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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About the drama offer: Well, I don't want to get ahead of things, so I'm going to remain neutral until it's confirmed. But it's really unlikely for him to do a drama now because of their album's release. I'm not worried about him leaving WGM, though -- remember that out of all his schedules, WGM is the most flexible if compared with, say, Inkigayo. There was also a similar news late last year, I think, about him being casted in a certain drama which turned out to be false. So to everyone who's worried about this drama rumor, take a chill pill and stop worrying :)) IF EVER this drama casting is confirmed, though, then I will be happy for him. Honestly, I'd be more paranoid if the lead girl isn't Park Shin Hye. Haha. I never watched You're Beautiful -- I have a commitment problem with dramas since my attention span is too short + I get bored easily. From what I've heard and read about the YAB cast, they seem to be a really close group of friends. Park Shin Hye strikes me as the type of girl who's very laidback and easy to get along with, and I think that's what makes her bond with the guys really well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About MC Kim's tweets: Yes, his tweets are getting more vague and less descriptive. But maybe the PD's told him to cut it down a bit? That's the only plausible reason I could think of. Besides, there were a few instances wherein his tweet didn't correspond to the week's episode. Since the WGM staff cut and divide the episodes depending on their liking, it would be better for MC Kim not to mention anything specific and raise the hopes of the viewers. I still love him, though, for never failing us with his tweets every Wednesday and for being one of the best Yongseo shippers ever <333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The anticipation for the wedding episode is killing me. It's already Friday here, but why does Saturday feel so far away? Haha, I guess I'm just too excited and ... nervous. I keep telling myself not to raise my hopes up but that won't stop my overactive imagination from playing out the scenes in my head. This wedding photoshoot better be filled with mushy goodness. I remember last week's preview sounding so romantic and all, and the episode turned out to be LOL-worthy with the emergence of Princess Yong :D I'm thanking the heavens in advance for tomorrow's episode. Yes, I'm a very optimistic person.

































































































































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HELLO GOGUMAS! *waves at everyone* ^^

soshimunky, i got amazed by ur confession! it kinda breaks my heart to hear that. but i'm glad that u managed to go thru' all the painful days with ease thanks to yongseo. :)

luvtokki ahjussi! what a dream u had! it was like as if i am reading a fanfic! i really hope ur dreams will come true! it sounds so realistic! i'm spazzing mad here although that was just ur dream xD LOL!

winbros ahjussi/oppa, i really admire u for being able to convert ur friends. i only managed to convert my mom LOL. i hope i'll be able to convert my BF! now his ringtone is the banmal song... heh heh heh hopefully! :w00t:

wally~! i ROFLed hard at ur "D" story! ahahahahah u're jjang!!!

soshi3, i hope i'm not too late to answer ur Q on why girls wanna doll up the guys. IMO, 1) i'll do that to see how much he likes/loves me. 2) i'll do that to get closer to him. hmmm pretty much like how most of the other female gogumas have replied. i bet hyun must be over the moon to see that yong would do just about anything for her. :wub:

oh, about yong starring together with PSH... i'm shocked that i don't feel upset/jealous/sad/angry!!!! uwahhh i'm usually the sensitive type who always wanna remain in GO-CHUN (just like uri jnj haha xD) but maybe it's 'cause i feel that yongseo have built their "house" on solid ground that no matter what happens, it won't be easy to destroy the "house". haha what i meant to say is that yongseo's relationship is one that is very deep. after watching the latest ep, i felt that their trust/faith to each other has grown much stronger if compared to the beginning where there wasn't much trust/faith present maybe that's 'cause there's nothing much to trust or to have faith for since those days were just something like a time of discovery to them.

besides, just watch yong's latest interview during Valentine's day. he was obviously being very careful around "potential" girls. it shows how both yongseo keep track of each other. this is all the more why i think it'll be ok for him to star with PSH. i don't think PSH is that bad of a person anyway :P

ok... i made this while i was too bored at home :P so sit back & relax... i hope u'll enjoy watching it as much as i enjoyed making it... i present to u *drumrolls* wahahaha :P

[FMV] Yongseo - Hey

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Guest yongseoisreal




















that's superstitious!!!
















what with the photographer bring jinx around..
















poor him though...
















i don't want to believe it...
































what a speculation~~~
















i don't know this is allowed..
















i wanna share something but it's not related to yongseo...
















it's related to WGM..
















have you guys read the article about the new pair?
















here's the link..
















