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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MountainMadman

First of all, I've posted a new chapter of my fanfiction.

The Twentieth Stanza - 관습도감 (Royal Stanza)

And secondly...

PSH and Jung Yonghwa has been confirmed to be the two new leads in MBC's new drama, "Festival"!


Park Shinhye has been casted as the female lead in MBC's new Wednesday-Thursday drama, "Festival' (Directed by Pyo Min-Su, Written by Lee Myung-Sook, Produced by JS Pictures) scheduled to begin brodcasting in June.

"Festival" is a melodrama set against a background of a university of the arts and will be about students achieving their dreams through sweat and tears, and their sweet love and teenage romance. It has garnered attention for being Pyo Min-Soo PD's new drama, who also directed "Full House" and "The World They Live In".

Also, her co-star in 2009's SBS "You're Beautiful", Jung Yonghwa, has also been casted, bringing fresh speculation over their second meeting.

Park Shinhye will play a fresh and cute "bright girl" character who is a "gayageum genius" [TRANS NOTE: GAYAGEUM IS A TRADITIONAL KOREAN INSTRUMENT.] and will display her virtues of teenage lovability. Also, she will go against Jung Yonghwa's "cold city man" and "guitar genius" character,and will add even more excitement by unfolding a cute back-and-forth relationship with a touch of sweet romance.

Fans are already [...]

[TRANS NOTE: The rest of the article is about "You're Beautiful" and how they've already been in a drama, comparisons between that one and the new one, etc.etc.]

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My POV on Lumpiere's post.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm with lovekin in this matter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's overwhelming for me too. Since it has already been confirmed, sometimes I find myself rather not thinking about it but I will support both of them no matter what they do both separately or together.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, thanks to WGM, we finally got to know Seohyun. The imperfect yet perfect girl who seems to think deeper and more maturely in every matter life could bring up to her. She will support Yonghwa and like  love  yonghwa even more because she likes those types of guys. Yes yes, thanks to WGM we got to know Yonghwa as Jung Yong Hwa and not the guy from YAB, a guy who is driven and focused with goals he has in life.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Regarding the E** sensitive issue.

 Regarding the E-thing, I'll be sad. FOR SURE but at the same time it might be interesting to see their interactions outside WGM because then we'll know for sure whether they are together or not. Imagine having Yong introduce Seohyun @ inkigayo and not his wife. Imagine them talking about each other without having to consider WGM. Hmm that might add extra meatballs to my spaghetti but at the same time, I won't get extra sauce. I'll know I'll cry when E happens but knowing they are happy, make me happy and proud to be supporting them.  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But then again, E might not happen, because they're both good at finding time to meet and be with each other. We can safely say that Seohyun has always been busy but she always make the time to be with him to film WGM. Same goes for Yonghwa. I hope it'll continue. Whatever it is, lets just sit back and wish the best for both of them no matter what happens.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Random thought:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The description of the drama that rumoured might cast Yong sounds exactly like what Seohyun is going through now, don't you think? Seohyun is an art student, majoring in acting and at the same time engaging in a love story. Yes, yes, I hope and it doesn't hurt to hope that Seohyun will be cast on the same drama. Oh well my goguma brain is ringing goguma bells.  Though I don't think Seohyun has the time right now. Hmmph.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































M3, thanks for the news and everyone else, thanks for your posts!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry if I offend anyone and sorry if I break the rules.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello all... coming out a bit from lurker mode before I go to work.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks M3 for the news translation. So Yong's drama is confirmed huh... with Park shin hye... hmm.. My goguma heart have mixed feelings. kekekeke...kinda expected right?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well... I don't mind seeing Yong and Shin hye team up again for a drama, but being a somewhat "Minam-Taekyung" shipper from You're Beautiful days...its kinda weird to see Shin hye gets a "2nd chance" of on screen romance with Yonghwa. I was kinda rooting for Yong to be paired with another leading lady...just so that i can see how the "on-screen chemistry" will go and wouldn't it be more of an "experience" for yong if it was with a new leading lady, But i guess for my goguma heart it is somewhat more "relax" if its shin hye rather than a new girl we know nothing about with Yong right? and somehow i think from the "production" side its kinda safe option for them since it could somehow "lessen" the Yongseo fans shocked or heartbreak reaction., i think the team is being considerate in a way. LOL






