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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest gogumaaa.
































oh my god.this is my first time posting here and i cant believe it has to be about this!
















this is so depressing!
















i was once a joongbo fan and i was DEVASTATED when they ended due to kim hyun joong's schedule for his drama.
















i cried so much i swear to not ever watch WGM again so i wont have to go through this over again.
















BUT our dear yongseo couple changed me and got me so addicted once again.
















and if the rumour is true.
















i cant believe it is ending the same way again! BECAUSE OF A DRAMA!
































but then again.we should be happy for yong to be able to do what he had wanted to.
















at least we still get our dosage of him every week starting june 22.
































oh well. i guess its true all good things come to an end.









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... Yong and Hyun received the news 2 weeks ago and their final filming will be at their house on 14th March 2011.The episode will run 26th of March 2011. WGM PDs will only announce the end of a couple only on the last filming date. ...

"Dear gogumas, endings are inevitable in life. When you leave your friends after graduation etc. For YongSeo, lets us not take in the sad ending but rejoice at the beautiful memories they made. This date is inevitable and at most will continue for a 2 months till Hyun's birthday. That is why SM had hoped Hyun could celebrate her birthday because their contract runs out on Feb. Yonghwa and Seohyun did not renew their contract so they had no filming done for the past 2 months. Their last epi is a wrapup by the PD as in Adam's couple's last epi when their contract expired.Having said this, as much as we hoped they will continue forever, they probably would do so for a short while but with the many obstacles around them, being celebrities and from different companies, chances to meet are far and few between.Nevertheless, when they look back in their drawers on flip through old photobooks in the future, I'll be happy if they can think back and smile at their lovely moments and their time as a married couple and for Hyun, her first love.

sorry to cut your post lopeytop... forgive me for asking but when you said that Hyun and Yong received the news two weeks ago, does this mean that quitting WGM was not their personal choice? Like it was a decision made by WGM or their companies?

- Their contract expired in February and Yong and Hyun did not renew their contracts. From this, I assume that it was the decision of SM and/or FnC. So I guess that the earlier report that SM wanted Hyun to celebrate her birthday at WGM was a false rumor or was true but SM changed its mind (maybe due to the activities of SNSD) Or could it be that WGM decided that it's time to change couples? ...

waah, forgive me for blabbering but i just got confused. :( hope that we can all get a clarification soon! for our peace of mind and our sanity!

I have been watching WGM since it started and i know that it is a just a show and that it is bound to end. Despite this, it made me sad whenever my favorite couple leaves or is replaced. With the reported departure of the YongSeo couple, I am more upset. I guess we were all caught flat footed! :o They gave us succeeding superb episodes, only to suddenly drop this bomb on us! :crazy: (sorry if is sound like their leaving is a confirmed fact, how i wish it is NOT TRUE! )

for the meantime, i will join you making the most out of the three remaining episodes...

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Guest chrryful









WOW , what a way to start my day :( im so sad hearing that their ending soon. Hopefully its just a rumour but it seems like its confirm that their parting. 







Man oh man, what am i going to do every saturday now..... Ahh, i was so attached with this couple...... Anyways, i hope Cnblue's comebck will be successful and Wish Yong luck for his new drama.... Im still in shock.......  AND THE CURSE... remember what the photographer said, that everytime he's in a show one of the cast leaves the show. OH Man oh MAN!!!!!  


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And with this I'll leave a video here. This was taken on Feb 28. Please take a look at Hyun.














[Fancam] 110228 Seohyun SNSD



























Sorry to cut your post short but I really wonder if Hyun's expression seen here has anything to do with lopeytop mentioning that Yong and Hyun received the news 2 weeks ago.














I think myself has somewhat prepared for this inevitable conclusion for some time since Adam couple left. So I want to repost this quote from Letters to Sam that someone here posted before. (Sorry I'm not quite sure which one of you posted this.)

"Death is not your enemy. Knowing your life has an endpoint will help you appreciate every moment you're alive."














All I want to say is at least we know beforehand that the E is right before us. So let's us appreciate, cherish every single second of their last rides together to the end.














So for now as a Thai goguma, I'm really looking forward to what surprise my fellow chingoos will come up with this Saturday and I also want to read about their reactions when Yong and Hyun see the banners and when chingoos give them surprises as I can't be there in the concert.














We know it's real.




























cr. beside11 @ pantip.com



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Guest butterflyz






yup! i.m ahjumma ~ yongseo shippers from Malaysia, too!!!




*quoted image* 










i.m from malaysia tooo...lets crying together...!



