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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest tinababes
















anyeonghaseyo fellow gogumas!














well it's been 48 hours since the wedding photoshoot episode and i can't bring myself out of spazzing! i'm still in go-chun <for which i intend to stay til saturday kekeke>! this couple bring such joy to me! i love them so! and while watching the said episode for the nth time a thought comes to mind: maybe Yong is hearing his own heart goes duguen duguen that is why he is so speechless the whole time Hyun is fitting in the wedding dresses! maybe Yong is thinking "be still my heart"--- and then a song comes to mind with the same lyrics: we could be in love a duet by leah salonga and brad kane. here's the link My link














i'm just thinking and hoping and praying:














> all of Yong's soft stares, his shyness, his speechlessness, his fidgeting, his "ill at ease" vibe (just like what a groom is feeling on his wedding day!), his breaking into a subtle soft smile after checking out Hyun in a wedding dress --- are symptoms of "we could be in love!"














>Hyun's eye smiles, her level of comfort towards Yong especially during make up scene, her way of calling Yong "Oppa" it sounded sweet and i think it is more intimate, her glow (it's like how a bride glows during her wedding day!), her way of talking Yong into doing a "cool pose" ----these are symptoms of "we could be in love!"






























in closing i want to share a quote fr a book i just recently read"
































uri YONGSEO started out as strangers, the awkwardness, the mildang, Yong's efforts, Hyun's changes, and now they have come to this ---- i don't know how to define it or to what to call it --- i may just say i love what they are now and hopefully they will continue to be so in the future!!!
















on the side note: i like the background songs on this episode especially the one playing while Hyun in on the bling bling dress and the song while they were having the photo shoot around 25:38 --- i would really be grateful to someone who knows the songs please let me know! many thanks to you in advance!









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Seoul Cultural Arts Awards - February 28, 2011 (today)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































not very clear but seohyun still uses a ring.

































































































































































































































































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sorry to cut your post.  i also have many first with this couple.  i like you don't ship.  but really are they compatible in real?  she idolizes un secretary, and he bon jovi.  seohyun really is a role model for all young women.  yong is like most naive young men dreaming of being in a successful band and making it big.   my opinion is seo has big dreams she has already set a path to accomplish, and would not be help with real life distractions like yong.  she is only child and in korean society she has big aspirations to fulfill.  yong is more like a lost puppy when i watch them.  he is the lucky one.  too much competition for entertainers in kpop.  he prob won't last so hopefully he will learn more from his wife.  






























































































































































































































































































I am sorry to cut your post...
































































































































I was content in my lurkdom and was going to stay that way but your post made me come out of a lurkdom.
































































































































After reading your post, I want to ask you if you really know Yonghwa at all and all that he has accomplished in Korean entertainment business, not just K-pop, and all that he had to overcome in his debut year in K-pop in 2010. If you know Yonghwa at all, outside of WGM, you will know how far Yonghwa is from "lost puppy". I haven't seen that many young men, in K-pop and in real life, with more definite goals, determination, dedication, passion, and fortitude in regards to his future than Yonghwa.
































































































































Not only does this young man have a definite and clear goal for his future, but he has shown that he has strength, dedication, and determination to overcome any obstacles, as he has already in CN Blue debut year. In a year and a half that he has been in the "showbiz", Yonghwa has already accomplished much more than many young stars in K-pop right now.
































































































































I can safely say that I know Yonghwa very well, because I have followed Yonghwa and CN Blue very closely since his acting debut in 2009 and CN Blue debut in January of 2010. I have followed very closely, reading everything I could about Yonghwa and CN Blue. I have followed closely from their own interviews (on-air, off-air, and off-the-record interviews), Korean media and netizen responses, and overseas responses. I know all about all the controversies and all obstacles Yonghwa and CN Blue had to overcome in 2010 to accomplish what they've in 2009 and 2010.
































































































