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And my dear gogumas please lets not "Pull the gun" and immediately fall into "deppression" and start talking about the E word again. I mean, The E word is something we goguma should expected, its a sure thing BUT we don't know yet when it will be, the date has not been set yet. Besides more than anything, Hyun will surely beaming with proud seeing her Hubby in a drama with his good friend that he has introduced her to...so no complication there. :wub: and i think there should be a "counselling session" for post wgm stint, you know so that gogumas can help each other to ease the "heartache".































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh and also we have 47++ episodes of Yongseo while the drama will only have 16 episode... so cherish guys... ^_^ and be a good goguma that we are, lets support both Yong and Hyun in their upcoming projects or activity.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ps : Lovekin...i'm with you with the whole ring ding dong thing. I am actually wondering how they will "treat" the ring ding dong after wgm. To not wear it, is an expected thing from them BUT i'm wishing that they will still wear it, out of friendship at the very least, because that ring ding dong is just too precious. LOL.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(and if my delusional mind can step in a bit... I'm hoping that they will still wear their ring ding dong because there's a "romantic" meaning to it and I would like to see how "rebellious" are they going to be with the relationship... just saying.) ;)

































































































































































































































































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Guest tay_ys






Hi Gogumas Jjang!!!!


Second post  here...


Again Im delurk again due to the drama..so at the end its confirmed that Yong will be a lead actor for that drama..from the news the stroyline of that drama sounds nice and promising...phew.gif I hope Yong will do the best...


My Fragile Goguma Heart POV

Ottokke?...in my first post i stated that its alright for Yong to be in the drama.. but why now my heart feel so hurt..Mianhe i just cant deny it....I always hope for the best of both Yong and Hyun...but Im too selfish for wanting both of them to be together, I mean only them not with others.....Yes..call me crazy..but for now i decided not to watch the drama..sorry again...


How selfish I am..after the daebak episod last week...I can safely said that whatever happen in the future i wont feel so bad cause they already give all that we want...I must feel so grateful but now my selfisness overcome the happiness...tears.gif


P/s: Thanks for all the translation, sub video, caps. gif....


        sorry for bad english...





YongSeo Fighting!!!!



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Guest dangshin

tay_ys – welcome to In Go Phaem… hehe.. like you at first I’ve been keeping track of             my post.. J


intoxd – I love your pics and the Fairytale story… makes me smile BIG TIME!


Now my POV regarding the Drama..

I’m feeling a little bit sad about it.. when I read the article M3 posted it makes me somehow teary eyed.. (sorry but I’m such a crying baby.. L)

It just reminds me of how Hyunjoong leave on the 1st season of WGM because he’s been casted in BOF.

But don’t worry Gogumas.. it’s been a already Very Looooooong Journey made by Hyun ang Yong… and This two People surely develop the Feeling of Togetherness and Fondness on Each other and they have Precious Memories that they will Treasure (like us do) Forever!!!!

As their Loving Supporters we should Let them Grow as an Individual, Spread their wings and Fly… J

We’ll always be there for Them watching and praying for their success… and who knows in the future they will be together for REAL!



And I imagine Hyun will be the First Girl he will inform about this Drama (if it’s true that he’s been casted) .. and That would be SOOOO Sweet!


Let’s cheer up GOGUMAS!

And Enjoy the Ride….