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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































From afar I heard Soshi3’s and jnj's call and I am here to heed that call (ok ok I read it more than heard)…..   so what am I supposed to do here?  Ah right, respond to the recent tsunamis (note: a tsunami is a really bad thing, big wave caused by underwater earthquake, wipes out beachside resorts, villages etc….) hitting Go-Chun….,  pull a rabbit out of my hat, save the day….. , comfort all the suffering villagers in Go-Chun…… 
































































































































I’m flattered really, not sure how I’m going to do all the above, but what the heck, I’ll give it a shot….  and @moniertu, I love your post, I had something in mind and you put out exactly what I may have done, so I’ll go a different style.  I’ll give you a + as soon as my daily quota expired becomes “un”expired….
































































































































Here goes, an open letter to Yong & Hyun…..
































































































































(and I would read this listening to any combination of CNBlue or SNSD songs for the ambience... or any song that tickles your fancy, I won't prescribe, just no T-ARA please.....)
































































































































































































































































































































































































Dear Jung Yong Hwa & Seo Joo Hyun,
































































































































Annyeonghaseyo to the both of you, you’ve come a long way now haven’t you, since you started filming for this reality marriage on 11 Feb 2010 last year.  
































































































































Who am I you ask?  Ah sincha, no one important, just call me the cup-half-full-Ajusshi-shipper….  Yeah, that’s right, I’m one of your villagers, remember the fairytale book that Hyun made you for your birthday?  The one titled “Yong & Hyun’s Story”, yeah choding, the one with YOUR NEW COUPLE RING AT THE END.   Well, I’m one of the guys in the picture on page 2, the blue page, where you had your second date with Hyun at Lotte world….. and you suckered her into granting you a wish…. To think that you wanted her to dance to Gee, good thing Hyun told you that was a lousy wish, and you made her learn the guitar instead yah??  Jashik you…..  Ok ok, technically I wasn’t in the picture since I’m writing you in English and not Korean script, sheesh, way to get technical yah!
































































































































Anyways, I wanted to let you know on behalf of the thousands of fellow villagers how we feel about news that the both of you are calling it quits after over a year on WGM.  What??!!  You don’t know you have thousands of fans? 
































































































































Hellooooooo, wake up and smell the roses here, both of you act all awkward and proceed to show us a love story unfolding over 47 epic episodes (and counting) to your wedding photoshoot where you exuded so much sweetness, intense eyeship, epic skinships that had more than half your villagers spazzing to death, and you think your fans are restricted to just Korea??  Dey, haven’t you heard of the INTERNET??   Why do you think thousands tune in to mostly poor quality live streaming listening to a language we don’t understand, relying on translaters like MadMountainman, Dduk, Juhee and many more to spot translate your lovely episodes for us, and then proceed to wax lyrical about how DAEBAK your episode was with each week topping the last on your official thread in www.soompi.com?   Did you think that the gifts you received were just from your Korean, Japanese and Chinese fans?   You have INTERNATIONAL fans calling themselves Go-Chun villagers, In-Go-Paem family, Yongseo-shippers, Goguma-couple-followers from all the continents of this planet….. and I’ll bet some of the penguins in the artic poles are fans of yours too, if we could only expose them to episodes 1, 26-27, 32-33, and 46-47 of your “marriage”.  Aish… you get the point now??  You both have tons of fans, and we probably outnumber the antis, so remember that alright!
































































































































Anyways, stop sidetracking me, I wanted to let you know that thousands of fans/villagers love the both of you, WAE you ask??   Oh come on now….. you are the only WGM couple to start off sooooooooo awkward and end up confusing all of us as to whether your relationship is reel or REAL….. and we loved every step of the journey you took us on.
































































































































Tell me honestly Hyun, did you know that Yong was your nampyeon on episode 1 already?  Was it scripted so you would choose him and set us all to believe in DESTINY??  What??!!  You’re not saying??!!!  Aish….  and Yong, are you really the gentleman that you show us to be?  Leading Hyun every step in your marriage/relationship???   What??!!! You’re not saying either???  Come on!! What fine upstanding Busan man takes 27 episodes to hold the girl’s hand!!!  You should have taken a leaf from Nickhun's book and grabbed Hyun’s hand in episode 1 when you were teaching her how to play the guitar, and not just guide her fingers, sheeesh!!!  And I would have planted a goodbye kiss on her forehead after you sent her home in episode 2 after the spicy rice cake date, you’re her nampyeon for crying out loud!!  And on a reality program where you’re in a marriage, you’re entitled to kiss your wife!  What???!! You’re brought up by your mother to be a gentleman towards women???  Ok, my bad….
































































































































What about Sarangbit and Banmal song Yong??  Did you really write those for Hyun or were they just for the show??  To tease us viewers???  You know we bought so many digital downloads of For First Time Lovers just so you could achieve an all-kill right??  You didn’t???  Why you little punk......  I had to learn how to access Soribada for Foreigners, spent good money for a 40 song download just to download your nauseatingly sweet song that you wrote for Hyun like 5 times just to “support” the both of you, and by the way, it’s a really nice song, hey!! 105 plays on my iTunes and counting says its nice alright!  So you really did write it for Hyun??? Arasso.....  And did you like it, Hyun??  No need to blush blush.gif Hyun, if you like it, you like it, after all its not everyday a guy writes songs for you right??  I’d like to see your other idol fanboys write songs for you….  so you like it then....   Alright, that’s good, we breathe a little easier now, especially the suckers like Ajusshi-shipper me who downloaded the song more than once for your fellow-shippers, suckers erm close office colleagues and friends whom I converted to your cause, just so I could pass them your song without them turning into pirates (arrgh!).  And Yong, did you write “Imagine” for Hyun as well??  What??!! You’re not saying….. aigoooo…..
































































































































