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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest winbros
















@magdal & linh80 - with what Yong has done to open Hyun up to relationships, if he ever makes her cry, I'll be right there with you 2 spanking him.








I suspect that with Kwonnie out of the show now we won't be seeing any of the 2AM guys in awhile, plus the last couple of episodes were probably shot & edited in Dec last year when they were preparing for their concert on 24-26 Dec? (based on what Jinwoon told Yejie in the ep42).








Rewatching the ep in eng subs just kills me again, Hyun oh Hyun, what has Yong done to you for you to allow him to hold your leg, initiate pinky-ship, and to randomly state that you both have to die together (when you are normally so composed and reserved in your manner of speaking).......  Oppa indeed... :wub:





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Guest gogumaforever
































































wow the episode this week was very nice and looks very personal. the way they had their conversation, we can really feel them especially when they are talking about dieing together. huh i never heard a couple talks about how they are going to die :lol::lol::lol:   its a very intimate conversation that they discussed on tv.














































































































i really love hyun nagging yong. hahaha  they keep in touch outside WGM, hyun knows yong very well. the way she tells the doctor about yong's condition, she's talking as if they are really husband and wife. the doctor can sense it as well. the atmosphere between them are very lovely.... i envy them really.














































































































they are getting closer and  closer. their laughter are so genuine and pure. i love them so much!!!!














































































































any news if they filmed again after the shopping filming last January? or they have upcoming schedule? they are so busy that they only filmed once last month.














































































































i miss seulong and jinwoon ...  their comment gives more life to mc's discussion. but i guess since adam couple ended, we will not see them as often as before tears.gif:tears:tears.gif














































































































Yongseo couple's anniversary is fast approaching... cant wait to see the photoshoot.:wub:














































































































this week is their anniversary week right? happy spazzing everybody, let's all hope to a wonderful goguma week.














































































































lastly, to all translator, subbers, uploaders, writers and bloggers thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  you are all keeping our planet happy and alive than any planet in the entire universe kekeke















































































































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14:32 (2:32PM)

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i place it in a spoiler because its about jinwoon.. they were asked- who do you think is the hottest korean celebrity... and jinwoon said seo hyun!... hardcore fanboy! and this is recent..december 2010





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so he still admires seo hyun?..knowing she has yong hwa?..














































































































































































































































































































































































































hope no one will be upset on this..














































































































































































































































































































































































































knowing that they will be one year.. so chances of breaking up is fast approaching (it makes me sad)..so if they will breakup...possible jinwoon will come in between them...??.... NOOOOOOO!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo cute memories ( I´m Think I love you)
































































































































YongSeo memories Ep 41-42 (Because of You -- BEAST)
































































































































CREDIT: katorykrf
































































































































WGM staff story about YongSeo
































































































































CREDIT: orihararan
































































































































































































































































CREDIT: Ihope9
































































































































yongseo inlove
































































































































[FMV] YongSeo - I love you, only you
































































































































CREDIT: mew7102525
































































































































YongSeo ..beautiful memories FMV
































































































































CREDIT: toe1960














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa with ban mal song













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































loveyongseo:(fancam)BANMAL SONG:CN BLUE:27012011































































































































































































































































CR: loveyongseo

















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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































Ok, I think I died several times today after having the episode in repeat mode in my computer... Thanks to all the translators, subbers, screencappers, etc. etc. Thanks for making this a wonderful threat.
































































































































































As always you guys have said it all, but I have to mention my favorite parts too:
































































































































































- Doctor is lines... "If you love coffee more than you love your wife..." Holy molly, the doctor is a Daebak Goguma... I liked how YH didnt say anything after that, and the other line (something after he said he has no luck) "How can you say you have no luck with a beautiful wife like yours...." Squealllll material indeed... kekekeke
































































































































































- Leg-Ship... kekekeke .... Nothing to add!!! :wub:
































































































































































- And the best line ever... I am sorry but this line for me is above all the other skinship... "We have to die together" Not in the Romeo and Juliet kind of way, but in the long, lasting, happy ever after way that everyone dreams once in a while.... Awwww SH sometimes I am scared for you, life is not all pink but it is my deepest hope that you find long lasting happiness with YH...
































































































































































I am having emotional troubles right now... almost like a broken heart (maybe it is the wrong definition but I have trouble trying to put a name to how I feel), I cant tell anyone and dealing in my own is hard... I just hope when the time comes and if the things regarding their relationship dont end as we expect, I hope SH can deal with it the best way possible.... and YH too, I do think a separation between them will affect him greatly too...
































































































































































Sorry for been random, but at least watching YH and SH together give so many happy thoughs that my burden reduce it size A LOT...
































































































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! I love you all! Have a nice weekend!!! ;)

































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Guest archiehon








































Talking about the absence of Seul Ong and Jin Woon as the MCs, I think the other MCs felt tht too. Just look at Na Yong shi, usually she will reenact Yongseo's skinship or laughed with Seul Ong but now she seemed so alone........
























