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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest rockinghorse
































Like I said in my last post, this episode had me teary-eyed and my beating faster. If we couldn’t even keep it together by watching them from a computer screen, just imagine how Yong’s heart was beating at that moment. Their reactions to their gifts (especially Yong) and their stares… guuuh :wub: You can’t fake those.
































Don’t even get me started on the hand-holding. I thought I’d be sort of immune to any hand-holding they might have after that Chuseok episode but seeing that the first time happened on a very special day just had me losing my mind. I’m pretty sure neither Yong nor Hyun will forget these particular birthdays.
































Ah! I also love how Yong asked (from what I understand) Hyun to sing Love Light once more but without the mask. His staring at her face while she was singing was, dare I say, smoldering.
































Love Light will never sound the same to me again. ‘I’m genie for you girl’ always had me in giggles before this because it was pretty obvious that it’s sort of a reference to Hyun (although I was kind of second-guessing if it really was for her or not. Haha). But to have Yong confess (somewhat forcefully) about the truth of it all just gives it more depth for me. I would kill to have a guy compose a beautiful song for me.
































How am I going to be able to sleep now? My mind’s going to unconsciously replay that episode over and over again and I’ll surely never sleep. I have a dental appointment later in the morning and I know I’m just going to zone out on my dentist. Hahaha.
































Cheers, gogumas! See you later!

















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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








I'm rushing out to this thread after checking my twitter, already smile ear to ear just because reading your posts here. Thanks for the correction kay77, it's so sweet of Yonghwa to give Hyun and her mother necklaces. Really proud for this couple :D




I'll lurk this thread whole night to get the translation, i'm down on my knees begging for the all translator in this thread :wub:




I'm off to watch links from keoconvoi :D



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Guest miel_1301



Ah! I'm just going crazy reading every one else's post but seemed that I am not completely digesting them.

About the "Love Light" song...that is the part that I am dying to know.

I heard Seobaby said something about "first love" in her backroom interview. What did Yong admit to be SeoHyun inspired--- only the rap parts or the whole song?

j2dlee, where are you angel???

The thread is moving at the speed of lightning that I am having a difficulty remembering who said "what". hahaha!!!

So it was TRIPLEMAMA's theory about SeoHyun imitating the gag artist.

Have the links to today's episode been posted up already? Or did I just miss them?


And oh! Geez, I totally forgot about the PREVIEW. hahaha!!!!


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Guest SE7ENsyuhja
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj Just call me SungSook or Sungie, doesn't matter. Feels weird being called Se7en. haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, well, neither of them suggested to hold hands, they just... did. Haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But Yonghwa was the one who said they should link arms.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyoo~ I think my fingers have permanently curled after watching their segment. LOL.

































































































































































































































































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If you have twitter, please join us to trend #YongSeo














Also, 'DAEBAK' is trending right now. could it be because of YONGSEO? kkkk XD















Thank you sungie (SE7ENSyhuja) for the translations!! You are DAEBAK!... XD




For jnj, (oh, looks like _d3seohyun posted already. Hi _d3! ^^)




Here is Love Light's translations




(rap in red)




when i look at you my face gets red




when i see you my heart goes thump thump




i talk with shyness like a kid




when i look at you i just smile out of nowhere




like a fool I keep doing that




I think love came to me




You’re the president of my heart







You’re my chests’ star embroider







I’m Genie for you girl







You make me stop breathing







whatever you want







because i love you







There’s no reason for my love you know




you’re a darling




you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky




the shining thing deep inside my heart




my own love light




i love you darling




give me light next to me whenever




every night i look at you




and you’re beautiful even when i look at you




you’re my love light




when i see you i feel like im up on the clouds




it may be immature but i keep doing this




i tihnk love came to me




you’re a darling




you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky




the shining thing deep inside my heart




my very own love light




i love you darling




give me light next to me whenever




every night i look at you




and you’re beautiful even when i look at you




you’re my love light




you’re lovely




you’re mroe blinding than the sunlight up in that sky




you shine the dark places inside my heart




my own love light




i love you lovely




even if i close my eyes i see you




looking at you like this




you’re still blinding even when i see you




you’re my love light




edit: jnj, oh, its ok dear, spazzing anywhere twitter/soompi as long as we can spread the #YongSeo love..heheh




_d3seohyun, ahrasso, I told them already!! hehehe





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seriously, i cried watching the holding hands part. EVEN SEULONG SAID HE FELT LIKE CRYING TOO! hahaha. i realized why i just love this couple so much. watching this episode made me realize that true love really waits. hahaha.

































