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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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is2kwharss501, I honestly dont think its because of their confession no? because the first performance of love light when he was seen to look tired and unhappy was before the airing of WGM on the 9th. if im not mistaken it was on the 7th and 8th.
















Perhaps partly it was due to WGM but if the episode aired later than those performances I dont see how it is related to the netizens or fans reaction to the confession.
















Although its a reality show, with of course real feelings involved, bottom line it is still a fake marriage and entertainment.. fans and netizens alike should be able to differentiate that. These two are humans afterall.. As much as I'm totally obsessed and loving this couple, their feelings and chemistry.. I have to keep reminding myself to reserve my excitement because it is still a reality show even if their feelings are proven to be real and mutual and even if we believed it to be. because then, the day will come when they have to end it all, it may not be soon but it will come... i know i'll definitely be overcome with sadness and tears but i totally cannot imagine how these two would feel when the day comes.. they would probably feel much worst than anyone of us in this fandom.  but that doesnt mean any fans can be angry about this relationship or tell them to not enjoy each other or feel the way they do now towards each other, even if its just a fake marriage.. i wish that those people should just enjoy this couple and support instead of hating for ridiculous reasons.
















I'd still hope for them to be able to continue on outside to show or after, but judging from their career and age, i rather not keep any high hopes. i dont mean to make anyone depressed or annoyed but that is the reality. I still would keep hopes that maybe.. in the future.. when they are more mature and older - they can then finally be together..
















in my eyes, their characters are perfect for each other.. their progress and feelings towards each other is just beautiful. I dont ever want it too end!
















in season 1, my fave couple was the ant couple - because of their chemistry and understanding.. in season 2, my fave is most definitely yonghwa because their progress from day 1 is just beautiful.. so natural.. heartwarming..
















YongSeo couple fighting!! I'm hoping for them to be on the show for more than a year or perhaps two... because anyone would agree, old generation and new generation alike are able to reminiscense (sp?) their first love and all the real beautiful feelings of being in love with someone..
















and now back to rewatching yongseo couple episodes and squeal like mad before the next episode this weekend!!
















I'm actually glad their aired the horror special before the recent special episode, because then people would have accepted yongseo couple holding hands because of "protectiveness" and so then when the special episode aired, they wont be as as shocked as if the horror special was aired later. because the special bday episode is more shocking than the skinship in horror special although equally sweet.









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so i've been MIA for a few days and it jobs like 30 pages! haha. i have so much catchy up to do. this is going to take all night... i know it! (whew... that took me almost 3 hours to read everything!)
























































first of all hacker8, sorry i totally missed your reply post like on page 114- something haha. but thanks for showing me how to view that :)
























































to dreamboo since i havent been on, i just caught your message from yesterday, now, but it was a beautiful sunday afternoon! it must be beautiful there now, yes? :) (yesterday after i posted the article from allkpop i didnt get on after that because i wasnt home) and thanks for sharing that super sexy (and big) gif of yong at the super model contest. drooling... (licks lips yong style haha!) GOOD AFTERNOON to you.
























































jnj i agree, i love yong's cheeks too and i agree her braided... rings? lol were all loose and it got me thinking that this maybe the first time that hyun isn't at her "best" in appearance, but what she did for yong made her 10 times more beautiful. and when you wrote about where yong called hyun during quiz the world but it got edited out. OMG i didnt know that. i swear i'm always so late on news... haha. and i tweeted a bit there after the episode for yongseo, but it seemed like it nevered trended and i was super tired so i stopped. do you know if it ever got the trending list? also your not a partypooper ;) and GOOD AFTERNOON to you!
























































lol @raindrops_919 comment about "certified: Kim Jung Min is GOGUMA FAIRLY GOD FATHER" love it! we should tweet that to him... and your welcome! your wedding picture is so cute! i love it. garden theme? haha. love your CERTIFIED TEAM YONGSEO picture
























































shane09!!! i was waiting for you to come post up some .gifs. i saved like ALL of them. my computer may die from goguma overload. but its okay. haha.
























































redtulip i dont think i've ever really replied back to any of your post, but you always write the cutest stuff! "I hope Yong & Hyun will be the first ever Korean Sweethearts" :) i thumbs up you a while back already too haha.
























































