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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I'm back! Omo, the thread is alive again thanks to the amazing translation for the preview from M3! I think it was yesterday's post that someone mentioned that this thread was moving slowly and the moment the preview was posted BAM! all Goguma Villagers come out and partyyy!! *throws confetti*
































































It has been a pain restraining myself from visiting this thread for the past 3 days, but studies come 1st and now that my mid term is finally over, I'm ready to spazz my heart out. Yay!! I'm feeling so happy that I feel I could fly to Go-chun. :P
































































soshi3, u're most welcome! :)
































































mamablues... that's such a great thought u have there! wahahahaha wickedly nice! xD and in ur pic... yongseo are wearing yellow sweatshirts. isn't that very couple-ly of them! i wonder who made them wear the couple sweatshirts... my guess is yoong?? 'cause he was seen carrying a fully loaded bag whereas hyun was only carrying a big paper bag.































































































































Sorry for cutting your post dreamyboo If I'm not mistaken, I think YongSeo was wearing the yellow couple sweatshirts since they started thier snowboading activity no? I've noticed that SeoHyun wears yellow coloured sweatshirts a lot! Once during the Japan trip, another time was the present from Yong's childhood friends and again for the snowboading trip. She looks great in yellow! ( or actually she looks good in anything :P )
































































Hi All!































































































































These are some clips from DCmarried. Uri YongSeo in Seoul Music Awards on Y Star Program.































































































































The last clip of this program made my days so maybe these ones as well?!!































































































































Could someone pls translate to us? Thank you in advance. :wub:














































































































































































































Cr : DCmarried































































































































Cr : yongseocodelove@YT














































































































































































































YongSeo in YStar Seoul Music































































































































Seohyun in YStar Seoul Music














































































































































































































Cr : ytmsyjsh@YT































































































































This is the longer version. :wub:































































































































YongSeo in SMA BTS














































































































































































































Thanks for sharing the links CheriMerci! I've mentioned this before but I shall say it again Y-star cameraman is the best!! They're really spoiling us with the BTS of YongSeo for the award shows, first during the GDA and now this! I wonder if they are Goguma lovers too :wub:
































































Before we get to the next episode, my last spazz for the previous one :)
































































*quoted image*
































































"FALL! FALL! FALL! HUG!" - These were our thoughts right? Muahahaha.































































































































Sorry for cutting your post quisty86 but you're 100% right about this statement. I was chanting that to myself too! :lol:
































































EDIT : Attention Gogumas, we've almost reach our goal of 3 million views for Banmal Song UCC!! Only around 5000 + views to go! Hwaiting In Go Paem \(^.^)/\(^.^)/\(^.^)/

















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Guest yongseoisreal






about the MC's reaction being blushing with our yongseo even with the fact that they are really familiar with other couple skinship...


well, i would say that what makes our couple special..REALLY special...UNEXCEPTIONALLY special!!


because of their character of being reserved about skinship things, we really couldn't expect what will happen in each new episode..


as a matter of facts, even we did expect some progression with their skinship things, we always being surprised with the unexpected..


well, that's totally YONGSEO...full of surprise..


although right now they are very comfortable with each other about having skinship, normally people might think that, 'ok, the issue is now settle..yongseo can do lots of skinship right now.."..


still, we could never get enough of them..


like i said, there's always the unexpected from our couple..


so, let's expect the unexpected for tomorrow!!


happy goguma day everybody..


tomorrow is Saturday..


and i always think that Saturday really is a blissful day..


sorry for my bad english..


and long babling..


first time posting this long..


can't help but to spazz..



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Guest anne0129
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ gladys, here is the link where you can watch it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Episode 44 (credit goes to the uploader)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest YSforever






Finally...the PREVIEW!!! 


Thanks M3 for the translation!! it's DAEBAK!!!!!!


(and it's really interesting that so many posts after M3's translation began with "OMG" or "omo"..haha)


I love Yong when he "makes the moves"  :lol: 


And I sooooooooo need to see the sweet moments tomorrow!!! 


Somehow the week seemed to be too long and I need my YongSeo dose!!  


MBC!! Please don't put something that you won't show in the preview again!!!! PLEASE!!!


Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!


ps. I hope we get to see how Yong skis as well!


EDIT: OMG aneng!!!! thanks so much for the photos! I'm dead as well!!!