My link



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Guest Cjbaby12


WOW! I was surprised with that news... Yonghwa in a new drama? Shouldn't that be good? That means he is getting more popular and therefor making more money. WHICH MEANS... He could buy Seohyun more GOGUMA FIELDS!!!!! :D Maybe something bigger this time and hire someone else to do it! LOOOOL! Remember what her unnies told her? That she should marry a man who owns a goguma field and with Yong getting paid a lot he could definitely afford it!!!! :D

The drama is just another job. At the end of the day he would need to go home to his own house. It's like a husband going to work and coming back home to his wife. Personally, I'm a little bit sad because I know it will be tiring for him and therefor he might start drinking a lot of coffee which Hyun will not like. They or even Hyun might see that he is getting too tired and could be their reason for stopping WGM just because it might be bad for his health. But then I started to think, how many times do they film in a week? Everyone needs a day off right? Maybe our Yong would like to spend his day off with his wife!!!! :wub: Then that would mean they won't stop WGM!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I mean it could still work right? What matters is how they would be after the drama filming. Would there be jealousy? Set visiting? Food deliveries???? I mean it will even give us a chance to see more of our couple. I just really really hope they won't stop WGM because of it.




TO THE PD's: PLEASE DON'T STOP WGM!!!!! I'll understand if he has a drama, but PLEASE DON'T STOP WGM!!!!! I'm sure you could work some things out and help our YONGSEO!!! Everyone agree right???? :)




Gogumas... we have to believe in them. That if we really think they could be real or they could be together then one of them having a drama is just one other factor in life because they need a job to make money. Let's believe and find our optimism!!!! :lol: When we all start getting sad then does that mean we have no faith in our couple??? :tears: Let's just hope that they won't stop WGM filming for it and accept that the drama is just another job. ok??? Can we all agree on that????

Acting is just acting. Real chemistry can't be acted!!!!!!


YONGSEO will be the strongest WGM COUPLE!!!!! That no matter how it ends or when it ends (hopefully not soon) we will know that they will continue on!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or something like that... :D:wub::wub:blush.gif






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Guys remember the picture of YongHwa and a doctor? well look at this...
































































































































Aren´t they destined to be married??? LOL :wub:
































































































CR: YongSeo Couple♥ @facebook

weve seen Yong with an eye specialist, now its with Hyun...could there be a possibility that they've filmed? -=zel=-
































































































a husband and wife INDEED...♥♥♥































































































































































































cr. to DC































































































































































































































































































Trent:  Gain and Kwoon also started WGM knowing each other from before so it wouldn´t be the first time :)
































































































Edit 2: For jnj
































































































My linkhttp://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=jyh&no=309196&page=1&bbs

































































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Are they SERIOUSLY the new couple? Because they already seem to know each other which has never ever happened before. The interesting thing is that on WGM you get to live through a couple's entire journey and if they already know each other, it's kinda ... weird. Is that a rumor or true? Korean media reporting on this?




Best regards,




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dreamy..cant view your new mv. its been removed!

better check it, girl..

luvtokki oppa, i hope your dream do come true.

and that they will make the announcement soonest. ;)

soshi3, noona will also ans your Q.

why girls do all those things?

all i can think of are...

- girls want to get closer to the guy

- because girls like to play doll-up with each other,

we want our guys to like it too..hehehe..this is quite lame..

winbros oppa, i have yet to convert my boice collegue into a yongseo shipper.

she indeed agree that hyun is such a sweet girl but she doesn't want to hear yong

declare to the world that he loves hyun..

urgh...this boice collegue of mine... <_<



i think i may have missed the pic of yong and the dr. mind reposting it? tks!


tks magdal!

hmm..it does look like they went to the same dr..

i just cant wait to see how hyun react upon seeing yong's black hair again..kekeke

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Magdal...thanks for the pix, it's good to know if they really did meet for a shoot, but, just wanna make sure, does the doctors look the same, I am so bad with recognizing faces and I'm not quite sure if they look the same....sorry...hehehe.
















