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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest rizeleth
































I only post sporadically but OH WELL








this episode is like WWWOOOOHHHHH!!! hahaha








Anyways, did anyone of you notice that before Hyun gave the








SCARF and AFTER she gave it to him,
















Even though at times the camera would zoom at their face you would see that Yong








has Hyun in his embrace.








I just find his impulsiveness to hug her CUTE!








For me that's the best part of this episode because unlike the photo-shoot (though I still love it nonetheless) where they are
















Aww.. Really, love Yong's small hugs. :wub::wub:








back to lurker mode... :ph34r:









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Guest pseudonykkaii








Good things come to those who wait.




Indeed indeeeed!!!


So beautiful. So giddy inducing. So yongseo!!! I feel a sense of satisfaction, pride and adoration for our couple. This episodes sums up thebest bits--its the best one to compare from the first episode and say 'this is how far theyve come.' and we gogumas have been withthem since day one. Doesntthat make ur goguma heart well up with pride??




Gosh dayyum. My cheeks are still blushing from thebest 30 minutes of my goguma life. In gochun, off i go!!!!<3



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Guest yongseorockin


‘YongSeo’ share their first kiss on “We Got Married”








SNSD’s Seohyun and CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa finally shared their first kiss! Well, sort of.




On this week’s broadcast of MBC’s “We Got Married” on March 5th, the ‘YongSeo’ couple continued with their wedding photoshoot, for which they dressed up in bright and fun-styled clothes to match their ‘elementary school‘ concept.




During the photoshoot, the director asked Seohyun to give Yong Hwa a peck on his cheek. No matter how many times they shot the ‘kiss’ scene, Seohyun was adamant on not letting her lips actually touch Yong Hwa’s cheek. But the ‘husband’ was content nevertheless, as he laughed and stated, “I only felt the breath from her nose.”




It was only until the last minute of their shoot when Seohyun did indeed peck his cheek, giving a lovely and innocently cute photo as the final result.














cr: allkpop


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Guest luxubu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok, today episode is DEABAK. I was smiling like a fool watching 2 lovebirds together. Can't wait for next week

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest zenluvbi






Seo Joo Huyn. you lost your first kiss.


I love this ep so much (  part 4 really make me w00t.gif:w00t:w00t.gif:w00t:, then phew.gif:phew:phew.gif:phew:)



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Guest wenoevol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i'm smiling wideeeeely since i watch yongseo ep47..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hahaha, cant stop smiliing and spreading the yongseo kiss story to all my friends.. XDD






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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although i cant understand their language, but they could touch my heart...:P






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !! that´s all I can say now... when I watched the episode again I started to cry, it was so beautiful,:wub:.
































































































































































































































The best part, the last 6 minutes of pure Love, YongSeo´s style XD. I can´t help but think, if they were able to relax that much when they left  the photoshoot crew but they still were with their WGM crew, What can they do when they are completely alone??? OMG!!!! * dies :wub:.
































































































































































































































Best skinship... Hugs!!! all the way!!! Of course I also love the kisses, but hugs were magical :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































And finally, I want to spazz about Yong´s new cf... there is a part were he is showing to the girl his room? (don´t remember) but he did the SeoHyun tchan (same sound when she gave to him the scarf)... That was so freaking cute, I couldn´t help but think in the Imagine lyrics
































































































































































































































"We imagine that we become more and more alike".
































































































































































































































Thank You Juhee, you are the best sister ever!!! and also thanks to Mountainmadman and Dduck!!! thanks semifly and TheSoneSource21, and to all of you for amazing pictures ^^.
































































































































































































































Ok off to watch again... and again... and again XD!

































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










another Tale, another Heaven for us











The Swan Princess Hyun





























Long Long time ago, Lived a Princess who cursed into a Swan.











At night she is in her human form, but as soon as the sun rise, she turn again to a Swan.











She can be saved only by a True Love confession.





























One night, when she singing near the lake, a prince captivated by her beauty and her voice.











they sing together while the prince playing his instrument, the guitar.











They are falling in Love, but still no confession yet.





























at another night, he found her almost dying, almost losing her time.











The witch who cursed her said, she will be turn into a Swan forever if before her 20th Birthday no one confessed a true love to her.





























He kissed her and confess his love, he also ask her hand in marriage.











The curse are broke and she accept his love.





























They Married and Live Happily Ever after :lol: :lol::lol:


















Ps: like any other gogumas said, IF THIS IS NOT REAL, THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS.











       everything they do screams REAL to me. i cried and cried because too happy. my heart want to explode










































































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Guest Germbaby





Otokae! Next week I am going Korea with my daughter. Not in time to watch the epi. Dont know whether can I watch in Korea or not. If not, I hope its still at Youtube when I am back. I will try to hunt for Yonghwa and Seohyun related stuffs for sure! Already agreed with my daughter. Heee


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Guest yongseorockin


@wallpaperfood You have to stop your nosebleed. We need to live to when they are both 100 and 102 years old to see them both have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.




Thanks a lots to semi-fly for the uploads. M3, Dduk, JuHee for translations.




