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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest Dinatale

What is Seohyun's wish?

(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.

Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)

Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):

* aurora

* Trent

* roy_lover

Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:

* eastlight

* Xanshi

* zcanby

Go Shopping:


Wedding photoshoot:






Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:



YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:

* YongSeoRockin

* outofurReach

* nrlfrhna

Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:

* .:love_ya:.

* fabiistar07

Mission during music show:

* kasia3goguma

* luna21

* d3j1k0

Style ( from manly to cute ) Blach Hair / Black Dragon

* Anink

Yong without Makeup

* Dinatale

Cant wait saturday please come faster!!! About Mc Kim tweet: YongSeo's snowboarding epi! Phuahaha. Interesting!!!

Wath can be???!!!

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Guest lovekin
































































a squid  iguana: a love story || one-shot
































haha, awkward title is awkward.  anyway, it's another long one, yay!  guh, i'm tired.  i guess you could say that this is the official anniversary fic i planned + valentine's fic because i am lazy, and why not combine the two!  um, also the italicized part of the summary is a quote from dawson's creek, which is more or less me making a nod to my friend on one of our conversations we posted at our community since we have a bet going that whoever loses has to write an AU yongseo dc-style.  LOL oh god.





























































































































How could I possibly know how hard it is to let somebody go, right?  The pain of knowing that even though the two of you are right for each other, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're right for each other right now















.  Don't you know?  It's a precarious thing to fall in love.














































































































It's an odd feeling to fall out of something, to know that something you've been so familiar with for so long is leaving you.

















































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Guest Seychan
















Love games. I'm so curios. Really, Huyn's wish is so difficult to guess.... I chose Mission for music show. This game make me review newest ep and fancam, perf of CNBlue & SNSD. I love Yong <3 He's so hot & handsome in Melon Award. *make me die*








What is Seohyun's wish?








(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.








Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)








Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):








* aurora








* Trent








* roy_lover








Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:








* eastlight








* Xanshi








* zcanby








Go Shopping:
















Wedding photoshoot:
















































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:
























YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:








* YongSeoRockin








* outofurReach








* nrlfrhna








Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:








* .:love_ya:.








* fabiistar07








Mission during music show:








* kasia3goguma








* luna21








* d3j1k0
















Style ( from manly to cute ) Blach Hair / Black Dragon








* Anink








Yong without Makeup








* Dinatale








Don't have to share. Just repost my favourite cap: So cute
















His smile :wub: handsome handsome. I love Yong especially his smile. (cr. annann)
















Her smile. Yong always make Huyn happy & smile :wub: Huyn just want to be with Yong, above all fear....
















Thank u maybe07. Nice lyric. I really like it....








Snowy Wish


























Come closer and hug me tightly















I have something to tell you right now















I'm really thankful, I love you this much: all of the air that cannot be measured















That's how much I love you















After one day, one month passes...















After one year, two years pass there may not be any mysterious attraction between us















Even then, even if that happens, I believe that I will still love you.


























Yong ah, at right time, let hug Huyn sweet.... and she'll belong to you forever.... forever be your wife ...




















































YongSeo couple, I love you ♥ Just look they're happy together, make me smile everyday...















I'm happy when look at a little love grows each day ♥





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Guest mach8infinity


hmmm just a suggestion... it's getting difficult to catch the information quickly with the growing list of seohyun's wishes. could we put the guesses under a spoiler instead? or is the growing list supposed to help us attain the goal of a thread number 2? :ph34r:


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Hi fellow Gogumas! How's everyone holding up? Everyone excited for saturday's episode!? I know I am. It feels like this week is dragging on and on and on :crazy: SATURDAY BALI BALI!! Honestly, these past few weeks have flown by for me. It always seemed it was saturday before I knew it. But for some odd reason, this week is just dragging on painstakingly slow. <_<












I wanted to say real quick, I was just going on a bunch of other threads lurking and posting comments here and there but I've got to say coming back onto this thread...it just feels like home :) A bunch of the other threads felt so foreign to me! I just wanted to share that with my fellow Yongseo lovers :) you all really make this such a warm, happy, welcoming place. So thank you all! Yongseo and Goguma lovers fighting!!