DDuk i love that gif!!!! hahaha. when i saw the video when someone put yongseo's performance with that, i just LMAO like crazy. haha.
























































burninglight thanks for the story book translations!
























































woollylamb your story was so beautiful. i hope one day i'll find a man like that too~ (sigh)
























































miel_1301 thank you for sharing the cap again and good eyes! i was wondering why it looked like it skipped a good amount of stuff that has happened. maybe as more episodes are shown, maybe, MAYBE we might be lucky enough to get to see a glimpse or two of unseen pages of the book! haha. oh if only~
























































lookah OH! i absolutely just love that quote, thanks for sharing! and it fits them so well :wub:
























































thanks thanks always to j2dlee for translations
























































DJHinata you mentioned a "piggy back" part. when was that?! i dont remember this. please tell me, unnie! and thanks for sharing the ringtones! :) can you say "downloaded'? haha
























































lizramyun this reply maybe 20 pages too late but the ring event where they showed off their rings on Music Bank during their performances. hyun tried many times, but failed all through the Oh! performance and then during a special stage, soo young helped out it out while she flashed it proud and loud. also yong had showed it a gazillion times during I'm a Loner.
























































crystal_malfoy this thread is moving like crazy, my caps are so far apart that i dont think i'll ever remember where i stopped at. haha. and i swear its been forever since i've seen you on the thread... or maybe its just because thread is moving super fast that i dont catch you.
























































_d3seohyun as always, you always have awesome caps!! thanks for sharing.
























































gembul10 awww... your lucky you and your daughter have this time to spazz together! and i agree, yongseo set a very good example of how an agreeable loving relationship should be. (i wish my mom would understand to love yongseo as much as i do! haha) and your not just an ajumma! you are an omma! :)
























































toomuchsmiling hahaha i'm glad you read the spazzing and i didnt even write everything that was going through my mind because i was too, well, gaga crazy for yongseo at 5 in the morning haha. but again thanks for reading it and your amazing ;)
























































maybe i agree, they look so companionable and loving here. thanks for sharing the cap!
























































crinkle_twinkle thanks for sharing the ring picture again. it makes me so happy haha.
























































sun_sun you are the best! best, best, for subbing and uploading. and i love your "his right and her left" picture spazz! made me smile non stop haha.
























































viktorialouise that drawing is DAEBAK hope you dont mind me saving it!
























































glitterspark OMG to your caps, best caps i've seen of the performance, do you still have the link to the fancam by chance? would definitely love to watch.
























































haeanna thanks! i love your icon haha.
























































trent your WEEKEND was so freaking cute hahaha. loved it.
























































cmkc109 i like your picture! thanks for sharing.
























































FallenAnjewl thanks for sharing the pictures! i especially love the ring(s) endorsing. i only keep looking at the couple ring only too haha. RINDDINGDONG~
























































.:love_ya:. thanks for the BIG gif. i had to go back and rewatch this again. so cute. haha.
























































bezbezbez hey! when is the yongseo logo project deadline? i totally forgot about it (i had even wrote it somewhere!) and i wanted to join in it too.. please pm and let me know thanks.
























































GeumJanDi love that, thanks for sharing!
























































baby_bo i agree! yongseo spazz. and thanks for clearing up the twitter post that monie1909 shared! thanks to you both! aww, hyun's driving them around. haha. too funny and sweet at the same time.
























































lenovo lol hahahaha "...driving him crazy in love" is classic! hahaha. you made me laugh so much. also i just wanted to mention that at work (i work in a photo printing lab) and every time i open the computer and system the first thing that pops up is "LENOVO" and i always think of you hahaha.
























































i think its totally awesome how our yongseo couple have gotten on top searches for this past weekend :) much love to them and to everyone else to who loves them, you know who you are! and again thanks to all gogumas who shared goodies: caps, gifs, translations, pictures, quotes, songs, lyrics, and anything else i missed. we guys are all awesome!

