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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































Have you guys watched the interview yet?
















































































































No right?
































































































































































































































Well guys ... Yonghwa's statement means to be humble, like a compliment. He praised Seohyun for being a most beautiful celebrity, hence he supported his statement by saying ".....it's a waste for her to be with some one like me"
















































































































It's supposed to be a good news, and you guys have just turned it around as a bad news :crazy:
















































































































Don't try to over-analyze it, please ... what with the "bad feeling" or "he pushes her away" GOSH it's just an INTERVIEW!
















































































































Btw, they are not DATING, have they confirmed or what? You never know what is happen between those two.... You never know. After this show, Yonghwa is still after Seohyun or what, that is the matter of destiny.
















































































































Well, I have a good feeling about this.......... they are in a closest stage of their relationship :wub:

































































































































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Guest Seychan
















seolove: Don't cry plz chingu. This is a true. If you love someone, you always think that you are not good enough for them. You afraid that you dont TAKE A GOOD CARE to your lovers. Thats what many people have been through. So what I wanna say is Yong is really in love and he thinks for Seohyun alot.








Ep I love the most is ep 27. So many happily smile and eye-ship,... Huyn sings for Yong, look she's just a little girl with little guitar. So cute. And I love Yong's face ai this moment. He's so happy and proud and all he can do is look only at his Huyn and his eyes is sparkling. I like when they wear couple ring for each other. With SeoHuyn, a shy girl, how can she buy couple ring and give him as birthday gift. I think this ep is the most meaningful with them. Huyn can buy couple ring for a boy and Yong can know Huyn more, Yong had known that Huyn's so cute and can sings for only him. A girl with pink guitar, normal outfit, she isn't SeoHuyn of SNSD, she's just JooHuyn - a normal girl. I'm so touched when hands stay together with couple ring.... Couple ring - A small link for their relationship. When one wear couple ring, and look it, they will think about the other. <3








I had cry when see the scenes when Yong hold Huyn's hands, their first time. They walk together and hold hands, and Yong;'s eyes just look only at Huyn. They still have a little shy coz the first time for Huyn but It's still so cute and sweet. I cry again when I review this ep. Like a first love, when a boy request a girl hold hands. In my mind & dream, I hope Yong & Huyn are real... Yong is first love of Huyn....








YongSeo couple, be happy together ♥ I love you guys from my heart.


































1st anniversary YongSeo couple is coming to Go-chun ♥ 





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Guest LalaCAKES
































































































































































Ok so, just wanted to state my opinion on the whole "Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.” statement. I know that some of you may be worried but I really don't think that we have any reason to fret! In fact, I came in here thinking that all of you gogumas would be spazzing like crazy~
































































Anyways the reason I say that is because I think this statement was a bit wrongly translated. I am in no way criticizing because the translator of this article because it's not his fault at all. It's just that in Korean, there are some words/phrases that can't be translated exactly as is because there is no word/phrase like it in English. Even though I have yet to see the video of this article myself, I'm pretty sure I (and other Korean speakers) know what phrase he said, "ah gah wuh". It's a phrase that isn't as harsh as saying that he is a waste for Seohyun, but one that is used often among couples as a compliment to the other. Our Yong-choding would be crazy if he didn't snatch up the "prettiest celebrity" when he could.! ;)
































































Hope that reassures all you gogumas!

















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Guest scatterbrain

Guys2......we really need to stop interpreting what yong said,at least until we see the interview tonight. He said that hyun is the prettiest among celebrities. That isalready brave enuff of yong to say it out loud in national tv.but why do we focus on `its a waste" part. He really doesnt mean it in a bad way.really.even in the article that I translated from baidu, it mention that yong praises hyun more by saying that "between seohyun and I, its more unfortunate for her" so what he actually means that its his gain to be able to be with seohyun.

Im just being a hypocrite now,scrutinizing yong's evry word.gonna shut up and wait for tonight's interview

If we are too critical,what would happen if yong had to do CF like khun,i imagine we would bash him like mad, so we really have to learn to chill.

