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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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am i the only one here who not worry about the preview? i'm really sure mbc have reason why there's no yongseo preview today. maybe they prepare something bigger than preview. who knows right? and if there's no yongseo next week, i'm sure pdnim have reasons. so, goguma just calm down, God really love someone who have big patient. oke? i think there'll be something this week. bigger than just preview. just wait goguma :))
















Merry Christmas to you YongSeocouple... Just like you I'm not so worried about not seeing the preview for next weeks episode.  The show must have a valid reason for doing so.  And I've read somewhere in the thread, that there might be a possibility of not seeing an episode of our couple next week???  If that happens too, though it would break  my heart, I would not worry so much about that also, because for sure, we would have a lot to be happy about next week, remember, the pair would be appearing on a special show.  So with the help of our beloved goguma's for sure we would be seeing a lot of fancams and BTS of the couple, and of course that show would be on MBC grounds so it could be that their movements will not be restricted...I am wishing, hoping  and crossing my fingers to that blush.gif









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Guest whitezephyr

Hi! It's my first time posting here and I'm going to continue from where 2korinto57 left off~

It's my first time so do bear with any clumsiness in my translation!

Credits: 小雨@Baidu

H: It's all instand food~

Y: It's CN Blue's style~

H: No way, I must prepare some side dishes next time

H: I'll prepare some soup and bring it here

Y: Have you thought of how to write the lyrics?

H: Ah, but...

Y: Is it hard?

H: Yes~

Y: What's so hard about it!

H: I don't know what to write

Y: Just write what you want to say!

H: that is still...

Y: the best lyrics are...

H: en?

Y: are from the bottom of your heart... that's how I learnt

H: Who did you learn it from?

Y: uhhh... internet

h: yum~

y: now that you think of it, how did you feel during the first time when I allowed you to speak banmal?

h: it was a little hard

y: hard~

h: hard~ this is weird

y: then make the last word of the sentence the same (make it rhyme)

y: ~words, ~words that are difficult to me, you can write it this way

h: yes, this is good

y: think it like this, next would be the chorus

h: what is that

y: what seems easy is actually the hardest

y: it's hard right~

h: yes~

y: think of it this way, i'm the first person to see you hoem right?

h: yes~

y: the first time a guy sees you home, what is that feeling...

h: how do I put it...

y: bare out your heart~ truthfully~

h: hahaha!

MC Misun: that's mushy!

y: how did you feel that time when I saw you home?

h: when you saw me home... it was miraculous

y: "When he sent me home it was~ miraculous~"

MC misun: When he sent me home~ how much money was it~

h: thank you for that time

y: ah? it was what I should do...

h: ahh I don't know~

y: then... how did you feel oppa?

h: what?

y: when you first saw me~

y: my first impression of you?

y: when i first saw you.... ah! it's seohyun!!

y: hmm~ very pretty~

y: oh, very kind~

y: oh, very polite~

y: you are thinking too complicatedly

h: really?

y: what about you? when you first saw me, were you like this?

y: aww~ so handsome~

y: judging that it's the first meeting, it's still not bad~

y: does he like spicy ricecakes? <---(dukkbokki?)

y: What!! a 2000won ring?! 

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Okay now I will spazz. Once again for me it's the little things that brings me glee. As much as I enjoyed and went fangirly over the piggyback ride...what I enjoyed the most is when she hit him for teasing her by adding her laughter to the song. So adorable and just damn natural. I love that in the dorm we see her wearing the Hulk gloves Junghyun had on before. I can just imagine the fun/playful scene that took place between her and the C.N boys involving the gloves; how I wish episodes didn't have to be edited. I also loved how comfortable they were together in the dorm. So adorable that Hyun was following Yong in the kitchen a la him with her in the library and I just about died of happy glee at seeing her wearing his jacket and Yong warming up her hands :wub: I want a Yong too. They need to clone him and sell him in stores LOL.