so i dont know whats going on with... well anything. i dont like drama and i dont like to join into drama so i dont want to know exactly whats going on but i just want people to realize that this thread isnt about bring negative stuff in here. its a place for people who love yongseo come together and bond because we all love and support them, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS with either of them.. so dont be a "hater" and "just smile, smile, and be happy"!
























































and two things i wanted to mention:
























































1--i love, love, LOVE yong's explaination of the lyrics to "Love Light" seulong had mentioned that, "that is every singer's dream", writing a song about love thats fresh and new and exciting (thats how i see it at least) but its also "every girl's dream" i really want to know what had gone through hyun's head the first time she listened to the song. and it kills me that we didnt get to see her reaction to it! geez, just think of her unnies. i'm sure both sides, sisters and brothers in law are all winking and nudging one another about it. lol.
























































2--i love, love, LOVE yong when he calls hyun by her full name, seo joo hyun. i know many people have commented on this, and i meant to earlier too, lol, but now that i'm saying it, its just that, we know he only says it when his truly effected by her. if i guy uses my name in full, my knees get just a bit weak. lol and i know he chose to call her as hyun~ which could be considered a pet name, her full name implies familiarity. because not even on shows and stuff do they use her full name, its always just seohyun. her stage name. so yong, keep on calling her seo joo hyun, because i think she secretly enjoys it but of course is acting shy, thats why she only answers to hyun~ because even thou at first she felt awkward about it, she got used to it. now that you are using her FULL name, she's reacting in the same way, sort of, because she's not expecting such a "dugeun, dugeun~" feeling towards the name before. :wub: okay i should stop now, i dont think i'm making any sense. haha.









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Guest toomuchsmiling












By the way, I don't know if you guys noticed but by the end of the episode, when they were finally holding hands and swinging them blissfully, I think I heard Yong ask Hyun "Johahe?" (Do you like it?)




Excuse my deluded mind @_@









i thought i heard that too! i mean it obviously looked as if they were talking with each other but i guess PDs thought their talk wasn't as important to hear as the MCs' spazz but i HONESTLY thought i heard that too. wonder wat they were talking about. xD








Sorry for cutting your post...



In RDR subs, Hyun said "You Should Cherish it."



She probably means for Yong to cherish the gift (story book & ring) she gave him.
















Ya, i also thought the first sub didn't make sense. When RDR posted their translation it was more along wat i had thought she'd said originally. ^___^ i knew it had to do with the gift!


















cre kpopsecrets









GeumJanDi- hahaha, i saved that picture. b/c for the MOST part, all those couples REALLY developed something good. *happy tear* :lol:








kay77- I'll choose to believe this. I mean for the most part, of COURSE Boice (who the majority are probably in LOVE with Yonghwa, must have been spitting fire) but I'm sure it was just a sudden reaction. I'm sure they're over it now, especially considering how well Lovelight is doing on the charts. :)












Yonghwa saying Seohyun didn't permit him to attend the event.. aigooooo! these 2!! :wub:































baby_bo- funny, i don't remember seeing this. :blink: haha, but at least now it matches the current ep!! LOL, these two are both funny. Seohyun didn't permit him. ai Yong~ LOL, and Seohyun after her inspiring message, *turns into JawSeo!* :crazy::lol: cute.








lenevo- LOL, so cheesy driving him crazy in love. :lol: i wish i'd thought of it. LOL. so she got her license or are they practicing? ahhhhh, either way, HAPPY they are filming today. after the depressed Yong/CN Blue perfs recently this filming with his Seohyun will bounce him RIGHT back up! :w00t:




ai~if there is a negative, there's that feeling of falling behind again in eps! QUICK, WHERE'S the WGM preview???! i want them to air FAST! let's be recent ppl!!! we're close and catching up!! *snap snap at PDs* xD








i wish they would fuse like 2 eps in one, that'd be a great catch-up, they've done it b4 i believe... ya, the most recent was them fusing the ueno juri ep w/ beginning of bday ep!