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Hi everyone! Hope things are well with you guys! done with spazzing? me? i cant get enough of this two! most especially the new article! another surpirse gift for all of us! I really had a bad morning, but then again after dropping by and reading all your posts, pov's and pictures, now i can smile.. thank you, that though were all miles apart, we dont know each other well, this two couple, we unite, makes us one family! im thankful for all of you!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3 more days and finally its their 1st year anniversary! tempus fugit.... time flies..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For Jung Yong-hwa...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you! for being with Seohyun when she needed you; for standing beside her; for making her laugh, for listining to her and knowing without asking; for encouraging her dreams and loving her as what she is and for being true to her, Thank you for being a wonderful husband and friend.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For Seohyun...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you for all the love, care,respect,trust that youve given to Yong, for touching his heart, for making him giggle and for the genuine you that makes him happy and proud of..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wish that you can do these THREE SIMPLE STEPS..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. HUG 2. KISS 3. REPEAT.. :wub: am i asking too much?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Time is mad captured moments, the things youve shared, the moments you've spend together will become gifts that your heart wont ever forget. May you always find the happiness in one another and in the wonderful love, friendship that you share. Godbless you both more and may God always grant your heart's desire.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You both bring pride, are to thanked and both very special people, you are both LOVED in everything you do.. Thank you for being part of our lives;) HAPPY 1st year Anniversary.. Saranghe!:wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest mahalkoyongseo




HI GOGUMAS here in Go-chun :)! This is my first time to post here. I just want to congratulate Seohyun and Yonghwa for their upcoming anniversary! And also the Gogumas to their support for YONGSEO! hahaays! I really love this couple, they are so addictive! their relationship is just so REAL! By the way, I'm Diona from Philippines! thank you..:D




sorry for my Bad English!:)



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lol you guys. Do we need to always look at the dark side? I mean come on, for crying out loud, it's been months since we heard this guy being asked by a Korean media about Seohyun. I think that's one of the reasons why we should be happy! We know how rare the media (Korean) asks them about each other ever since WGM showed us how real they are to each other. I find it unfair though, that part, Nichkhun and JoKwon can bluntly say anything about their partners in the show but how come Yonghwa can't? So...this is just a real gift for me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Though it would be better for us to have another version of that article instead of basing it on allkpop's version. There are already people going here (who knows Korean and Chinese) explaining that the article (or at least that part with a 'waste' on it) was a bit mistranslated.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But really, I can't find any false on Yonghwa's answers. I mean, is he subtly screaming they have something or what?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And also, Jung Yonghwa...why so bias? HAH.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I haven't changed my avatar (AVATAR XD). Will change now.

































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































Gogumas please don't over-analyze Yonghwa's statement! I think it's one of the greatest interviews, because Yonghwa said so many good things about Seohyun. He said that because Hyun is enjoying a song, it's even more meaningful for him! Of course! Because he wrote it for her! He now knows how lucky he is to be with her, that's why he said that it's a waste. He was just showing how beautiful she is. He said that his ratings of looks are 60 out of 100...so it was just showing who is more beautiful! I think his statement shows what he thinks about Seohyun and now he really knows how important and best and unique she is. He realised that he's really lucky!































































































































































































I just can't believe it's already a YEAR! Gosh, time flies so fast! I am enjoying and love this couple sooo much! I think that I started to watch them because I was curious! They were kinda weird, with Seohyun's unique character etc... I still love so much Birthday episode, but I love them from the veeeeery beginning! I feel proud to be one of the Gogumas!































































































































Together they've changed a lot and become so alike. Watching their progress, I feel so happy!
































































































































It's just the beginning for them!





























































































































































































































































































































































































I hope they will be forever together! That's my only wish!

































































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Like I said in my previous post.








Don't comment on "harsh" issue on the interview. Let's just wait and see the interview, it's the surest way we can confirm what Yong meant. The interview will be shown tonight at 9:10 KST.








