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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yangonthu






I also don’t see any problems or awkwardness in the episode and Yong behaved perfectly for the circumstances they were in. As has been mentioned by a lot of Gogumas here, for me Yong was just in a serious mood while teaching her how to Snowboard because:


1) He is passionate about Snowboarding; he really loves it, so obviously he wants her to learn well. Do you remember his words about what he would like to do with his girlfriend? He said that if his girlfriend did not know how to snowboard, HE WILL TEACH HER IN ALL SINCERITY. That is what he did with Seohyun, by seriously teaching her in all sincerity and not teaching her with half-hearted attempts or babying her, by treating her as an equal. In addition, he also knows Hyun is the type of person that must learn things properly.








Hi @lunasol - OMO! I am a lurker but your post made me write a reply. I was walking around town running errands and I kept thinking to myself "Has Yong changed? Has he become too complacent now that Hyun is comfortable with him, and feel he doesn't have to try anymore? Is it all really for show????"




Seriously, I did not think I could be so attached to a virtual reality couple as I am to them. Your post cleared up a lot of the questions I had and also I recalled my ex-bf teaching me how to play Tennis (he was good) and he used to get all serious to the point where I would wish he would baby me instead. 




Also that part about him crawl/clawing his way to her. I know. He could have sat down, untied his board and then gone to her but no, he literally just wanted to be there next to her. 




I know, this is all so crazy to me how I wish they were real - I think part of me wants to believe this so that we can all still believe in love. I mean, come on. If this situation happened to me when I was 20, I'd be head over heels with Yong. 




Sorry I cut the quote @lunasol, I just wanted to be able to type back to you - everyone, please read @lunasol's full comment. 




Also, all you goguma and yongseo fans, man, I've never seen a better group than you lot! lots of love..... xoxoxo



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BEST RUMOR SO FAR!!!!! hahaha.
















































































































































































































@ematot please remove the spoiler. put it in COLORS. BOLD. BIG FONT. rumors like this are worth celebrating compared to those negtive, useless, i wish they kept it to themselves and just shut up kind of rumors. whew! hahaha. :D
















































































































































































































HAPPY LOVE DAY everyone!!!! :wub::wub::wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































though in GOGUMA land... EVERYDAY is a LOVE DAY!
















































































































































































































































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Guest xxraqSTAR

hello In-Go-Paem!

i just want to share this. well this made my day! i just put it in spoier, i hope you would read this. this has something to do with YONGSEO :)

well i have a korean friend and we had a small talk this morning. she saw my lanyard of CN BLUE and we shared our thoughts on them.. i said my fave is Yonghwa, then she said that he already has a girlfriend. i said yes i know, she's in a virtual marriage with Seohyun of SNSD..


i was really shocked on what she said because i thought that she was only pertaining on the show WGM, so i asked her again if its true, if she's really sure about it and how'd she know that. then she said that they ( NETIZENS ) have ways to know these kind of things. ( she also shared something shocking about ADAM couple (gain) that i'd rather not share.... )

i know that no news have circulated about this but deep inside my heart i want to believe this :) i really want them to be together :)

this actually led me to remember past news/stories about them

*when Yonghwa asked Psy an advice about how to handle(?) a pure and honest woman in Night after Night..

*also in NAN, when G Dragon mentioned something about a certain place in inkigayo (backstage?) this place is where couple sneak and meet up :) and Yonghwa smiled and seemed to know what this place is.

*in every interview of Yonghwa, he really seems protecting Seohyun in every way

*and Seohyun is now REALLY comfortable with Yonghwa, knowing that she seldom interacts with boys.

i hope i would not get angry feedbacks regarding this. if i offended someone about this, im sorry.

i really want to believe this. there's nothing wrong on believing right? :)

HELLO ematot, as much as i love your post i don't want to raise my hope.. although if it really is true, OMG! i will be the first one to celebrate, but yes as i said we shouldn't raise our hope because it will only bring a big chaos, so i guess all we need to do is support them no matter what relationship they have and just wait to confirm it themselves..

BTW i'll put it in a spoiler in case i am breaking a rule:

i am definitely curious about that adam couple thingy..but as you said you rather not share it so i wouldn't force you to.. 


