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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest uolam21

thanks a lot, mountainmadman for the translation...

this will be a big help to us, nonkorean speaking fans...

i'd also like to thank j2dlee and sun_sun for their unwavering love for our favorite couple...

thanks a lot to all of you who invest your time and effort to make the citizens in this goguma world happy!!! wub.gif

a special hi to sophiapia!!!

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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You must have hard working for the fastest translated !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You are really really great !  and i want to say Many thanks to you. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With your translation for this episode it make me feel happy double and double after the second watching yougseo ^ ^ 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think this episode is very meaningful happening that give the couple confess and know each other exactly more.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia























Thanks to keoconvoine for the quick raw vid. We're always thankful. Thanks everyone for the screencaps.



















WOW! MountainMadman thank you for the translations. Now i can watch it again and again :) That's conversation of them looks very very sweet. I guess that's 1 of the ingredients in relationship conversation :) so that to know what's inside their heart and mind. 










Advance thanks to jd2lee, redtulip and sun_sun. edit : Hi Uolam  :)





















Yongseo couple really grown up, their relationship. This is the turning point for them. And i'm happy to see that our lovely YongSeo couple went to bed inlove, happy, settled. (Although they didn't go to bed together aish! tongue.gif ) I like what hubby Yong said yo wife Hyun Don't do the push and pull thing, coz he knows it's not helping their relationship. And glad he says to wife Hyun u can call me if i can't call u. So, now hubby Yong really knows that he is the 1st man in wife Hyun's life. SO SWEET.










Wife SeoHyun really changed for the better, and she really thank hubby Yong for that. Hubby Yong change her. LOVE LOVE LOVE.










So, im hoping we can see comfortable YongSeo couple from now on. Like inside that truck HOLDING HANDS for a sec, they don't bother w/ the driver hahaha! That's YongSeo couple when they together it's like ONLY TWO OF THEM IN THIS WORLD kekeke!










Cheers to all, Cheers to our YongSeo couple wub.gifwub.gif



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oh my god. when he grab her hand, i think he had to controlled himself alot not not kiss her, because she is so cute and lovely when he ask about the dried apple. and see all the MCs face, and face of seulong. they all thinkign something more will happen. but our yong controlled himself even he looks so difficult that he just smiled and look down. love in the air: Hyun a, you are really have no idea what you did to him :wub: i wish i can make a capture of that moment. but i dont know how to do this. really everymoment in this epsiode is love. all love


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Thank you sooo much mountainmadam !! I was dying to know what they were talking about!


but now I feel soooo happy since our lovely yongseo couple could have heart-to-heart talk...!


I was smiling during the whole episode..their expression and emotion toward each other is soooo sweet!!




Love the way yong says "good night" several times to hyun... :)




I agree with linh80 I also feel something real between them and this episode also a big turning point for our couple...


I think both of them just being honest with each other and it makes their relationship becoming more mature...




Once again thanks a lot for all Gogumas family here...you are all daebak! :)




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Guest Faith_memory




























MountainMadman thank you so much for the english subs!!! ♥ ♥ ♥




















*sighs* our couple is really growing makes me cry because of happiness. XD ♥ im very satisfied with their conversation, finally, they are getting hints of each others' feelings. haha ♥ and arm wrestling between couple will surely become a trend. kekeke~ ♥ hyun's change is very obvious indeed. kekeke~ ♥

























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Guest Crystal392








MountainMadMan: thanks sooo much for translating it. Woah their conversation was... Woah it was more than I could ever imagine or ask for. They talked about things I've always wondered... How they felt after interviews, how they felt towards each other, yong telling Hyun that she could call him first sometime if he didn't call her and Hyun thanking Yong for changing her.




I mean, how more real can they get? I seriously feel super happy right now.




This two... Jassik :wub:



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husband gained back the goguma's points
































































































































Do you like gogumas, or your husband?
































































































































































































That's stupid! How can you compare something you eat to a person?
































her reaction is so cute!.. i think people should stop asking that kind of question because for hyun, her husband is not a thing or food that can be compare.. he is special to her..

































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tks mountainmadman for translations.

idkw but this part makes me feel like :tears:

Y:And...I have a favor to ask you.


Y:You know...the...bad thing I did.

Sub:thought of the long term pushing and pulling...


