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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest soshisoshisoshi












Dropping off the translation for MC Jake's tweet.








우결녹화 마치고 귀가중..쿤톨의 안무연습에피..용서의 스키장 뒷풀이..푸하핫!..잼남..토욜 닥본사! V587~!!!











Going home after WGM filming...Khuntoria's dance practice...YongSeo after the ski resort...Puhaha! Very fun...don't forget to watch this Saturday! V587~!!!













thanks M3 for trans! wohoooo, next episode seems interesting! curious what is this "very fun" thing about........








saturday 빨리!!!!!








jnj, yeah I noticed that too. it's kinda short nowadays. Idk, since his tweets revealed many things abt WGM before, maybe the staff advised him to make his tweets ambiguous, to make us FANS more curious :lol:









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Hi all.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC Jake tweet today already been translate by gogumacraze. It's translation from baidu site.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Not responsible for any translation!! After recording of WGM, on the way home! Khutoria's dance practice! Continuation of YongSeo's snowboarding epi! Phuahaha. Interesting. Saturday watch on time! V587!!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just re-post it..

































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anyone notice how yongseo likes to fiddle with the yellow elephant?

of all their 'children', this yellow elephant seem to be cuddled more.

and i think the reason is because, the cloth that is tied arnd it,

always slides off.

does this elephant kid prefers to run arnd the house naked? :lol:

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waaaaaaaa help!


















ok i started downloading ep 40 at SONEms subs forum....











then our connection suddenly went down (annoying)


















so i went again to the forum to download it again, i was already at mediafire and whenever i click the "click to start download"











it goes back to the giving password thing :(


















waaaaa am i only allowed to download it once?? i mean once you download it, (even though are not done downloading) you cannot download it again??


















please i need help :(











thank you for who will reply :)



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Guest soshisoshisoshi












waaaaaaaa help!






ok i started downloading ep 40 at SONEms subs forum....



then our connection suddenly went down (annoying)






so i went again to the forum to download it again, i was already at mediafire and whenever i click the "click to start download"



it goes back to the giving password thing :(






waaaaa am i only allowed to download it once?? i mean once you download it, (even though are not done downloading) you cannot download it again??






please i need help :(



thank you for who will reply :)













err, this problem happened to me once. I overcame it by downloading the file using another browser, and it worked........ Idk if this will work for you, but happy trying!









EDIT: honeyjade11...... go to profile --> settings --> signature






EDIT2: Soshimunky..... LOL at the term "Degogumization". should we add it to the Goguma dictionary?? :lol:.








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Guest honeyjade11
































































































hello GOGUMAS, I would just like to ask for help. How could I make a footer that would appear everytime I post.? I mean the thing under some gogumas post. ?? may someone help me?? thanks in advance :-)

































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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































Annyeong gogumas w00t.gif
















































































































What a night. I thought I was going to try 'degogumize' myself by trying to start watching kdrama but here I am posting at Soompi instead. I blame this guy down here.































































































































































































































































































































































This GIF was made by mzxkristine of SPD (Thanks!)
















































































































The source is from the awesome GoldenJYH :)































































































































































































































































The black haired Yong really reminds me of the Yonghwa of 1st WGM episode! Don't you? That shy smile... Eiish. How is my degogumization ever going to succeed if I keep on staring at him?
































































































































hello GOGUMAS, I would just like to ask for help. How could I make a footer that would appear everytime I post.? I mean the thing under some gogumas post. ?? may someone help me?? thanks in advance :-)
















































































































HI goguma honeyjade11 :) You can go to your profile (just click your username) and then click 'setting' and then click 'signature' to edit it. The footer is the signature. You can upload picture or write words, as long as you follow Soompi rules. If you still have a problem, you can ask again, we are helpful here ^^

















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hello GOGUMAS, I would just like to ask for help. How could I make a footer that would appear everytime I post.? I mean the thing under some gogumas post. ?? may someone help me?? thanks in advance :-)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For all the new Soompiers, I highly recommend you check out the Soompi Rules & Forums thread. All of your questions can be answered in the faq section. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soompi Rules & News
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soompi Questions, comments, & suggestions































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& now for something to spazz:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun & Yonghwa....getting closer & closer wub.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest honeyjade11
































































































oh thanks for soshisoshisoshi, Soshimunky and rxp080100!!






























































































































thanks for the quick reply, I'll be doing that tomorrow... thanks again!! have a good night (to those who are the same time with me,,,) and good day to the others,,

































