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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301
































SNSD won the "GOLDEN DISK DAESANG" --- The Highest Award
















Another capture from their "Run Devil Run" Performance
































Seobaby and her Unnies were crying as they received the "Golden Disk Daesang". I guess it was such a momentous event for them as they competed [and won] against their own family [labelmates]--- their Sunbaes SUJU and BOA and their Hoobae SHINEE--- for the highest award.
































Congrats to CN BLUE boys!
















Congrats to SNSD girls!
















YongSeo Couple must be very happy tonight.
































jnj chingu, The girls won Disk Bonsang first. Then it was followed by a second award--- The Ceci Popularity Award. For an artist/group to win the highest award she/he/they must win a BONSANG Award [be it Digital or Disk Bonsang] to be able to qualify for the Daesang Award. 2AM won a Digital Bonsang [CN Blue got one of the 5 Digital Bonsangs]. But in the end 2AM won the Digital Daesang.
















Golden Disk Daesang is Higher than Digital Daesang.































5 Disk Bonsangs: SNSD, SUJU, BOA, SHINEE and DJ DOC






















































5 Digital Bonsangs: 2AM, CN Blue, Miss A, IU and Lee Seung Gi









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Guest ricevol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This thread is amazing! It's all I have to say. Just want to post the link of CNBLUE perf at GD awards since I'm in a hurry but can't stand step by our thread. (Don't know if anyone has posted yet)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[G.D] CNBLUE - Loner + Love Love Love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit : BigBangSHINeeWorld6@youtube
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THE VOICE...oh the voice of Yong~ is super duper sexy and mesmerizing. I'm sure Hyun will feel the same kekeke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And during the Performance, I BELIEVE he did look at his buin several time at their seating. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for all of our pictures and this thread's spirit...DAEBAK!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Congratss to all winners esp SNSD and CNBLUE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: already posted, thanks ichigo_kawai for all the perf links

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Congrats to CN Blue!
































































































































Congrats to SNSD!
































































































































Im sure Hyun and Yong are proud of each other. <3
































































































































Cheers to true Boices and Sones who supported their idols all the way, no matter what!
































































































































Did Yong wave to the table of Super Junior or SNSD at 00:37?
































































































































CN Blue wins!

































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















wow, snsd just won disk daesang award!!! I hope after that yong goes straight to his crying wife hehehe







anyways..... also congrats to both CNBLUE and SNSD for winning awards. hubby and wife surely are the winners!!














SONES, BOICES and YONGSEO shippers are winners today!!!

















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Guest SophiaPia










Congratulations SNSD 













The girls are all crying tears of joy. Congrats to wife Seobaby and her unnies. I hope we can get raw video of it coz it's lag so much. Esp. fan cam, it's nice to see any wife Seobaby and hubby Yong interaction :)













For sure hubby Yong will congratulates wife Hyun and same as wife Hyun will congratulates hubby Yong and bro in law























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Guest glennpaulo






Congratulation to SNSD and CNBLUE for winning the awards.





Let's cheers true SONES AND BOICES for all-out support.....



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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







Hello Congratulation to SNSD and CN blue.Im so proud of them.









Seobaby looks really hot in that black dress.^^









I keep replay the Cn blue performance but I didnt see Yonghwa wear his couple ring.Did my eyes play a trick on me?Maybe?!









Can somebody confirm?









Im sorry I have nothing to share .









Im back to my lurker mode.









bye until saturday ^^


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Guest Revelmonk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from what ive heard from chatting with people who have watched the live stream, it is blocked by his bigger ring

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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tks for the links, gie, ricevol & hacker! hugs!

did u guys see that?!

when passing thru snsd's table, yong waved at.......wifey hyun!

duh.... who else? :rolleyes:

ah..bros-in-law looking handsome and pretty (jungshin) lol

when the girls were performing Oh!, it reminds me of the episode where hyun

taught the boys how to dance for the first time, and also the scene where yong

danced to hyun during the blood donation.. ^_^

hi miel! the girls cried? hmm..nope, did not see that...

am i the only want who wish that after this ceremony, yongseo will get together

for another wgm filming and also to celebrate their 300th day ann

ah! congratulations also to US, gogumas worldwide,

for getting recognised by the Korean media.

just like yongseo, we've been thru a lot together, but still we persevere and survived!

and thanks to yongseo's positive thinking which we adopt, we come out triumph!

idkw..but i just feel like quoting hyun's life motto

'people with good hearts are the ultimate winners'


miel! thats the highest award for the night!

no wonder the girls are all crying..aww..fany shoud've been there too..