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Guest yangonthu
































@celticheart47 - very well said. I didn't know Yong/CN Blue fans were against him being on WGM. what? why? I mean an artist is not their property. anyways, I hope Yong seo is real. Even if not, I would still love them and especially if it is not, time to give them some acting roles, man. :D

















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@ematot huwooo!!! thank you for sharing that ;)






















like @lenovo said the best rumor!!! hho... :D






















I even copy the spoiler to my notepad so i can read it over and over (just for my own.. won't share it anywhere promise!! ).. hho...






















like @xxraqstar said "so i guess all we need to do is support them no matter what relationship they have and just wait to confirm it themselves.. "






















Thank you my gogumas chingu!! :wub:



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Thank you to you and your friend for that input. I wouldn't be too surprised if the said rumor was true. After all, SeoHyun had pretty much confirmed her feelings for Yong on episode 32 and 33. Although it was just a simple "skinship," the difference this time was it was SeoHyun who initiated it. She is known to be very meticulous, reserved and traditional. She does not execute things just for the heck of it, nor would she dare to touch just anyone. I am also a bit traditional, but not so much as compared to Hyun, and I would not even dare to make a move unless I am that desperate or I really am falling for that guy.














This is just my theory, but I really think Hyun's gesture in 32 had confirmed for me that she likes Yong more than any guy friend she has. AND, she views him more of a man than just a friend. At first, it was Yong who was the more obvious one, but now that SeoHyun has opened up, I feel that she is so transparent. I guess this is one of the main reasons why she can be a bit stoic on variety shows. Everything shows in her face. :wub:














Anyway, just dropping by to give all the gogumas out there a Happy Valentines greeting ^^














Here are some videos to show how absurdly cute and romantic a head poke is <3














Head Poke!





















Head Poke anime style XD
















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Guest seolove
































































omomomo!! cheongmalyo?
































kyaaaa~dying of happiness if it's true
































but still we shouldnt trust that like 100%
































70% should be more than enough coz i guess we'll definitely lie on bad disappointedly if the news isnt real.wakaka!
































kyaaaa~couldnt imagine if it's true..
































love love love~everybody clap clap clap!wub.gif

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi




ematot!! your post suddenly lifted my mood! so koreans have their "own way" to know about these kind of things huh?? by the way I PM-ed you :)




Okay I seriously hope they did film for their first anniversary celebration, or maybe today (valentine's day). I just badly want to see them playing with their couple bikes and also the piano. It will surely make us, international fans, ESPECIALLY those who participated on the project!!! fairy!!! you sure are never tired huh? after those tireless effort of making the 4th project, now you are thinking of the 5th?? throws gogumas!! :wub: DAEBAK!




seriously I don't have anything to post now, still engrossed with last episode. gonna watch it again and again




hmm, the thread seems quiet again. I think it's because we took soo much of energy during the one year celebration, so gogumas are now recharging :lol:




so long then, bye ;)



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Guest scatterbrain

ematot,thanks for sharing the rumour :wub:

if this is true, i hope it is. it has to be! then yong will be hyun's first boyfriend??!!<333 their story are like real-life korean drama!! don't you all think so. truly magical..if it is true, when do they start to be BF/GF? i am guessing when they visit CNBlue dorm to practise banmal song. and their relationship gets stronger during Busan Trip. since yong asked his mom what she thinks of hyun. then his mom gave a green light, and yong's friends like hyun as well.

on another topic, i notice that yongseo's episodes are connected and has some kind of flow in the story...like:

1. yong mention he wrote a song for hyun - UCC mission

2. yongs' parents asked hyun to visit them in busan - busan trip

3.yong's friend mentioning how good yong's snowboarding skill is - ski trip mission

so hyun's wish... maybe it's going to be connected with the wedding photoshoot? maybe hyun wants to see yong in formal wedding suit? hyun will be able to see yong's new side this way, right?

@soshisoshisoshi i thought they filmed on the 10th? i think i read it somewhere. they filmed at a park

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Guest ninyaah

































































At first, it was Yong who was the more obvious one, but now that SeoHyun has opened up, I feel that she is so transparent.  I guess this is one of the main reasons why she can be a bit stoic on variety shows.  Everything shows in her face. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I agree with you <333 Now that she's experiencing all sorts of emotions with the help of Yonghwa, she has become more transparent. A lot of people seem to think that Seohyun is mysterious because she's shy and doesn't express herself much in words, and while I agree to some extent, I think that Yonghwa is actually the more mysterious out of the two. I noticed that Seohyun can't control her expressions -- everything shows in her face, especially her eyes. I was watching their Come To Play guesting and it's really funny how she's so awkward with other guys. There was this game wherein she was partnered up with Leeteuk, and she was so freaking awkward. I mean, this is one of his oppas in SM, someone who's like family to her -- and yet she couldn't even bring herself to enjoy as much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Since it's Valentines Day, I'm giving myself a legit excuse to believe that rumor. MUAHAHA. But if that is true -- I wouldn't be surprised at all.

































































