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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hello peeps.. ahhh, i forgot to vote for my favourite episode..i'm torn between episode 27 or 33..

but i'll go for episode 27 because it's the first time hyun really showed a different part of her..and i love the part where yong looked at her with such an adorable smile on his face while hyun was singing sarangbit..and also the part where he still hold her hand when climbing up stairs in the last part... :wub::wub::wub:

And don't forget to keep viewing the banmal song video >>>>---- My link ------<<<<<<

Let's make it 3million views!

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Hi Guys.. can't believe it's almost 1st anniversary for our couple..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































feels just like not long before, I read article about their 1st filming and decided to give this couple a try..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For my favorite Episode, even it's hard to choose, I have to say Episode 1 has always been the one who left a deep impression on me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The moment I watch the ep, I felt their awkwardness, I really love Yong's reaction when he found out that Hyun was his wife. His reaction was raw & real, he was happy, shocked and shy. I also love Hyun's shy but honest affirmation that Yong is a goguma instead of hamburger.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, rewatching the 1st Ep, just sometimes awed me at how funny destiny can be, the pairing who most people think won't work but turned out so beautiful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm forever thankful that WGM paired these two people together, I hope that they'll someday be real because they're so meant for each other, I believe Yong & Hyun will keep working hard together to achieve their dreams, supporting one another ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly, thanks all for all the updates & sharing all the wonderful things... I'm a Boice but also a happy Goguma :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest deep _sea
































































































































































































wake up from lurkering :)
















































































wow, this thread really really fast, i must back twenty page from my last read, but i lovvveeeeee to read all of your opinion and etc.. keke. :)
































































































































































hope they will stay healthy and happy, more success in their career and always together altough wgm is ended --> my wish :)
















































































i really want to join the game, but i still confuse with which one i like, ahh i like them all. maybe i must rewatch again and pick the one.keke
















































































yongseo fighting!!!

















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Hi! I'm back!!!








The YongSeo International Production Team has been working really hard for the FMVs and I'm proud to say that all the videos that we created for the First Anniversary celebration are great! I seldom boast or show off on things but I'm really overjoyed and overwhelmed with all the output that we had. The almost 2 months of conceptualization, collecting of vids and pics, and the actual process of making the videos and songs are all worth it

:) I hope everyone will love the things we have prepared.









For now, Here's the






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Almost 1 year now :) Just trying to refresh everyone's memories! 
































































*quoted image*
































































*quoted image*
































































*quoted image*
































































Yong, it wasn't even a year yet when she said, "We need to die together!" *quoted image*































































































































Haha, quisty86 I really like your post very much. We can see how close they are not. Not even a year, YES Hyun wanted to die together, and Yong wanted to die after her (so that she won't be left alone without him). So sweet ~~~ :wub: how can we resist them.... blush.gif
































































2 more days to their 1st Anniversary~~~ YongSeo hwaiting!!
































































Love love love

































































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Guest yawwgumaa

Annyeong everyone , im new here . i've been watching and love this couple since ep 1 ,

but just made up my mind to make a soopi account because their 1st anny is coming.

YONGSEO , you unite all of us . i hope you will bring much happiness for us in future .

YONGSEO , thanks for your wonderful relationships ;)

YONGSEO , because of you , my saturday become the best day ever !

YONGSEO , may god bless both of you :)

YONGSEO , pls get married for real !

I will not forget seo lines *WE NEED TO DIE TOGETHER *

even if i become nanny , i will always LOVE3x both of youu !

YONGSEO fighting ^ ^


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I change my avatar...:w00t:
































for my favourite episode....emmmmm...Episode 1
















1. Because it is a first meeting between a sweet maknae girl + Rocker leader boy
















2. Because of awkwardness
















3. Because it looked so sweet
















4. and most importantly, Because it is the beginning of everything :wub:

















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Guest DongHee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyong haseyo~!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yorobun~ i'm a new member in Soompi Forums~~^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my FIRST TIME to post something....and i write here! in YongSeo Official Forums!! Please be good to me^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am REALLY love love love love love love YongSeo bubu(means Couple)!! they're jusst so cute together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When we will celebrate their 1st anniversary?! I can't wait!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh, if you want to know me i'm still a student in 8th grade, hehe;^^ is it okay that I'm to be here? I live in Indonesia....and, my mom is joined in this forum too! Guess who it is!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's all i can say, before that...i wanna say Congratulation on YongSeo 1st anniversary!!! YEAAAY!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry, bad english :P

































































































































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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder which goguma is your mom hehe B)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2 more days left :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest DongHee






I wonder which goguma is your mom hehe B)






2 more days left :wub:








Guess who is it!!