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Guest gettawa
















































































































































































































































































































































































Hello everybody






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today I started to do. Annual mission is to look again happily yongseo 55555.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cause i just started laughing to myself when I saw him ...... Mr Yong















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































only a message to his buin 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 his face turned away,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"you jealous of your wife, right? Yong.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Your really cute 55555. "




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I realy Love both of you YongSeo

































































































































































































































































































































































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thanks for you responds jnj..really appreciate it...i just found this video posted on Yongseo Couple Facebook...credits to pikeyenny.wordpress.com..i made screencaps of one of the interview question,asked by tiffany to seohyun....i think this is long time ago when they promote run devil run and sorry if someone already post this before.






















































asking did hyun get excited and nervous when he meets yong nampyeon...
































unnies all excited and giddy to know hyun answer...















































and hyun shyly answer...(aigoo,yes)so cuteeeeeeee
































full video can be watch here..SNSD Girls' Generation @ Guerilla Interview -- Entertainment Weekly (English Subtitles)
















as for the games,i vote hyun wish to go ice skating with yong!really appreciate if someone can add my name under the wish list!^____^
















edit:wow first time in my life,i top the page..luckily i have something to share..^_____^









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Guest fabiistar07



Good Morning/afternoon/night everyone ^_^

Since the thread is a little slow today I just wanted to share something I noticed

This pic was posted before


But i noticed those shoes before, so yesterday i decided to watch episode 43 to be sure

And it's a pretty good match don't you think?


At first I thought that she did a WGM recording right after she got out of the airport (since in that epi she's sleeping and Yong~ talks about how she just came back from Japan)

But then I remembered it was an old episode, probably from Nov. or Dec. (I'm not familiar with their schedules) :sweatingbullets:

I hope we get some news from uri YongSeo this week!


Saturday palii~! :D


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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































  I just watched again latest episode. There a lot of great scenes but honestly my favourite is this one:
































































































































Hyun's so excited. She doesn't mind touching Yong's head. She did it so naturally, and it made them look even closer with each other!































































































































































































































































Look how Yong likes it! Do you see this smirk on his face? I guess he's surprised by Hyun in very positive way!































































































































































































































































Again, Yong's face: He likes it!
































































































































I like how he ended it. Just naturally, keke 'this girl is really unbelievable'!
































































This scene is really short but I love Yong's reactions!:wub:
































































I want Saturday soo badly! I want to know Hyun's wish, and then I want Photoshoot! I guess I'm impatient!:P

































































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Hi everyone!

I guess we are kinda news deprived of our Couple *sigh*.

As much as I want to see Yonghwa and Seohyun act in a drama I hope it's in the latter half of the year.

Nowadays you can see so many idols who are turning into actors I don't want our couple to get lost in the shuffle.

And as for Yonghwa I somehow wish he concentrates more on music, he is such a gifted artist.

The best would be if one day they act together in a drama or movie yesyesyes :)


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Guest Germbaby





Aigooo.... why this thread so slow recently and no news on our beloved couple. No interaction ! I wish more music event comes out with our Yongseo couple participating so that we can hope to see more fancams... Yong Seo fighting.


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Guest fabiistar07






I'm making a FMV for uri YongSeo's 1-year-Anniversary ^_^


It was a last minute thing so it took me longer than expected :sweatingbullets:(sadly, it's still not done)


I just wanted to share something funny I found while watching all the episodes :)





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Ohh, hospital. Maybe some checkup because of his nodules? Hopefully it's not that bad. (Maybe Seohyun's going to send him propolis again.) :)




Best regards,




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Our thread has become a GOGUMA GIANT
































































































































Anyhow reading about some disheartened fans here or there on other social-media platforms, I feel like the following post needs to be remembered. It's a long, but very heartwarming read & it's good to remember that there are so many people who love & adore Yongseo couple :)
































































































































Thank you hihi_hehe for reminding me of this :)
































































































































Also, welcome back to silis7noy2@sooompiSNSD thread! 
































































































































EDIT:: The original post is on page 1118 
































































































































Hello~ First I have to apologize for the length of this post
































































































































I was asked by some people from this thread to explain on how Yongseo is being received in Korea. I'm sorry I can't participate in this thread due to my busy schedules, even though I support YongSeo fully. It seems like there have been some kind of negativity in this thread recently regarding YongSeo's status in Korea? That's what I was told, it's impossible for me to backtrack this huge thread and go through the issue now but one thing I can assure is that YongSeo's position as one of the most beloved WGM couples ever is secure in Korea.
































































































































