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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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speculating on what Hyun have up her sleeves for the gift, it would be something very meaningful. as seen on the preview, she was contemplating very hard on the timing to give her gift. skinship or kiss on the cheek? I have no idea. maybe, maybe not? but one thing is for certain, It would be something very unexpected. time and time again this couple always surprise us and they give us something more than what we want. 

I was watching all episodes again and realized something. the very interesting episodes were the one that they filmed almost all day. when they went to the amusement park, the spa with CNBlue (they filmed at night until 5am), the Jeongdongjin trip (well they were filming from 10pm until morning), the housewarming plus Yong returning from Thailand episodes (ep 11-14), visit CNBlue dorm episodes, and the Birthday/fishing trip episode (ep 26-27). but the birthday/fishing episode is filmed from 9.25am until night time. they spent the entire day together. what sets this episode from other episodes (except Jeongdongjin episode) is that it was filmed the whole day with just the two of them. as Kay77 mentioned before, this is one of the "turning point" episodes of this couple, aside from the Jeongdongjin and Japan filming episode. I would bet my inheritance that this episode would be a so-awesome-we-are-gonna-die-multiple-times episode. :)

thanks kubih and dreamy_boo for noticing that also. Indeed their fingers unlocked before hugging each other. I thought I was seeing things. :)

wow! heartbreak, u are soo detailed.

the fishing trip could take a whole day to be filmed.

in the next prev, while fishing, we can see hyun's hair a bit messed up.

i love the idea of them spending the whole day together. not a dull moment!

so, to PDnim, if u think of dragging yongseo's episode,

by all means do it, but make sure u don't edit anything...

and i mean anything!! :phew:

are u guys talking abt this scene?

yup yup can see it too

why can't they let go of each other's hand :rolleyes:


cr to shane/soleil

looking back a couple pages I'm a little worried that it appears people have found where the Goguma field is? I don't want to see their Gogumas stolen! :crazy:

i agree. but i am more concerned that eager and exciting fans may trample

on the crops and damage it. maybe the ahjussi has already taken more precautions

besides skinship and kiss, i think i saw someone posted abt

hyun giving yong the 'star' accessories! hey, this is good too

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Guest lunasol


I wanted to post this article about the Daum screensavers that I think it is very funny! 





Daum releases life changing SNSD screensavers

Daum, one of Korea’s leading web portals, recently launched a new campaign for its search application using SNSD as the face of the campaign.  They have already released a set of CFs starring SNSD, and now they’re following it up with a pack of SNSD screensavers.


I am personally not too fond of screensavers because they don’t really serve much of a purpose now that people are no longer using CRT monitors.  However, I have to admit that these particular screensavers changed my life.  After just one view, I already felt like a new person, a better person.  I have noticed that I tend to be more calm, less argumentative,  and less inclined to drop kick my dogmag-glass_10x10.gif.




Even though the girls did not speak throughout the whole thing, I still felt like the screensavers spoke to me on a personal level.  I can’t exactly pin point what the message was, but I think it had something to do with them wanting me to use Daum’s search engine.




However, I’m not too sure about their use of screensavers to advertise a search engine because if I’m spending all my time watching the screensavers, then I’m definitely not searching on Daum.  Although I guess at the end of the day, all that really matters is that they’re still daum amazing screensavers.




cr. to poopines at allkpop (http://www.allkpop.c...um-screensavers)




This is one of the few allkpop articles that will make you genuinely smile and laugh (congrats to the author). I think that is what we also felt just watching Hyun hahaha. She just brings a smile to anyone without cause. Lets hope Yong has already seen her screensaver. I would love to see his face the first time he watches it!! Hopefully he will be with a goofy smile and hearts in his eyes wub.gif 








crystal_m: hug you back! biggrin.gif


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tks to aneng for posting the pic

panGG, lils, powerof9 for sharing the links

few random things i notice in the pic.

- hyun is holding a blue guitar instead of a pink one.

some may say pink doesn't go well with the black outfit,

but then again, for color coordination, she could hold a black guitar right ;)

- hyun is not wearing THE RING.

to accomodate hubby, and making up for it,

she's doing a C chord (tks for pointing this out lunasol)

okay, maybe my mind is working overtime again, but

its a good feeling to know that yongseo monitors each other's activities.

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Guest teoki61
















































































































































































































































































Does anybody know when the Japan episode will air? Because allkpop said it will air in November but i read somewhere that it will be broadcast on the 8. October (this weekend). I'm confused:unsure:

















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@jnj: Yes, but Yonghwa is wearing THE RING. Thank God. And it IS a C-Chord. That's at least a little bit interesting. :)

Seohyun got Yonghwa the star accessories?? Seriously? That's interesting. He's been wearing them on all the newer pictures. Also, didn't Seohyun visit one of CN Blue's concerts back in Korea? Is there WGM filming involved? Anyone knows anything?

