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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Ohh, hospital. Maybe some checkup because of his nodules? Hopefully it's not that bad. (Maybe Seohyun's going to send him propolis again.) :)




Best regards,















maybe he went to the hospital to get his intestine checked...the broadcast of the clinic checkup with hyun might have reminded him about his condition. hope his alright. hyun should make him more of her ma drink.





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Guest kjtodd08





Hi GOGUMAS! just dropping by to post my fanfic! hope you guys read it!



First Love: Chapter 5- Surprise?



pls post comments on what you think^^thnx



new reader? click here:Chapter 1: First Impression


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Guest honeyjade11
































































































I'm sorry to be a burden to other GOGUMAS, but I'm trying to make this my signature....































































* * I was infected by the YongSeo VIRUS!!! * *
































"LOVE is not always what you SEE. It's more on what you FEEL."






























































































































but when I'm saving it, it says that an error occured..? why is that? can anyone help me?? thanks!!

































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Guest blueshoes












It was a rumor, but it seems to be confirmed...












Yonghwa went to hospital, today (Wednesday). It seems that it's nothing serious.






















안과 검사때문에 병원갔다가 정용화 봤다!! 키도 크고 잘생겼던데~ 또 볼수 있을지도 모르겠군 크크








credit @blumin35 twitter + DC wgm








I use Mr.google








maybe for military ^_^





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Guest anatisha








I hope is nothing serious (about Yong going to Hospital), let's just hope for the best...




Hello Gogumas!!!!




Finally, it's been weeks since my last visit, mostly because of work, and today I read more than 120 pages... so yeah I missed the anniversary, I missed the thress last episodes, and the interviews of uri leader, I read some @allkpop thoguh, but Its not the same feeling since being in here is like being at home...




So I change my avatar, I saw all the beautiful drawings,all the fan made vids, all the spazz...








You make my life complete again, and you give hopes & encourage... thank you to @mountainmadman, @dduk (& sis), @sonems @YSInternational, If I omit other translators and people that share, mianney... thank you




And a huge, HUGE THANK YOU... to you... yes YOU goguma, how spent a little time in here to share feelings, moments, experiences, etc... and for making this threat a truly home... love to everyone XD




P.S. Sorry Im not good with pictures, I just wrote what Im feeling at the momment...




Edit: I forgot one thing, if not for the blue annyversary avatar, I would´t know how many mal gogumas are in here kkk... love



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Guest uni343ver











Okay, here it goes. Since this thread is not moving at the speed of light like in the past. It's my first post so go easy on me goguma villagers. I decided to share some caps.  


























Let me know if I broke any rules.



































YongSeo's excercise style.































































































































































































































































































































































































How do you guys capture such amazing high quality pictures. I'm not satify with mine:tears: .

















Please share me the secret so I can do more screen caps in the future.



































Happy Wednesday!

















(-Here in CA)














































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I'm sorry to be a burden to other GOGUMAS, but I'm trying to make this my signature....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* * I was infected by the YongSeo VIRUS!!! * *
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"LOVE is not always what you SEE. It's more on what you FEEL."































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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but when I'm saving it, it says that an error occured..? why is that? can anyone help me?? thanks!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OK, here are the restrictions for the signature ^_^


Signature Restrictions
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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  • Up to 2 images
Images up to 300 x 150 pixelsUp to 10 URLsUp to 4 lines
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In your case I think it could be the size of the image, it must be 300 x 150 pixels or less but not more ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank U all for the goodies, hope Yong is alright... Yong Seobang!! Fighting!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why this week is going so slowly??? I need Yongseo to breathe :D!

































































































































































































































































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OK, here are the restrictions for the signature ^_^


In your case I think it could be the size of the image, it must be 300 x 150 pixels or less but not more ^^.


Thank U all for the goodies, hope Yong is alright... Yong Seobang!! Fighting!!


Why this week is going so slowly??? I need Yongseo to breathe :D!



Yes, this week going so slowly. I feel like a crazy Ajumma just searching & refreshing page just for any update news no matter its Yong News or Hyun News. Then I knew that he went to hospital and I hate it. Hope he alright.. :wub:



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Guest lethaljust

my sister often check this thread.and it kinda amazed me looking at her smiling and laughing in front of her laptop.then i also start reading the thread and even watching the series..then i was infected with the same virus..lol..i now love this couple.they are both funny..they never falter in making me laugh. 

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Guest DJHinata

I want to share this poses!! I hope our YongSeo Couple have this kind of poses for their wedding photoshoot




SNSD in laws, CNBLUE in laws, and the family ~ Seulong and Jinwoon too XD

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soshi3, u're most welcome! :)

haha yes magdal, the thread is certainly slow especially during weekdays huh.

fabiistar07, thanks for posting the rocker pic of hyun. these days, it seems like uri hyun is getting more & more fashionable just like her other half eh. ahems!

mamablues... that's such a great thought u have there! wahahahaha wickedly nice! xD and in ur pic... yongseo are wearing yellow sweatshirts. isn't that very couple-ly of them! i wonder who made them wear the couple sweatshirts... my guess is yoong?? 'cause he was seen carrying a fully loaded bag whereas hyun was only carrying a big paper bag.

i remember we all had a debate on why yoong was being more distant a few days ago. kekeke we're one funny IN-GO-PAEM eh. no wonder this thread is even well-known in korea 'cause we always have things to discuss about. be it from trivial to humongous. we gogumas are the best ne!

i've been watching past eps. come to think of it, yong really does like hyun a lot! some proofs:

- remember jungshin stole yong's picture frame with hyun inside in the driving test ep? whahahaa that was the biggest give-away!