And those birthday presents…. Don’t act all ignorant now, 2 plot goguma farm, butterfly necklace for Hyun and her omoni, fairytale book, new silver couple rings….. ring a bell? So did you guys plan them spontaneously or was it discussed with PD-nim prior?  Ah, you planned them spontaneously??  Alright, we can breathe easy there….  Yong choding, setting the bar high for Hyun for the fanboys after you eh??  What??  You were fishing for her heart??   And Hyun??  You’re not sure but you think you were fishing for his heart too???  Jashiiiiiiiiiik you two……
































































































































Japan trip now, that was great right???  Well we LOVED IT…… especially that arm grab Hyun, way to go girl….. who taught you that move?? SooYoung unnie??  Tiffany unnie??  It can’t be Taeyeon unnie right?? 
































































































































By the way Hyun, help me tell your leader unnie this “Happy birthday Taeyeon!!!  You continue to lead your sisters to success now you hear!!  And smack Hyun into dating Yong if they aren’t already dating…. What?? Don’t feign ignorance, what else were you doing wishing that she could date Yong for real if they weren’t on the verge or already in a REAL relationship!!!!  You’re the leader for crying out loud, you can’t be posting stuff like this irresponsibly for SONES like me to see… I even bought your Phuket photobook :wub: for crying out loud, and my wife gave me the “why-in-the-world-did-you-spend-good-money-on-that-photobook-that-is-meant-for-younger-fanboys/shippers-you-old-ajusshi!” look…..  I had to tell her I was checking out the Phuket scenery and all of your pictures were just icing on the cake….:phew:  And yes, I’m still sleeping on the couch, aish….. <_< by the way, I’m sending the photobook to Bangkok care-off my colleague, make sure you and your sisters autograph it yah!!”
































































































































Sooooooooo Hyun, who taught you that arm-grab??  What??!!  You decided to do it and just went ahead??!!!  Andwaeeeee, you’re all innocent in my Ajusshi eyes, you can’t be grabbing a boy’s arm!!!  What??  You’re a grown woman now and can grab Yong’s arm all you want???!!!  Aish…. alright, I concede that point, after all, you’ve really blossomed since falling in love with him.   Yeah right… you still think you’re in a pretend marriage with him and it was only right for you to grab your nampyeon’s arm?  Girl, if you were in a pretend marriage, you would have grabbed his arm within the first 10 episodes like all the other pretend-WGM couples… not episode 32 alright…. You’re so busted……  Jashiiiik you……..  and did you see MC Jake’s face??  He looked like he was going to collapse and spazz to death, pretty much what Soshi3 and jnj did……. Who’s Soshi3 and jnj you say??  Aigooo… when all this is over, go read this thread (http://www.soompi.co...ead-%E2%99%A5/), start from page 1, and you’ll see how many shippers you have…..  I’m a late joiner but I can spazz with the best of them…. We’re one big family, looking out for you two.
































































































































Hyun, come clean now on this, did Yong give you that butt massage after the wakeboarding episode??  We knew you wanted it, we could tell by the look in your eyes…. :wub: What??!!! That’s for you to know and us to find out???!!! Aish!!!! fury.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































Wedding photoshoot, you two looked great!!  Many villagers spazzed to death over those 2 weeks….. you can read the latest pages on the thread above on how we felt.   But more importantly, WAE the rumors about both of you leaving WGM???   What??!!  No comment??  Of course your management companies and MBC have not said anything yet, that’s why we’re asking you!!!   No comment??  Aigoooooo
































































































































Well, so be it then, we’ll wait for something official to come out, though we’re preparing for your departure from the “fake marriage” program.   Do us all (and yourselves) a favor and be a REAL COUPLE alright, if you aren’t one already….  What??!! You say it’s all a show??  That you were acting????   Yong, you couldn’t act well enough to win ShinHye over in You are Beautiful, plus she wasn’t the right one for you, Seo Joo Hyun is… and be thankful you’re getting another shot at acting, and with ShinHye, at least she’s familiar to us and we know she’s already spoken for by Seukkie….   Hyun, you and acting are water and oil….. sorry Goddess-Maknae, as much as I love and ship you, you act as well as Madonna… which is to say not well at all……  so as far as we’re concerned, you two have it bad for each other, so just get with the program and get together.  Don’t worry, your shippers, that would be us, we’ll be right behind you….. we’ll buy your CDs, watch your variety programs (Yong, that would be Night After Night and the now more frequent appearances on Running Man; and Hyun, that would be Hello Baby, SNSD), watch your dramas (Yong, that would be You are Beautifuland this new one you’re co-starring with ShinHye, now remember, Seukkie’s watching, Hyun too, so if you do the hot and heavy with ShinHye, we’ll smack you…. Just chaste kisses if you really have to, like your wedding shoot… you can do the hot and heavy with Hyun in the SBS Inkigayo secret room….. just make sure G-Dragon’s not hiding in some corner watching….), and we'll be supporting both of you in whatever you do, together, individually or with your respective groups.
































































































