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hugs d3! so this is the whole rap part?

the whole thing written with buin in mind...ack!!

faint again!!!

You’re the president of my heart

You’re my chests’ star embroider

I’m Genie for you girl

You make me stop breathing

whatever you want

because i love you

There’s no reason for my love you know

se7en, sure. i'll call u sungie.

triplemama, 1 gunny sack of goguma for u!

keoncovo, tks for the links. hugs

can't seem to stop myself replaying the hand holding scene

miel, we are 50/50 on the Love Light thingy.

song written for yong's 1st love BUT with a hidden message for hyun

*see the lyrics*

There’s no reason for my love you know...I Don't Know Why ;)

genxv, i'm quite s l o w at tweeter :sweatingbullets:

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Guest alucard81




























for people wondering where Yong went before Seohyun plant her surprise...




















the two of them were talking about the mossies (mosquitoes) and Seohyun said that the bait store probably have some mosquito coils for sale.




















so she sent him on an errant to get mosquito coils.




















she then used the chance to prepare... laugh.gif




















oh btw, I do not understand Korean but bits of it is similar in sound to chinese dialects.





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Guest _d3seohyun
















































@genxv. i can't log on twitter :(






































































































pls. tell our fellow gogumas who might have been spazzing there ehemclumsy,lenovo,baby_bo,fengz,chicka,nazand restehem to stop by here. :P













































































































































I'll be playing LOVE LIGHT the whole day today :wub:













































































































































LOVE LIGHT [Eng Subbed]









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Guest glitterspark
































































spazzzing like mini cooper now...
















their stares are like- intense sick lovebirds...
















BTW those are asking about the meaning of jashik, my long experience of watching korean shows tells me that it sorta means 'brat'... putting into yongseo context, its sorta of an affectionate nickname yong made for hyun...
















eg. couples call each other 'honey'

















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that's the reason why i love this couple... :wub:








































they do things which is so unexpectedly..








































this is the best episode ever! DAEBAK!... :wub:









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This episode has a huge transition in terms on how strong their relationship is. Seohyun seems to pay more attention to what fans think about their relationship, hence she has decided that it may be safe to accept skinship with Yonghwa. For Yonghwa, I believe that he doesn't mind skinship but he is just waiting for her to be comfortable to him.
















When Seohyun sang Love Light to Yonghwa and the couple rings as a gift, he knew it is the right time to hold her hands, he expressed his gratitude to her verbally but it is not enough, he wants to express his love and appreciation to her by holding her hands.
















Is it true that Yonghwa initiated to hold hands? But seohyun linked his arms and he felt awkward so they held hands?





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i'm crying right now coz i'm so happy for them...
































































































i could honestly feel their love towards each other..
































































































Yonghwa looked like he wants to cry..he must be so happpy!!!
































































































and that rap part..by writing the rap part with hyun in his mind, he just confessed that he love her!!!!!!
































































































oh my, Yonghwa you're daebak!!
































































































and hyun prepared so much for yong's birthday..Yong surely have a special place in her heart..
































































































she totally likes Yong more than goguma or even any guys(except her dad)
































































































yay for hyun's first love story!!!
































































































i just realized it when looking at jnj(i love u dear) post..
































































































the last line of love light rap is the same with the lyrics in i don't know why..
































































































oh my goodness, i don't know why is totally written to hyun!!!!
































































































can't Yong be more obvious!!!

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi























I hope next week's episode is going to be better. I can't describe my feeling when watching today's episode







well, I have been listening to the song-from-yong-to-hyun, 사랑 빛 for at least ten times now LOL.














j2dlee, where are you right now??? we'll be patiently waiting for your translations. I bet you are having some trouble







translating because of the after-effect todays's episode. It is killing us and making us curious about next week














LASTLY...... 우리 용서 커플 대박!!






























