to smile. Yonghwa pointed to his ring.







Other members start answering the question. When it gets to Yonghwa's turn, there were shouts of "Sonyuhshidae!" and "Seohyun!"








Host: What band or artiste in or outside of Korea would you guys like to collaborate with and why?




Crowd: Sonyuhshidae!




Yonghwa's face wasn't captured on the big screen here but he was smiling.







During Yonghwa's turn to answer,




YH: Uh...(fans: SNSD!) (breaks into a smile) No...no...(louder)no! Haha...maybe Jason Mraz? [rest of answer not relevant]




At the end of all the answers to this qn, Minhyuk whispers something to YH that made them both smile. Jungshin also says something to YH.








Host: What are the good and bad points of being famous?




YH: I can perform for everyone...(a group of fans shouts "We Got Married"! [implying that being famous, he gets to go on the show and meet Hyun])




Yonghwa took 3 seconds to realize what the fans shouted and broke into a huge (embarrassed? haha) smile. Jonghyun leaned over because he didn't understand. Yonghwa whispered to both Jonghyun and Minhyuk "Uri Gyeolhunhamnida" [the actual show name is "Uri Gyeolhunhaesseoyo" but from lip-read, he added hamnida]. He continues to answer the question.








That's the end of my fanaccount. Will try to upload the video soon so you can all see Yong's reactions! :D And their mini live is awesomeeee. Go catch it if they come to your country!




edit; added my interpretations of what the fans meant when they shouted SNSD and WGM ;)


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Guest _d3seohyun






눈빛으로 말하는 용서




OMG @blueshoes. this is the HIGHLIGHT of the episode for me!



they're at it again! making out with their eyes! :w00t: beats the massage session for me :P















@neptunejoker. we haven't seen you in a while. thank you for coming to the rescue.



potatoes jjiang! i knew someone will come forward and do translations for us since j2dlee is away!


thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol. i automatically assumed it was translations for the last epi kekkeke. sorry but even better... fan accounts! thank you! seems like the crowd was shouting SNSD as an answer even though it's kinda not related to the question.




lol @ the duet pic. holding hands but seemed awkward :lol: very cute though. beautiful and dashing.


that's why yongseo's staring sessions are way better than any skinship i tell you. :P



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Guest anne0129












Thanks to everyone for the links, pics and eveything. This episode is just funny and lovely all rolled into one.








OMG!!! This is such a cute and lovely episode. Love it so much when they are alone together. They are able to express themselves more. Love the staring galore. So cute that the boys of CN BLUE are so playful and vengeful, they want some pay back Hyun. But I feel that since Yong Hwa was the first one in, most likely he will be the one who is startled and Hyun will just laugh her head of. Cause you know, this is the YongSeo couple, we have to expect the unexpected from these 2. These boys really show that they don't hang out with anyone else except themselves cause it seems like when they talk to each other they are fine and cool but talk to someone else and they get rattled and formal. Just like Jong Hyun speaking to his sis in law. Min Hyuk was so funny when he was laughing at Jong Hyun speaking to Hyun. Wonder what that was all about. Yong's room is pretty small and crowded and Jung Shin just burst into the room with no care at all just like a real brother would. Can't wait for next week's episode and hope someone would be able to give light to this episode and post some translations since our ever reliable j2dlee is on holiday. j2dlee hope you are having fun. See you soon.








I am hating soompi connection right now. It has been acting up on me for several days now. Can't spazz as much as I want to because of it.



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Guest omgirly











































Yong~ looked miffed when Hyun~ readily used banmal with Jungshin Chingu... :lol:







































sorry to cut your post, woollylamb.







































when i first saw the preview, i too thought he was miffed, but sadly, after watching it again, he looked more hurt than upset, which could be heard in his voice when he imitated her "sincha?". 







































he and hyun spend hours filming wgm, they talk on the phone, and have settled into a lovely co-existence (with comfortable skinship). i like to think much of it is to yong's credit since he continues to take the lead in their relationship, BUT the banmal seems to roll so smoothly off her lips when she's with the same-aged brother-in-laws. he mentioned in one of those backroom interviews that using banmal, to him, means two people are "comfortable" with each other, so when he sees hyun speaking banmal with minhyuk and "jungshin chingu" without thought or effort, he must think they're not as close as he believes.







































i do hope he explains his feelings to her. she's probably feels very close to him, but her 20-year habit of using honorifics with people who are older, has overshadowed the comfortability aspect of their relationship. i think if she knew how he really felt about banmal being a sign, for him, of them being close, it might put things into perspective for her. 





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