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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest kasia3goguma









before i would end up giving a long essay here, would like to ask @kasia3goguma, what's with white day in korea? is it something like holiday or festivity?.am so sorry for bothering, though i could google it but laziness, honestly, hits me now. thanks in advance!
















Sorry to cut Your post: White Day is a special day, something like Valentines, but on this day Men  give presents (for example chocolates) to Women :) (I hope I didn't make a mistake with who's receiving chocolates..!) - sorry in advance..









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oh yeah march 14,2011 will be a White day... thinking more about it makes me sad...its a special day for lovers and they would separate?..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a Last day that they can spend a whole day together and being so carefree from people. ottoke?..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How would they depart from each other?.. knowing its been a year that they spent the time as a couple...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I Hope Yong prepared something for Seo hyun because during white day, its the time for the guys to prepare something special for their love GF






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seeing Seo hyun bringing the guitar makes me think that she has something special for yong too...

































































































































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Hi fellows,











I just found something interesting at DC.



I don't know how to post the pictures, so I'm just gonna post the link.



So, this picture.



our proud goddess at airport in thai.






Goddess in Thai








Apparently, has GUITAR CASE on her side!



I don't wanna expect too much...



It would be fine, if they have secret guitar lesson during their stay.



But if they are going to play THAT song, together on their stage.....



I will get burst into tears.



Let's just put aside all the rumors and the news and pray!

























eliamae sorry to cut your post




My friend who doing this MBC Music Wave thing said that there is a possibility that our beloved couple might perform together. I bet you know what they're going to sing:wub: 








Too bad, we aren't allow to bring any type of recorder in as the show will be aired both in Thailand and Korea, but hope some of us can sneak in and have a fan cam for you guys.:phew: 
















Thank so much for those who sent me the clip, and sorry that I didn't reply you personally. We will try our best to make the two happy from seeing the vdo.









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Guest cosmochiq
































































































































What's with all the sadness here my dear fellow goguma lovers? I just read from allkpop that yong left inkigayo for the drama AND we got married. All these news are making me confused.... However whatever the future brings... Let just wait for that and enjoy the moments we have with our yongseo couple.... Lets make the most out of the moment. :-) so lets try to quit worrying and thinking and lets wait for Saturday to come. :-) Spread the Goguma Love... :-D

































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Guest blueshoes












Hi fellows,











I just found something interesting at DC.



I don't know how to post the pictures, so I'm just gonna post the link.



So, this picture.



our proud goddess at airport in thai.






Goddess in Thai








Apparently, has GUITAR CASE on her side!



I don't wanna expect too much...



It would be fine, if they have secret guitar lesson during their stay.



But if they are going to play THAT song, together on their stage.....



I will get burst into tears.



Let's just put aside all the rumors and the news and pray!













not thailand .. She went back to Korea








They can't wear coat in Thailand now because the weather is so hot





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Guest Trent




Allkpop didn't report Yonghwa leaving WGM. (At least I didn't find any source?) They just reported that he left Inki. And DC is still suspiciously quiet. Could we have sources for the previous rumours? Especially that twitter source. It would be really nice to know where this information comes from.

Best regards,



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Guest Lildedprinxez








I knew it. I knew YongSeo on WGM will end soon.




More especially when they officially announced that yonghwa and park shin hye will star in a new drama.




I immediately thought of seo hyun, because I know its going to be hard to have 2 leading ladies.




One from a variety show and another from a drama. Of course that will confuse the fans.




Then, I checked the forum and read this dreadful rumors which further confirmed my speculations.








OMG! SOrry I don't want to cry but I can't help it. This would be my first time to cry for a Show.




For more than a year, we support,watched and become affected with YongSeo.




YongSeo become a part of our daily routines. As for me I always look forward to saturdays knowing that WGM will air. :)




Every saturday mornings I would say "Yes! Today is Saturday and there's YONGSEO!"




On my way to school I kept on thinking about what happend to YongSeo...I analyze :P




Seriously, I can't get over of Episode 47. YONGSEO IS REAL! I really do believe.








Of course nothing is permanent. Reality TV shows has an end. But I hope that even though Yonghwa and Seo Hyun no longer shoot WGM,




 I hope they still find time to see each other. I hope for them to keep in touch and prosper that relationship that they have developed from WGM.
