*backstage, yong could give buin a congratulatory hug!* ;):phew:

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In the midst of GDA, there's a news article regarding YongSeo's 300th day and the PD's surprising (?) reaction. Click. Can somebody help us summarize? I think it's a not-so-good article.





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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















aneng.... thanks for the link. here's a google translator version of the article














Seo - jeongyonghwa forgive couple celebrated 300 days.














Seo And jeongyonghwa fans to create their wedding photos, including the synthesis of heat burned the celebration. However, 'We Got Married' crew sikeundunghan side reactions.














MBC  'We Got Married' production staff and a Dec. 8 news yen currency "in  the real lovers to pack some 300 days is not necessarily the same  anniversary," but "is not it?" He expressed doubts.














Another  official also "forgive a couple of 7 and 8 were taken. A little more  close to the couple's daily life episode was filmed," he said. For more information, however, declined to comment on.














300 days just to move on seokeopeului for woogyeol rea is the official position of the crew. Immerse yourself in life, but the couple move yidaero uncertain whether Seo Yong angry. They did not last text message on your birthday due to problems 'mildang' has been staged.














mmmm.... I'm a little bit taken aback. okay I don't want to speculate about the content....... let's wait until there is a proper translation of the article....
















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Guest mochiling








aneng i read the link u post, google translate dun make sense, hope someone can translate,




if mountain madman chingu here will be good, so many thing happen today, it that why yong was not in gd mood, that why he dun smile much today at the GDA???/



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Guest ichigo_kawai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Miel, Jnj, ricevol and everyone.... HUGSSS :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here is HD (1080) version... SNSD & CN BLUE Performs...^_^..yeyyyy...finally

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi gogumas!!! I´m too grateful today, first with the news about Korean media noticing us. I want to say to them, Yeah, WE LOVE GOGUMA COUPLE IN UNEXPECTED WAYS FOR YOU!!! hahahaha, our love for them is just big :wub:.
































Also thanks to jnj, Revelmonk, kenjisam, hacker8 , soshisoshisoshi, SophiaPia, glennpaulo, SwEEtGoguma_7, ricevol, miel_1301 , ichigo_kawai, GeumJanDi,   _d3seohyun, and all of you for sharing about the award ceremony ^^... I´m so happy for SNSD and CNBlue, the kids deserve it ^_^...
































And I also curious about the link shared by aneng, seems so good... hope someone can help us!!
































Hugs to all, keep celebrating ;).
































EDIT: SORRY, toped the page tears.gif... I will repost Ichigo_kawai post blush.gif
































Miel, Jnj, ricevol and everyone.... HUGSSS :wub:






































































































Here is HD (1080) version... SNSD & CN BLUE Performs...^_^..yeyyyy...finally








































































































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gogumas got recognition by the korean media,

yong & bros won an award

hyun & unnies won 3 awards,

including the pretigious award of them all

this is already enough reasons to celebrate, gogumas...

so lets just have a good time and be merry!

i too am curious abt that news article, but but but...

am not going to think too much of it for now...

*positive thinking, positive thinking*

tks for the HD links, gie! :)

kenji, tks for the caps too


earlier on there was a discussions abt yongseo wedding photoshoot right?

some of us are not ready to see it?

hmm..well, i AM ready for it, BUT

since a wedding photoshoot involve all those intimate poses,

i think yongseo MAY NOT be ready for it..

UNLESS they opt for the traditional match-make wedding concept,

u know 'nvr-meet-before' couple? no touchy touchy? :P

nahhh..scrap that idea! :lol:

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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







we are happy goguma villagers am I right?





Again Congratulations SNSD and CN Blue-










 SNSD’s thoughts on winning at the “2010 Golden Disk Awards”





by SNSD ❤ 소녀시대 on Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 3:28pm156961_167475529955237_121240831245374_323078_1990736_n.jpgSNSD cried tears of joy after winning the Daesang at the 2010 Golden Disk Awards. Having won the Rookie Award in 2007 and the Digital Gold Daesang in 2009, SNSD has risen as one of the best girl groups of our time.





