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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello Gogumas !!!

I really enjoyed watching today's episode. It was Deabak !!! Hyun was so cute !!!!wub.gif

I'm looking forward to the next week episode !!!! biggrin.gif

Chincha kamsahamnida !!!!!

Thanks also for the translators  !!!!!

I love you GOGUMAS !!!! happy.gif


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Guest bolmaejung

YH: Going to the ski resort with Seo Hyun~ Seo Hyun come of here.

SH: Wow, is that a board?


SH: Is it yours?

YH: Yes it is.

SH: Wow

MC: The main personal equipment.

SH: It’s really big! It looks heavy!

YH: It’s really heavy.

SH: It looks really heavy.

Thanks translation. Sorry to cut your post... I found the missing part (sorry)

YH: Going to the ski resort with Seo Hyun~ Seo Hyun come of here.

SH: Wow, is that a board?


SH: Is it yours?

YH: Yes it is.

SH: Wow

MC: The main personal equipment.

SH: It’s really big! It looks heavy!

YH: (this is) Heavier than you

SH: It looks really heavy.

Hyun is lighter than snowboard to yong~ kkkkkkkk

It's a cute statement~ <3<3

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SH: It was like this. A chicken when it’s coming out of an egg it uses all its strength. If the mother chicken helps the chick come out it would not be as developed (reach its potential). Something like that.























































Awww, I love that she said this....she gets it.... and what he's been doing all along. It will be hard for her to let him go (if it ever comes to that, oh I really hope it doesn't)
















Such a fun episode to watch; YH was so excited to be there and I think also excited to teach her. It's awesome that he has such confidence in her abilities which in turn gives her confidence. And I really loved that she was eager to learn and also seemed to pick it up quickly (I don't even want to remember my first time skiing! :lol: ).
































Next week looks interesting.... :wub:
































Thank you so much juhee for filling in for your sister and for your hard work!!!
































YongSeo fighting!
































Happy 1st Anniversary!!!

















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Guest _d3seohyun



I know the most recent episode is amazing and seems like we'll have an even better one next weekend, but I'm really dying to spazz about the upcoming wedding photoshoot episode! I'm shaking just thinking about it kkekek It seems like we'll see it on the anniversary of their first broadcast date <3 kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :wub: in two weeks gogumas!!!!! Hopefully a new thread before that and 3 millions views for the banmal song? Fighting Gogumas!



@juhee and the rest of the gogumas, thank you so much! 93755549.gif

Dugeun dugeun.

Her entrance. His reaction.

How will it be like for the Wedding Photoshoot?


















I'm already floating just thinking about it. <3 Yonghwa's reaction is always a win! Often gets shy and flustered :wub: Of course I can't wait to see Seobaby checking out Hubby too. kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :wub:


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Hello, everyone.




I don't know ... about that episode. Please don't think of me as some sort of pervert or anything, but ... the chair thing and stuff, oh. Dear. Lord. I'm mean, she sorta sat on his lap. And in the preview, I just realized it IS a backhug! Yonghwa, dude, that's a bit unfair, because she can't defend herself.




And in the preview when she sat on the OTHER side of the couch with that really strange smile on her face: Happy but embarassed? Happy but nervous?? Someone over at LJ pointed out that when they went to the massage and Yonghwa groaned, Seohyun looked over with something akin to timid interest. (It was a girl that pointed that out: Our conversation's here in the comments). It's like it's <oppathoughts> just before their wedding night and she's nervous. </oppathoughts> And then, the bed scene. Woaaaah! What. IS! Going on?!




Plus, was he really ill that day? Details?




Best regards,




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Guest l0okiemaria


seohyun snowboarding




So would this be what we will see next week? Concluding to Yong's teaching to Hyun?




I must say tho, that Yong is a great teacher to Hyun. I would think that Yong is lucky to have such a cute student HEHE :] i love them.


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Hello, everyone.
































I don't know ... about that episode. Please don't think of me as some sort of pervert or anything, but ... the chair thing and stuff, oh. Dear. Lord. I'm mean, she sorta sat on his lap. And in the preview, I just realized it IS a backhug! Yonghwa, dude, that's a bit unfair, because she can't defend herself.
































And in the preview when she sat on the OTHER side of the couch with that really strange smile on her face: Happy but embarassed? Happy but nervous?? Someone over at LJ pointed out that when they went to the massage and Yonghwa groaned, Seohyun looked over with something akin to timid interest. (It was a girl that pointed that out: Our conversation's here in the comments). It's like it's <oppathoughts> just before their wedding night and she's nervous. </oppathoughts> And then, the bed scene. Woaaaah! What. IS! Going on?!
































Plus, was he really ill that day? Details?
































Best regards,







































































:lol: Glad someone else brought up that massage scene... if you didn't know they were getting a massage you would have thought something entirely different was going on! I was just laughing at it all considering... wonder if Yonghwa took some ribbing for that from his brothers... :lol:
















He's so funny. They must surely not see the cameras on them anymore...
































About the bed scene, I'm wondering what her wish is. I don't think it is to sleep with him there (they've kinda already done that on the train ride to Busan) and she seems to be gathering up for herself a lot of courage.... is her wish to kiss him??? (of course if it is, most likely a cheek kiss) And if so, for her being so shy and embarrassed about it and all, the best time to do it would be when he is not looking... :) If not then, I'm 100% sure she wants to kiss him at some point. Just a guess! Any thoughts?

















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<Night after going to the hospital & getting a massage>
































YH: Ah today was really tiring.
































MC: After the massage they seem totally relaxed…
































SH: You really have to drink less coffee… right?
































YH: Yes…
































SH:  But it’s hard to suddenly change a habit.
































YH: Yes~
































SH: Take it slowly starting from today.
































YH: Give me coffee~
































SH: …
































YH: Your nose, your nose is expanding! Alright, alright, don’t put so much strength into it.
































<To not forget to take care of her husband>
































SH: Yes
































<Playing with her cell phone >
































YH: Who is it at this time?
































SH: It’s a secret
































YH: Alright…
































SH: It came…
































<What could be the text message they receive so late in night?>
































YH: What is this suppose to be?
































SH: What comes to mind when you think of “cold winter?” … Roasted Goguma!!
































MC: During a cold winter the first thing would be roasted gogumas
































YH: When you think of cold winter… snow?
































<(thinking) snow…?>
































SH: Snowmen…? Sledding…?
































MC: I think of coat! Coat! Cashmere is the BEST
































YH: Then what is this?
































<Why would they suddenly ask about a “cold winter?”>
































YH: Do they want us to write a poem?  Cold winter… what do you do when you think of a “cold winter…”
































SH: What could it be?
































YH: Snow…
































SH: Snow…
































<Snow… and…>
































YH: And… Love (???)… it came again…
































<suddenly a text message arrives>
































<Pack up your equipment; you’re going for a ski trip!>
































YH: What we’re going to a ski resort? YAH(??)
































<What are you doing?>
































SH: Ah, what are you doing?!
































MC: Seems that he likes it…
































MC: He’s a child, a child!
