I hope the guest MCs will have some connection to both couples maybe close friends to both couples then we can get more info. I'm hoping they could invite people like Nicole (KARA), Lee Joon(MBLAQ), HongKi, Simon D, Lee Teuk or even Hee Chul. Or Sulli!
























@gogumaforever Ive heard about a filming after the shopping shoot. They went to get their wedding photos together. Probly just a short filming but it's not confirmed and I knew it from this thread. But they havn't done any filming since. They are a very busy couple, aren't they?
























Oh! one question if anyone could answer. in ep 42, the guest MC from ZE:A said something about the meal, shabu or sabu. they were guessing what Yong Hwa is preparing. What is sabu or shabu? Just curious since there were no explanation given.









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^ regarding the guests MCs, i think they should have invited someone who's close to the couple. They've been inviting junho so he's been quite active in commenting. Jinwoon and seulong were close with kwon, and yonghwa and khun, so it was livelier. haha.. whereas the other idols, apart from junho, were all newbies and i reckon not close with any of the couples.








I'd prefer CNBlue and SNSD members to be there or at least someone more senior with experience in relationship. We''ll be able to get more reaction...








Anyway, as much as i'm really enjoying their development, a tiny bit of me is very concern with how they will deal with the end, hope that it will not be soon but it will come eventually. but i will not be too concern about it for now cause it will only make every sad and maybe agitated.








I love how natural the legship was... very natural.. haha.. cant wait for the next episode! I'm predicting moree cute stuff and ships from them.





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Guest Vavakim
































^i agree about 2am MC coz other MC seems awkward with new atmosphere so they less action than b4, by the way how about rating coz no any news about it at all.
































PS. i love how yong grab hyun leg so much coz it show how close they are now <333 :wub:

















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Guest YongSeo
















2. The pinky-ship, i think it's Yong first initiated the pinky-ship, cause he maybe realize that his wife starting to cringing her hand to tolerate the uncomfortableness while being massage. So he put his pinky into her palm so she would have something to hold on to.  :wub:








What i don't like :








1. Yong told Hyun to quit nagging and saying that she is worse than his mom. I think that he could say it in a better way or more of playful/choding way. Because if it's the usual couple, the girl would feel offended or at least she'll be in bad mood after she hear it.








Thank GOD that the girl is Hyun, cause she is different from other girls, but i still feel that if i were in her shoes, i'd feel hurt, even if it's only a little bit.  -_-















I agree with pt 2. I feel that it is Yong who initiated it upon seeing Seohyun in pain becos she is the one who is holding his pinky while yong's fingers were hanging freely in the air. But what i don't understand is why Alkpop article stated that it is Yong in pain, so Hyun held his pinky to soothe his pain.








About the talk on how long they are going to leave, I'm sure Yong meant he wants to take care of her so he can't leave before her, so he said he wanted to live till 101. And why did he forget that he is older than her by 2 yrs old? that is because he has always wanted to be in the same age as Hyun. However, statistics show that females normally live longer than males.








Although Yong may have said that Hyun is very naggy n worse than his mum in a jokingly manner, it can still be hurtful to females especially when they really care about you. He further mentioned in his interview that,"it is like a mother telling her son to work harder who is taking college  exam when he already knows he has to". I think he really felt that Hyun is a bit naggy. Anyway, all the guys don't like gals to be naggy or don't like someone to nag at them.








Next week, I'm looking forward to see how yong going to soothe his wife's anger. lol...








Edit : Btw, when is their 1st anniversary? Isn't it 12 feb? If so, it is 1 week from now!So that means we will be receiving good news soon!









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My take on things going on about Seulong and Jinwoon is that either their schedules prevented them from doing WGM or







































1) JoKwon and Gain are gone and they will no longer be on the show or







































2) They had schedules that prevented them from being on the show for this broadcast.







































Hate to say this because I want S &J there permanently but







































3) Now that Adam Couple has left, WGM is looking for new commentators for the upcoming episodes.







































4) Maybe GO and Thunder were there this week because Yonghwa knew the MBlaq members before his debut and the WGM staff thought they could be contributors to the disussion. (I don't think so)







































5) We will be getting a new couple and they are sort of auditioning the new commentators.







































