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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Germbaby





Hi goguma family,



Been so long since I post. I just finished watching FMV Yong's Ideal gilr. What can I say? The creator is DaeBak! The FMV is lovely and really matches Yong's description of his ideal girl NOW! NOW!  Hee....Yong is really into Seohyun. I really wish there is more Seohyun expression of her love for Yong. So far, not much... If there is, I think I am going to die.  No No Chinese New Year cannot say die! I think I will be in cloud nine.





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Guest Hajin100




Hi Trent, in using the Sie/du comparison, just trying to refer to what it might sound like. I studied German myself and actually lived there for a year so I know the "rules" regarding the formal speech use are very different. (btw, hallo!)




Hi MountainMadMan, my mom also used formal speech with my dad sometimes although it wasn't all the time. My dad was from Busan and I feel like some of the speech rules are more lax for people from Busan. I spoke informally to my parents and all my Korean friends growing up spoke formally. In any case, hello to my fellow Korean!




Edit: sorry, got distracted. Always wondered if Yonghwa's wish was because he is from Busan and was used to more familiar relations with people.



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@Hajin100: Maybe that came out weirdly. It's just that I often oberserve that the German Du/Sie is most difficult for our foreign exchange students (I'm German, just ... y'know, FYI), especially when their first language is English, for example, and they enter the academic circus where the boundaries are increasingly fluid and often people don't know how to adress their prof or their advisors. (Hallo, back at you, btw. Where did you study?)

So ... between Seohyun and Yonghwa it's a regional background thing? (Busan vs. Seoul?)

Best regards,


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Guest MountainMadman

Trent: Well...I wouldn't really say that, either. (Don't kill me.) I think that for new couples in today's society, informal speech is the norm; because it's so much more 'liberal' and 'open' than it had been in the past, even until about a decade ago. In my opinion, as Korea moves on, the husband/wife relationships are going to change drastically (along with the rest of the world). 

And I don't really think it has to do anything with regional differences, either. Sure, Busan natives do have a more "rough" way of speaking, but they follow the same "rules" when it comes to informal/formal.

Also: *ahem*


Hajin100: Pleased to meet you, as well! I speak informally to my parents too, but I also know a lot of Korean friends who speak formally. It depends on the family upbringing, I think...whether a family is more liberal/conservative when it comes to things like these.

I'd just like to stress that informal/formal language, and its connotations and usage, is an incredibly complicated and diverse topic; far more complicated than can be reasonably covered in a book, never mind an online forum. I guess this is one of the reasons why I haven't taken part in most of the "what's with the banmal?" discussions that take place, mostly because it's such an incredibly hard topic to discuss, and it has to take so much into consideration - Yonghwa and Seohyun's upbringing, family history, their respective feelings for each other, outside influences, whether they're liberal/conservative...all of which we have close to no information at all.

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Guest Hajin100




Hi Trent, I studied at the Uni in Hamburg. And I have to say the Sie/du always confused me as my first language was Korean ( which we now know is very complex in terms of formal/informal) and my primary language is American English where formalities are always blurred.




Thanks MMM. Hope I didn't confuse anyone about the regional thing. Just wondering.



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Guest _d3seohyun
















































continuing with some caps GOGUMAS! :D
















warning: Image Heavy. *peace*













































































The call from the Film Me friend. The way Yonghwa asked Seobaby if she knew who it was gave me a total bf/gf feel.































You know...like they've talked about him before <3


























































































































































































She loves doing this whenever she sees a pic of hubby. Awwwww <3


























































































































































































One of my favorite parts of this episode! So hilariously cute!































I wonder what happened before this scene because the two boys were already































dying with laughter even before Seobaby innocently asked about the picture.






























































Love love love the eye talk between uri couple here before Yonghwa pointed out































that it was Yejie <3

























































































































































































































Awwww cute little banter in front of friends <3































Seobaby showing this side of hers in front of people she just met?































Just shows how important Yonghwa is to her, and how nice and easy going Yonghwa's































friends must have been <3


























































































































































































I hope this two can keep in touch.































The way Seobaby looked at her new found unie. Awwwww! She adores Yejie! <3

























































































































































































































Another favorite. Seobaby looked like a kid without a care in the world, just drawing in the sand.