panGG- ahahaha, ur spazz TOTALLY made sense for 5 am in the morning. ;) for it to be completely comprehensible makes U amazing. ^^








EDIT- ok, so my obsession with catching up. Went to Sweet Potato Days blog, their calendar




http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/calendar.html and since the PDs skipped like 3 filmings and went STRAIGHT to their bday special (love them for that) then we are only 3 eps OLD from the one they are currently filming!! 3 EPS!!! unless PDs choose to backtrack which would make no SENSE. (don't do it or else) *DEATH STARE* so 3 EPS!!




which would be these:




Aug 03 [WGM Filming] Hyun & Yong filming in a park per a fan account. DCGallery fans went there to give them gifts.




Aug 29 [WGM Filming] At their house before and after the Incheon concert




Sep 21 [WGM Filming] Filming in Japan





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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know we worry about the Love light incident
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but let's just stay positive ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If there is love, there will be hatred, the world is made of that. Love and hatred exist at the same time, but people have the right to choose either love or hatred
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel bad about that, but instead of that. Just I will give them supports. I know Cnblue has bad days with canceling meeting, album is delayed until next year. But that just makes the boys growing stronger.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In our life, we have to encounter hardship, but through hardship we find success, don't we? A baby can't just walk right away, he needs to fall sometimes and from that he will learn how to walk. Cnblue is still a rockie band, since their debut, they have happened to meet some issues, that's sad but look back, people, Cnblue has achieved many things. The love for them is growing everyday. They are still a rockie but what they have is not what normal thing a new band/group can have.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I believe Yonghwa and Cnblue boys can get through everything. They are not "fake gold", they're gold, and even fire can't melt them !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know, always know the boys will make it, they will succeed I believe that ! They will ! I have no doubt about that. Let them experience with some hardship. Life has taught me that not every bad things are bad! They make me stronger, learn something from that, and I have learnt that every fall I take is worth it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Get back to YongSeo. It's a bad news that YongSeo gains something anti fans
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But, but ,but people what is the great news about last ep? Do they have any new fans? Oh, I bet they do right now. People are talking about them like crazy. Some body used to say they were boring, took back their words. Some nonYongSeo fans have seen them in a different way. And, we, goguma fans, are satisfied, aren't we?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One thing, the more they get anti fans the more it proves they are just popular!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if they are not popular, why would they get so much attention from people?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo couple is made up of the 2 top idols : Yonghwa and Seohyun. Just only one can get attention, now put them together, it doubles !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's up to what I believe not what people believe. We gather right here, right now for YongSeo. At the time, I'm writing this post right now, there are 236 people who are reading this thread, many are fans, but many aren't. But let just face one fact: THIS THREAD CREATED IS FOR YONGHWA AND SEOHYUN AS YONGSEO COUPLE. We are here to love them, and to share our thoughts, some are negative some are positives. But it's all about YongSeo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Regardless to the Love light incident, I don't worry too much about it, life is a circle, what we lost is what we will have it someday
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cheer up people ! It's time for you to decided, what you want! Do you want to stay happy with the most awesome ep or you want to spend your time thinking about negativity?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love is to give, but love will get to you someday
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo is :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Some views We Got Married as a show, yes true WGM is a show. But to me, I take WGM as a lesson, and the chance to meet some awesome people ! Yes, that's Goguma fans!

































































































































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U guys have no idea how much i want to

Join in the spazzing but work comes first

So thank u for all the positivity.

that should be the way

Ah! So we have ourselves a new slogan now


I like!


and lenovo, girl u need to come back here.

I miss your witty post.


u and me can hardly meet.

Separated by the ocean?