Sorry for the randomness... :sweatingbullets:



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Guest soshisoshisoshi








dreamyboo! thanks for the reply. I have been searching for HQ vids but so far I haven't been able to found them. so thanks once again. IDK, maybe I just like to collect RAW because maybe it can help you improve your Korean (it helps you know!)








I almost forgot! GAMES! yeah I love games. Trent, just like jnj said, you are indeed the "GOGUMA GAME MASTER"








What is Seohyun's wish?











(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to  add it.




Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut  anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add  your name.)












Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing,  too, currently):




* aurora




* Trent




* roy_lover












Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was  down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to  take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed  instead:




* eastlight




* Xanshi




* zcanby












Go Shopping:




















Wedding photoshoot:
































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:




















YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:




* YongSeoRockin




* outofurReach




* nrlfrhna












Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:




* .:love_ya:.




* fabiistar07












Mission during music show:




* kasia3goguma




* luna21




* d3j1k0








Style ( from manly to cute ) Blach Hair / Black Dragon




* Anink








Yong without Makeup




* Dinatale

















keep the posts coming!












MC Kim tweeted!!




우결녹화 마치고 귀가중..쿤톨의 안무연습에피..용서의 스키장 뒷풀이..푸하핫!..잼남..토욜 닥본사! V587~!!!



translations anyone?








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Guest ayanapunya
































































Dear my Fellow goguma..






























































Since I really love this quote. And I'm sure most of you also love it






























































"Love is not a big thing. It's millions of small things"






























































I just wanna know whether this quote taken from one episode of uri couple. If yes, which episode?































































































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just got this from - SNSD | Girls' Generation - facebook




















[Rumor] "Seohyun Drama". Idols in cast list: Seohyun (sister of lead actor), Sunhwa, Heechul. Screenplay: 박정란 PD: 문보현. [cr:oniontaker] -JQ-
















i have no idea whether it is true or not but if it true,i can't wait to watch it..hope yong will be cast in this drama too as hyun lovers...hihihi
















EDIT:gogumas,let's watch this..yong nampyeon..too hot too handle.hyun buin will love this vid...^__^
















Yong Hotnesss





















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in reference to this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just got this from - SNSD | Girls' Generation - facebook































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have no idea whether it is true or not but if it true,i can't wait to watch it..hope yong will be cast in this drama too as hyun lovers...hihihi































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's another 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



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so, the rumor for seohyun drama is originally from here. from this, doesnt really look like reliable source. http://bit.ly/fw3bFE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: cucluvsic@twitter retweeted by oniontaker
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































just got this from - SNSD | Girls' Generation - facebook































































































































































i have no idea whether it is true or not but if it true,i can't wait to watch it..hope yong will be cast in this drama too as hyun lovers...hihihi































































































































hello everyone. its been awhile. 
































































anyways,  (the selfish me comes out today) i dont like them in any drama show, not until they've finish they're wgm stint.... same thing might happen like what adam couple went through because they had a sitcom.... sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif































































































































































wub.gifi love yongseowub.gif
































































since i top the page i will join the game hehehe































































































































































































What is Seohyun's wish?





























































































































































































































































































































(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.































































































































Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)





























































































































































































































































































































Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):































































































































* aurora































































































































* Trent































































































































* roy_lover





























































































































































































































































































































Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:































































































































* eastlight































































































































* Xanshi































































































































* zcanby





























































































































































































































































































































Go Shopping:



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wedding photoshoot:
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:































































































































* YongSeoRockin































































































































* outofurReach































































































































* nrlfrhna





























































































































































































































































































































































Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:































































































































* .:love_ya:.































































































































* fabiistar07





























































































































































































































































































































Mission during music show:































































































































* kasia3goguma































































































































* luna21































































































































* d3j1k0






























































































































































































































Style ( from manly to cute ) Blach Hair / Black Dragon































































































































* Anink






























































































































































































































Yong without Makeup































































































































* Dinatale































































































































































































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regarding what i post just now,it's only a rumor..im hoping that's it's not true if it will effect their wgm show..sorry if my post before makes my goguma family unhappy..=(









