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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest puang
























`` farewell YONGSEO couple~~









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Guest jitluvyongseo

when first time i heard that i was really sad. even tears come out...because the rumors was spread for over 3 days...seems like i can accept it now... we can't do anything about it.

really hope both of them were success for the future..

For tomorrow episode it's look like i can't watch streaming live....because something come up. Lets everybody watch their episodes while they still together. still support goguma till the last episode....


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Guest loybing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello, It's me again :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To lift your mood up, tonight we, the  sweet potato thai fan staffs,  have a good news for you guys:D so.. see you again tonight.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry if i annoy any of you with my post:tears:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello there! thanks for posting such great pix. Thanks to all Thai Gogumas for doing such great job. thanks for sharing it to us. honestly, your post ease a little pain you know.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can i ask something? is there any adam and khuntoria banner? nah sorry about my curiosity...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i don't want to make comparison honestly. it's just out of curiosity why i ask.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i know YONGSEO COUPLE AND GOGUmas are DAEBAK as always

































































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Guest Luv_cheese
























Thailand gugomas are making me cry. :( You're truly the best!!! I hope you all have fun with our YONGSEO over there. Bring something for your tears guys. Try to be happy even though sadness is on it's way... you can do eeeeeettttttt!








I dearly love this song....  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed8SBWVLDzs someday it's gonna make sense :) God is GOOD!









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So, the last leg of our YongSeo journey has turned into a
































rollercoaster ride!
































I love rollercoasters!
































I just don't know how much my poor heart can get.
































After feeling sad, moping, crying, deflecting, escaping, & trying to stay positive, I want to say my thanks to our goguma chinggus who are taking us at one of the loops of the rollercoaster:
































Ouichan, anh,phokar, kun_cheero
































Thanks for updating us on what is happening in Bangkok concert!
































Keep them coming!
































anink, sophiapia, rxp:
































Thanks for the pics on the eternity rings. I truly hope that these symbolize something between the two of them.
































































Thanks for the MV!
































For anyone I forgot to mention, sorry but thank you, nevertheless!
































mach8infinity - This is true! This is not the end because: "Jung yong hwa and seo joo hyun still have 80 more years to nurture their relationship."

































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Guest sweetcandy1061






WOW.. probably the worst news i have ever heard DX But, i do have a lot to be thankful for because of this couple. Im not the only one who learned a lot from this relationship of theirs. I just hope that even after WGM us as Yongseo shippers don't change. Even when this really e*ds we still give our full support to Yonghwa and Seohyun as individuals as much as we had supported them when they were Yongseo together on We Got Married. Again, not until that day actually comes, lets be happy that we were able to understand Yongseo and see what others (hamburgers) can't see... ;) 


I am really proud to be a Yongseo shipper...i feel really proud to be apart of a community such as this one.. and i think it should stay that way :) 


So to quote one of my most favourite people out there; “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”~Dr. Seuss



Don't cry gogumas, it isn't over until ITS OVER.



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Guest angelic0326












i am sure seohyun sees how the fans love them now~~~








please consider about the decision again and who knows there might be a miracle!!



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Update [update] Yonghwa & Seohyun confirmed to be leaving “We Got Married” - ALL KPOP














On March 11th, producers of the show confirmed, “There’s an end to everything. We have been carefully discussing their leave for a while now. It was a difficult decision, and both are very disappointed with the reports that got out before we could finalize everything. Contrary to what’s been reported, the ending has not been shot yet, and it will be sometime next month. The ending will be made as beautifully as possible to reflect what the couple wants.”







They added, “We’ve been searching for replacement couples since six months ago. The new line-up hasn’t been finalized yet, but there are a few that we’re keeping a close eye on. We’ll begin to prepare for the new changes now.”














this is so darn sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to put an update from allkpop article

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On March 11th, producers of the show confirmed, “There’s an end  to everything.  We have been carefully discussing their leave for a  while now.  It was a difficult decision, and both are very disappointed  with the reports that got out before we could finalize everything.   Contrary to what’s been reported, the ending has not been shot yet, and  it will be sometime next month.  The ending will be made as beautifully  as possible to reflect what the couple wants.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They added, “We’ve been searching for replacement couples since  six months ago.  The new line-up hasn’t been finalized yet, but there  are a few that we’re keeping a close eye on.  We’ll begin to prepare for  the new changes now.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit : Ah someone has post it before me, But I think it's a good news for me. At least we can hope for 2nd double b-day episode :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































































































I promise and I keep promesing to myself that I would stop lurking at soompi and this thread because it can't be good to  keep whipping myself like this, specially with the rumors and all. But I just could not stay away.......Aaahhhh.... I just can't help it.  blush.gif































































You know beause out of sight out of mind.






























































































































So I backpedal a few pages and went from depress, to happy, to hopeful, to completely delusional, finally to get to this point where I feel like resignation is about to set in. This roller coaster is just to much I'm about to give up but WTH I just have to put my big girl panties and go with it because I can't just leave my fandom just like that. I need to support and enjoy every minute, second and nanosecond of Yongseo and whatever may come.






























































































































Anyways thanks to every member of this wonderful community that gives and support with wonderful tibits it does not matter how small they might be they are still awsome. To Thai Gogumas a 1,000,000 Thank yous for all that you have done. :wub:  































































I hope we can get some fancams and if not I hope we can get some livestream links, because I will love to see it and if WGM will be there to record the duet that would be even better even if it is going to be bittersweet. :tears:

































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Guest l1nn3
































































































































































































































































hi guys...i know this is off topic..but I think still important matters
































































































































































































































































we are left with 13 pages to reach 2000 pages.
































































































































































































































































and with more news coming abt conformation of E or no E, new precious, concert preparation at BKK, WGM tomolo and many2 fancams/fanaccount/link to come, could anybody contact moderator of soompi to prepare yongseo thread 2?
































































































































































































































































I dunno how the procedure like and how many days it will take...but i definitely know all the gogumas here do not want to miss all the update and spazzing just becuase the new thread take days to create.
































































































































































































































































please please somebody...

































































































































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it's official already...they're leaving tears.giftears.gif , well it's been a good one year and a lot of happy memories,i wish yongseo the best at their career and keep in touch!!!!!or better yet dating for real :wub:



























to all gogumas stay strong and fighting!!!












now go to a corner and cry.......