I njoy reading your post btw

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Guest soshisoshisoshi








 I know this has been posted in several pages back, but without the sub (SNSD's CHOCOLATE)








so I just want to post the one in the soshified forum http://soshified.com...ideo?record=759








cannot find the subbed video on youtube












hihi_hehe, I like your post, and I agree with you :lol::lol:





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Masamii - I love that wedding chart! hahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Babybo - I love the slow mo pix of them holding hands! I was hoping someone will slow mo it so that I can see it clearly. I think Yong gave up and decided to just hold her hand and she held his too so naturally. Yong is all smiles.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am glad Yong is in WGM at least he will get his happy moments away from CNblue's busy schedule.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun's the one driving now? hahah Yong for sure wont be happy with it and will be pressured to get a licence too? hahaha, too bad Yong, your wife is a high achiever! :D

































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301
















































Thank heavens! The thread is back in its usual upbeat, positive state again.
















It's nice to start another day again with all these fresh goodies in the thread and seeing some old timers making their marks--- my special hellos to baby_bo, genxv, jnj, dreamyboo, lenovo, _d3seohyun, fengz, bezbezbez, nazweena and to all NEW SPAZZERS. Geez, the GoGumas are multipying in number every minute I suppose.
















I've got a 2-day off so after making my 1 and only post yesterday and seeing and sensing that the thread is taking yet another negative route I purposely logged off and instead re-watched the Birthday Episode for the nth time. Thanks to baby_bo for capturing that "entwined hands". It was really one of those precious scenes when Yong and Hyun were walking side by side with hands "entwined" swaying them to and from.
















And to _d3seohyun for the daily supply of screen caps. Those scenes that you just captured--- when Yong asked Hyun to imitate the sounds of the mosquito and the fish-- I have re-played them a dozen times. Plus the scene towards the end when after their "intimate convo" about "Love Light" Seobaby thought that she caught a fish and clumsily lifted up her fishing rod. Goodness! Yong Hwa's delight and happiness were just inexplicable. Those two scenes all the more proved Seobaby's friend's claim [okay! I don't need to mention his name anymore.] describing her as "someone who is funny without her knowing it". We often only see YongHwa's efforts in putting a big smile on Seobaby's face and many times making her laugh. But I might have overlooked also the fact that this extra-ordinary girl has her own ways, her own style, innately of her, that can drive people around her crazily happy. If people out there who call themselves as YongHwa's fans and supporters can make this boy genuinely happy... can make this boy "laugh his heart out" the way he is and the way he does in the presence of SeoHyun, then I shall not pose any argument... I shall rest the case and... I shall even perhaps concede. I still maintain my strong belief that filming WGM has been a means of rest and respite for YongHwa where he finds his solace.
















baby_bo, thanks for the G20 Seoul Summit Campaign poster. Gee! I'm excited to hear the complete song. And thanks also for confirming that Seobaby got her driver's license. Another answered prayer.
















Hugs to monie1909 for bringing in the initial info about uri couple WGM filming today.
















People here have been contemplating as to why since Friday, 08 October PIFF Performance up until 10 October Jump Guru Concert of CN Blue, Yong had been wearing such a gloomy and devastated face. It was tweeted that Seobaby was at the Driving Center last Friday, 08 October, getting her driver's license so probably Yong was feeling oh so sad and even probably mad that Seohyun was able to pass her driving already, ahead of him. hehehe!!! I know! I know! That was rather lame. But humor me nonetheless.
















On another note...
















Has anyone here noticed that every time a negative news or bad rumor about our couple and WGM surfaces, immediately...the very next day... and YES! the very next day, we are always met with a big surprise of news that our couple has resumed filming WGM as evidenced by fan accounts and fan taken photos? I noticed that this has been a case... a pattern that has occurred several times in the past much to my amazement. It all probably boils down to the very nature of the people in this thread--- We who have chosen and who have steadfastly remained as "BELIEVERS"... believing even in the very least possible and even in the very least probable.
















As YongHwa has been constantly and consistently saying, "TRUST YONG!!!". And to all of us Sweet Potatoes here,---
















Let us just TRUST in our LOVE for the YONGSEO Couple and continuously nurture it... so forever it will keep burning.


























































































































































































































SHE'S DRIVING????..... driving him CRAZY IN LOVE??? hahahah
















this is just awesome! funny though, she got her license before her hubby.
