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Well... I don't mind seeing Yong and Shin hye team up again for a drama, but being a somewhat "Minam-Taekyung" shipper from You're Beautiful days...its kinda weird to see Shin hye gets a "2nd chance" of on screen romance with Yonghwa. I was kinda rooting for Yong to be paired with another leading lady...just so that i can see how the "on-screen chemistry" will go and wouldn't it be more of an "experience" for yong if it was with a new leading lady, But i guess for my goguma heart it is somewhat more "relax" if its shin hye rather than a new girl we know nothing about with Yong right? and somehow i think from the "production" side its kinda safe option for them since it could somehow "lessen" the Yongseo fans shocked or heartbreak reaction., i think the team is being considerate in a way. LOL

































Sorry to cut your post.








I totally agree with you. I'm more relaxed that Yong will be paired off with Shin Hye. Let us remember that Shin Hye also supports Yongseo.








I hope other gogumas will remember that during the promotion of "Banmal Song", Shin Hye had shown support to our couple. It is only fair that we support this pair-up too.








Let us not add fuel to other "negative" comments that may appear as filming date drew near. Also, remember how people initially opposes to the formation of our couple, but in the end, become goguma like us.








We both love Yonghwa and Seohyun. And we should support their career growth. Remain to think positive that despite all this, our couple will remain in WGM...



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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































hello gogumas,^_^^_^^_^














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the news about yong's drama makes me come out from my lurking mode....














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now its confirmed that yonghwa will do a drama with psy...thanks m3... it seems that yong is really interested to try acting again and i think that this project is just the right one for him and seohyun... why? i will put in a quick connection:














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. psy is already yong's friend and he is more comfortable to work with her in a drama again.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. psy already know seohyun, for sure there are more information that fans like us dont know about the real status of yh &sh.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. accepting this drama by yong is like he still considers what might seohyun feels.... think about it, psy is the safest choice to be with yong in a drama right now specially if he will stay in wgm or not and if seohyun and yonghwa are together for real.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































plus seohyun might have an appearance in the drama, there is a big possibility since the drama is from mbc as well.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































few pages back, i've expressed my hesitation about this drama and fear for our yongseo, but reading other posters opinion makes me realize that as a yongseo fan, seeing our idols going another mile closer to their dream is already a milestone for us. lets enjoy this upcoming drama.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for sure, what seohyun and yonghwa shared in wgm is amazingly a life changing journey for them and they are still the most incomparable couple to any other couples wgm had.:wub::wub::wub:














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































on the other note.... thank you to all translators, uploaders and subbers. you are certainly the gems of this thread!!!  to all who post screencaps, all of it are in my hd now. kamsahamnida















































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest YSLN0910




I'm in here because I want to know what happened with YS. Is it not the end of their story, right? I already read all of your post (and I think I'm going to pass out, I can't sleep because of those rumours ;cry) and still can't get it (actually I won't). Can someone explained it for me? T_____T










p.s: His new drama.... with Park Sinhye... rite? God



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Guest Trent



How long does it take for a drama to film? Currently, we are about two to three month ahead of actual WGM shooting, so ... well. Does anyone have any details on that? Plus, Taecyeon was on WGM despite filming for Dream High. He was not THE lead, but A lead, so ... we'll see what happens?

Best regards,



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Guest KuroNeko116












There's an end to everything... and I feel that it's inevitable that Yong will have to leave WGM.














If everyone remembered the movie Dark Knight... Heath Ledger had to really dig deep into the joker character that he had trouble differentiating reel and real...














If Yonghwa is going to be involved in a romantic pairing with PSH, he will have to be in character. It's going to cause a lot of conflicts especially for Seohyun since this is her first "relationship" experience. There will be times when she will feel insecure. There are many arguments to this really... It just worries me...














On the bright side, 3 and 1/2 days until saturday TT__TT





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Guest .:LaUrEn.:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































According to these articles, Yonghwa is quitting MC duties for SBS Inkigayo after 8 months. March 13, this upcoming Sunday, will be his final day as MC. Jo Kwon and Sulli will remain as MCs and be joined by IU and Lee Ki Kwang.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So much news to process in on day! First the news that Yonghwa will be starring in a new drama with Park Shin Hye, and now he’s leaving Inkigayo. It was inevitable I guess that with the craziness of CNBlue’s comeback and Yonghwa’s drama that he would have to lighten his load. I’m not even going to THINK about the possibility that he might leave WGM…

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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According to these articles, Yonghwa is quitting MC duties for SBS Inkigayo after 8 months. March 13, this upcoming Sunday, will be his final day as MC. Jo Kwon and Sulli will remain as MCs and be joined by IU and Lee Ki Kwang.