I am Korean, and I am fluent in both Korean and English. I have been following very closely with what is going in K-pop since 2006 so I know very well what goes on in K-pop, probably a little more clearly since I am Korean and fluent in Korean.
































































































































I can safely assure you, from what I know of Yonghwa, he is very far from being "naive" and "lost puppy", and he definitely has more than what it takes to last in K-pop. This is not just my own opinion, but also an opinion of those who are in Korean entertainment business.
































































































































I am guessing that you probably know Yonghwa in WGM only and using what you've only seen in WGM as base of this particular opinion of yours of Yonghwa. It is fine for you to just know Yonghwa in WGM only if you are just sticking with posting WGM related opinions only.
































































































































However, please be more careful when you are making your assumptions about Yonghwa's overall personality, his music, his dreams, and his future in K-pop. Yonghwa's dreams, Yonghwa's overall personality, and K-pop is far more complicated and much deeper than what is shown in WGM. WGM is a variety show, not a reality.
































































































































Please, learn about the person you are talking about, in this case Yonghwa, and get to know all that you can about him, outside of one single variety show, before making a generalized statement or conclusion about his dreams, his future, and his personality. That is all I ask.

































































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Thank you joshua27 for providing an alternative translation for that part. So it sounds totally different from DDuk's translation. Not that it's a big deal for me. I love that they kinda bicker in that part. As for me, when there is an alternative translations in an episode, I always choose what I like best. Regardless if it isn't the most accurate one.




































































But anyway, when I saw pictures of Seohyun from tonight's performance. After forcing myself not to look at her hand, I eventually gave up and glanced. Then I saw that she is wearing it (just that, no friendship ring, correct me if I'm wrong), the first thing that came into my mind was 'Oh! They're still together!'




































































...what was that, right? -___-




































































To make this post interesting...




































































Giddy me is giddy! ^^ I just want to pinch their cheeks then put them in my pocket just because they're TOTALLY adorable here. I mean, it looked so casual and normal and all...come on, intertwined it!




































































credits: dc married





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Guest soshisoshisoshi








just adding the picture geumjandi shared just now....
















is that the forever shining "THING"??? :wub:. goguma mind will always be goguma mind...









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soshisoshisoshi, sorry to cut your posting..
































He has been through hard times, eversince CNBLUE's debut in Japan, and to reach the point where CNBLUE is right now, it's everything because their music, the songs Yonghwa composed and other factors other than that...... But the best thing about him is, he was able to open this pure-innocent girl named Seohyun to have an adventure in the world called LOVE, and as a "husband", he has done REALLY well. Sorry to say this but to me it's Seohyun who was "lost"  - in the very beginning. the reason of their relationship now is because Yonghwa trying very hard to lead Seohyun, and in turn Seohyun has been catching up!






























































































































Definitely,i couldnt agree more!!! Yonghwa is a very hardworking man. but he always acts playfully and happily so people may think that he's just an immature man. excessive amount of coffee he's taken shows that he puts so much effort to stay awake and work, while coffee and stress can hurt stomach ( i think YongHwa got gastritis disease-from ep.43-). Ahhh, i'm so in love with this man. kkekekekkekekeeke
































And, just wanna sharing a picture. i edited and manipulated this from pictures shared in this forum (i'm sorry i forgot whose pics i've taken,since i used 4 photos from 4 different pson to make this. i'm sorry for my poor photoshop skill. :)
































































Uploaded with ImageShack.us

































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Guest SophiaPia
























































hello to all chingus :)























































































We still have more wedding episodes coming so, just sit back and relax. Right now, i'm in a repeat mode of the warm up wedding episodes. I don't know how many times i repeat it :) 























































































What a lovely YongSeo couple. Just look their eyes and we know the answers with so many questions.























































































Thanks GeumJandi and soshisoshisoshi for sharing wife SeoHyun photos on tonight awards nights. Yes! wife Seohyun still very married to hubby Yong and hubby Yong still very much married to wife Seohyun with that shining, sparkling Precious wub.gifwub.gif








































Cheers to all









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One side of me: What the heck am I still doing at this hour in the office mad.gif? [Note: It is 10pm in Kuala Lumpur]








The other side of me: Dude, you’re working + secretly ph34r.gif enjoying office’s fast internet access to watch YongSeo latest episode . Your house’s internet connection sucks nowadays, remember?








