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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































since it's pretty quiet...I'll post the
































































































































































































3rd set:
































































































































































































oopppsss.. topped the page so instead of 5, I'll make it 10...hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waaaaaa... thanks for the love guys...































































































































































































































































































































































































If evryone's like this, why don't we do a seohwa project everyday? ahaha...JK































































































































































































































































































































































































BUT I think I don't deserve all your love...It's basically just my idea/concept on how it should appear though without my wonderful GDs this project won't be possible...hehe






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you, guys, have time please drop by at the sweet potato international forum and give sei/oetoriya, nicole, and beckie a shout out at the CBOX for their wonderful creations. and BTW we also have WGM streaming at the forum starting today so might wanna try it later :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































chikaaaaa please make this day better an much more spazz worthy by releasing an IMAGINARY HEADLINE... please! headlines!!! headlines!!! ahaha :)

































































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Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































bezbezbez OMG the booklet is awesome!! i'm sure yong and hyun will like it soo much when they got that!! thanks for the hard work sis!!!
































































































































































































































































just wanna give a short shout out to goguma shippers here!!
































































































































































































































































for those who watch CNblue live at spore, thanks for all the pics, vfancams, all!! do share your experience here, key?? have a great time there!!
































































































































































































































































and for those who'll watch online, please, please spazz!! i also can't watch online, got something to do..
































































































































































































































































andalasa halo, seneng juga banyak orang indonesia disini!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nb: why i feel soo happy seeing yong's picture, in spore, with the ring on his left finger???? i'm like smiling crazily here!! :w00t:

































































































































































































































































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Guest star sapphire
































Annyeong hayllucraze and star sapphire!! I emailed you two already :)
















Woah lovekim, you got it on your fancam?! Awesome I can't wait for it be uploaded! ^_^
















Ah and sharing one more photo:
































Can anyone help me here? I feel like an idiot asking this now but how do I go to the NUS cultural hall?































Hi there yukilovesyou! I have replied your email earlier, do take a look. I have also added in the directions...... I know that bus 96 gets to the venue from clementi station. Hope to see you later!
















It's gonna be a great Sweet Potato Day! :D

















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Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ok since all i can do is making headlines, i will post one here. NOTE: please take this headlines lightly cause it's just part of my crazy imagination base on my love for yongseo. don't take outside this thread. thank you :D

CHIKA IMAGINARY HEADLINES (don't take outside the thread please..)

Yongseo couple got some love from international fans
































































































































































































































































on a recent filming of We Got Married Yongseo couple, Jung Yong Hwa who recently visit Singapore for Listen to Then CN Blue showchase, show his make believe wife SNSD maknae Seohyun some gifts he get from International Fan there. The fans gave them some couple gifts and letter. what interesting for them is the international fans has compile the reason why the fans love Yongseo couple in a booklet with the couple's pictures on it. seohyun show her gratitude by saying "i'm very touch. never know we really loved by people not only in korea but also other country. so i'm really thankful." Yongseo couple then decided to put the gifts such as wedding certiicate, a frame with picture of them, the booklet, and the couple teddy bear pillow on their house.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kekeke. i know the chance is maybe low but who knows?? hey, a girl can wish right???

































































































































































































































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4






So sweet of bezbezbez for all that pics and quotes. Thank you my dear friend :wub:


Few more hours to WGM! Hopefully raw vids will uploaded in light speed since i can't watch stream video. My conn is really slow :(


Congratulations for all those Goguma aliens that made to meet and greet with CN BLUE boys :)



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































chikaaa: Sis! :D OMG Your headline is <3 <3 <3 I am praying so it will become true!! We, International Gogumas, will be soo happy if your headline comes true! :D
































































star sapphire: Don't forget that it's against soompi rules to quote pictures, just remove the img tags from your post ^_^ Have lots of fans at CNBLUE showcase! Scream and sing a lot!! hehehehe You are right, it is going to be a great Goguma day :)
































































If you want to stream WGM you can go to Sweet Potato International Forum -> LIVESTREAM: http://z7.invisionfree.com/SweetPotato/index.php?showtopic=979

































































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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































chikaaaaa your headlines give me adrenaline rush every time I read them. They make me wish that those weren't just imaginary and will soon be real <3 I hope that the yongseo couple would react that way when they see the gifts. I would want them to feel secure that they have a strong international fanbase so that it'll urge them to stay longer in WGM... hehe

































































































































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Guest chikaaaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crystal : yay! i will pray hard too to make it happen!!
































































































































































































































































bezbezbez hay!! OMG i forgot to say that the headlines is dedicated especially for people who work hard for the project such as you, naz, genxv, lovekim, hallyucraze, fengz, everyone!! it would be an awesome reward if they really show the gifts on the show right?? you really did a great job sis, really i mean it. huhuhu *HUGSTIGHT* thank you is never enough!! i will come out with the new headlines i promise, just waiting for the right time. mmm, what about "yongseo couple to appear on variety show together" or "Jung Yong Hwa visit Seohyun on the SNSD Concert in Japan"??? thank you for reading my headlines, really appreciate it. :D
































































































































































































































































ahhh, it's getting more excited!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































double post sorry : so I changed it :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































4th set

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































To all Gogumas around the world:
































































Jung Seobang sends you a kiss ;) and invites you to join Goguma World! hehehe :lol:































































































































cr: as tagged, tvdaum































































































































Happy spazzing!

































































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hi, I'm new here and I'm a big fan of yongseo couple.






