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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseorockin


What is Seohyun's wish?


(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.


Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)




dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):


* aurora


* Trent






Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor  since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman  wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to  use the bed instead:


* eastlight




Go Shopping






Wedding photoshot










Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:









YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:




1) YongSeoRockin






Somehow my guess is that it must be something he might be afraid of. And add to the fact that she said it will show a new side of him. I believe interacting with all 8 SIL at the wedding photoshoot will really show a new side of him. Besides, Hyun is laughter is a bit evil as well.




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A popular soccer player envious of Yongseo couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The power of our couple....

































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































I'll write something.... mmm....  interesting?? .... *quoted image* (thanks rxp for the twitt xD)
















We can see pics of the idols's clothes and their prices... but ...  and THIS?
















*quoted image*















































The necklace has an original name: Romantic Butterfly Necklace (google translator xD)
















The Price??  *quoted image*
















- (14 K) 139000 Won = $123 = 92€
















- (18 K) 199000 Won = $177 = 131€
















REMEMBER: Yonghwa bought 2 necklace. *quoted image*
















If you want to see more photos of the collar, click HERE in the official shop.
















Yonghwa... you're the best HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND *quoted image*   SO COOL!!































Sorry for cutting you post but thank you for sharing this info...I love that it has a name which means that it is probably limited edition.































Wow either Yonghwa makes more money that we realize or he is a trust fund baby because this guy has some expensive taste in general going by the amourt of shoes, guitars, and music equipment that he has. However, I don't want to take any credit away because he does work really hard on his music and other activities. I'm so happy that he does not care about expending money on his wife:wub:  either he is very generous I see.





























































































Note: I hope I didn't break any rules I'm pretty new to this forum so I know that we have a "don't  quote Images" rule but I'm not sure if this apply. Let me know so I can edit.

















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Guest dangshin

2nd time posting.. hehe.. im feeling sick today but unfortunately have to go to the office and work.. but reading your post's and Pov's makes me feel better.. and Yongseo is better than other medicines!  :-)

i want to join Trent's game but i'm not familiar as to how to quote and add up my name on the list.. sorry guy's ive been a lurker for a long time and still not know the rules... :-(

anyway's my Guess is it will be the wedding photoshoot ...

and can't wait to see the preview for next saturday..

-lovelots dangsin...:-)

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What is Seohyun's wish?


(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.


Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)





dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):


* aurora


* Trent






Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor  since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman  wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to  use the bed instead:


* eastlight




Go Shopping






Wedding photoshot










Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:






YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:


* YongSeoRockin


Just use copy 'n paste. (Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-V to paste, for all those who don't know).




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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















































What is Seohyun's wish?































(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.
















Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)
















dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):
















* aurora
















* Trent
















Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor  since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman  wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to  use the bed instead:
















* eastlight
















Go Shopping
































Wedding photoshot
































































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:
































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:
















* YongSeoRockin






























































EDIT: I see that Trent already updated  the list so disregard this.....
















































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I'll join the game....








It's hard to predict what Hyun wants.....








But I'll go with easlight with this one. I figure that Hyun wish is something she wants to happen at the moment.








What is Seohyun's wish?




(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.




Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)








dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):




* aurora




* Trent












Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:




* eastlight




* Xanshi








Go Shopping












Wedding photoshot




















Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:












YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:




* YongSeoRockin








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Guest chandrawd












What is Seohyun's wish?




(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.




Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)




dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):




* aurora




* Trent




Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:




* eastlight




* Xanshi




Go Shopping








Wedding photoshot




















Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:








YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:




* YongSeoRockin





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Guest Dinatale

Hello guys!!!! I think Hyun wish is to see Yong without makeup !!! Jajaja or is it my wish? great epi last week I want to see more romance!!! I want to see a HUG!! Please saturday come faster!!!

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I really want Hyun to where something like this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for the classic yet modern. accessorizing wedding gowns are in so its a must to add belts and stuff like that. >_< ahhh i can't wait for the photoshoot! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































or something simple like this:

































































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Guest l0okiemaria
















hello everyone! :) 








this is just totally random, but I was rewatching the second episode of yong and hyun, and they made a promise that the next time they buy something, hyun was going to pay. So i was wondering if that happened yet.. hehe.
















AND! Happy Valentines Day to everyone! I hope you all had a great day spent with the people you love :] and I hope yong and hyun spent this day together, whether it be as friends or secret lovers teehee.









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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello,everyone,I am from Baidu YONGSEO Forum.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to say something about the rumour....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As another Chinese person, I assure you I'm not trying to insult your English proficiency or your effort in posting here in our forum. But, I had a difficult time understanding the details of what you're trying to say: which do you believe are rumours, and which do you believe are true?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because of the recent rumours coming out for our couple, you can see that the soompi forum is a bit excitable, and some are even a bit agitated. So having unclear rumours being brought up by unproven statements will only raise more questions and spark more frustration.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly, and this is not something directed at you Karen, Soompi is a well-known outlet for international YongSeo fans, which is followed by our fellow YongSeo fans in Korea as well as other parts of Asia, such as China. We have our Korean friends to thank for many of the news and resources we would otherwise not have access to, and we should be careful in how maturely we handle any news and rumours we come across and never warp or misinterpret them.

































































































































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There is a kind of  fans in korea,who want to know the artists' personal life that they are always waiting outside the companys or their dormitories secretly or pretend to be taxi drivers to find out what are the  artists doing or whom are they going out with……








... I remember there is a piece of official information posted in baidu yongseo forum from korea in October .It is said YONGSEO were seen in an aquarium.At that time,we guessed  they were filming WGM and we were waiting for the photos and fan accounts but nothing.And finally there is no such episode…























Even though, I don't want to raise my hopes high and rumors are just rumors, karen90611, is right and has a point here. Besides, it is fun to piece puzzles, right?