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ematot, thanks. what a happy valentine day rumor !!!




i never think that my little experience in learning skiing would receive so many encouraging responses from the fellow gogumas. your responses make my day. thanks a lot.




i have had a few questions in my mind, can any fellow goguma tell me if you know the answers :




(1) starting from when yong started to call "seohyunnie", instead of "hyoon". i recall even in the fishing night ep., yong still called her "hyoon". but now, you seldom, even no longer, hear him calling '"hyoon". and i noticed that no matter in wgm or outside wgm (like the tv interviews), he called her the same - "seohyunnie". i don't want to over-analysis things. but i think it's meaningful thing to note.




(2) recently super junior's leetuck talked about yong and hyun in his radio show. in what circumstances he talked about them ? he admitted that yong treat and takes care of hyun well. leetuck spoke in a very touching voice, making it very touching dongsang's words to yong and showing how he adores hyun.




(3) any news in seoul about yong and hyun filming on their first anniversary date ? this thread was full of celebration messages that day. really can't recall if any fellow gogumas mentioned about their filming. and any news filming today on valentine day ?




my questions may not be meaningful at all. but you've got the answers, i would be grateful if you could tell me as it helps me to clear some knots in my mind. thank you very much.


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For Yangonthu- When they were first announced as the newest couple there were very few people that approved of this pairing. Hyun's fans thought she was way too young to be on the show and that she was to innocent and pure to be paired with someone as "experienced" as Yong. Yong's fans thought that being on the show would somehow damage his image. I think both sides were confusing the real Yong with the character he played in YAB.









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is there a place still for me in this thread? kekeke

winbros oppa, dreamy, uolam, pia, niki, d3, miel, woollylamb

thank u so much for the well wishes..i am feeling much better now.

hug u all!

gie, go and chase your dream, girl.

unnie wish that all your dreams will come true.

will miss you and your daebak fmvs.

and will await for your return, but pls make it soon ya. :D

fairy, i was talking to tina the other day abt yongseo's

upcoming b'day project

and here u are with the announcement. awesome! and thank u for everything

i happened to read the episode recaps.tks jbarky!

i think this is the first time i see someone doing it right?

ahh..looks like its another sweet episode.

off hunting for the links...

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Guest fabiistar07


hello In-Go-Paem!

i just want to share this. well this made my day!i hope you would read this. this has something to do with YONGSEO

well i have a korean friend and we had a small talk this morning. she saw my lanyard of CN BLUE and we shared our thoughts on them.. i said my fave is Yonghwa, then she said that he already has a girlfriend. i said yes i know, she's in a virtual marriage with Seohyun of SNSD..


i was really shocked on what she said because i thought that she was only pertaining on the show WGM, so i asked her again if its true, if she's really sure about it and how'd she know that. then she said that they ( NETIZENS ) have ways to know these kind of things. ( she also shared something shocking about ADAM couple (gain) that i'd rather not share.... )

i know that no news have circulated about this but deep inside my heart i want to believe this :) i really want them to be together :)


this actually led me to remember past news/stories about them


*when Yonghwa asked Psy an advice about how to handle(?) a pure and honest woman in Night after Night..

*also in NAN, when G Dragon mentioned something about a certain place in inkigayo (backstage?) this place is where couple sneak and meet up :) and Yonghwa smiled and seemed to know what this place is.

*in every interview of Yonghwa, he really seems protecting Seohyun in every way

*and Seohyun is now REALLY comfortable with Yonghwa, knowing that she seldom interacts with boys.


i hope i would not get angry feedbacks regarding this. if i offended someone about this, im sorry.

i really want to believe this but let's not keep our hopes up. but there's nothing wrong on believing right? :) and i don't want to start an issue. hehe

EDIT: lenovo said not to put this on spoiler. hehe

and xxraqSTAR, just pm me if you want to know about Adam


This is seriously the best Valentine's Day Rumour eveer!

In my heart i believe that they're a match made in heaven :wub:

I'd love to see them together since they are so perfect for eachother!