*notice i kept on saying YONGSEO ON WGM? hahaha Because YongSeo on WGM will end, but YONGHWA AND SEOHYUN/ YONGSEO WILL REMAIN REAL on and off screen :D





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So I just stepped by and saw that this thread jumped like 10 pages and I was anxious "is it good or bad news?!" lol.


Hmmm I really really hope we get something official so that we can handle everything better. Those assumptions are that whats killing me. And didn't they say something that they wanted to celebrate Seohyun's 21st birthday on WGM ?!


And about the drama news. Why not?! And with PSH, Yonghwa's best buddy, its even more bearable, lol(but somehow I wished he would solely concentrate on his music, am I too selfish?!). And why this drama?! The plot, its so common and with Dream High and those student dramas its nothing fresh. But I hope for the best


YongSeo fighting!If they end I want for them to officially announce that they are together(if they are) because my poor heart would break in the guessing game. "Are they?! Aren't they?!" And as someone already said YongSeo will be my last couple too. Seriously to much emotions I invested in this Couple but it was amazingly awesome and I don't regret it.



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Guest cosmochiq



























Allkpop didn't report Yonghwa leaving WGM. (At least I didn't find any source?) They just reported that he left Inki. And DC is still suspiciously quiet. Could we have sources for the previous rumours? Especially that twitter source. It would be really nice to know where this information comes from.








Best regards,























Hi trent! I believe that's what i read as well.. :-) there were no news of yongseo leaving the drama... If its all confirmed surely it'll be a big news knowing how popular they are in and outside Korea. I hope we could find the sources of the news or rumors.. :-(





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Ah, Gogumas, what can I say to make you feel better?!






There’s not much I can do to make you accept the inevitable, IF all these rumors are true.  You will each have to deal with this in your own way.  But, at least, we will still have this thread to use as a place to recall fond memories and help heal our combined hearts and souls.






Personally, I feel as if my favorite Son and Daughter have been swept out to sea, never to be heard from again.  My heart feels heavy and my eyes keep getting blurry.  I simply don’t want it to end.






Awhile back, I challenged everyone here to provide some hard news that Yong and Hyun were continuing with their filming on WGM.  At that time, I was worried because things were really quiet about our Yongseo couple.  Now, maybe we know why.






If all of these rumors come true, and Yongseo ends on March 14th, the only thing that I would recommend from all who can devote their time to this ‘mission’ is to bombard the WGM and MBC websites with passionate requests that IF Yongseo is ending on March 14th, that they are treated with the kindness and compassion they deserve!  So far, it has seemed that the MBC staff has showered these 2 lovely young people with love and affection.  I want to see that same feeling carried on to the very last episode! If they are treated as ‘coldly’ as the Adam couple, I will be extremely upset, and I doubt I will ever watch another Korean K-drama again.  MBC and WGM will be ‘dead’ to me.  I won’t want to go there again if they dispatch our couple as unfeelingly as they did the ‘Adam couple!






We need to let ourselves be heard – and we, as fans need to step up to the challenge to protect Hyun and Yong.   Please, please get on the WGM/MBC website and plead for our couple’s well-being!






On the other hand, we all knew it would end, just not this soon.  Although it is painful for us as their loving fans, I just hope it is not painful for our lovely couple.  I hope this decision to leave WGM was theirs – and not through pressure from their management companies.  I’ve always wondered what SMC and FNC would do if Yongseo actually showed signs of becoming a ‘real’ couple?  Did Taeyeon’s new year’s wish for YongSeo to become ‘real’ push some executive’s buttons at their respective management companies and have them demand to ‘pull the plug’ on WGM before their relationship got out of hand?  Did Yong’s confessions of love and commitment in ‘For First Time Lovers’ and its tremendous success also cause alarm in their management companies?  






We’ll never know for sure, and I am always skeptical of the Korean talent’s management and their commitment to their ‘talents’ happiness versus the need to make the most money possible from the ‘talent’ that they’ve invested their time and money in.  Yong and Hyun are a marketing commodity to these management firms.  Cold as it may seem, they are ‘streams of income’.   I just hope their personal happiness isn’t stepped on for the goal of creating profit for their management companies.






