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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Cheongmal Kamshaminida Dduk for the translation and Tetsuya for subbing the video clips!!


Something I want to share:


The first time watching the video I recognized how much alike Yonghwa and Seohyun became. At the beginning when they opened the mission card Yonghwa took Seohyun's part and said "together, let's open it together":wub: 


Then shortly after Seohyun said "Solma?!= cannot be?!" It exactly was similar to Yong's "Solma" when they opened the mission card at night in the cafe where they got the Youtube mission.


By watching this episode the first time I immediately had this vibe.




What else can I say Hyun looks/is so gorgeous and Yonghwa is a dashing fellow :wub:


I feel like I am only living for the next saturday to come *sigh*






real or reel?! By now  this topic is out of question for me if you know what I mean, those wet sparkling eyes from both of them can't lie.



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hello gogumas..
































what a magical episode ha! until now im still amaze how this couple makes my heart so happy and inspired
































its a feeling how real they are..they have the aura of a couple who express such a mixed emotion being content and getting ready for a more meaning in life..
































and at this moment i have only one wish, that they be real (actually in my hearts they are real already kekeke)
































i dont mind if they keep it a secret just be real ...gosh im that desperate like you guys..
































such a day today and i dotn know how many days i will be i this emotion..
































i luv you gogumas..its not only our yongseo special days..
































its our moment as well..

















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Guest arcaloveher







thanks DDuk for the subs! Cant wait to catch the following episode the next week, today's episode was great, though not as great as I would have anticipated, haha, shouldn't a married/engaged couple have more intimate scenes? In this case, photos lol. After all that they have been through (which is a heck lot to be honest), and if someone think they were just 'on-screen-partners', think again :lol:





to those having problem viewing images hosted from imageshack, try registering an account from imageshack and stay logged in, and you should be able to view the images linked here in soompi when you refresh the page


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Guest yonghyunforever


seriously, i also jaw drop when i rewatched 1 go this epsiode, squeal, giggling, red face, all emotion. these 2 yong people even with killer schedule still can manage to be so adorable. seeing how tired they were in their black room. i really admire them and love them :wub: how i wish this was real their wedding photos:wub:


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Guest subliminal

Hi everyone! This will be my first time posting here. blush.gif Squeeeeeee! I did not know what to do with myself while watching the live stream. I was shaking and flailing and making so many noises,lol. I was even about to throw a laptop because of my excitement and happiness. This episode was wonderful and I really enjoyed every bit of it.

I bring .gifs. 




The rest are in the spoiler because I don't want to make your browsers crash or your computers lag. 

Click the spoiler for more lovely YongSeo~ 













Note: These are not tumblr friendly.

Thank you to codeanalysisseason4/monmonsnowHD and semi-fly for the raw vids I used for the gifs.


HELP! I was supposed to put them inside a code box but it's been a while since I last did one and I forgot already. 

So can anyone help me? How do you put images in a code box? What are the codes?

Oh and thank you everyone for the screencaps, gifs, fmvs, fanfics, raw videos, edits, translations, your thoughts and etc. 

Please excuse the fail. I seriously need sleep. lol

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Guest bolmaejung

SONEms Sub 1

@05:02 ~

staff : You are now done.

Yong : Finished?

staff : Congratulations(on your marriage)

Yong : Yes, thank you.


Hyun : Unnie~~~~

Yong : We will live long long and happily.

kkkk. Did he swear?

Please be happy together forever.

I love YongSeo <3<3 :wub:

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Guest teuksunghae








































BUT OMG !! totally worth it yesterday when I was watching the stream.... I can't help but smile.....
















at the end, I end up with a good dream and just woke up now ( ups.. it's 1 pm hehe )
































I got this from TUMBLR ! credit to whoever posted it.....
















WORTHY spazzing again and again.....
















And I am currently watching the ENG SUB...
















thanks to wonderful subber
















http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WQF3tidiGo PART 1
















http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuiOqopgz5A PART 2
















http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb-8mY39Rho PART 3
















http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mthobE8ypTY PART 4





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Guest yonghyunforever


i rewatched again, they are so cute and brothers in law as well. i write something in spolier, please just give (-) if you want, kekke just because i found Jong hyun so cute today as well. and of course i love our couple the most






jonghyun is so cute today, and i feel Hyun can look really good with him too, please dotn hate me. suddenly i just think if they divorce then just let hyun and jonghyun marry.







hahah, it is enough of my crazy now, back to ship to yongseo again.


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I have something to share...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& I am so shy to share it because it's only an ordinary collage I made earlier this morning...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(I have no creative bone in my body so this is the best I could muster...)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jungshin Chingu is just as suspicious as we are....