Unless you understand Korean and frequent the Korean sites regularly and talk to other Koreans about it, you won't understand the exact situations in Korea. Otherwise you have to rely on someone like me to explain it to you and how can you trust me? All I can say is I have been providing translations and updates for some time now and I simply try to be as accurate as possible. I don't exaggerate anything I simply try to report exactly how it is in Korea. You can judge the integrity of my past reports they're all here in Soompi.
































































































































With that I will tell you again that people in Korea who watch YongSeo love this couple and in the most enthusiastic way possible. From what I've been told some people here could be anxious that YongSeo/YongHwa/Seohyun and their situations may be viewed unfavorably in some ways in Korea. You have nothing to worry about in that regard I tell you! YongSeo couple is made up of very popular idols so  there are all kinds of "different" fans attached to them plus regular people who are not idol fans. It is natural that there are going to be all kinds of opinions and although vast majority are positive, there are bound to be negative opinions too.
































































































































Some will be dissatisfied with how Yonghwa is portrayed in the show.
































































































































Some will be dissatisfied with how Seohyun is portrayed in the show.
































































































































And dozens of other dissenting opinions against YongSeo. And trolls too.
































































































































What I've been told is that some of these unhappy opinions have surfaced here in this thread and YongSeo fans are affected. You do not need to be anxious at all because all these unhappy opinions are minority opinions that have no significant influence! Some are from trolls and antis and some are valid criticisms but in the end there is no negative criticism of YongSeo, Yonghwa or Seohyun in Korea that is significant enough to be of any concern or affect YongSeo WGM in any way. The reputation of YongSeo in Korea is that of a lovable puppy like couple rare in this day and age, very well matched and complimenting each other, that is the overwhelming response for YongSeo couple in Korea.
































































































































Korean YongSeo fans feel this by heart so they do not get anxious when they hear negative comments. Hundreds of trolls invade WGM and YongSeo sites to try to stir things up but Korean YongSeo fans are strong and secure enough to easily fend them off. When someone has a valid criticism of YongHwa or Seohyun the Korean YongSeo fans would respond "Oh Thanks for your opinion although we heard that one already we appreciate your opinion~  Hang around and join our spazzing^^" Korean YongSeo fans do not get disturbed unnecessarily. Any valid criticisms are welcome and they do not get hurt or stay depressed just because someone comments negatively.
































































































































And this confidence you need to have as international supporters of YongSeo. It is understandable that international fans can be more susceptible to having various doubts due to not being able to have complete information like Korean fans.
































































































































But even without those information Korean fans have you can still be confident about YongSeo yourselves. Don't you watch WGM yourself? That is really all you need to have your faith in YongSeo. If a Korean posts a criticism that is unreasonable to you are you going to just take her words and feel depressed, just because she has the authority of being Korean? No if you are a dedicated YongSeo fan and truly think the criticism is unreasonable then it is unreasonable. And you remain unaffected, happy and strong for YongSeo, that is how Korean YongSeo fans are, it is all important part of how you support YongSeo. (Of course this doesn't mean being being a blind fan. Again "other types" of fans are involved with YongSeo and their positions need to be respected too. For example if YongHwa/Seohyun fans have wishes that conflict with YongSeo fans then there can be civil discussions leading to amicable compromises)
































































































































If there is a real negative view of YongSeo that becomes significant in Korea, I will tell you. But there hasn't been any and I don't believe there will be any.
































































































































Traditionally the influential site DCinside has been somewhat of a headquarter for WGM fans. You're probably already aware that many of significant wgm updates and goodies come from the DC WGM Gallery. In the beginning days YongSeo had very few fans in the gallery, probably 10% there were YongSeo fans. Now here is a snapshot of the DC WGM Gallery for the last few days showing the top popular posts with biggest viewcounts(Those viewcounts are huge for dc, since lurkers dont get counted and dc has enormous number of lurkers including internation fans^^)
































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































YongSeo/Seohyun/YongHwa in Korean is 용서 서현 용화 and you can see how YongSeo posts dominate the whole list. It may seem silly to show a list like this to explain situation in Korea but not when you know about DC's reach and influence in Korea.
































































































































