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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseorockin




*quoted image*




Korean Music Wave in Bangkok




the first time in Thailand for Yong and Seo on the same stage..




here is the precious time of us (Thai fans),so we proud to support them as well as we can ..


Now we confirmed 202 seats at S1C. So we have many projects for YongSeo in the concert, kekeke ..




*quoted image*




For Oversea fans, if you guys would like to join in the concert.


click here for details : http://www.thaiticke...ic-wave-eng.php (need to Log in) (recommend to open by IE)




Credits and Big Thanks to Phokar and Beside11 @ the sweet potato thai fans, pantip.com










น้องกุน พี่แอนเจอตัวช่วยละ ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าจ้า





maybe07 Thank you, hope to find your screen caps soon.








Went to the website after you posted this. Then this Youtube video at the side started playing. I think the webmaster is a Goguma too because the first music during the introduction of Korean Music Wave was CN Blue's "I'm a Loner", then it was followed by SNSD's "Oh!". Keke...shows how popular uri couple is! ^_______^


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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello In Go Paem,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Regarding the interview : I'm just curious, IF, I mean, IF the interviewer is one of us (Goguma lovers or somebody who happen to know WGM), and the interviewer ask him back : "Are you describing your wife  just now?"
































































































































































































































































Will he answer that question?
































































































































































































































































"Actually, YES, I am"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But then again, it's just my imagination....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've just read sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com, I just found out that we can increase the viewers numbers in yongseo ep 42 unseen video if we watch it at the official site.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Eventhough you may have download it (And I bet you have), please check the site, so we can increase the viewers number 

































































































































































































































































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hello gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































first.. antis are such attention seekers! haahahaha they envy our couple so much they're willing to go that loW! ahahahahahahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love the BTS.. yong's simple wishes are slowly coming true! :blush:if seohyun will call him yonghwa-ya.. hahahahha he might die :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway i don't know if this was already shared.. its from intiminate note... its like the SNSD members are saying whhat they don't like about each other hahahah and it shows the "frustrations" of the snsd unnies.. ahahahah and oh even the mc commented that she's a bright student and her eyes are really sharp (in a nice way..) hahahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's the link.. its in the last part of the video..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































enjoy :sweatingbullets:

































































































































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oh here's the other part... the other parts were not uploaded i guess..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love the part where taeyeon asked seohyun: do you hate guys that much?? hahahahha

































































































































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Guest AngelVillian

Woah woah woah, i came here.

Then i saw people posting up that there's news that Lizzy is one of the wife in WGM..



Sorry, i'm a big fan of Lizzy

Hais, i thought i could fantasize about her alittle bit longer.

Guess it'll all end when she gets a husband right?

I'll be over there "Geez, this guy is freaking lucky."  "He better treat her nicely." "Im so jealous."

Nooo! My lizzy.


Kidding, but yeah im a big fan.

My heart died.


Fanfic -> "Dreams" Starring YongSeo and more.

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Just dropping by to post this....Fate~...(another one shot from me for our couple<3)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HOPE you enjoy it!!!PLS.pls Pls. TRY IT~<THANK U>*quoted image*happy reading^o^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi.. i like your fanfic..im curious how you will make our couple drawn to each other..just please make a quicker update...i missed reading fanfic now...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and could you please include me in your list...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you ...fighting...

































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































What a happy day my fellow gogumas! I have been lurking around a lot and I want to grab the opportunity to spazzzzz
































































































































































Ok, YH I love you, I really do but you cant play around with my goguma heart like that... If only that MC was a goguma he will catch his meaning... Dont worry YH gogumas around the world understand you...
































































































































































And what about the BTS ..... OMG! As A goguma said they are really the same the difference is that SH is more controlled around people she is not comfortable.
































































































































































This level of comfort between them speaks millions about their current relationship... Thbey are really into each other, I think that right now they liike each other in the same level, in the begining you can see that YH was more smitten with her but now they are in the same page.
































































































































































I just hope the best for them in the future.... Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!

