The piggyback ride :wub::wub::wub: I saw you with that huge richard simmons smile on your face Hyun. Even if you are "clumsy" or don't have/can't say all the words yet. You are soooo falling homegirl :D (or a really really good actress. but yeah no. you can't fake that smile) My Yong Yong was pretty damn pleased too which had me grinning all the harder. Yong was so happy to be able to show his bball skills to his wife and looked so good doing it too. If he gets anymore perfect I just might have to fly up to South Korea and steal him from Hyun and his fangirls LOL.






These two are just the most natural and seemingly "real" couple on the show for me and that is why I adore them. I know I ranted about the banmal thing, while I do mean what I said when I said it; at the same time I love and respect the fact that Yong and Hyun are not forcing themselves because it what we (or maybe just me) wants. They do things at their own pace. They let it come about naturally and not by force just for show or viewers and that is what makes them real to me and why I enjoy them the way I do.






I am nor going to get pressed over Khuntoria (or any couples) airtime or our lack of preview. I am sure the PDs have reason to be doing whatever they are doing, and we already know the two still film for the show so yeah we will be getting more and more of our sooner or later. I find the 20mins or so we get to be awesomesause each and every Saturday so I won't complain about the good thing I've got.



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Guest Germbaby




Hi goguma family,


Just finish watching MBC christmas special Yonghwa singing LOVE LOVE LOVE. I think I saw something! Yonghwa did the OK sign while singing. Is it sending out love to Seohyun? Their code word? Can someone confirm whether am I wrong or right? I am dying here! Too happy


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Guest whitezephyr

Continued from where I left off...


First part of my translations:

H: It's all instand food~

Y: It's CN Blue's style~

H: No way, I must prepare some sidedishes next time

H: I'll prepare some soup and bring ithere

Y: Have you thought of how to write thelyrics?

H: Ah, but...

Y: Is it hard?

H: Yes~

Y: What's so hard about it!

H: I don't know what to write

Y: Just write what you want to say!

H: that is still...

Y: the best lyrics are...

H: en?

Y: are from the bottom of your heart...that's how I learnt

H: Who did you learn it from?

Y: uhhh... internet

<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break">

h: yum~

y: now that you think of it, how did youfeel during the first time when I allowed you to speak banmal?

h: it was a little hard

y: hard~

h: hard~ this is weird

y: then make the last word of thesentence the same (make it rhyme)

y: ~words, ~words that are difficult tome, you can write it this way

h: yes, this is good

y: think it like this, next would be thechorus

h: what is that

y: what seems easy is actually the hardest

y: it's hard right~

h: yes~

y: think of it this way, i'm the first personto see you hoem right?

h: yes~

y: the first time a guy sees you home,what is that feeling...

h: how do I put it...

y: bare out your heart~ truthfully~

h: hahaha!

MC Misun: that's mushy!

<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break">

y: how did you feel that time when I sawyou home?

h: when you saw me home... it wasmiraculous

y: "When he sent me home it was~miraculous~"

MC misun: When he sent me home~ how muchmoney was it~

h: thank you for that time

y: ah? it was what I should do...

h: ahh I don't know~

y: then... how did you feel oppa?

h: what?

y: when you first saw me~

y: my first impression of you?

y: when i first saw you.... ah! it'sseohyun!!

y: hmm~ very pretty~

y: oh, very kind~

y: oh, very polite~

y: you are thinking too complicatedly

h: really?

y: what about you? when you first saw me,were you like this?

y: aww~ so handsome~

y: judging that it's the first meeting,it's still not bad~

y: does he like spicy ricecakes?<---(dukkbokki?)

y: What!! a 2000won ring?! 

Did yonghwa’s guidance help seohyun?

H: give me pen and paper

H: pen

H: don’t peek!

Y: why would I peek!

Seohyun’s hair is stained by the cake!

Y: your hair is eating the cake

The anticipated first phase: harmonization

The anticipated second phase: guitar


After about an hour, the lyrics are done!

What was thought to have deep meaning: I can only say this!

H: I’m done

Y: Let me see…

H: I’ve done my best… ah

Y: it’s okay… we don’t have the time

Y: I’ll look at it now~

H: ah ah ah~

MC Kim: he’s not smiling

Misun: So sincere~

Y: oh oh oh~ you wrote it well!

