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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Also, I heard WGM picked 'Lizzy' for the wife for the next couple, but they haven't picked the husband.  Who is 'Lizzy'??









Watch Episode 39 again, she was a guest MC.








As for the Yong ideal type....








I hope that he was not teasing us, I'm sure he knows that he has lots of Yongseo fans in other countries. I want to believe that he was truly describing Seohyun but I have this nagging feeling he might be teasing us. He's the careful type of person, he wouldn't blurted it so randomly like that.





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Guest justbulan

































I hope that he was not teasing us, I'm sure he knows that he has lots of Yongseo fans in other countries. I want to believe that he was truly describing Seohyun but I have this nagging feeling he might be teasing us. He's the careful type of person, he wouldn't blurted it so randomly like that.
































































































































yes.. me too xanshi.. 
































































































































 his behavior at the interview are just like what you say... he wouldn't blurted it so randomly just like in the thai interview.. 
































































































































so i hope it's not because of "trying not to upseting WGM fans" but it came from his sincere heart/ opinion..tears.gif
































































































































 anyway... seems like CN Blue brother really2 enjoying teasing him.. even laughing when he describe his ideal type :D

































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Guest blueshoes




News from ALLKPOP








CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa reveals the criteria for his ideal type




CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa recently participated in an interview back in Thailand, and he revealed the qualities his ideal woman would have.




“I don’t have very specific requests or expectations about my ideal type,” he explained. “First… I hope she is the type of woman who is pure, has a feminine personality, and is someone who is honest. Appearance-wise, I prefer girls with long hair. I also like the hair to be slightly wavy. As for height… I would hope that she is tall enough to be just above where my shoulders are. I like girls with clear and bright eyes…and someone who knows how to take care of herself .”




Hmm… this description sounds awfully similar… Perhaps he’s got a certain sweet potato lover from SNSD in mind?






credit http://www.allkpop.com/2011/02/cnblues-jung-yonghwa-reveals-the-criteria-for-his-ideal-type












just say her name




really enjoy to read comments on allkpop keke ~



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Hi fellow gogumas! Like everyone I'm spazzing over the recent "ideal type" description that Yong gave during the interview. It REALLY seems like he's describing Hyun. I loved how either Jungshin or Jonghyun laughed when he was giving his description of his ideal type.




Minhyuk's part of the interview was pretty interesting..I was reading the comments on allkpop and noticed that someone translated Minhyuk's comment as something along the lines of "when you like someone that person becomes your ideal type." So if he IS describing Hyun then does that mean the other members know he likes Hyun? Yong's smile after Minhyuk's comment is sure interesting.. *spazz* :wub: Hopefully my goguma addled brain isn't over thinking things too much.



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Guest hellokitty290
































Hey guys!! I was watching the thai interview where they were asked who their ideal types were..and I've noticed that at one point after yong answered the question, he right away starts to fidget with the ring-a bling bling ..hmm. personally I think that besides his answer being already obvious that it was indeed seohyun that he was talking about..the fact that he plays with the ring after is also evidence that he was thinking of her when he answered the question ( can't know for sure if it is evidence but in my opinion i think it is ;) )
































Also i think he was sincere about his answer and he didn't just say that to tease us or joke around..because when he answers the question and someone already mentioned he constantly keeps look around and barely looks at the interviewer.. maybe he was nervous answering the question but if you ask me...if he was joking i think yong would have a big smile on his face o something (being the choding that he is) and he looked pretty serious (nervous?) when answering the question..which is also why i don't think he was joking about it. Anyway..that is my take on things...ive always been a lurker (1st post..yay !! lol) but for some reason I've decided voice out my opinion today..Btw guys I love reading all of your in puts and opinions on our sweet potato couple..thanks for the opinions, thoughts, translations, images, links etc.that make this thread all the more exciting to read and be giddy about lol..thanks again guys!!! :wub: ill try to not be scared and voice out more of my opinions in order to help contribute :)
