I don't want to bother but anyone can tell me were can I watch mbc online because I were was watching before, sudenly it's not working.






sorry for my little experience with english.






can anybody help me, please?


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Guest bezbezbez


































































































































LOLS I saw A signboard saying Yonghwa Loves Seohyun!!!! Bringing SNSD into CN Blue concert???? Yipee three cheers for the person hu made it!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waaaaa....I love SG boices...they're also SG GOGUMAS... hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































ancaemma10 please check sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com I think there's a procedure there on how you'll operate TVUnetwork and links for other streaming sites.
































































































































































































































































































































































































here's the exact link http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html

































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































hi, I'm new here and I'm a big fan of yongseo couple.
























































I don't want to bother but anyone can tell me were can I watch mbc online because I were was watching before, sudenly it's not working.
























































sorry for my little experience with english.
























































can anybody help me, please?















































































































Hi, you can watch here
















































































































Or here
















































































































Enjoy :wub:









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Guest baby_bo






hello everyone! before i become quiet (which i normally do after an episode airs) i would just like to say a few words kekeke


bezbezbez, you and the people behind that scrapbook project are daebakk! it looks really good :) i really hope YOngSeo couple will be able to get thaat.. im sure they will appreciate it :D you did a great job :D


To SG fans out there, like naz, yuki, judy and lovekim kekekke enjoy the show!!! don't forget to shout.. GOGUMA!!! HAHA i envy you guys ;)


to yongseo fans who will be able to watch the SM TOWN CONCERT, lucky you!! pls share info! kekeke


and to us who are at home, let's enjoy today's episode! :D


from Naz's twitter :) ENJOY GUYS!! i envy you i want to meet you all too!

nazweena Yongseo soompi miting now! Awesome!! And the concert will begin. ^____^


pics from SM town.. cr as tagged






more pics at soshified and gg soompi thread.. just shared pics that has seohyun on it :) they all looked so GORGEOUS!!!



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Guest miel_1301






Oh you are so so fast baby_bo!!!


I got the group photos, nonetheless.


Press conference 'SMTOWN Live 10 World Tour'






cr: on pics



To all SG Sweet Potatoes going to the boys' Showcase, have FUN...FUN...FUN! And don't forget to shout out "GOGUMA".


@bezbezbez, you and your team are simply awesome. Can't thank you enough for all the efforts you put in making that MINI-BOOK of Compilation of our LOVE for the YongSeo Couple.



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Guest aoi_enma

bezbezbez your booklet is great !! i really hope yongseo can read all of them ;)

chikaaaaa kita udah lama gak ngobrol lagi nih ^^ rencana Yongseo indo gath baru satu anak soompi yang respon ntar kita obrolin lagi d ym yah ;) glad to see you and your headline again in here :wub: *hug* i hope it will become real ^^

and to potatoes in Singapore for CN Blue showcase GOOD LUCK!! Thanks for your all hard work ^^

and i`m very happy you all able to meet CN Blue boys live esp Yong seobang

for all people in spazzing team *waves* i will be able to watch streaming :lol: please keep spazzing ^^ *and please if anyone who can give summary or translation (because this week j2dlee go weekend *happy holiday j2dlee :wub: hope u have great time*) posting it here ... thank you very much*

1 hour to go for WGM

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Guest baby_bo






While waiting for WGM and updates.. sharing some pics ..


GORGEOUS girls from COSMO MAG :)




credit: dcyuri


re-upload: RoyalHighness@soshified



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Guest VinaDoll91
































yong seobang whether this day would come at the SM Town Live to see Seohyun?
































I hope he comes ... because yong could see that his rival Trax Jungmo oppa ... kekeke w00t.gif

















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Guest fabregas215

Hi everyone..

Umm,basically this is my first post here..i used to be asilent reader. Just reading what everyone been posting..

And have to say thank you for all the news and picture aboutYongseo couple.

Just like you guys,they’re are driving me cravy too with theirsweetness=)


But i just want to share something wit u guys.

I had watched a video at the YT and would really like toshare with you guys but i don’t know how to share the link.

It is done by luxi1000(credit to the creator)

I think you can browse it by typing MV Jung Yong Hwa &Park shin hye. It contains all the behind the scene moment when they werefilming the drama.

And i would say,i am quite surprised by the skinship thatthey had in the video. Can’t help but comparing with WGM scenes.

Just wanna ask about you guys opinion.

Hope my psot is not too long and i am not supporting yongwith shin hye here just wanna knows you guys opinion after seeing the vdeo..

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