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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The ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on February 26th 2011. I wonder why most of other popular Saturday variety shows experiencing the drop in ratings too. Who cares! I just watch YongSeo not the the ratings.
















































































































source: TNmS

































































































































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Guest fabiistar07
















































Hello world-wide Gogumas






























































First, thanks Dduk for such fast & detailed translations! :D






























































I must say I couldn't sleep much wanting to watch this episode, and it did not dissapoint
















I LOVED how Yong was starig at his beautiful wife :wub:































Seriously!..he couldn't even close his mouth most of the time, even the MCs noticed haha































It was totally cute!































& seeing Hyun's exitement about everything was just like watching a genuine person that's about to get married .. all the exitement, nervousness, feeling lost at times, etc ...






























































I just loved that they got to talk about and remember their first meeting, how they were, and probably noticed the big improvement int their relationship






























































One of the moments i really liked was...































When they were getting their makeup done and Yong was getting his eyelashes curled and said that Hyun had used it on him before































and she laughed and looked at the make-up lady and said "I tried it on him" with a big smile































It's something silly of me but it sounded just like a couple should, having memories and small things that reminds you of your past being together :wub:






























































Another part I liked was when they were talking about their photoshoot theme and Hyun was sharing her ideas ...































i really like how she called him "my husband" she could've said Yong oppa or something else, but just the way she said it, as if it was something natural, something she's comfortable with, it made me smile BIG TIME :D haha






























































And of course I loved EVERY SINGLE SECOND about the episode :wub:
















I can't wait for next week!!!































I'm loving that moment where Hyun is laying on the ground with her eyes closed and Yong has to look at her :wub: [kyaaaa~!]































I wonder what the photographer will ask him to do too!!































they both seemed shocked [gotta say i love that photographer, let's hope he asked for a cute kiss in the forehead or something ^^]






























































I also want all Soshi unnies to be there!! they have to >__<































i bet they would've been really mad/sad that they couldn't make it D:































but it would just be such a nice picture with such a big family :)































I was surprised to see the MCs there!...can't believe goguma shipper a.k.a. MC Jake wasn't there [or at least in the preview]






























































Well...everyone can be there once they get married for real ;) hehehe
















Before I forget to ask ...































Does anyone know how I can get rid of that imageshack frong?































i can't view the pictures :(

















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hi guys....































































































































































































































































































































































































just want to share this






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks Lalacakes for allow me to do the sub. But, I'm sorry coz it's a bit mess. And I hope I timing it right and place the right translation.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest muhizzfar

Hello guyz...

(Sorry for my bad english)

Wow yet another daebak episode provided by YOngseo for us.....

Even though i only watched part 1 (with eng subs that is) but there are a lot of things that i like about /touched me..

1.When they were in their house, i like how close Hyun sitting beside Yong..You can also notice that

there was a part where she simply hold the mission card (with Yong ) while placing her hand on his lap...(That too

actually made me happy...haha)

2.When it was during their make op session, i just like the many times when Yong stared at his buin while the makeup artist applied make up on her...

3.In the hair saloon, i love it when she gives YOng the chance to choose the hairstyle according to his likings...^^

4. Also the part when they were to choose the wedding attire for each other... Again Hyun asks YOng nampyung(Pls correct me if i'm wrong) to choose which wedding gown is nice...This part really shows how real of them as a couple and also if i did not know YOngSeo, i would definitely say or think that they are really gonna get married...

ANd you know how i wish that it would happen...hehehe....

I really wish that i could know what they are up to these days..

Sometimes i feel just like wanting to fast forward to the current interactions of both of them...

Coz this wedding photo shoot episode was recorded in December and we are currently in second month of the year...

two months has pass by and i just wanna know if their bond/relationship is still strong or not...

I would be very happy and glad if they were like still seeing/contacting each other....

Because to me they are REAL!!!!

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Guest butterflyz
















































hello gogumas...in in-go-paem...
































this is why i love these two because they have the aura of being real...even with all the people around them from make up, to hairstyling, to fitting and lastly to photoshoots, yonghwa and seohyun sticks together. The conversation flows easily now, aside from the occasional love pats from seohyun and the constant staring from yonghwa...these two kids are really good actors if what my head and my heart sees is just plain wgm show.
































oh, i know that the ring should not a basis of what i'm suppose to see but after this episode, yonghwa has been actively showing off his ring..raised his left hand during sma...in the photos of golden jyh, most of the photos were of him doing ties of his dongsaengs with the left hand so visible...and the Zepp tour, except for the first show, he has been wearing it faithfully (like a real husband).
































that is all i got for yonghwa...now, if only i can track seohyun as well...
































this starts the waiting game...or they or are they not?







































































haha..i thought about it longtime ago...i can really feel that both of them are IN LOVE!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif their body languages,expression and the eyeship was enough to proof there's something going on between these two...esp.yonghwa..he is so transparent...hahaha...
































anyway,this episode is deabak!but why are they now are kinda quiet...n no new news about them filming or whatsoever...i miss their news,rumor or whatsoever...what r they up to now?..........

















