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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest rforest

i'm watching their part live right now. the way they hold hands is just so adorable! they're eating shrimp right now. both are looking really good

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Guest Crystal392





Thanks so much for the links for streaming: nublupa.








It's been soo long since the last time I streamed WGM because of studies but now I have free time and kyaaa they are so cute ^^








They walked on the beach... held hands :wub: and right now they are eating (it's making me hungry hehehe) prawns. they are feeding each other :w00t: they are soo cute ^___________^


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OMO!!!!!!! i can't take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!








So many skinship!!!!!!








i think i'm going to die before the subs come out!!!!!!








SKINSHIP OVERLOAD EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































omg yongseo couple just ended!!!
































































































































thank you nublupa for streaming for us!! no lags today!! (:
































































































































this episode was too cute!!
































































































































ahahha manager bailing on them again!!(he doesnt want to be the third wheel)ahahahh
































































































































the beach scene was cute even though it was night time and cold!
































































































































awwww they linked arms at first them yong grabbed her arm and put it in his pocket!
































































































































so cute! this scene
































































































































then he stopped to do this cute dance ahahahah
































































































































and then they grabbed hands again and into the pocket it went again!!
































































































































































































































































awww the eating scene was cute too! soo playful to each other
































































































































what was hyun doing when she was standing on back of him while he looked up?
































































































































seems like they had a nice conversation (:
































































































































the song that yong sang.... what is it called? it sounded pretty good!!

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















aaaaaa...... soo cute!!!!! the way he sang the song to seohyun was just adorable :wub: :wub::wub: :wub:. What song is it anyway?? is it one of cnblue's song??














wait..... I just noticed something..... was the broadcast more than 20 minutes?? I think the PD was going to stop the yongseo broadcast just before Yong sang that song. If he did...... there will be an uproar in GO-CHUN..














MC Kim was spazzing like crazy. His face showed full satisfaction today hahaha














anyways............... COMPLETELY DAEBAK!!! SKINSHIP OVERLOAD!! :wub: :wub::wub:
















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Guest chilipadi_22

just finished yongseo's part.

OMG~ i just love he song he wrote for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats a new song right???

omo omo omo~

the saranghae part at the end is just DAEBAK!!

now i am waiting for the preview. heheheheheh^^

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Guest _d3seohyun



OMG!!!!! Did he just confess?! :w00t:

and the hand holding...so happy he took her hand again after his dance which btw his wife found so cute! :wub:

I have this funny feeling now everytime Jinwoon laughs and makes fun of Yonghwa's jokes. It feels weird because of the bromance brought by the fancams from GDA hahahhaha :lol:


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Guest yslovelightys
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I especially love the way he held her hand again after letting go for awhile to dance.
































































































































































AND THE "Saranghae, Saranghae..." wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif
































































































































































It's like a confession already. seriously.

































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It's an unreleased song that Yonghwa wrote about using banmal with Hyun haha!

I love this episode... It feels so short though, but the way they play with each other is adorable.

I think Seohyun might be using banmal with him in the next episode... During this episode I think she'd dropped a few banmal phrases here and there and the way she thanked him in banmal was also very natural and not forced. Gah, can't believe that was 20 minutes! Felt like 5 minutes to me.

Also, the last line of the song was 'I love you' :w00t:

What I love most:

-Skinship (mwuahaha)

-Held hands in his jacket pocket, did a little dance and held hands again!

-Feeding each other prawn

-Seohyun's 'Uaaah' when Yonghwa told her to catch him

-Yonghwa playfully pushing her towards the water while her hand was in his pocket

-While walking towards the eating place, they were calling each other's name after each sentence

-Yonghwa singing the song

-Seohyun using banmal a few times! lol

... I think I just practically listed the whole episode lol

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Guest korukoru86
































































































i want to cryyyyy..cry of happiness :P
































oh myyyyy...today episode full of love and sweet...
































i like the way yong put hyun hand in his pocket..
































and the last part..is that a song yong write for hyun??ohhh...so sweet...the song also nice..i want full version of that song..yonggggg~ plis sing a full vers please..ekekkeke

































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Guest wishwash








The song yonghwa wrote for seohyun was so sweet. I was crazily applauding on my own when he finished singing the song with "neol saranghae"!