Boo...I tried to watch your latest MV but I think YT took it out or something's wrong with the link?  Do you have it at DM cause I'll check it there later.

















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Guest kasia3goguma








































Magdal - from what I remember, this photo of Hyun with doctor is pretty old. After this Hyun doesn't have to wear glasses anymore. I read about it somewhere. But still those photos are so cute ! :D














































































About the drama rumour - I'm still happy that it's with Park Shin Hye, who is a friend of Gogumas :D I'm not that worried about it. It's still a rumour. Besides we should always remember that music will always be the most important thing for Yonghwa, and I don't think that he will have enough time to promote album and film a drama - those TWO THINGS are too much. So I think that Yong will want to be in a drama but after promotion of the new album...














































































It's almost Saturday (FINALLY...! )
















































Please Gogumas, try to enjoy this moment as much as it's possible! We have a wedding photoshoot and that's the most important thing right now ! So don't worry about rumours and predictions, just enjoy and love this Saturday's episode!





































































































































ysdarren - I like the pic You posted a lot! I think the original photo is this one (found on tumblr):

































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Guest ysdarren




Sigh, i know this will happen one day that Yonghwa will be involve in a new drama. Drama = Kissing scene.. ARGGH. But i didn't expect the bomb to drop so soon just when their wedding episode is coming along and with all the rumors that they are leaving WGM flying around. We shippers have been going through roller coaster mood this few days. LOL




Now it felt like Yonghwa have to choose between drama(PSH) or WGM (Seohyun)... dry.gif


Not that i dislike PSH.. I love her when watching Stairway in Heaven with my gf.. buttt i felt that they're too close........


Anyway... not going to bother with it until it's really confirm but anticipating SATURDAY! ONE MORE DAY TO GOOOO! :wub:


YongSeo charm will break the photographer curse~!!




Lastly, a pretty pic of Seobaby.. i'm sorry i forgot where i got it.... so cr. the owner =D




Seobaby's eyes was like saying, " I HAVE FAITH IN YOU, YOO~NG!" kekekeke blush.gif







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I am depressed to see the album is delayed again. Well actually it's not delayed again, it wasn't just announced the new date of release. But FNC should have been more careful before started such stupid countdown screen.

I needed 9 hours to accept this reality. There must be reasons which we don't know, and I guess something. But thanks to the delay, members could have vacation. I remember, before the release of Bluelove, they just practiced and practiced, stuck in the practice room with no windows at all, didn't know when the sun rise or set. They called themselves prisoners.

This time is different. They went on a vacation before the new album release. (It was suspicious actually.)

And Yonghwa got an eye surgery(LASEK) on Feb.21, just before he went home. I don't know what is cause and what is effect. But anyway, he needs time to rest.

Yonghwa's drama is very good news. The most surprising thing is, great director Pyo Minsu casted Yonghwa first, then is building a story and casting actress. Isn't it great? thinking it's just Yonghwa's second drama and 2nd year of his career. Well, I have different opinion about this drama (such as it's too much like YAB2) but I will just support him. It's not confirmed yet, but FNC is not denying it. Maybe it's true.

Yonghwa is clever. He soothes fans just before or after disappointing news. If he tweets or replies UFO unexpectedly, we must be prepared to bad news.

magdal, i wonder when was the pic hyun took with the doc. as per quote above, yong had LASEK. i guess hyun had hers too? no wonder in the busan ep, she said that she "used to wear glasses".

jnj, shawie~!! thanks so much for alerting me. aigooo all my efforts being wasted :o dang, should've known better not to choose a popular english song. OK... here's hoping that u guys are able to watch it in dailymotion instead.

FMV YONGSEO - HEY SOUL SISTER <-- so sorry, even dailymotion rejected it. ughh... sigh, so sorry for making it so hard for u guys to just view it :( anyway, i uploaded it in mediafire for DL instead... so here's the link if u're curious :ph34r:

DL link to FMV YONGSEO - HEY SOUL SISTER: http://www.mediafire.com/?729veejmwbkoded

wokehh...should u still encounter problems with the vid, do not hesitate to inform me yah :)

have a sweet dream, gogumas~! i hope i'll dreeam of yongseo later! >.<

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Guest lunasol








To help us get into the romantic mood... Some Wedding photos to imagine Yongseo posing! happy.gif






I loved this one and I think it would be perfect for Yongseo. A blurry almost kiss or kiss (better happy.gif) to keep their 'privacy' and 'intimacy', while they extend their hands showing off their precious .


