Yonghwa fighting! LOL. I hope u find time to get ur license too. hehe.































This is one of the posts that I miss reading in this thread. And the owner of such posts [lenovo] who often times drive me crazy with her humor. hahaha! Miss ya!!!
































Mianhe! Mianhe! Thanking shane and soleil [a.k.a patate} for all their wonderful gifs has been in my mind but it somehow slipped. Hugs to both of you. Just one thing, though, and my advance sorry if you already made a specific gif that I want [but maybe just missed seeing in the thread]. Is there a gif of that quite heartbreaking moment when Yong was looking at SeoHyun with that kinda teary eyes while SeoHyun was getting the storybook from her bag? Oh! That scene never fails to leave my eyes wet. If you already made one, can you please re-post it?

















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Guest .:love_ya:.







yes gogumas, Yong mito~ lol





anyways, since I'm so obsessed with Love Light :D





I've youtub-ed some videos ^^





This one is after Hyun's birthday?





This one is from CN Blue's concert :D





I bet Hyun was on the second floor? :D


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Guest blueswim_boo




























Hi,guys.I hope its not too late for me to say that this week episode is jjang!! I love everyone comments and agree with most of you guys on this latest episode.Pure love  :wub: .Since i dont really have anything else worth to spazz or to add anymore to all your beautiful and well written posts,I'll just share the randomness post in the middle of other heating topic.Wait,before that,yay for the newest YongSeo filming!I hope Yong and Hyun will have so much fun together.




















Just sharing  this pics again.Just because it is so adorable.Hmm,whats up with this two and adoration towards baby,lately?  :huh:




















I hope they are not planning to get one yet.;) Haha.But,if they do i cant say that i really mind  :phew:








































cre:blue_jus7 @cnblue soompi thread.Hi,i hope you dont mind i reposting it here








































cre: as shared by genvx




















I'll say one of my most fav scene is when this two took pics with that cute puppy.Tho,i still cant decide which one is more adorable,Yongseo or the puppy.Just cuteness overloaded. Watching latest episode on how adorable these two were while taking pics with that cute puppy and this pics,just make me wish they go on a mission taking care of a baby or a puppy,at least.I can just imagine that it will be the cutest and the most adorable thing ever. :wub: (sorry,i'm not sure how many time i used the word adorable in this post.Hehe.It just explain my sentiment towards this two since the latest episode to me-Simply adorable):wub:





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Guest SophiaPia





wow! SeoHyun w/ the baby then Yonghwa w/ the baby what is this are they practicing already hahahahaha! why not practice makes perfect hahahaha! Yong want's 2 kids, boy and girl. Maybe SeoHyun is the same :)



Why not let's continue to be happy and inlove everyday for our YongSeo and for our self coz life is too short. If YongSeo korea and YongSeo international join together and have YongSeo fan meeting i think FNC and SM company will be surprise how their talents become more popular bcoz of make believe marriage kekeke! i think they should know by now.



Re: Yonghwa recently performance of love light and looks not happy or tired. I DON'T THINK IT'S BECAUSE OF THE REVELATION OF YONG. I THINK CNBLUE HAS THE RIGHT TO GET TIRED AS WELL. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT ROBOT.  OF COURSE, THEY TIRED AFTER THE LISTEN TO CNBLUE SUCCESSFUL ASIA CONCERTS. ALL OF US GET TIRED SOMETIMES RE: OUR WORK, IN SCHOOL, WHATEVER IT IS. PEOPLE GET TIRED AS WELL. We have bad day as well, but it's unfair to think that it's bcoz of SeoHyun or the revelation of love light or wgm. NO I DON'T THINK SO.








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blueswim_boo- In their case, I hope they just don't GET a baby...but MAKE one! hahaha! U know their soundproof bedroom has been toooo quiet lately. :rolleyes: "Make some noise, CNBLUE! R u ready for this?!!!" hahaha. Yoong!
















































































































































































































































miel_ unnie --- I missed you too. ur making my heart melt! :wub: and i missed spazzing here as well!

