If the rumor about Lizzy being the new "bride" is true and if the new "groom" is a Blaqie then I figure the new couple will be Lizzy and Mir. Seungho is too old to be paired with her and Joonie is too plus his schedule is too jam packed. Both Thunder and Mir said that they wanted to be on WGM.







































I was really hoping that the new couple would be older. I was hoping for Narsha, Jea, Guihee, or even maybe Sandra Park but who knows what WGM will do. For the guys, Tony, Taewoo bear, even Hyungmu? (the announcer from SGB) and especially Jongmin. I really want Jongmin to find a girl.







































If I am really wrong and WGM needs a new couple to boost the ratings, and if it is a Blaqie involved then it will be Joonie and someone. No one can attract viewers like Joonie. Just my opinion.







































PS. Nobody on the MBlaq fourms is happy about the idea that any MBLAQ member will be on WGM. Here we go again.







































Also, if it turns out that it is a Blaqie that is the new groom and if GO and Thunder are the MCs give them a chance. They can be really, really funny and GO can come out with the most random and funny comments of anyoneI have ever seen.







































To be honest, I found my way here though a long and winding path via historical K-dramas to Rain in Full House and his performance at the Olympics to knowing he was the person behind the formation of MBlaq and then to Idol Army. I absolutely fell in love with all the members of MBlaq and all I could think about was that they were adorable and exactly how I thought my 4 and 6 year old grandchildren were. I had watched and fell in love with YAB and wanted so much for Shinwoo to get the girl, even though I have watched enough K-dramas to know that wasn't going to happen.







































When Yong was added to WGM I was wondering if he would be like Shinwoo but then I heard that he was the complete opposite. It has been so great to know Yonghwa. He is so much fun. I hope the new couple will give us a lot of hppy times together. I know we will get a new couple sometime soon and I will embrace them, who ever they are.







































Thank you to the translators, subbers, members, and even the guests that come here.







































I live in hot hot Arizona but am trying to figure out how to plant sweet potatoes here. Thank goodness for farmers markets and groceries here so I can get organic ones all the time. Half the year we live in Washington, the land of absolutely amazing foodstuffs so maybe can plant some in the backyard there.





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Did you guys notice, that  during their breathing test,  the doctor did not wipe the mouth piece (I don’t know what to call that hahaha) after yonghwa used it? If not, wooow is it indirect kiss? Hyun put her mouth on that thing hahahaha  the level of their skinship has gone up so much!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cant wait for saturday! enjoy your day everyone!

































































































































































































































































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Hello! I shall dedicate my first virgin post to Yongseo! First time posting but definitely not the first time here.








Omo, Seohyun, you already plan to live with YongChoding/Yong Nampeon/Sugar Daddy Yong/baby Yong till you’re 100? Because of this, I need to fix my life plan to live up to 102 as well. Bye-bye McDonalds and junk food. In future, please inform us when you are planning to have kids and how many little Yongs and Hyuns you wish to have. :P








Calling all Legshippers! I cut this for my selfish pleasure and even put in the subs by M3. LMAO. 








LEGSHIP with eng sub






LEGSHIP without subs





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for myblue- No medical facility would ever let two people (it doesn't matter how close they are) use the same mouthpiece to do the breath measurement test. The mouthpiece is disposible and was changed between the scenes. Sharing the mouthpiece would be a no-no in all medical situations.





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For Trent: 







































A new game. 







































How about finding out about the ages of all the people here.







































I think it would be interesting to find out if it is only older people that love this couple but maybe youger people find them fasinating too. Just an idea.





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i miss seulong and jinwoon ...  their comment gives more life to mc's discussion. but i guess since adam couple ended, we will not see them as often as before :tears:






Yongseo couple's anniversary is fast approaching... cant wait to see the photoshoot.:wub:











I was wondering.. Are they really going to do a photoshoot?? or are you just hoping? lol I really want to know if it's just a cute anniversary shoot or a wedding 1 year anniversary one?????!!! ^_^






Oh and I also miss those two dorks! lol they made it funny.






Thanks. ;)



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Guest nikijenlo






My opinion on this week's episode...




What i don't like :




1. Yong told Hyun to quit nagging and saying that she is worse than his mom. I think that he could say it in a better way or more of playful/choding way. Because if it's the usual couple, the girl would feel offended or at least she'll be in bad mood after she hear it.


Thank GOD that the girl is Hyun, cause she is different from other girls, but i still feel that if i were in her shoes, i'd feel hurt, even if it's only a little bit.  -_-








My sentiment exactly. i dont know..i think the way he say it was a bit harsh.. and hyun was a bit taken back when she heard that, but she quickly covered it up by mentioning about his backpack and coat...