I hope they produce a duet single together with that song. It'd be totally meaningful.





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todays episode its ended i think... well, here are some of what i can catch with the very bad lag i got from streamin it XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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well i guess its pretty much something we all know already right?? hahahaha sorry, i'm just wanted to share something... lets wait for others comments XDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sigh.........sorry if this just a waste of time for you to read. nothing much really =p

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest full-of-love

Hey Goguma!!!! i haven't post her for the longest time but i want to spazz now!!!... OMG the banmal song yonghwa wrote for seohyun was super sweet!!!! oh and don't forget the holding hand thing it was EPIC

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Guest Crystal392





I just finished watching YongSeo cute.








They were soo cute walking on the beach... feeding each other.





And Yong sang a song he wrote for Hyun~~ :w00t:








Seriously they were super cute ♥








I was soo into watching them that I forgot to take screencaps xD hihihihi sorry Gogumas.





Oh btw they ate Gogumas with prawns :P


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Guest justbulan
































omg.... yong write a song for hyung since long time ago... 
















too bad while singing it in front of seohyun he forgot the lyrics (lol) 
















ps: if i'm not wrong i heard the word "saranghe" from him while singing...  (correct me if i'm wrong)
















kyaaaa... *going to heaven*
















---- sorry i topped the page without some good info.. T.T-----









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was that a confession through a song? subs? please? anyone can clarify this?




There's "0" awkwardness on this episode except on the last part after Yonghwa sang "saranghae." 




I really hope there will be someone who can enlighten us on the last part.


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wahh the song yonghwa wrote for seohyun is not bad...i like the song already...








the way he sing the word neol saranghae at the end of the song really sweet..








really wish they release the song or even better if they have duet with the song...









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Guest miel_1301
























OMG!!!!! Did he just confess?! :w00t:
















I have this funny feeling now everytime Jinwoon laughs and makes fun of Yonghwa's jokes. It feels weird because of the bromance brought by the fancams from GDA hahahhaha :lol:














































Is it a new song that he hasn't finished composing yet? Will he be recording it? Oh please Jung YongHwa record the song officially. Oh my gawd, if it is, then it's a very very nice song.






















































He ended the song with "SARANGHE"? Did I get it right? I believe I got it right!













































































Oh, Geez! This episode needs translations to be fully appreciated.













































































The whole episode simply screams "FLIRTING" with each other!!![hahaha! Excuse my term for the lack of a better one.]









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ohmygod! i'm so glad i streamed tonight. it's so great to be able to watch them :)
































































































but gosh... this episode was like all other yongseo episodes--DAEBAK!!!!!!
































































































we get hand holding in the first few minutes and they're playing at the beachy area and then MORE hand holding. gosh, i was kept thinking if they were going to hold hands again, cause it looked like hyun was waiting for it and didnt know what to do with her hands anymore and then yong reached out for it so naturally... god, that killed me like 1000000 times. then their eating the prawns, looks expensive, lol. and yong's manliness must only come out when hyun's involved because by himself, his such a scaredey cat its so cute :) and then their feeding each other :wub: and their teasing... gosh! i love it when their teasing each other. and then the song... oh god! he was singing an english version and then an korean version. how sweet. not sure if its an original, but it seems like one, and then his "saranghae" :wub::wub::wub: but the streaming was lagging some so i didnt see like EVERYTHING but i saw the main parts. (it sucks not having my laptop here with me right now) but (sigh).... i'm glad i streamed tonight. yongseo, i really love them.
































































































have a wonderful day and night everyone!
































































































goguma forever.

















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