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Guest full-of-love

Hello Everyone!

this is my first time posting here on YongSeo thread. I love it here and i've been a fan of YongSeo since EVER! :wub: . I feel so ashamed since i've been their fan since day one and never even posted one post till now. I need some helps guys, i've been trying to rewatch yongseo stuff for a couple of days now and i have no other source accept for SNSD♥SeoHyun♥Forever♥ at facebook. Can anyone give me other links to watch yongseo stuff, Facebook has been driving me nuts a couple of days now the reason being is that it would freeze up at the same place does the same thing over and over again no matter how many time i refresh and it takes forever to load!!! :crazy: So is there any goguma couple lover out there that can help me please!!! i'm desperate to watch those yongseo vid but facebook just does not let me!!! Anyone kindly please send me the link to another site to watch YongSeo stuff i would appreciate it very much. :lol:

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Guest masamii






when love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece





>luckynew, hmmm..the hair...... *confused* im too excited XD



>queli, haha!!!!! found it @ tumblr!!! i hope it's true!!!! the bride's maidssssssss are all beautiful!!!!! XDDD






>heartbreak_warfare22, are you a filipino? if you are then, SAME HERE :D






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Guest Jillwithercraft












Just dropping by to say thank you to kay77 ~ I just want to say thank you for enlightening us regarding with the news that some Korean Boices were bashing Yonghwa ~ I am glad that it was not as big as it how to be :) I'm relieved! The man does not need that kind of thing!




I've been here since the 1st episode of Yongseo ~ sometimes I post (but all the time lurking) I don't know if your able to read my posts because this thread runs rapidly like a bullet! :lol: I witnessed how this thread has been on its ups & down.




As a self confessed Yonghwa fan (CN Blue) ~ Honestly sometimes I am hurt with some people bashing him w/o even giving him the benefit of the doubt! It was also sad with some fans who can’t differentiate WGM & his work outside WGM ~ I just remained silent but of course I'm thankful that most of you here have an open mind discussing the issue & having a positive attitude whenever negative thing arises.




If my opinion matter ~ I just want to say that I never doubted his sincerity in WGM ~ I believe that he cherished & enjoyed whatever time he spent with Seohyun. The things that they shared are no joke, feelings are invested ~ one way or the other its hard to fake it! From all the interviews ~ BTS ~ varieties & performances that I have seen of him ~ I can say that what he is outside WGM is also what he is in WGM! (But of course from the earlier episodes, he was kind of restricted but thats understandable ~ until now I still can say that he was still restricting himself ~ but I know it has nothing to do with his sincerity towards Seohyun.)




He ain't perfect but the man has a great personality ~ I know most of you can see that! :)




Sorry for my babbling ~ off to lurk mode ~




Btw~ Thank you so much to j2dlee for the translations and everyone here who keep sharing for Yongseo!




Oops sorry I topped the page with nothing to share :)




Anyway its good to know that they are shooting again!





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Guest wallpaperfood

Hi fellow gogumas! I'm usually just a lurker here, but like everyone else after spazzing out to the max over the last episode, I couldn't help but join in with everyone in their post-episode 27 bliss. I think my favorite part had to be when Yong finally revealed that he wrote "Love Light" for Hyun and how the MC's totally went nuts.

After watching this episode, I couldn't help but re-watch the Ueno Juri episode, when we first saw that mask and pink guitar in their bedroom. We now know why those are in their room..but I wonder why there's also a Seohyun mask..is there another event that the two do?? I would post a pic of it here if I knew how to do a screencap, but I dont..sorry! It's from episode 23 though.

I totally agree - once I realised the Ueno Juri ep would have been filmed after the whole ep27confession ep, I replayed it like mad to spot more signs of intimacy (and i was pleasantly surprised).

But yes, your point about the masks - I also have the feeling that in the next couple of eps, Yong is going to parody Seohyun's parody keke...Weird but nice to see that quite a bit has happened since June29th :).