Best regards,


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Does anybody know when the Japan episode will air? Because allkpop said it will air in November but i read somewhere that it will be broadcast on the 8. October (this weekend). I'm confused:unsure:






maybe what they are doing is finish out the birthday episode this weekend. and then next weekend show the japan episode. if i remember correctly i think thats what someone had said. and plus that would make some sense too because next weekend will be the weekend before snsd release their album in japan, correct? and maybe they are doing for the girls exposure in japan... but not sure! just speculating.






cant wait for saturday!! :( but i'm not sure if I'll get to stream because i'm babysitting.


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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































Endorsement Seohyun at WGM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit DC married gall + yongseo.exteen.com

































































































































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We saw a rocker Seohyun. Here is a rocker Yonghwa, playing guitar solo during the encore song "Voice". :D

This is a photo from Listen to the CN Blue Minilive and fan meeting in Shanghai, taken by one of the best fan photographers for CN Blue around.


Credit: Jennifer (kojimom) She allows her photos to be shared as long as the full credit is given properly to her and the logo isn't taken off.

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@jnj: Yes, but Yonghwa is wearing THE RING. Thank God. And it IS a C-Chord. That's at least a little bit interesting. :)

Seohyun got Yonghwa the star accessories?? Seriously? That's interesting. He's been wearing them on all the newer pictures. Also, didn't Seohyun visit one of CN Blue's concerts back in Korea? Is there WGM filming involved? Anyone knows anything?

Best regards,


You are right, Trent. According to one news report, Seohyun did attend CN Blue's concert in Seoul. One of Yonghwa's older brother's friends did write on twitter that Yonghwa's older brother got to meet Seohyun backstage. One of the WGM staff also wrote on twitter that indicate WGM filming backstage. They didn't film WGM during the concert. Some of fan spoilers did mention something about Seohyun meeting Yonghwa's parents and older brother backstage, but, however, it is not a confirmed spoiler.

I don't know what's up with stars, but Yonghwa has been wearing almost nothing but star earrings for over a couple of months now. Lately, he also has been wearing a lot of star printed shirts and star shaped rings. I don't know what has gotten into him and these stars... Before that, it was flower shaped rings. Yonghwa and his accessories...:w00t:

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seo hyun gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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donwload daum screensaver
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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been thinking lately,






since their ep was recorded on 29 june, dosen't that means the harvesting time for goguma is 100 days right.






is it this week or maybe next week right...???






is it...






29 june - 29 july = 31 days






30 july - 29 aug = 31 days






30 aug - 29 spt = 31 days --> 93 days already






30 spt - 6 oct - 7 days --> 100 days already... [YESTERDAY]






maybe they will record for GOGUMA HARVESTING after this....






were they at korea right now????



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4






lunasol thanks for that!  i so did not know what note she was holding :)  




magdal i LOVE that song so much.  thanks for sharing your fmv








CodeMonmonSeason3@youtube posted SNSD's DAUM ScreenSavers All Pack.  the beginning where it shows the collection of each girl, the clip of seohyun is different from the ones shared previously by lils and PowerOf9 hm... i wonder where that one is?  she does a kiss :phew:




SNSD DAUM ScreenSavers AllPack







Found this link to download screensavers, it should be posted in SNSD's thread but i'm not frequently lurk in the thread :P












GeumJanDi beat me :P



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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































I have to spazz about this sorry... See what I see she will totally rock the Rocker concept in the wedding photoshoot... Now after that, woah now I can clearly see why YH was taken by her, that smile (daum screensaver)... Woah, I never though I will be fangirling over a girl. kekekeke












































About this saturday, can I say I love that MC, I am totally dying for saturday to arrive. A kiss, a hugh, a present whatever SH give YH I know is going to be a present with great meaning.












































I am joining to club of "intelocking fingers happened in the horror episode" I agree, there was some weird movement there. blush.gif












































Is so nice to come here and spazz, good night everyone!!! Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!





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Guest toomuchsmiling








wah, you gogumas are so fast. I only didn't come for like 2/3 and the thread has jumped like practically 10 pages. :lol: OMG, u guys are totally daebak. All those wedding photoshoot concepts are SO amazing. Completely! I mean, I can't expect a full on "married couple kiss" like in some of those photos, but I get it: the concepts!! :w00t: Ahhh, i wonder which one they'd choose? :wub:








Seohyun Daum Screensaver- afer watching it in that HD-ness i can TOTALLY understand why Yong loves Seohyun's "eye stare" :wub: Just look at here eyes!! All big and cute and sparkly!! :w00t: heck, i'm a GIRL and i see that, no wonder all these guys fall at her feet!












AHHHHH it’s basically implying that yongseo this week is gonna be DAEBAK!!! 입찢어짐 basically means that he was smiling so much that his mouth was gonna tear. the MCs must have done the episode commentary today. AGHHHH I dieeee people at WGM dc inside gallery are going CRAZY over this the topic already has over 2000 views. Can it PLEASE be Saturday already?!?! I have a strooong feeling hyun’s birthday present to yong is going to be skinship :) daebak!!!

