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credits: dc married

































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hi all!

kekeke there're so many wedding pics! whoaaaa LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM ALL! i especially love the ones posted by goguma1207... they kinda show a more of the yongseo feel. :wub: but nonetheless, thanks all for posting the wonderful wedding pics!

oh, thanks so much M3 for the trans! i can't wait!!!!!! dugeun dugeun!!! xD

hi maybe07~! yongseo were seen carrying some bags after they boarded off the bus & they were not wearing the yellow couple sweatshirts then. it seems like yong had packed lotsa stuffs in his black bag whereas hyun's paper bag & backpack seem pretty light. anyways, that's just my assumption that yong brought the yellow couple sweatshirts with him :)



oh ya after watching yong's shooting for V-day... i noticed that the interviewer gave yong two mickey mouse candy sticks. but why two? if she wanted to give the girl one, she could've asked yong to do so. and another one, why didn't the interviewer ask yong to feed the girl choc? hmmmm i wonder! maybe... heh heh heh! the interviewer's also a goguma! with regards to the candy stick, she prolly thinks that yong might give hyun the other candy stick *wishful thinking* :phew: btw, i think the interviewer is married. no wonder yong seems more relaxed around her kekeke


aneng!!! daebakkk!!! *dies for the nth time* xD

maybe07: LOL! no sweat ya~! ;) and don't u think han gu roo somehow suits jungshin chingoo? ahha sorry for the randomness!

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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































Annyeong gogumas ^^
















































































































I plan to be the devil goguma spammer tonight because we want that 2nd home,don’t we?
















































































































I’m very excited about next episode. Thank you supergogumas mountainmadman and hapiangle for translating the previews! While we wait (oh the torture of waiting), join me spazz about YongSeo random moments that made us smile, laugh and cry. You can write some too! I would love to read yours :)















































































































































































































































































































































Whenever I rewatch YongSeo’s 200th day episode, it never fail to make me smile continuously because the two of them seemed very happy together –eventhough they were still in their mildang period. Yong’s cheeks burst a lot that night, their Incheon duet was a success and they looked very cute in theirschool uniforms! When Yong presented the Japan Guide to Hyun, it was verytouching (and funny too because he was very embarrassed by it). But the thing that really gets me was his 2nd page – the page where he pasted his YAB picture besides a drawing of Hyun.
















































































































If YongSeo were not known as Forgiveness Couple or Goguma Couple, I think Star Couple also fits them well. Isn’t it a very nice coincident that both of their signature ends with a star? And that Yong started to wear a lot of star jewelleries after he started WGM, also that the rap part of Love Light included the phrase “You’re my chests’ star embroider” and that page 2 of the guide book where he drew a star on his pointed finger as if he’s saying that Hyun is his star (to the drawn Hyun). You’ll understand if you see the 2nd picture below.The 1st picture was Yong’s and Hyun’s signatures.































































































































































































































































I believe this is all just a coincident. Ahem. I repeat, coincident :)
















































































































So this brief YongSeo capture left a deep impression to me, how about you? I’ll write more YongSeo random moments that I love in other posts.
















































































































Aneng’s post – me. dead. too. Gochun, here I come!

















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I've just watched the BTS video for YongHwa's photoshoot and I find it amazingly cute!Aigoo,YongHwa is really a charmer isn't he? I simply love the friendly atmosphere between YongHwa, Han Gu Roo and the interviewer. If I'm not mistaken, the interviewer was also the lucky girl that got to be serenaded by JongHyun, backhug (reluctantly,lol) from YongHwa and I can't remember what she got Jungshin and Minhyuk to do, in the past interview right? I love her, she's hilarious! and I think Han Gu Roo watched WGM cause when they asked her to pick the person that she likes from CN BLUE, she replied 'Jungshin chingu'. I think Jungshin is stuck with his nickname that SeoHyun gave him throughout his career :lol:














































































































































































































And my fav part :





























































































































































































































































































YongHwa, remember the 'kimbab' scene?















































































































































































































































Hyun in yellow ♥































































































































































































































While warming his body in the ondol room, Yonghwa begged Seohyun for a massage and received a deathly glare in response.
































































Aww, was YongHwa sulking and acting cold to SeoHyun when she asks him to hear her wish due to her response? Lol, can't wait to see the comeback of cheesy Yong :wub:
































































I forgot to mention, nice collection of wedding photoshoot ideas that we have in this thread! Love each and every single one of them. Now I really can't wait to see how YongSeo turns out to be.
































































aneng,noo don't die on us. LOL. thanks for the pics
































































hi dreamyboo. oh, i didn't catch that detail.hehe. It's really sweet of Yong if he really did prepare the couple sweatshirt :wub:
































