An almost kiss

















  I liked this one holding hands







We can't forget Yongseo and rain, right?













Since I know we probably won't see a kiss, I hope that at least there is a photo where he is grabbing her like he really wants her completely glued to him while looking into her eyes. Ohh, I am melting just thinking about it hahahah (Shout-out to the SPD chatbox, especially the pg40 pervs wink.giflol)












Yognseo sure loves music and their instruments and I sincerely believe that in the beginning when they where trying to find some common ground, music served for them as a way to click so they could move forward.


















I would love even more if Yong will give her a kiss while she is playing the piano. How sweet and romantic! If it is in the neck even better  wink.giflol. I liked the one on the right showing off their rings close to each other while 'playing' together.
























This one is with a kiss at the piano... we can still wish for one right?  wub.gif



















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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































it's Friday  now.. :D
































































































I'm waiting for the text preview  hehe hopefully they will provide us with one pic from their wedding ;):P
































































































ets just spazz about their wedding
































































































only 96 page left then we will get our 2nd thread :P
































































































@dreamyboo  I like your MV so much :D:wub:

































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Guest MountainMadman

PSH and Yonghwa in a new drama? YES! YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!


Sorry. A huge fan of Park Shin Hye here. LOL.

Honestly though...I don't see why WGM would have to come into the equation at all. I'm sure that some people are paranoid after what happened to the Adam Couple (casted on All My Love, stopped WGM), but that doesn't mean that the same thing will happen here. In fact, if we look positively at it, it gives a whole slew of new ideas for upcoming missions, like:

-Seohyun visiting Yonghwa on set

-Seohyun making a cameo in the drama

-PSH cameo on WGM

So let's keep our positivity heading into what may very well be the most EPIC YongSeo episode ever, okay?

And, completely unrelated, but...

I got my Beats Pro by Dr. Dre headphones (for those of you that don't know, they are high-end headphones that cost $450) this morning, and I've spent the last couple hours listening to CN BLUE. Seriously, it's like I'm hearing them for the first time. Sooo much better fidelity and quality. Worth every penny.


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I haven't read everyones post but got the overall gist :)


So it seems Yonghwa could be starring in a new drama. It's great and I am happy for him and when it is with PSH even better. They are great friends and I think Seohyun got to know her by now as well ;) But the drama itself is not that compelling to me it could be something different/new.


And lets face it, they are young and want to achieve so much. who are we to be upset, we need to support them otherwise we are The antis :)


It's hard I know but lets enjoy them while they are still on WGM and why is everyone anxious that  wedding shoot= E**?! who made this up?! it only destroys our mood for something we yearned for soo long. But I am still on happy mode, we need to be happy pleaseeee


@YSinternational: your comment made me go totally crazy. Like "what does she know? who told her? maybe dukdukduk? since you are the ambassador of the YongSeo thread :) I'll believe you wholeheartedly. please spill the beans though




who is the new couple?! didn't get the news



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I was reading the facebook posts on the picture and there was this I will quote:

































































































Haniyah Nadhira I  already saw this photo a long time ago. If I don't wrong, hyun came for  lasic. The time is about when Genie released.. Correct me If I wrong..  :)

so, seems like you are right kasia3goguma  ...sigh -_-... but still are destined to be married LOL :wub:, and I don´t think the doctor is the same, one of them looks younger than the other :).
































































































lunasol! I love your pictures :), I want an "almost kiss on the lips" now!!!!! hahaha, they don´t need to do it but pretend they are going to... OMO! I would die :wub:.
































































































Dreamyboo: Youtube blocked your video :(
































































































2 days to go

































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Hi gogumas!!!




I really miss you guys this week i've been quite busy anyway i'll come and spazz later today 




i was just wondering about something i read just now and i was screaming like crazy xD




Remember that YongHwa as planning to shoot a drama later this year but that there were some issues with his schedule?