So have fun when you shoot your last episode, make it DAEBAK for us (like you always have)…. And flash your couple rings after WGM so we know…. Or don’t if you’re afraid your management companies may find out…. But we’ll be watching you, our Goguma FBIs will stalk you till we know for sure….. that you two will end up marrying for real, and have your honeymoon in Italy, at the Duomo di Firenze……  and don't be afraid of antis, like I said, we outnumber the antis, bring them on.......
































































































































Yong, we’re looking forward to the new album from you and your brothers.  And Hyun, we can’t wait for the new single from you and your sisters too, conquer Japan, we’re right behind you.  And this weekend, enjoy Bangkok, put up a good show for your Thai fans and the few international villagers flying over to watch you both.  Sign autographs, especially my photobook, and stay healthy!
































































































































We pray that you will continue to support, encourage and love each other.  That you will succeed in all that you do, together, individually or with your groups.  The hearts and minds of thousands of fans all over the world go with you.
































































































































It was a blast and we enjoyed the journey with you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































winbros aka cup-half-full-Ajusshi-shipper
































































































































































































































































Well now, I’m not sure if that was what you were expecting, but I hope you had a good laugh though.  I had fun writing that, and had to re-watch some episodes to capture some thoughts.  It’s not perfect, I may have wanted to put more stuff in, but it’ll do for now.  I would encourage those of you “suffering” to do the same, I think its therapeutic, kudos to moniertu for starting it off in a long well-thought out post.   So bad English or not, write what you feel and look to the bright side, Yongseo would want the best for us, not the worst.  So we should do the same for them, bleeding hearts and all.
































































































































So don’t be a stranger, and try not to be too upset with whatever news comes our way in the days to come.   We’ve had fun, made friends, and are in a community where we can safely “stalk” Yongseo and share news without making fools of ourselves.  Like I said earlier, go grab all those Yongseo episodes and pictures, FMVs, fanfics so we can remember what they brought us.
































































































































I’m here to ship with you, and I’ll be in the thread still as we talk about life after WGM for uri Yongseo.  Hoping we’ll hear news of Ring-Ding-Dong appearances, awkward glances and body language at programs featuring our fav couple, all the signs that tell us that YONGSEO IS REAL.
































































































































PS:  If any of you know Yongseo or anyone related to them and would like to send this to them, by all means, no need to credit either, just so they get the message, LOL!

































































































































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Guest Lumpiere



ugh i should have stayed away from the internet today. 

I have a driving test tomorrow but the news is bothering me way more that i want to admit. 

Honestly i never thought i would be this affected but omg, it literally hurt when i read the news. 

To quote a famous chinese saying, 天下无不散之宴席, which translates to all good things come to an end. 

Well we are understandably sad, why not look back at watch them again? The past year has been good has it not? They made us so happy and brought us together and made lives better. 

I'm sure they cherish their time left together as much as us and as loyal gogumas, we'll stand by them no matter what. 

Of course the fangirl in me is still holding on to the belief that someday years later we'll see this splash across the news : YONGSEO COUPLE GETTING MARRIED FOR REAL, FANS ALL OVER REJOICE!


Meanwhile i will go indulge myself in that ahhhhhhmazingly jjang episode filled with kisses, backhugs, eyes filled with love and handmade scarves. You all should too! That ep, or any ep actually makes wonders. 

Obligatory happy yongseo:


See what i mean by genuine looks filled with love and happy smiles?



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Guest InTokgoguma




I just can't help myself to hide anymore...

Iam really sad right now..

I can't control my tears to go down...tears.gif:tears:tears.gif:tears:tears.gif


I really love Yongseo.. they are like my vitamins.. they always lift up my mood when i had a hard time in my days.. 

at first i tried to believe that the news are only rumour.. but after i read lopeytop's post my heart became weak suddenly...


i think my saturday wouldn't be as bright as before..


i promise that i will always love and support JUNG YONGHWA and SEO JOOHYUN in everything they do.. 


and i believe that one they will be together because they have a good heart and like seohyun motto's a person with good heart is an ultimate winner




and thanks for all my goguma family.. all of you are awesome.. let's support each other... and be strong like our couple... SHOW OUR GOGUMA POWER!!!


Just trust Yong n Hyun.. believe that they really love n care for each other..








For Thailand gogumas:: Please do your best to support our couple on 12 March.. Show to them that  many people all over the world love and support them..




Sorry for my poor english..





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Guest hyuksu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Korean fans already know. They are just waiting for the official news but it's pretty much confirmed? Ah at least we know ahead of time when their last filming is so we can prepare for it. Adam couple's departure was unexpected since they announced it over the radio. Hopefully Korean fans can do something special for them on their last day. :) and thank goodness there are currently only 2 couples on the show so we can expect a full 30 minutes for their goodbye episode.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Trent



@hyuksu: But if Korean fans already know, why aren't there any rumors on DC?? I mean, Korean fans aren't exactly avoiding rumors and usual discuss a lot. Why is DC then so quiet? There should be at least something, right?