& it really does seem like they're falling for eachother

Even if they're still in the process of becoming bf/gf i'll still be happy as long as they end up together :D

& I hope that if they are dating, then they'd share some of those news with us so that we can feel fully happy for them :D

Thanks ematot for sharing this ^_^

EDIT: Let's not forget that this is only a RUMOUR

We can spazz all we want, because we've all spazzed about "What if's" before

It's only natural for us to do that haha

But please remember it's a rumour and nothing more ^_^


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Guest Seychan
















ematot: Thank u for ur sharing. I never touched by a rumor, but this story made me believe, like YongSeo in a relationship as a normal story at Korea. Everyone know it :P








I'll believe this rumor because it makes me feel happy. Korean fans close to YongSeo couple best, they can know this through many ways. YongSeo couple's eyes & smile are their weaknesses, especially SeoHuyn. Really, they can not hide anything.








Regarding the discussion of some people about Yong's behavior in this ep, really make me thinking a lot. My heart exploded when I think about the bad assumption. But when I reviewed this episode, I suddenly realized one thing, it has cleared all of my sadness. It's SeoHuyn was really really happy. "Yong is OK? Is he far or close? Why he did not hold hands anymore?" All the question is no longer necessary and important for me anymore, when I suddenly realized that she was really happy, her smile & her eyes said it all. Really, She did not feel sadness or pain about anything. If SeoHuyn was sad or uncomfortable, she can not hide anything. But her eyes, they're totally happy. Yong has always made her happy even though he's choding or he's seriously .... and she was happy to go skiing with him even though she did not know skiing. Let imagine if we're SeoHuyn. Really, we will be fear more than happy. We don't know ski,  snow is so cold & rough, slope is so high and our feet stuck to the slippery board and more fear will come when tomorrow we'll have a performance and receiving awards with our most beautiful body. But Huyn is not afraid of that, she was happy and confident that Yong will teach her well & protect her safety. Huyn trusted Yong completely. And Yong has done so good although he became more serious than normal. It is obvious. Nothing to blame him. What happens if she is injured and can not dance. That's not joking. She's just a girl and don't know anything about ski. He was worried so much about that and he become so seriously. Huyn's so lucky. In this world, who can take care her so much like Yong except as unnies and family? He worried that he became really serious....  Because now, in addition to good skiing, he must protect who he loves by every way.








I love Yong because his worried and care, protect for her and Huyn, just look into her eyes & smile. She's happy just because to be with him, above all fear. Let look at her sincere & happily smile & eyes <3 we prove that....


































Happy Valentine day to YongSeo couple and everyone. Hope some day Yong'll look at his Huyn and say:"I love you, dear." Just  simple words but can make a millions of miracle things. :wub:
















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Guest yongseorockin






I just got the pics from DC







here are the bikes and the digital piano...







*quoted image*







*quoted image*







*quoted image*







*quoted image*












Again, thanks to DC tribute team for coordinating everything with the manufacturer of the bikes and the piano. We really brought trouble to them and I'm very much thankful that they helped us whole-heartedly. My endless gratitude and respect are with you, guys







I'll release more pictures of the gifts within the week










YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL will be having our own subbing team (GOGUMASUBS) within a week or two. So far, I have hired 3 translators for the team. All I need for now are timers, typesetters, and encoders. Our subbing team team doesn't aim for fast subs since we already KRD and SoneMs for that. We aim to produce full-subbed episodes, including the captions and thought bubbles. If you are interested to join us, please PM me here or send me a message at seohwa.project@gmail.com.






One more thing, I'm currently planning the 5th Project for YongSeo. I know that you may think that it's too early to prepare for the next important date for YongSeo, which is on June, but it's better to be early. We don;t know what lies ahead in the future. I'm requesting all the YongSeo fanbase all over the world to contact me ASAP if you want to collaborate with us. THIS IS A SHOUT OUT FOR SINGAPORE, HONGKONG, MALAYSIA, INDONESIA, CHINA, VIETNAM, THAILAND, PHILIPPINES, JAPAN, TAIWAN, BRUNEI, EUROPE, US FANS!!!!






Thank you for your time, guys!!!!






Gie unnie, Thank you for the videos and artworks that you've shared to our family/community. You hardwork is very much appreciated by everyone. Though you'll be hiatus, I'll just watch you FMVs to remind me that we have a beautiful person like you. Good luck unnie!!! I wish you success on your future endeavors in life!






About GOGUMASUBS. There is actually a subbing team out there called RDRSubs. They release fully translated episodes every week but hasnt really updated these past few weeks due to personal workloads. Perhaps it would be better to combine resources together with them and work together. That way it will lighten both subbing teams workload and at the same time produce a more fully translated YongSeo cuts. I think it would be a more efficient use of scarce resources this way (in this case human talent).