EDIT: Soshimunky, I wanna join your plan too! let's spazz the night away ^_^

















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<IMG id=main_image >
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and NOW the HONGKONG MEDIA LOVES our COUPLE! im so proud of  them! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@aneng.. thank you so much!  :wub:  your such an angel you always surprise us! i want more(kekekeke)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi everyone!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Since people on twitter are convincing us to make soompi fly tonight, I've been tossing this idea up for a while so we'll see if it takes flight!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is just for fun! Please stick to one episode/moment per category. I know its hard! :D Just copy and paste this format and let the awards begin!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma Awards
































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement (episode 1-10) episode
































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement moment
































































































































































































































































































Favorite married (episode 10-44) episode
































































































































































































































































































Favorite married moment
































































































































































































































































































Funniest episode
































































































































































































































































































Funniest moment
































































































































































































































































































Most romantic moment
































































































































































































































































































Best skinship
































































































































































































































































































Best MC moment
































































































































































































































































































Best blackroom moment
































































































































































































































































































Cutest Seohyun moment
































































































































































































































































































Cutest Yonghwa moment
































































































































































































































































































Best family (BIL/SIL) moment
































































































































































































































































































Best present
































































































































































































































































































Favorite episode

































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before off to bed..  want to join Goguma Awards.. jang..jang...
































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement (episode 1-10) episode : epi. 1.. because everything begin from epi.1 :D
































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement moment : when they bought couple ring together :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite married (episode 10-44) episode : huwaa... hard question:wacko: hmmm, I think the legendary birthday present epi.27
































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite married moment : when they put the ring to each other fingers.. die!! so sweeet overload:wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































Funniest episode : hard question again.. hmmm:wacko: epi.14 when first dinner together in their house...
































































































































































































































































































































































Funniest moment : : when YongSeo couple visit bookstore.. Really Yong looks sleepy and following Hyun everywhere,, Cute husband:lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































Most romantic moment : Eyeship in epi.27
































































































































































































































































































































































Best skinship : epi. 35!! huwahahaha... Daebak!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































Best MC moment : Japan night!! Daebak again!!
































































































































































































































































































































































Best blackroom moment: JApan interview.. really touching interview :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































Cutest Seohyun moment : hmmmmmm..........hard again :( epi.42 when seohyun do the thumbs up
































































































































































































































































































































































Cutest Yonghwa moment: waaa, when he said"Merooong~~~" ahahaha.. cute^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































Best family (BIL/SIL) moment: when uri couple came to CNB dorms to make banmal song...
































































































































































































































































































































































Best present : off course the goguma land :D
































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite episode : epi. 45 :wub:(even havent seen yet, its gonna be daebak!! Cant wait for tommorow nee.. )
































































































































































































































































































































































Good Night everyone..
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you goguma1207 for the goguma awards ideas  :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong In-Go-Paem, I've been lurking the last few days cos I didn't feel like posting, but goguma1207's post got me all excited ^^ so here's my take on the different categories! Hopefully I'm doing it correctly..heheh































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma Awards
































































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement (episode 1-10) episode: the one where they finger-wrestled for the first time
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement moment: the ring performance on the music show
































































































































































































































































































































Favorite married (episode 10-44) episode: hands down, the double birthday episode!!
































































































































































































































































































































Favorite married moment: Yong waking Hyun up and making donburi for her
































































































































































































































































































































Funniest episode: the episode where they got massages
































































































































































































































































































































Funniest moment: when Yong tickled Hyun's foot in the water at the fish spa
































































































































































































































































































































Most romantic moment: Putting the rings on each other's fingers in the double birthday episode
































































































































































































































































































































Best skinship: holding hands in jacket pocket - winter skinship!
































































































































































































































































































































Best MC moment: MC Kim's 'holy discovery of the ring'..LOL
































































































































































































































































































































Best blackroom moment: when Hyun was upset with Yong during the mildang period
































































































































































































































































































































Cutest Seohyun moment: when Yong was waking her up, she randomly asked "Rice?"
































































































































































































































































































































Cutest Yonghwa moment: jumping all over the furniture when he found out they were going snowboarding
































































































































































































































































































































Best family (BIL/SIL) moment: the 'F4 scene' when Hyun accidentally cut her finger while cooking for them at their dorm.
































































































































































































































































































































Best present: the ring ding dongs! :D
































































































































































































































































































































Favorite episode: each episode just gets better and better..but my ultimate favourite is still the double birthday episode. Episode 27 FTW! <3































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tomorrow is Saturday, hurray! :D Finally staying home this weekend to catch the live streaming, hope it won't lag badly *crosses fingers, toes and eyes*

































































