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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest YSLN0910




I'm new in here, and I'd like to spazzing more about YONGSEOOO!! WOOHOOO!! Yongseo is my fave couple in wgm after Hwanhee and Hwayobi. Their sweetness and skinship makes me go.... WHOW! lol




Hope I get more YS from here.



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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































Thanks for the translations! :)
















Just something I'd like to say/comment on...































would they mention a kiss if they're not going to show it?
















We've always spazzed about uri YongSeo kissing ever since we found out about the wedding pics































I hope they're not playing with us  dry.gif  lol































In my perspective, if theyre mentioning it then it means a kiss or something very close to it might happen
















Because.. why else would they bring it up, right?































Because they want to created a buzz about the episode. I mean  the movie and TV bussiness tends to hype trailers and  promos so people will watch it and then you watch and is a big let down.






























































Example when Britney Spears cameo in Glee this was all over the place that she was going to guest start at the show and then she only have about 1 minute total on a 1hr show minus comercial breaks but you get the idea and you do the math.
















However, that does not mean that the possibility of a kiss is impossible because with YongSeo you really never know.

















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Guest SGajumma








Stealing some time to make this quick post.



My sincere thanks to fellow gogumas for helping me verify the “hand”. Guess it was wishful thinking on my part. I actually harboured a small hope because I thought that that scene could be the foot-age of a close-up filming that they inserted. I was thinking along the line that during filming, the PD could always ask for some scenes to be re-taken right? Then they edit every episode before they broadcast. And sometimes, ‘mistakes’ could happen during editing, right?








Anyhow, back to reality. My thanks once again to aneng, sally7, quisty86, winnieho, jnj and zealous for the verifications.








My apology to yonghyunforever if I have ‘misled’ you.






Taking this chance to also thank the rest of the gogumas (sorry I cannot remember many names yet. Give me more time to familiarise myself in this thread.) for the lovely pics and worthy news. To luvtokki and winbros, your sharings from the male perspective are certainly very refreshing in the thread. Keep them coming. They make very good read. To kay77 and mrsjoker, please keep your objective views coming too.






So much said for this thread, is there a Goguma dictionary that new joiners could refer to without having to go through the thousand over pages to find out the meaning of special terms, e.g. what is go-chun? what is go-in-paem?













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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































Stealing some time to make this quick post.































My sincere thanks to fellow gogumas for helping me verify the “hand”. Guess it was wishful thinking on my part. I actually harboured a small hope because I thought that that scene could be the foot-age of a close-up filming that they inserted. I was thinking along the line that during filming, the PD could always ask for some scenes to be re-taken right? Then they edit every episode before they broadcast. And sometimes, ‘mistakes’ could happen during editing, right?
















Anyhow, back to reality. My thanks once again to aneng, sally7, quisty86, winnieho, jnj and zealous for the verifications.
















My apology to yonghyunforever if I have ‘misled’ you.






























































Taking this chance to also thank the rest of the gogumas (sorry I cannot remember many names yet. Give me more time to familiarise myself in this thread.) for the lovely pics and worthy news. To luvtokki and winbros, your sharings from the male perspective are certainly very refreshing in the thread. Keep them coming. They make very good read. To kay77 and mrsjoker, please keep your objective views coming too.






























































So much said for this thread, is there a Goguma dictionary that new joiners could refer to without having to go through the thousand over pages to find out the meaning of special terms, e.g. what is go-chun? what is go-in-paem?