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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































































































































































Hi all!!






























































































































































































































































I've found this article in SNSD Soompi. So cute!!































































































































































































































































[AUTHOR] Soshi (Disney) Princesses
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seo Joohyun - Belle/ Beauty






























































































































































































































































Belle’s the most intelligent out of the Disney Princesses, and Seohyun  is our academic and music virtuoso. They would rather read books than go  chase boys and both will probably faint inside a big richard simmons library. If  they’re not shy, they would speak their mind and everyone would stand in  awe of how unusual of a girl they are. Big dreamers, they both have  high ambitions but in Belle’s case, it changed after she met the Beast  and she remained satisfied on how her life is. On the other hand, we  watched Seobaby bloom and we saw a different side of her through  WGM. (thanks to her hubby) :wub:
































































































































































































































































credit: geniecity.tumblr.com































































































































via: kaskuone / soneternity.co.cc






























































































































































































































































And the rest of SNSD girls I put them in spoiler.































































































































































































































































Im Yoona - Cinderella






























































































































































































































































Mainly, one word can establish a good similarity between these two: POPULAR. Cinderella’s the most popular Disney Princess and Yoona’s the most popular member (most of the time). If Yoona is SNSD’s front girl or mascot, Cinderella is definitely Disney’s. Why? You know that castle at the start of every Disney film where Tinker Bell flies over to leave her pixie dust glory… yes, that’s her castle alright. what a boss. While Cinderella have two sisters loathing her, Yoona have more than 2 haters tha — nah i’ll stop. not relevant. And of course, Yoona is as hardworking as Cinderella and is as delicate-looking and is as spunky as her.






























































































































































































































































Choi Sooyoung - Rapunzel






























































































































































































































































Well, say hello to the very first 3D princess, Rapunzel. Sooyoung’s 3D in a sense that her stomach’s another universe and her legs are just as long as Rapunzel’s hair.loljk. This princess’ respect for her mother is as high as Sooyoung’s respect and love for her mother which is by the way, very admirable. Rapunzel’s wish for her birthday is to go out of the tower, while Sooyoung’s wish is… to have her very first birthday celebration.(and Mama Choi genie-d her wish). Rapunzel is violent cause she can use her hair as a whip and smack someone with a frying pan and Sooyoung could prolly hit you if you stand on her way.lulz. and by the end of the film Rapunzel had short hair too. omg, i’m such a spoiler. come at me bro!





























































































































































































































































































































































































Kwon Yuri - Jasmine






























































































































































































































































First glance, you probably know that both don’t have fair skin — they’re tan. Princess Jasmine is the first non-Caucasian Disney princess and Yuri is well, our Black Pearl. Full of girl power and impetuousness, Jasmine loves new adventures and it clearly shows cause she wears pants. However, Yuri’s impetuousness is more of mischievousness since she likes to prank people and act like a child, and of course… she’s hot in pants(i’d tap that). They have high self-confidence since she’s a princess and she’s a proud soshi member. Plus, both have the unf body to show abs. Mmmmhmm girl, you’re fine~ you can rub my magic lamp anytime cause i’m definitely your genie.





























































































































































































































































































































































































Kim Hyoyeon - Tiana






























































































































































































































































The world is cruel and as much as i hate to say it, Tiana and Hyoyeon receives the most aggression. Since Tiana’s the first African-American princess, she got critics talkin’, while Hyoyeon got haters pinkberryin’. IDIOTS! Disney ain’t racist and Kim Hyoyeon is beautiful, and not only that she’s a hellova dancer and athlete, she’s a sweetheart, and she’s humble. Both are hardworking, both knows how to prioritize well and both are pretty stars to my sky. Tiana’s left-handed, and Hyoyeon is as well(i think she’s ambidextrous too).





























































































































































































































































































































































































Tiffany Hwang - Ariel/ The Little Mermaid






























































































































































































































































Most Disney Princesses are motherless, and Ariel is one of them, in fact, Queen Athena died when Ariel was 5. Tiffany’s mother died too when she was little, but i can conclude, both of them got their angelic looks from their mamas. Ariel’s love to the human world and to Prince Eric is as passionate as Tiffany’s love for her dream. Adventurous and headstrong like a boss, Ariel would do anything in the world just to go to the surface, same with Tiffany and Korea. Both have loving fathers and are the youngest out of their siblings. These girls also have the tendencies to lose their voices, but still, they both rock my boat.





























































































































































































































































































































































































