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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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OMG! ROFL SOOOOOO MUCH! I dont think any of our predictions were correct. I'll put this in spoiler as not to spoil anything but .LOL

Hyuns wish was to make up Yong.lol! eyelash curler, mascara, lipgloss and everything..Ohhh hyun is so unpredictible! Bt aigggoooo the amount of skinship in this..so natural so close!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Be back to spazz later! Thank u M3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT! OMGGGGGG next week is the wedding eppi!!!OMG they look so beautiful. Yong's eyes<3..dying a million times!

































































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Guest l0okiemaria
























O M F G!  
































so that's what happened at the hotel that night? bwahahhahhahahahaha
























As always, expect the unexpected with uri YONGSEO!
























Seobaby.  LMAO.  wasn't it that long ago that you were telling your husband that his wish of wanting to see you dance to gee was not meaningful enough?!  :lol:



























That was my same thought! but omg tho, to do that with someone really shows how comfortable and close you are with them. and was that her wish then?? i'm guessing lol.









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Guest ikekeyou

omg episode 45! the unexpected was expected!

hyun's wish to put on make up for yong! ahahaah

it was so cute! especially when they were done.

they had there arms around each other!! so cute!

when i have pictures ill post it up (:


wedding photoshoot PREVIEW


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Guest _d3seohyun


Laughing so hard from the episode but the preview left me in tears and shaken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tears:

I can't breathe!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh :wub:

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Guest missmoomin101













Edit:  *blushes*




Ok, now that I have stopped spazzing like a lunatic blink.gif Maybe I can write some coherent sentences!! 




I still have to watch the epsiode but will be back with caps later on.  And can I just say, I heard about Hyun's wish.. My reaction = BWAHAHA



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Guest dangshin

wah.. 5.20 pm here in our place..

and i'm so envious of you guy's who were able to catch yongseo live streaming..

i'm still in the office and been reading and peeking on this thread to kill the boredom.. hehe.. ^_^

thanks guy's for spazzing.. but can someone pls. share screencaps so i can imagine what happened hehe.. thanks in advance.. and pls.. hope someone can upload it to Dailymotion , cos it's hard to access youtube in my PC.. haha.. thanks Guys love yongseo soo much.. mwah!..

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Guest l0okiemaria
















AHHH!! the wedding episode is next! omg.. they look so perfect together! NO! they are perfect together! I can't wait till saturday! AH! i wanna cry.. cause it's been such a long and beautiful road... i'm still in shock. *tears :tears:









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oh my gosh!!!

next week...next week...

it'll be the wedding photoshoot that we've been waiting for!!!!

oh my gosh!!!!

will come back with caps..

i'm super duper happy right now!!!


the angelic bride..eyes glistening looking at her man


their famous finger wrestling..


the beautiful couple...bless this love


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Seohyun looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I'M DYING HERE......................




O just to make sure I'm not breaking any rules, I will type more. I loved today's episode and I WANT THE NEXT EPISODE NOW!



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Guest Goguma52






I just screamed at the top of my lungs!


omg omg omg omg.




I am SO excited I'm I can't even think straight! Next week will be the best episode EVER!


Seohyun looked gorgeous, and Yong looked so handsome!!!!!!


Seriously just had a heart attack!



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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































Do I have to say anything?????? OMG I'm in HEAVEN, Go-CHUN!!!

































































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Guest cosmochiq
















wooohooo!! This week's episode is.. as expected... another DAEBAK!! :) their skinship is really natural.. I can't wait for next week's episode!! The much awaited WEDDING PHOTOS!! woohooo... next week's preview made me go out of my lurking mode! ahahaha... blush.gif





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Guest pretty_92868








































































OMG OMG OMG the preview for next week
































Look at how YOng look at Hyun...dies
































I can't wait for next week
































Finally it's coming
































I think I will cry for next epi for I always cry
































when I attend a wedding ceremony.
































I'm getting emotional





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Guest YSforever






Just finished streaming Yong Seo's part....DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!






First part:



Hyun falls down so many times..but still insists to learn how to turn.



Yong is still strict and harsh to her during the lessons...I almost cried...>_<



I think I would give up really soon if I were her, but she still keeps on trying..WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!



I admire her effort and determination so much!! (even though she didn't make the turn in the end...)






Oh and Yong is really good at snowboarding!! 






Second part: FULL OF SPAZZABLE MOMENTS!!!!!!!!



Yong and Hyun are really close!!!



I think Hyun complains about Yong's being harsh a little bit? 



And she asked Yong if he could fulfill her wish still..even though she didn't make the turn, she worked really hard.



Yong rejected at first but then gave in..






And Hyun's wish is to take a photo but with her posing as a man and Yong as a girl!! hahaha



Do expect the unexpected from Seohyun! :lol: 



When she's doing his makeup...it's sooooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!  but so hilarious!!



Yong is now eligible to join SNSD I think..:lol:  He is so cute!



Love every second in the second part!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then REWATCH x 1000000000000 times!






PREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEDDING SHOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wub:



OH MY GOD!!!!!!!  they both look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wub:



And their famous EYESHIP!!!!!!!!!! hakdsh fklawehgoiruawiorhu 



I am sure it will be another daebak episode!!!






Sorry if I'm too excited and the post is too random....I honestly am in go-chun and cannot think clearly in another language!!:wub: :wub: 





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Guest dan_glitz
























This episode is really daebak.. what do you expect when ys is in a room.... aaaah








hyun's wish, never even think she could think of that... big time LOL! 








And skinships getting.... Daring








1. eating of samgyupsal with cabbage wrap








since there were garlic and onions, their breaths smell... well... and they even played with their breath, particularly liked it when hyun got super close so yong could smell her breath








2. yong makeup








this is just LOL.








HAPPY WATCHING! you guys know what i mean rite???





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Guest laila-chan
































































































OMG!!OMG!! do you guys see the preview!!:w00t:
































it's wedding photoshoot!!
































do you the look in yonghwa eyes??!! he's soooo in love!! and hyun-buin soooooo prety!! of course yong-nampyeon so handsome!!
































it's like one of goguma who posted the concept before, sorry forgot the name:sweatingbullets:
































and forgive me, i'm still in go-chun!!!
































(forgive for my spazzing, usually lurker:P)

































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Guest yonghyunforever


make our thread expode today gogumas, deakbak eps. skinship and closeness.








wedding and hope kiss next week


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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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they're so beautiful
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so speechless
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and ep today so daebak

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Lumpiere



ugh sorry for the double post. 

I wonder what other scenarios they have for their photoshoot. 

We should all take turns and make a guess!

Their pictures are gonna turn out perfect like the perfect people that they are 


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Guest Lumpiere
























omg i can't even, what is life? WHY ARE YOU SO PERFECT in wedding clothes YONGSEO?








FLAILING IN MY SEAT. Omg can't breathe. Ohmygod i can't, fjhgjhgbbdkjbf. I need next saturday now, before i hyperventilate and die. 








I'm gonna make sure i stay home the whole day for the whole of next sat. 









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