Actually there is a dictionary for slang in this forum however is going to take some time to dig it out of the mountain of pages in this forum but to answer your most immidiate question :






























































Go-chun: stands for Sweet Potato Heaven































In-Go-Paem: International sweet potato family






























































Edit: Well I did some digging and I found it I hope this helps.






























































Goguma dictionary...






























































1. Go-Chun - Goguma heaven
















2. Ring Ding Dong - When the precious couple rings are spotted.
















3. Gollum - Goguma ring detectives
















4. Precious - couple ring
















5. Hamburgers - Yongseo haters/Antis.
















6. Goguma FBI's -
















7. In-Go-Paem - International Goguma Family
















8. Goguma Planet -
















9. Goguma Villagers - citizens of Goguma planet/heaven?
















cr. to CallMeDayDreamer of soompi

































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Thank you WINNIEHO  and ZEALOUS for your links. I had read the articles at dramabeans before of the explainations for the levels of speaking and the funny and very insightful meaning of oppa, but even though I did it was when it showed up here, that I went back read them again and also read all the comments that really gave more insite into the meaning of using banmal and the term oppa. I've read all 4 definations and these are the best to explain the use of the Korean language and explains why it is still a barrier for Seohyun to speak in banmal with Yong. She does call him Oppa now so that is a good thing, right?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Watched the concert and I am totally hooked on the "Jam Session" part. Not on any recording I suspect but it was totally WOW!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
















































Just For Fun in my spare time






























































Please enjoy..:D






























































































































































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Guest aneng












































































@withMBC tweeted the new picture along with a message: 용서 부부 웨딩 사진 공개 2탄! 이번 주 토요일을 기다려 주세요~ 뭘 해도 예쁜 커플+_+ http://yfrog.com/h8iibllj




































































I hope somebody can translate it too. Thank you.








































































































































Oh, fortunately Google translate gave a good translation. What a beautiful couple indeed.




































































I've seen photos of Yonghwa on yesterday's last filming of Chocolate. I don't know if it's just my being obsessed with the couple but I found their expression almost the same.




































































It didn't actually gave off a feeling of positive (unlike on other days when you would really feel that they're in a good mood) but it's something stern and almost cold...for me. Or maybe Seohyun always has that expression but to Yonghwa...it's kinda scary and all.





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Guest teuksunghae




















@withMBC tweeted the new picture along with a message: 용서 부부 웨딩 사진 공개 2탄! 이번 주 토요일을 기다려 주세요~ 뭘 해도 예쁜 커플+_+ http://yfrog.com/h8iibllj
















I hope somebody can translate it too. Thank you.































Two shots of Yongseo's wedding photos released. Please wait until next Saturday. What a beautiful couple !
















I don't know korean at all... i use translator... but it seems to make sense..





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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, fortunately Google translate gave a good translation. What a beautiful couple indeed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've seen photos of Yonghwa on yesterday's last filming of Chocolate. I don't know if it's just my being obsessed with the couple but I found their expression almost the same.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It didn't actually gave off a feeling of positive (unlike on other days when you would really feel that they're in a good mood) but it's something stern and almost cold...for me. Or maybe Seohyun always has that expression but to Yonghwa...it's kinda scary and all.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest KuroNeko116















I just wanted to share how



yongseo's relationship



affected my life.





















I've always viewed






relationships as



something very



complicated, confusing with too much drama and a waste of time
























However, it always made me curious... curious about other people's stories...how they got together...how they met...so many questions. I'm still a romantic at heart...minus all the cheesy stuff.




































It was grilled in my head from early age that independent success (school, career) is the first priority, with family and friends second and romantic relationships last. Like Seohyun. You can probably tell by now that I don't have much experience in this field. My "experience" comes from relationship stories from friends...so much so that I started to create certain assumptions and certain perceptions of how the other party should act/say. My friend, through her experience, taught me that






a person should be comfortable being emotionally independent before starting a relationship.














I lacked the experience but i knew the theory.

































That became an issue. During a time when i least expected it, a boy came into the picture. We became friends. One of the things we didn't do was establish where we were. (It is in a woman's nature to want security of any sort from a man) We avoided the topic. Lines were blurred. However, I was too emotionally independent and too focused with my career goals that I had trouble letting him in. I'm an analytical person by nature and for me, a relationship was like a detour that I thought I couldn't take(given my situation). I analyzed the pros and cons of having a relationship at that time. I analyzed why it felt weird..or wrong... or whether i was supposed to feel if it was right or wrong...and in the end the cons won and decided that it wasn't worth the distraction. His nature of always wanting to see me, talk to me and just be with me started becoming suffocating and frustrating. He couldn't understand my situation. I ended it. I didn't regret it.




