One side of me: Hahaha…Chinca?? Didn’t realize that, boohoo tongue.gif!Now back to your job doing the statistics while I’m finishing this week’s ep’s spazz.








One side of me: Alright, so where do I begin? Am still floating [since last week]. So this is the longest period of my flying-without-wings moment and I presume it will last a bit longer~








Well, people said :: Pictures tell thousands of words :: And this week, pictures tell countless of words biggrin.gif.








But I’m speechless vicx.gif. There is no right word can illustrate how beautifulwub.gif this week’s episode has been. It is beyond describable. It is an epic. It is an unforgettable tale.








Yong is so perfect. His words, his reactions and hismovements. Subtle and carefully taken. But, Dude, sorry, when it comes to finding a guilty lover, We, the gogumas FBI are the BEST. Duh!  You can’t sooo NOT DENY that you are sooo happy and sooo in love.








And Hyun, can’t you not be more beautiful? Aigoo~ you’re making our Yong’s heart melts for a thousand times wacko.gif~ And Hyun, I know you try so hard to be that strong girl, but you can’t fool us. We know that you are truly glad that he is your husband. He completes you so do you complete him.








Every eye-contact is sincere, every little touch is remarkably incredible, every stole glance is forever remembered and every word of compliment is heart-warming. It is a beginning of relationship glow. It’s an exciting and memorable experience. And I’m sure both will treasure it very much.








[My hubby’s possible reaction :: Can these two just get married for real already crazy.gif ?Hahaha ]








And yes, if they are just making it up, they are superb actors. Coz I can sense real feelings there.








It is a perfect fairy-tale that I will tell my [future] kid for her bed time story. Even Snow-White and Cinderella can’t match up to YongSeo’s tale. Disney’s time is over~ Hahaha!








Owh  yes, one more thing, a short message to whom it may concern :-








Dear haters / antis / I-don’t-like-the-idea-of-YongSeo-becoming-real shippers








With all due respect, though I know your writings intended nothing but sincere insights, I think it is a little too insensitive to be barging into somebody else’s house and tell them their curtain is ugly when you are not the one who are paying for it, don’t you think so ? These people [Wait what?These people? Rephrasing: ME and these people] are genuinely cheering for YongSeo’s happiness at our own expense. Let me know if by spazzing aboutYongSeo’s happiness is making your money lesser or worst making your nose grows longer. Then I can assure you, we will close this thread immediately coz peeps,increasing number of bankrupt Pinocchio is seriously dangerous for the nature’s survival. Trust me! [Ok that’s a joke, don’t take it seriously eh sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif~] So here’s the deal, you let us be happy with our curtain [though you may think it is ugly] and you go build your own house with your own beautiful curtain and be happy there. How’s that sound? Pretty much win-win situation eh? Coz all we want is “World Peace” ~ and no offense k? Am just being honest cool.gif~








Oopss!! Gotta go peeps, hubby is waiting at the lobby~ See U Guys !! YongSeo Fighting!! 





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Guest lindayeahyeah



Hey everyone~!

I saw on the Yongseo filing schedule that they filmed on 10 Feb. Any one knows anything about that? Meaning they met only a few weeks backs. Thankfully.

Judging from what they have filmed so far. Footage would probably last till April? So they will probably meet up in March.

Maybe theres more filming during the MBC Korean Wave festival at Thailand on the 12th.

Any news on the 10 Feb filming please share okay? Thanks!


