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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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dreamy...your MV is making me tear up again because....ITS SOO BEAUTIFUL!!

i already saved it...tk u girl!


From This Moment...

yes, from this moment...

leave all the unhappiness aside and just spazz as crazily..

gogumas are famous for this! hahahahah..



rxp, pia...bring it on!!!

just a simple pic and gogumas spirit are flying high..thank u! :w00t:



soshi3...this nuna is soo random..and now i am happy again!!!

u are happy too right, my dongsaeng? yes lets be crazy now.. :D


ouichan!!! ack!!!!

yongseo performing together again!!! banmal song!! :wub:

ack!!! :w00t::w00t: THANK U THAI GOGUMAS!!!


i am super excited now!

c'mon gogumas...no more tears now!!!


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Guest laila-chan
































































Also, can anyone tell me when Yonghwa's picture was taken I think it's from one of the old NII cf pics but I'm unsure...
































Even if it is just sponsored....I think it's okay to be delusional about things like this 































































sorry to cut your post..:sweatingbullets:
































if I'm not mistaken, it's from last year on Win-Win show with siwon and taeyon..
































but the important thing is..
































why use the same ring-design on the same finger??:phew:
































(oh delusional me :w00t:)
































edit: oops sorry I forgot, ouichan DAEBAK!! GOGUMA Thai DAEBAK!!
































I'm so envy right now withyou guys:rolleyes:

































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Guest Luv_cheese
























If Yongseo will sing Banmal Song in Thailand, omg, prepare the tissues...........! It's gonna be exciting but heartbreaking at the same time. However, it's the start of the new beginning. :) Yongseo needs our support now more than anything. Let us protect them and continue to support them as they start their new life in private :)









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Guest SophiaPia
















rxp, jnj, walllllll mate, soshi, and to all of us here it's just coincidence precious maybe all idols must have yeah! right baby hahahaha








so this Saturday, we have troubles in love episodes, Bangkok music festival with YongSeo banmal together and maybe coincidence precious and precious. It's ok to end on 26th of March hahahahhaa. 








YongSeo Thailand you guys so lucky and thanks so much. Pls share more more pls.








Can i say Cheers now lol yesterday i can't even say cheers now i think can. Cheers to all
















thanks to the sponsored of the coincidence precious, it's looks good on Seobb
















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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello YongSeo chingus! i got out  of lurking mode and just want to say my thanks to the all gogumas from soompi ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and say that Lee JongHyun have the same ring or maybe sharing ring with YongHwa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SeoHyun in CN Blue family ?:Dhaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm goguma from Russia sorry for my bad english blush.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The ring is a sponsored Ring. But It's still suspicious why seohyun waers it on the same finger as yonghwa

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

solely musings on my part

not great but not devastating either:

Have yongseo started wearing these rings now because MBC's might be about to release some sort of official statement regarding this whole thing? I would like to think they're doing this because they've just filmed very recently, but it seems like these rings would have been bought a while back - maybe Yong gave them to Hyun at the end of the shopping trip, causing mc jake's "daebak"? But then what would have been the significance of giving her the ring then? Unless they knew about their end drawing near already, and were hence prepared to have these 'promise' rings (?), and decided not to wear them until time saw fit. Wouldn't it be taboo to give a promise ring like that during filming when it has not yet been made known about the ending? Technically, they could have met off-cam, or he could have passed her the ring via other people such as Soshi unnies, but I don't think so. This sort of special ring needs to be given personally hehe. Gosh i'm so curious! Please ignore my blabberings


Since someone said Jonghyun had one as well, it could also be an endorsement thing, right? (hope not). I'm trying to make sense of it here. Maybe Jonghyun wore his hyung's ring for fun (or was it spotted at the same event?) WOOPs sorry I guess it was confirmed that it was some sort of sponsoring thing while I was busy typing haha -.-" sorry!

ouichan, kamsahamnida for doing the "boring' job typing hehe. It is most appreciated! And OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YONGSEO IS GOING TO SING BANMAL DUET - soshi3, looks like a part of your Yongseo World Concert is about to be granted! XD That would definitely be a lovely farewell stage (hypothetically, y'know ;)).