Well i was reading that actually Yep. YongHwa was invited for a drama...ahm...a musical drama i think. They wanted




a singer that could act and not an actor that could sing anyway, the same director of the drama asked




Park Shin Hye (wub.gifwub.gif♥) to be in the same drama since she just came back to Korea from Taiwan...but all this was




still on talk. First, i was like super excited, anyone who watch You're beautiful would, being serious phew.gif




but then i though that i'll be weird...kind of...if they were to be at the same drama...as a couple.




Although Shinwoo having a one-side love killed me at this moment i'll feel it weird cuz i don't wanna even imagine YongHwa kissing anyone else than Seohyun sleep.gif even if it is for work...it'll be...weird xD 




It maybe just me...don't you think?





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This is in response to luvtokki's post a few pages back. I was one of the people who had commented on sudden assumptions of YongSeo's ending. Maybe I've chosen my words wrongly, but what I wrote was not meant to come off the way you've seem to think. This is a discussion forum and I highly encourage everyone to share their thoughts, feelings, spazzes, etc. about YongSeo whether these posts may have a positive or 'negative' vibe. I just felt pulling everyone back to reality and not think too far ahead about the ending when there was no reason to do so. The wedding photoshoot episode should be one of the most memorable, amazing and beautiful episodes of each couple and as we've been following YongSeo for so long already, it'd be a waste to watch it while fear of the end might damage these delicate moments. I hope I haven't offended anyone or give anyone the feeling they shouldn't be posting when they actually have something to say that's not always happiness and love. There for I apologize if I've come off rather boldly in response to the somewhat sad posts.
















































I'm not going to say much about the drama rumors. Whether Yonghwa will accept the role, whether there'd be a kissing scene, whether Seohyun will be sad about it... I used to be one of those who'd say 'If he breaks her heart, I'd break his leg,' but I've taken a step back actually. I'd love to see these two people do what they love most, because that's when they're most beautiful. So as a fan, I can't and do not have the right to ask for anything more than that.
















































And Mountainmadman...

As an audiophile, that makes me sad, lol.









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Guest lovekin








oh, drama beans! (prepare yourself; this is a doozy)








so i was a bit torn myself, to be honest. just a little. i blame it on san francisco and its bevy of bars and lounges. but when i come home and check up on what little news there is, it's this drama, and let me tell you that was one heck of a sobering experience.








first off, i was a huge - HUGE - fan of you're beautiful as it was going. i even wrote stories for it! even more, i was a bigger fan of the JGS/PSH dynamic but, now and again, i was always a bit torn for the supporting characters (and therefore actors) because i truly felt PSH looked great/had great chemistry with everyone.








and for the love of mercy, PSH is the most adorable and liveliest person in the universe. i think she and seohyun are fairly alike in terms of femininity and how they inherently possess womanly characteristics, but they're also ridiculously different. PSH exudes sunshine out her butt and has a very natural ease with how she interacts with others, whereas seohyun has this latent sparkle to her that's hidden behind her proper demeanor and inability to be as open (in other words, you have to crack her to truly see the person behind the mask, contrived as that sounds).








but when i found out about that drama, several things ran through my mind in quick succession:











1) yay! yong drama!









2) why can't seo be in a drama?









3) wait, that means yong and PSH will potentially smooch?









4) wait, why do i care?









5) wgm is just a show.









the last one puts a lot of things into perspective. a lot of people have covered this rude awakening already, but it is. we might think yong and seo are practically destined for each other - and we have our imaginations to make that idea come alive - but their feelings are their own, and we have no idea what's going to happen post-wgm. even contacting each other might be a problem. i don't think it'll be intentional; i just don't think it's feasible with their line of work unless their feelings are exclusively and mutually understood.








that said, let's gather our bearings and look at the positives! i'm not sure how many of you were familiar with you're beautiful or followed up with interviews and such, but this high cut article highlighted some interesting points, which i've listed below:











how would it be having a girlfriend like go mi-nam?










i like good-hearted girls. someone who doesn't lie, who shows her emotions on her face ... i like go mi-nam, too. since i'm shin-woo.





geun suk:

what if park shin-hye asked to date you?





shin-hye (suddenly solemn:

that will not happen.





yonghwa (with a special smile):

i'd have to take care of her. because i'm shin-woo.









i only included everything after yonghwa's answer because i didn't want anyone to get prematurely excited. but his answer is to be highlighted because it proves once again that he has always been consistent about his ideal type