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Guest raia1303












































































































sorry to cut your post.  i also have many first with this couple.  i like you don't ship.  but really are they compatible in real?  she idolizes un secretary, and he bon jovi.  seohyun really is a role model for all young women.  yong is like most naive young men dreaming of being in a successful band and making it big.   my opinion is seo has big dreams she has already set a path to accomplish, and would not be help with real life distractions like yong.  she is only child and in korean society she has big aspirations to fulfill.  yong is more like a lost puppy when i watch them.  he is the lucky one.  too much competition for entertainers in kpop.  he prob won't last so hopefully he will learn more from his wife.  





































































































i respect the aforementioned post of calmocean, but for me, i feel that both of them are naive and have shortcomings in certain ways and have been able to complement each other on those instances. seohyun is naive in relation to human relationships, for she has really focused on improving her craft and acquiring knowledge alot of idols MAY lack. while yong on the other hand, may have been too focused on his music that he may have forgotten the bigger things in life, outside his musical dream, band and career. having said this, i also think, with them being together in wgm, constantly interacting they were able to see the aspect that they still had to improve on. for example seohyun, with the help of yong, she was able to open herself up to someone other than her unnies. she was able to show emotions, that only a few, gets to see. let's not forget how yong in the latest ep., mentioned, how much effort he has exerted in terms of adjusting to seohyun, to which, i think seohyun greatly acknowledges. on yong's part, i think seohyun was able to help him realize the importance of family and health that was seen on the busan/meeting MIL ep. and the health check ep. respectively.































well. i definitely enjoyed the ep. and with everybody else, i am looking forward to the next episodes of this couple! let's just stay positive and just ignore the antis, no good news and rumors that will just waste our precious time and thread space! :D















































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hello my goguma chingooo..
















































































































































































want to share this pis..
















































































































































































first time share for DC http://gall.dcinside...998&page=1&bbs=
















































































































































































sorry if have been posted :sweatingbullets:
















































































































































































credits : DC Married

















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Guest nikijenlo






Hello people...


Ahhh...soo happy coz Monday almost come to an end on my timezone...counting the days until the big Saturday. Missing them already...:wacko:


I was re-watching the wedding epi while listening to this song, and suddenly the sweet voices and lyrics became clearer to me and it really suits with our lovely couple relationship...


Song title: We Could Be In Love


Duets by: Lea Salonga and Brad Kane


the song's link


Here it goes...:phew:




be still my heart


lately it`s mind in on it`s own


it would go far and wide


just to be near you




even the stars


shine a bit bright i`ve noticed


when your close to me




still it remains a mystery




anyone who's seen us



knows what`s going on between us



it doesn`t a genius



to read between the lines



and it`s not just wishful thinking or only me who`s dreaming



i know what these are symptoms of



we could be in love








i ask my self why


i sleep like a baby through the night


maybe it help to know


you`ll be there tomorrow




don`t open my eyes


i`ll wake from the spell i`m under


make`s me wonder how




tell me how i could live without you now?




and what about the laughter


the happy ever after


like voices of sweet angels calling out our names


and it`s not just wishful thinking or only me who`s dreaming


i know what these are symptoms of


we could be in love




i have dreamed of this


but i could not see your face




don`t ask why to such distant stars


can fall right into place




any one could see us



know`s whats going between us



it does not just a genius to read between the lines (ohhh)



and its not just wishful thinking



or only me who`s dreaming



i know what these are symptoms of



we could be in love






oh it doesn't take a genius


to know what these are symptoms of


we could be (repeat 3x)


we could be in love



Please listen to it and hopefully there'll be some FMV later using this song as background music.. (i wish)..:D


Thank you to fellow spazzers in this wonderfull and warm thread.. thumbs-up to all of us!