I was happy seeing her like that, but at the same time my heart sank. I wanted to run to her and give her a hug.































And I think Yonghwa felt the same way. The smile and look he had while watching her :tears::wub:































With moments like this, don't anyone dare say this is just a show!






























































YELLOW couch caps cont from pg 1789.































Yonghwa, boy did you surprised me! I thought I would have to wait until the wedding photoshoot episode to see you like this, so carefree with your stares and touches kyaaaa! What gives Yong seobang?!!! :P































LOL. 2nd cap. Yonghwa, I seriously doubt that the chain of the necklace you gave her is that long hahhahah































Must be studying the picture on the couple shirt then XD



















































































































































































































































































































































































































Omo that lip thing again. {tells self} No way! It's my Seobaby. It's simply because she just ate. *wink*

























































































































































































































That's one major out-of-this-world eye smile Seobaby!































Trying to kill your hubby? :lol:





















































































































































































































































































































































Faved! Because of how he kept his eyes on her after he had already given her the apple <3 42d5.png
















Seobaby's kinda commanding tone at the end of this scene, telling him not to touch...i like <3















































Here we go. MAJOR Sparks were flying throught out this whole I want to take care of your health scene :wub:































asfdghjkl;lkjhgfdsa!!!! GOGUMAS, Ottoke?!!! what are we going to do with these two?!!!!
















PDs did a great job with the closeups. My gawd!
















Had my mind running with random thoughts like... yongseo's white fluffy comforter...snuggling...etc. hahahhahah































Awww Yonghwa, it's so darn adorable how sometimes you still have to look away after seeing her staring at you like that <3






















































































































































































































































































































Seobaby tucking her hair in like that then looking down...pwahahahahaha...































Yonghwa looking away with his lips and eyes trying to hide a smile... Ah sincha you two!!!! :w00t:






























































Awwww she knew of his eating habits <3 (probably nagged him a lot about it too kekke)































and awwwww he eats breakfast now <3

























































































































































































































Seriously, the tone of their voices while asking about each other's health on this scene *dies*































esp Yonghwa's...kyaaaaa! then topped with those stares while leaning towards each other *dies*

























































































































































































































I kept picturing his right arm around her waist on the first cap :P































































































I'm still LOLing on how she used his stomach issues to get him to the hospital :lol:
















Giving him a massage. Seobaby, I have a feeling you'll be able to get anything you want from your husband XD
















I'm so proud hahhaha
















































I wonder what topic they were talking about before this scene.
















so much flirting. i didn't mind one bit that they weren't holding hands.
















































The look he gave her when he started to sing Love <3















































P.S. The waking up scene...so many awesome caps have been shared already so I'll just post this blast from the past (: Besides, I literally covered my face (was feeling too giddy) when I saw Yonghwa opening that door and taking a look at his sleeping beauty :lol:






























































I spazzed like crazy when this cute scene was aired months ago. Can you imagine how crazy I got when I finally saw both of them on that bed?! hahahhahahah















































Til next episode Gogumas! Fighting!































To our awesome translators and subbers...thank you in advance!

















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Hello goguma villagers!
































































































































































































































































































































































Time is so SLOW, don't you think? Waiting for saturday kills me, really. I've been working too hard, I need gogumas~ NOW!
































































































































































































































































































































































Oooooh, linguistics <3
































































































































































































































































































































































What you guys said is really interesting. I love how languages are awefully complicated when it comes to translation and international understanding (as a child, the Tower of Babel was one of my favorit stories) I wish I could be able to understand all those small details when Seohyun is talking to Yonghwa... Maybe I should start learning korean... (I need to stop, last week I wanted to leard Russian... Hehe)
































































































































































































































































































































































Trent I didn't know you were European as well^^ Feels nice not being alone around here. "Hallo, Mein Name ist Adeline. Ich bin eine Führerin. Danke. Tschüss. Kartoffel" Sorry, that's seriously all I can say in German (I generally use "Kartoffel" quite a lot around german tourists, because despite of the barrier of language, it makes them laugh) Now, back to the topic!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hajin100 & MMM, thank you for the clarifications. That's really fascinating.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Hajin100, you made a reference to French. Like Trent did with German, I think I need to make a little correction as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