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Hi Boo...just want to add to your post, remember when Yong handed something to Hyun when they were just about to change, he gave a big pack to her so maybe that's how Hyun got the yellow sweats and about the V interview he had, I don't know if anybody else noticed it, but the 5minute + mark wherein they were talking with him handing the flowers to both girls, his partner kinda tried to touch his arm and he moved away, I think he felt uncomfortable there, don't you think?...hehehe...Hyun and Yong are really the same, they don't like others touching them...hahaha :wub:
















To Aneng... the pix you posted even it's kinda blurry really killed me...hahaha...thanks for sharing it.  I just wish we can all watch their episodes without cuts...:rolleyes::phew:

















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OMO I cant wait for tomorrow too~ :wub: Really curious of what SeoHyun would ask her hubby to do for her !!! :w00t:

Well spazzing time~~~

Like everyone of YongSeo couple fans, I do feel the same that you do...

At first, they were so awkward together - SeoHyun's uptight personality and YongHwa's playful personality - both of them never experienced people of that type of personality before...

People is great in a way that they can adjust to situation and also people; and the result is our YongSeo couple! :wub:

Now they have become the warmest, cuteness couple ever!

IMO, If they were not separated for 1 month (due to their busy schedules - SH promoting in Japan, YH concert tour), they would not be awkward like the first time they met. (it's the episode where they filmed in the hair saloon). They would have been very close like the 'closeness' we see on their skiing trip right now.

But definitely No Regret, following and becoming GoGumas fans!! Actually, appreciating them coz they give us the chance to see them, developing and creating a warm relationship on the show (even though this is just for a show).

I hope they have a really good, great experience and we too as the audience.

I cant wait for their WEDDING PHOTO SHOOT! They will be like the Prince and Princess from GogumaLand. (LOL I don't know what i'm saying) :D

YongSeo couple forever~~~ :wub:

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I'm responding to the call by Gogumas in tweetville to let "soompi fly", so here's my small contribution.




























I was spazzing away when I read our Super Goguma Translators' written preview, especially on the MCs reaction to our YongSeo. Why are the MCs blushing?!! Kyah!




























My guess is that it was because of an intimate moment. Remember the scene when Yong went to wake up Hyun? That scene was like I was secretly peeking into a couple's private life. Did either Hyun or Yong do something intimate in the ski resort room that made the MCs blush? Now I'm getting antsy for Saturday afternoon to come.




























@aneng... me too... *dies*





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Hi Boo... but the 5minute + mark wherein they were talking with him handing the flowers to both girls, his partner kinda tried to touch his arm and he moved away...

To Aneng... .  I just wish we can all watch their episodes without cuts...:rolleyes::phew:

who is giving out flowers to who? is it from another show or WGM? I dont remember seeing any flower..

yeap definitely. i hope the PD dont cut too much of the episode that we could actually enjoy~~ i dont mind watching 2 or 3 hours of just YongSeo couple part.. :wub:

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Definitely joining the fun...nice idea you have here goguma1207, this will really move the thread faster ;)





























































































Goguma Awards
















Favorite engagement (episode 1-10) episode - Episode 1
















Favorite engagement moment - buying the ring
















Favorite married (episode 10-44) episode - the day Yong arrived from Thailand and they made dinner together after that they had a serious talk.
















Favorite married moment -  the day Yong arrived from Thailand and they made dinner together after that they had a serious talk.















































Funniest episode - airport parking lot.
















Funniest moment - surprised by Hyun at the airport parking lot.
















Most romantic moment - definitely the ring ceremony at the dam on their birthday
















Best skinship  - hand holding in Yong's pocket.....hehehe
















Best MC moment - reaction to Hyun's move...holding onto Yong's arms.
















Best blackroom moment - Japan episode
















Cutest Seohyun moment -  when she argues with Yong.
















Cutest Yonghwa moment - "merong"
















Best family (BIL/SIL) moment - first visit of Hyun to CN Blue's dorm
















Best present  - ring
















Favorite episode - meeting MIL
















who is giving out flowers to who? is it from another show or WGM? I dont remember seeing any flower..
















yeap definitely. i hope the PD dont cut too much of the episode that we could actually enjoy~~ i dont mind watching 2 or 3 hours of just YongSeo couple part.. :wub:































it's from the interview he had after a photo shoot on another show.  The flower thing was just a joke.  It does not have translation so I didn't understand a thing.  Somebody posted the link last night, so you might want to back track  a bit so you can watch it. blush.gif
















Saturday palli...palli.

















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Guest winbros
















Annyeong chingus!