Let's wait for another great episode enfolding before us...:wub:



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After reading your post, I want to ask you if you really know Yonghwa at all and all that he has accomplished in Korean entertainment business, not just K-pop, and all that he had to overcome in his debut year in K-pop in 2010. If you know Yonghwa at all, outside of WGM, you will know how far Yonghwa is from "lost puppy". I haven't seen that many young man, in K-pop and in real life, with more definite goals, determination, dedication, passion, and fortitude in regards to his future than Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Not only does this young man have a definite and clear goal for his future, but he has shown that he has strength, dedication, and determination to overcome any obstacles, as he has already in CN Blue debut year. In a year and a half that he has been in the "showbiz", Yonghwa has already accomplished much more than many young stars in K-pop right now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can safely say that I know Yonghwa very well, because I have followed Yonghwa and CN Blue very closely since his acting debut in 2009 and CN Blue debut in January of 2010. I have followed very closely, reading everything I could about Yonghwa and CN Blue. I have followed closely from their own interviews (on-air, off-air, and off-the-record interviews), Korean media and netizen responses, and overseas responses. I know all about all the controversies and all obstacles Yonghwa and CN Blue had to overcome in 2010 to accomplish what they've in 2009 and 2010.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pardon me for cutting your post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am really glad that you have helped to address the judgemental comment about yonghwa. Thanks for sharing the real side of Yonghwa. =))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here is my comment.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think it is because Yonghwa is trying very hard to make Seohyun feel comfotable hence he seems very playful, so some viewers who see things superficially perceived Yonghwa as who he really is in WGM. Then some of you will start asking, "Means Yonghwa is not in his true self in wgm?" He is most likely showing his real self in wgm but as a boyfriend.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As a fan of CNBLUE since Yonghwa YAB days until now, Yonghwa who is an A blood has a personality that blends with the environment and the people. This is just my opinion and how I feel.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When it comes to work, Yonghwa is a perfectionist. He thinks about connecting with the crowd, he wants the audience to experience good music from CNBLUE. The way he guides his team mates, you could tell he may look strict and serious but it is for their own good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then Yonghwa switches back to his playful mode when it comes to wgm or when he is just chilling with his cnblue members. He is the joker in cnblue's members' heart as well as Seohyun's heart. All of them describe him as a playful person. But the reason behind him being playful to people close to him is to create social connection among his friends or colleagues. He has been networking backstage with many other artists who are not close to him too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He has big dreams, cnblue's music being in billboard charts and making cnblue a grandfather band are one of his dreams which he has repeatedly shared to his fans.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Watch wgm with an open mind, his personality shown in wgm may not be entirely his real personality. Therefore, provide constructive comments when you have more or less understand or observe Yonghwa's behaviour/personality through his music/acting career. Don't judge somebody when you don't know him well as it will create unnecessary misundestanding.

































































































































































































































































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kay77, thank u for coming out of your lurk.

its been a while since your last post.

u said it best than most of us here.

and for that, i thank u again.. :)

okay...back to spazzing..

i am glad that the BILs are there for them.

jungshin chingu is made for variety programe.

he is so witty! :lol:

and jonghyun, even tho he doesn't talk much..

he is also comfy with hyun and i can see that he is a caring person.

in fact, all of them are. :wub:

poor mh..his presence will make it more complete..

for SILs, we know how loud and cheerful they are.

yes, they will definitly make the atmosphere more fun.. :w00t:

but on the other hand, i want to see hyun depending more on her

hubby than her unnies...

for instance, she would ask yong's feedback on lots of things during the photoshoot..

and hubby, as always, will be there for her.. :wub:


aneng, u are not the only one. ;)

i dont want to be a desperate gollum, but there i was checking on

her wedding finger!

and when i saw the precious...aahh..i felt so relieved.. :sweatingbullets::lol:

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Guest ellaisha








Hey guys, just watching the lastest episode of YongSeo couple...




The wedding!! The photoshot is gonna be awesome! The angel Hyun and the prince Yong has meet..