I don't think that in French, the difference would be made by the use of "vous" ou "tu", because it would be absolutely strange to use "vous", even if Yong is older. It would depend on the different registers, like the three ways of asking questions (inversion of the subject and the verb, and use of the "est-ce que" form: "Aimes-tu les patates douces?" = formal, "Est-ce que tu aimes les patates douces?" = medium, "T'aimes les patates douces?" = informal) Seohyun would rather use the medium way, whereas Yonghwa would totally go for the informal way.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hehe, sorry for the boring post. I like linguistics so much that I felt like participating :)
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you again for those informations about the korean language.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Off to sleep now, then saturday will come faster! 
































































































































































































































































































































































Good night villagers! Have nice dreams filled with sweet potatoes!

































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Guest fabiistar07



_d3seohyun thanks for sharing all those caps!!

although it took a while, i enjoyed looking at them :D

I also want to share something, it's just my view on the scene when Yong was waking up Hyun

When he was sitting on the bed and Hyun woke up...Hyun looked so beautiful~

and it was soo freaking cute how she seemed a little confused at first Rice? Food?

But I especially loved the way Yong~ seobang looked at her, to me it seemed like he could stay looking at her forever and will always be happy :wub:


Another moment I liked that I haven't seen being mentioned is when Yong told Hyun he wanted to see her diary, and she got mad (cute mad face of course haha)

Then Yong~ bumped her shoulder and asked why she's getting mad over that and Hyun is looking at him with an innocent face ^_^

Then, what i love most is that she kind of shows aegyo in front of her husband (sorry the cap couldn't completely catch that moment :sweatingbullets: )

And Yong~ seobang just laughs at it b/c it's just too darn cute :wub:


A "just for fun" cap haha

When MC were watchhing pretty Seohyun wake up and Nayoung said "Isn't it a fact that girls are pretty after they wake up?"

And the 2 MC made these faces :lol:


Oh, and if you'd like to watch my FMV about Yong's Ideal Woman

[FMV] Yong seobaaang~!!


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Guest 1sweetlove








to Ae-Rin








Hi to my fellow gogumas' lover and to you Ae-Rin!!!! ;)








I wanted to make a little correction in what you said. I'm a French Goguma!!!








First, You were right when you said that if Seohyun uses " vous" to address Yong, it would be awkard. " Vous" is only employed when you address someone older that you ( like 10 years or something like that!!! definetely not in Yongseo relationship) that you respect or someone you don't know. When you are in the street, café, school, you should use " vous". With friends, family or someone you are confortable with, you use "TU"!!!








In France, age isn't really a big factor compared to Asian coutries!








But then you were wrong. In French, there is 3 way of talking, that's right but this is based on your education and you social background!! Normally people will speak " le langage courant" (the french langage without mistakes). Then you have " le langage soutenu" is a very polite way of addressing to people, but you only use it to people that you address with "vous", someone you don't know, or when you write! And finally " le langage familier" which is forbidden to speak at school for example to the teacher because this is not polite as there is a deformation of the langage. Mistakes are done purposely in " le langage familier" which takes away the beauty of French.








excl.gif If you say that Yong will speak le langage familier, It means that he doesn't know how to speak French correctly contrary to Seohyun, who'll speak "le langage soutenu".








To conclude, both will talk "le langage courant", and use "tu", even if Seohyun respects him and WAS (hahahhaha) inconfortable with him :lol: !!!!!








Hope you understood what I meant !!!





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For those of you really interested in the use of banmal vs. formal speaking, here is a link to a great article explaining the differences (especially how it relates to k-dramas). I read it when it first appeared and really helped me understand things a lot better.






















Hope this helps.



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Guest talulet
















i'm confused.. i often hear Seohyun say "algessda/algetda" which means i know/i understand, *is that right?*








is it banmal or jondaemal? O.O because she said it in ep31, when she was about to speak in banmal to Yonghwa as a gift. But now that she still speak formal, she often says that phrase.
















i'm excited for the ep this saturday.!! we'll see them again in comfortable clothes (remember sauna ep with cnblue bils XD), being much comfortable with each other. hahah ;)
















hello & have a nice day y'all ♥
















/back to lurker mode.