If Hyun and Yong mutually agreed to end WGM, I’m fine with it.  They’re both young, they have a long way to go before they consider marriage for real, they have hurdles and accomplishments they both want to achieve.  Yong has 2 years of military service, Hyun would want to complete her degree at college.   They both should experience relationships with other partners.   I know, you all just screamed, ‘NO!’ there, and I agree with you, I don’t want to see them with anybody else.   But they need to experience different personalities, different feelings with other partners.  It will be good for both of them.  They need to test their relationship with each other from their experiences on WGM against other relationships.  And if it satisfies the test of time, realize that they are only ‘right’ for each other.  I truly believe it will be hard for them to be close to anyone but each other.






But time passes, and the distance that will occur between them will make it extremely hard for them to keep in contact.  I’m hoping they beat the odds and still manage to remain close.   I’m hoping the main reason they want out of WGM is so they can continue their relationship without the cameras and the public eye on them.  That would be wonderful.  But we will never know, and that is what hurts the most, we won’t know and we won’t be able to share in it.  It will be kept a secret.  We will only be able to guess and surmise and hope.






I’m hoping that in a few years, Yong, after having reached his goals with his music, after many comebacks and awards, after having successfully completed a K-drama and receiving kudos for his acting skills, and spending his 2 years of mandatory service for his country, will be driving his red sports car from an interview for a radio station and he will pass a store where he once shopped for the ingredients for bean stew with a pretty, kind, young girl.  He’ll see a café where they once had drinks and shared laughs.  He’ll drive up the well-remembered road and park in front of the white apartment building with the azaleas and flowers.  He’ll remember bright eyes and happy smiles on a yellow couch.  He’ll remember a ‘truck driving girl’ and piggy-back rides and laughter that sounded like music. He’ll remember a goddess in a wedding dress riding on a cloud and smiling up at only him.  A feeling of emptiness will fill his heart, a feeling of yearning and loneliness for a happy time spent in the past. He’ll pick up his cell phone and dial a number he hasn’t called for awhile, and on the first ring a soft voice will answer, ‘Hello?’  He’ll chuckle to himself and say, ’what are you doing now?’  She’ll say, ’Oh, hello, how are you?!’  He’ll say, ’What are you doing – do you want to arm wrestle?!’  She’ll say, ’Ne! (in that special way) - where can I meet you?’  He’ll say, ‘I’m coming to get you, be ready in 15 minutes!’  She’ll say, ’I’ll be waiting patiently, please hurry!’






I can only hope they live happily, and hopefully find each other again sometime in the future.  I believe in their fate – to be together!        




















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Guest lanladay
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So excited to see Seohyun with the guitar. I really wanna know why she carried it with her from Japan kkk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone should prepare if it really come to the end. We don't even know the truth behind their relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They're young and there're many things that they wanna do. Being celebrities it's really hard esp in Korea.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If they really like each other it's not that hard to continue their love with the support from their unni and dongsaeng. For me it's good that they will end WGM cuz I think they're so real and sometime it feel like
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it should be their private time haha but it also sad that I can't see them together anymore on my happy Saturday.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway just trust and support them in the future.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been a big fan of Se7en since he debut. I always think that it's good that he didn't reveal everything
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































about his love in the past. I always know that Se7en and PHB always together and never break up before the news
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































which was revealed last year and I hope our couple will be like them. They're human same as us , everyone wants someone to be with and encourage each other if it's the right time and they feel good to be together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so it's possible~ Just let it be the destiny. *praying*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS. Sorry for my poor grammar.

































































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Guest moniertu

It is a wee bit past 1a.m. here in Malaysia and I have just finished preparing my 8 year old daughter for her tests tomorrow.  But I doubt that I helped her much since I was running back and forth every 5 minutes to refresh our thread..bad mama!!

jnj, hope you're feeling better and stopped sighing.

hi, to my good friend shawie829, miss you my dear dongseng

and greetings to all friends..

Anyway, I am back to post once again, just to thank winbros for your kind acknowledgement, I really appreciate it, and it was icing on the cake when you used my favourite colour purple for my name, I know it's random but that's how I am.  Your colourful, insightful and witty open letter, I am sure, has brought smiles back to our gogumas' otherwise sad faces. So glad to know that you will stay on the thread post-WGMYongseo, because we always welcome and enjoy views posted by our male gogumas. 

