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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Germbaby




Hi Goguma family,


Finally, I am able to join in guys. Wow! the photo and the news of Seohyun meeting Yong's mother is really too much for my heart to take. I wanted so much to join in guys in the guessing game but don't know how. Anyway, I think it is Yong who bought the spectacles. Let's wait and see in another half hour or so. Soompi has been acting weird on me. Sometimes connection just goes off. Dont know what happen! Seohyun and Yong are really getting very very close and I am so happy. As for ADAM couple, I wish them both lots of luck in the career and lovelife. HAPPY WATCHING COMING EPISOPE DAEBAK DAEBAK!


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Guest pbnovi

@ pbnovi...the link you send me does not exist lol... i'm just going to assume that it's the same girl that i saw on kpopnews.net that posted an article about the girl who was claim to be Yonghwa's girlfriend lol but thanks for the help though

really?... then i'll give u another one, i guess it is the same.. just want to share it with ppl who haven't seen it.


few minutes again to watch em live.. can't wait..

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being the lurker i am now, i decided to actually write something tonight as i wait for the episode to air.

i was just thinking about how this episode will show hyun meeting her mother in law, finally.

yes, finally! haha. i'm sure yong's mother will love hyun. but i was just thinking...

that i'm actually GLAD that they, hyun and mother in law, are just NOW meeting.

because i know that we all wanted them to meet sooner, which would have been sweet too.

but since yong and hyun have gotten so much closer now, physically and romantically ;) haha.

i think its just appropriate that they are just now meeting.

like i'm sure hyun would still have tried to impress the mother and be very nice and polite.

but now that her and yong are closer, she will be more... enthusiastic about being the right daughter in law.

and i'm not surprised she's getting yong's help to try and impress the mother.

it shows that hyun really depends on yong's help on advice on an important situation.

but just wanted to say that. not sure if anyone wrote about that, but just wanted to! lol

have a great time everyone! lol

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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello fellow kamotes !!!! how can i watch the live streaming of WGM? please help smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































saranghae goguma villagers

































































































































































































































































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Guest Gabyfrederika
































































































@gogumaforever go to this site http://www.ustream.tv/channel/prolupa
































omo im so exciteeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!

































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thuy09 and Gabyfrederika thank you!!!! im very very excited too wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest teuksunghae



watching it now at http://www.ustream.t...nel/soshiworld2

we got to see Yong call Park Shin Hye..... we know now that yong called her in front of SH...blush.gif

and we finally know who got the glasses... YONG DID


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Guest yongseorockin


Yong hwa bought IT!!




Hahaha, congrats to all who has bet on the correct person!




Hahaha. Enjoy watching. link here http://www.tvunetworks.com/watchTV/index.html#c=82048


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Guest LennieYongseo




yonghwa brought it.. hahahahaa..


hmm..?? why they cut yongseo and continue to khuntoria..??


or soon will yongseo again..??


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Guest arcaloveher
























































lol Yong choding, asking Hyun to lean on his shoulders and annoying her like that








































Hyun ah, being goofy and all on the train haha









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what happend to YongSeo Ep. they only got less than 20minsss












why why why anf tvu was super lag today 












they showed the couple calling PSH,SSH




































it was Yong who got the glasses



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Yong bought the glasses! how cute ;)

And Hyun brought along their eye masks! how cute ;)

i love these two!

They were so close throughout the whole thing. But... it was a little short.

I thought they were only airing YongSeo and Khuntoria today...

But cuteness overload. Hyun is so violent! Haha, i love it.

And they even showed the concert clip!! Awesome! But i wonder if that was during the Push-and-Pull because Yong seemed very... distant. Haha... oh well! They are closer now :wub: hahaha.

I'm too greedy... I already want more! :)

Have a great day/night everyone! Off to bed for me.

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Guest pbnovi

it has ended that fast? will they back again to our couple??

lame.. they put the scene bout seohyun attending cnblue concert now.. it has been long time ago..

yong's appa is so handsome.. no wonder they make a good-looking son like yong..

this episode made me biting my lips, hoping for more..

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Guest rolling_snow
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why was this ep... so short?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I mean, there's only Yongseo and Khuntoria now so they should have more screentime but... only 16 minutes (or so)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I mean.. why :/

































































































































































































































































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Guest justbulan
































lol this episode is daebak.. w00t.gif
















PSH revealed how jealous yong in front of his buin...
















and jungmo oppa also teased yong about it and he keep denied it..
















and in the train, seohyun teased him about his pre-debut video..































can't wait for the second part :P









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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































omg this episode was too short!!!
































































after they uploaded the video they called people seohyun called shin seung hun?!?! (im not sure)
































































yong called PSH, then hyun called Jungmo, and yong called jungshin
































































i liked that they included the scene where seohyun went to cnblue's concert and was first introduced to his mom, dad, and brother there
































































omg the train scene was cute too!
































































yong giving lessons to hyun on how they talk
































































yong gave hyun the glasses, she was so cute being shy
































































(not knowing how the glasses would look on her), yong told hyun to lean on his shoulder :D
































































omg did hyun tease yong after seeing a video of him and his highschool school friends on the bus?
































































man this girl is such a teaser!!! :D
































































and of course his choding moving his shoulder up and down making it uncomfortable for hyun to sleep (:
































































cute cute cute! even though it was short!
































































okayy just kidding there was another scene!
































































omg yong's mom is soooo pretty!!!
































































awwww her and hyun seems so close!
































































it was so cute when she got embarrassed when yong's mom mention the saltwater kimchi! lmao!
































































poor hyun!! ahahahah yong seems to be enjoying it.... letting his mother and wife talk ahahaha

















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