EDIT: Forgot! Thank you so much for your work!!! Really. There are just so many people to thank! Thanks Korean Gogumas, Baidu Gogumas, Translators, Subbers, Project Helpers! Its just amazing that despite language barriers, we can come together to do something together!! Something so amazing. I just love all of this!




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Guest chandrawd












DUDE SERIOUSLY?! DID YONGHWA AND SEOHYUN ARE REAL BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND IN REAL LIFE????? I'm literally choked when i saw Ematot and fabiistar07 post. Oh god please please please tell me that it is true. please post some of the facts about that rumour!




anyway,that was like the best news so far in go-chun village!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa please get me back in reality if it isnt true :(





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blackpapillon, if u wanna have HQ caps of yongseo... i think u can ask ahn_annann for some nice ones. she has got tonnes of them! pls do make more... i love yongseo wallies!!! xD btw, nice blog u have there!

ematot... sincha, that's the best rumour ever! i'm over the moon now! i'm even rewatching the massaging ep to reassess "things" now that i know "something" :phew: kekeke IF it's true, then no wonder we all got the same feeling that they're REAL. kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *OVER THE MOON*

jnj~!!!! u came just on time to catch up with the best rumor ever! i bet u must be over the moon too with that kinda rumor. haha anyways, am so glad that u finally appeared! :w00t:

seychan, u're right. we actually don't have to worry at all 'cause hyun's expression even after the busan trip has always been very cheerful & happy. she's over the moon when it comes to yong xD

fairy, thanks so much for everything! keep up the good work! u're doing great! ^^

just look at hyun's reaction towards yesung wanting to grab her hand... mind u, the gif below was on 31st of december 2010! it now makes sense that they're in a real relationship even before then! yes, we all know that only yong oppa can hold ur hands, hyun xD


*goes back to marathon-ing*

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done watching the latest epi and i LOVE it!

tks to M3, tetsuya and juhee for translations and links!

daebak! skiing trip is full of sweetness and romantic moments! :wub:

ahh...this could be the best medicine for me after all...

erm, u guys can just skip this post since u guys are done spazzing? :sweatingbullets:

right from the moment they came back from the clinic,

having given the clean bill of health, right to the last moment of yong guiding hyun down

the slope, ...its all full of saccharine sweetness! :w00t:

teasing - yong can't resist teasing buin by asking for coffee again.

he must've love those flaring nose too much! :lol:

and hyun..knowing hubby's super duper jealousy...

she just want to pull his legs abt the late text!

i lol at yong's i-want-to-kill-someone look..its unbelievable!

choding - yong choding emerges when the true mission is revealed!

i love to see him like this..

see how he used the table as a snowboard!

dang! he must've miss/love that sport more than anything!

good job, PDnim!

playful - hyun getting playful in this episode.

see how she playfully tells yong she's too busy and the way she skipped back to him.

romantic - yong helping buin with her gears before the start of the lesson.

the way he helps her with the head gear before and after the fall..its just soo romantic!

and when hyun fell, he crawled to get quickly to her...aww.. :wub:

his seriousness but yet tolerant, patience and understanding in teaching hyun

are what touches me most. he is itching to get some actions himself, but until he is

assured that hyun can snowboard safely..he will be there for her. :wub:

on a side note..

when yong measured the snowboard for hyun at the changing room,

he pushed her right hand aside :rolleyes:

but being the tough busan guy that he is...i cannot complain abt that rough action..

busan guys are just too cool :phew:


what rumour dreamy girl?...i am backreading lots of pages..

just read one on the hara... which i prefer not to know.. ;)


u mean the one that ematot shared?! i am just getting into it!

oh shack! oh goodness! dang!

if this is true..oh god! make it true pls...

it'll be the happiest day in my life, even happier than my birthday! :lol:

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Guest ellaisha































































































































This is seriously the best Valentine's Day Rumour eveer!
































In my heart i believe that they're a match made in heaven :wub:
































I'd love to see them together since they are so perfect for eachother!
































& it really does seem like they're falling for eachother
































Even if they're still in the process of becoming bf/gf i'll still be happy as long as they end up together :D
































& I hope that if they are dating, then they'd share some of those news with us so that we can feel fully happy for them :D
































Thanks ematot for sharing this ^_^































































WOW!!!! that is great....best valentines gift to all yongseo fans if that is true...hope they are really in a relationship...they are meant to be together and that is call DESTINY... :wub::D

































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