Bestiz is a huge entertainment site in Korea and it is very influential because reporters, media people, and the entertainers including many idols themselves visit this site. And the response for YongSeo in Bestiz is tremendous with people posting spazzing Gechun(main section) posts after each episode(which is rare in Bestiz very few shows get this), Let me tell you, Bestiz is a dangerous place it is full of trolls and antis. If there is trouble with a celebrity or a show, it will show up on Bestiz. If YongSeo has any significant problem, you will be able to see and feel it on Bestiz. It is because the antis will stir it up and try to make it visible to the reporters on the site. YongSeo is free from these antis on Bestiz precisely because of the great love and support YongSeo has on Bestiz. I'm going to give you few comments from Bestiz and I'm not picking only the good comments these are random ones I translated
































































































































"Looking at that, Yonghwa has good observations on people.. both of them are too cute ^^"
































































































































"Few months ago they were boring but why are they so fun now? kekekeke My jawbone is exploding from smiling kekeke I watch wgm for this couple my heart flutters kekeke"
































































































































"Watching Seohyun.. I remember my first date.. her reaction is similar to what I did back then.. kekeke"
































































































































"YongSeo really brings back the memories kekeke they make my heart complicated kekeke cute pretty and lovable"
































































































































"They were awkward at first so I wasn't gonna watch kekeke This couple I love more the more I watch now kekeke"
































































































































"I liked them from the start. I stopped watching wgm but restarted because of these two"
































































































































"Seems Seohyun is truly happy kekeke Owner of sweet potato field kekeke You like it because it's yours? keke Yonghwa is the man for giving her the present she wants"
































































































































"Too cute kekeke YongSeo has been on for quite a long but it isn't getting tiring it gets more fun each time kekeke Gets newer gets funner"
































































































































I show you these two example sites because they are the two of the most influential sites in Korea and even though it's not the whole of Korea, you can get pretty good idea of how things are in Korea by looking at responses from these sites. Are there sites with posts that say negative things about YongSeo? Yes sure one can show links like that from some sites, but I can always show hundreds of more links cheering for YongSeo from major sites.
































































































































I tutor some kids and one's mother is wgm fan and with her friends at the beauty salon they talk for hours about wgm couples they love YongSeo. Sure some of them have some critical comments too but in the end if MBC were to announce YongSeo quitting those ladies would become furious. The mother is a member of an influential site for housewives(This site resposible for some of the biggest K-ent gossip) and YongSeo has many devoted fans there, and some typical random comment there I translated:
































































































































"YongSeo is the it couple.. I really love the sincere attitudes they have in wgm.."
































































































































"First time since I was born that I've loved a girl idol like this. What the hell am I doing."
































































































































"The couple that shows pure love. I repeat the show infinitely"
































































































































In short what I want to say is that the love for YongSeo out there is grand and real and you should become confident fans in supporting them, and not get swayed by each little bits of random negativity that might come your way.
































































































































I'm rather in a hurry but I ended up writing a long one~ but I hope I wasn't rambling on too much or if this post is appropriate or if I tried to beat a dead horse...
































































































































By the way all three wgm couples are rightfully very popular in Korea in their own special ways, it's impossible to say which is the 'best' or 'most popular'.
































































































































And as for that ratings article thing, you can ignore it, it was just some trolls with fake ratings reports trying to create trouble but it wasn't that big deal with Korean fans like the article is making it out to be. It's a forgotten incident now, see again don't let this kind of random negativity affect you just because you hear about it
































































































































YongSeo Hwaiting~































































































































































































































































My advice is to ignore the antis or the "non-supporters" & stay in Go-Chun and keep on loving YongSeo. wub.gif

































































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The Notes To Our Love Song
















































So... this is something new I'm trying out. I've mentioned and showed you guys the moment-capture kind of thing earlier and now I'm thinking about making a sequence especially focused on YongSeo. The sequence's called The Notes To Our Love Song and like with the general idea of the moment-capture (I'm going to stick with that word, lol) I'm trying to convey a certain feeling/emotion with each one of them. I'll be working from the first episode on.
















































Here are the first two 'notes'. I hope you guys like them :lol:
















































The first note.
































































































The second note.
































































































I'm not quite sure myself if I'll post in this thread each time I've finished one since I feel weird when I have absolutely nothing to say other than just these things I've made, haha. I remember I wrote essay-worthy posts in the past, but oh - these days are long gone :lol: In case I don't, just check my blog. Feedback is much appreciated!









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