<Is Yong husband a “board maniac”?> (translator note: it means ski/snowboard fanatic)
































SH: You can’t run around! The ajumma will come up!
































YH: Ah, it’s been four years since I last rode… I TOTALLY love it!
































SH: I can’t ride it…
































MC: He must really like it!
































YH: Can you ride a (snowboard) well?
































































YH: I’ll teach you then~
































SH: I really can’t ride well…
































YH: That’s why I’ll teach you.
































SH: Can I learn all in one day?
































YH: You can do it, you really can. Seriously you just don’t have to be scared of the snowboard/skis
































<Is snowboarding a skill>
































YH: I don’t think I’ll embarrass myself… I think I know enough skill to teach her…
































<But he can’t hide his grin>
































YH: What I’m worried about most is that picture at the ski resort was a popular topic so… I have to ride really well…
































SH: WOW. Actually I am worried. It was to me a bit burdensome.
































<So the day of leaving for the ski resort>
































YH: Seo Hyun, I see that you grew out your arm hair…
































SH: Isn’t it pretty? It’s sheep.
































<Also packing warm clothes>
































SH: When did you go to the ski resort?
































YH: During high school~
































SH: That was the time where the pretty picture of you was taken?
































<(Popular >
































YH: I think I came once or twice after that.
































SH: Since I said I was going, the unnies (SNSD members) said that there will be a Yong look-a-like. So I asked what do you mean? They said that is “romantic”
































YH: What is the “pretty picture?”
































SH: The picture that came out “pretty.”
































YH: Wouldn’t everything (I take) be pretty?
































SH: AIGOO… You must be happy…
































YH: Did you try once (riding the snowboard)
































SH: I only tried once.
































YH: Only tried once. Until where?
































SH: I just… rode wherever.
































YH: Oh really?
































SH: Yes. I didn’t learn how to correctly ride. But I learned once… But you like this…
































YH: Oh, you know how to at least go down.
































SH: It seems to just go down…
































YH: Ah but really I tried teaching to my friends, but I got frustrated and just gave up.
































SH: So are you saying that you’re going to give up on me!
































YH: I’m just warning you beforehand so you won’t misunderstand.
































SH: You can’t! Ah, seriously.
































YH: I don’t know if I’ll leave you and go down first.
































SH: Then I’ll just abandon you and leave.
































YH: To where?
































SH: I’ll steal this bus and leave!
































YH: By yourself? But you don’t have your license yet~
































MC: And you yourself don’t have your license yet either~
































<Hyun’s mascot appears while going to the ski resort!>
































SH: Also eyelashes!
































YH: Why eyelashes?!
































MC: Wow looks great!
































MC: I want to go to a ski resort!
































<In front of them, the ski resort>
































SH: Ah, it’s really high up!
































YH: I guess the left side is for beginners.
































SH: What?
































YH: You could come down if it’s about that high.
































MC: It looks like the expert level.
































YH: If you can’t down from about that height, go home…
































SH: WOW… Really?
































YH: I’ll ride by myself.
































SH: You’re seriously too much.
































YH: Going to the ski resort with Seo Hyun~ Seo Hyun come of here.
































SH: Wow, is that a board?
































































SH: Is it yours?
































YH: Yes it is.
































SH: Wow
































MC: The main personal equipment.
































SH: It’s really big! It looks heavy!
































YH: It’s really heavy.
































SH: It looks really heavy.
































SH: It heavy right?
































YH: Yeah, can you carry it for me?
































SH: That’s a bit…
































YH: Did you wear the long underwear?
































SH: Ah tights, I wore my tights.
































YH: Right, you have to go wearing warm clothes. You’re going to fall down a lot.
































SH: I don’t want to fall down.
































<Finally they arrive…!>
































SH: It’s nice!
































YH: It’s the best!
































SH: Oh my god! Oh…..
































YH: What?
































SH: It looks fun.
































<Ski resort, Ski resort>
































<As they walk in…they see the equipment rentals>
































YH: Should be change our clothes first?
































SH: Should we~
































YH: Ah right, for you I brought protective gear.
































SH: Protective gear?
































<Padding for the butt and knees>
































MC: Wow he’s so cool.
































SH: I understand. I’ll see you later.
































YH: I’m giving it to you so you’ll fall less.
































SH: Thank you.
































YH: So that I could ride some too.
































<After a few minutes>
































MC: Let’s see him!
































MC: He seems like the type to know how to ride well.
































MC: That kind of outfit is only what the professionals wear.
































SH: Are you out there?
































YH: Yeah
































SH: I’m all done!
































YH: The ski resort’s “warm” girl~ (translator note: it’s a bit of slang: hoon = halo/warm)
































SH: You are “warm” guy
































YH: No… Should we go?
































SH: Should we go?
































YH: What is your shoe size?
































SH: 240 (translator note: about a size 7 in US)
































YH: 240
































SH: Are you suppose wear a larger size?
































YH: No, something that fits exactly.
































SH: Ah, something that fits exactly.
































YH: So you’re exactly size 240 (size 7)
































SH: Yes.
































YH: Give us a regular please.
































MC: He’s using professional skier language!
































YH: See if it matches your height.
































SH: My height?
































YH: Okay. Here.
































<He prepares kid-like socks>
































SH: Ah they’re cute! Thank you.
































YH: You just have to wear this. And this is for your neck.
































<To stop the wind>
































MC: Ah he knows what’s needed at a ski resort.
































YH: Like mine. A mask.
































MC: A man like that when he knows something well is really cool.
































<He first ties his wife’s shoes>
































MC: When you’re boyfriend helps you wear the snow boots it has the romantic ski resort feel
































MC: You’re right!
































SH: Since he was taking care of me I felt like a child. About 7 years old?
































YH: Is that alright for you? You’re wearing your protective gear right?
































SH: Yes! I’m wearing it!
































YH: Hold onto the middle. Alright here we go…Is that good?
































SH: Yes. Wait.
































<Using the goggles as a mirror.>
































YH: You ready?
































SH: Do you want to see your face? Your feet feel really heavy.
































YH: Is it hard?
































SH: No it’s comfortable.
































YH: Alright, we’re gonna go!
































<They are about to go out…>
































<For the first time together >
































YH: Seo Ju Hyun!
































SH: Yes?~
































YH: Where should be begin? Here!
































SH: Huh?
































MC: Oh he’s tough!
































MC: Oh he’s being tough!
































<Is he saying for her to get >
































SH: Do you have to do it sitting down?
































YH: What?
































SH: But you can’t attach the board right now when … when you’re going down…
































YH: What?
































SH: Ah, I know, I know! You wear it on only one foot and then you go.
































YH: Yeah that’s what I meant. You understand?
































SH: Yes I understand.
































YH: Sit down.
































SH: You have to sit down?
































<He first shows how to attach/wear the board>
































SH: I get it…
































YH: You understand? Let’s go!
































MC: You’re suppose to wear only on one side but it’s hard.
































YH: Go! You’re suppose to fall when you ride it.
































SH: I won’t fall!
































YH: Just push! Alright now try to detach it.
