Watching the YongSeo couple, It made me realize that a relationship like theirs












That it doesn't have to be complicated if you don't make it complicated. That relationships are give and take. That being in a relationship is a beautiful thing and should be appreciated. That having someone wanting to know and understand you on that level is a privilege



. Most importantly, their relationship showed me that an analytical and realistic person like myself can eventually open up to someone and that it is okay to be emotionally dependent on someone (to a certain degree).





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Guest mfkzai
















this has nothing to do with the latest episode or pics just a thought after watching an OLD old episode but just needed to wite it out so can sleepcrazy.gif ......... somone has probably already mentioned this ...... ahhhhhh here goes
























i was just thinning that maybe d mildang didn't start of as a test for her  ........... but as a defensive mechanism for him .......he was in all probability really touched by the whole day d song / d ring/ d hand holding n loads more .....n then they were told there was enough material so no filming for 4 wks, 
















n i think that is round bout the time they were introducing the new couple he could have assumed that they were their replacement couple coz so far what they had shown hadn't been the image of a married couple n it had been widely reported that people were frustrated by them n their lack of 'skinship' or couplely stuff
















n then a new couple comes who are completely comfortable with one another(ummmmmmm), fairly from the start n have a lot of people wanting to see the two together  ……….
















ok back to the point now if he had carried on as he would have straight after that filming both of them would have gotten very close to one another she would have let down a lot of her defences so when at the end of the 4 week period they were informed of the end both would be deeply hurt, he defences would be back up n stronger than before n he wouldn't even have a chance of friendship let alone relationship with her.
















plus they way she was back then i don't think she would have agreed to a relationship coz it could lead to her having a scandal n she wouldnt have wanted to risk it. they'd go back to bowing to each other at music shows or events n that would be that.








































long story short less communication = less pain latter coz less memories swirling in the head
















im probably all wrong as this came to me as i was about to go to sleep after watching a past episode  something i should really stop doing for my own limited sanity









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Guest aneng












































































ayanapunya- I'm not trying to make it a big deal, okay? (: But anyway, here's the link of the Yonghwa's picture. http://gall.dcinside.com/married/642660 I think it's just me not wanting to see Yonghwa looking like that.








































































































































On a light note, I noticed (okay, I'm sorry I notice a lot of things today) on the new wedding photo shoot, Seohyun's smile. She looked really radiant in that smile that she literally can make everyone look at her more than Yonghwa. Her smile gave off this feeling of having fun in the photo shoot and happiness. I've searched her photos in other photo shoot, sometimes her smile looked awkward, forced and just...simply a smile. But this time, it's a smile.








































































































































But you don't need to be defensive about this D: I'm not trying to imply something. /sigh lol I don't know but I feel offended





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Guest pandacaryn
























In my opinion, those are not flattering pictures of him. Putting his under pictures of jonghyun and minhyuk smiling makes it look worse. Personally, it just looks like he is concentrating, trying to sing his best. Also, I think he looks tired. Yong Hwa is not perfect, he can't be smiling and bright all of the time. Hopefully he doesn't overwork himself. 























In the wedding picture, Seohyun looks genuinely happy, her eyes are smiling. I can't wait to see the next episode. Yong Hwa seems sooo nervous!!! Part of me wants them to kiss, but the other part wants them to kiss without cameras. A back hug with him kissing the top of her head would be precious. He has done almost kisses for a photo shoot before. Also he was nervous for his "kiss scene" with park shin hye, because he said it was his first kiss onscreen. He even used breathmints or something like that. So adorable. 









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Guest SoshifiedSone9Angels

I only watch the first episode of WGM with Seohyun.. Hope i can watch it again.. They are a cute couple though... keke!! =P

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Guest soshisoshisoshi








you know what? screw it!!!!