What's going on?

Best regards,



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Guest Lumpiere


@hyuksu: But if Korean fans already know, why aren't there any rumors on DC?? I mean, Korean fans aren't exactly avoiding rumors and usual discuss a lot. Why is DC then so quiet? There should be at least something, right?

What's going on?

Best regards,


Yes, i was puzzled too, i mean the DC fans are mostly the most active ones irregardless of happy and sad news. I'm not saying that this is all untrue but i'm gonna try to stay as calm as possible until something official is out. 


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Guest starsundaepower







hmmpphh, I don't think I'll be able to watch another WGM couple after YongSeo, I vowed that YongSeo will be my first and last couple that I watch in WGM. I have invested myself emotionally on this program, and I don't think I can do it again with another couple..... I'll be honest with you, once you are attached, there is no turning back -_-











sorry to cut your post 


but I have to agree with your statement here


Yongseo couple is my one and only couple


and let it be that way


I have to admit that I'm so emotionally attached with this couple


like my previous post a long long ago


I start to pray for them, at first I thought that I'm a fool praying for people who doesn't even know me


my mind says "that's odd!!" but my heart says "hey, you pray for a good purpose, why not?"


and u know what they say.. listen to your heart folks!




regarding the rumor, I just go with BLAH! it's hurt though, why oh whyyyy???


(i'm on my denial mode, well if it's true then ... yeah.. soon or later they will get married for real eventually.. happy.gif)






i try to put this on spoiler but I dont know how.. 


regarding Yong's new drama, I must say, jnj and hacker8, i have to agree with you, we're on the same boat. Yong, sorry. 








winbros, I laughed so hard reading your post, especially this part "..and I’ll bet some of the penguins in the artic poles are fans of yours too.."


and this  "..Seukkie’s watching, Hyun too, so if you do the hot and heavy with ShinHye, we’ll smack you…. " --> YES WE WILL!!! 


thanks for cheering us up winbros!! u rawk!! 



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Guest emmanuellee






From afar I heard Soshi3’s and jnj's call and I am here to heed that call (ok ok I read it more than heard)…..   so what am I supposed to do here?  Ah right, respond to the recent tsunamis (note: a tsunami is a really bad thing, big wave caused by underwater earthquake, wipes out beachside resorts, villages etc….) hitting Go-Chun….,  pull a rabbit out of my hat, save the day….. , comfort all the suffering villagers in Go-Chun…… 




I’m flattered really, not sure how I’m going to do all the above, but what the heck, I’ll give it a shot….  and @moniertu, I love your post, I had something in mind and you put out exactly what I may have done, so I’ll go a different style.  I’ll give you a + as soon as my daily quota expired becomes “un”expired….




Here goes, an open letter to Yong & Hyun…..


(and I would read this listening to any combination of CNBlue or SNSD songs for the ambience... or any song that tickles your fancy, I won't prescribe, just no T-ARA please.....)










Dear Jung Yong Hwa & Seo Joo Hyun,




Annyeonghaseyo to the both of you, you’ve come a long way now haven’t you, since you started filming for this reality marriage on 11 Feb 2010 last year.  




Who am I you ask?  Ah sincha, no one important, just call me the cup-half-full-Ajusshi-shipper….  Yeah, that’s right, I’m one of your villagers, remember the fairytale book that Hyun made you for your birthday?  The one titled “Yong & Hyun’s Story”, yeah choding, the one with YOUR NEW COUPLE RING AT THE END.   Well, I’m one of the guys in the picture on page 2, the blue page, where you had your second date with Hyun at Lotte world….. and you suckered her into granting you a wish…. To think that you wanted her to dance to Gee, good thing Hyun told you that was a lousy wish, and you made her learn the guitar instead yah??  Jashik you…..  Ok ok, technically I wasn’t in the picture since I’m writing you in English and not Korean script, sheesh, way to get technical yah!




Anyways, I wanted to let you know on behalf of the thousands of fellow villagers how we feel about news that the both of you are calling it quits after over a year on WGM.  What??!!  You don’t know you have thousands of fans? 




Hellooooooo, wake up and smell the roses here, both of you act all awkward and proceed to show us a love story unfolding over 47 epic episodes (and counting) to your wedding photoshoot where you exuded so much sweetness, intense eyeship, epic skinships that had more than half your villagers spazzing to death, and you think your fans are restricted to just Korea??  Dey, haven’t you heard of the INTERNET??   Why do you think thousands tune in to mostly poor quality live streaming listening to a language we don’t understand, relying on translaters like MadMountainman, Dduk, Juhee and many more to spot translate your lovely episodes for us, and then proceed to wax lyrical about how DAEBAK your episode was with each week topping the last on your official thread in www.soompi.com?   Did you think that the gifts you received were just from your Korean, Japanese and Chinese fans?   You have INTERNATIONAL fans calling themselves Go-Chun villagers, In-Go-Paem family, Yongseo-shippers, Goguma-couple-followers from all the continents of this planet….. and I’ll bet some of the penguins in the artic poles are fans of yours too, if we could only expose them to episodes 1, 26-27, 32-33, and 46-47 of your “marriage”.  Aish… you get the point now??  You both have tons of fans, and we probably outnumber the antis, so remember that alright!