Today has not been an easy day for us gogumas, but we have received a lot of encouragement from each other, even from wonderful KKapliners/Adam couple fans. This just goes to show that we have a tight-knit family, and we can get through this together.  Let's savour what we have, the Yongseo episodes, fan MVs, fan cams, fan fics and so forth.  In our hearts and minds, I don't think we are able to separate Seohyun from Yonghwa.  In future when we see Yonghwa, our minds may wander and Seohyun would occupy our thoughts, vice versa.  When we listen to Yonghwa's song, we can't help but question whether that particular song was written with Seohyun in mind.  And I am sure our young couple will continue to monitor each other's activities, and our Yonghwa loves the internet!!

Remember, the pillows in Yongseo's bedroom? "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY", dear friends..Save your tears for the last episode!!

edit: luvtokki, my sentiments exactly regarding SM Entertainment and FNC. And your para in purple (in spoiler & sorry to cut your post), 

I’m hoping that in a few years, Yong, after having reached his goals with his music, after many comebacks and awards, after having successfully completed a K-drama and receiving kudos for his acting skills, and spending his 2 years of mandatory service for his country, will be driving his red sports car from an interview for a radio station and he will pass a store where he once shopped for the ingredients for bean stew with a pretty, kind, young girl.  He’ll see a café where they once had drinks and shared laughs.  He’ll drive up the well-remembered road and park in front of the white apartment building with the azaleas and flowers.  He’ll remember bright eyes and happy smiles on a yellow couch.  He’ll remember a ‘truck driving girl’ and piggy-back rides and laughter that sounded like music. He’ll remember a goddess in a wedding dress riding on a cloud and smiling up at only him.  A feeling of emptiness will fill his heart, a feeling of yearning and loneliness for a happy time spent in the past. He’ll pick up his cell phone and dial a number he hasn’t called for awhile, and on the first ring a soft voice will answer, ‘Hello?’  He’ll chuckle to himself and say, ’what are you doing now?’  She’ll say, ’Oh, hello, how are you?!’  He’ll say, ’What are you doing – do you want to arm wrestle?!’  She’ll say, ’Ne! (in that special way) - where can I meet you?’  He’ll say, ‘I’m coming to get you, be ready in 15 minutes!’  She’ll say, ’I’ll be waiting patiently, please hurry!’

brought a lump in my throat, it's ironic because it happened right after my advice above, for everyone to dry their tears!! Thanks for another great post.

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Guest bbblyzu3










:tears: :tears: :tears:






gosh this whole news just break my heart into pieces






first i read about yong going to be in drama was confirmed then after few pages






there you go the rumor about them ending their WGM






and its real this time :tears:






huhhh I don't how I should feel right now..i just can handle my heart ..its hurt me :tears: never this sad before and cry






but no matter what my support :wub:  for Jung Yonghwa & Seo Juhyun won't stop just like that as well as my support  :) for 






















I'm trying to be positive for this upcoming saturday episode -_-


















I hope that all of us going to keep this thread a live even if they're no longer in wgm :)




































edit: winbros oppa and luvtokki oppa your post always make me want to smile and thank you for that im sure other gogumas also feel the same way ^^ 
























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Guest lovelorngirl
































































Can you guys translate this one, please? What does it say? Is it about them leaving the show?









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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















Ah, Gogumas, what can I say to make you feel better?!








There’s not much I can do to make you accept the inevitable, IF all these rumors are true.  You will each have to deal with this in your own way.  But, at least, we will still have this thread to use as a place to recall fond memories and help heal our combined hearts and souls.








Personally, I feel as if my favorite Son and Daughter have been swept out to sea, never to be heard from again.  My heart feels heavy and my eyes keep getting blurry.  I simply don’t want it to end.








Awhile back, I challenged everyone here to provide some hard news that Yong and Hyun were continuing with their filming on WGM.  At that time, I was worried because things were really quiet about our Yongseo couple.  Now, maybe we know why.








If all of these rumors come true, and Yongseo ends on March 14th, the only thing that I would recommend from all who can devote their time to this ‘mission’ is to bombard the WGM and MBC websites with passionate requests that IF Yongseo is ending on March 14th, that they are treated with the kindness and compassion they deserve!  So far, it has seemed that the MBC staff has showered these 2 lovely young people with love and affection.  I want to see that same feeling carried on to the very last episode! If they are treated as ‘coldly’ as the Adam couple, I will be extremely upset, and I doubt I will ever watch another Korean K-drama again.  MBC and WGM will be ‘dead’ to me.  I won’t want to go there again if they dispatch our couple as unfeelingly as they did the ‘Adam couple!