I think Kay77 clear up my doubts over the lyrics translations.




Keke. today's episode is really daebak. Honesly I thought, if it wasn't because of cameras and people around, IF Yong and Hyun were alone together. Yong would have been more daring to do more stuff towards Hyun. But he is really being very careful around cameras and stuff. And he backhugged Hyun because he though Hyun wanted a backhug. I guess he though Hyun wanted it and allowed it. Hyun probably wants it but always put on an awkward face. You know those moments when you really want sth but purposefully denies it. Thats the way they are.




EDIT: AH...I top the page. Shall repost the links to watch again.




YongSeo 1/4


YongSeo 2/4


YongSeo 3/4


YongSeo 4/4


YongSeo Previews




Credit to the respective uploader (not me)


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Guest aneng












































































I...I....I...noticed something. *__*
























































































































































I can totally live the whole week watching them after the photo shoot. There are so many things going on the whole walk, let it be physically, emotionally and verbally. ASLKDJASLKJD








































































































































Okay, okay I get it now you two...your bodies would not be the closest without going on something in the back, right? (This is...if you don't get my caps up there)

















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Guest yongseorockin
































































































































Read this Gogumas!!! Its really DAEBAK. Yong asked if he should kiss her for real and she nodded! Seo Hyun hoped he came closer!!
































































































































































































YongSeo Couple Successfully Kiss
































































































































































































































































































































The YongSeo couple has successfully done their first kiss.
































































































































On  the episode of We Got Married that  aired on the 5th, CNBLUE’s Jung  Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun were in the  middle of their wedding photo  shoot, continued from last week’s episode.
































































































































 During this  episode, Seohyun wore several wedding dresses, gathering  praise from  many people. During the shoot, two CNBLUE members, 2AM’s  Seulong, and  Kim Nayoung visited the couple. When they came, they  complained, “You guys have been married for a year, don’t you think it’s time for a kiss?”
































































































































 Seulong also put in to the photographer, Lee Jaeho, “Don’t you think all wedding pictures should have at least one kissing picture?, and the photographer immediately liked the idea and agreed.
































































































































 In  the end, the YongSeo couple had to do a kissing photo. Seohyun,  who  was completely embarrassed, nodded “Yes” to Yonghwa, who asked her, “Should I kiss you for real?” Yonghwa eventually gave Seohyun a kiss on the forehead, but very slowly.
































































































































 Afterwards, during the private interviews, Seohyun said, “I was hoping he would come closer.” while Yonghwa confessed, “The first kiss with Seohyun was [really] careful.”
































































































































Meanwhile, the couple has finished their wedding photo shoot successfully.
































































































































































































































































































































Credits: news.nate.com
































































































































Photo Credits: news.nate.com
































































































































Translated by ilysmtown @ SMTownJjang
































































































































































































































































































































I took it from FACEBOOK SNSD SeoHyun Forever

































































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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































OMGGGG !!!!! just finished watching the episode even though there wasnt any subs
















































































































but ahhhh kiss scene and the beautiful park scene
















































































































I think i loved the park scene the most especially the back hug from yong. During that park, yong seemed to be hugging hyun alot, like when she gave him the scark he wrapped his arms around her for a while and also when he thanked her for the scarf and towards the end of the episode
















































































































This definetely is one of my bestest episodes ever. I just wish they would have actually like pecked cause it was just kinda skin really really close to other skin LOL
















































































































But better than nothing !!
















































































































Since next week, the preview shows yong losing something, what do you guys think it is?? could it be the scarf?? but how could he chuck a scarf away??
















































































































Also is it me or was the filming of next weeks episode different to the fancam pictures we saw from the shopping filming?? hyun's hair is kinda different and looks a bit shorter and they were wearing different clothes. So was this another secret filming??
















































































































































































































































































































































Hope they've had some other secret filming recently because from what we've heard the shopping scene is only left from their filming
















































































































I dont think next week's episode is going to beat the DAEBAKNESS of this weeks preview. I have a feeling im going to be rewatching this episode alot of times









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Guest bbblyzu3





OMG  :w00t: ..somebody need to slap me on my face ..ottoke I'm smiling like a fool now..



today episode DAEBAKKKK:excl: excl.gif  I don't how to describe it in words



I'm happy today i managed influenced my brother to watch with me  I felt less weirdo in front my pc ..usually I always spazzing alone lol :lol::P



now its confirm that  she went to learn knitting last year to make yonghwa a scarft :wub: 



now so many things first time for seohyun do it with  yong :wub::)



oh my what should I do with my heart right now  :rolleyes::sweatingbullets:





sorry if there's grammar error


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Guest LalaCAKES
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm waaaaay late on the spazzing BUT OH MY FREAKIN GOODNESS WHAT?!?!?!?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Our dear maknae is so... grown up now.... :') so proud, so proud.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But um.. does anyone else wish they got a legit on the lips kiss?! :phew: But that's just me and my wishful thinking I suppose~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There were just sosooosoooo many cute moments in this episode. Most definitely a favorite already; I can't wait to rewatch it over and over and over again! hehehehhehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways I'm here with preview translations for you all kekekke!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: What is it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