H: really?

Y: really

H: that’s good that’s good

Y: it’s really good~

H: you’re lying~ really?

Y: really

Y: using what I just said as a model, didn’t you?

H: Yes~ at the beginning

Y: you used it, at the beginning


Y: you wrote well~ let’s start recording now

Y: the first note…

H: is a little to low

H: “Thank you for your words”… this note

Y: 1 2 3 4

H: -sings-


In the recording room, everyone was giving praises, MCJungmin was having goosebumps~

Y: It’s good~

H: it is really okay?

Y: Yes~ but isn’t this repeated? Just edit it a little, “Howdo I say this, How can I say this?”

H: ah~ this would be better

Y: hey, are you copying mine!

H: what! I’m only borrowing!


Y: I was shocked

H: you’re lyring

Y: I was really shocked

H: why?

Y: here “I can only say this”? You only know how to saythis?

H: aigoo…

Y: this doesn’t seem like the lyrics, this seems like arealistic story of a couple~

H: yes~ this was what I imagined~

Y: such a shy girl…

H: ah ha, what girl!

Y: want to be with that shy girl… it’s just like a story ofa real couple


Y: let’s collaborate for once, our couple song

H: okay

Finally, we get to hear the couple’s first collaboration – the couplesong!

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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































shinhdeplol, Oh. That's me! Haha. Thanks for the credit. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ya, guys~ Really really kamsa for the translations :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Uhhh, whoever wants the dl link for today's epi n HD, here it is! Ü
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo 1/2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo 2/2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr; SSF Forums!

































































































































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Guest graxhaie23











today was another daebak episode..



the song translations was great! thanks baidu!



the piggy back ride was deabak too..it's a wish that came true for me..



sweet potato couple are indeed sweet.






but as we heard, yongseo dropped to the third spot.






Cheer goguma's! there's still 4 days to go..



Here's a message from indi/ bezbezbez, she can't post now because she's on an overseas Christmas vacation.






To all YongSeo fans:



I know that Yongseo have dropped to the third spot and some might feel worried about this. Please hold on and stay positive on this poll issue.






I'm asking everyone to decline all illegal offers and measures just to vote for YongSeo. it is much better to lose graciously than win in an immoral manner.






Merry Christmas everyone!!!



Let's just cheer all the K- gogumas.






Truthfully yours,



Indi/ bezbezbez



she's right guys...



just cheer our K - gogumas..



everything has a purpose and let's all help each other!





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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey guys, I just want to repost this one. Can I Love You? - FMV Yongseo This MV is so cute plus the english subs which perfectly suits uri Yongseo.

































































































































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Guest asherel



hi there... It's my first time to post here

honestly, I'm a certified Kkapliner(Adam fan) but I went here just to view yongseo fans' reaction on their couple...

haha, having no preview is better than NO SEGMENT at all... we kkapliners did not see even a tiny second of our Adam together in this week's episode... (if you guys see our forum, people there are literally MAD :P and I'm one of them)

At least with no preview, you don't have to expect anything. Unlike us who were excited for their Christmas date only to watch 5 mins of Kwon collaborating with Khun... Moreover, you guys have 20 mins of awesome and cute episode to spazz over... :)

Anyways, I love the excitement here of Yongseo fans. I'm a fan of their couple too. I'm not really comparing, but seeing you guys hyperventilate seeing skinships with your favorite couple made me remember the times when we kkapliners hyperventilate with just a simple holding hands. haha...

I hope goguma couple reach their 1st anniversary too! I want to see them reach the level of complete comfort with each other! and I'm sure their Banmal song is a huge step for that. I'm really clapping my hands when Yong breath on Hyun's hand to make it warmer. and the backhug?! omo, that was really sweet!

By the way, I'm one of the staff in TGM forums and we are planning a project for goguma couple for their upcoming 1st year anniversary. I hope you guys visit it and participate in the project!

hehe, sorry for my long post.