- the piggyback ride from yong. he obviously didn't wanna let go of hyun. LOL!

- he even couldn't wait to tell hyun about his new song... the famous banmal song that was solely inspired by hyun!

- he even brought hyun back to busan to meet his mom & friends! if u don't plan to go any further why bring her back, yong? :phew: (unless it's preplanned by WGM? boooo! <_< )

- he even asked psy how to treat an upright girl! who else could that upright girl be?

- in the past, yong usually describes his ideal by either mentioning the name or by describing his ideal quite generally. but as time passes by, we see his description leaning more & more strongly onto hyun. and the latest description was TOTALLY HYUN. xD daebak!

aigoo, there're more but i'm afraid i've to go back to work now... ah, sorry for the rambling. i'm just reminiscing how yong came to like hyun & how much he likes her.

wokeh! *poofs* :ph34r:


DJHinata, I LOVE IT! u're making me imagine things again! aigooo how am i gonna focus on work! LOL~

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Guest teahoney

i think i need to go to the hospital again, dreamy!

am not only over the moon....i want to stay there too! :lol::lol:

i wish that hyun will let herself go and fall on yong..she IS allowed to fall right?

i wish that yong WIL fall and take hyun with him, rolling down the slope...wicked!

and my last wish is for them to sleep next to each other till the next morning..

yong looks dead on his feet..he wouldn't bother to get up even if hyun asked him to..

and hyun my dear, i trust there will nvr be a PG18 from u both..

so u are safe with your yong! ;):P

@jnj, i wanna stay there too ^_^ in fact i feel like the earth is actually a moon! :lol::lol:

,we share the same wishes.. kekeke..

and hyun my dear, i trust there will nvr be a PG18 from u both..

" so u are safe with your yong" ;):lol::sweatingbullets: Aigoo.....

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  anyong! just got back from 3 days convention  in singapore and it seems everyone else are busy with work and stuff ;) the thread is so quite today?
































































































































































































































































 where are the mighty Gogoma's... aneng, soshi2, zealous and the rest? no news about our couple? my day is not good as i expected, thank you  Uni343ver for the recaps.. now i can smile and will try to watch the last episode..
































































































































































































































































saturday please come quickly! we cant wait for seohyun wish.... PD'im show us the wedding photo's dont hide it.. hehehehe take care gogoma land! enjoy your day! ^_^

































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








just to share these pictures........ has these been shared before??
























credits: DC








looks like the new WGM studio...... I STILL MISS THE OLD ONE PLUS SEULONG AND JINWOON! :tears:





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Guest ayanapunya
































































Since this thread moving a bit slow these days, I want to share something interesting about this episode, which also one of my favorite scene of this recent episode :wub:




























































































































When hyun fall for the second time, Instead put off his snowboard, Yong spontaneously crawling to help hyun.  And when yong crawling like that, MC Kim said ,"To run quickly like the wind for your loved one."






























































So, can we assumpt that MC Jake have the same feeling like us to uri couple? :wub:































































































To Seychan, thanks for your reply :rolleyes:

































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































Good morning Gogumas!
































































How I wish to see some new photos of our Yongseo!!! Will there be any festival/concert soon with SNSD and CNBLUE??? Because I remember there is something, but I can't recall it...
































































For the beginning of a good day I will post this:
































































































































c: tumblr
































































I just love our Yong here! Totally hot!

































































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































hi, our thread is so quiet and so slow this week...   i miss our fast moving threadddd






























































































































































































































@kasia3goguma, there will be a music program they will attend in thailand, the MBC Korean Music Wave on 12th March 2011 :
































































MBC KOREAN MUSIC WAVE IN BANGKOK will be one of the biggest concert this year. There will be more than 18 popular Korean bands to attend such as 2PM , Girl Generation , KARA, CN Blue , 4 MINUTE ,T-ARA, FT island,MissA, 2AM , SG wannabe, B2ST,MBLAQ,BROWN EYED GIRLS , AFTER SCHOOL, SECRET, SISTAR and NORAZO






























































































































































































































































but we have to wait for it in less than a month....































































































































































wanted to share this... credit to yan (chinese baidu)  
































































































































sorry if it was posted before... but this is one of the scene that i love.... you can see how much yong cares about  hyun.  the only wgm couple that look so real to me happy.gifhappy.gifhappy.gif































































































































i miss our noisy thread,  gogumas, please make some noise....wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

































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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi All!































































































































































































































































These are some clips from DCmarried. Uri YongSeo in Seoul Music Awards on Y Star Program.































































































































































































































































The last clip of this program made my days so maybe these ones as well?!!































































































































































































































































Could someone pls translate to us? Thank you in advance. :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr : DCmarried































































































































































































































































Cr : yongseocodelove@YT






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo in YStar Seoul Music































































































































































































































































Seohyun in YStar Seoul Music






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr : ytmsyjsh@YT































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the longer version. :wub:































































































































































































































































YongSeo in SMA BTS
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest just_a_dream
















































annyong In-Go-Paem!rolleyes.gif







































































feels like centuries that I haven't post here. I was just lurking and reading everyone's contributions, and to my surprise my sister mentioned that she signed in and post here. when I checked the thread, OMG!.her post is popular (having positive votes though, more than my prev postscrazy.gif)..bwahahaha..
































i really did drag her into this,hahaha,well she wasn't drag by me to post anyway,it was just her own will to post..kekeke
































How's everyone?.the thread is slow maybe because majority of our In-Go-Paem is busy, due to work and stuffs..
































@kasia3goguma..that pic of Yong is smoking hoooot..kkkk..from what concert/perf of them was that taken though?.thanks in advance
































back to lurking now, have to be busy with school stuff..bye,bye
















































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