Btw, if you guys know RDRsubs, why they take a long time to not subbing videos? I wonder, is there something wrong?




Just wanna say that!







RDRsubs will be back on march , they explain in their site that they become busy in school.... but anyway waiting for their comeback soon... ^_^^_^





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im just gonna add on a short comment, in reality isnt that how it actually works? couple dont always aim for the things on the same level, or possess the same traits etc, isnt it meant to be one person's best traits complete his/her partner's and his/her weakness completed by the other. so the two of them complete each other.




you cant always have both partner liking the same thing or aiming for the same thing. Seohyun's ambition is different and impressive, I'm also really impressed with her role model.However, just judging by the amount of time and money spent on equipments and writing songs, that to me proves that yonghwa has a big ambition and passion in music. he aint just sitting there not doing anything, a singer who writes his own songs and tries to be diverse in the music he presents i.e he is familiarising with the djing remix stuff, is to me still pretty impressive. and music is still a notable ambition.




other than that, loving the episode.. cant wait for next week cause i think its gonna be awesome.




am i the only one who things that the couple's outfits are similar to their shopping date fantaken pics? maybe its a coincidence or just similar looking cause they wouldnt have time to go to the shopping mall after the shoot and the shooting dates were different too.



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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































@calmocean - wow, with a nick like yours, you sure "made waves" with that "interesting" post of yours..... ^_^
































































































































Annyeong go-chun chingus, raise up your hands those of you still in spazzville..... I take a break from spazzing and the thread is abuzz with a bit of angst.....  antis, Yong the naive, blah blah......
































































































































So I thought long and hard about a nifty reply to all the negativity, but decided to randomly write my thoughts instead.
































































































































Why do I/we wait impatiently each week for Saturday to arrive.....
































































































































Why do I/we love Yongseo.....
































































































































Why do I/we ship Yongseo.......
































































































































Why do 2 young idols in another country command such a hold over my/our attention..............
































































































































I mean for crying out loud, we have some pretty talented people in the community, peeps who translate weekly for us, put together amazing FMVs, do snazzy pictures, write great fanfics and all, and contribute to 3 Yongseo International projects (thanks Fairy!! and don't leave us for too long yah!).   We have at least 1 lawyer (yeah luvtokki, here's looking at ya!), we have people doing their thesis (and please don't let yongseo distract you, that thesis is important for your future, ask Hyun, she'll tell you the same thing :lol:), we have shippers who aren't even in Secondary School (that would be Grade 7?), shippers who are grandparents (I mean there must be at least 1 or 2 right??), shippers who are in the prime of their lives (that would be cup-half-full-ajusshi-shipper me....), shippers who are dads or moms, shippers who are still searching for their equivalent of Yong or Hyun (and good luck to you if you're measuring every potential partner by Yongseo's standards :wacko:)......  We have more than 2240 fanclub members from different countries and all walks of life......  and what do we have in common? 
































































































































































































































































We've read how many of us have somehow been positively influenced by the blooming relationship and affections shown by uri goguma couple for each other each week, some of us may have been depressed, unhealthy, fed up with life in general, doing the same old same old, wondering what in the world is going on with people in general these days.....  I'm in the "the world is going down the toilet" camp, what with natural disasters, terrorism, piracy, rising costs of living, work stress, etc. flitting through my mind now and then.  But being the apathetic (some can read pathetic here, its cool with me :D) Singaporean that I am, I tell myself that I just don't care anymore, not about things outside of my family and my immediate circle of friends......  let the world come to an end if that be the case.... (sounds gloomy right, yeah tell me about it, that's how I felt last year).
































































































