P.S for all those lurkers out there who are like me and is scared/nervous to put in your thoughts and opinions...dont be!!!..one thing i really like about this thread besides talking about our favourite couple is the respect we have for each others thoughts and inputs (which is partly why today i have the courage to finally speak my thoughts)..lets keep it up fellow gogumas!!! :wub: Also for people who apologize for long post they put up or hold back on some things because they already think the post is way to long for people to read...dont be sorry :D I love reading your longs posts..they are very insightful and interesting to read..they also make me realize some things about certain situations or gestures our couple does that ive never really had in mind or thought of... soo...type away because I and probly a lot of people who read this thread LOVE it!!!..reading all your posts makes my life more interesting lol

















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to be honest I am not to thrilled about Lizzy joining WGM and one major fact is her age. She is only 16/17 that's to young. she should join "we are dating". But let's wait and see. I hope there is still enough time before a new couple joins bcoz 20. min again is tooo short *sigh*


Cannot wait till saturday!!!



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Guest Pink-Soda

I wonder what would Hyun say now if she was asked about her ideal type. Because before, she didn't really have one and so she wasn't able to describe her ideal type at variety shows. I wish Hyun gets asked in a variety show (Too bad they're schedule is so busy nowadays) so, maybe, she would also describe someone that's similar to her hubby.

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Guest niiychan
































































































































maybe its old news, but since I read some speculation that Yong describe is Park Shin Hye, I hope this news will be answered it..
































































































Jung Yonghwa chose Seohyun over Park Shin Hye
































































































































































































C.N Blue was the guest at Youngstreet on May 28th yesterday. Besides, they were asked by Heechul ''Which girl group do you want to be closer to?'' Do you want to know the answer? Check out the transcript below:
































































































































































































Heechul: Let me ask a simple question. Which girl group do you want to be closer to? (make friends with). It's ok, your manager went for dinner so you can relax and speak your mind.
































































































Jungshin:Wonder Girls
































































































































































































Heechul:I think Yonghwa looks unhappy. He says he is already married to Seohyun(SNSD), so why are you(Minhyuk) stirring trouble?
































































































Minhyuk: Because of our sister-in-law is from SNSD, so I want to be closer to them.
































































































Jonghyun: 2NE1
































































































Heechul: How about you Yonghwa? Choice 1: Park Shin Hye Choice 2: Seohyun. You make a choice. (Yonghwa shows 3 with his hands.)
































































































Heechul: Wow. So greedy. Choice number 3 means you want both of them. (Immediately after, Yonghwa shows 2 with his hands.) Oh. So now you have changed your choice. So your choice is still Seohyun in the end. (:
































































































Heechul mentioned that Yonghwa told him during Music bank that his throat was feeling very uncomfortable today. That's why Yonghwa was not speaking throughout the radio session.
































































































cr. dkpopnews
















































































































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Just last night my fellow goguma gave me a lot of links that feature YongSeo stories outside WGM.







I thought some of you might have seen them. But it's the first time I watched them all at once and I just turned autoplay on. That's why I want to share this YouTube account with you guys. (Sorry if you have seen them before.) SweetpotatoSubs







This account also have vid that CNBLUE did radio interview with Heechul that niiychan just mentioned. But not the part YH shows 2.







And also this one a kind soul mixed together all the cuts when YH MCed with SH in Music Core. Almost five minutes. But it's Thai subtitle.YongSeo Couple @ Music Core







Also the one I found just now is also interesting. 100705 Power fm : Yonghwa Seohyun???







Two new FMVs.







Yongseo ..beautiful memories FMV Just watched this video. It's so touching. It made me realized that one day their WGM journey will end no matter what. That's why every moment right now is so precious. So please enjoy it while it lasts.