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Guest niiychan
































































































































i'm soooo happy with yonghwa description... :D
































































































its definitely seohyun..
































































































Just her come in my mind when I read the news..
































































































just found it from allkpop in the news about yonghwa ideal type..
































































































comment by babymandoo_x
































































































I love this comment.. :)

The best part is.. after Yonghwa said that, and it was Minhyuks turn.. Minhyuk said that naturally when you like someone they become your ideal type. After Minhyuk said that, Yonghwa smiled at him and put his head down. @1:57 in the video.. and you can see Yonghwas reaction at 2:06

YongSeo is so real! *_* I've watched all WGM couples ever (even season 1) and yongseo is the realest! They started off awkward and slow (which is only natural since they were freaking strangers) and now they are so comfortable and lovey with each other! Seohyun was never like that with any other guy!
















































































































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Guest ellaisha












hi to all yongseo fans, where can i watch the interview to yonghwa regarding his ideal type,   as i read the thread , im always excited to any news wid regard to our couple..with yonghwa's ideal type....its definitely Seohyun...im longing for the WGM on sat ....





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Guest fabiistar07



This thread is moving slow today

I guess there's nothing recent to spazz about

..Only to wait a couple of days for the new episode and the pinkyship~! :wub: hehe

ellaisha You can watch it here ^_^

Ideal Type @ around 1:10

Alsoo, my video uploaded!! after like 30 tries x___x

YongHwa's Ideal Woman (Hyunnie~!)


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Guest ellaisha
































































This thread is moving slow today































































I guess there's nothing recent to spazz about































































..Only to wait a couple of days for the new episode and the pinkyship~! :wub: hehe
































ellaisha You can watch it here ^_^
































Ideal Type @ around 1:10
































Alsoo, my video uploaded!! after like 30 tries x___x
































YongHwa's Ideal Woman (Hyunnie~!)
































  Thanks a lot fabiistar07.... :):)
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Guest ahelasumi












hi everyone, I know my question will be really out of the topic but I'm always curious about Seohyun's formal speaking. As non-Korean viewers, I didn't find any awkwardness when she's talking, since I didnt understand Hangul, but I really need some opinions or answers esp from native speaker of Koreans, does she talking too formally, and does it sounds weird?








Is it the same as we speak when we answering questions in class or in lecture during school? cos even before WGM started, and as I watched many variety shows involving SNSD before this, her unnies always mentioned about her formal speaking and told her to stop talking that way.








Thank you in advance for any reply (if I got one) ;p








p/s: actually I don't have any problem with her speaking, I still like her btw :)








Thanks for all the caps and your opinions about uri YongSeo, love Goguma couple, love you guys also :))



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Guest ellaisha












i just watch  the interview to cn blue in thailand with regards to their ideal type...when its yonghwa's turn, and he is describing already what his ideal, you can hear from the background that his co members are laughing coz they probably knows that he is describing none other than their sister in law...seohyun




they are really for REAL :D




im happy that i followed their love story thru WGM....YONGSEO couple is one of the reason why im always feeling like in Heaven.. :)





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Guest fabiistar07



ellaisha your welcome ^^

ahelasumi I'm not a native korean speaker, nor do i speak korean (only know like 5 words haha)

but about what you're talking about (if i understood correctly) it's not that Seohyun speaks weird when she talks formally

Since she's used to talking formally to anyone older than her (ie. her soshi unnies) then they want her to speak informally, they're all like sister, but she's still not able to do it, but when she does that she sounds very weird and uncomfortable

Uhmm.. as an example, you could watch this video

There's a game they play, in which they all have to speak in satoori or banmal (informal) and you can see Seohyun's banmal is weird and that she's not used to using it

SNSD @ Happy Together


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hi everyone, I know my question will be really out of the topic but I'm always curious about Seohyun's formal speaking. As non-Korean viewers, I didn't find any awkwardness when she's talking, since I didnt understand Hangul, but I really need some opinions or answers esp from native speaker of Koreans, does she talking too formally, and does it sounds weird?
















































Is it the same as we speak when we answering questions in class or in lecture during school? cos even before WGM started, and as I watched many variety shows involving SNSD before this, her unnies always mentioned about her formal speaking and told her to stop talking that way.
















