Y:You shouldn't do it.

Sub:Look at this!?

Sub:he was doing it...

S:Why is that?

Y:You...don't need to do it.

MC:What's up with that?

MC:Because it's tough on him.

Y:Well...because we're closer now.

At the 3:00 mark.

Y:Let's not...do stuff like that anymore.

that mildang period has got to be the most difficult period not only for yongseo

but for gogumas too. and to actually see yong admitted that he's done a a bad thing,

i just want to hug him and say its alright now..

put that behind u, yong. ^_^

from now on, yongseo should just follow what their hearts are saying..

and its saying LOVE... :wub::lol:


mrsjoker, why am i the one who blush.gif at your post?

its not like its MY love story you're talking here.. :rolleyes::lol:

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Guest Crystal392








d_????: I was about to mention that scene too! Ehehehe :lol: we gogumas think alike. It is funny that she said 'How can you compare something you eat to a person?'... But Hyun once chose a Goguma over a male idol (I think it was something like Ideal Type Cup with her unnies) :lol: sooo am I right to say that to her now Yong is way better than a Goguma? Hehehehe <3 :wub:



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Guest mrsjoker


THANK YOU MountainMadman for the speedy translation... 1 million gogumas for you... :lol:

As i was saying in my previous post earlier, i can felt the strong closeness and that "love" vibe from their conversation and now thanks to MountainMadman translation, we can clearly see,feel and confirm the MUTUAL AFFECTION these two lovebirds have for each other... :wub:  it's amazingly so simple isn't it?... oh how my love for these two adorable people keeps building up...

I am sooo in love with their blackroom interview and the whole serious conversation going on between them it's so simple and so coupley...I love that Hyun was finally able to say out loud that she was curious as to why didn't Yong comment much on her featuring in the trax mv, and that it actually makes her heart weary... and how we know now that Hyun always waits for Yong's call, how she really really miss him (it's all implied...she may not say it out loud, but you can really tell...) and the fact that Hyun herself finally register what was going on in her heart all this time ever since wgm started...just like a girl in love...? maybe... well i like to think so... :rolleyes:

This whole episode had a subtle REAL vibe to it... watching it gives the feeling as if we are peeking into their real and raw emotions... so real, so raw, so simple, so much in love.:wub: :wub::wub:

I'll give 1000 gogumas for Yong and Hyun 999 goguma. Yong can have 1 extra goguma points for being that real and sincere from the get go... for being understanding, patience and caring... and for knowing that this girl is indeed worth the effort and time.

ah...i'll end my post here...i am so overwhelmed right now and giddy and fuzzy... LOL. YongSeo really does wonder...

ps : oh and does anyone know what is the song title played when Yong had his blackroom interview (6:00 mark in the episode)...

thank you in advance...

Edit : Crytsal_Malfoy i agree with you, now it's safe to say that Yong is more loved then goguma by Hyun~~

jnj hiii *waves*... oh and early waves to for Dreamyboo...where are you? haven't seen your post...

Edit 2 : jnj, i think that's because i've been in a "cheesy spazztic" feeling ever since i finished watching today episode :P  . and the bgm the PD's put in today episode is not helping also... i seriously find that today episode is just so simple and beautiful! blush.gif


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Guest Germbaby




DAEBAK I am so so  happy! Thank you MountainMadam for the translations. This couple has truly progressed. They are like confessing to each other. No wonder Yonghwa asked " How should I approach a real clean and honest girl" in one of the programmes he is hosting. I hope that Seohyun will him even though he did not call her


(Even if we do not know) Better this way I think. I am so happy for them.


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Guest luv_yesung




Gogumas!!!!help me!!!there's something wrong with me,watching today episode i smile like crazy though i don't understand a bit,only poor limited words :sweatingbullets: but unconsciously smiling like crazy,kekeke can't wait for the sub so i can spazz properly :lol:



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Guest Crystal392








While reading mrsjoker post (which I loved) something occurred to me... Hyun was a bit sad/disappointed that he hadn't commented much on the TRAX MV... Is it too far-fetched to think that maybe while she was recording it she was thinking of Yong and wondering what his reaction would be? :wub: *goes to GogumaDreamland*




I am a proud Goguma shipper <3



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Guest nadihee












this is really a sweet episode.