YongSeo and their Cute Jealousy


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maybe its old news, but since I read some speculation that Yong describe is Park Shin Hye, I hope this news will be answered it..
































































here's the actual radio interview































































































































watch w/ english subs. SPS subs didn't sub the full radio show but that's just first part. gives us an idea of how Heechul corners & twists guests' comments (I LOVE HEENIM!)
































































































































thanks for posting a flashback down goguma-memory lane
































































this was when they were stil SO AWKWARD with each other.
































































































































what have they done to each other?!

































































































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Guest lovekin












maybe its old news, but since I read some speculation that Yong describe is Park Shin Hye, I hope this news will be answered it..

















well, here's my take on that:








this interview took place two months after yong and seo started and, frankly, that's not really enough time to come up with a solid answer for that kind of question - especially if you're asked to choose between your friend or someone you just met and only meet with once or twice a month.  during that time, i don't think yong saw seo any more than someone he was intrigued by at the time.  this was also around the time where his answers during interviews were either very general or that he felt like it was somewhat of an obligation to refer to seo as nicely as possible because of his "marriage," even though his answer might have been slightly different (and you could often tell this by the way he was a bit wishy-washy with his answers).








i love PSH, and she is extremely pretty!  i don't know much about her other than the fact that she does have wavy hair, that she actually really is feminine, and she falls under his ideal height.  but what sets PSH and seo apart is the pure/honest bit (clear-eyed isn't really a huge indication; any girl can fall under that category).  i'm not sure if PSH is just as pure/honest, but she really does come across as somebody who just gets along really well with yong (and JGS and hongki ...).








i'm also a JGS/PSH supporter, so i'm naturally disinclined to believe anything that might refute this, LOL.  (in all seriousness, i'm not disregarding the possibility, but it just seems unlikely as far as the present is concerned.)















haha, that last radio interview link that kun_cheero posted is probably one of the rare interviews that really leaves a sour taste in my mouth.  obviously, it's not far-fetched to say that things are different now, but no matter how hard people tried to spin his comments in that interview as favorable, i thought it was one of those moments that was really uncomfortable.  what he confirmed in that interview is a certain kind of truth that people don't want to know - that there are shows where you have to convince yourself to like someone to make your role believable.  again, i'm sure his opinion has changed by now, but it wouldn't be uncharacteristic of him to have done that that time.







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yong actually mean to said this deep inside his heart..
































































































































































































































































" I don't have specific requests towards my ideal coz I hv Seohyun by my side. She is pure, kind, feminine personality, and honest. She is pretty with her long wavy hair. I like it. .she is slightly tall above my shoulder. I like to look at her eyes. it's very clear and bright!. She knows how to take care of herself. She got a lot of self disciplined. My mom loves her too. And I love so much.. Kekeke."
































































































































































































































































hopefully this is what yong thought at that time..^____^
































































































































































































































































credits to Meed Omar@facebook yongseo couple(taken from his comment)

































































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This pic by P'Phokar is so well matched with his words. It would be great if this was shown when he gave that interview.












CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa reveals the criteria for his ideal type












CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa recently participated in an interview back in Thailand, and he revealed the qualities his ideal woman would have.














“I don’t have very specific requests or expectations about my ideal type,” he explained. “First… I hope she is the type of woman who is pure, has a feminine personality, and is someone who is honest. Appearance-wise, I prefer girls with long hair. I also like the hair to be slightly wavy. As for height… I would hope that she is tall enough to be just above where my shoulders are. I like girls with clear and bright eyes…and someone who knows how to take care of herself .”














Hmm… this description sounds awfully similar… Perhaps he’s got a certain sweet potato lover from SNSD in mind?









































cr. Phokar @ WGM[CN.Blue&SNSD]The Sweet Potato Couple @ pantip.com



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Guest ahn_annann
















Korean Music Wave in Bangkok






the first time in Thailand for Yong and Seo on the same stage..






here is the precious time of us (Thai fans),so we proud to support them as well as we can ..






Now we confirmed 202 seats at S1C. So we have many projects for YongSeo in the concert, kekeke ..