- What were you thinking when your name was called?





We still can’t believe it. I guess this is what people mean when they say it feels like a dream. We really had no anticipation and just came here thinking about wanting to have fun with our fans. Is it okay for us to receive such a big award… It’s kind of scary, but also touching. We’ll never forget the moment our name was called for ‘Golden Disk Daesang.’”





- Did you know you would win?





No. We were nervous over a lot of things today and were worried about whether we’d make a mistake on stage or not. We always gather around and shout, ‘Right now is girls’ generation! Fighting!’ before we go on stage, but we didn’t even have time for that today. We tried to do it at the table with our feet instead of our hands.- Everyone seemed upset that Tiffany wasn’t present. All of the members called out her name during the awards speech.





All nine must stand on one stage for SNSD to be completed. Tiffany’s empty space felt so large, seeing the award made us think of her that much more. It’s upsetting not being able to be with her.





- You received the Rookie Award in 2007. It seems like fate between you and ‘Golden Disk.’





We’re extremely thankful. It’s more meaningful since it’s an award that properly calculates album and digital sales. It’s all thanks to our fans who think preciously of us.”





- How does it feel to look back on your trainee days?





We all trained for 4-6 years in order to become singers. Our parents worried a lot over us, and being able to stand on such an honorable stage as singers brings up such strong emotions. We’d like to thank Lee Soo Man for helping us realize our dreams.”





- Can you give a message to your ‘ajusshi’ fans?





We know that we are being supported as their younger siblings or nieces. We’ll make sure we don’t disappoint and always try our best.”





- Will you be throwing a party today?





We honestly did not come here thinking we’d win an award. Not only us, but BoA, Super Junior, and SHINee all received so many awards, it’s going to be a festive day today. Our agency might prepare a party for us, but we’re not sure. We have to go out and discuss first.





- What is your future goal?





It’s such an honorable moment, we don’t know what more we could want. If there’s one thing we genuinely wish for, it’s for all nine of our SNSD members to go together until the end.


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Guest SophiaPia










Last post before i go to bed, once again congratulations to SeoHyun and her unnies and also to YongHwa and his bro. 






Thanks every one for sharing loads of stuff. Tomorrow is Friday and we all can't wait for saturday YongSeo wgm. Let's all be happy for SeoHyun and her unnies, and for Yong and his bro. Whatever negatives write ups, news we just let it pass coz for sure SNSD and CNBlue are so happy right now. Their is a saying that if you are popular the more intrigues will come your way. 






Cheers to YongSeo couple and every one cheers.






edit : thanks blueshoes for sure YongSeo couple will greet each other. and Caliope thanks looks like that song don't say goodbye interesting. Don't say goodbye my wife kekeke!






edit: yes! Joshua i saw it now thanks










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Guest Caliope

Track list next mini album CNBLUE (Japan)

1. Try again, Smile again

2. Don’t say good bye

3. Kimio

4. Try again, Smile again(Instrumental)

Hohohohohoho... smile again... hohohohohoho (I guess...)

We have to wait until January to see if YongHwa had help from his muse... :wub:

Congrats CNBLUE and SNSD.... ^^

Next Stop...

Melon Awards... 15th December (Wednesday) ... The program will be broadcast by MBC [MBC = Yongseo No restriction] LOL!!

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Guest _wildcat































































































































Thank you so much to everyone who shared the pictures/videos of SNSD & C.N.Blue @ the GDA.






























































































































































I came to stalk the thread just in time, I see. ^_^






























































































































































I haven’t watched the performances yet because I’m at work…but I have to say, SeoHyun looks gorgeous on those pictures from the red carpet. And the ring is there - definitely. (I know it's no biggie if she doesn't wear it, but hey...) And I also see more rings in her other hand…which reminds me of a certain boy that also likes to wear a lot of rings… ^_^ We need fancams, people. Fancams!!! lol






























































































































































Anyway. The fan girl in me is very, very happy that both groups won. And so, I'm off to start my day smiling like an idiot. Have a great day everyone!





























































































































































































































































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