. whether that'll be seo now and in the future, we'll never know, but comfort yourselves in the fact that she is his present.












nicknames renai-jang, avant-hye, hong-star, bolmae-jung.





they are nicknames we have for each other on set. renai-jang, bolmae-jung, hong-star, avant-hye ...





geun suk:

shin-hye came up with renai-jang, and i came up with avant-hye. renai-jang comes from renaissance jang, because my ideal woman is a renaissance type woman.









the rest of the interview under the nickname segment focuses mainly on geun suk and PSH, which i had found interesting and still do.

i will say this: geun suk and PSH have a ridiculous chemistry and, as geun suk will say later, also a "special relationship." i don't know what that means, but if you read the entire interview, there's this flirtatious undertone whenever it's only PSH and geun-suk answering the questions

. (to be fair, i think yonghwa was still trying to get used to being in such a huge spotlight, so i'm not going to go read too much into his answers.)












as you act as a.n.jells idols, do you ever get confused between reality and acting? like you're a four-member idol group yourselves.





for me, after being with all four of us, when i find myself alone i feel empty. i start feeling down.









to me, this seems more of an issue of solidarity than romantic flings between one another

(although i'm still convinced that JGS and PSH have something odd together. i don't think they're together, but i think they're the kind of "couple" that, when in the same setting, they simply















because you each have an abundance of your own individual characteristics, it can't be easy to roll along ...





when working with FTI, when i get really tired, i can get bad-tempered. but here, when i get tired i joke around with yonghwa and JGS. when i arrive at the set in the mornings, yonghwa pounds on my car window. i'm a bit reserved, but we became friends right away.

i've heard that people who are a little weird get along well







geun suk (suddenly):

if you want to know what it's like, KOONG!





the others (in perfect order, as though they were waiting for it):






koong-jjak is a sort of onomatopoeic expression of rhythm, like bang-thump.




geun suk:

this is what our relationship is like.






when geun suk says, 'koong,' we immediately say 'jjak.' that's our relationship.









posted to emphasize the significance of this four together.

and, in particular, what hongki said. you know who else is weird and is dubbed as quite an eccentric/strange by her sisters













basically, what this interview shows is just how well the entire cast got along. meeting and making friends is generally a gradual process, but there does come a time where you'll meet a whole group and, for some inexplicable reason, you all just click in the best way possible. yonghwa, JGS, PSH, and hongki are that group to me. they are the friends that, if put together, will have an impenetrable barrier around them because they're drawn to each other.








what does this mean for yongseo?








nothing. i want to bring everyone's attention back to the latest photoshoot yonghwa had with PSH. i'm sure all of you remember that. i feel like yonghwa and PSH got along so well during that photoshoot. i enjoy their camaraderie, and it's visible in the photos. i like that they have that history together.








i'd honestly feel less comfortable if yong appeared in a drama with another girl (inevitable, probably, but just go along with this for the point of this post). the reason for this is because at least yong and PSH seem to have established a certain kind of relationship with each other, one that, as far as we know, isn't grounded on anything more than an amazingly comfortable friendship.








starring with someone new gives you more room to learn about that person from scratch. it could be like potentially meeting another seohyun, only it's a different person. likewise, if seo were to star in her own drama and got the lead position, i'd rather have her co-star with someone like jinwoon because they at least they have a set foundation.








(granted, in real life, you can be friends for the longest time and one day realize that they're the ones for you, but that is another can of sardines i don't want to open.)








and i hate to say it, i honestly do, but idols are young. and with being young comes fickle feelings that are constantly ebbing and flowing. so the more exposed they are to different people, the greater the probability that your feelings for one person are going to change (again assuming that you're not already in a secret relationship).  what i'm saying is, a PSH/yong drama is a blessing in disguise.








also ... i was reluctant to post this because ... AH! haha, it's not technically bad, but it's bad in the way that i like PSH and yong as independent persons and want to protect them ... at the same time, this is something that might further confirm that yong only sees her as a friend. maybe. so go under the cut if you're curious, but don't kill me for it.












on happy together, yonghwa said that he dislikes women with a moustache.








and you'll only know this if you've watched you're beautiful, but there are some close-up sequences of PSH's mouth and ... it's not bad! but she has a little fuzz there.