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Hi goguma family,




















Just finish watching MBC christmas special Yonghwa singing LOVE LOVE LOVE. I think I saw something! Yonghwa did the OK sign while singing. Is it sending out love to Seohyun? Their code word? Can someone confirm whether am I wrong or right? I am dying here! Too happy







































You mean this?








































It could be. He did the same gesture during their concert, but it hasn't been confirmed whether that's something between them or not. He did it a lot of times in this performance though; I counted 6 times and during some moments he held that pose for a few seconds too. But, we'll probably never know for sure. Heh.




















From this week's episode, I absolutely love the moment Seohyun hit Yonghwa :lol: it wasn't playfully done either haha and the piggyback ride of course. Yonghwa kept telling her to hold on tight and loved it, while Seohyun was just thinking of how heavy she and her bag was.




















I think I like the moment he held her hand by his chest the most. I don't know why, maybe because it's close to his heart?




















@Asherel I completely understand your reactions towards this week. I think Goguma's initial reactions would be ripping out hair if there'd be no YongSeo this week as they showed in the preview. I just came back from the Adam couple's thread (as I'm a fan too of the Adam couple!) and the reactions were really exploding. No Adam this week did bother me really badly but it got compensated by YongSeo's cut as I have to admit that YongSeo just holds a special place in my WGM ranking. There's nothing we can do about it of course, but I hope that the airtime will get compensated through next week's episode. :) And nice to see other people support different couples as well!





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Guest Caliope


Jokwon speaks about Yongseo Couple with Nikhun:








Can anyone tell us they are saying?




Thank you so much for the translations, pics and links ^^


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Guest blueeye
















































































Y: this doesn’t seem like the lyrics, this seems like arealistic story of a couple~































































































H: yes~ this was what I imagined~
















































Y: such a shy girl…
















































H: ah ha, what girl!
















































Y: want to be with that shy girl… it’s just like a story of a real couple































































































cr: whitezephyr+baidu
















































what is it yong? whaaaat? what do you mean? tell us! :D
















































is he trying to tell us something gogumas? :P Or maybe my imagination running too far. :D
















































oh, and Yong's Band Male Song a.k.a Banmal song part with MinHyuk was just hillarious. :D
















































thanks for the vid, caps, translation gogumas! Happy holiday!

















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Guest whitezephyr

Alright, finished my translations of ep 37! Time to rest my eyes >< 

I've been a lurker in this thread since around August. Started posting today cos' I saw that there wasn't anyone around to provide full english translations. Don't think I'll be able to do this every week though... >< sorry to disappoint...

but I'll be glad to translate chinese articles of uri yongseo couple! Just post 'em here on this thread laugh.gif

   Credits:  小雨 笨笨熊 JOJO 冻结 @ Baidu

Credits to 2korinto57 for the translations in the spoiler: 


(ahaha ahaha ahaha)

(He’s still at it…)

SH:  Ahh~ What is this… 

YH: Why.. okay, I’m going to stop

YH: How’s this? It’s good right?

SH: Erase it now!

YH: Okay, I’ll stop now

YH: I’m just playing around

SH: It’s quite fun

YH: Do you want try singing the first part of the song?

YH: You don’t have too think too much into it

(YH singing gibberish English)

YH: The lyrics automatically come along as you aresinging it

SH: Just doit freely?


(Jonghyun’s peeping in)

YH: Jonghyun is good at this

JH: What’s up?

YH: Come demonstrate for a bit

(Bro-in-law coming into the room)

JH: Which song? Let’s hear it.

YH: Placeholders in the first verse

JH: Placeholders? What version do you prefer? InJapanese or?

SH: Japanese

(BIL Jonghyun singing in gibberish Japanese…)

JH: Justsing it out freely

SH: Freely?

YH: Nobody will know, others will think there’s somemeaning to it.

(Minhyuk pops his head in at this time)

JH: Minhyuk is here

SH: Hi~

MH: I left something here, came to get it.

MH: What are you guys doing?

YH: Minhyuk-ah, that’s Seohyun’s coat!

YH: Who allowed you to hug her coat?!