I am actually in college, sitting on a, bench waiting for my next class. SUDDENLY BAM!!! A person next to me, happened to browse through AKP with a laptop and was reading the article shared on the previous page about the second wedding picture.......... after that, I hesitated for a few seconds, then finally made an "IMPORTANT DECISION" to go to the library..... to do what?? well, what I'm doing right now, typing my post :sweatingbullets:. what do you know, I proudly report to you that I just broke my promise of "without YongSeo" day......






gosh, COME ON! can't the picture be released tomorrow??? suddenly MBC decided to release the picture before Friday. call it a coincidence to what I'm trying to avoid? (lol that sounds stupid)






iibll.jpg*new picture from my imageshack acc because MBC deleted the ori picture already -_-








LOL, no one can resist this lovely couple :wub::wub:








*sigh.... I failed B)









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Guest pandacaryn



Looking at the picture again, a little scenario plays out in my head. It's like Yong Hwa is about to mount the bike and ride off, and Seohyun grabs his arm stopping him. But the way she is holding him, it seems like it is her claim on him. 


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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Thank aneng for this pic & zealous for news from allkpop.
































































This pic is so sweet and feel gently. Huyn was so happy with link Yong's arm. Yong is so cute with pink bow :wub: SNSD's color. I bet SNSD's girls will love it too. So cute Yong seobang.
































































And the bike's basket have many Goguma . That is the reason why Huyn was so so happy like this :)) she had two thing, a handsome & caring husband just for her and many many beloved Goguma :wub: Yong become Goguma husband what Huyn love the most lol :P
































































From the day I hear YongSeo couple have their wedding photoshoot at 28 December. I'm so excited. Can't stop thinking of them. How beautiful they'll be, how good they're together. :wub: and now that day has come with full of happiness and sweet.
































































Today, I'm so happy when my Korean friend have her little daughter. And because she & her husband are YongSeo fans and they decided will name their daughter is JooHuyn with full of love The little girl is so so cute and always smiles like uri SeoHuyn hihi. Hope she will be a beautiful girl when she grow up...






























































































































































































































































My Korea friend sometime quarrel with her husband about some little things (as every family) and they were so frustrating. But from the day she & her husband saw YongSeo, they always was happy and remind of the day when they're fall in love together. Because the difficulties of married life, they have forgotten their happy memories... on days when they just walk together well enough happy































































































































And a baby girl had be born with love for YongSeo :wub:






























































































































































































































































Because YongSeo, I began very happy with little and simple things...































































































































Saturday pali pali ♥ Can't wait anymore

































































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@aneng: thanks for sharing the latest news. Now it feels like friday but its still thursday ahhhhh...


And don't worry about how Yonghwa is looking. Those are just pictures, we have to see the video :)


Let's all cheer up and be happy :)



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Guest AngelVillian




Lols, this picture shows me that,

-Yonghwa and Seohyun is so in love

-They have a healthy relationship

-They love to get goguma from their mini farm once in awhile in pretty dress and suits.

-Seohyun is plain gorgeous.

-Yonghwa is drop dead handsome.

well, i kinda hope they don't really have a healthy r/s. LOL i want a dirty one. JUST KIDDING



Check out my fanfic "dreams"



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Guest SophiaPia
























































Hello to all gogumas :)























































































jnj - thanks for that lovely shining, spakling precious.























































































Thanks to all who always shared screen caps and preview about our lovely YongSeo couple.























































































YongSeo almost KISS, or even a KISS and whatever KISS they will have as long as they will KISS. It's so fine with me LOL.























































































Thanks to Na Young and Seulong for the suggestions that they need to Kiss hahaha.























































































Saturday pls. paliiiii i'm so excited with the KISSSSSS, and hubby Yong so nervous and wife Hyun did closed her eyes already hahaha. Love love love























































































Cheers to all









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