So guy's and gals, let's just wait and see. I'm curious to see, what kind of facial reaction and body language he gives when he was asked about Hyun.








No more negative criticism until then ok?





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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been asked by my peers to come online here, with my frozen tuna, to hit any negative gogumas over the head with it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































While LalaCAKES was being nice and not blaming Allkpop's translation for this whole fiasco, I'm just going to come out and say: yes, it is their fault.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Not to trivialize the work of the translator, but it's unfortunate that the way this particular part was translated caused so much overanalyzation and pessimism on the part of the forum.
































































































































































































































































































































































































According to the source article, Yong DOES NOT outright say "Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Rather, it's more along the lines of [["Between me and Seohyun appearing (on WGM), it's more of a waste/pity for Hyun" he said, revealing his special feeling.]]
































































































































































































































































































































































































So yes, waste/pity does have more varied expressions depending on the context of the usage; yes, he did say Hyun instead of Seohyun in the second part of the sentence; and yes, there were a bit more words after the quoted remarks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































In the end, I just want to say, keep positive and trust in our Yong and our Hyun.

































































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Guest gogumacraze




Another bout of Y6S6 virus!! Lol. Wonder how we're gonna control this pandemic outbreak on the 1st anni!! Any medical gogumas arnd?




Annyeong Mr n Mrs CEO n our wonderful, fantastibulous DAEBAK gogumas! Firstly, humongous THANKS to M3, Dduk, scatterbrain, luvtokki, jnj, soshishoshisoshi, soshimunky, trent, mrsjoker n many, many more gogumas,new posters n regulars -scaps, fanfics, music, fanarts, povs etc etc, for all your hard work, without which this goguma here will b totally lost due to lack in foreign language skills n technology skills- I'm a complete pabo when it comes to things like tht!! Chincha THANK U to all! (big hugs to all!) :D (Thks magdal!! Your step by step instructions for avatar was really helpful for techno pabo n 'visual' person like me!) ;)




Of coz' I spazzzzed like crazy on the 'we have to die together' part in this epi!! Ya, no big deal on the nagging part. (Ok, pls don't throw gogumas at me for bringing this up!! I'll eat them all up anyways!! If u do throw, can u pls throw only the purple gogumas?? My fav. kekeke!) Ya, my hubby has been telling me for the past 20 or more yrs tht my nagging is worse than his mum's! May b I'm thick skinned?! I still continue to nag! LOL. It's my past time? Jus kiddin!! But this is wht makes a relationship stronger, at least tht's wht I think! Ok, enuf of this!




I've been reading every single post in here fr pg 1 since they started this thread!!! I'm lurking here min 3X/day!! (think I need to get a life! Like my 2 little monsters don't keep me busy enuf!) Tht's wht these two kids- tht CN Blue boy n SNSD girl do to me/us! (even my 8 yrs old girl has been converted to a YongSeo shipper by me! kekeke n we shld clone Yong for all the single ladies out there n Seobb for all the single lads out there!! I'll reserve one each-one for my girl n one for my boy!!! Any scientist in Go-Chun up to the task? Sorry, tht's my selfish wish for all singles out there n my two monsters too!!) LOL. U gogumas shld b able to tell by now tht I'm not a realist?! :lol:






As for tht interview n Yong Seobang's "I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me." don't worry Yong Seobang, whatever u say in interviews, we, ur In-Go Paem already know tht you're both each other's DESTINY. We're behind you both n  will give u both gentle reminders of how compatible u both r n support u both no matter wht, ryt In-Go Paem? (n I like cooleet n lovekin's pov on this statement too.) N Yong Seobang, in a relationship there's no such thing as whose better for who. Both parties hav to work together to make the relationship work, it's abt giving n taking, pls correct me if I'm wrong all the married/ in a relationship gogumas in Go-Chun. Yes, n we all know tht she's "the prettiest amongst celebrities", tht's y u can't keep ur eyes to yourself 3/4 of the time u're with her!! Tsk! tsk!