MC: Again detaching it?
































<Slowly detaching>
































YH: Try it yourself.
































SH: How can you detach it
































YH: What do you think would detach it?
































MC: He’s like a teacher!
































YH: See, okay?
































SH: Okay.
































YH: Take it off.
































SH: Alright I’ll just carry it! What kind of teacher does this?!
































YH: What? Let’s go!
































SH: Let’s go!
































MC: Beginner…
































<Beginner boarding lift>
































MC: When that thing falls you’re suppose to put your feet on it.
































SH: Oh it’s stuck!
































YH: Why did you leave it like that?
































MC: I guess it would be hard for YongHwa
































YH: Lift your feet.
































SH: Lifting my feet. I did fall~
































MC: Ah when you’re on top of the slope that’s how you’ll feel.
































YH: Hurry up!
































<Right away to relax your body>
































YH: Right to left, now roll to the opposite way. Oh ~yeah~ you’re doing a good job. SeoHyun when I see you in the newspaper you really looked pretty~
































SH: Thank you~
































YH: I’m a SNSD fan. Since today you’re going to fall a lot.
































<A long sigh>
































YH: Worry about what you can. Are you ready?
































SH: Not yet! I still have a long way to go.
































YH: When you were at school you did something like this.
































SH: Ah, wait wait wait a minute!
































YH: Alright look to the sky! Now I’ll teach you how to attach the board. First sit down…
































SH: Goodbye~
































YH: Where are you going?!
































SH: I’m a bit busy…
































MC: Where is she going?
































SH: I’m just joking.
































<Finally the lesson to put the board >
































SH: I can do this!
































































YH: That’s what happens.
































<Completely embarrassed.>
































YH: You know how to wear it right?
































SH: I know.
































YH: Are you done?
































SH: Not yet.
































YH: Put it like this so it doesn’t slip off.
































SH: Yes.
































YH: Okay. Are you alright? You try
































SH: You’re spraying the snow on me! Ah seriously, just you wait!
































YH: Alright, I’ll be waiting~
































YH: Alright to get up. Hold onto the board then push off. Then after that…
































SH: I’m going to die!
































<When she gets up she feels the effects of the board.>
































MC: It’s because it’s scary!
































YH: Just follow me
































SH: Alright.
































YH: Understood? Just go slowly!
































<Quickly grabs his wife’s hand while explaining>
































YH: Straighten your waist. This is called an edge.
































SH: What is?
































YH: Look. This is an edge.
































<Board’s edge>
































SH: Are you saying that the board is the edge?
































YH: Right, then using both legs give it equal strength…
































SH: No~!!!
































<During this important time>
































<The board is slipping down by itself>
































MC: Oh, she’s going down, she’s going down!
































SH: No! Save me!
































MC: Doesn’t have to hold her?
































YH: Look forward! Look forward! This way, this way!
































































MC: She has to stop! She has to stop!
































MC: She’s doing great!
































































YH: Alright, you’re doing well!
































SH: Wait…! What am I suppose to do??
































YH: You’re doing well, you’re doing well. Just hold on and come down.
































SH: We’re going down now?
































YH: Yes we’re going down. Ok.
































SH: We’re going down?!
































YH: If you just open up… you shouldn’t open up.
































<Yong teacher calmly explains>
































YH: If you keep yourself open you’ll definitely fall.
































SH: Where? Where, are you not supposed to open, your legs?
































YH: Your thighs but straighten your hips
































SH: Okay…
































<Following Yong teacher’s instructions…>
































YH: Alright we’re going. Pretend you’re walking on the edge.
































<Slowly she’s going down>
































SH: Like this, this is how you stop right?
































YH: Ok! But you can’t just suddenly stop. Naturally… O~K!!
































SH: I can do it!
































MC: He’s teaching her properly.
































YH: Look forward, look forward, look forward!
































<Interested Beginner student>
































<Now letting go of the hands!>
































MC: Wow her posture is good! He’s teaching her well.
































MC: Surely the man should know how to ride well to teach.
































YH: Follow me to where I’ll be.
































SH: I understand.
































YH: Understood?
































SH: But I can come down in a straight line right?
































YH: Just straight, slowly.
































<This time leaving the child to come down herself.>
































MC: He’s going down by himself.
































YH: Up to here!
































MC: Ah still that looks scary.
































SH: Slowly~?
































<Sure enough, can she make it down by herself?>
































<slowly, slowly, slowly>
































MC: But apparently that’s how you learn the edge.
































SH: bending down…No! I becomes likes this!
































<Again the slippery board does what it wants>
































MC: Ah! That’s fast, its fast, its fast!
































































MC: Stop! Stop! Stop!
































YH: Brake Brake! Ok!
































SH: Beginner specialist of downhill slopes.
































YH: You doing great!
































<In the confusion she managed to get the brake…!>
































YH: You’re doing great, you’re doing great, you’re doing great!!!
































<A gradual miracle?>
































SH: Like this?!
































YH: More, turn your body more. Not like this but like this.
































<Yong the the meticulous teacher>
































YH: Only this.
































SH: Like this?
































YH: Ok. You’re doing great. Your body is leaning too far. Your knees, your knees!
































SH: My knees?!
































































YH: Yes you have to learn from falling. Again!
































<Yong coach doesn’t give out breaks~>
































YH: How do you get up again?
































SH: Like this.
































YH: Push up your butt.
































SH: Push.
































YH: Ok and grab (the board) Push yourself up… ok!
































SH: I did it!
































MC: He’s really like a ski teacher.
































YH: Don’t come here by stopping suddenly.
































SH: It won’t go down!
































YH: Smoothly, come down, smoothly.
































MC: It sound like the army.
































SH: I want to go the correct was too!
































MC: Why can’t move forward?
































YH: Ok! You shouldn’t do that because there is a 100%you’ll fall down.
































<Again the board is starting to move >
































YH: Again Again!
































SH: No!
































YH: Don’t purposefully get it wrong!
































SH: No, it just happens…
































YH: Alright~
































MC: Right now he wants to go the highest slope and show of…
































MC: It must be frustrating…
































<Hyun taking her time using the slowly coming down the slope method.>
































MC: Ah, but they look nice together~
































<Right away Yong teacher switches directions.>
































YH: Right,
































<Hyun&Yong’s young fans>
































SH: Hi!
































YH: Alright you’re looking up to them and practicing!
































SH: You guys~!!! Thank you!!!!
































<Automatically turning right.>
































MC: Idols needs their fans.
































MC: Of course, it’s their strength.
































YH: To your left there’s a fan!
































































YH: Seo Hyun Unnie~
































SH: Ah, Hello~
































YH: Seo Hyun come here! Look at me, look at me!
































<Yong Husband making a lot of effort>
































MC: But still he’s teaching her well.
































YH: Okay, again.
































MC: She’s doing well~
































MC: She is doing well.~
































<Yong teacher using fan’s as a method to teach.>
































<Seeing his wife following (doing) well…>
































<Happy Ceremony!>
































MC: YongHwa is really cute!
