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Guest yongseoisreal




This thread is moving slow today



I guess there's nothing recent to spazz about



..Only to wait a couple of days for the new episode and the pinkyship~! :wub: hehe


ellaisha You can watch it here ^_^


Ideal Type @ around 1:10


Alsoo, my video uploaded!! after like 30 tries x___x


YongHwa's Ideal Woman (Hyunnie~!)



oh, gosh..thanks for your video!!


after watching it, i believe that yong's description and hyun's characters are not coincidence!!


it seems like yong really are talking about hyun at that time..


aish...jashik~~~ kuamo-yo, chinggu!!!


(sorry for my bad grammanr)



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Guest Lildedprinxez

hello my lovely In Go Paem =)

yesterday i was spazzing abt yonghwa's answer for the ideal girl and today i continued spazzing

when allkpop posted the article for it. Love all the support that our YongSeo couple is getting :wub:

So, inspired by the awesome post made by hannahgarrido, i've decided to make my own compilation for YongHwa's ideal type. Enjoy~

Firstly, I hope she is the pure kind,

*quoted image*

and has a feminine personality,

*quoted image*

and someone who is honest.

*quoted image*

Also for appearances I like (girls with) long hair, hopefully wavy long hair.

*quoted image*

For size...I hope she is somewhat taller past my shoulders,

*quoted image*

and I like clear and clean eyes..

*quoted image*

and a girl  who knows how to take care of herself / self disciplined.

*quoted image*

So, who is the lucky girl, YongHwa?  :lol:

*quoted image*

To who is he/she who posted this. I LOVE YOU! :))) I keep on screaming in front of my laptop while seeing your post.

 I was like "OMG! Gogumas here are JJANG!"

Thank you for posting this. Now I truly belive that Yong's ideal type is Hyun.

The way he describe that ideal girl without telling ther name directly gyaahh~~!! Its too sweet.

I bet when seo hyun heard about this she will blush and smile so much!

YONG LOVE HYUN! That's a fact! :">

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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good morning/afternoon/evening fellow villagers
































































































































































































































































I came across this interesting tidbit while surfing last night --> http://crazyoverwith.wordpress.com/2010/02/23/snsd-seohyunyonghwa-has-a-couple-ring-22feb/
































































































































































































































































In the writeup, it seems that uri Yongseo wearing the couple rings outside of WGM was instructed.  Not that it matters to us since we've seen how much closer they've grown together since the early days/episodes.  After reading up on SeoHyun and catching various Variety/Youtube cuts on her reaction to boys/men (she did not really catch my eye prior to Yongseo), I'm so amazed at what she's like now around him, she's either had a breakthrough w00t.gif or they can start handing her drama roles. phew.gif
































































































































































































































































The ideal type interview with Yong (and his giggling/smiling brothers) really cracked me up, hoping for an English-sub still but I'll take whatever we can get.  I agree with the other goguma villagers that it would be great to hear from Hyun now in similar context but..... we'll keep the faith that these 2 young idols know what's going on and how best to manage their friendship/relationship in the crazy world they live in, Hyun more than Yong probably since she's the one who is thorough and knows how to take care of herself.  :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































It's Friday where I live, bring on tomorrow!

































































































































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Guest nikijenlo




Good news for today...




Rainy has completed the ep42 Part 3.... yeay!!   :w00t:




Please visit her blog...


Rainy Blog




Enjoy watching!!  :wub::wub:



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To who is he/she who posted this. I LOVE YOU! :))) I keep on screaming in front of my laptop while seeing your post.







 I was like "OMG! Gogumas here are JJANG!"







Thank you for posting this. Now I truly belive that Yong's ideal type is Hyun.







The way he describe that ideal girl without telling ther name directly gyaahh~~!! Its too sweet.







I bet when seo hyun heard about this she will blush and smile so much!