We need to let ourselves be heard – and we, as fans need to step up to the challenge to protect Hyun and Yong.   Please, please get on the WGM/MBC website and plead for our couple’s well-being!








On the other hand, we all knew it would end, just not this soon.  Although it is painful for us as their loving fans, I just hope it is not painful for our lovely couple.  I hope this decision to leave WGM was theirs – and not through pressure from their management companies.  I’ve always wondered what SMC and FNC would do if Yongseo actually showed signs of becoming a ‘real’ couple?  Did Taeyeon’s new year’s wish for YongSeo to become ‘real’ push some executive’s buttons at their respective management companies and have them demand to ‘pull the plug’ on WGM before their relationship got out of hand?  Did Yong’s confessions of love and commitment in ‘For First Time Lovers’ and its tremendous success also cause alarm in their management companies?  








We’ll never know for sure, and I am always skeptical of the Korean talent’s management and their commitment to their ‘talents’ happiness versus the need to make the most money possible from the ‘talent’ that they’ve invested their time and money in.  Yong and Hyun are a marketing commodity to these management firms.  Cold as it may seem, they are ‘streams of income’.   I just hope their personal happiness isn’t stepped on for the goal of creating profit for their management companies.








If Hyun and Yong mutually agreed to end WGM, I’m fine with it.  They’re both young, they have a long way to go before they consider marriage for real, they have hurdles and accomplishments they both want to achieve.  Yong has 2 years of military service, Hyun would want to complete her degree at college.   They both should experience relationships with other partners.   I know, you all just screamed, ‘NO!’ there, and I agree with you, I don’t want to see them with anybody else.   But they need to experience different personalities, different feelings with other partners.  It will be good for both of them.  They need to test their relationship with each other from their experiences on WGM against other relationships.  And if it satisfies the test of time, realize that they are only ‘right’ for each other.  I truly believe it will be hard for them to be close to anyone but each other.








But time passes, and the distance that will occur between them will make it extremely hard for them to keep in contact.  I’m hoping they beat the odds and still manage to remain close.   I’m hoping the main reason they want out of WGM is so they can continue their relationship without the cameras and the public eye on them.  That would be wonderful.  But we will never know, and that is what hurts the most, we won’t know and we won’t be able to share in it.  It will be kept a secret.  We will only be able to guess and surmise and hope.








I’m hoping that in a few years, Yong, after having reached his goals with his music, after many comebacks and awards, after having successfully completed a K-drama and receiving kudos for his acting skills, and spending his 2 years of mandatory service for his country, will be driving his red sports car from an interview for a radio station and he will pass a store where he once shopped for the ingredients for bean stew with a pretty, kind, young girl.  He’ll see a café where they once had drinks and shared laughs.  He’ll drive up the well-remembered road and park in front of the white apartment building with the azaleas and flowers.  He’ll remember bright eyes and happy smiles on a yellow couch.  He’ll remember a ‘truck driving girl’ and piggy-back rides and laughter that sounded like music. He’ll remember a goddess in a wedding dress riding on a cloud and smiling up at only him.  A feeling of emptiness will fill his heart, a feeling of yearning and loneliness for a happy time spent in the past. He’ll pick up his cell phone and dial a number he hasn’t called for awhile, and on the first ring a soft voice will answer, ‘Hello?’  He’ll chuckle to himself and say, ’what are you doing now?’  She’ll say, ’Oh, hello, how are you?!’  He’ll say, ’What are you doing – do you want to arm wrestle?!’  She’ll say, ’Ne! (in that special way) - where can I meet you?’  He’ll say, ‘I’m coming to get you, be ready in 15 minutes!’  She’ll say, ’I’ll be waiting patiently, please hurry!’








I can only hope they live happily, and hopefully find each other again sometime in the future.  I believe in their fate – to be together!        







































Luvttokki appa you almost made me tear up reading your post.   :tears:















You know thank you for such of eloquent post that really helps me feel so much better about this situation I was here last night when the rumors began hitting the net and since last night I being trying really hard to come to terms with the worst.















A couple of weeks ago I start thinking about how would I feel if things were to be over for Yongseo in WGM and I decide that I would try to take everything with a calmess and with a sencer feeling that what is mean to happend would happend nothing in this world happend without reason.















Whatever may come for Yonghwa and Seohyun I will try to support and be glad for their success and their failures if they do.






