No wonder, in ep23&25, Yongseo seemed more comfortable:

(1) right at the start (ep23) when Hyun puts her hand on Yong's back to "drag" him away from the Karaoke place

(2) Yongseo being overall quite comfortable/at ease

(3) Hyun openly said "this reminds me of when we first met" (when referring to the rain?), and Yong gets sllllightly shy and looks down

(4) when he says "your fav color - pink" (sushi restaurant sign)

(5) the way they were playfully FLIRTING in the restaurant - e.g. Salmon/eyebags, Asking her to eat the way she does at home/he installed a CCTV in her dorm, having no qualms about feeding her (even though she didn't respond...lol, starstruck by then)

(6) Being SO DARN OBLIVIOUS to their surroundings and *ehem* Ueno Juri

(7) The way Yong placed his hand on Hyun's back when introducing her as his "wife"

(8) He said "Optoke Seohyun ahh" and lay his hand on her shoulder

(8) tonnes more.....but I gotta cathc up with a week's worth of work cos of my yongseo fangirling

(9) Hyun looking jealous when Yong taught Juri "oppa" and asked to take a personal photo - I bet she so did it blurry no purpose! lol

(10) Yong asked her playfully/softly "You're not jealous, are you?" when they were alone together......

At the time, I was like, SINCE WHEN DID THEY BECOME SO AT EASE? (b/c I was unaware of their filming timeline). I also thought the masks and pink guitar were fan presents...

 But now we knowwwwww :D can't wait for more eps, seirously. The worst thing is, we're mocing house this weekend, and I don't get internet connection for 4 days!!! I miss the spazziings from the raws, the discussions, and risk not downloading the subbed eps before they get taken down by MBC!!!! arghhhhhhh

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ever since saturday's EPIC show, i've been watching so many Love Light performances and I think I've found my second favorite (the first is tied with Hyun's solo performance on ep 27 & the duet Yongseo performed on stage)








































anyhow i found this on youtube, I'm pretty sure this would've been posted like 200 pages ago or whatnot (this thread moves so fast!)
















































































i like to think that everytime Yong closes his eyes he imagines Hyun singing this and that epic birthday date.








































in this performance he's having so much fun! such a relaxed mood & i love his variations!























































































































and the performance that i posted above is the same day Yong did his Love Light duet with Hyun!








































no wonder he looks so happy!
















































































GAHHH! I can't stop spazzing! ever since he's told the truth about Love Light I feel the need to backtrack on waht's already happened for those hidden meanings behind his & her's every action since June 29! omas;dfj;gj they are so cute together!








































------------edit #2








































the incheon koreon music performance was just aired on a different date...oops so these two Love Light performances actually occured on two different dates but STILL!








































I can't help but want to know what Yong is thinking all this time!!! 









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wow...already 1174...im happy to read each of you comment.....thanks to Gogumas for your pic, gif, links, information.....thanks for your effort and kindness....you make me feel happy and cheerful all day long.....

hurmmm so many antis out there huh.....there is nothing that we can do....it's e-biz, beside fans, there will be also antis.....even we hurt to read what ever they said, but it's their right to do that...we GOGUMAS just stay behind our couple..... i want to share 1 pic (it's not YongSeo pic)


cr to : www.jupiterimages.com

there is hidden message in this pic.....hope everyone will understand......

YONGSEO Fighting.....

** i'm dying guessing, thinking and lurking about next episode......


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Guest fara_m7





blueswim_boo- In their case, I hope they just don't GET a baby...but MAKE one! hahaha! U know their soundproof bedroom has been toooo quiet lately. :rolleyes: "Make some noise, CNBLUE! R u ready for this?!!!" hahaha. Yoong!




miel_ unnie --- I missed you too. ur making my heart melt! :wub: and i missed spazzing here as well!










a little naughty imagination. hahaha... well, that's not my wish as of now.. i just hope yonghwa serenade seohyun singing lovelight while holding her hands in front of their parents, snsd, mc's, cn blue, fans.. etc).. ahhh.. so sweet


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