Lee Sunny - Fa Mulan






























































































































































































































































If anyone looks at Mulan and Sunny from afar, they’ll initially assume them as shy delicate Asian girls…NOT! They might be small and cute but their personalities are as big as Goliath. Outspoken, funny, bold, tomboyish and sensible. They can do anything! Ride horses, shoot arrows, catch fish, run like a tiger and kick your richard simmons, hnng, sexy. And like Mulan pretending to be a guy, Sunny acts like THE son in her estrogen-filled family. Just… don’t let them get near fireworks.lol





























































































































































































































































































































































































Jessica Jung - Briar Rose/ Aurora / Sleeping Beauty






























































































































































































































































Believe me, sleeping isn’t the only similarity between Aurora and Jessica. Flora and Fauna gave Aurora the gifts of beauty and song which our Jessica here have too. Aurora looks good even in peasant clothes, Jessica…well… she looks marvelous. Jessica sings lovely as well and is as mysterious as Aurora. And since the princess slept for like half of the story, she comes out as a passive type. And our Jessica is as passive as a spoiled princess. lol i love her. Both have this tantalizing kind of nobility that most of us can only spazz from afar.





























































































































































































































































































































































































Kim Taeyeon - Snow White






























































































































































































































































Out of all of the princesses, Snow White is the oldest — so is Taeyeon in the group. Like Snow White, Taeyeon takes care of her dwarfs… i mean… her heigh-ho members even after their crazy schedules. As a leader, she works on her own initiative just like how Snow White cleans the house without being asked. Both have insanely white skin complexion that can blind eyes. joke. Animals love Snow White just as animalistic fans love Taengoo(lol.we’re cute as john tesh). And lastly, they have timeless seraphic voices that can soothe every generation.






























































































































































































































































credit: geniecity.tumblr.com































































































































via: kaskuone / soneternity.co.cc































































































































































































































































































































































































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hello In-Go-Paem :)













i just want to ask how can i download from SONEms??













i've been waiting for RDRsubs to release theirs <but still they haven't>













so i haven't downloaded ep 40 to the latest :(













can someone please help me :) thank you!



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Guest talulet
















i remember reading an old article about seohyun, that she's not interested in boys. the article even said that seohyun find boys gross before LOL and her unnies are teasing her and said that she's waiting for someone who's rich, prince-type of guys, just like the guys from boys over flowers. :)) and they were saying that it's impossible to find guys like that these days.







i found it funny because, i think seohyun already found exactly what she's been looking for, don't you think so? :D







yonghwa can pass as a member of f4 :P (he even resembles hyunjoong sometimes and his character shinwoo is like yoo ji hoo)



































(yong jun pyo ♥ hyun jan di with min ji hoo, so yi jong,song woo shin LOL)








cnblue over flowers. kkk. :))































and yongseo looked like they came out from a manga or anime' or a kdrama. almost perfect~ :D









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Guest soshisoshisoshi












hello In-Go-Paem :)







i just want to ask how can i download from SONEms??







i've been waiting for RDRsubs to release theirs <but still they haven't>







so i haven't downloaded ep 40 to the latest :(







can someone please help me :) thank you!

















you can follow this link http://forum.sonems.net/f47-sonems-subs-station






but before you have to make an account and must send 15-words reply before you can see the download links







OK so drama rumor with Seohyun as a cast huh?? since it's still a rumor I won't comment much about this. But just like gogumaforever pointed out, the participation in drama, be it Yonghwa or Seohyun will definitely affect their WGM schedules. Although drama is like 2 days per week, but still................. well, I'll just be cool about it.
















carry on........... what a boring day to day + quiet thread. still no trans for MC Kim's tweet?





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Guest nafa_yongseo






@kasia3goguma i was thinking the same regarding hyun's wish...









i think her wish has something to do with the music show the day after their ski trip. i don't have anything specific, though...i'll add our names under this category.



