MC: I would like to see him fall once.
































YH: Come on! Brake, ok, brake!
































MC: She’s doing well!
































(sorry I can’t translate this one well)
































<She can stop well…!>
































YH: You can now feel what to do right?
































SH: I think I understand, just a bit.
































YH: Should we go to the intermediate level?
































SH: Can I go?
































<Immediately to the intermediate level?!!>
































MC: You have to have the feel to ride it.
































YH: There aren’t any slopes here…! I’ll hold onto don’t worry.
































SH: I understand…
































<With just being a beginner, is it alright to go to the intermediate level?>
































MC: Ah it must be scary~
































<First lift for the intermediate level….!>
































SH: I’m scared of the intermediate level.
































<Starting to get scared by the lift.>
































YH: It’s not scary x2, there are just a little more slopes.
































<No confidence(?) Fighting!>
































<She first got the courage to ride the lift but…>
































MC: Oh they’re really going high!
































SH: I’m riding it well right?
































YH: You’re doing perfectly. Besides falling down twice you’re doing really well.
































SH: Really?~
































MC: Now that I think about it. SeoHyun’s outfit looks like Kim! Tae Won’s outfit from a CF!
































MC: Did you come by alone? (famous line)
































<Would she again be able to get off safely>
































YH: And get off… getting off slowly and put your foot here~
































<Holding >
































MC: Oh she’s doing well, oh she’s doing well! Wow!
































SH: Stop~ I didn’t fall~!!
































MC: Wow she’s doing so well!
































YH: Do we have to go down from here?
































MC: She really learned quickly.
































YH: Come on~!!
































MC: This is really difficult.
































<This is where the slope begins!>
































MC: Look! Look!
































MC: You can’t even see where it goes!
































MC: Even the snow is different.
































YH: You can do this much right?
































MC: You’ve got to be kidding?!
































<The road is steep…!>
































MC: It’s so scary!
































YH: It’s not steep!
































SH: This is the first time I’ve seen this!
































YH: This is the intermediate level.
































<Finally starting the intermediate level...!>
































YH: Come on!
































MC: Wow she starts without having fear!
































YH: Look forward, look forward!
































<Exchanging nervous glances>
































<She came down towards her husband really well…>
































SH: It’s dangerous. Go straight?
































<Letting go of her husband’s hands>
































SH: To the left?
































<Going towards the left direction!>
































YH: Since I’ll hold onto you, don’t worry.
































MC: Going backwards like that makes you look like a professional.
































YH: Look forward and just go.
































<Like a barrier>
































MC: He’s properly teaching her.
































YH: OK! Step on the edge. Completely OK!!! Now to the side!!! You’re going!!!
































SH: Wow, it’s fun!
































YH: You’re doing great!
































MC: That’s how your ride it! WOW
































<Landing by sitting>
































SH: Its fun~!
































<Wife, Hyun has completely the intermediate course!!>
































SH: Its fun!
































YH: It is fun!
































SH: I think this is place is better.
































YH: Right! This place is more fun.
































MC: Already she’s comfortable.
































YH: You’re totally doing fine, you’re the best! Now if you learn how to go backwards, you can easily learn how to turn.
































SH: I want to try it!
































SH: It was like this. A chicken when it’s coming out of an egg it uses all its strength. If the mother chicken helps the chick come out it would not be as developed (reach its potential). Something like that.
































YH: SeoHyun has a lot of will power so do I. So that’s why I believe she’s learning well. Today’s goal is to… turn. A S turn or at least a C.
































YH: Miss Seo Hyun this time we’re going to try going backwards
































SH: Yes, isn’t that going too fast?
































YH: You’re doing so well.
































SH: Aw cute!
































YH: I did that with my dad.
































MC: Ah he did that with his father!
































YH: Go down slowly so you won’t fall.
































MC: Without speaking to each other.
































MC: Now she can do it herself!
































YH: Now, we have to learn going backwards
































SH: Yes!
































YH: Going backwards, if you don’t have any fear you can do it.
































SH: If I’m just not scared?
































YH: Yes~
































MC: Is it necessary to learn to go backwards?
































MC: Perhaps,…
































MC: It’s because when you ride you can suddenly go backwards…and fall
































MC: Ah I understand.
































<First she moves…>
































MC: Oh she’s doing well!
































YH: That’s a turn!
































SH: What?!
































YH: What you just did is a turn!
































SH: Really?!
































<Without realizing she did a turn…!>
































MC: She just did that naturally.
































YH: Now for going backwards, it’s the same but putting pressure on and leaning on the knees.
































<Slowly moving.>
































SH: That’s how you’re going down?!
































YH: First Left! Right…
































<Wide Open Mouth>
































YH: Okay?!
































SH: Yes!
































<It’s finally Hyun’s turn to try>
































SH: Like this?!
































YH: Brake in the front and slowly come down.
































SH: Ah, this is scary though! Ah this really is scary. No, you can do this!
































YH: Brake in the front!
































SH: Brake in the front!
































YH: It’s okay!
































SH: Brake in the front?
































YH: Brake in front…
































<Of course going backwards isn’t easy>
































YH: Are you alright?!
































SH: I’m alright~
































MC: Didn’t she fell like a idol though?!
































MC: Yes~
































MC: An idol has to fall gracefully.
































SH: Oh, when the hat fell off that was… very embarrassing! If he didn’t come! I was grateful for him to help me but I didn’t want to show him that side of me close up. The hat with the pins everywhere! To show the side of me falling apart is really…
































SH: My hat!
































<Yong husband quickly running like the wind to Hyun>
































MC: To run quickly like the wind for your loved one…
































































MC: That must have been hard to do.
































<Worried> <Worried>
































SH: Is it okay to suddenly go backwards here?
































YH: Huh?
































SH: To go backwards…
































YH: You can, (if there is no slope) you can’t
































SH: Really?
































YH: I’ll hold onto you.
































<Not looking back to him>
































SH: Do I look okay?
































YH: No…
































































YH: Come here, look at me.
































<You can still see (the hairs)>
































MC: Ah they look good (its hard to translate but the literal translation is nice to look at [the scene])
































<Yong like a father taking care of his child>
































MC: SunHwa I bet you really want to go there.
































MC: I do want to go!
































MC: You have to go with your boyfriend; it’s no fun going by yourself!
































MC: Seriously! Do you want to go?!
































MC: SunHwa don’t confess to me!~
































MC: You’re making a big fuss over nothing!
































<Firstly starting from near the barriers>
































YH: I’ll hold onto you from the back, get up. You have to at least dig in this deep.
































SH: Like this?
































YH: Put pressure, keep putting pressure Okay?
































SH: Yes.
































YH: Look see, it immediately just goes right?
































SH: Yes.
































YH: It’s because you don’t have enough strength.
































SH: I was doing so well when going forward.
































<What to do?>
































MC: He must be worried for her.
































MC: She might get hurt.
































YH: Alright right first.
































SH: No! No! Not now!
































YH: You feel like you’ll fall right?
































<She’s sitting like if she’s sitting >
































SH: What is this, wait a minute!
































































SH: What am I going to do?!
