Then when I started on Yongseo in WGM after a WGM Season 1 25 (or 26 I forget) episode marathon, what I saw was something fresh....  and through this couple, life got a little more fun again.  Watching Yongseo was like watching the awkward moments of first love, maybe even pure love, and boy was it a joy to watch them discover each other (in a totally non-perverted sort of way of course, hey! its WGM we're talking about, not the Blue Lagoon!.... and for those of you who actually know or remember Blue Lagoon, man you're as senior as I am! :P) each week in each new episode.  What made spazzing about Yongseo each week fun was spazzing it with  spazzers like yourselves... Oh the outpouring of joy and love for the  couple, all the positivity is awesome for someone jaded like me.
































































































































Coming up to this latest episode where we all entered go-chun aka spazzville watching the love light :wub: shining through uri couple's eyes as they gaze upon each other in their wedding livery finest, many of us (am I assuming incorrectly?) have decided that they are for real.  2 incredibly talented, fantastically driven (yes Yong too....) and innocent (Hyun's pureness aka "like vs. love" and Yong's clumsy mildang) yet beautiful people who were placed in a program to entertain us, and entertain us they did, not deliberately, but in their own dorky adorableness way.... in Yong's "tried so hard" to reach out to Hyun way, in Hyun's "OMG we never thought Maknae could be like that" own unique way in reaching back at Yong......
































































































































And you know something, I genuinely feel that they (Yong & Hyun) have a huge amount of respect, admiration and love for each other and their own strengths.  Yong's a talented composer and great musician, he's getting better in variety though his acting chops will need a bit more work.  Hyun's a fantastic dancer and singer, a great musician like her "husband" cough*boyfriend*cough, a mature and responsible young woman in an industry where perhaps such women are hard to come by.  I don't think any of us are in any position to say who's stronger than the other, and I agree with 1 poster who mentioned (I can't trace who said it and my apologies for not crediting you, my bad!) that "they complete each other".
































































































































I love kay77's post as CNBlue is the korean group that I'm shipping now more than any other, and though not as knowledgeable as a BOICE, I know they've been through a lot to be as successful as they are now.  This group of boys/men is super-talented, seriously.  And for those who have not heard their music, do yourselves a favor and at least pick up 1 CD, I recommend Bluetory or Blue Love for starters.
































































































































I also love R4TU's post about seven & park han byul, for that gives us hope that yongseo can continue post-WGM if they want to.
































































































































So put aside your not-so-positive thoughts, stop wondering who's better for whom, forget about the antis out there, just sit back and enjoy the ride with the rest of us goguma-shippers, it'll be fun for sure........
































































































































So in YONGSEO we trust. :)

































































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Guest shinhdeplol

Can we share Seohyun's photos but not related to WGM here?

I just wanna share those gorgeous photos of her from Seoul Culture & Arts Award



C: Ihope9

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And you know something, I genuinely feel that they (Yong & Hyun) have a huge amount of respect, admiration and love for each other and their own strengths.  Yong's a talented composer and great musician, he's getting better in variety though his acting chops will need a bit more work.  Hyun's a fantastic dancer and singer, a great musician like her "husband" cough*boyfriend*cough, a mature and responsible young woman in an industry where perhaps such women are hard to come by.  I don't think any of us are in any position to say who's stronger than the other, and I agree with 1 poster who mentioned (I can't trace who said it and my apologies for not crediting you, my bad!) that "they complete each other".
































































































































I love kay77's post as CNBlue is the korean group that I'm shipping now more than any other, and though not as knowledgeable as a BOICE, I know they've been through a lot to be as successful as they are now.  This group of boys/men is super-talented, seriously.  And for those who have not heard their music, do yourselves a favor and at least pick up 1 CD, I recommend Bluetory or Blue Love for starters.
































































































































I also love R4TU's post about seven & park han byul, for that gives us hope that yongseo can continue post-WGM if they want to.
































































































































So put aside your not-so-positive thoughts, stop wondering who's better for whom, forget about the antis out there, just sit back and enjoy the ride with the rest of us goguma-shippers, it'll be fun for sure........
































































































































So in YONGSEO we trust. :)































































































































































































