Still can't get over the sweet but embarrassing-for-Yongseo poster you guys greeted SNSD with at the airport hahahahaa. Nice thinking :D

piaaaa unnie i love u for bringing it up haha.

and greed_island's got a valid point. SAME FINGER. Unless there are certain rings out there that tend to look better on different fingers other than the fourth. lol kidding :P


omg wow I am a bit slow, just realised that ouichan's "good news" was this Banmal duet PLUS the possibility of WGM filming, am I right? :D:D:D yipeeeeee!!

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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































Omg! Jinjja?! Is this real?! CONFIRMED?! 100% CONFIRMED?!!!!! I WILL CRY!
































I am so happy! We'll finally get a duet of this?! Aigoo.. I don't know what to do. I think I'll explode from all the happiness. Thai fans are 100% JJANG! You have done so much for Goguma couple.. thank you from the bottom of my heart! :wub:
































From greeting Seohyun at the airport with those daebak YongSeo signs, to the big balloons at the concert and now persuading a duet? Just too good to be true! THANK YOU!!
































And those rings... omg... more to spazz about!! I really hope it's not sponsored... please do not be sponsored and be YongSeos promise to each other outside of WGM... :wub:

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















































 Alright guys, as promised. My friend Phokar is on her way to welcome Seo Hyun at the airport now.















She left me with this typing job for you guys, what a boring thing to do,  just kidding :P
































After begging for JL Starnet to have our couple perform together (for many times)
















Finally, A manager of JL Starnet, who see our effort has given us a good sign and as you might guessed,our beloved couple will sing the song together on the same stage (you know which song, right?)















































Yeahhhhh!!! we heard about this news a few days ago but not quite sure if JL, at last minute,will change their mind. But this time, it seems very promising so here you goooooooooo,I hope this news is good enough to bring your mood up. :D
































(MBC and WGM crew knew about our project and they just came to inspect the venue today, so let hope that they will film our couple as well.)























































what? what? what?














































ahaa, yeah yeah, ahaaaa, yeah yeah, ahaa........... this is truly the news that I'm waiting for the whole day!!!! I was going to sleep but decided to open this thread one more time, and BOOM!!! this news! what a NEWS by you ouichan!




























































do we have any reason to be sad now?? NO! this news just buried all sad news that we read pages back, and yeah, all of you should start erasing your tears and changed it with WIDE SMILES from all of your faces, because we finally get to see this song to be performed by them on stage, again, AS A COUPLE, MATCH-MADE IN HEAVEN!!!






























I'm sorry for my excited post, because there is just no reason to not be excited over this AWESOME news!






























































































jnj nuna, how can I not be happy? WAHAU!!
















































EDIT: yes wallpaperfood! I know! not really a WORLD TOUR CONCERT, but to me, YongSeo singing together for 3 minutes on stage is already a UNIVERSE CONCERT to me hehehe

































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Guest pretty_92868








































OMG 500+++ USERS, and not even Saturday yet.
































That's what do you call a goguma love.



































































After so much up and down this past days,
































and after reading so many long post,which I love btw.
































I think, I'll never get that sad even if wgm ends.
































At this moment, I still feel they are real and they are
































not gonna let us down goguma.
































the new ring,daebak, thanks to goguma FBIs.
































If it's really a promise ring,I think I rest my
































mind in peace.
































and for Thai gogumas, you are very lucky as always.
































good luck and we were counting on you.thanks in advance.





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Guest Lumpiere





omg fellows i'm dying. I was all sad.gif yesterday and now seeing news of the possible new rings and the duet and omomgomgmogm i'm now all w00t.gif!

Brb booking a ticket to bangkok now, thank you Singapore, for being only 2hours plus away. lol 


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Guest basketsfruit89
































































































































































rxp, jnj, walllllll mate, soshi, and to all of us here it's just coincidence precious maybe all idols must have yeah! right baby hahahaha































































































































































































































































































































































so this Saturday, we have troubles in love episodes, Bangkok music festival with YongSeo banmal together and maybe coincidence precious and precious. It's ok to end on 26th of March hahahahhaa. 