part that i love so much:








1. the way hyun thanked yong about her changed and yong's reaction. yong said "I didn't do it to be thanked", i think he was going to say "i did it to be loved. not thanked" haha yong! i know what u're feeling inside :P








2. the fact that they are monitoring each other. i really wanna this since long ago. and now it is confirmed that they DO monitoring each other. how sweet. i dont really see them as an imaginary couple anymore. they ARE the couple. i'm waiting someday there will be news talking about their truly wedding party hehe (hope so)








3. and the fact that they are waiting each other to make a move first. they really have a super high pride (i think). i bet that the whole month without wgm shooting is like disaster for them (it is normally like that if u're fall in love). but they are control their selves not to show it to each other. hhhh but they had broken the wall. hope after this episode we can see more transparant awesome yongseo couple :))








4.the way hyun cant choose over goguma or yong, it is just so sweet. and i thought something. long time ago before wgm, hyun was asked about her ideal type because she didnt have any, she end up to chose goguma over all of the man. and now, she cant chose between goguma or yong. it is somewhat prove that yong is become more and more important to hyun :))








that's all i just wanna share my thought.








and last but not least thank you for goguma villagers to fill my day with pic gif etc. love you guysssss. and for mountainmadman, god bless you!! really, may god bless you!!



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Dear god....i would like to thk you for creating these 2 wonderful people and for somehow give wisdom to WGM PD to put this 2 together...otherwise they wouldnt be able to know how they are just perfect for each other and we wouldnt have the privilage to be able to watch their beautiful and sweet relationship unfold before our eyes...
































after watching again with transalation from mountainmadman (bless u gal!) i feel like crying...they are so sincere and honest toward each other...i want to dare those people that say WGM is fake and scripted to come forward now....really?? how can after watching this episode....u still say they are fake....
































just look at their conversation
































S:Because he wasn't calling too often, I got the feeling that he didn't know.






























S:And he did see it, but he didn't say anything, so I was feeling a little sad.






























Y:I watch everything you do.




























































Sub:Yong was monitoring everything she was doing






























Y:When I'm surfing the channels, when I see your commercial, I watch it.






























S:Really? I do too!






























Y:So...this is what I think. So let's say that I didn't call you first.




























































Y:You could try to...call me first.






























Y:I was curious. Exactly how much...she looks me up. How much she pays attentionto what I'm doing. If she really does miss me, then she can try to call mefirst.






























S:Thinking about it...I don't think I'm the type to call first.






























Y:Why? I'm curious.






























S:I'll break it. This is my wall, so I'll break it.






























S:I think that he feels...that while he's watching me all the time, monitors me and everything, I think slightly less of him. And now that I think of it, I don't think I've expressed it to him very well. From now on...I'll get better.






























Y:I thought a lot...about whether I should say it or not. I worried that it wouldn't be manly. But that day, I felt that...I wouldn't have to worry about that kind of stuff anymore. We need to adapt to each other, and change with each other...I think that's how a relationship works. We need to work on our problems together.
































if they think this relationship is fake..there is no way they have this kind of intense, honest and loving conversation. They always wondering if the other party monitor their activities, they wonder if the other party miss them, they even wonder why he or she never call.
































seriously...how more real can this be....
































i am so sorry for the long post...it is just that i am very very moved right now and my emotion overwhelmed me....

















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aq_ai - thanks for answering my question. Oh mine, the MC remember everything yeah!






















Saw the meaning of choding in the chinese forum - meaning rookie.






















Yong say he is not choding, well but the PD say yes you are!! :D






















I like the fact that Hyun push all the goguma available to Yong but Yong retaining one?Oh dear, he still havent get over Hyun not taking the initiative to contact him first? :wacko:



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Guest Crystal392








Thanks shinhdeplol for the gifs and jnj for the screencaps :wub: seriously they are way too cute.




I love love love them <3




While reading through the thread, soo the man driving on the next ep is the SNSD manager? :) he seemed to approve of YongSeo :w00t:




I really hope to see them visiting each other's parents soon... Maybe for Christmas or New Year? ^_^




Qwenli: I think Yong was just trying to be cheesy and funny. :P like when he gave her one goguma she was like :o but then he said 'you can have all the others' (or sth like that) hehehhe cheesy! :wub:



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