I wanna take part in the game too- my fav epi I hav to say is the song writing epi 37. I think Yong Seobang has been wanting to ask Seobb wht her first impression of him was since geez, probably the double b'day epi or even earlier- after the 1st epi? He waited till this epi to ask her tht!! N telling/teaching her to jus write down wht she feels!! I find this epi so 'revealing' in so many ways, their first impressions of each other, when Seobb was writing the lyrics- the way he was looking at her (mayb it's jus all in my own head! LOL but who cares!!), the way he was telling/ implying to her again tht she doesn't hav to bother too much with her looks when she's with him (coz; she was wearing skirt when she was almost freezing to death to look pretty jus for him!)  n his 'role-playing' n saying tht she's his!! Awwww complete goo! 




Oops, so sorry gogumas, I ended up with another essay again!  :sweatingbullets:  Here's my wishes for their big 1ST anni:




Happy 1st Anniversary n many many more to come Yong Seobang n Seobb. I can't believe tht it's been a yr already! A yr might seem short but look at all the beautiful, unforgettable, precious memories u've both created tht belongs uniquely to only the two of u! It's something precious that no one else can take away except yourselves!! Pls, even tho' it's all our wish here in In-Go Paem tht u two become REAL after your stint here, if u don't, at least treasure the special place tht each of u hold in each other's heart, support each other's dreams n jus b there for each other forever!! Saranghae! :wub::wub::wub:



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Uri YongHwa is just being humble...While we all know he's a SUPER fantastic guy (please GOD let me trade my hubby for him..ahahaha), he still feels somewhat lacking to be standing tall with uri PERFECT SeoHyun cool.gif....when I read his statement I wanted to smack YongHwa in the face saying "Dude, you ain't no good, you're just different. But heck, that's what relationship is all about, one completing each other..that's why it is call "the other half" " Haish~~ Are you so in love you have to say such thing ?~~ Heh~





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Guest MQPheartsYS








omg you guys. that allkpop article regarding yonghwa, banmal song and seohyun was awesome. how can you take that in a negative way at all?




he was just saying that he feels that he is the lucky one in the relationship out of the two of them.  it would be weird if he said it was seohyun who was lucky lmao.








and for the favorite episode, i do love episode 27 but just to be different i'll pick episode 28.  that's probably the 2nd most replayed episode for me.  i saw a whole new side to seohyun and her reactions seriously had me laughing like crazy.  i loved how she handled the situation.  i think i fell even more in love with seohyun there and my admiration for her grew.  it really showcased her strong personality, and that she wasn't a weakling that was going to be pushed around.  also loved the mcs commentaries/reactions too. 




and yonghwa looked delicious in that ep, especially when they were in the mbc studio practicing for their duet performance.





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Guest walastek

OMG!  One year already?  Time really goes by so fast.  So many wonderful things happened to our beloved goguma couple.  New songs have been written and sung.  Books read and discussed.  Eyes glued to each other, even hands, arms, pinkies, feet...my gosh what else???  How I wish they will hug and kiss very soon!  Haaayyy!

CONGRATULATIONS Yong and Hyun!    

Thank you for caring and loving each other.  

I am so in love with you guyz!    :wub:  

How I wish I could send you a cake for your anniversary.  Does anybody know how to send stuff to our YongSeo couple?


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Guest dolphina
































Seohyun, who participated in the album with me, said she enjoyed listening to it,
















which makes the song that much more meaningful to me.”
















Seo Joohyun .. you can feel and know your Nampyun's feeling, cant you?































"Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities."































Seo Joohyun..you can know how and what the way Jung Yonghwa look and feel for his Buin , cant you?
