MH: Ah? So what should I?

YH: Just put it properly behind 

SH: It’s so funny

MH: Cold? What song is this?

YH: This? Banmal~

MH: Banmal?

YH: Banmal song. Okay. Seohyun try singing..

SH: Okay..

YH: Start!

SH: Ah.. How should I sing it?

YH: Take out your confidence

SH: Hajimemamini coopere.. (Meeting you for the first time in Japanese)

JH: Yup, just sing it like that.

SH: Hajimemasthite, I am Seohyun

SH: Ahhh this is embarrassing!

YH: Seohyun-ah.. I think you are a genius

YH: I wrote the lyrics of chorus. You can writethe first verse

SH: Write the first verse?

MH: Hoot is a nice song

SH: Thanks!

MH: Daebak ah!

YH: Try singing it~

MH: Like this~ (shooting)

SH: You did that well

YH: I don’t allow you to dance that

MH: You have lots of screen time too

SH: Really?

MH: I saw all of it.

MH: The rankings, etc…

(Wonderful same-age friendship)

(Yonghwa cannot stand it anymore and interrupts)

YH: We keep…

SH: Oh ya… You filmed a drama right?

YH: Such a formulated conversation..

SH: What…

MH: We are speaking sincerely!

YH:  Ya~~MinHyuk, you should practice your acting skills properly!

SH: Haha..??

YH: Put some heart to it.

(Yonghwa’s jealousy is damaging his pride as a bigbrother)

YH: Hahaha

MH: I know I know

Continued from the translations in the spoiler...

H: It's all instant food!

Y: It's CN Blue's style~ 

H: No way, I must prepare some side dishes next time 

H: I'll prepare some soup and bring it here 

Y: Have you thought of how to write the lyrics? 

H: Ah, but... 

Y: Is it hard? 

H: Yes~ 

Y: What's so hard about it! 

H: I don't know what to write 

Y: Just write what you want to say! 

H: that is still... 

Y: the best lyrics... 

H: hmm?

Y: are from the bottom of your heart...that's what I learnt 

H: Who did you learn it from? 

Y: uhhh... the internet 

h: yum~ 

y: now that you think of it, how did you feel during the first time when I allowed you to speak banmal? 

h: it was a little hard 

y: hard~ 

h: hard~ this is weird 

y: then make the last word of the sentences the same (make it rhyme) 

y: ~words, ~words that are difficult to me, you can write it this way 

h: yes, this is good 

y: think it like this, next would be thechorus 

h: what is that 

y: what seems easy is actually the hardest 

y: it's hard right~ 

h: yes~ 

y: think of it this way, i'm the first person to see you home right? 

h: yes~ 

y: the first time a guy sees you home, what is that feeling... 

h: how do I put it... 

y: bare out your heart~ truthfully~ 

h: hahaha! 

MC Misun: that's mushy! 


y: how did you feel that time when I saw you home? 

h: when you saw me home... it was miraculous 

y: "When he sent me home it was~miraculous~" 

MC misun: When he sent me home~ how much did it cost~ 

h: thank you for that time 

y: ah? it was what I should do... 

h: ahh I don't know~ 

y: then... how did you feel oppa? 

h: what? 

y: when you first saw me~ 

y: my first impression of you? 

y: when i first saw you.... ah! it's seohyun!! 

y: hmm~ very pretty~ 

y: oh, very kind~ 

y: oh, very polite~ 

y: you are thinking too complicatedly 

h: really? 

y: what about you? when you first saw me, were you like this? 

y: aww~ so handsome~ 

y: judging that it's the first meeting,it's still not bad~ 

y: does he like spicy ricecakes? <---(dukkbokki?) 

y: what?! a 2000 won ring?!

Did yonghwa’s guidance help seohyun?

H: give me pen and paper

H: pen

H: don’t peek!

Y: why would I peek!

Seohyun’s hair is stained by the cake!

Y: your hair is eating the cake

The anticipated first phase: harmonization

The anticipated second phase: guitar

After about an hour, the lyrics are done!