Anyways, stop sidetracking me, I wanted to let you know that thousands of fans/villagers love the both of you, WAE you ask??   Oh come on now….. you are the only WGM couple to start off sooooooooo awkward and end up confusing all of us as to whether your relationship is reel or REAL….. and we loved every step of the journey you took us on.




Tell me honestly Hyun, did you know that Yong was your nampyeon on episode 1 already?  Was it scripted so you would choose him and set us all to believe in DESTINY??  What??!!  You’re not saying??!!!  Aish….  and Yong, are you really the gentleman that you show us to be?  Leading Hyun every step in your marriage/relationship???   What??!!! You’re not saying either???  Come on!! What fine upstanding Busan man takes 27 episodes to hold the girl’s hand!!!  You should have taken a leaf from Nickhun's book and grabbed Hyun’s hand in episode 1 when you were teaching her how to play the guitar, and not just guide her fingers, sheeesh!!!  And I would have planted a goodbye kiss on her forehead after you sent her home in episode 2 after the spicy rice cake date, you’re her nampyeon for crying out loud!!  And on a reality program where you’re in a marriage, you’re entitled to kiss your wife!  What???!! You’re brought up by your mother to be a gentleman towards women???  Ok, my bad….




What about Sarangbit and Banmal song Yong??  Did you really write those for Hyun or were they just for the show??  To tease us viewers???  You know we bought so many digital downloads of For First Time Lovers just so you could achieve an all-kill right??  You didn’t???  Why you little punk......  I had to learn how to access Soribada for Foreigners, spent good money for a 40 song download just to download your nauseatingly sweet song that you wrote for Hyun like 5 times just to “support” the both of you, and by the way, it’s a really nice song, hey!! 105 plays on my iTunes and counting says its nice alright!  So you really did write it for Hyun??? Arasso.....  And did you like it, Hyun??  No need to blush blush.gif Hyun, if you like it, you like it, after all its not everyday a guy writes songs for you right??  I’d like to see your other idol fanboys write songs for you….  so you like it then....   Alright, that’s good, we breathe a little easier now, especially the suckers like Ajusshi-shipper me who downloaded the song more than once for your fellow-shippers, suckers erm close office colleagues and friends whom I converted to your cause, just so I could pass them your song without them turning into pirates (arrgh!).  And Yong, did you write “Imagine” for Hyun as well??  What??!! You’re not saying….. aigoooo…..




And those birthday presents…. Don’t act all ignorant now, 2 plot goguma farm, butterfly necklace for Hyun and her omoni, fairytale book, new silver couple rings….. ring a bell? So did you guys plan them spontaneously or was it discussed with PD-nim prior?  Ah, you planned them spontaneously??  Alright, we can breathe easy there….  Yong choding, setting the bar high for Hyun for the fanboys after you eh??  What??  You were fishing for her heart??   And Hyun??  You’re not sure but you think you were fishing for his heart too???  Jashiiiiiiiiiik you two……




Japan trip now, that was great right???  Well we LOVED IT…… especially that arm grab Hyun, way to go girl….. who taught you that move?? SooYoung unnie??  Tiffany unnie??  It can’t be Taeyeon unnie right?? 




By the way Hyun, help me tell your leader unnie this “Happy birthday Taeyeon!!!  You continue to lead your sisters to success now you hear!!  And smack Hyun into dating Yong if they aren’t already dating…. What?? Don’t feign ignorance, what else were you doing wishing that she could date Yong for real if they weren’t on the verge or already in a REAL relationship!!!!  You’re the leader for crying out loud, you can’t be posting stuff like this irresponsibly for SONES like me to see… I even bought your Phuket photobook :wub: for crying out loud, and my wife gave me the “why-in-the-world-did-you-spend-good-money-on-that-photobook-that-is-meant-for-younger-fanboys/shippers-you-old-ajusshi!” look…..  I had to tell her I was checking out the Phuket scenery and all of your pictures were just icing on the cake….phew.gif  And yes, I’m still sleeping on the couch, aish….. dry.gif by the way, I’m sending the photobook to Bangkok care-off my colleague, make sure you and your sisters autograph it yah!!”




Sooooooooo Hyun, who taught you that arm-grab??  What??!!  You decided to do it and just went ahead??!!!  Andwaeeeee, you’re all innocent in my Ajusshi eyes, you can’t be grabbing a boy’s arm!!!  What??  You’re a grown woman now and can grab Yong’s arm all you want???!!!  Aish…. alright, I concede that point, after all, you’ve really blossomed since falling in love with him.   Yeah right… you still think you’re in a pretend marriage with him and it was only right for you to grab your nampyeon’s arm?  Girl, if you were in a pretend marriage, you would have grabbed his arm within the first 10 episodes like all the other pretend-WGM couples… not episode 32 alright…. You’re so busted……  Jashiiiik you……..  and did you see MC Jake’s face??  He looked like he was going to collapse and spazz to death, pretty much what Soshi3 and jnj did……. Who’s Soshi3 and jnj you say??  Aigooo… when all this is over, go read this thread (http://www.soompi.co...ead-%E2%99%A5/), start from page 1, and you’ll see how many shippers you have…..  I’m a late joiner but I can spazz with the best of them…. We’re one big family, looking out for you two.