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Thailand you guys so lucky and thanks so much. Pls share more more pls.































































































































































































































































































































































Can i say Cheers now lol yesterday i can't even say cheers now i think can. Cheers to all






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

^ssincha jealous of you Lumpiere....(even if it is a joke or not, you could still technically fly to Bangkok conveniently)

If I fly over to Bangkok from Melbourne will I be able to make it on time to enjoy the concert without jetlag?! hahaha

All you Malaysian gogumas - this is your chance too! Thailand is your neighbouring country for crying out loud (yes, just ignore work and school, why don't you). Vietnamese gogumas as well! follow Lumpiere and start booking your flights now lol! Sigh if only I was back holidaying in Penang which is like, super close to the border..I'd have hijacked my dad's car asap...to get to the airport! hehehe

sorry if you guys are getting sick of me posting so often within a few hours with not much to say! I'm going to bed now before my crazy heart bursts haha. 3:25am here, so nitenite! :)


Thanks for the preview trans, Hapiangle!! Omo I hope the crucial word is "sarang" hahaha

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OMG~!! you guys are jjangg~~!! :w00t: I really can't imagine I'm really riding on a roller coaster. Luckily we all gogomas have strong heart, if not, we will be crazy after a sudden change in our emotion... hahaha.. I think that ring is a promising ring from both of them. Well, I will proudly say that, I'm totally not sad or not even will be sad even after the official announcement. This ring, to me, is a commitment from both of them already. I should not sad on their E in WGM. They will pursue freely on their real off-cam relationship.. hehe.. :wub:
































ouichan, you really bring great news~~!!! Our long awaiting duet on stage that we desire and hope for finally~ finally~, our wish is granted!! I'm so happy.
































Ok, now, coming Saturday preview~~ Read at your own risk, I translated based on chinese translation in Baidu (cr. baidu).
































HOpe someone can transl this , thx
































" 용화♡서현 : Sorry Sorry~♡
































오랜만에 신혼집에서 한가로운 아침 시간을 보내는 용서부부!
































그런데 용 남편, 무슨 죄를 지었는지 자꾸만 현 부인의 눈을 피하고~
































용 남편의 자백(?)을 들은 현 부인, 꽃샘추위에 용 남편을 쫓아내기까지 하는데~
































현 부인을 분노에 차오르게 만든 용 남편의 치명적인 실수는 무엇?
































현 부인의 기분전환을 위해 옷 한 벌 쫙~ 뽑아주겠다며
































명동 데이트를 제안한 용 남편!
































기세등등하게 현 부인의 맘에 드는 옷은 뭐든 다 사주겠다고 하지만~
































깔끔하고 베이직한 스타일을 좋아하는 현 부인vs.
































블링블링한 금박(?) 스타일을 선호하는 용 남편!
































과연 현 부인은 어떤 스타일의 옷을 사게 될 것인지?
































명동 데이트를 즐긴 이후, 현부인의 심경을 표현한 결정적 한마디는? "































































YongSeo couple enjoying a relaxing moment in the morning at their house. But, not sure what have Yong nampyeon done, keep on avoiding Hyun buin's eyes~
































After listening to Yong nampyeon's confession, Hyun buin chase him out from the house in the cold weather~
































What did Yong nampyeon done and make Hyun buin so angry?
































In order to cheer her up, Yong nampyeon suggested to have a date at Myeondong and promise to buy her everything that she likes from head to toe. Hyun buin likes clean and simple design vs Yong nampyeon likes bling bling design, how will Hyun buin choose and buy the dress? After enjoying the Myeondong date, what is the crucial word from Hyun buin of what she felt during that particular moment?
































Cheers~~!! Looking forward to Saturday~~!! :wub:

































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Guest basketsfruit89
































































































































































































































@SophiaPia: l know it can be coincidence, maybe many idols have this style of ring, but the point is why does Seohyun wear it? She usually not wears accessory much, I saw she usually only wears SNSD's ring, WGM's ring. As I see, she only wears the precious thing from the precious person to her. So this ring really fishy  & why it's on that finger?
































































































































































***OMG, I don't know how to delete my previous post T.T

































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Guest deeana55
































































oh finally this thread cheer up again...
































and if....i say if (hopefully not) they going to end the show....we can keep spazz about their real life like this ....
































oooooh...i'm so happy right know....
