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spazzzing like mini cooper now...

their stares are like- intense sick lovebirds...

BTW those are asking about the meaning of jashik, my long experience of watching korean shows tells me that it sorta means 'brat'... putting into yongseo context, its sorta of an affectionate nickname yong made for hyun...

eg. couples call each other 'honey'

yup, j2 explained this to us before. its commonly used in boys convo.

but here, yong used it in a very affectionate tone, so that it turns

mushy..love it!

the first time yong called hyun 'jashik' was after they donated blood

and talked abt their 22 days.

i nvr expect yong to call buin jashik again,

but today, he did it again, not once but several times :wub:

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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































oh~ i am also joining in to the trend #YongSeo and #daebak !! wee~
















































I really can't stop myself from thinking it all over~ hehe~ this is MAX!!! :w00t:
















































Thanks sungie for the brief translation. :)









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Guest miel_1301


hugs d3! so this is the whole rap part?

the whole thing written with buin in mind...ack!!

faint again!!!


You’re the president of my heart

You’re my chests’ star embroider

I’m Genie for you girl

You make me stop breathing

whatever you want

because i love you

There’s no reason for my love you know


se7en, sure. i'll call u sungie.

triplemama, 1 gunny sack of goguma for u!

keoncovo, tks for the links. hugs

can't seem to stop myself replaying the hand holding scene

miel, we are 50/50 on the Love Light thingy.

song written for yong's 1st love BUT with a hidden message for hyun

*see the lyrics*

Hahaha!!! jnj, I am one greedy goguma here. I just can't seem to accept a 50-50 thingy about this Love Light. For me, I just find it incomprehensible writing the lyrics of a song with 2 women as sources of inspiration.

But I think for now I might just settle with YongHwa's Confession that indeed the very OBVIOUS rap parts of the song "Love Light" are actually SeoHyun inspired. At least that rap part which has been long the topic of argument will finally come to rest.

Ahrasso, Yong! Admitting the rap parts to be SeoHyun would be enough for the moment because your revelation has indeed created chaos. What more admitting having written the whole song with SeoHyun in mind. That would mean total HAVOC.


You’re the president of my heart

You’re my chests’ star embroider

I’m Genie for you girl

You make me stop breathing

whatever you want

because i love you

There’s no reason for my love you know


So again this part is SeoHyun and NO ONE else.

And please, all you pips at twitter please... pretty please join us here: calling out to: lenovo, fengz, redtulip, chika, baby_bo, clumsy, Yuki and the many many gogumas


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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong! I'll translate Yong's letter to Hyun's mother:

Hello mother (in-law?), I'm your son-in-law Yong. Thank you for giving birth to such a beautiful daughter like Hyun. Have faith in me, keke. I should go visit you personally so I'm very sorry that I'm unable to do so. I'll go meet you as soon as possible, and I will continue to work hard!

Please correct me if I made mistakes. Thank you!

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Guest DJHinata

For all goguma lovers in Gogumaland !!

Love♥Light with subs in Viet

The best episode ever !! haha i can imagine to  j2dlee probably she is  translating the episode right now how cool is she !! 

yonghwa inspired about his experience of love wrote the song , not necesary inspired for 2 woman , i really think he wrote the song thinking about her a lot, but he is a blood type A so maybe he don't want to confess keke for me it's ok he thinks a lot in Hyun so love love love

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Guest _d3seohyun
















































LOL @miel. like what our fellow gogumas have said before, maybe he wrote LOVE LIGHT way before WGM, but then added the rap part after meeting Seobaby :D:wub:






































































































@yuki. thank you so mcuh! hahah i'm going to cry again :lol: this is ridiculous!




































































































































































































And please, all you pips at twitter please... pretty please join us here: calling out to: lenovo, fengz, redtulip, chika, baby_bo, clumsy, Yuki and the many many gogumas





































































































































i miss you guys! i want to read the crazy thoughts running thru your heads right now hahhaha






























































































































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