I WARNED YOU. now, if you really like someone, i'm sure you can overlook something that small over time. but yong is blunt - and knows what he likes. and i don't know. AUGH, I FEEL LIKE AN AWFUL PERSON FOR EVEN POSTING IT.  (my love for PSH is boundless, o m g, do not mistake this for bashing!)








anyway, point is: we should all be happy if yong stars with PSH in a drama. and another thing to note is that YSI(?) did mention that yongseo will be on wgm for a while (i take this with a grain of salt, but i do have a bit of faith in her news). being on a drama would certainly draw yong out of wgm due to conflicts, i'd imagine. so ... i think we're okay.








also, as much as yong wants to star in a drama, i'm certain he places priority with his music and his band. i'm not saying he wouldn't be a musician otherwise, but it wouldn't surprise me if he pushed acting back in favor of his comeback. and if not, well, it's not the end of the world. smile.gif







(yeah, yeah, i totally beat the dead horse by even writing this up.  but if it gets the thread moving, why not.)


















Disclaimer:  SOBS I LOVE PSH AND YONGSEO.  i'm harboring some major guilt issues with that last bit, agh~





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I'm on the fence about the PSH-Yonghwa thing. (See if you can name them all - God, I need a hobby):

First of all, it was weird to see her "You're beautiful partner" Jang Geun Suk suddenly romance someone else on Moon Geun Young on "Mary Stayed Out All Night", while Park Shin Hye suddenly appeared on "Cyrano Dating Agency" and romanced the Doctor-House-dude from "Doctor Champ", who in turn was madly deeply, desperately in love with an Olympic Swim Coach Cha Ye Ryun (whose rival turned out to be a North Korean spy AND a Prosecutor Princess? WTH??) who previously romanced the reincarnation-Rain-look-a-like Fool Ondal. To make things worse, I watched pretty much post-"You're Beautiful" UEE on WGM being paired with Park Jaejung, shortly after UEE not only got her hamburger stolen by a gumiho who is somebody's girlfriend, while Park Jaejung should have been married to Im Yoona (who was heartily flirting with Taecyeon who in turn seems to have a crush on Suzy (y'know, the one from Miss A?)) And just generally, considering that school make up of Dream High: Ya, Lee Yoonji!!! You are married to Kangin and should remain faithful to him until he returns from the army!

(Which reminds me: Does anyone watch "My Princess"? It is the funniest show. EVER. Everytime I see Yejin acting all high and mighty I remember her giggling, chicken-catching antics on Family Outing while hanging onto Lee Hyori of all persons, while the Princess' last job was that of a Korean Secreat Agent. And don't get me started on the mother! That's the second princess that woman places onto the Korean Throne and I think she should have kept her crazy husband from that time!)

Which tells us the following: I'm just generally not able to distinguish between drama-reality, variety-reality and reality-reality (and I always get quickly comfortable with a couple and afterwards find it difficult to see these people romance OTHER people - killed anything for me that had Rain and Song Hye Kyo in it). Seriously. Those two were among my first k-drama couples and Song Hye Kyo is just so beautiful. <- Just realized this isn't part of the point I was trying to make, sorry.

No, seriously. For me, if you have a really great couple, it's difficult to see them with anyone else. They are actors and it's not real, I understand that very well - and I like to play with their different roles (see above), but the special thing about WGM is: We don't know what's real and what's not. Junjin and Siyoung started dating. Crown J and Inyoung didn't, Alex was present at Shinae's wedding, Jokwon likes Gain very much. I'll probably watch Shinhye's "Hayate the Combat Butler", because I like her and George Hu and he didn't get the girl in ToGetHer and was really adorable, but it's still strange. Where's Jang Geuk Suk?

And I know if Yonghwa and Shinhye were to make a drama, I'll be happy for them individually, but as a couple, I will always think: What would it have been like if her role would have been played by Seohyun? And you, Park Shin Hye, just hit on the Korean Doctor House who opened a Dating Agency!! What about Geuk Suk!!! Raaaaawrrr!

Best regards,


PS. I just realized ... whenever there's something about WGM alumnis on Allkpop or on youtube, I check the comments section and make a bet with myself: I bet there will be a WGM reference among the first ten replies and there always is one: Ssangchu Couple! Alshin! A! I may be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.


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