....... :wacko::ph34r: OMGEEEEEE, SERIOUSLY i wanna K1LL MC Kim Jungmin!! it makes me wanna see what HAPPENS SOOOOOOOO BAD. i freaking turned crazy when I read this!




wat happens??




U guys all say "bo-bo" and "kiss" but Seohyun hasn't even held HANDS with him really yet (at this point) i'd be totally amazed if that's what she ends up doing b/c it's TOTALLY out of character from hwo she usually is. :blink: i mean, YEAH MC KIM, i GET that Yongseo makes u smile like silly (just like us gogumas) but WHAT exactly drives him to SPAZZ out on his twitter???!





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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyoung to all and thanks for everything u shared here about our YongSeo couple. Hmmm why wifey Hyun don't wear the ring :( even in Daum promo, anyway she has the blue guitar and looks a rocker trying to say "hey my hubby Yong look at me i'm a rocker now" kekeke! even in new GEE video wearing blue jeans kekeke! solid blue isn't it :)
































































































































































































































































@Kay77 that's great news if it's true that SeoHyun meet the whole family of Yong during the 1st concert in Seoul.  I guess before the concert ended she left her sit already to avoid the crowd and i imagine she straight to go backstage to congratulate the CNBlue esp her hubby Yong so i'm imagining she meet the parents and bro of Yong. I WISH :)
































































































































































































































































as much as i want to see now the Japan episode, but i think it's better to continue 1st this bday episode i'm going crazy about what is their bday gift and why this epi will be DEABAK so it's better to finish this bday episode then we want to see how SWEET our lovely couple in Japan wub.gif YongSeo couple fighting!
































































































































































































































































cheers to all

































































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been thinking lately,






since their ep was recorded on 29 june, dosen't that means the harvesting time for goguma is 100 days right.






is it this week or maybe next week right...???






is it...






29 june - 29 july = 31 days






30 july - 29 aug = 31 days






30 aug - 29 spt = 31 days --> 93 days already






30 spt - 6 oct - 7 days --> 100 days already... [YESTERDAY]






maybe they will record for GOGUMA HARVESTING after this....






were they at korea right now????











last time i checked yong WAS in korea! he was there for the super model contest which was on oct 5th, and i know that two of the cn blue brother in laws, jonghyun and minhyuk, will be in busan for their acoustic movie debut! so cn blue IS in korea. i think. lol. but not sure about snsd, thou, because i know they are busy with preps for their japan album.. hm... but good estimating!


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Hai Gogumas ... 

First of all would like to thanks everyone for their wonderful *this word somehow reminds me of that guy who took their pic during their train ride, sorry cant remember the place sweatingbullets.gif* post..  j2dlee for her never ending help in translation, d3 for her always amazing caps, kay77 for your insight, for every one of you here also for the news, article, pics and everything shared.. Thank you.... Gud to see everyone smiling again :).. I always enjoy my stay here.. wub.gif

I remember someone asked about the song played and hummed by Yo~ong while he was guiding Hyu~un to the sweet potato field.. I think, this is the song... Mai Piu' Cosi Lontano by Andrea Bocelli

credit to uploader

I found the lyrics Mai Piu' Cosi Lontano by Andrea Bocelli

this is the eng translation

Just notice from the english translation there. Gosh it was so sweet wub.gif .. I think this song would be perfect for wedding song too :)..  wonder why our Yon~ong suddenly hummed to this song there rolleyes.gif.. Just my wild imagination sweatingbullets.gif...

About the wedding theme.. If it's not too late I'd like to vote for the Fairytale Wedding theme *can I picked more than 1 tongue.gif*....

Random things, love this quote, "Make Love not War"...  

Sorry for any mistakes and my rusty english sweatingbullets.gif.. Saturday please come quickly.. :)

Thank you again everyone for everything :).. 

Yes, i was looking for this song. I am always thinking it is an english song. I was so wrong. Well..thank alot andalasa! :D

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Guest Crystal392



OMG I'm crossing my fingers to have news soon that both are filming! :D


kay77: Thanks so much for sharing that info. So, if all those rumours are true, we will see Hyun~ meeting Yong~'s family on an episode or two right? ^_^


jnj: Thanks for reposting shane/s0leil lovely gif. I can't stop looking at it *_* I join the holding-hands team! hehehe I think it's pretty clear they were holding hands when they sat on the couch and then stopped holding hands to 'hug' each other :wub: *giggles*


Reposting the awesome gif:






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Guest constantia11

euodsie, i guess maybe his next song written especially for hyun could be I DON'T KNOW WHY xD ohhh, as per jnj's request, here's the FMV :) (yahhh jnj~! hope u'll like the end product :D )


dreamyboo,nice MV, I love how you picture uri Yongseo and it perfectly matches the lyrics of the song.

And I was wondering about the part where Yong is giggling when he was looking at Hyun talking in his laptop.

Where did you get that from? I have never seen that video before. And what was he smiling about?

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