For Oversea fans, if you guys would like to join in the concert.






click here for details : http://www.thaiticketmajor.com/concert/mbc-korea-music-wave-eng.php (need to Log in) (recommend to open by IE)






Credits and Big Thanks to Phokar and Beside11 @ the sweet potato thai fans, pantip.com







น้องกุน พี่แอนเจอตัวช่วยละ ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าจ้า






maybe07 Thank you, hope to find your screen caps soon.



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Guest soshisoshisoshi








woops seems I'm lost now! I'm really lazy right now while waiting for saturday! you guys are having fun? celebrating lunar/chinese new year?? come back again on saturday!






and........ another funny parody!











gogumas sure have wild imagination! CAUTION! not for the underaged!:P












EDIT: I am wondering where did you guys read the news of Lizzy casted on WGM??? I didn't recall reading such article at AKP. Maybe other sites......








I find it weird that she chose Yonghwa as her ideal type. I mean, both of them ARE from Busan, so they must have a similar way of life and personality to some extent, since they came from the SAME hometown. I don't know, it's kinda... funny, don't you think?:mellow:









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Guest Faith_memory









gawd.. yonghwa's description of his ideam type is TOO OBVIOUS!!! hahaha!!







don't worry yonghwa... "we dont get you at all" wahahahaha!!!







haha! the BTS PARODIES are very funny!! creative gogumas, the best! you guys are funny!







Seohyun looks gorgeous with black hair! O.O







HAPPY LUNAR YEAR everyone!!!!!







btw.. about LIZZY being picked at WGM. wow.. actually that's pretty interesting..







since Lizzy.. is a BIT related to Yonghwa.. O.o







she's from BUSAN too and did you know...







she picked YONGHWA as her IDEAL GUY on a radio show back in 2010



























at 1:54 - 2:00













can't wait for SATURDAY!! YONGSEO fighting!


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This is the quietest day ever...
















































































Anyway, before I end my day. I just want to share with you a cap that always leaves me breathless and unbelievably giddy despite the number of times I've seen it.
























































































credits: dc married
















































































I finally got over the episode (for the record I didn't watch it today) but I'm sorry, I will never get over that cap over there. I absolutely love how Seohyun held Yonghwa's pinky as if her life depended on it. It was so trusting, sweet and real tight.
















































































So are we going to see a glimpse of the ski filming on Saturday? I mean, I don't mind them extending the massage scenes...









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hello my lovely In Go Paem =)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yesterday i was spazzing abt yonghwa's answer for the ideal girl and today i continued spazzing































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when allkpop posted the article for it. Love all the support that our YongSeo couple is getting :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, inspired by the awesome post made by hannahgarrido, i've decided to make my own compilation for YongHwa's ideal type. Enjoy~




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 I don't have very specific requests/expectations  towards my ideal type:



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Firstly, I hope she is the pure kind,





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and has a feminine personality,





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and someone who is honest.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also for appearances I like (girls with) long hair, hopefully wavy long hair.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For size...I hope she is somewhat taller past my shoulders,





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and I like clear and clean eyes..





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and a girl who knows how to take care of herself / self disciplined.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, who is the lucky girl, YongHwa? :lol:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Hajin100




Ok, so I always just try to watch WGM for entertainment purposes rather than get emotionally invested by rooting for Yonghwa and Seohyun as a couple, BUT I just watched the CNBlue clip in Thailand where they talk about their ideal types and I'm hooked! If they aren't real, there's still definitely something. So, while Yong is answering, it's not only so detailed although he claims that he is not that particular, but he also looks like he's trying think about what else he likes remembering the image of Seohyun. You can see Minhyuk cracking up and I think it's Jonghyun cracking up on the other side - like kids who know their friend likes someone, but is being vague.




Also, when Minhyuk describes his ideal type, at the end he mentions that if he currently likes someone, she becomes his ideal type and Yonghwa looks at him in a way that screams WTH, don't give me away! Even though I'm Korean American, my Korean is rusty, but I'm sure that was the exchange.



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