Hyun, come clean now on this, did Yong give you that butt massage after the wakeboarding episode??  We knew you wanted it, we could tell by the look in your eyes…. :wub: What??!!! That’s for you to know and us to find out???!!! Aish!!!! fury.gif



Wedding photoshoot, you two looked great!!  Many villagers spazzed to death over those 2 weeks….. you can read the latest pages on the thread above on how we felt.   But more importantly, WAE the rumors about both of you leaving WGM???   What??!!  No comment??  Of course your management companies and MBC have not said anything yet, that’s why we’re asking you!!!   No comment??  Aigoooooo




Well, so be it then, we’ll wait for something official to come out, though we’re preparing for your departure from the “fake marriage” program.   Do us all (and yourselves) a favor and be a REAL COUPLE alright, if you aren’t one already….  What??!! You say it’s all a show??  That you were acting????   Yong, you couldn’t act well enough to win ShinHye over in You are Beautiful, plus she wasn’t the right one for you, Seo Joo Hyun is… and be thankful you’re getting another shot at acting, and with ShinHye, at least she’s familiar to us and we know she’s already spoken for by Seukkie….   Hyun, you and acting are water and oil….. sorry Goddess-Maknae, as much as I love and ship you, you act as well as Madonna… which is to say not well at all……  so as far as we’re concerned, you two have it bad for each other, so just get with the program and get together.  Don’t worry, your shippers, that would be us, we’ll be right behind you….. we’ll buy your CDs, watch your variety programs (Yong, that would be Night After Night and the now more frequent appearances on Running Man; and Hyun, that would be Hello Baby, SNSD), watch your dramas (Yong, that would be You are Beautifuland this new one you’re co-starring with ShinHye, now remember, Seukkie’s watching, Hyun too, so if you do the hot and heavy with ShinHye, we’ll smack you…. Just chaste kisses if you really have to, like your wedding shoot… you can do the hot and heavy with Hyun in the SBS Inkigayo secret room….. just make sure G-Dragon’s not hiding in some corner watching….), and we'll be supporting both of you in whatever you do, together, individually or with your respective groups.




So have fun when you shoot your last episode, make it DAEBAK for us (like you always have)…. And flash your couple rings after WGM so we know…. Or don’t if you’re afraid your management companies may find out…. But we’ll be watching you, our Goguma FBIs will stalk you till we know for sure….. that you two will end up marrying for real, and have your honeymoon in Italy, at the Duomo di Firenze……  and don't be afraid of antis, like I said, we outnumber the antis, bring them on.......




Yong, we’re looking forward to the new album from you and your brothers.  And Hyun, we can’t wait for the new single from you and your sisters too, conquer Japan, we’re right behind you.  And this weekend, enjoy Bangkok, put up a good show for your Thai fans and the few international villagers flying over to watch you both.  Sign autographs, especially my photobook, and stay healthy!




We pray that you will continue to support, encourage and love each other.  That you will succeed in all that you do, together, individually or with your groups.  The hearts and minds of thousands of fans all over the world go with you.




It was a blast and we enjoyed the journey with you.












winbros aka cup-half-full-Ajusshi-shipper








Well now, I’m not sure if that was what you were expecting, but I hope you had a good laugh though.  I had fun writing that, and had to re-watch some episodes to capture some thoughts.  It’s not perfect, I may have wanted to put more stuff in, but it’ll do for now.  I would encourage those of you “suffering” to do the same, I think its therapeutic, kudos to moniertu for starting it off in a long well-thought out post.   So bad English or not, write what you feel and look to the bright side, Yongseo would want the best for us, not the worst.  So we should do the same for them, bleeding hearts and all.




So don’t be a stranger, and try not to be too upset with whatever news comes our way in the days to come.   We’ve had fun, made friends, and are in a community where we can safely “stalk” Yongseo and share news without making fools of ourselves.  Like I said earlier, go grab all those Yongseo episodes and pictures, FMVs, fanfics so we can remember what they brought us.




I’m here to ship with you, and I’ll be in the thread still as we talk about life after WGM for uri Yongseo.  Hoping we’ll hear news of Ring-Ding-Dong appearances, awkward glances and body language at programs featuring our fav couple, all the signs that tell us that YONGSEO IS REAL.




PS:  If any of you know Yongseo or anyone related to them and would like to send this to them, by all means, no need to credit either, just so they get the message, LOL!






thank you, for writing the emotions and feelings that we can't say here. thank you for the letter, it's uplifting, btw.:)



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Guest seveneightnine
































































really sad to hear that. T.T it seem like i've lost a part of my life.































































































my spirit every week.































































































they're the special thing i waiting for.































































































i hope they still can meet each other. :(






















































































































































sorry for my poor english.































































































i hope the good news!































































































i'm yongseo shipper from indonesia ;)
















































yonghwa seohyun saranghae..