Fact is, fanatics do really stalk. And there was the rumor aquarium filming, too. You just choose which is the rumor: the aquarium date or the filming?








Whatever, we love them and support them. If they date, friendly or romantic, that's fine. If there are no evidence of them dating (ex. pictures) maybe the fans wants to protect them (remember, SH is the Korea nation's maknae) or maybe there's no dating at all. Gogumas are open to all possibilities as we come from different cultures and different perspectives.








But, really, i had goosebumps, realizing karen90611's points.








Ahh... we so want YongSeo to be real!








Okay, back to reality or reality TV... :)








I'll go with Dinatale's guess:








Hyun wants to see Yong without make-up!









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Guest stormsandsins

What is Seohyun's wish?

(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.

Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut  anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add  your name.)

dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):

* aurora

* Trent

Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was  down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to  take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed  instead:

* eastlight

* Xanshi

Go Shopping


Wedding photoshot





Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:



YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:

* YongSeoRockin

There's something really intimate and personal about choosing a wedding dress. I mean, I know husbands aren't supposed to see their wives' dresses (bad luck and all that) but I think there'd be something very beautiful in Yong choosing a dress for Hyun, something that brings a sparkle to his eye and makes her happy to wear for him. I'd also look forward to seeing him flustered out of his mind, too


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Oh I would like to add my name to the list of what Hyun's wish is! Well I personally have no idea what it could be :sweatingbullets: but for some reason I think it might have to do with Yong sleeping on the bed rather than her since he is sick. So I'll add my name to that list! Glad to see there's another game going on right now ^^ Nice thinking Trent!












EDIT: And I would just like to add...at least this rumor about our couple (about them dating in real life) is probably the best rumor that we've heard about them! :D












What is Seohyun's wish?












(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.












Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)












dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):












* aurora












* Trent












Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:












* eastlight












* Xanshi












* zcanby












Go Shopping
























Wedding photoshot




























































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:




































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:












* YongSeoRockin



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Guest karen90611






As another Chinese person, I assure you I'm not trying to insult your English proficiency or your effort in posting here in our forum. But, I had a difficult time understanding the details of what you're trying to say: which do you believe are rumours, and which do you believe are true?




Because of the recent rumours coming out for our couple, you can see that the soompi forum is a bit excitable, and some are even a bit agitated. So having unclear rumours being brought up by unproven statements will only raise more questions and spark more frustration.




Lastly, and this is not something directed at you Karen, Soompi is a well-known outlet for international YongSeo fans, which is followed by our fellow YongSeo fans in Korea as well as other parts of Asia, such as China. We have our Korean friends to thank for many of the news and resources we would otherwise not have access to, and we should be careful in how maturely we handle any news and rumours we come across and never warp or misinterpret them.




I saw someone posted the rumour here last night……so I was excited……


I saw many rumours and i hardly believe them.I do not say the rumours I posted  here are true ……


I am shameful after seeing your reply because I did not resist my impulse and behaved superficially.


How can I delete my post ?




"Soompi is a well-known outlet for international YongSeo fans, which is followed by our fellow YongSeo fans in Korea as well as other parts of Asia, such as China. We have our Korean friends to thank for many of the news and resources we would otherwise not have access to, and we should be careful in how maturely we handle any news and rumours we come across and never warp or misinterpret them."——You are great.



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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I asked and people just told me you can't easily delete it. Just have to EDIT the post and delete all the words in it, replacing them with NO POST HERE. I hope that's the right answer.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest philistine












I saw someone posted the rumour here last night……so I was excited……




I saw many rumours and i hardly believe them.I do not say the rumours I posted  here are true ……




I am shameful after seeing your reply because I did not resist my impulse and behaved superficially.




How can I delete my post ?








"Soompi is a well-known outlet for international YongSeo fans, which is followed by our fellow YongSeo fans in Korea as well as other parts of Asia, such as China. We have our Korean friends to thank for many of the news and resources we would otherwise not have access to, and we should be careful in how maturely we handle any news and rumours we come across and never warp or misinterpret them."——You are great.













Hi karen90611, pls do not be ashamed of your post. Although it can be misinterpreted, i rather hv news than nothing at all. But if u put it under spoiler, it would probably be alot better and less 'messier'. A rumour is afterall a rumour and noone/nobody can confirm it except for the stars themselves. I'm sure our chingus here are mature enough not to go overboard in excitement and believe each word of those rumours. Cause at the end of the day, WGM is afterall a show and everybody knows it'll end one day. Right chingus?








Let's take each news/rumours with a pinch of salt and have fun reading them instead of getting sad/too excited/disappointed.








PS: Sorry if this post doesnt go well with u. Just my harmless opinion. :)





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