We always Happy with Both of YOU,,
















I never regret..to be a Goguma's lover ~
















Positive thinking will make you feel better!!!  [[^_____^]]

























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huishhh i'm back with positivity thanks to the sweet gogumas in spd..

well about yong's statement, i think the people who have been saying to stop thinking negatively about it, are correct..

i mean, can we please spare that boy?.. sometimes i pity yong..it must be tiring being him because his words and actions are always judged and yet, he is the one who always makes us happy every saturday with his commitment towards hyun.. and music too.. his music are superb!

anyways, for god sake, have mercy on him, dear fellow gogumas..

And bezbezbez, my wish for yongseo:

Just be yourselves, go with the flow, and enjoy what life offers =)

Here, a group hug for those worried gogumas  >:D< ..  dont worry, be happy!!:D

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4

































































also, him saying it's more unfortunate for seohyun. it means as a compliment, don't know how to say it in english, but it means like "seohyun can be with a better person, yet she ends up with me" it actually implies that yonghwa is very grateful towards her.
































































































































































































I'm sorry for cutting your post, regarding latest interview of Yong IMHO this is the best analyze so far. I do agree with yours my friend :D
































































































































































































That sentence reveals that Yong really takes it seriously about Hyun and also reveals how big his love for Hyun since he thinks that it's his fortune to get beautiful, smart, and so caring such us Hyun wub.gif
































































































































































































Now i don't need their official announcement for dating status, Hyun's 'We need to die together' and Yong's latest interview are enough for me as the official statement :D
































































































































































































As for Trent's post in previous pages, i tried so many times to change my avatar but till this time i kept failing tears.gif

































































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Guest jitluvyongseo

Don't analyze yonghwa statement right now...

just wait the video to upload...we can see his face change when talk about that...

can't wait tonight for  yonghwa interview...



Yonghwa & Seohyun...

I really admire u guys...hope u can really comfortable with each others...

show us your chemistry and skinship...hope u guys can be longer than expected.

Even i know this relationship for film...just keep in touch outside the filming and make it true.....

sincere your true fan..


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Guest MiSsZiRa

my wishes for YongSeo are loving each other as much as possible, take care and stay healthy, live happiness, support each other, show your love and get married officially..:D

about Yong's statement, maybe it just what he's thinking he has lower criteria compare to Hyun, but nobody is perfect Yong..You have charisma, talented, good looking, and always make others smile..you know, how many woman are admire you?(including me, hehehe)

So Yong you are best among the best..^_^

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So while we are waiting for Yong's footage to be broadcasted in no more than 4 hours. Let's see what Hyun is doing right now to break things a bit.












SeoHyun and Krystal filming for new Clean & Clear CF!








































cr. dkpopnews














Old CFs from last year.














SNSD Seo-hyun (서현) Krystal (크리스탈) cosmetic brand commercial [showBiz Extra]














Seo Hyun SNSD & Krystal f(x) Clean & Clear CF














Girls' Generation for Vita500!




























Pop sensation Girls' Generation are speculated to be the new faces of Vita500, a health and vitamin drink marketed by Kwang Dong Pharmacy with over 8 times the daily allowance of Vitamin-C. Vita500, unlike most energy drinks, has no caffeine, making it not only a healthier alternative to many others, but also a wildly popular drink, whose popularity is now (hopefully) to be supplemented by the girls.














Along with After School member Uee, the 9 ladies of Girls' Generation are strongly suspected to have reached an agreement with Vita500 on the 8th, and a possible CF is now in the making. Girls' Generation and Uee were apparently selected to be the finalists for the company's advertising campaign, being ideal models for the drink because of their youthful image and healthy concepts.














If this turns out to be true, then Vita500, which only comes in one flavor, apple, is about to get 10 more, though nothing is confirmed yet because of "contractual circumstances."














Source: Link














Written by: MaiMai!@soshified.com














Source: dkpopnews



























Out of nine girls, Seo Hyun must be the best presenter for a health and vitamin drink for how she is taking good care of herself as we have seen in recent episodes. And maybe recommend it to Yong as it has no caffeine.



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