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Guest unnieria






A God and a Goddess, indeed! What a perfect match!


Some thoughts to share:


1. Since day 1, this couple have established a private dialogue with their eyes which most of us can just speculate the meaning of. This episode seems to confirm that there really is something more than just this make-believe marriage. I'm at a lost of words! You've said it all- words, caps, translations and subs. Thanks Soompi! They are just screaming LOOOVE!! Many people have said time and again that the charisma of this couple is their innocence. This episode is a testament of this genuine affection. I've never been married (nor do I plan to be anytime soon) but I'm guessing the feeling it somewhat similar to the shy but obvious smiles of Yonghwa and Seohyun- shouting to the rest of the world with their eyes "I can not believe I'm in a pretend marriage with a God/ Goddess! It's no surprise a lot of people envy me. I would envy me seeing him/her. Wait....she's/he's mine for real!". It's the invisible thought bubble I read with their faces. :)


2. I don't know if its just me but every time the CN Blue boys are on WGM, they just crack me up! They always find something unscripted and random, but sweet to do- buying food on a wedding photo shoot? Peeling apples for Seo Hyun during the making of the Banmal Song? The serenade with a cake during the first CN Blue episode? And I find it funny how they always stand up to applaud their Sister In law (ie. When she came out with the wedding dress, after the SNSD performance at Incheon, etc.) CN Blue makes WGM fun to watch. CN Blue + Seo Hyun have become a happy family, perhaps because she's accepted real-life girlfriend already that's why even Seo Hyun no longer feels awkward towards the boys. If Yongseo leaves WGM, I do hope one of the other CN Blue boys becomes part of the replacement couple. Jung Shin Chingu maybe? But that's a far wish.


Thanks to Sonems for the fast subs! But please relax? I see you're stressed to deliver the fastest subs as you have been crowned the fastest in WGM but I wish you go back to enjoy the subbing process because us fans are more than willing to wait for quality subs. :)


[edit] Speaking of subs, and inline with the sharing game the thread had last week, I've been an old fan of the couple since the start. During the beginning, searching for fast subs were hard and they were easily taken down by MBC. So I had to be on my toes! As the fan base grew, subs and news were faster, better and more up to date. But I can't help but recall those old times. Makes me feel this thread has grown up so much like the growth of our couple! And because we have a few more pages to go before opening a new thread, I'd like to come out of lurking to express my deepest thanks to the stars of this thread and the stars of the international fan club as I recall, who I've never known but whose opinions I take like opinions from a friend.


To j2dlee, judyandyuki [subbers of previews before], redtulip, rundevilrun, clarita, Korean Rainy Days and all the old subbers and translators- thank you for aiding the language barriers with your translations. This surely helped the couple gain the international following they are enjoying now. Where ever you guys are now, I hope you are still fans of this thread and believers that love can be as simple but real as Yongseo.


To M3, Dduk and sister, Sonems subs, Tetsuya, all new translators and subbers- Thanks for all your hard work to bring Yongseo to the world!


To Yongseo International and the project leaders- my sincerest thanks for all your efforts to bring our love back to the couple for real, through actual gifts and messages.


To Trent, DJHinata, GoldenJYH, Lightrose @ Sweetpotatodays, jnj and everyone- thanks for keeping this thread alive with news, caps and your well valued thoughts.


Opening this thread is such a sunshine of light reads of love and laughs to my busy days! I was never really talkative in this this thread [this long in Soompi and just 8 pathetic posts from me] BUT I really appreciate the community Yongseo has built here. Happy Weekend to all! :)



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Guest SGajumma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all, thanks to all the wonderful gogumas who brought us the updates, pictures, videos and translations for episode 46. Really appreciate your hardwork!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the most beautiful episode. Not only Hyun showed her most beautiful self, the word ‘beautiful’ was used many times by Yong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For once, I witnessed the usually ‘talkative’ Yong being so awestruck by Hyun’s beauty that he was at a loss for words. His reactions spelt it all. He could only utter ‘beautiful’ several times when she appeared in different gowns and clapped his hands when she wore the gown that he chose. Very few words were offered by him. But the looks that he gave her were classic. They were full of admiration and love. He must have been thinking: “How could someone be so beautiful. She’s like a Goddess, an angel….. I can’t find any suitable words to describe her….”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As regards Hyun, she asked Yong for his opinions about her hairstyle and the wedding gowns. Hmm… that reminds me of how most females (moi included) would behave generally in such a situation. If the males do not respond, they would be perceived as being not concerned. On the hand, if the males choose something that the females do not like, some friction may happen. Luckily, we did not witness any tensed scene with our beloved YongSeo. Partly, Hyun is forgiving.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There was a little awkwardness towards the end of the episode when they were trying to re-enact their story. I interpret that awkwardness as perfectly normal. In fact, I would be very surprised if they did not feel awkward because that would give me hints that they were acting for a show. It is because they are so into their relationship, so comfortable with each other and so real that they feel awkward trying to enact how they were like before. I like Yong’s reply (based on translation) “now we are a couple”. Nothing could be sweeter that this!  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am looking forward to next week’s episode. It seems that gogumas may be in for a peck on the cheek or forehead to happen at the photo-shoot. Unlikely on the lips based on Hyun’s personality. (** just my own speculations)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gettawa
















































































































































































































































































































































