goguma FBI jjjjaaaaangggg.....
































































and i'm so happy seing hyun still wearing the ring....
































and about the new ring...i won't say anything...it speak itself...
































































but for me as long as they still wearing THE RING..... it comfort me
































































































i'm a true gollum  ... indeed
































































and about the duet...we count on your fancam...thai goguma.....
































































thai goguma your the best of the best....your jjaannngggg.....thank u thai goguma
































































happy....happy....and happy.....hahahahaha

































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Guest yonghyunforever



you guys gogumas are really crazy. so i decided to be crazy too. because we are goguma. yesterday i cried and said to myself move on. but today i decide to be delusional again. ekeke. maybe in next few months it will be hurt more but then just let be crazy now with all imagination about the new ring:w00t: . high chance just concidence but still more chance to be real, right. so like CNBLUE said let's go crazy, why not. i decide to be blind in love with this couple and dont want to analyze anymore. i want them tobe real. let be selfish for a while. yong can be in drama, hyun also but in real life they are have to be together. ok, LET US TO BE IN GO-CHUN AGAIN, PUT AWAY BAD NEWS AND MAYBE IN THE FUTURE CRY TOGETHER.:wub:

why i wish now is september, then we will now more about Yongseo after drama. September come fast please.


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if there is a posibility of wgm filming, i hope we can see

yongseo walking arm in arm at one of the beautiful beaches.


i can imagine hyun taking a look at that kissing pic, and then turns red!

Thai gogumas are such a teaser...kekeke


btw, ouichan, are u guys going to greet yong with that pic too? ;)



banmal song..

yong sang it in Thailand, first with his bros

and now he is back there, this time bringing his buin to sing the same song..

TOGETHER.. :wub:





basketfruit, click on the edit button of your prev post and then u can just

add a few lines there (no-one liner post ya?) :)




tks hapiangle..(hapi hapi hapi)

another great news tonight!

i still hope its just yong pulling a prank on buin,

but looks like he did something serious that she kicked him out of the house..

when it comes to yongseo...expect the unexpected..



*we are hapi and we have a BigSmileAgain..* sorry..lame joke.. :sweatingbullets:


if its the youtube version, i'll faint if she were to call him, yonghwa ya.. :w00t:





i was sad yesterday but i slept well but tonight i am too happy

that i cant sleep!!! :phew:



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Guest luckynew
































































 Alright guys, as promised. My friend Phokar is on her way to welcome Seo Hyun at the airport now.































































She left me with this typing job for you guys, what a boring thing to do,  just kidding :P
































After begging for JL Starnet to have our couple perform together (for many times)
































Finally, A manager of JL Starnet, who see our effort has given us a good sign and as you might guessed,our beloved couple will sing the song together on the same stage (you know which song, right?)































































































Yeahhhhh!!! we heard about this news a few days ago but not quite sure if JL, at last minute,will change their mind. But this time, it seems very promising so here you goooooooooo,I hope this news is good enough to bring your mood up. :D
































(MBC and WGM crew knew about our project and they just came to inspect the venue today, so let hope that they will film our couple as well.)































































Thank you so much! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh So excited! You really lifted up my mood since this super early morning! Thai Gogumas are amazing! Thank you for hoping/asking persistently for uri YongSeo to do a duet! Looking forward to it! I hope that there would be more surprises to come during the concert!
































Thank you everyone for posting up the photos of Hyun (rings) & Yong (rings)!
































EDIT: So, I was curious who is JL Starnet. So, I googled them and popped a twitter account JL Starnet's twitter. Ahhh... Seems like they are preparing the site for the concert. 

































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Guest yonghyunforever



wow, Thai Fans, you are awesome. i want to kiss you all. yongseo really jang. really this news make my day. forgot all bad thing.

yongseo is super super jang, and gogumas are Deabak


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Guest BigSmileAgain


Thank you ouichan for DaeBak NEWS about YONGSEO...It's make me think about hyun's pic at Korean Airport that she just came back from JAPAN with her guitar....MAYBE she practiced it to show with Yong "Banmal Song" in Korean Music Wave in BKK.

BUT can i drop a question here to ouichan??? Which version of Banmal Song???


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