MC: What kind of posture is that? “I’ll be your chair~…”
































SH: I’m sorry teacher.
































YH: Now~ Seo Ju Hyun student, let’s try it again.
































SH: My legs hurt~
































YH: Learning the basics is essential If you can’t do this, then you can’t do any of it~!
































<So the classes went >
































YH: Slowly put pressure on it. Okay that’s how you’re suppose to do it.
































SH: This is right?!
































YH: Then just try going straight down~ using your strength.































































Thank you for your translation.
































This episode is daebak, while teaching Hyun.... I cud see that Yong Really wanted to skate...as you cud see him trying to do tricks :D and yet he prefer taken care of his buin. What a lovely sight to see :D I love when Hyun fall from the backward snowboarding, and Yong immediately jump up :D and its prove that he's a professional in snowboarding as you can see that the slope is steep not everyone cud jump up like that, you might end up hurting urself or went straight to the bottom :D

















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Guest fabiistar07



Thank you so much for the translations :D <3

First, like all new episodes, i completely loved it!

Seriously! This couple is just too cute and so interesting to watch ... You can feel the chemistry between these two :wub:

Above all, i LOVE how much natural skinship this episode has. Yong was a good & very patient teacher, and Hyunnie was an amazing student & a fast learner.

Also, i LOVE how much Hyun is talking, at the episodes at the begininning she talked, but now she's really talking a lot more comfortably, maybe that's the Rapper Hyun that Hyoyeon was talking about & that her unnies (and now Yong) only get to see. ;)

Waaah~ they have such a close relationship now!

I have to comment about Yong's reaction to Hyun's text hehe

First he was really curious about what is buin was doing


Then he made such a cute mad face when Hyun told him it was a secret


& at the end, he gets that relieved face, and is back to happy again


On their way to the resort, a part of their conversation wich really caught my attention the most was this:

YH: What is the “pretty picture?”

SH: The picture that came out “pretty.”

YH: Wouldn’t everything (I take) be pretty?

SH: AIGOO… You must be happy…

Seriously!...She could've just said "the picture of you skiing", but she chose to say "pretty" ^_^ I was very happy by it, it shows that Hyun liked the picture, & probably thinks her hubby looked so handsome

Inside the changing area, I also adored this part:

YH: The ski resort’s “warm” girl~ (translator note: it’s a bit of slang: hoon = halo/warm)

SH: You are “warm” guy

YH: No… Should we go?

Kyaa~...is it just me or was that a total mushy-ish compliment to Yong seobang?! :w00t:

& he was embarrased when she said that, totally cutee!!

The part when he helped her get all geared up was just too cute!!

& the lovely mirror thing couldn't be forgotten

waaahh~ just look at Hyunnie's eyes ^____^


This episode was the BEST!

While they were skiing, althought it was embarrasing for Hyun, it was cute when she fell & Yong went at the speed of light to help her :wub:

& the part i loved the most was how she mentioned how she was mostly embarrased because HE saw her in that situation. In front of friends you sorta laugh it off, but in front of someone you like you get completely embarrased, and avoiding eye contact & talking about some random thing like Hyun did keke

& just b/c it was so great & cute... Hyun's personal chair


Just look at their faces!! :wub: [Waaahh! dont they look like a REAL couple enjoying beautiful & memorable moments together?!!!] .. I mean, you can't fake that expression :wub:


I can't wait for next week's episode!!!

I wanna know Hyun's wish already~!!!

In my head i hope it's a kiss, at least on the forehead, but i don't think that'll be it

I hope they sleep in the same room too! .. It looks like they are but you never know

It'll be so cute to watch b/c both of them can be so shy at times, it's just really cute


[Caps credits to goguma villagers@Soompi...I'm sorry I'm not sure specifically who to credit, but TY so much for such great caps!]


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Guest Seychan
















They're so cute in their outfit ski. Huyn's so beautiful and Yong is aigooo ~~~ why is he so manly & handsome? make me die aigooo


























My favourite words in this ep:























YH: You’re totally doing fine, you’re the best!








The second time, Yong said his wife is the best <3

YH: Since I’ll hold onto you, don’t worry.


























Aigoo ~ my heart is melting. His encouragement is so sweet.

YH: Seo Ju Hyun!








I like when he call Huyn as "Ju Huyn"

SH: It’s really big! It looks heavy!

YH: (this is) Heavier than you















Yong choding ~ So cute. The way he said like he have piggy-back or carry Huyn 100000 times blush.gif

YH: You’re doing great!

He said it x 100 times. How is he so patient. Really, it's so hard when u teach somebody a brand new thing. If they don't understand, u're easy angry. But Huyn's so intelligent, learn so fast. Yong can teach her anything he want. He also believed it








SH: Can I learn all in one day?








YH: You can do it, you really can.








SH: That was the time where the pretty picture of you was taken?















The pic Yong had taken at ski resort and post it in Ulzzang. He become famous Ulzzang when he post it. But the first is clip "don't film me", now is the pic at ski resort. Huyn monitor Yong hihi <3 and Yong could show this pic with Huyn. They are very close.























YH: Wouldn’t everything (I take) be pretty?


























Hihi. Yong's pride is here. So cute Yo~ng. Like he want Huyn agree that his all of pics is beautiful <3








MC: To run quickly like the wind for your loved one…









































MCs always love Yong, especially at this ep, they "Oh, Wa"


























After Huyn fall and the hat fell off, Yong become more worried. He decided always beside Huyn, don't want she fall again (really, just see I can feel it's so hurt for a girl). It's time for u, Yong, hug Huyn so sweet like u just want to help her not fall hihi :">


























juhee: Thank u so much. Thank u so much. *hug*















d3seohuyn: me too. I image when they prepare wedding photo. When Huyn is trying her beautiful wedding dress and Yong's waiting for her. And when Huyn step out with her beautiful wedding dress. Yong'll lost his words and just say that "Wa! You're so beautiful" OMG I think I'll cry immediately. Actually, the emotions when seeing his bride wore a beautiful wedding dress is a priceless feeling with all of mr. groom. With Yong & Huyn, more priceless & unforgetable....








PDnims want to tease us hihi Why the bed have two pillow if really just have Yong sleep, Ayyyy, can't stop naughty me PDnims. Can't wait next ep <3 Love YongSeo so much :*
































































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Guest lovekin












shrimp date special






why it's my favorite and why yongseo continues to make me want to gnash my teeth together










Late to the game or not, I just wanted to add this to the ever-growing list of our all-time favorite episodes after finally being able to catch the latest one.  Now, if you ask me, E.33 is truly my favorite episode because of the way Yonghwa and Seohyun hash things out.  I think that episode truly encapsulated what it's like to meet someone in the middle, especially if both parties are particularly stubborn about sharing their feelings.  It was also the first episode where Seohyun - at least in my opinion - gave viewers a rather important insight to how she feels in this "relationship" she has with Yonghwa, even if she goes through hoops to get to the point (e.g., blackroom interview, she flat-out says that it made her sad that Yonghwa had known about her activities and didn't even say anything).