I'll bite:








Goguma Awards








Favorite engagement (episode 1-10) episode - Ep 1 when they first started, how she chose him, their awesome awkwardness, Maknae's unique personality through her questions and life mentor (like vs. love, Ban Ki Moon) and Yo~ng's attempts to get them closer.  Absolutely DAEBAK!








Favorite engagement moment - Ep 4 when they played falling slowly together guitar + piano, I still get the goose bumps when I watch them come together so beautifully without any prior discussion








Favorite married (episode 10-44) episode - Still Ep27 (double birthday), Yo~ng's sweet potato field present + the butterfly necklace for Hy~un & her mom (together with his sincere letter to Hy~un's mom - he's a keeper this boy), Hy~un's first event for any guy (let alone Yo~ng) singing Love Light twice to him, the handmade book at the expense of sleep, the reunited couple rings, the reveal that Love Light was finished by Yo~ng while thinking of Hy~un and the awesome 1st time arm-linking + hand holding. 








Favorite married moment - All the various forms of skinships this couple has shown us, from arm wrestling to arm-linking, standard hand holding to hand holding in pocket (a winter hit), legship (including Yo~ng grabbing Hy~un's leg at the fish spa), pinkyship.....  & not to forget the awesome eyeships.....








Funniest episode - Ep42 BTS (if that counts), Hy~un showing a completely different, dare I say fun, side of her after Yo~ng's hearty breakfast for her.








Funniest moment - 200th day school uniform date, when Hy~un was about to go all banmal on Yo~ng as her last present to him, he turns the table around by telling her its alright that she retains the honorifics since they are close already.  Her facial expression was just too funny!








Most romantic moment - the serious discussion both of them had in Japan after Hy~un took Yo~ng's arm voluntarily, I felt like a voyeur watching them talk, plus the eyeships, I think Hy~un practically melted Yo~ng's heart that night.








Best skinship - Hy~un taking the initiative to take Yo~ng's arm in Japan (Ep32), totally awesome for those of us who know what her character is like and how uncomfortable she is with guys.... wow....



















Best MC moment - double birthday episode where the MCs appeared to be going into multiple climaxes, firstly guessing that Hy~un made a book about their journey for Yo~ng, then the ring hidden in the book, followed by Love Light reveal, followed by the first arm-link/hand holding... poor JinWoon.








Best blackroom moment - Hy~un retorting to PD's question on goguma vs Yo~ng, "How can you compare something you eat with a person!", this vs. her response in Ideal Type World Cup - goguma vs. some guy and the goguma won hands down.








Cutest Seohyun moment - Ep42 after Yo~ng complimented her on the butterfly necklace, her eyeship, smile + the thumbs-up totally kills me.  Someone has put up a picture of it with the statement "Hyun approves" I think, awesome cap that one.








Cutest Yonghwa moment - (for the life of me I can't remember which Ep) when he tells Hy~un not to look at him with those bewitching eyes of hers as it sets his heart thumping








Best family (BIL/SIL) moment - I personally would love to see Yo~ng interact with his SILs, we didn't get a lot of that unlike the Hyungdon/Taeyeon pairing.  My fav moment is when the SILs were interrogating Yo~ng on what appeals to him about Hy~un and he went "the eyes", SILs faintzzzz :D








Best present - I can't decide :wacko:, I'm torn between for Yo~ng to Hy~un the guitar vs. sweet potato field vs. butterfly necklace set with her mom vs. Japan guidebook....  for Hy~un to Yo~ng is easier, the fairytale book + the reunited couple rings -- and those are just the physical presents.  Just the fact that they've opened up to each other and become better for that is already the best present to me.








Favorite episode - Ep27 double birthday still the best for me, sweetness overload.....








That's all for now, thanks for putting up with my reminiscing, and to goguma1207 for suggesting this, I had fun! :P





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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanna join the game again too :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement (episode 1-10) episode : eps. 1 this is all of this beautiful journey begin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite engagement moment :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite married (episode 10-44) episode : eps. 27
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite married moment : when yong hwa wake up hyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Funniest episode : eps 34, failed harvest goguma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Funniest moment : when they attacked by seagull
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Most romantic moment : lovelight confession
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best skinship : eps 41, lots skinship here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best MC moment : eps. 32, when the MCs get the volcano eruption
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best blackroom moment : this is difficult, but I think on eps. 32
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cutest Seohyun moment : when she do the thumb up on eps 43
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cutest Yonghwa moment : unseen video of eps. 43
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best family (BIL/SIL) moment : rehearsal before IKMW
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best present : ring ding dong
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Favorite episode : so far stll eps. 27 (really difficult question, if I can mention more than one :D )

































































































































































































































































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