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I coincidentally listened to Inconsolable by Backstreet Boys when I read the article...

and I just can't hold my tears.. :tears:

I'm so sad that it's finally official..

I need a group hug gogumas...

meanwhile, thanks to Thailand gogumas... goodluck for you guys... send my love for them...

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Guest biancacoolio








brb dying.tears.giftears.gif












i didn't know i was this attached to this couple. i clearly preferred them but... it just breaks my heart 





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So then its confirmed that uri yongseo will be leaving soon. Like the statement said that everything has its ending but really I am glad that MBC had at least given us fans early notice and the fact that it would be shot sometime next month is also wonderful news. We still have a good amount of time with our couple to celebrate and to reminisce the time they spent together. So Cheer up gogumas lets just enjoy whatever time we have left with our couple. Don’t be sad, Lets celebrate life and lets be thankful for the little happy things that we have going for us in this go-chun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I’ll be keeping MBC’s word that the ending would be done as beautifully as possible for uri YongSeo . They deserve it after a year of wonderful memories of friendship, changes, love, understanding ,tears and laughter. Lets sent them off with love and happiness as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And to Thai gogumas you guys are daebak! Thank you for everything, keep on supporting and loving YongSeo!

































































































































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Guest daphneedel












hello gogumas...




even tough i've been preparing myself since the rumour about this E thing came up,keep telling myself that everything has to come to an end...but now, since its official still here i am crying and heart broken tears.giftears.giftears.gif




please, is there nothing we can do to avoid this at least until they can celebrate their birthday together once again?





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I will face reality when it's RIGHT THERE.In the meantime I have 3 more episodes for March and the last ep is next month and not filmed yet.I want to remember the happy times and appreciate what we have learnt and experience in our journey with them.I am going to enjoy watching the couple get their wedding photos.
































































































































































































So this Guguma....is looking forward to Sat's episode.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest l0okiemaria


hi everyone. now that i have finally caught up with everything, including the recent news and all, i would just like to say.. THANK YOU ALL! This isn't quite a farewell, but I just wanted to express my thanks to every single one you guys. You guys are DAEBEK! :] Whether or not they do E.. anytime soon.. i just realized that it seems to be a good time to be thankful. Thankful to Yong & Hyun personally because without them, there is no us gogumas who go crazy over the things they do. I am just very happy that we are lucky enough to even go along the journey of the couple. How unexpected they are to be in each other's side (show and possiblility in real life). It may be hard for us since the show may possibly end; but, remember that it is only the show. We still have the chance to watch over them in their seperate groups and see if anything may happen between them (which, i believe there is already something happening.. hehe). So back to what I was meaning to say.. lol. I am very happy to have found a new family which consists of ALL types of people :] It really amazes me, as like others, how all of us can come together in celebrating one thing we all have in common, love for YONGSEO <3




-OH and i will continue supporting them together and seperately. IF they do not end with each other, that's ok, i am very much accepting to whomever they may end up with in the future. (who am i to say who they should date right?) But of course, my main bias is YONG and HYUN together! (forever!!!!!!) hehe








THIS WEEKS EPISODE! i am very much excited!! WHEE! I am really curious to what will happen! i hope yong really didn't lose the scarf.. i mean.. really though.. hyun handmade it for him! i think that just gives it that much more value. (not just the fact that hyun made it.. but like having someone handmake something means A LOT!, well at least i think so hehe) BUT YO!!! YONG! YOU BETTET NOT HAVE LOST IT!!! HMPH! lol. and i hope he does just endlessly spoils her with his love? haha. but yeah something surprising like how hyun surprised him in ep 27. right?? lol






AIGOO! Thai gogumas, you guys are oh so lucky! please show yong and hyun the love that the rest of us can't in person! oh and please.. YELL/SCREAM for me when they perform haha. and idk why but i suddenly got the thought that if they do know if their stint on WGM will be .. you know.. if there will be added emotion to their performance.. tears? idk.. but i feel that there might be even more feelings that will occurr.. and since they will also be viewing MV's of them together in WGM.. that will just have them reminisce their time together.. so idk it might all build up right?




OK so that's all for now you guys.. i hope for you guys to have a great and safe day! see you guys later!! :] :)


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Guest wallpaperfood


I have faith that WGM will give them the beautiful farewell they need and deserve, otherwise not only will their hearts be hurting, but the hearts of everyone who loves and supports them from around the globe <3 .

I'm glad they will have about one month left. I'm also glad we were sort of prepared (we will never be 100% prepared) for it, and I'm also thankful that they are still going to have a daebak banmal duet before the e*d.

Yongseo, I <3 U. I cannot reiterate that enough. I <3 you so so much my heart breaks.

with <3,

from someone who used to think there was no such thing as love until you came along and proved me so, so wrong.

Hmm so I was intuitively right about the sudden wearing of the new ring being related to potential "official news" to be released by MBC today. The one time I wish it was the other way..

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