However!  I wanted to change this up a little because after last night's episode, I had a revelation.  I'm not saying that this is personally my favorite episode - and I'm not sure if this is breaking the rules that were imposed on this little share-fest - but E.35 is my favorite episode in the way that it's become this determining point about what Yonghwa and Seohyun are like now - and, unlike those who feel that E.35 is also their favorite, my reasoning is actually a little different.








In E.35 - and probably more or less due to their prior meeting in Japan - we see Yonghwa and Seohyun closer than we've ever seen them, and I gather it's because of their mutual understanding of each other.  E.35 was really all about letting it all hang out, treating each other like new loves often treat each other - with an unusual combination of trepidation and a longing to express adoration without fear of second-guessing.  Seohyun portrays this best when, after she and Yonghwa release each other's hands after his little dancing, it shows in her face that she's unsure of what to do with her hand and yet, at the same time, she kind of wants  to hold hands again.








(Now, that bit can be interpreted slightly differently in that as someone with no experience at all in this area, what are you supposed to do after you've been holding hands, as if it's the most natural thing in the universe (when, according to your lack of experience, technically isn't)?  So people can argue that it's just a natural follow-up as opposed to her wanting to hold his hand.  However, I actually felt that, in that moment, it was the latter.)








Anyway, we see them act playfully and comfortably with each other while they're eating shrimp and sweet potatoes, which further proves the comfort in whatever moment they're at.  It doesn't help that, nearly a week later (at least according to the shared calendars), Yonghwa does his famous NAN segment with PSY.  How's that for a turn of events, right?








No, no, no.








You see, this is the point where I explain why I think E.35 has become this special episode to me and why Yonghwa and Seohyun should have really been called the Awkward Couple.  I think they have proven to us thus far that their "relationship" is wrought with a lot of tension (interpret that how you will), nervousness, and sometimes awkwardness depending on what's going on.  But what I feel E.35 has shown us is that Yonghwa and Seohyun have elevated their innate awkwardness into a whole new level - and I promise you that I mean it in the best way possible.








Now, I don't really know how to explain this, but Yong and Seo have been in this, I don't know, near-limbo state with each other.  Ever since E.35, they have skinship every now and again with some of them more flail-worthy than others.  So I don't know if it's just me who saw this, but I kind of got this impression that there was a distinct shift in their chemistry.








For me, I always had this gut feeling that something was a little off about them.  Even during the Busan episode where they'd been more touchy-feely with each other since E.35, I just had this off feeling (even though, to be fair, I came to my conclusions as an episode passed - not in the way that I am now where I can piece together a sequence of events and make a better deduction off of that).  It eventually dissipated, but it was definitely a lingering suspicion that I had and would not go away ...








Until last night's episode, that is.








I have to reiterate that this is just my personal speculation on their little ... courtship, I guess ... and not something I'm trying to convey as factual.  So to give you a subjectively relatable example:











You meet someone you like and are over the moon for this person, but for whatever reason, the both of you are stuck hovering behind your own respective lines and are unable to progress.  It's absolutely maddening, so what do you do

?  Any number of things, like talk to your friends, maybe assume that what the both of you have is a fluke (because it happens).  Ultimately, however, you can't escape each other.   So the both of you decide to take whatever you have a step further - maybe hold hands or link arms - something to suggest that you guys are not











And then - assuming the both of you have not mutually agreed upon what the two of you have just become - this is where it gets awkward.  What on earth are you supposed to do now?  Should you call them or should they call you?  The next time you meet, do you have to hold hands again as proof that you guys are now more than just friends











Now, from personal experience and mere observation, this can go two ways:  

you either bite the bullet and confess to the person (or they confess to you), or you guys take a step back and re-evaluate what's going on.  In some other cases, it might occur to you that this could be unrequited because you seem to be putting in more effort than the other person is doing, or maybe the person is giving you a lot of mixed signals (and, as with my own experience, this is probably the most frustrating) ... or vice versa












Anyway, back to the point!  During the ski episode - and all the episodes leading up to it after E.35 - the above example was the exact impression I got.  My reactions could basically be summed up as, WHY ARE THEY AWKWARD AGAIN?  And I don't know why, but it dawned on me during this snowboarding episode that it's a totally different feeling:








That they are actually far more awkward - to the point where it's almost uncomfortable to watch - when they're not being affectionate with each other.








Maybe it's just me, and I understand that this essay bit is all in the eye of the beholder.  But seriously, if they're not already doing something with their hands ... I don't know, I see this more in Yonghwa where, before, his arms were very relaxed and there was no need for him to fiddle around with whatever.  Nowadays, though, he always has to mess around with something - rubbing his fingers, toying with stuffed animals - that kind of thing.  (Seohyun is a bit harder to read in this area because of how well she keeps composure most of the time, but her awkwardness/ill-timing does come out every now and again - think banmal episode when they've finished recording and are excited about it.)








I mean, I really have to laugh at it because they're so reversed now.  Obviously, it varies.  They may not always be joined at the hip, and it's not like the skinship is entirely lacking, but there's just something off.  It's kind of ridiculous.








I do feel it more from Yonghwa - the part where he gives off that feeling of distancing himself away and trying to collect his bearings about the whole situation with Seohyun (just tell her, personally, that you like her already, o m g).  And Seohyun's the one who's become more open but is often dismayed when Yonghwa doesn't act like he would have way back when.  This time, it feels like it's a bit more personal on both of their ends because they're actually putting something on the line (assuming, of course, that there is something on the line to speak of).








To conclude, E.35 is currently my favorite episode because, to me, it's the catalyst that's sparked this undulating current of bang-your-head-against-the-wall-chemistry because you-have-no-idea-what-is-going-on-even-though-something-probably-is between Yonghwa and Seohyun.  And I feel that kind of realistic, perpetual uncertainty is still ongoing.








It may drive me nuts, but what it comes down to is that you don't feed someone a forbidden fruit if you don't want them to yearn for it - and what happened in E.35 was exactly that.  wub.gif  LOL, okay, I'm done.












EDIT:  I should probably clarify that when I say they're awkward, it really depends on the scenario.  And "awkward" might be too specific a term to use, but as an example, if they're walking from one place to another, I personally find it almost like ... they would feel much more comfortable if they were holding each other's hand (because it almost seems like they want to but are too shy or maybe too aware of the cameras - whatever).  That's not to say that they have to be physically attached to each other for the rest of their lives to make me see less of this "awkwardness," but I don't know ... I guess it really is just a feeling you get.  Kind of the same nagging feeling one gets when they think that the cosmos are totally aligned for these two people, who would be stupid if they didn't stay together, hahahaha.  Just an example, of course.  wink.gif 


















Disclaimer:  I don't claim to know the true thoughts of Yonghwa and Seohyun.  They may have been interested in each other, or they might be, or maybe they currently are but note, this is all done in good fun as a fan of the couple - and as a fan whose beliefs support the idea of them being together for the rest of their natural-born lives, hahaha.  Okay, seriously, bye.