YONG LOVE HYUN! That's a fact! :">


















Lildedprinxez, I'm glad that you like my post. I think of it as a small present from me for the lovely In Go Paem as I have some spare time during the Lunar New Year and I haven't been making many post here. ^_^ (i'm a girl btw=p)











I agree with u, can't imagine how SeoHyun will react if she watch the interview and to top it off, it will be more amazing if the all the SNSD unnies watches with her~ I think SeoHyun will have to endure the loud squealing and endless teasing from them :D











_d3seohyun, love,love,love your caps :wub: because of u, i've been replaying the episode again and again for the 100th time today. lol. just can't get enough of the sweet goguma couple. thanks a lot for making this episode much sweeter than it already is.






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how come no one is joining luvtokki oppa in his guessing game?

Who picks Hyun to initiate the 'pinky squeeze' in the next episode and who picks Yong? I say Yong rubs his pinkie against Hyun's hand, and then Hyun grabs it with all 4 fingers. So Yong initiates the 'pinky squeeze' but Hyun finishes it off with the full four finger grab! What do you all think?

to kill the time since this thread is going to sleep and also because i am bored..kekeke

i'll join in...

and i choose hyun..

just because she is not shy anymore to hold on to yong..

lame choice :sweatingbullets:

d3 chingu, the old spazzers are everywhere (spd, tweetsville ...)

but we will always come back here.. ;)

nikijenlo..tks for the link. hugs!

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Guest seohyungeneration
































































After watching hahamong show with the inkigayo mcs for me it's a wait and see thing. I become a realist. Even if I want to spaz I just stop myself. Besides this is really showbusiness. Right now I support Seohyun and really admire her dedication and commitment. Before I was scared of her getting hurt just like her Tiffanny unnie said during the first episode. But I trust her. No matter how innocent and pure she is she is very smart and she has a good company that protects her. I have seen the consistency and loyalty in her character in and out of wgm. She is not scared to show how supportive she is with the people she cares about. From now on I will only enjoy the episodes and not think of something else so I won't get dissapointed. 

































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The ring mission was the first mission they did on the 1st episode right??


And the mission was to wear the ring @ Music Bank. But i think after that, it wasn't for the mission. *My delusioned-self believe in that theory* Yep, i don't believe that they wear ring-ding-dong just for the sake of a mission. Cause there were a lot of events where they wore the ring, outside of MBC programs.




Anyway, thank you for completing the sub and uploading ep 42 part 3, KoreanRainyDays. :wub:


Can't wait for saturday!!! :P



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This isn't from MBC site:
































































































































































































































































































































































* 정용화-서현, 커플 마사지 데이트 중 무슨 일이?
































































































































































































































































































































































용서부부가 커플 마사지를 받았다.
































































































































































































































































































































































지 난 주, 서현은 병원에 가기 싫어하는 용남편을 설득하기 위해 병원에 간 다음 용남편이 가자고 졸랐던 마사지숍에 가기로 제안 했었다. 평소 마사지 받는 것을 좋아하는 용 남편과는 달리, 현부인은 이러한 마사지는 거의 처음이었다고 한다.
































































































































































































































































































































































더군다나 현부인은 간지럼을 많이 타는 편이라 마사지를 받기 전까지 무척 긴장하는 모습을 보였었는데, 하지만 걱정했던 것과는 달리 조용한 마사지 숍의 분위기 속에서 커플 마사지가 진행되었다는 전언.
































































































































































































































































































































































그러던 중, 현부인은 용남편에게 새끼손가락으로 무언의 커뮤니케이션(?)을 건넸고, 용남편은 그것으로 현부인의 속마음을 읽을 수 있었다고 하는데.
































































































































































































































































































































































과연 두 사람이 간지러운 마사지에 대처하는 방법은 무엇일지, '용서부부의 커플 마사지 데이트'편은 설 연휴 다음 날인 5일 오후 5시 10분에 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 공개될 예정이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Of course there's preview for Khuntoria too and I'm feeling giddy to see how they labeled it as 'Khuntoria 부부' while for our couple it's Yonghwa-Seohyun Couple. Oh ignore me. lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Article about the episode tomorrow (it looks the same as above): http://media.daum.net/entertain/broadcast/view.html?cateid=1032&newsid=20110204174903164&p=xportsnews









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