So much news to process in on day! First the news that Yonghwa will be starring in a new drama with Park Shin Hye, and now he’s leaving Inkigayo. It was inevitable I guess that with the craziness of CNBlue’s comeback and Yonghwa’s drama that he would have to lighten his load. I’m not even going to THINK about the possibility that he might leave WGM…















lol. Talking about BUSY schedules!!! And Yonghwa was filming Running Man last Monday... He's schedule is definitely packed. No wonder they have to film WGM ahead...



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Guest mimayree




Yes call me selfish but I am so sad that it is confirmed( the drama.).


I hope he will not leave his shows one by one.. My gosh...I don't know what to say. Let's be positive.


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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Finally after trying a few times, I can make a knit and purl. It's not difficult as I think yet. Well maybe it because I know how to crochet, so it's easier for me to learn knit then. Well, actually I just wanna say that I have no idea how a reality show can influence me that much :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About Yong Hwa new drama. It's confirmed eh? I have a mix feeling about this. Just like most of you, my fellow gogumas. A little bit sad and yes now I start to think a big E again. But, yeah. Everything has an end right? I just hope WGM give us the most beautiful end for uri couple.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Back to new drama, the good things are Yong Hwa paired with PSH which we all know yong hwa has introduce her to seo hyun. And I believe Seo hyun has alredy know about this and she support yong hwa 100%. And to see how their relationship right now, I think there's nothing to worried. If they not end as a couple, I do believe they will always be a good friend :rolleyes:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi to all,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm glad with all the good news lately.































































































































































































































































- The comeback + the boys new album































































































































































































































































- The girls japan single will release































































































































































































































































- Yong newest drama






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seems like they will have a very..very busy months here.































































































































































































































































Hope YongSeo will still have a day for filming their scenes here..































































































































































































































































& please do get healthy for both, so that they will not have to choose which shows to be drop...































































































































































































































































& we still get to watch it..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Newest drama by MBC...































































































































































































































































Looks like Yonghwa wish comes true.































































































































































































































































He do wish to act this year.































































































































































































































































An anticipating drama... Music+Youth+Romance...Interesting.































































































































































































































































We as goguma's fans will support him through out this drama..































































































































































































































































& glad the partner will be PSH.































































































































































































































































It cross my mind here, this is MBC production right...































































































































































































































































Can Hyun be special appearance here??































































































































































































































































WGM also an MBC shows, hopefully she will come to this picture.































































































































































































































































Of course I will be more delightful, if this wish comes true.































































































































































































































































(Just like My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox (SBS) - they do make a special appearence from You're Beautiful (SBS) cast...)































































































































































































































































If this happen, I rest my case.....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































p/s : Yong last inki 13 March?? Really...































































































































































































































































Edit 1 : allkpop































































































































































































































































So, he want to focus on their comeback. Good for him this way.































































































































































































































































So he will not back & forth from 1 place to studio for live performance.































































































































































































































































A very nice decision






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































To M3, did you get a premonition or what.... deja vu with your stanza dude..































































































































































































































































































































Park Shinhye will play a fresh and cute “bright girl” character who is a “gayageum genius” [TRANS NOTE: GAYAGEUM IS A TRADITIONAL KOREAN INSTRUMENT.































































































































































































































































From :cnbluestorm]




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT 2: Newest couple.































































































































































































































































Still no news when the episode will broadcast, right..































































































































































































































































Now I'm preparing my "mental" for 15 min broadcast for that episode, since all new couple will get 30 min broadcast. & the rest 20 min broadcast time for next episode..Hope it will come for next 5,6 weeks time..































































































































































































































