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thank you guys for all the screencaps.

always fall for their cute personalities as a couple


cant stop smiling whenever I watched their episodes :wub:

shrimp date special

why it's my favorite and why yongseo continues to make me want to gnash my teeth together

Late to the game or not, I just wanted to add this to the ever-growing list of our all-time favorite episodes after finally being able to catch the latest one.  Now, if you ask me, E.33 is truly my favorite episode because of the way Yonghwa and Seohyun hash things out.  I think that episode truly encapsulated what it's like to meet someone in the middle, especially if both parties are particularly stubborn about sharing their feelings.  It was also the first episode where Seohyun - at least in my opinion - gave viewers a rather important insight to how she feels in this "relationship" she has with Yonghwa, even if she goes through hoops to get to the point (e.g., blackroom interview, she flat-out says that it made her sad that Yonghwa had known about her activities and didn't even say anything).

However!  I wanted to change this up a little because after last night's episode, I had a revelation.  I'm not saying that this is personally my favorite episode - and I'm not sure if this is breaking the rules that were imposed on this little share-fest - but E.35 is my favorite episode in the way that it's become this determining point about what Yonghwa and Seohyun are like now - and, unlike those who feel that E.35 is also their favorite, my reasoning is actually a little different.

In E.35 - and probably more or less due to their prior meeting in Japan - we see Yonghwa and Seohyun closer than we've ever seen them, and I gather it's because of their mutual understanding of each other.  E.35 was really all about letting it all hang out, treating each other like new loves often treat each other - with an unusual combination of trepidation and a longing to express adoration without fear of second-guessing.  Seohyun portrays this best when, after she and Yonghwa release each other's hands after his little dancing, it shows in her face that she's unsure of what to do with her hand and yet, at the same time, she kind of wants  to hold hands again.

(Now, that bit can be interpreted slightly differently in that as someone with no experience at all in this area, what are you supposed to do after you've been holding hands, as if it's the most natural thing in the universe (when, according to your lack of experience, technically isn't)?  So people can argue that it's just a natural follow-up as opposed to her wanting to hold his hand.  However, I actually felt that, in that moment, it was the latter.)

Anyway, we see them act playfully and comfortably with each other while they're eating shrimp and sweet potatoes, which further proves the comfort in whatever moment they're at.  It doesn't help that, nearly a week later (at least according to the shared calendars), Yonghwa does his famous NAN segment with PSY.  How's that for a turn of events, right?

No, no, no.

You see, this is the point where I explain why I think E.35 has become this special episode to me and why Yonghwa and Seohyun should have really been called the Awkward Couple.  I think they have proven to us thus far that their "relationship" is wrought with a lot of tension (interpret that how you will), nervousness, and sometimes awkwardness depending on what's going on.  But what I feel E.35 has shown us is that Yonghwa and Seohyun have elevated their innate awkwardness into a whole new level - and I promise you that I mean it in the best way possible.

Now, I don't really know how to explain this, but Yong and Seo have been in this, I don't know, near-limbo state with each other.  Ever since E.35, they have skinship every now and again with some of them more flail-worthy than others.  So I don't know if it's just me who saw this, but I kind of got this impression that there was a distinct shift in their chemistry.

For me, I always had this gut feeling that something was a little off about them.  Even during the Busan episode where they'd been more touchy-feely with each other since E.35, I just had this off feeling (even though, to be fair, I came to my conclusions as an episode passed - not in the way that I am now where I can piece together a sequence of events and make a better deduction off of that).  It eventually dissipated, but it was definitely a lingering suspicion that I had and would not go away ...

Until last night's episode, that is.

I have to reiterate that this is just my personal speculation on their little ... courtship, I guess ... and not something I'm trying to convey as factual.  So to give you a subjectively relatable example:

You meet someone you like and are over the moon for this person, but for whatever reason, the both of you are stuck hovering behind your own respective lines and are unable to progress.  It's absolutely maddening, so what do you do
?  Any number of things, like talk to your friends, maybe assume that what the both of you have is a fluke (because it happens).  Ultimately, however, you can't escape each other.   So the both of you decide to take whatever you have a step further - maybe hold hands or link arms - something to suggest that you guys are not

And then - assuming the both of you have not mutually agreed upon what the two of you have just become - this is where it gets awkward.  What on earth are you supposed to do now?  Should you call them or should they call you?  The next time you meet, do you have to hold hands again as proof that you guys are now more than just friends

Now, from personal experience and mere observation, this can go two ways:  
you either bite the bullet and confess to the person (or they confess to you), or you guys take a step back and re-evaluate what's going on.  In some other cases, it might occur to you that this could be unrequited because you seem to be putting in more effort than the other person is doing, or maybe the person is giving you a lot of mixed signals (and, as with my own experience, this is probably the most frustrating) ... or vice versa

Anyway, back to the point!  During the ski episode - and all the episodes leading up to it after E.35 - the above example was the exact impression I got.  My reactions could basically be summed up as, WHY ARE THEY AWKWARD AGAIN?  And I don't know why, but it dawned on me during this episode that it's a totally different feeling:

That they are actually far more awkward - to the point where it's almost uncomfortable to watch - when they're not being affectionate with each other.

Maybe it's just me, and I understand that this essay bit is all in the eye of the beholder.  But seriously, if they're not already doing something with their hands ... I don't know, I see this more in Yonghwa where, before, his arms were very relaxed and there was no need for him to fiddle around with whatever.  Nowadays, though, he always has to mess around with something - rubbing his fingers, toying with stuffed animals - that kind of thing.  (Seohyun is a bit harder to read in this area because of how well she keeps composure most of the time, but her awkwardness/ill-timing does come out every now and again - think banmal episode when they've finished recording and are excited about it.)

I mean, I really have to laugh at it because they're so reversed now.  Obviously, it varies.  They may not always be joined at the hip, and it's not like the skinship is entirely lacking, but there's just something off.  It's kind of ridiculous.

I do feel it more from Yonghwa - the part where he gives off that feeling of distancing himself away and trying to collect his bearings about the whole situation with Seohyun (just tell her, personally, that you like her already, o m g).  And Seohyun's the one who's become more open but is often dismayed when Yonghwa doesn't act like he would have way back when.  This time, it feels like it's a bit more personal on both of their ends because they're actually putting something on the line (assuming, of course, that there is something on the line to speak of).

To conclude, E.35 is currently my favorite episode because, to me, it's the catalyst that's sparked this undulating current of bang-your-head-against-the-wall-chemistry because you-have-no-idea-what-is-going-on-even-though-something-probably-is between Yonghwa and Seohyun.  And I feel that kind of realistic, perpetual uncertainty is still ongoing.

It may drive me nuts, but what it comes down to is that you don't feed someone a forbidden fruit if you don't want them to yearn for it - and what happened in E.35 was exactly that.  *quoted image*  LOL, okay, I'm done.

Disclaimer:  I don't claim to know the true thoughts of Yonghwa and Seohyun.  They may have been interested in each other, or they might be, or maybe they currently are but note, this is all done in good fun as a fan of the couple - and as a fan whose beliefs support the idea of them being together for the rest of their natural-born lives, hahaha.  Okay, seriously, bye.