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Guest juita_ejet77












i.m from malaysia tooo...lets crying together...!













My heart ached, my head spinning... my tears has dried...seriously need to pull myself together...I even had to lie to my boss just now since my voice cracking due to the crying...I told him it's because I just watched animal planet about a kitten that lost his mother...How could I tell him it was because of Yongseo!!!! Argghhh...!!!!








Need a good night sleep...and wish tomorrow we can hear a better news about our goguma couple....Yongseo shippers whaitiinngggg!!!!












By the way....I'm also from Malaysia...@ it's already 11.57pm!





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Guest MrRam






Well, if the end have comfirmed, let countinue to support them, and there are still some episodes left...lets still spazzing about them. For me the end of Yongseo couple in wGM isn't really sad, I mean...Im sure they will remain close. Seohyun would never forget a bpy like Yong, why? cuz he is her first love, u cant forget ur first love u know.


Maybe Yong will be her last love too, whoo know. To gogumas out there, dont be sad and keep on support them :D


I loove Yonghwa, I love SeoHyun, I love YongSeo :D



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Okay. As most people says, let's enjoy while it last. I love both SNSD and CNBlue. And yes, with Yong's upcoming drama and his band's comeback, and SNSD's activities which is concentrating on Japan activities this year, I think it's inevitable. Whatever decision they make, let's always support them both. Adam couple introduced WGM to me, glad I discovered Yongseo last year. But I don't know if I will continue watching WGM when Yongseo ended. After Adam Couple left, now I only watch Yongseo cuts... :'(














Yong's new drama and somewhat unrelated but related talk under spoiler.








Regarding Yong's new drama, I'm actually excited. I always wanted Go Minam to be together with Shinwoo, so my inner GMN/KSW shipper is happy because they will reunite again in some different form ;p . But his role now would be a 'cold yet handsome man', rite? it's so unlike him O_O. Shinwoo is a cool and gentle person, too, but that's when I didn't know he is actually a playful person... now I wonder if I will laugh when watching his serious acting lol














I haven't made any wallies from the latest episode because I keep replaying and admiring those two... ugh so precious. So, I will share a wallpaper from their first pilot episode. Remember their awkwardness? it's such a long journey and now they're so much closer and lovable than anyone! I'm thinking about making wallies from their past episodes -- still downloading the HQ ones though 8)









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Guest dwajee-tokki








yongseo fan from malaysia!








feel like want to crying when i knew about this bad news :tears:




still hope for a good news




nitey all~








yongseo hwaiting!








12:05am KL,malaysia





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oh my god.this is my first time posting here and i cant believe it has to be about this!




this is so depressing!




i was once a joongbo fan and i was DEVASTATED when they ended due to kim hyun joong's schedule for his drama.




i cried so much i swear to not ever watch WGM again so i wont have to go through this over again.




BUT our dear yongseo couple changed me and got me so addicted once again.




and if the rumour is true.




i cant believe it is ending the same way again! BECAUSE OF A DRAMA!








but then again.we should be happy for yong to be able to do what he had wanted to.




at least we still get our dosage of him every week starting june 22.








oh well. i guess its true all good things come to an end.







To : gogumaaa.




OMG... My story is exactly the same as yours. I was a JoongBo fan and still am.




And after them, i swear won't watch WGM again, but look where we are right now??




Exactly the same place where JoongBo's farewell was announced. It really broke my heart, when i read lopeytop's message. It feels like there's a thunder striking the almost healed part of my heart. And the more i read, more tears were streaming down my eyes...




GOD, how i wish they could last, at least until Hyun had her 21st birthday. It would be such a wonderful memories to both of them and for us too.




The only thing we could wish for them is for MBC WGM staff to give them the most wonderful and beautiful farewell like all this time their journey have been.







Winbros appa, your post bring smile and laughter to my face. Thank you so much for your witty, funny and wonderful post. =3





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I was actually about to share on how after 3 mths of effort and i thought it's useless to try anymore but finally my stubborn friend has convert into a goguma couple lover.































































































Yes,the same friend who used to laugh at me when she saw me laughing to myself when i watched their clip on my iphone.































































































The same friend who told me that she couldn't watch korean show without chinese dubbed as she will falls asleep when listen to foreign language.































































































The same friend who ask me to get real when she know that they are only marry in the show..






























































































































































But now, she told me that this couple is REAL after watching only 10 epsiode..































































































that she has to keep on massage her face to avoid getting smile line after laughing so much (she learnt it from junshin chingu)and we are in the mid to plan on our korean goguma trip and now this............................
















































Nevertheless, winbros, i have to thank you for your post that inspire me to give it one last try.






























































































































































I'm gng to sleep and hopefully, the next morning when i wake up this news will turn up to be either a rumor or an early April fool joke!

















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