Good morning from Thailand every goguma Lover 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yesterday its more excite for everyones






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I thinks Next Saturday its will be more excite and more Happy for us. 55555






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thnks for every translation clip cap image ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope this image will make everyone very happy, a little more.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because ,now Everyone hearts blooming with love of YongSeo ,that right  ?:wub:
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are very beautiful .

















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Well, this episode was everything we expected, right!?





Seohyun was a goddess/princess/angel – a beautiful girl – in every wedding dress!  





Yong Wha was the prince charming, choding sometimes, yes, but always the handsome charmer.





I liked their conversation while they were getting their makeup done.  The way Hyun teased Yong about her being able to drive and he couldn’t yet was enormously cute, and showed how comfortable she is teasing him!   This time it was Hyun cracking the jokes and getting the laughs, not Yong!   I thought that showed how much she has improved because of WGM and Yong’s constant confidence building and attention. 





But where were the unnies during their maknae’s time of need?  Surely one of  them could have shown up to assist Seohyun in her time of need, on her biggest day of her ‘marriage’ to Yong?  I’m disappointed.  Having another girl who knows what looks good on Hyunnie would have been relieved tons of pressure on Hyun in choosing a hairdo, and wedding dress.





Kudos for the CN Blue bros to show up and support hyung and sis-in-law.  Jungshin Chingu always lightens the mood, makes Yong and Hyun laugh and eases the tension.














But maybe she wanted Yong to choose?   After all, she wants to look pretty for him only, right?





And that’s where women make an error in judgement.   There are very few guys who can tell the difference between one white wedding gown or another white wedding gown.  To us, it’s the girl inside the dress that we notice, not the dress.  She is pretty in one, she is pretty in another.  We can’t do ‘more pretty’ in this dress than that dress.   Pretty is as pretty does.  Let’s move on!!





 I said this in SPD’s chat, my wife was the most beautiful to me, cold, wet and covered in mud.  I was putting in an irrigation system in our backyard.  It was in the early spring, raining and cold.  I had to get it done that weekend because we were having a pool put into our backyard on Monday.  The irrigation system had to be completed before the pool people showed up.  I had worked on it all day Saturday & Sunday it started to rain.  I was getting disappointed and frustrated because things weren’t going well.   My wife sent the kids to grandpas and put on jeans, boots and an old hoodie and came out and worked with me.  She worked as hard as I did, and soon she was wet, cold and covered in mud.  But we had struggled together, and we worked well with each other, with the understanding that comes from being close for so long, we finished each others sentences, each other’s thoughts, and we didn’t have to communicate much, we just worked quickly and efficiently together. I can work with my wife on house projects much better than any man, because she is smart and understands what needs to be done and knows me and knows how to work with me.  And when we were finished, I looked at her standing beside me, wet and cold and muddy, steam coming out of her mouth in the cold, her cheeks flushed from exertion, and I said ‘Thank you!’  Then I hugged her in a big hug and kissed her long and hard on the lips.  On that day, no dress in the world would have made her look any prettier to me!





So Hyun’s statement that Yong looked like a ‘wrapped kimchi’ and wasn’t showing any emotion after 7 dresses is probably correct.  Yong’s mind had shut down after the 3rd dress.  He had already chosen the sparkly dress he wanted, he gave her his input, yet somehow she wanted more – but there’s no more to give.  Hyun, you are beautiful and pretty in every single dress – just pick one!





Yong will learn this with more age/experience.  He needs to say “I like that one because it makes your neck and shoulders look pretty, you have pretty neck and shoulders.”   “This one makes you look elegant and classy”, “This one makes your legs look long and sexy!”  Find something about the dress that makes her look better, and use it as a compliment.  That’s what see wants – how does this dress make me look prettier or more beautiful?





They’ll both learn, but right now I thought the wedding shoot went well, they seemed happy and close and they seemed to be enjoying it!





I’ll do more when I see all the English subs, this is all I have right now.


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