<Something is strange about Yong husband today>
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: What now?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: You didn't lose it, did you?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































<Yong husband.. lost.. something??>
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: I see..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































<Hyun wife seems to be pretty angry this time..>
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: I won't open it for him!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Ah really!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































<Yong husband is ki.. kicked out just like this??>

































































































































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Guest FallenAnjewl
























































































































I...I....I...noticed something. *__*
















































































































*quoted image*
















































































































*quoted image*
















































































































*quoted image*
















































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































I can totally live the whole week watching them after the photo shoot. There are so many things going on the whole walk, let it be physically, emotionally and verbally. ASLKDJASLKJD































































































































































































































Is it yong's arm you notice?? im not sure as well, but it does look like yong's arm is around her ahhh !!!!
















































































































i would like to think so. That night they seemed to be quite close to each other and hyun was very comfortable with yong hugging her and wrapping his arms around her

























































































































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Guest Lildedprinxez















When I first saw you, it was like a dream <-- yeah, we can see that from his reaction in 1st ep xD



Because of your smiles which are like that of an angel <-- he really loves hyun's smile  :wub:



If this you could become my love, what would I do



Just thinking about that had me feel so happy <-- so he reallyyyy likes & loves her a lot!









I will let you know <-- i hope he will let her know, but maybe he already did that?  :wub:



I'm imagining you



Imagine you looking at a smiling me



You who are holding my hand~ Oh~ Oh~



Under a spell you become my love



Imagining you, imagining you sleeping in my arms <-- haha reminded me of ski ep, he so wanted hyun to lie on his arms! xD



You're kissing me~ Oh~ Oh~ <-- yeahh, partially seulong's fault! LOL



Imagining sweetly









In a white house on a small green green hill <-- their WGM house is white & hyun likes white house.



We are sitting on a yellow swing <-- so everytime they're on the yellow couch, yong imagines him & hyun sitting on swing instead? kekeke :P



I serve you morning coffee when you wake up in the morning <-- not satisfied at seeing her waking up & waking her up... now, he wanna serve her coffee? his favorite drink. keke









I imagine to be with you every day <-- sigh, i feel for him & hyun



Imagining myself holding you~ Oh~ Oh~ <-- ooohhh love this imagination!



Imagining sweetly









Every day we can imagine our being the other's half



We imagine that we become more and more alike <-- don't hafta imagine, yong. u both are already alike in many ways.



My dream will come true <--  wow, this is a big statement. it shows that he's determined &  believes that hyun will become his. aigooo zooming to the clouds  already! :w00t:









I love you, be my love



I love you, I pluck up my courage and confess <--  yong has confessed already!? can i just say this base on my IF  statement... no wonder they both looked so owned ever since towards the  end of last year till to date. OR maybe he's planning to confess?? ok,  that's just my opinion!



Oh~ oh~



You're my imagine love <--  no need to imagine, yong... just go for it! hyun loves u very much  already! (so i guess he has been thinking & imagining things with  hyun a lot! xD)













OMG! I love this IF SCENARIOS! I won't be surprised if yong reveals that he wrote this song thinking of hyun again! OMG Hyun! Yong already written 3 songs for you!!! *envious* waaah~ reading this post makes me feel like i'm on dreamland! :)) I wish yong's true feelings to be revealed. I want him to confess! I want to believe that everything is real. ohhhhhh~~~~ I WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER!! :)) Ok one crazy fan! :P But really I can't help not to imagine these two together for life! :D





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Guest mysweetpotato








wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif THIS SO MUCH!:"> :">


I just wanted to share this to all of you:">




How sweet is that? Yong you silly boy:) You can be so silly and choding sometimes and romantic and sweet too!:)


You always surprise us both of you.Yongseo couple, never change!:) ! You are so so soooooo loved by all of us!



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Ackh! as expected should there be a kiss scene YongHwa will most possibly be very 'polite' darn that manners of him really making me gritted my teeth! nonetheless its very expected for him to be cautious. I don't know if Yong has been too polite for too long...I think even Hyun is gritting her teeth for his politeness... aaaahhhh blissful! ^_^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Puge2
















































































































































































































Woowww... All Gogumas Spazzzzingg Time~~~ hhee...
















































































































































































Really an episode which bad for our hearts.. :P
















































































































































































Actually love all the parts!! :wub:
















































































































































































sharing some pics :
















































































































































































our uncle kim hehe :D
















































































































































































and cute expression from our Couple :)
































































































































































































Love this photoshoot.. Yong looks to his Hyun.. haaa... SWEET
































































































































































































and off course this one!! all the MC's have reaction. Uncle Kim like usual volcano reaction, Even After School Nana shocked too hhe.. Really this couple :wub:
































































































































































































Well, about the review I find its cute :D I think the prev showed before they went to shopping nee??
















































































































































































Love Na Young Unnie, Seulong, Jonghyun, Jungshin support to YongSeo hhe...
















































































































































































Waiting for Saturday with this DAEBAK epi. as a accompany to wait :)

















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