I am so, sorry to cut you post...
































































































































I've been lurking and I've came across your post about how you've come to love Yongseo several days ago. That post really brought smile to my face. You, sir, are very gifted with your words, and your story was beautiful as well as fun :wub:
































































































































I quoted your post up above and because I wholeheartly agree with your sentiments here. I am a Yonghwa and CN Blue fan first and foremost so I am much more knowledgable about Yonghwa and CN blue than I am about Seohyun and SNSD. However, I do respect and love both Yonghwa and Seohyun, as a coule and as individuals. I just don't know why some feel they need to bring one of them down in order to praise the other. Both Yonghwa and Seohyun are such talented and beautiful people, both inside and out, that they don't deserve negative comments from those who don't bother to really get to know them as "real" people, not just as one half of a couple on a variety show.
































































































































winbros, you have forever won my heart with your comment about CN Blue. For someone like me who became Yonghwa and CN Blue fan because of the way they've overcome and accomplished in their pre-debut Japan days and in their first year in harsh and unfair Korean music industry (those who don't know Korean language and the extreme expectations Korean netizens have about "band" don't have a clue of the magnitude of what Yonghwa and CN Blue have faced and overcame in a year in K-pop) and because of their music and their dedication to their music, your words are like honey. :lol: I am forever your fan. ;)
































































































































As for Yonghwa's acting... give him more time. His role in YAB wan't really planned. He was regular student in high school and he was preparing to debut was a band member after high school. I don't think he had anytime to even think about acting or even had to train to be an actor at all when he was casted as Kang Shinwoo in YAB. It was a complete surprise to him that he was asked to audition for the role and then getting the role. ^_^
































































































































In addition to your recommendation of Bluetory and Bluelove, I do like to recommend CN Blue's Japanese singles to others as well, Yonghwa's compositions One Time, I Don't Know Why, and Don't Say Goodbye in particular. :lol: Jonghyun's Lie and Eclipse are great, too. Jonghyun's compositions are very different from Yonghwa's compositions but true to CN Blue color nonetheless. At this time, imho, their Japanese singles represent "true CN Blue color" much more than Korean albums, because of the way Korean popular music is right now.

































































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hi guys! ^^

this latest ep is veryyyy fishy eh! i know a lot have been talking about it but i myself can't help to repeat this... YONGSEO IS REAL.


- yong admitted that she's the first girl he brought home. and even MIL said it herself.

- the explosion of romantic skinship in busan & suddenly the lack of romantic skinship after busan trip. but the main relationship-is-going-smooth indicator is hyun. she didn't indicate any sign of distress.

- yong who always submits to hyun's wishes whether he likes it or not. who would wanna do something that could very well be embarrassing in front of the world like being dolled up by some girl? unless he likes her very much or loves her.

- the BILs brotherly love for hyun. if they aren't real, the BIL won't be making extra effort in making her feel comfortable around them. unless they're trying to woo her, but i didn't get any of the vibe from them.

- hyun who is truly the persistent type, always confident, knowing that yong will always make her wishes come true since he said it himself in LOVE LIGHT "i'm a genie for u, girl". it's too obvious that she likes him. what she wants, she'll try her best to get it. and she wants yong. i notice that in the later eps, hyun is beginning to be bolder with yong. for example, during yong's fitting session.

- yong who kept looking at her in the latest ep. and hyun who is getting bolder in looking at yong straight in the eye for long. like many of u said, eyes can tell a thousand words. they know something that we may not know.

- the whispering of "NOW WE'RE A MARRIED COUPLE" from yong. and hyun's shy reaction towards those words. why did the both of them had that funny, fishy look on them? issit 'cause they're already an item?

- the butting in of taeyeon. why butt in if they don't like/love each other?

- yong being ever loyal to PRECIOUS & his bold IDEAL GIRL STATEMENT in thailand.

i'm on cloud infinity.... :phew:

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