Thank you in advance for any reply (if I got one) ;p
















































p/s: actually I don't have any problem with her speaking, I still like her btw :)
















































Thanks for all the caps and your opinions about uri YongSeo, love Goguma couple, love you guys also :))































































































I'm not Korean myself, but I do know enough about the language to answer your question I think. As you know, there's a formal and an informal way of speaking in Korean. I won't go into detail about that, but just explain enough for you to understand. Native speakers, please correct me if I'm wrong.
















































Speaking formally means speaking politely. There's no way to translate it directly to English, because English doesn't have that difference. But how Seohyun speaks is very politely. For example; instead of saying Can you pass that?, she'd say Could you please hand me that water bottle?. You can compare it to the way you'd talk to a teacher or an elder (that you respect). Naturally, when someone speaks to you like that, it gives you the feeling you're not that close or that you aren't at the level of being able to say everything without these 'restrictions'. Informal speech in Korea is an indication of how close you are.
















































Seohyun on the other hand has been raised that formal speech is the way of showing respect and knowing how much she respects the ones she loves, it's actually quite logical why she'd use formal speech with even the ones closest to her. She's not awkward when speaking informal, because she does it with people of the same age, whom in Korea you'd consider your friends. It's the idea of speaking informal to the ones she'd normally speak formal to that makes it hard for her; I think in her eyes that doing so is disrespectful. And we all know how upright she is. Formal speech in Seohyun's case however doesn't hold her back from saying what she wants or getting her ideas and thoughts across. It's just that the ones around her want to feel closer because they've been brought up with a different perspective on informal and formal speech. And that's generally that you'd switch to informal speech when you feel close.
















































Oh, and Chúc Mừng Năm Mới everyone ;)









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Guest Hajin100
































@ahelasumi: my first language is Korean and even though I only speak like a five year old now according to my fam, I think I can answer your question. Formal speech is used for those older than you and people you aren't familiar with. It is a sign of respect and you will often find students who are only one year younger, speaking formally to those older than them. When people are close friends they speak informally or banmal (which translates to "half" speech) regardless of the age difference. For example, in CNBlue, Jungshin and Jonghyun often use banmal with Yonghwa even tho he is older. Sometimes, I have heard Minhyuk use formal speech with Yong, but he also speaks informally as well. They can do this because they are close like brothers. When they were recently in Busan, I noticed that Yonghwa used banmal with his mom which is normal for close families, but in many families, kids still address their families with formal speech. I feel like Seohyun sticks to the rules and it doesn't matter if she's close to you, if you're older, she's speaking formally like with her SNSD sisters and Yong.
































If you studied French, it is like using vous instead of tu. Or in German, using Sie instead of du.
































Usually, you can tell she speaks formally as the sentence will end with 요 or -yo. That's why it's funny when she says a sentence ending with Yong as it sounds like she's using formal speech. They did this when they left the beach on their way to eat shrimp. There are different grades of formal speech, and from where she started, Seohyun has definitely loosened up. As a Korean speaker it's fun to watch old episodes to hear all the progress. I hope this helps.

















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@Hajin100: Just a small note: While there is some kind of "banmal/jondemal" situation in German language, you'd never use the German "Sie" (which would be a version of "jondemal") with family and friends, no matter their age. That's just plain weird. (Same goes for the much outdated "Euch").

Anyway, but my question is (for all those Korean speaker out there): If you are like, really, really old-fashioned or polite or something, do you speak formally to your husband? I always wondered that.

Best regards,


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Guest MountainMadman

Anyway, but my question is (for all those Korean speaker out there): If you are like, really, really old-fashioned or polite or something, do you speak formally to your husband? I always wondered that.

Best regards,


It's actually not old-fashioned at all. In many Korean households, the wife can often be seen speaking formally to her husband. Even in my own family, my mother often speaks formally to my father. I'd go so far as to say that it's more of the rule, rather than the exception. 

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MountainMadman: Oh, that's very interesting. So basically, Yonghwa expects her to do something ... I don't know how to put it ... risquée by asking her to speak banmal? Is it also the case to speak formally when couples are very young and married?

Best regards,


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