What was thought to have deep meaning: I can only say this!

H: I’m done

Y: Let me see…

H: I’ve done my best… ah

Y: it’s okay… we don’t have the time

Y: I’ll look at it now~

H: ah ah ah~

MC Kim: he’s not smiling

Misun: So sincere~

Y: oh oh oh~ you wrote it well!

H: really?

Y: really

H: that’s good that’s good

Y: it’s really good~

H: you’re lying~ really?

Y: really

Y: using what I just said as a model, didn’t you?

H: Yes~ at the beginning

Y: you used it, at the beginning


Y: you wrote well~ let’s start recording now

Y: the first note…

H: is a little to low

H: “Thank you for your words”… this note

Y: 1 2 3 4

H: -sings-


In the recording room, everyone was giving praises, MC Jungmin was having goosebumps~

Y: It’s good~

H: it is really okay?

Y: Yes~ but isn’t this repeated? Just edit it a little, “How do I say this, How can I say this?”

H: ah~ this would be better

Y: hey, are you copying mine!

H: what, I’m only borrowing!


Y: I was shocked

H: you’re lyring

Y: I was really shocked

H: why?

Y: here “I can only say this”? You only know how to say this?

H: aigoo…

Y: this doesn’t seem like the lyrics, this seems like a realistic story of a couple~

H: yes~ this was what I imagined~

Y: such a shy girl…

H: ah ha, what girl!

Y: want to be with that shy girl… it’s just like a story of a real couple


Y: let’s collaborate for once, our couple song

H: okay

Finally, we get to hear the couple’s first collaboration –the couple song!


Hyun’s confession!

-insert lyrics of the song-

MC Jungmin : It’s not bad

Captions: Just like that, with the power of the two, the song's format is finally laid out

H: it’s satisfying

Y: satisfied..?

H: yes

Y: let’s go out and relax ourselves?

H: okay!

(Not long after, they are outdoors)

H: it’s cold

Captions: unexpectedly, strands of hair would clump together in this cold weather

H: is it this?

(Minhyuk and the boys’ recommendation: a ferry that is ready to ferry the couple to the Han River Park (Gangdong-gu) to play basketball)

H: why did I wear a skirt in such a weather?

Y: are you mad?

H: yes


Into the ferry

H: uwah~ it’s warmer now

Captions: finally seated in a ferry with a peaceful atmosphere 

(what’s next cannot be expressed with words, let’s just enjoy the programme)

Hyun’s laughing really happily

H: uwah, so warm~

(Caps: a human “heating machine (?)” with insulatingcapability – Yong)

(let’s enjoy the night scenery)

Y: we should buy a ferry

H: buy?

Jungmin: ferries are expensive, yong ah

Y: I’ll do it

H: our bodies are melting, aren’t they?

Y: yes… (showing off his skills) the basketball frame is there

Y: I want to say “I like you” out loud (lyrics)

Running again, the reappearance of Yong Choding! Yong is excited at the sight of a basketball court

Y: it’s time for us to compete again

(They started off with Hyun at 4 points, Yong at 0 points.)

Y: the loser will buy us a hot drink

H: okay

(Hyun Bu-In’s impressive start)

Y: try your best! X 3


H: (whining) I can’t do it!

Caption: hyun’s sneaky attempt! (too bad ^^)


Y: hyun, you can’t do it, you don’t know how to play~

H: I really can’t play, why am I like that~

(Yong is showing off his basketball skills)

Y: why?

H: I’ll buy the drinks, let’s go (she gave up)

Y: if I can touch the basketball frame then you’ll piggyback me. If I can’t then I’ll piggyback you

H: okay

(After the pool competition, the topic of piggyback is raised again)

What would the results be? 

Yong is running. 

He lost.

Y: I’m going to do it. I know seohyun is heavy

H: wait, ah ah, omo…

(Although it’s not really romantic, but…)

Y: you must hold on x3

Y: ah, my legs are feeling weak

(Yong is obviously happy, but is acting otherwise…)

H: I’m heavy, and the bag is heavy, so it all adds up and I became heavier to carry…

H: are you okay?