If you realised afterwards, Hyun doesn't nag anymore..even when they were sitting closely  together on the couch waiting for the result, hyun just kept quite.






As Sequoi mentioned, thank God its Hyun, a girl who is immune to teasing and sometimes bordering on insult by her unnies...


No offence to SNSD fans..i'm one of SNSD die-hard fan too..but sometimes on their  interview shows...the way they comments and reactions on maknae was a bit too much. i feel hurt for maknae... but she just take it all on her stride and never think negatively. The unnies loves her... i just hope that they tone down the hurtful teasing on makne coz those comments can makes people have bad perception of her. Ohh...i'm just hyun biased...biggrin.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Mianhe Sones....i love SNSD!



Neway... i heart the leg-ship! Owh these two are really adorablesss....!!!!:wub:w00t.gif:wub:w00t.gif



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Guest eric-original



You know about the whole, "You're worse than my own Mother." part is very understandable as a guy's point of view.

I think she was nagging way too much and I do agree that if he didn't snap at her at that time, then she'd lose her fans.

Taking care of someone and nagging constantly is two totally different things. Nagging can ruin relationships.


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Guest gogumaforever

















I was wondering.. Are they really going to do a photoshoot?? or are you just hoping? lol I really want to know if it's just a cute anniversary shoot or a wedding 1 year anniversary one?????!!!  ^_^
































sorry to cut your post.   it was reported here in soompi that they had a photo shoot last 28 dec 2010,  hopefully it will be aired after the ski filming that will be shown next week.
































Talking about the absence of Seul Ong and Jin Woon as the MCs, I think the other MCs felt tht too. Just look at Na Yong shi, usually she will reenact Yongseo's skinship or laughed with Seul Ong but now she seemed so alone........
































I hope the guest MCs will have some connection to both couples maybe close friends to both couples then we can get more info. I'm hoping they could invite people like Nicole (KARA), Lee Joon(MBLAQ), HongKi, Simon D, Lee Teuk or even Hee Chul. Or Sulli! 
































@gogumaforever Ive heard about a filming after the shopping shoot. They went to get their wedding photos together. Probly just a short filming but it's not confirmed and I knew it from this thread. But they havn't done any filming since. They are a very busy couple, aren't they? 
































Oh! one question if anyone could answer. in ep 42, the guest MC from ZE:A said something about the meal, shabu or sabu. they were guessing what Yong Hwa is preparing. What is sabu or shabu? Just curious since there were no explanation given.































































Shabu-shabu is a Japanese variant of hot pot. The dish is related to sukiyaki in style, in that both use thinly sliced meat and vegetables and are usually served with dipping sauces, but it is considered to be more savory and lesssweet than sukiyaki. It is considered a winter dish but is eaten year-round. (from wikipedia) kekeke















































































i've read that one also, but that happens before the shopping filming. it was reported that their house's lights were open on the 18th jan and they had a filming in the 19th while shopping.  















































































i guess there'e no news when they will film again... no current update outside WGM... (this is the effect of goguma addiction. always asking for more news, kekke)
































































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Guest Yamapi77
































nikijenlo and sequoi I agree with both of you. I really didn't want to say anything for fear of bringing down the thread, but I'm really bothered by it :(
















Spoiler (hope it works)>.<
















I hope someone will enlighten me with that line of Yong's. I'm not a Sone or anything but I'm a diehard fan of Seohyun. She's the reason why I'm such a big fan of SNSD. I love all her unni's too but I do agree that they and maybe others have criticize Seohyun a little too much for her inflexible habits. She seems to bare it well and even if she doesn't feel anything (since she is someone who loves everyone and hate to hurt people, at least that's my impression of her) >.<
















I really gear myself away from getting mad at Yong for every little thing he does to hurt Hyun. I'm a very sensitive person so maybe what I find offensive is not what others find offensive.
















Everytime when Yong treats Seohyun well, I like him more and want to support him. And everytime when he doesn't treat her well, I want to vow against him. :tears: (I feel bad for feeling this)































Yong has a really tough job. He's partnered up with Korea's most innocent angel. I hope the whole scene is just a misinterpretation on our part. ^_^









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Nagging only means Seohyun cares. It means she's a little long-winded but she STILL CARES.








i can bet on my life, the day Seohyun stop nagging, Yonghwa will feel amiss/sad/disappointed. 








Now, if you have Firefox in your computer/laptop, you can install an add-on called ReloadEvery that will help you to reload/refresh automatically the Unseen clip at IMBC's website and increase the number of views without doing it manually.  Unseen clip BTS








And also, please continue viewing YongSeo's Banmal Song it would be sweet if we could reach 3 million views, in time for their 1 year anniversary.





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