What is Seohyun's wish?





(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.









Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)





Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):





* aurora





* Trent





* roy_lover





Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:





* eastlight





* Xanshi





* zcanby





Go Shopping:










Wedding photoshoot:






























Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:















YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:





* YongSeoRockin





* outofurReach





Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:





* .:love_ya:.





* fabiistar07





Mission during music show:





* kasia3goguma





* luna21





(sorry if i missed anyone)









i think she want Wedding photoshoot... :wub:...:P...:D... coz she laugh with shame face...


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Guest winbros
















Annyeong Go-In-Paem chingus!








Just caught up on the recent posts and I would like to encourage fellow Yongseo-shippers to post rumours as any news on our fav couple is especially welcome, especially ematot's rumour ~ spazz-worthy moment! :rolleyes:   For me, that kind of makes everything click as to how their interactions are like, leader/unnie Taeyeon's wish to Seobaby for 2011, Yo~ng's recent ideal type interview in Thailand (many goguma-villagers died reading that interview :lol:) + his brothers laughing at his descriptions.  I love how all signs seem to point that they may be doing what all of us WANT THEM  TO DO.  Given their popularity and the fanaticism of fans in Korea (and elsewhere), I highly doubt that there will ever be an official statement from them.  It's alright though, we'll still continue to love and support them, and pray that their friendship  (I prefer relationship, haha!) that they have built will last them for a long long time.  HWAITING YONGSEO couple!








@karen90611 - please continue to share your love for the couple with the rest of us, especially if it is news/rumours that we can spazz on , just remember to hide it in spoilers yah?  ^_^








@ematot - you can go to this sub-forum









and follow the rules (min. 15 words) to download the episodes, our friends in SONEms do great work in getting the eng-subbed episodes out ASAP, so make sure to thank them (especially Tetsuya) for their hard work.  Thanks for putting up the rumour from your korean friend, it made my day. :D  Could you pm me on the Adam news please?  Kamsahamida.








On the game, I chose interacting with the SILs as well as I really want to see how their interactions are like now given the recent rumours blush.gif.  Here's the list:
















What is Seohyun's wish?








(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to  add it.








Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut   anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add   your name.)








Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing,  too, currently):








* aurora








* Trent








* roy_lover








Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was   down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to   take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed   instead:








* eastlight








* Xanshi








* zcanby








Go Shopping:
























Wedding photoshoot:
















































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:
























YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:








* YongSeoRockin








* outofurReach








* nrlfrhna
















* winbros








Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:








* .:love_ya:.








* fabiistar07








Mission during music show:








* kasia3goguma








* luna21








* d3j1k0








Style ( from manly to cute ) Blach Hair / Black Dragon








* Anink








Yong without Makeup








* Dinatale 















Have a good day all, and please continue to post your thoughts, news and rumours (spoiler-ed of course) for folks like me who just can't get enough of them!  Back to re-watching the snowboarding ep to see the cool Yo~ng teaching the eager Hy~un interspersed with the Sangsadong parodies. :wub:





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Guest MountainMadman

Dropping off the translation for MC Jake's tweet.

우결녹화 마치고 귀가중..쿤톨의 안무연습에피..용서의 스키장 뒷풀이..푸하핫!..잼남..토욜 닥본사! V587~!!!

Going home after WGM filming...Khuntoria's dance practice...YongSeo after the ski resort...Puhaha! Very fun...don't forget to watch this Saturday! V587~!!!

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thank u for putting the game list in spoiler, guys..

okay...another rumor and this thread will definitely move! kekeke

i have mixed feelings abt the rumour, deguen deguen..

but until there is some sort of confirmation, i shall wait for it with much


ummihany..don't worry.

tks for the prev translation, M3.

nowadays, MC Kim tweet is kind of short...


since i was absent for a few days,

did u guys succeed in trending #YongSeo1stAnni.?

and what was the rating like for last week?

hope there is some news abt yongseo filming..i am missing them v v much! :sweatingbullets:

yes soshi3, come to think of it..his tweet on the bdae episode was the best!

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