Am I greedy.. YES!! I am greedy. Greedy for YongSeo 30 min broadcast episode.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT 3 : I'm totally lazy to make new post, just edit this 1.































































































































































































































































The "E" word, let them decide it. We take what we can "watch". Just enjoy it.































































































































































































































































Bout the relationship, only both of them know what happen, & the feeling.































































































































































































































































WE can hope the best for them.































































































































































































































































Bout their career, they both young. Let them grab all the chances they can get. Just support them for what ever they do. That's what fans for.































































































































































































































































Love them for what they are, not because they handsome/cute/sweet ok.. hehe (but i admit, that's still be the 1st factor here. Me, included).































































































































































































































































& reminder to all, all -ve vibe/comment/news... Please.. Do please make it as spoiler. Otherwise, the post will get a -ve remarks there... hehe.. Just a reminder..































































































































































































































































Keep the happy vibe here. Can we stop talking bout the "E" word... ;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Still frustrated by this news : JYJ’s DVD and album excluded from Japan’s Oricon Chart. I hate whose behind this. Give them a space... They got talent but no 1 will give them the damn chances..

































































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let's think this way:

since now that he is quitting inkigayo, there is a lesser chance of him quitting WGM =)

also, as someone pointed out, since it is an MBC drama, they might be able to coordinate and get some footage for WGM like maybe 

1)BTS of hyun visiting drama filming..


2)running thru the script and practising with hyun??? xD (i love this idea- those who watch adam as well, rmb when they ran thru the script for their drama? ^^)

or others~

let's be positive still!

oh and seeing how hardworking(or workaholic?? xD) yong is and that (i would like to believe) he really enjoys WGM filming,

i would like to believe in him that he will try his v best to juggle drama with WGM and not leave =))) (as long as his health condition allows him to ^^)


anticipating mc's twit / preview / saturday!!

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Guest kjtodd08



























                              Currently writing: First Love ft. Seohyun & Yonghwa


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Guest Xanshi








Time to de-lurk again....








Our fellow gogumas are talking about the E-word again? I'm not really good at words but I'll try my best in here.








We should support any projects that the Yongseo couple would do. I very happy with Yonghwa is given an opportunity to act again. I think, this is his chance to increase his popularity as an celebrity.








We all know the E-word is bound happen, that is the reality of things. We should accept it. If anything the couple has taught me in this past year that we should think positively. Don't look at the glass half empty, rather look at it half full.








1) The drama is from MBC, the same station where WGM is being broadcast. I think it would be easier for Yong to arrange his filming schedule because it's from the same station. If the drama was from the other 2 station then I'll be dreading how can he fix his schedule to keep his stint on WGM.








2) Like what others have mention, his partner on the drama is PSH. I don't have to further explain why this is the safest choice for yong to partner with for a drama.








3) There is no announcement of a new couple in WGM. Sure there have been rumors about Lizzy of Eun jung, but nothing have been confirm. Why do I mention this? Because even the PD's of WGM didn't want the popular Adam couple to be the only couple in the show. If I remember it correctly when yongseo came out in WGM. After 3 episodes, Lee Sun Ho & Hwangwoo Seul Hye ended their stint in WGM. I don't think the PD's will let the Khuntoria couple be manning the show alone.








Lastly, alot of people are still dreading the E-word. For me, I have come in terms with it already. Why? Because I am confident that because of this show, this two has already establish a special relationship with each other. But what kind of relationship, that I do not know. So when their stint ends, I do really think that they will keep in touch with each other. And who knows, there might be dating outside of the show (think positively).  Just look at Se7en and Park Han Byul, they were able to keep their relationship a secret until they announce it in 2009. They have been a couple for 10 years now. Who knows, this might be possibility for our couple. Like others have mention it here, their expressions are too real to be acting out as a couple. I myself is good at observing people, and I can admit that I'm having a hard time distinguishing the real from reel in their interaction.








So to my fellow gogumas. Keep thinking positively!





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