BTW the last part of your post was just beautiful you should concider writting a fanfic.







































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Guest mimi_14

hello everyone! this is my first time to post here.. i just felt that i need to write my feelings before i go crazy..

i was completely devastated when i heard all the rumors.. i know that someday it will end but i still can't control my feelings.. They have been a part of my life,just like the adam couple.. the rumors of them leaving the show made me remember the time when the adam couple made the surprise announcement on the radio show.. i was completely devastated.. I said to myself that when the goguma couple leaves, i'm sure i'll be able to handle it.. but i was wrong.. words can't express how much sadness i feel right now.. :tears:

i feel that this is just a dream.. just when things are getting good, someone will wake you up.. then you never know what happens next.. that's the part that i hate.. the uncertainty of what's going to happen to them.. i want them to date so badly in real life.. they are just so perfect for each other.. well, i think i just have to wait and see and pray for both of them..

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Guest angels.disguise
















































































































Wow this thread is moving extremely fast.
















































































I'll be honest and say that my heart dropped when I heard Yonghwa was going to be in a drama
















































































and what it means for his schedule and for WGM. I was really hoping hard that they won't quit (and am still hoping because I won't believe it until I get proof) but if they do I really
















































































hope both of them the best in whatever they do.
















































































I really hope they start dating in secret and 7 years later pull a SE7EN and Park Han Byul on us haha. Because of these two I've totally come to love C.N. Blue and SNSD and my saturdays just won't be the same anymore.
















































































If I could, I want them to do an Alex and Shinae and come back after the show after a short hiatus. But :tears:
















































































Anyways i'm holding on to the last threads of hope haha.
















































































Someone give me good news please!
















































































Oh and Seohyun with a guitar!

































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Guest goguma_power

Hi fellows,

I just found something interesting at DC.

I don't know how to post the pictures, so I'm just gonna post the link.

So, this picture.

our proud goddess at airport in thai.

Goddess in Thai

Apparently, has GUITAR CASE on her side!

I don't wanna expect too much...

It would be fine, if they have secret guitar lesson during their stay.

But if they are going to play THAT song, together on their stage.....

I will get burst into tears.

Let's just put aside all the rumors and the news and pray!

sorry but this is not Thai airport (im Thai goguma), i think it's an Incheon airport of Korea after they fly back from Japan,BTW snsd will arrive to Thailand this Friday the same day with CN blue but different flight. SNSD will take the same flight with FT.ISLAND landing first and follow by CN blue about an hours later. dont know why the staff didnt place SNSD with CN.blue :angry:

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I'm Thai ^_^ & I'm one of member from SweetPotato Thaifan @Pantip.com































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In Thailand have alot of people that love & support YongSeo































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We love them sooooooo much...:wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the future, although WGM is over But I believe something that their love is going on & never stop !!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good night & sweet dream !!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Special Thank : The cap  pic from ahh_annann :w00t: very much!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Trent



Okay, everyone, let's see:

1. Yongseo isn't "trending" (or however you call that) over at Naver and Daum. (Crown J is still trending ... given the fact that Yongseo usually always trends on Naver whenever something new pops up ... well.)

2. MountainMadman said DC is quiet. Korean Gogumas wouldn't ignore a rumor like this.

3. Remaining footage (we know of): Yongseo couple went to retrieve their wedding pictures, went shopping and is suppossed to air their last episode on the 26th of March.

  1. Seohyun wears different clothes in their latest preview than in the shopping pictures. (Meaning: Those could be two different filming instances and thus, two different episodes.)

Usually, one filming account fills at least two episodes.

With the coming episode, the goodbye episode and probably two episodes just shopping (and bear in mind, the coming episode might be one filming isntance split up in two), that means we have at least three, more likely four remaining Yongseo episodes left.

That doesn't add up to March 26th. March 26th will be three episodes, counting next Saturday and the Goodbye one, which will supossedly be filmed on March 14th, but we have much more material. So either there's a special, there's a lot of cutting or it's just a rumor. Where did that rumor start? The sources need to me verified.

Comments? (BTW, I expect everyone to panic mostly because we are expecting the sad news every day, so please, please, calm down.) Also, the user that provided us with a lot of information had only ONE post (no offense to that particular user). Please wait until official news.

Best regards,


PS. I searched twitter for Yongseo - there are way more English tweets than Korean tweets about the departure.


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