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Guest ainigoguma






ANNYEONG IN-GO-PAEM........:lol:




I want to shout it out loud that my favorite episode of all is episode 35 ...... :rolleyes:




here's the reasons:


1. the whole episode filled out by SWEETNESS of our lovely couple


2. Yong looks so handsome with brown-slightly curled hair


3. Hyun is just so adorable with her outfit and that -Yong-favorite-slightly wavy long hair- of hers :sweatingbullets:


4. Hyun said : "YOU WISH!" to answer Yong's line: "You like it?" It's just, hahaha cheesy but sweet


5. But then she correct her answer and said: "JOHEUNNEYO/I LIKE IT" 


6. and then she grabs what Yong was offering to her, his arm!!! :w00t:




8. It was so close how Joohyun put her face up in Yong bare face- doogeun doogeun-:wub:




10. First-ever teaser of the world's sweetest song-- BANMAL SONG !!!


kyaaa~~~~!!! I specially put this episode on my iPod so that I can see it everyday.


Yo In-Go-Paem, believe me, I've seen it so so so so so so MANY TIMES and yet I still wanna see it GAIN AND AGAIN hahaha


YONGSEO has completely brainwashed my head! AND I LOVE IT !;)


lastly, my wish for them:


" Happy 1-year Anniversary Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joohyun. I believe that you two have fallen to each other, so just be brave and say it out. MARRY FOR REAL SOMEDAY. I LOVE YOU BOTH :)"







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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































































































tears.gifomo.. it's gonna be a year soon..tears.gif
































































































































































































































































thank you so much.. for uri yongseo couple...
































































































































































































































































for staying in WGM this long..
































































































































































































































































thank you for giving us so many happy moment while watching your two interaction from the camera..( maybe you two should consider for futher relationship.. behind camera or maybe.. behind us? phew.gifwell.. if it won't happen it's okay toughphew.gif at least for me.. since i'm always fangirling hyunnphew.gif  ) 
































































































































































































































































watching you.. makes my saturday more colourful..
































































































































































































































































thank for your great great hardwork at WGM... 
































































































































































































































































i believe you two enjoying filming WGM there..
































































































































































































































































i hope you two will be more blossoming more.. both on the career and also at self improvement section...  (as if a book section ^^;)
































































































































































































































































hope that you two will be shining bright as bright as a star in the sky~ 
































































































































































































































































be a good role model for us.. fans.. 
































































































































































































































































and enjoy eating gogumas~~~ (LOL!! this is GOGUMA SEASON PEOPLE!!! ) 
































































































































































































































































as if they read my post.. -.-" (lol who cares about that !! i just love to post what i want to post.. anyway)

































































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Guest scatterbrain

for my favourite episode, i'm torn between episode 1 and 2....hmmm....i think i'll go with episode 2

this is the start of yongseo's beautiful journey.

there are many sweet and funny moments in this episode.

1. yong asked "do you like dukbokki?" and hyun answered " if i don't have time, i eat kimbap." wrong answer to the wrong question :lol:

2. hyun guessing the name of the dukbokki place. SHIN...SHIN DANG.... DONG!

3. Their decision to engage first then get married.

4. The beginning of the RING. what we keep looking for when they appear in public outside WGM. yong's playfulness-asking hyun to tell the others that it's an expensive ring and hyun's honesty-"even though it's a 2000 won ring?!"

5. Music Bank backstage. hyun saw yong and..."YOOng~"

6. The ring mission. even the unnies helped. and yong moved showed off his ring at every opportunity that came during the performance.

My wish for YongSeo.

Please continue to create more beautiful memories together. and live together until hyun is 100yrs old and yong is 102yrs old. :wub:

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Guest puukpui











Gaon Chart [4th week of January]






























Digital Overall Chart (Streaming+Download+BGM)








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Is it too late to join the fav-episode-spazzfest?








































I'm chipping in either way ;D








































As much as I love ep 27 (for obvious reasons), my ultimate favourite is episode 33. Let me count the ways.








































* Their honest conversation - The earnest talk that they had with each other; monitoring each other, the mildang period, goguma count, the phone calls, expressing gratitude. Despite being the youngest couple, their relationship reached a whole new depth compared to other couples they've had on the show.








































* Their candid blackroom interviews - I don't think there was any couple who talked to such lengths about their relationship and the things that happened off-camera. This is probably just me but I thought in this particular interview, they looked the best they have ever looked. From the clothes to the hair to their expressions, there was that certain je ne sais quoi about them.








































* Post-trip - The whole dynamic uplifted after that trip. They were so happy, smiling and gleeful. Her laugh when she honked to announce her arrival. His laugh when he reached the truck and she greeted him. Her cheery 'Hi.' They were happy and... free. I was grinning like an idiot watching them being crazy happy.








































I might have missed some things but these are the things that make this episode profound and charming to me thus my favourite.








































In spoiler because I didn't know it was gonna be this long (and winded).








































On a different note, happy anniversary to YongSeo! Alone, they seem to have it all but together, it's epic fail all around. Failing their driving tests, being chased by seagulls while trying to feed them, went on a trip to watch sunrise but it rained; can't complain because the incidents make the experiences eventful, more memorable and them, more adorkable.








