OMG I love your evaluation. so in depth and detailed.

i also can still sense their awkwardness but nowadays SeoHyun has truly been opening up slowly, that is why i feel it is more interesting as before.

but YongHwa distancing himself? is it because he used to handle SeoHyun's shyness therefore he could not react when she was opening up?....

that is what i can think of...but i better off watching the episodes myself 1st :)

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Guest toomuchsmiling




lovekin- wat an essay. i applaud you for your deep sense and details over their episodes/moments. It really surprised me though that you found them more awkward at times then more close. o_o Maybe it's just me, but i haven't seen that at all. Unless of course you mean it's more awkward for each of them without the skinship levels now b/c it's so..unusual without it? (-frustrated- i can't explain it as eloquently as you can! lol) But of course I have noticed that Yonghwa had become a bit more reserved in previous eps and Seohyun more outgoing for skinship, but in this episode, i just felt like it was pure fun with no awkwardness attached. But i loved you analysis. truly an intellectual read that makes you see from a different pov. :)




ok, back to spazz~




woooo!! This ep was sumthing! w00t.gif For once Seohyun was NOT composed AT ALL. and she acted way cute in front of him! w00t.gif just as a girl myself (and most gogumas here would agree) when you like a guy i think that you tend to act more cute in front of him so he'd like you more? hahaha, but they're supposed to be married anyway, but hey a wife can act way cute in front of her husband especially wen they're a young couple right???






When Yonghwa sat Seohyun on his knee and she was laughing going 'yah!' :wub: and Yong was laffing at her reaction. and the moment AFTER i found soo funny but when she was flapping her arms whining :lol: She looked like a helpless chicken flapping its wings!! ahahahahaha!


i just kept replaying it over and over.






When snowboarding and Yong was behind her, YEAH it looked like a back hug alright, but i don't think either one of them took it as that. He was just preparing to catch her if she should fall, i don't think he did it purposely to look like a romantic back-hug moment at all, I think he was still in the process of teaching and he had to grab her. :mellow:




and OMGEE you guys srsly?!! i keep reading "bed scene..bed scene" That makes it sound so perverted when WGM is such a G-rated show. :lol: We know Yonghwa wouldn't do anything to ruin her image, the dude looks just worn out. If anything, i wouldn't say the same about the WGM editors, they set it up to look sumthing was gonna go down. lol. I think her or him would probably get up and not sleep together (and i mean SLEEP) cuz that would be like a first in wgm history.




i DO really really wish tho she'd b tempted to just kiss his cheek while he layed tired out like that, but i don't like calling it a Bed Scene. that's so over the top! :lol:



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Guest raia1303




Just want to share this, if this hasn't been shared before. were you guys able to notice the part where they were riding on the lift going to the intermediate course, where yong grabbed (for lack of a better word) hyun's leg and arms so that she could sit properly and comfortably and hyun didn't mind at all?! sweatingbullets.gif haha! even the first lift scene was also cute! i really love them!





i'm so excited for next sat's episode! and thanks juhee and the others for the quick translation!



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shrimp date special
























why it's my favorite and why yongseo continues to make me want to gnash my teeth together
























Late to the game or not, I just wanted to add this to the ever-growing list of our all-time favorite episodes after finally being able to catch the latest one.  Now, if you ask me, E.33 is truly my favorite episode because of the way Yonghwa and Seohyun hash things out.  I think that episode truly encapsulated what it's like to meet someone in the middle, especially if both parties are particularly stubborn about sharing their feelings.  It was also the first episode where Seohyun - at least in my opinion - gave viewers a rather important insight to how she feels in this "relationship" she has with Yonghwa, even if she goes through hoops to get to the point (e.g., blackroom interview, she flat-out says that it made her sad that Yonghwa had known about her activities and didn't even say anything).















































Sorry for cutting your post short!
























I totally know what you mean. Ever since that episode I feel like Yonghwa more than Seohyun is distancing
























himself from whatever they have going on. You can tell in the way that Yonghwa in past episodes would
























have this huge smile on his face and laugh at everything she says but now he's alot more reserved and I guess
























you could say careful around her. Even though there's more skinship it seems a little off somehow.
























The latest episode though seems to bring back alot of what we saw before the distancing.
























Sometimes you just can't hide how you feel. The more you want someone the harder it is to control yourself around them.
















































Does anybody notice how tired Yong was? Especially in the beginning of the episode, his eye bags were so puffy and he looked so worn out :(









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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































































































































































- Yong's upset facial expression is just daebakk! Hyun ah while you're with him, don't be distracted. It's not like you don't know ur nampeon is the super duper jealous type :P
































































- The pretty picture lol I was wondering why she uses the word "pretty" too. It's like saying your boyfriend is pretty? haha I don't know. It just amuses me when I heard that. :wub:
































































- MC's reactions when Yong came out of the fitting room. They were all going "ooooooooohhhhhh" ahahaha
































































- What's your shoes size! so this was when hubby found out about buin's shoes size :wub:
































































- He brought her socks and windshield scarf! Kyahhh~~~ he's so detailed, so sweet, so caring, so cool! Seriously, if I ever get to meet a hottie like him, I wouldn't even care about my pride and go straight to him and be like "can you be my hubby?" :P
































































- In part 2 @ around 14:20? When Yong said not to do it wrong on purpose and Hyun said it does it that on its own and he was like "alaseo, come here" flapping his hands :wub: it so cute and dearing ^^ it's like watching mommy teaches her kid how to walk, aw~
































































- When they first tried to go down the intermediate slope, Yong was going backward, holding Hyun's arm as she snowboarded forward. Oh how I wish either Yong or Hyun fall and roll down the slope as they hug each other tight hahaha (okie that's a lil too much, need to control myself, control myself!)
































































- Hyun's EPIC FALL! Yong's immediate reaction!!!!! Love how Hyun didn't want Yong to see her in that position with her Einstein's hair haha
































































- Hyun's personal chair aka Yongseobang! :wub:
































































- lastly, I was impressed with Yong's snowboarding skills!! as expected from Yong! :wub:
































































:wub: what is Hyun's wish that would allow her to see Yong's new side? :wub:









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Guest Crystal392
















*waves at everyone*








how is everyone? I feel it's been ages since the last time I posted but it has been just a week I think xD








Thanks to everyone for the links, translations and everything you've shared ^^








I can't believe they finally showed the ski episode!








Heehehe I remember when the pictures of them filming that ep were shared here and how some gogumas were checking the ski resort cameras on it's webpage to see if they could catch a glimpse of uri Yong and Hyun!








Hehehehe time has passed soo quickly!!!!








Btw happy 1st year anniversary :)








*goes off to watch the latest ep*








YongSeo ftw!!!!!!!





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Thought of me....














































































































































































































































































































































































































Since we be blind bout the "bed scene", we tent to forget Hyun wish".












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Proud Wife Talking













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ps: tetsuya from Sonems already post 1st part with eng subs. Thanks guys!!!

















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