Y: I’m okay

H: you can’t do it anymore right

Y: you’re really too heavy! (but still, he’s happy~)

H: I feel awkward(?)


(the two reached the café,  hyun had grapefruit tea, yong had iced coffee)

H: why are you drinking a cold drink?

Y: I like it

(A mouthful after another, not long later it’s finished)

Y: which faculty are you from?

H: Arts / Acting

Captions: just like they are in a conference, suddenly introducing their faculties…?

Yong: which year are you in?

H: First year

Y: we are of the same age!

H: really?

Y:  I’m saying this with a burden(?)…. I am a first-year student of the business faculty… and I’m the class representative

H: it’s nice to meet you (banmal)

Y: I have a gathering today but I didn’t go because of you

H: you did well~

Y:  “You did well~”(imitating hyun)

H: (at a loss for words) munching ice

Y: what to do~ can I find a way to walk into your heart?

H: it’s too sweet!

Y: okay, you’re mine

H: hahaha, seriously

Y: why???

Captions: The couple resuming discussion of the couple song

Y: We must give and receive right

H: yes, ahh~

H: we’ve passed the time to look at the mission letter (Time: 10:05pm)

Caption: So what is the couple’s mission?

The couple is still fooling around with the letter, please take a look at it quickly~

(At the moment they opened the letter, they fainted)

Letter: To let more people listen to this couple song (where should they publish it?)

So what is the URL of the website?

Jinwoon: ah. They’re going to publish it on the most internationally-renowned website!

Y: we should film an MV

H: I have never done this before (starts worrying)


So what is the UCC to the couple song’s MV? Let’s go find it now!

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Guest graxhaie23











today was another daebak episode..



the song translations was great! thanks baidu!



the piggy back ride was deabak too..it's a wish that came true for me..



sweet potato couple are indeed sweet.






but as we heard, yongseo dropped to the third spot.






Cheer goguma's! there's still 4 days to go..






Here's a message from indi/ bezbezbez, she can't post now because she's on an overseas Christmas vacation.






To all YongSeo fans:



I know that Yongseo have dropped to the third spot and some might feel worried about this. Please hold on and stay positive on this poll issue.






I'm asking everyone to decline all illegal offers and measures just to vote for YongSeo. it is much better to lose graciously than win in an immoral manner.






Merry Christmas everyone!!!



Let's just cheer all the K- gogumas.






Truthfully yours,



Indi/ bezbezbez






she's right guys...



just cheer our K - gogumas..



everything has a purpose and let's all help each other!





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Guest yongseocouple
































































































HAII thanks for the translate!!! wow, after i knew the trans i had another goosebump. they're just too sweet. can you guys keep translating? i really curious bout the next part. sorry for asking too much. goguma fighting! yongseo fighting!! thank you very muchhh!

















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Hello fellow gogumas! long time no see hehe..it's a happy day right? woori yongseo couple has been more and more closer now,they even holding hands naturally keke..:D







































I just noticed something, does yonghwa has dimple in his cheeks? i never see it before, maybe it because he's too happy and smile so wide so we can see his dimple~ so sweet^^














































































omona :wub:





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@Blueye... agree with you on that, is he trying to tell us something? " It's just like a story of real couple " who is he referring to this? :rolleyes:
















Is this their gift to us? An implication of something? hehehehe...that would be a nice christmas gift indeed blush.gif









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Jokwon speaks about Yongseo Couple with Nikhun:








































Can anyone tell us they are saying?




















Thank you so much for the translations, pics and links ^^







































I didn't understand everything, but I understood the first part.




















Jokwon and Nichkhun were talking about how their wives never expressed their feelings well when the guys do something special for them. Jokwon was like: 'Victoria is like that too?' And came to the conclusion that all women must be like that. Jokwon added that Seohyun, too, doesn't have good reactions :P




















I'm not sure about this part;




















Then Jokwon mentioned how Seohyun linked arms with Yonghwa in Japan and that he cheered/hurrahed because they had woken up(?).





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