In the beginning, I was quick to peg Yong as this outgoing guy. I have to admit, I was worried because he got an upright girl as his partner. So for the first few episodes, I thought he was just going with the flow and I was doubtful of his affections for her. In spite of my opinions, I held on and watched (still do) their episodes religiously. I'm not sure at what point my opinions changed but change, they did.








































To quote a line from Pride & Prejudice, "I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. [omitted] I was in the middle before I knew I had begun."








































The quote describes my stance on the couple and while watching them, I dunno... I think it can be applied for both Yong and Hyun in terms of their feelings for each other or rather, the recognition and the acknowledgment of their feelings for each other (whatever that feelings might be). But then again, that's just me. Although I fancy myself as a realist, I'm still holding out to a glimmer of hope for them to be real.








































I realised now that part of why the relationship works because they jumped into this with no expectation of each other. Hyun was new to the whole thing so she didn't expect and demand anything from the guy (admittedly, some girls do have the tendency to make excessive demands beyond their partners' means). In turn, Yong was comfortable to be himself around her and they are free to direct the relationship however they want it to be. I have to give credits to Yong for being very patient. That is such a rare and admirable quality in a young guy like him. And any guy who can make a girl glows, a stubborn girl who is very adamant of her ways falters even for a bit, is definitely for keeps.








































Whew. That was a long one. Thank you for reading!








































P.S.: A few hundred pages back, I read a post that said their relationship is akin to a tourist-tour guide relationship. Compliments to the person because that is an apt description of them. Kudos!
















































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Guest soseono.3184




hello everyone! i'm a newbie. i hope i did this right. since tomorrow is the 1st anniversary of our goguma couple, i decided to come out of the lurking mode. i've been following this couple since june. what i like about them is that they made an effort to get to know each other. because they took their time, i think they are able to understand each other. they are different but at the same time alike. both have been a good influence on the other. at the very least i hope they think of the other as a very very good friend. 





happy anniversary yong and hyunwub.gif 



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Guest Lildedprinxez


Gyaah~! I finally changed my Soompi Avatar, as well as my Twitter DP. I already start tagging #YongSeo1stAnniv on Twitter. Hope we reached the top spot on Twitter Trending Topic on Friday,  Wished CNBLUE_4 is online by that time so they can see how much support we have for YongSeo Couple :)

Reading all your posts is making me crazy! :)) I love all Gogumas for making my life FUN! Spazzing here is DAEBAK! :D

BTW, i have a quote to share. This is from Clumsy's FanFiction Complete. (MY FAVORITE FANFICTION)

Destiny is your other half. The person that will complete your being and make your stars on their proper positions. Soulmate is a person that would show you your dark side. They are the people that makes us reflect on who we are and who we reflect to other people. They are more of a guide to a better us. Soulmate and destiny can be one person or two different individuals the heavens prepared for us"

I do believe that Yong and Hyun are SOULMATES. They bring out the best and worst of one another. We saw how these two developed and matured after one year of being together. More especially Seo Hyun, we saw her matured and her character has changed since she was with Yong. She become more lively,talkative and at ease with Yong. I love it seeing two of them developed and how the awardness had gone.

My wish:

I wish for Yonghwa and Seohyun to date for real even after WGM. :)) But if not I'll be happy just for them to try dating. :) YongSeo is Real! Keep the relationship natural and honest as it can be. Love and trust one another as your relationship blossomed. More Happy & Memorable Memories to keep. THANK YOU FOR SHOWING US HOW IT FEELS TO LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME! :)

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uwaaw!! just 2 days before YongSeo 1st Anniversary!!! one year pass so fastbecause of them ^^


this couple stared everything from the akwardness.. met as strangers and didn't know what to do.. but then, they stared their own story, right? just the way they are.. they didn't stared as a married couple but engaged couple. made everything as the real way to know each other.. then without we realize it, they became comfortable each other.. and I amazed, shocked, as well as anvy with them.. I just realized that they changed each other in a good way as YongHwa said in Japan interview. actually I'm scare if (just IF).. if this show end, what will happen with them? I just hope everthing will be fine..


- AFTER A YEAR.. actually I really hope that you guys become real.. then announce to us that you are in relationship.. but since it sounds yoo hard for you, I change my wish.. I WISH YOU HAD A GOOD COMMUNICATION INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WGM..

- BE HEALTHY!! even you have a strick schedule, I wish you concern with your health.. HYUN, KEEP NAG AT YONG FOR HIS HEALTH!! ^^


YongSeo Couple fighting!!

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Guest Linda_Lee








































For celebrate YongSeo 1ST  Anniversary
























I sign in soompi & change my avatar.























































I like ep.33
























Hyun first time told her true feeling for Yong.
























And their relationship really change a lot after Japan journey.
























(I have a lot of feeling and touched by them,but it's really hard for me to express in english>"<)
























I wish they can date in real.
























Even it's hard to realize.
























But we know this period is a wonderful memories for them and us.
























Wish they  "happy ever after" ^^

































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